商务礼仪 英文

商务礼仪 英文
商务礼仪 英文

Business negotiations etiquette


Business etiquette is a manifestation of mutual respect of conduct in business activities. Core business etiquette is an act of criteria, used to constrain all aspects of our daily business activities. The central role of business etiquette is to reflect the mutual respect between people.As business leaders identity negotiators, in business negotiations should follow the etiquette of negotiations three elements that focus on instrumentation demeanor, attention to language arts, to comply with etiquette disciplines. In the event a successful business negotiation, negotiation etiquette is not necessarily comply with the success of the negotiations decision criteria. If you violate negotiations etiquette, but it will cause a lot of unnecessary trouble, even be a threat to reach an agreement

Key words:Business etiquette Business negotiations

Business negotiation, which means refers to negotiate in social life, the parties to meet their needs and safeguard their own interests, the two sides properly carried out to solve a problem. Business negotiations, is the negotiation of a transaction for the realization of active buyers and sellers of goods or services on a variety of trading conditions

The role of business etiquette in business negotiations

1.Regulate behavior in business dealings, people interaction, interaction, mutual cooperation. If you do not follow certain norms, the two sides on the basis of lack of collaboration. Among the many commercial specifications. Etiquette can make people understand what should be proud of what not to do, what to do and what not to do, and help determine the self-image, respect for others, to win the friendship.

2.Etiquette is an information transfer information, this information may be expressed by respected, friendly, sincere and so emotional, so that people feel warm. In business activities. Proper etiquette can get each other's goodwill, trust. Thus helps to develop their career.

3.Promote feelings in business activities, along with in-depth exchanges. The

two sides will probably have some emotional experience. It is expressed as the emotional state of two kinds: one empathy, another emotional rejection. Etiquette is easy to make mutual attraction, promote feelings, leading to the establishment and development of good relationships. Conversely, if not speak etiquette, vulgar, then it is easy to generate feelings of exclusion, resulting in interpersonal tensions. To each other creating a bad impression.

4.Establish the image of a man etiquette, it will establish a good personal image in front of everyone; members of an organization etiquette, it will establish a good image for your organization, won the public's admiration. In addition to a modern market competition beyond competitive products. Even more apparent in the image of the competition. One has a good reputation and image of the company or business, it is easy to gain the trust and support of all sectors of society, can be in an invincible position in the fierce competition. So, business people always pay attention to etiquette, both good qualities embodied individuals and organizations, but also the need to establish and consolidate a good image.

Business negotiations etiquette

(1)Business etiquette before preparing negotiations

1. Pay attention to the choice of the negotiations. The two sides agreed to negotiate the time to go through the party alone can not decide, otherwise it is rude. To select the most favorable time for one's own negotiations. Avoid mind at a low ebb when, after continuous hard work, the market is not conducive to their next negotiations.

2. Pay attention to the choice of the place of negotiations. Negotiating the best place to fight in their own familiar environment. If we failed to do, or at least should be selected in the two sides are not familiar with neutral venues. To carry out several rounds of negotiations, venue should turn swaps, to ensure fairness.

3.Preparation of negotiators. First, negotiators choice. Select negotiators to meet in the business etiquette of the principle of reciprocity, that is, one's own negotiators to negotiate with each other to represent the identity and position of a peer; secondly,

apparel choice negotiators. Men's best to wear a suit or tunic, skirt or suit ladies should wear formal clothing, etc., to each other in order to mature, full of sincerity impression.

4.Negotiations reception preparations. Negotiators from the shuttle, to place and time to negotiate arrangements, hotel reservations, dining and entertainment, the entire process must be carefully prepared, deliberately, always reflect the negotiation opponent's respect and courtesy, to show a good image of the company, lay the foundation for the success of the negotiations.

5.Ready to negotiate data. First, before the negotiations on the subject of negotiations, content, agenda fully prepared to draw up plans, objectives and the subject of negotiations. Secondly, a detailed collection and negotiations related materials, such as party strength, political and legal system and market themes, etc. Also, negotiators gather basic information, such as work experience, hobbies, social customs and other aspects of content.

(2)Etiquette In business negotiation

1.Negotiations seating etiquette. Business negotiations by the number of groups involved in the negotiations can be divided into bilateral negotiations and multilateral negotiations. Bilateral negotiations on multi-use rectangular table, usually host and guests sit opposite, each side. Negotiating table generally transverse to the door, guests sit door, back door and sit hosts. Sitting among the parties responsible person, in accordance with his position followed by the remaining staff sit around, based on respect for the principle of the right; multilateral sentenced to use more short rostrum, referring to the negotiations to set up a room facing the main entrance of the podium, then all other parties back to the main entrance, facing the podium were seated. Representatives of the parties came to speak in turn. In addition, subject to seating arrangements, the best place to seat and seat licensing arrangements hostesses be guided seats to avoid sitting in the wrong position.

2.Negotiations meet etiquette. First of all, pay attention to the beginning of the meeting etiquette. More formal negotiations occasions, etiquette rules introduced is first introduced high status. After the introduction of low status, in principle, if the

equal status, long after the first child's compliance. Was introduced to smile to indicate what should stand up and use some polite language, such as "Nice to meet you", "heard a lot" category. If equipped with business cards can be handed a timely manner. In addition, the attitude etiquette should also pay attention when they meet. Such as watching each other, eyes should stay in each other's eyes to the forehead of the Triangle area, make each other feel concerned about your attitude earnest and sincere. Gestures should be natural, especially not cross his arms over his chest, so there is a sense of frivolous arrogance.

3.Negotiations language etiquette. First, articulate. When negotiators to negotiate tight around the target, used some of the euphemistic language, encountered difficulties in the negotiations, requiring the flexibility to take appropriate emergency means out of the woods, as the other side asked to make a difficult question to answer immediately, you can look under the table, and then said: "I'm sorry, please wait accordance with the agreement, the need at this time to return a phone call to a friend.." so you will be able to multi-fight to one - consider the time clock; followed. Clever use of the silent language. With a smile and a nod, showing not understand when people confused agree unclear when such expressions such as: Finally, talk less and listen more. By listening, we can get a lot of valuable information to each other, understand each other intentions, find a solution to the problem.

4.Negotiations under field etiquette. Business negotiations not only confined to the conference table, the more difficult negotiations, the more the need to focus on private exchanges, which can not only compensate for the lack of a table, or even have an impact on the success of the negotiations. For example, when the negotiations very difficult times, in accordance with the appropriate etiquette, arrange some recreational activities, such as receptions, balls and call, and these contacts is what you ample opportunity to showcase the company's image. If we can win the goodwill of the other party, contribute to the success of the negotiations.

(3)Business etiquette final stage of negotiations

1. Signing ceremony. From the liturgy is concerned, when signing ceremony . Must be solemnly , seriously . One of the most notable was undoubtedly hold the

seating arrangement problem signing ceremony. One parallel is the most common time of the signing ceremony of bilateral form . Its basic approach is: signing table at the indoor side of the door horizontally . The ceremony was attended by all personnel of both side by side after the signing table, the two sides signed center staff sat side door , passenger side right hand side , the main party left. Second, the relative type, with parallel rows of seats signing ceremony is basically the same . The main difference between the two, but the relative style row seat to attend the signing ceremony of bilateral suite seats moved across the signatory . Third, the President of style, mainly applicable to multilateral signing ceremony. Their operating characteristics are: signature tables still in the room horizontally , I still need to sign in the face of the main entrance of the table , but have just one , and not fixed its seat occupant . When the ceremony , people of all parties , including the undersigned included, all should be back to the main entrance , facing seats on the signature Um . When signed , the parties signatory to the order prescribed should turn took seats at the table to sign the signature , then that should be returned to the original place table.

2.Gifts etiquette. After negotiations negotiators gifts. In addition to the desire to be friendly and deepen the friendship, the more important is the success of the cooperation congratulations. But the gift can not be rushed. In general, you want to determine the value of a gift or as a guest under the circumstances of each gift. Should pay attention to the actual meaning and emotional value of the gift, not worth. Also, pay special attention to each other's customs, does not violate each other's religious beliefs. In addition, European and American people give each other gifts of time, both sides must face himself open gift wrap, and expressed appreciation and sincere.

In short. With the development of society. Business etiquette has become a modern social and economic interaction is required. For business negotiation and other business associations have an important role, has become our traditional cultural inheritance and development of etiquette in business dealings. Famous etiquette expert Professor Jin Zhengkun said: "Courtesy is respect for others, respect for the instrument in the form of the foot." To better into the modern business dealings, we

must pay attention to business etiquette training and education, in order to better play its positive role.

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商务礼仪 英文

Business negotiations etiquette Abstract Business etiquette is a manifestation of mutual respect of conduct in business activities. Core business etiquette is an act of criteria, used to constrain all aspects of our daily business activities. The central role of business etiquette is to reflect the mutual respect between people.As business leaders identity negotiators, in business negotiations should follow the etiquette of negotiations three elements that focus on instrumentation demeanor, attention to language arts, to comply with etiquette disciplines. In the event a successful business negotiation, negotiation etiquette is not necessarily comply with the success of the negotiations decision criteria. If you violate negotiations etiquette, but it will cause a lot of unnecessary trouble, even be a threat to reach an agreement Key words:Business etiquette Business negotiations Business negotiation, which means refers to negotiate in social life, the parties to meet their needs and safeguard their own interests, the two sides properly carried out to solve a problem. Business negotiations, is the negotiation of a transaction for the realization of active buyers and sellers of goods or services on a variety of trading conditions The role of business etiquette in business negotiations 1.Regulate behavior in business dealings, people interaction, interaction, mutual cooperation. If you do not follow certain norms, the two sides on the basis of lack of collaboration. Among the many commercial specifications. Etiquette can make people understand what should be proud of what not to do, what to do and what not to do, and help determine the self-image, respect for others, to win the friendship. 2.Etiquette is an information transfer information, this information may be expressed by respected, friendly, sincere and so emotional, so that people feel warm. In business activities. Proper etiquette can get each other's goodwill, trust. Thus helps to develop their career. 3.Promote feelings in business activities, along with in-depth exchanges. The


A Study on International Commercial Etiquette and Its Significance 商务礼仪及其意义研究 学号: 身份证号: 姓名: 院系:外语学院 专业:XXXXX 年级:2008级 指导教师:xxx

CONTENTS (TIMES NEW ROMAN 小三号加黑加粗) INT RODUCTION (1) CHAPTER ONE ABCCCCCCCC (7) 1.1 Abc (7) 1.2 Abc (8) 1.3 Abc (9) CHAPTER TWO ABCCCCCCCC (11) 2.1Abc (11) 2.2Abc (12) 2.3Abc (13) CHAPTER THREE… CHAPTER FOUR… …CONCLUSION………………………………………………………. REFERENCES………………………………………………………

内容摘要 当今世界,各国之间交流频繁,礼仪之论不再局限在国内,而成了国际交往需要重视的问题。同时,不可否认的是因为各国价值观念,文化,历史背景的不同,在礼仪实践中也存在差异。没有一个统一的标准,这些差异,只有一些约定俗成的东西,大家都基本认同,在交往中共同遵守。所以从事国际交流,国际商务的人,不论是政治,经济,文化,军事哪个领域,对这些礼仪都要熟悉。 国际商务和涉外工作也已经不再是少数人的专利,而是成为越来越多人的职业选择。在这个“以人为本”的时代,如何在跨文化的交流中,尽可能地尊重他人,又充分维护自己的尊严,是一项非常重要而具有挑战意义的事情,而国际商务礼仪就是市场竞争和国际商务大环境中人们必备的一门知识。 本文对商务礼仪进行了明确的界定,对商务礼仪的内容与归属、特征与原则、功能与操作进行了系统的阐述,较为详细地论述了商务介绍与问候,迎送礼仪,宴请规则,谈判礼仪以及柬书礼仪,同时阐明了国际商务礼仪对于商务人员的重要意义。 Abstract Nowadays different nations communicate frequently. Etiquette is becoming an imp ortant issue, which is not confined only in the domestic affairs. At the same t ime, the values vary from nations to nations, so does the practice of etiquette. There is not an acknowledged standard and it is only a set of established rule s which are obeyed by all the people. Therefore, a business man should be famil iar with all the protocols in all fields, such as politics, economics, and cult ure and military.


商务礼仪英文书籍 书名:商务礼仪英语杨文慧等编出版社:中山大学出版社内容简介本书针对我国商务交际礼仪的资料不多,且资料的专业性、实用性不强的现状,为适应日益丰富的商贸活动的需要,向从事对外经济贸易的工作者、教师和学生奉献此书。本书为适合各阶层读者的需要,在文字上力求简短、通俗、易懂,并配以中英文对照、注释,方便读者结合工作和实际进行学习、掌握和运用。 《国际商务礼仪英文教程》由九章构成,涵盖了国际商务活动礼仪的方方面面,内容丰富多彩,文字流畅易懂,是一本适于经贸类专业学生学习英语的好教材。 内容简介 《国际商务礼仪英文教程》从服饰仪表、见面问候、拜访接待、西式宴请、面试礼仪、办公室礼仪、电话礼仪、书信礼仪等方面入手,介绍跨文化交际中的基本礼仪常识。所介绍的知识力求全方位覆盖具有普遍性的国际商务礼仪规则,并在此基础上注重交际细节和文化差异;信息量充足、语言难度适中。集合了数位编者在“国际商务礼仪”课程的一线教学实践中积累的宝贵经验,也参照了Emily Post和杨俊峰教授等中外礼仪专家的诸多著作或教学成果。全书的教学可设54学时,其中讲授36学时,实践18学时,也可以根据实际情况增加或减少学时。 《商务礼仪指南》 作者 (美国)佩吉波斯特(Post.P.) (美国)彼得波斯特(Post.P.)

内容简介 正确的商务礼仪并不是死板的“规矩”,它是以考虑周到、尊重他人和诚实的方式在商业活动中对待他人。人们对穿着牛仔裤上班已经习以为常,但这并不意味着人们对礼仪已漠不关心。无论你所处的工作环境是正式的或非正式的,良好的人际交往能力绝对是你获得事业成功的必要条件。在各种商务场合中得体和正确的礼仪,不但令同事愉快,合作伙伴信任,还会帮助你与商业伙伴建立起广泛、牢固的合作关系,推动大家奔向共同的目标。 谁都免不了出错,不是没有及时回邮件,就是不小心飙出一句脏话。但这些错误可能无伤大雅,对吗?在言行举止上,我们真的需要做到尽善尽美吗?不客气地说,我们确实需要如此。 佩姬波斯特(Peggy Post)和彼得波斯特(Peter Post)重新编写了其祖辈埃米莉波斯特(Emily Post)的经典著作《商务礼仪指南》(The Etiquette Advan 社会习俗在飞速改变,家庭与办公室的界线愈发模糊,即使最精通礼数的人也时常感到困惑。因此,礼仪指南这类题材经久不衰,比如中世纪,人文主义者伊拉斯谟1520xx年曾为男孩写过一本礼节指南的书,其中包括不乱动、不挠痒等细节。“礼仪小姐”和波斯特家族等礼仪专家持续受到信任和追捧。《石板》(Slate)杂志“亲爱的普鲁登斯(Dear Prudence)”以及《金融时报》“亲爱的露西(DearLucy)”等专栏也层出不穷。 在当今办公环境中,恼人琐事依旧屡见不鲜。比如,你的邻座打开一份怪味四溢的便当,你的同事对着手机怒吼……你该如何应对这些情况?职场规则不断改变,难道这意味着基本的礼仪标准也随之发生变化? 其实不然。波斯特家族在书中这样总结:“良好的商务礼仪并非是一套亘古不变的‘规矩’。事实上,多数人所说的商务礼仪只不过是一些常识,比如要考虑


2020 商务礼仪英文书籍文档Document Writing

商务礼仪英文书籍文档 前言语料:温馨提醒,公务文书,又叫公务文件,简称公文,是法定机关与社会组 织在公务活动中为行使职权,实施管理而制定的具有法定效用和规范体式的书面文 字材料,是传达和贯彻方针和政策,发布行政法规和规章,实行行政措施,指示答 复问题,知道,布置和商洽工作,报告情况,交流经验的重要工具 本文内容如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开】 商务礼仪英文书籍篇一 书名:商务礼仪英语作者:杨文慧等编出版社:中山大学出版社内容简介本书针对我国商务交际礼仪的资料不多,且资料的专业性、实用性不强的现状,为适应日益丰富的商贸活动的需要,向从事对外经济贸易的工作者、教师和学生奉献此书。本书为适合各阶层读者的需要,在文字上力求简短、通俗、易懂,并配以中英文对照、注释,方便读者结合工作和实际进行学习、掌握和运用。 商务礼仪英文书籍篇二 《国际商务礼仪英文教程》由九章构成,涵盖了国际商务活动礼仪的方方面面,内容丰富多彩,文字流畅易懂,是一本适于经贸类专业学生学习英语的好教材。 内容简介 《国际商务礼仪英文教程》从服饰仪表、见面问候、拜访接待、西式宴请、面试礼仪、办公室礼仪、电话礼仪、书信礼仪等

方面入手,介绍跨文化交际中的基本礼仪常识。所介绍的知识力求全方位覆盖具有普遍性的国际商务礼仪规则,并在此基础上注重交际细节和文化差异;信息量充足、语言难度适中。集合了数位编者在“国际商务礼仪”课程的一线教学实践中积累的宝贵经验,也参照了EmilyPost和杨俊峰教授等中外礼仪专家的诸多著作或教学成果。全书的教学可设54学时,其中讲授36学时,实践18学时,也可以根据实际情况增加或减少学时。 商务礼仪英文书籍篇三 《商务礼仪指南》 作者 (美国)佩吉·波斯特(Post.P.) (美国)彼得·波斯特(Post.P.) 内容简介 正确的商务礼仪并不是死板的“规矩”,它是以考虑周到、尊重他人和诚实的方式在商业活动中对待他人。人们对穿着牛仔裤上班已经习以为常,但这并不意味着人们对礼仪已漠不关心。无论你所处的工作环境是正式的或非正式的,良好的人际交往能力绝对是你获得事业成功的必要条件。在各种商务场合中得体和正确的礼仪,不但令同事愉快,合作伙伴信任,还会帮助你与商业伙伴建立起广泛、牢固的合作关系,推动大家奔向共同的目标。 谁都免不了出错,不是没有及时回邮件,就是不小心飙出一句脏话。但这些错误可能无伤大雅,对吗?在言行举止上,我们真的需要做到尽善尽美吗?不客气地说,我们确实需要如此。


Abstract Business etiquette, a behavior science, is the norms in the business activities, , which plays an important role in the business communication .understanding Chinese and western etiquette and their distinctions is of great importance in promoting international business exchanges. With the changing role China played in the international exchanges, we communicate and cooperate frequently with foreigners . It is the notable position that makes us have a more normative and courteous criteria in the international business communication, especially in the business activities with westerners. This thesis ,from the international business etiquette , lays emphasis on the comparison between Chinese and western business protocol, it mainly described the general definition of business etiquette, characteristics of business etiquette, embodiment in business interactions, influencing factors (Cultural factors) of Chinese and western etiquette and the relevant solutions of the differences. The thesis let us comprehend and receive different stages of Chinese and western business etiquette , “recognition—understanding—comprehension ”,through lots of examples, aiming to help us to apply these theories into practice. The consequence of this study shows that in order to avoid the misunderstandings in business activities, especially in international business exchanges, not only should we know some basic business norms, but also we need to understand the distinctions of business etiquette mainly caused by different cultures profoundly. Key words : business etiquette norm business exchange


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除商务礼仪英文参考文献 篇一:国际商务礼仪论文 论文题目浅谈商务拜访礼仪 【摘要】我国改革开放不断深化,伴随着经济市场的竞争不断加强,各公司各企业的对外联系越来越频繁,商务拜访变成了商务活动中,最必不可少也最平常的一种往来方式。商界人士通过相互联系往来,促进了解,建立情谊。但是传统生硬的往来方式并不能在这个日新月异的环境中获得立 足之地,商务活动中的商务拜访,也不仅仅是单纯的“你来我往”。而很大程度上,需要企业企业之间,个人与个人之 间建立起友善融洽的合作伙伴关系。虽然在交往活动中要维护各自利益,但是也要有“人情味”,这样才能获得竞争中 的一席之位。商务拜访是商务应酬礼仪的一个重要组成部分,是企业公司商务活动的重要环节。恰当周到的商务接待礼仪,适时有度的商务拜访可以更协调地沟通与客户的关系。 【关键词】商务拜访,社交礼仪,接待应酬 目录

综述 ----------------------------------------------------------------2 一.拜访前的准备 -----------------------------------------------------2 ? (一)外部准备 ------------------------------------------------------2 ? (二)内部准备 ------------------------------------------------------3 二.拜访时的礼节 -----------------------------------------------------3 (三).商务拜访中的举止礼仪常识 -----------------------------------6 ? 四.结论 ---------------------------------------------------


美国商务礼仪英文 【篇一:商务礼仪美语 business etiquette】 lesson 001 - introduction on etiquette 礼节美语001讲 ann. 陈豪刚从大学毕业就在北京的一家美国公司找到了一份工作。 今天他收到一张通知,可是里面有一个词他不懂,他只知道让他去 参加一个什么训练班。所以他就去请教公司里的美籍华人mary 。 (office ambience) c:excuse me, mary, 请问通知上这个词是什么意思呀?e-t-i-q-u- e-t-t-e。 m:oh, etiquette, 原来是法文,意思是礼节。 c: 噢,原来是要我去参加礼节训练班。mary,这词是怎么发音的?m:e-ti-ket。q-u是发k的音,而不是发q的音,e-ti-ket。 c:我们来公司工作,又不是来社交,为什么要讲礼节呀? m:etiquette is very important to business。一个公司的雇员对 客户是不是很客气,有礼貌,这对经营有很大关系。 c:具体地说,这儿说的etiquette指些什么呢? m:etiquette is a set of rules that allow us to interact with others in a civilized manner。 c:以文明的方式对待别人的一些原则。 m:具体地说就是treating other people with courtesy and respect and making them feel comfortable with you. c:嗯,(若有所思地) 对人要有礼貌,要尊敬别人,还要让人觉得和 你在一起很自如。 这没问题,im always polite and courteous to others。 m:但是,训练班讲的是西方礼节 - western etiquette,和中国的礼节还不完全一样,因为两国有文化差异。 c:这礼节还有文化差异?我得去训练班听听再说。 ****** c:嗨, mary,我的训练班结束了,你那天说的文化差异一点也没错。 m:听起来训练班好像让你开窍啦? c是啊。我那天跟会计室的那金发女郎聊天,聊得很愉快。结果我 问她多大年纪了,她一下子就变得很不高兴,支支吾吾没有回答就 走了。 m:asking someones age is offensive to an american.


商务礼仪英语中英文对照 篇一:商务礼仪中英对照 Etiquette for Business Dinner Your image matters, especially when you’re in a business environment. Whether you’re going to a business lunch with your peers, recruiters, clients or partners, you need to make sure you behave appropriately. We’ve put together this handy guide, with tips gathered from the business etiquette, to help make sure that someone call you out at your next business meal. Before the Meal餐前礼仪 ◇Shake hands with all present at the table. If necessary, introduce yourself. Concentrate on remembering your host/hostess’s name. 与到场的客人握手

致意,如果需要,介绍一下自己。努力记住男女主人的姓名。◇Remain standing until host sits.在主人落座之前保持站立。 ◇Place your napkin on your lap after everyone is seated and after your host has moved his/her napkin.在所有人落座之后,主人展开餐巾,这时你也可以将餐巾展开平铺在膝盖以上部位。 ◇Don’t ask the waiter to explain everything on the menu; you will annoy others and appear indecisive.不要让侍者为你一一讲解菜单上的菜品,这样会招人讨厌而且显得你缺乏主见。 ◇Let the host take the lead when ordering; this will give you an idea of what to eat. If the host isn’t first in line to order, then ask for his/her recommendation.点餐时让主人先点,这样也可以给你一个参考。如果主人不是第一个点餐的,那么你可以让他给你推荐。 ◇Don’t order the most expensive


国际商务礼仪英文 篇一:国际商务礼仪作业 Business Gift-giving Around the World 武汉大学何坚婷 Abstract: Nowadays, gifts are playing as an important role in international business relations. But different countries have different customs of gift-giving. The paper gives some details about how to make a good business gift-giving in many countries around the world. Key words: significance, different cultures, comparative of business gift-giving Introduction of Gift-giving in Business First of all, in international business dealings, appropriate gift-giving can not only fully show the enterprises culture and

academic spirits, but also promote each other’s friendship. And then, gift-giving can show people’s congratulations, condolences and thanks to others. At the same time, it is also an emotional investment, reducing the emotional distance between people and being conductive to people’s communication. Cultures’ View on Gifts Before we start to talk about how to make a good business gift-givin g, let’s give a view upon different counties in the world, knowing that how the people in different cultures treat the gifts. The first one is America! In America, people like the practical and peculiar gifts very much. For example, if you could give them some small gifts with unique styles or ethnic characteristics, such as the faked terracotta warriors and horses, they will be very


国际商务礼仪英文教程_商务礼仪知识英文作文 清楚掌握一定的商务礼仪,能够让我们很好化解职场上的尴尬,让商务交谈更顺利,下面是小编为大家整理几篇商务礼仪知识英文作文,希望对你有帮助。


Western refers to Western European countries diet cuisine.Western etiquette.Today, I introduce to you to eat Westernstyle food etiquette. When seated, the body upright, elbow not placed on, may https://www.360docs.net/doc/0e16244487.html,e your fork and knife, fork, the right hand holds the knife; when the cutting things, keep the fork in the left hand hold the food, right hand with a knife cut into small pieces, fork in the entrance.Do not sip the soup to eat, chew when to shut up.Dont lick the lips or smacking sound.Overheating, can be cooled before eating, not mouth blown.A cup of coffee when ready to add milk or sugar, add the following to use tsp stirring, TSP will be placed on the coffee


中国商务礼仪英文版 【篇一:商务礼仪英语】 a study on international commercial etiquette and its significance 商务礼仪及其意义研究 学号: 身份证号: 姓名: 院系:外语学院 专业:xxxxx 年级:2008级 指导教师:xxx contents (times new roman 小三号加黑加粗) introduction????????????????????.1 chapter one abcccccccc?????????????. 7 1.1 abc???????????????????????. 7 1.2 abc ???????????????????????.8 1.3 abc????????????????????.???.9 chapter two abcccccccc?????????????11 2.1abc???????????????????????. 11 2.2abc ???????????????????????12 2.3abc???????????????????????.13 chapter three? chapter four? ? conclusion?????????????????????. references????????????????????? 内容摘要 当今世界,各国之间交流频繁,礼仪之论不再局限在国内,而成了 国际交往需要重视的问题。同时,不可否认的是因为各国价值观念,文化,历史背景的不同,在礼仪实践中也存在差异。没有一个统一 的标准,这些差异,只有一些约定俗成的东西,大家都基本认同, 在交往中共同遵守。所以从事国际交流,国际商务的人,不论是政治,经济,文化,军事哪个领域,对这些礼仪都要熟悉。


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除 商务礼仪论文英文 篇一:国际商务礼仪论文 浅议中西商务礼仪存在差异的原因 商务礼仪是人们在商务活动中长期形成的一种惯用形 式和行为准则。它在商务活动中起着非常重要的作用。由于不同国家间文化传统的差异,世界上各个国家问的商务礼仪文化也是既有其国际性,又有其民族性。以儒家道家思想为核心的中国和以基督教为核心的西方在文化上存在的巨大 差异,就必然导致中西方商务礼仪千差万别。而随着中国经济的发展,我国的国际商务活动日益频繁。国内企业要走出去,跨文化交际不可避免。对于从事国际商务交际的人员来说,了解不同文化间的差异,减少或消除因文化差异而引起的误会、摩擦和冲突,对有效地从事国际商务活动、提高交际效果具有十分重要的现实意义。 概括来讲,造成商务礼仪这种差异主要源自于世界上各不相同国家间的文化传统的差异,中西文化中不同的价值观、时间观、饮食观、语言习惯及非语言习惯等

一、价值观 价值渗透于人类生存的每一个领域,人们的思维、经历、行为都是以其价值观为基础的。“每一种文化的价值观的整体面貌都是由各种相互联系的具体的价值观组合而成的。” 在中国传统观念中,人生的价值都是体现在它的社会价值之中,重视社会价值,否定个人的自我主体性,“先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐”、“天下为公”等字句,都是这一观念的体现。中国传统文化总是把个人或自我放在社会关系中去考察,要求民众循规蹈矩,中国文化主张含蓄、谦虚,它所追求的是一种群体和谐、稳定的伦理道德社会,由于受传统的义利思想的影响,重义轻利,重情轻法。情、理、法,次序鲜明,任何事情,先看情、再讲理,法被排在最后,因此人们的法律意识比较淡薄,风险意识和竞争精神不强,时间观念和进取意识淡漠。东方人强调无私奉献,乐于助人是一种高尚的美德。 但是西方,却是和我们完全相反的。西方文化中,个人是社会的中心,追求个人利益是社会进步的内在动力,因此,应将个人利益置于高于一切的位置。他们主张利己主义、个人英雄主义和自由主义,主张个人具有最大全力满足自己物质利益和精神享受的权利,他们重竞争,崇拜个人奋斗,挑战自我。在取得成就后,毫不掩饰自己的自信心、自豪感、誉感,所以无论在何时何地,西方人在受到赞扬或夸奖时,


美国商务礼仪 商务礼仪 美利坚合众国(TheUnitedStatesofAmerica),简称美国。面积936万平方公里。人 口2.5亿。居民主要信奉基督教、罗马天主教。语言为英语。 美国政府为联邦总统制,三权分立。宪法1787年公布生效。总统掌握政权,由各州 人民投票及总统选举人选举产生,任期4年。国会分参、众两院。参仪员,每州选出代表 2人组成,任期6年,每两年改选三分之一。众仪员由民选,任期2年。首都华盛顿。 美国是世界第1经济大国,又是世界第1贸易大国,1989年进出口总额为8091.81亿美元。 和美国人作生意,要注意美国的商务礼俗和美国社会的一些习俗。美国人不象英国人 那样总要衣冠楚楚,而是不大讲究穿戴。他们穿衣以宽大舒适为原则,自己爱穿什么就穿 什么。别人是不会议论或讥笑的。春秋季,美国人一般下身着长裤,上身在衬衣外面再穿 一件毛衣或?A克,宽松舒适,无拘无束。夏天里穿短裤和着短裙者大有人在。在旅游或 海滨城市,男的穿游泳裤,女的着三点式游泳衣,再披上一块浴巾,就可以逛大街或下饭 馆了。但正式场合,美国人就比较讲究礼节了。 接见时,要讲究服饰,注意整洁,穿着西装较好,特别是鞋要擦亮,手指甲要清洁。 美国商人较少握手,即使是初次见面,也不一定非先握手不可,时常是点头微笑致意,礼 貌地打招呼就行了。男士握女士的手要斯文,不可用力。如果女士无握手之意,男士不要 主动伸手,除非女士主动。握手时不能用双手。上下级之间,上级先伸手握手。长幼之间,长者先伸手握手。主宾之间,主人先伸手。男性之间,最忌互相攀肩搭臂。美国人谈话时 不喜欢双方离得太近,惯于两人的身体保持一定的距离。一般应保持120~150厘米之间, 最少也不得小于50厘米。 在美国,12岁以上的男子有享有;先生;的称号,但多数美国人不爱用先生、夫人、小姐、女士之类的称呼,认为哪样做太郑重其事了。他们喜欢别人直接叫自己的名字,并视 为这是亲切友好的表示。美国人很少用正式的头衔来称呼别人。 正式头衔一般只用于法官、军管、医生、教授、宗教界领袖等人物。尤其是行政职务。美国人从来不以此来称呼,如***局长、***经理.美国海关的人员总把"请;和"谢谢;挂在嘴上,请你打开箱子、请你把护照拿出来、检查完毕时,还会说;祝你旅途愉快;或;今天天 气真好;等客套话。 美国的女店员和餐馆女侍们讲出的话,使人大有宾至如归之感,即使你一文不花,她 们仍是满面堆笑,临走时还笑盈盈地说谢谢你的光临,希望下次再来。 公私单位访问前,必须先订约会,最好好在即将抵达时,先通个电话告知。美国人热 情好客,那把仅仅相识一分钟,你就有可能被邀请去看戏、吃饭或出外旅游。但一星期之



商务礼仪英语翻译 【篇一:中西商务礼仪文化的差异及翻译】 中西商务礼仪文化差异与翻译 礼仪是一个民族在特定的历史条件和地理环境中发展和承袭下来的礼节文明规范,是一种文 化形态的象征和体现。下面本文将从文化层面上,着重从价值观、时间观、饮食观、语言习惯等 方面对中西商务礼仪的差异进行比较。 一、价值观差异 在中国的文化观念中,人生的价值往往体现在其社会价值之中,总是把个人或者自我放在社 会关系中去考察,否定个体的自我主体性,人生意义常常与“忘我”或者“牺牲”相联系。它追 求的是这一种群体和谐的、稳定的伦理道德社会;西方则不然,其主张以自我为核心的个人主义价值观念。这种价值观的差异可以说是根本性的,它是决定中西方商务礼仪差异的根本因素。 一方面,中国人有着强烈的宗族观念,把自己的家叫“寒舍”,自己的作品叫“拙作”,称对方为 “您”,对方的意见为“高见”、“宝贵意见”。而英语中的敬语和谦词则非常少见,在英语环境里,不管谈话的对方年龄多大、辈份多长、地位多高,you就是you,i就是i,用不着像汉语那样用 许多诸如“您、您老、鄙人”等敬谦语。所以,在国际商务活动中,中国人的谦虚与贬己常常让

西方人感到不礼貌。 另一方面,美国文化重视青年。而老年人则成为相对不受重视的群体。与之相比,中国传 统文化中则强调尊重长者。汉语习语中就有很多体现了这一价值观念。如”宝刀未老”、”老当益 壮;”姜还是老的辣”等等。在汉语的称呼中,对待年长者常加称一个‘老’字以示尊敬。如”老领导”,”老先生”,“老同志”等。甚至在姓氏后面加一”老字以示对德高望重的人商务活动 中,要实现更加有效的交际,就必须了解跨国商务礼饮食观、语言习惯及非语言习惯等方面对中 西商务礼仪的差异的尊称。如“刘老、“张老“等。而在西方和年老者谈话时应尽量避免提及年 老的事实即使涉及有关内容也总以委婉的形式出现。如用senior代替old man,用elderly advanced in age代替old。 另外,在西方人眼里视为“隐私“的事情,在中国人眼里却是关心他人的具体体现。如见 面后寒暄询问别人的年龄、籍贯职业收人婚姻状况、家庭情况、体重等都属于很正常的事情。而在西方,这些都属于隐私,询问这些问题均被视为没有失礼貌的。在中国老朋友可以不用敲门 就”登堂入室“,这对西方人来说是不可思议的事。即使是一件小事要问,他们也需要先打个电 话,问主人是否方便。 二、时间观差异在中国的传统文化领域中,人们推崇一种环形的时间观念。因此,中国人利用时间比较随意,比较灵活;西方人奉行的则是线形的时间观念,认为时间是一去不复返的。这种差异主要导致例如以下两个方面的中西差别:首先,在国际商务活动中,中国人不


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除 商务礼仪英语作文 篇一:商务礼仪英文 businessnegotiationsetiquette Abstract businessetiquetteisamanifestationofmutualrespectofc onductinbusinessactivities.corebusinessetiquetteisa nactofcriteria,usedtoconstrainallaspectsofourdailyb usinessactivities.Thecentralroleofbusinessetiquette istoreflectthemutualrespectbetweenpeople.Asbusiness leadersidentitynegotiators,inbusinessnegotiationssh ouldfollowtheetiquetteofnegotiationsthreeelementsth atfocusoninstrumentationdemeanor,attentiontolanguag earts,tocomplywithetiquettedisciplines.Intheeventas uccessfulbusinessnegotiation,negotiationetiquetteis notnecessarilycomplywiththesuccessofthenegotiations decisioncriteria.Ifyouviolatenegotiationsetiquette,


国际商务礼仪:英语面试“3字诀” 面试在求职过程中,可以说是压力最大的一个环节。面对外国老板连珠炮似的提问,如果能回答得从容不迫、简明扼要,恰当中肯,而且合乎老外的口味,那么肯定会大大增加你的录取机会。 事先3项准备 ■对目标公司所在地、规模、在全球的活动概况等要事先有所了解,包括总公司在国内设立分公司的时间、业绩表现、经营规模,以及今后打算开展的业务等,若能得到业界的评价更好。如无法得到书面资料,也要设法从该公司或其他同业中获得情报。 ■面试时自我介绍内容应强调应征的动机以及想应征的岗位,因此收集好相关岗位的情报,自我介绍时才能胸有成竹,切合主题。 ■准备好所有证书材料,譬如与专业能力相关的资格证书,或参加培训的资料,最好和应征职务有直接关联,不但可证明自己在这一方面所做的努力,也表示具有这个潜能。 谈吐3P原则 自我介绍时应该记住“3P原则”:Positive(自信),Personal(个性),Pertinent(中肯)。谈吐自信,就是要积极地进行自我肯定,让面试人充分了解你的优点与潜能。突出个性,就是要把自己与众不同的特点发挥出来,强调自己的专业与能力。语气中肯,就是要实事求是,不要言过其实,夸夸其谈,也不要涉及和自己无关的事情。 自我介绍应简洁明了,给面试人留下思路清晰、反应快捷、逻辑性强的印象。自我介绍时间不宜太长,话不宜太多,最好控制在五分钟之内。不要一谈起自己就口若悬河,滔滔不绝,以免言多语失。另外,在自我介绍时应避免过多地使用“I”(我),不要每个句子一开头就冒出一个“I”字,给人留下自我标榜、以自我为中心的印象。 灵活的应聘者往往会把“我”开头的话,变成“你”字打头。例如,面试人说:“Willyoupleasesaysomethingaboutyourself?”(请你谈谈自己的情况好吗?)应聘者则说:“Doyouwantmetotalkaboutmypersonallifeortosaysomethingaboutthejob?”(你想让我谈谈我个人的生活呢,还是与这份工作有关的问题?)这样,你的谈话就把面试人摆了进去。这种谈话的方式所产生的效果是不言而喻的。面试毕竟是面试人与应聘者互相沟通的一种场合,应聘者时常把面试人摆进自己的谈话当中去,自然而然就起到了互相沟通的作用。 围绕3方面表现 回答问题时口齿要清晰、语调适中。内容要有条理、避免重复。介绍工作经历采用倒序,从最近一份工作谈起,着重强调有利于新工作的职务经历。最好能说明曾担任何种职
