

















2 、欧洲的半岛、岛屿、边缘海山脉、平原







3 、海岸线曲折



1 、地势最低的大洲

2 、地形以平原为主














【活动】引导学生完成课本活动题:了解欧洲的自然环境特点,河流对城市分布、地区经济发展的影响。一、亚欧大陆的半岛:海岸线曲折,多半岛、岛屿、港湾二、地形:以平原为主,平均海拔300 米,地势最低的大洲西欧平原、波德平原(中欧平原)、东欧平原


欧洲中世纪历史简述 概述 中世纪,传统的概念是指公元476年后至公元1453年止,是从西罗马帝国的覆灭直到文艺复兴时期的开始。在整个欧洲历史发展过程中,中世纪其实是一个较为普通的过渡时期,它是从有罗马帝国统治的古典时代到文艺复兴时期的一个过渡,而整个欧洲历史向来是依靠封建统治的发展作为主线,所以中世纪也可以看作是欧洲封建阶级建立统治地位直到资本主义思想觉醒的一段时期。又因为在圣经中曾把这一时期指做过世界的末日,因此一些神学论者也把这一段特殊时期的历史称作“中世纪黑暗时代”。而在文艺复兴时期,随着科学文化的进步,一些人文主义学者也把这一时期称作“黑暗时期”。例如文艺复兴时期的学者彼特拉克把当时的欧洲历史分为两个时期,一是古罗马与古希腊时期,二是黑暗时期,即中世纪。因为人文主义者相信古罗马帝国终有一天会卷土重来,复苏早期纯洁的古典时代,因此这种称为在笔者看来也带有一定的主观色彩。 历史 自西罗马帝国被日耳曼人攻破以后,欧洲大陆上兴起了很多新兴的蛮族王国,例如:法兰克,盎格鲁萨克逊等。他们总体上都是日耳曼人的分支,再后来的世界历史中,这些民族在不断的战争和历史变迁中最终形成了现在已有的欧洲人种分支。 在中世纪欧洲历史中最先繁盛起来的是有法兰克人克洛维建立起来的墨洛温王朝,468年这支日耳曼民族的分支军队战胜了高卢人,占领了罗马帝国在高卢的全部领土,偶来法兰克王国不断的向外扩张,到了6世纪中叶已经成为欧洲最大的国家。同时在大不列颠岛上,日耳曼人的另外一支,盎格鲁人,撒克逊人和朱特人在6世纪末七世纪初分别建立了七个国家,史称“七国时代”并在后来的历史变迁中首先形成了“议会君主制”。与此同时西法


欧洲文化入门 《欧洲文化入门》由于其内容庞杂,琐碎,因而是一门学习起来比较困难的课程。其实大家大可不必担心,只要我们潜下心去,找出里面的规律和线索,这门课并不难攻克。我们要牢记文化的五分法:一、社会历史(包括政治、经济、宗教、历史) 二、哲学三、文学四、科学五、艺术(包括绘画、雕塑、建筑和音乐),以记忆每个时代的各要点为主,理解纵向的变迁为辅,后者主要的作用时帮助我们更好的记住前者。 《欧洲文化入门》的考试大致包括以下几种题型:四选一,填空,判断,简答题,名词解释,论述题。 选择题:这种题型可考查考生的记忆、理解、判断、推理分析,综合比较,鉴别评价等多种能力,评分客观,故常被应用。在答题时,如果能瞬时准确地把正确答案找出来最好,假如没有把握,就应采用排除法,即应从排除最明显的错误开始,把接近正确答案的备选项留下,再分析比较强以逐一否定最终选定正确答案。 填空题:这种题型常用于考核考生准确记忆的“再现”能力,在答题时,无论有几个空,回答都应明确、肯定,不能含糊其辞,填空题看似容易实则难,最好的应对办法是对英语语言知识中最基本的知识、概念、原理等要牢记。 名词解释:这种题型一般针对英语专业自考本科段课程中的基本概念、专业名词进行命题,主要考核考生的识记、理解能力。在答题时,答案要简明、概括、准确,如分值较大,可简要扩展。 简答题:这种题型一般围绕基本概论、原理及其联系进行命题,着重考核考生对概念、史实、原理的掌握、辨别和理解能力。在答题时,既不能像名词解释那样简单,也不能像论述题那样长篇大论,答案要有层次性,列出要点,并加以简要扩展就可以。 论述题:这种题型一般从试卷编制的全局出发,能从体现考试大纲中的重点内容和基本问题的角度来命题,着重考核考生分析、解决实际问题的能力,考核


欧洲文化鉴赏 期末课程论文2015—2016第二学期题目:欧洲文明发展与建筑特点 姓名:鲍鹏 学号:14L1251036 班级:环艺L141

European civilization development and architectural features From the earliest European civilizations: the Minoan and Mycenaean civilization, history of European civilization has more than four thousand years the European civilization originated in the Aegean Sea in ancient Greece and, here, a pleasant climate, convenient transportation, for the creation of the civilization provides a prerequisite. Europe has a long history of civilization development. Ad of 4000 to 2500 years ago in southern and Western Europe had been widely distributed megalithic culture and subsequently located in the Aegean region of southeastern Europe grew vigorously is one of the birthplace of the ancient civilizations of the world, said the Aegean civilization, left a rich cultural heritage to mankind. In the 6th century BC, the rise of the Roman state, and gradually developed into a include semi Europe (Great Britain islands to the Danube River line to the South) and North Africa, West Asia, the Empire, and Italy where the Italian peninsula has been the core area of the political and economic. The early era, Europe has a population of about 32 million, which more than half of the distribution in southern Europe, and Eastern Europe, northern Europe and the British Isles together is less than 1 / 10. After the 3rd century AD, the Roman Empire is gradually weak, originally living in the Germanic people of northern Europe and living in the eastern Slavs have a large number of intrusion, accompanied with this historical process of population migration and economic and cultural exchange, which greatly promoted the European fully, the middle of the 14th century Europe as a whole population


第一节欧洲概述 全安静 教学目标 知识与技能:通过学习欧洲的地理位置、大论轮廓和自然环境特征,掌握地形、水文、景观等自然要素的特征及其相互关系。 过程与方法:通过对地图、统计图、景观图和相关数据的对比与分析获取知识。 情感态度与价值观:通过分析图片与数据资料获取知识,让学生在学习中体现成功的快乐,进一步激发学生学习兴趣。 教学重点:1、欧洲的地理位置;2、欧洲的地形特点;3、欧洲的气候特点。 教学难点:欧洲的自然环境特点对工农业生产特色、城市分布、地区经济发展的影响。教师活动展示欧洲图片让学生谈谈对欧洲的认识学生活动观看图片交流对欧洲的认识设计意图导入新课,激发学生学习兴趣通过读图活动,培养学生对一个大洲地理位置的描述。 教学过程 新课导入 主题一:亚欧大陆的半岛 1.欧洲的位置:半球位置B、纬度位置C、海陆位置欧洲概述。 【读图活动1】:读图完成活动、交让学生读“欧洲在世界中的位置”图,描流、表达述欧洲的半球位置、纬度位置和海陆位置。 【展示地图】展示欧洲经纬度,认识欧洲的半球位置; 【展示地图】展示欧洲地图,认识欧洲海陆位置。 【归纳总结】让学生归纳并描述欧洲的地描述欧洲地理位置理位置 2 、欧洲的半岛、岛屿、边缘海山脉、平原 【读图活动2】:读图,圈出欧洲主要让学生找出欧洲主要地理事物,在地图册地理事物,并记忆。上圈出。半岛、岛屿、边缘海和内海、海峡半岛:斯堪的纳维亚半岛、伊比利亚半岛、亚平宁半岛、巴尔干半岛岛屿:大不列颠岛、爱尔兰岛、冰岛海:北海、波罗的海、地中海、黑海、巴伦支海、挪威海海峡:英吉利海峡、土耳其海峡、罗布直陀海峡 【课堂检测】展示空白图,检测学生对这些地理事物的熟悉程度。 【读图活动3】学生观察读各大洲轮廓读图比较 【展示地图】非洲和欧洲轮廓图,比较两大洲的海岸线 【展示图片】荷兰鹿特丹、意大利那不勒斯 通过读图活动,培养学生读图能力,熟悉欧洲主要地理事物 3 、海岸线曲折 通过对比,知道欧洲海岸线曲折


唐婉祺|九级 如果大航海成为一种可能,那么欧洲后来的发展似乎成为了一种必然,历史就在按照它自己的逻辑展开。 大航海运动给欧洲人的思维带来了巨大的冲击,新的植物、动物、新的人类与人类社会相继被发现,它们是如此的不同于欧洲人已经习以为常的一切,于是这刺激了欧洲人对于新的问题的探索。正是在这种背景之下,欧洲人开始了他们的科学革命。 毫不奇怪,科学革命主要发生在天文学、数学与地理学领域,正是这些领域与航海有着密切的关系。为了进行航海活动,葡萄牙人首先开办了航海学校,虽然亨利王子本人对于学术毫无兴趣,但是他还是热情的支持这些学校,没有它们航海活动就无法开展。在西班牙人与葡萄牙人相继取得成功以后,荷兰、英国和法国也相继派出了自己的探险队,同时也建立了自己的航海学校,专门培养航海人才。为了确定在海洋中的方位,天文学具有了实用的价值,因而在航海学校中得到了认真的研究。而科学革命恰是从天文学起步的。1496年,23岁的波兰人科波尼克来到了意大利的博洛尼亚学习,经过了6年的学习以后回到了他的祖国,在那里他一面从事医生、教士的职业,一面在业余时间从事天文学的研究。哥伦布发现新大陆以及麦哲伦的环球航行对于原来的关于地球的知识提出了挑战,很多在航海中新获得的资料也无法用原来的理论进行解释,于是科波尼克利用这些资料重新进行了计算,大约在1513年初步完成了他的日心说,并写成了短文在他的朋友之间流传。然而他并没有胆量挑战教会的权威,只是在自己的古稀之年才将早已经研究的成果出版。如果我们对科波尼克这个名字不熟悉的话,那么我们一定知道他的另一个名字,那就是他的拉丁文名字哥白尼。哥白尼之后另一个对科学革命产生重大影响的是意大利人伽利略。1597年,在开普勒的影响下,他开始相信日心说,后来他利用望远镜观测了星空,给予了日心说以实际证据的支持。1642年,就在伽利略去世的那一年,牛顿诞生了。对于牛顿的伟大贡献,我想每一个人都是耳熟能详的,然而他的发现又何尝不是在当时社会所需要的数学、力学与天文学呢?而我们所熟知的另一位伟大的生物学家达尔文,也是在做了五年的环球航行以后,收集了大量标本,才开始考虑物种进化的问题。所以,我们可以看到,大航海对于促进科学的发展起到了直接的促进作用。如果没有大航海,那么科学可能仍然是处于停滞状态的。 然而尽管科学在大航海以后的几个世纪里出现了突飞猛进的发展,然而人类的生产与生活方式似乎并没有多大的改变,航海依旧使用着帆船,陆地上的交通工具也依旧是步行或者牛、马拉的车,人们依旧用蜡烛照明,住的房子依旧是木头或者石头的,羊毛、亚麻与棉布仍然是人类的主要衣服原料,我们今天所熟悉的一切仍然还没有出现。这种情况到了18世纪晚期才开始改变,而这一切,似乎与航海的深化也有着一定的关系。 与科学革命在欧洲普遍展开不同,工业革命起初只是英国人的事情;与科学革命是由科学家主导的不同,工业革命中几乎见不到科学家的影子,工业革命可以说是一场由商人和工匠主导的革命。关于这场革命的起源,也自有着它的逻辑。当年最早航海的葡萄牙人是冲着亚洲的香料来的,后来荷兰人排挤了葡萄牙人垄断了亚洲的香料,当香料在欧亚贸易中衰落以后,荷兰人成功的培养了欧洲人喝咖啡的习惯,自己则依然垄断着咖啡的贸易。尽管英国人经过了两次英荷战争,成功地让荷兰人接受了《航海条例》,但是英国人在亚洲仍然没有撼动荷兰人的


Division One Greek Culture and Roman Culture 1. Iliad(《伊利亚特》): 1) It is one of the two great ancient Greek epics by Homer. 2) It deals with the alliance of the states of the southern mainland of Greece, led by Agamemnon in their war against the city of Troy probably in the period 1200-1100 B. C. 3) The heroes are Hector on the Trojan side and Achilles and Odysseus on the Greek. 4) In the final battle, Hector was killed by Achilles and Troy was sacked and burned by the Greeks. 4. Dialectical method(辩证法): 1) It was devised by ancient Greek philosopher Socrates. 2) It is a method of argument, by questions and answers. 7.Stoics(斯多咯派): 1) It was one of four ancient Greek schools of philosophers in the 4th century B. C. 2) To them , the most important thing in lif e was “duty”. 3) It developed into the theory that one should endure hardship and misfortune with courage. 4) The chief Stoic was Zeno. 8.Doric Style(陶立克柱): 1) It is one of three ancient Greek architecture styles. 2) It is also called the masculine style. 3) It is sturdy, powerful, severe-looking and showing a good sense of proportions and numbers. 4) The Doric style. is monotonous and unadorned. 9.Pax Romana(罗马和平)(北京市2001年自考真题名词解释): 1)In the year 27 B.C. Octavius took supreme power as emperor with the tile of Augustus. 2) Two centuries later, the Roman empire reached its greatest extent in the North and East. 3) The emperors mainly relied on a strong army-the famous Roman Legions and an influential bureaucracy to exert their rules. 4) Thus the Roman enjoyed a long period of peace lasting 200 years. This remarkable phenomenon in the history is know as Pax Romana. 10. Virgil(维吉尔): 1) He was the greatest of Latin poets. 2) He wrote the great epic, the Aeneid. 3) The poem opened out to the future, for Aeneas stood at the head of a rce of people who were to found the first the Roman republic and then the Roman Empire. Division Two The Bible and Christianity 1. The Bible: 1) The Bible is a collection of religious writings comprising two parts: the Old Testament and the New Testament. 2) The former is about God and the laws of God; the latter, the doctrine of Jesus Christ. 2. The Old Testament: 1)The Bible was divided into two sections: the Old Testament and the New Testament. 2) The Old Testament is about God and the Laws of God. 3)The word “Testament” means “agreement”, the agreement between God and Man. 3. The New Testament: 1) The Bible was divided into two sections: the Old Testament and the New Testament. 2) The New Testament is about the doctrine (教义) of Jesus Christ. 3)The word “Testament” means “agreement”, the agreement between God and Man. 4. Pentateuch(摩西五经): 1) In the Old Testament, the oldest and most important are the first five books, called Pentateuch.2) Pentateuch contains five books: Genesis (创世记), Exodus (出埃及记), Leviticus(利未记), Numbers (民数记), Deuteronomy (申命记). 5.Genesis:1)Genesis is the first one of the five books in Pentateuch in Old Testament. 2) It tells about a religious account of the origin of the Hebrews people, including the origin of the world and of man, the career of Issac and the life of Jacob and his son Joseph. 6. Exodus: 1) Exodus is the second one of the five books in Pentateuch in the Old Testament. 2) It tells about a religious history of the Hebrews during their flight from Egypt Led by Moses. 3)


欧洲联盟概况 一、欧盟简介 欧洲联盟(European Union,简称欧盟)是在欧洲共同体基础上发展而来的。自1952年欧洲煤钢共同体建立以来,至2004年5月,欧盟成员国由最初的6个创始国(法、德、意、荷、比、卢)扩大到现在的25个:法国、德国、意大利、荷兰、比利时、卢森堡、丹麦、爱尔兰、英国、希腊、西班牙、葡萄牙、奥地利、芬兰、瑞典、塞浦路斯、爱沙尼亚、匈牙利、拉脱维亚、立陶宛、马耳他、波兰、斯洛伐克、斯洛文尼亚、捷克。欧盟面积达400 万平方公里、人口4.5亿、国内生产总值逾10万亿美元。历经半个多世纪的发展,欧盟已成为当今世界一体化程度最高、综合实力雄厚的国家联合体,在地区和国际事务中发挥越来越重要的作用,是世界上一支重要力量。 欧洲联盟的宗旨是“通过建立无内部边界的空间,加强经济、社会的协调发展和建立最终实行统一货币的经济货币联盟,促进成员国经济和社会的均衡发展”,“通过实行共同外交和安全政策,在国际舞台上弘扬联盟的个性”。 欧盟总部设在比利时王国首都布鲁塞尔。1985年,欧盟成员国元首和政府首脑确定了欧盟旗和歌。旗的图案是由十二颗金星组成的圆环点缀在蓝色背景上。圆环象征团结。采用十二颗星是按照传统习惯,十二这个数字象征完美、全部、一致,同时又与一年的月份数和表盘上的小时数相符。旗的金星数与成员国数无关,不随欧盟成员国增加而改变。欧盟歌选用贝多芬第九交响曲中“欢乐颂”的序曲,用音乐语言体现了欧洲自由、和平、团结的理想。法国的让?莫内被称为“欧洲之父”。“舒曼计划”被看作欧盟的出生证。每年的5月9日以“舒曼日”命名,作为“欧洲日”来庆祝。 二、发展简史 (一)成立与扩大 欧共体的成立有其深刻的历史原因。一九八八年十一月九日,在法国总统密特朗的倡议下,欧共体十二个成员国的元首与政府首脑云集巴黎,隆重地举行了欧共体之父让?莫内(Jean MONNET)先生的百年诞辰,将其遗骸迁入著名的巴黎先贤祠,并把一九八八年定为“让?莫内欧洲年”,以表示对欧共体创始人让?莫内的敬仰和怀念。让?莫内(1888年11月9日—1979年3月16日)出生于法国,其父是酒商。他从小就协助父亲推销酒产品,故经常奔波于西欧各大城市,对西欧各国的情况比较熟悉。后来,他创建了国际事务银行,成为杰出的银行家,二十世纪五十年代任法国国家计划署署长。他将毕生精力完全献给了欧共体的创建事业。 两次世界大战给欧洲造成了一场空前的浩劫,几千万人在战火中丧生,各国人民受尽了战乱之苦。第二次世界大战后,美、俄的迅速强大对西欧构成了巨大威胁。在让?莫内看来,当时的西欧只有两种选择:不在联合中自强,就得甘心情愿当二流国家。为此,让?莫内提出:“为了适应世界新形势,西欧必须联合起来”,并建议组织一个“民主的、有效的机构”促进西欧各国团结,相互补充,改变西欧国家经济极度虚弱的局面。不久,他又进一步提出在西欧


The Renaissance was a cultural movement that profoundly affected European intellectual life in the early modern period.Its influence affected literature, philosophy, art, politics, science, religion, and other aspects of intellectual inquiry. The Renaissance could be viewed as an attempt by intellectuals to study and improve the secular and worldly, both through the revival of ideas from antiquity, and through novel approaches to thought. Francesco Petrarca was an Italian scholar, poet and one of the earliest Renaissance humanists. Petrarch is often called the "Father of Humanism".He was the first to offer a combination of abstract entities of classical culture and Christian philosophy. Marsilio Ficino was one of the most influential humanist philosophers of the early Italian Renaissance, an astrologer, a reviver of Neoplatonism who was in touch with every major academic thinker and writer of his day, and the first translator of Plato's complete extant works into Latin. Pico della Mirandola was an Italian Renaissance philosopher.he wrote the famous Oration on the Dignity of Man which has been called the "Manifesto of the Renaissance",and a key text of Renaissance humanism Raphael was an Italian painter and architect of the High Renaissance, celebrated for the perfection and grace of his paintings and drawings. Together with Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci, he forms the traditional trinity of great masters of that period. Leonardo da Vinci has often been described as the archetype of the Renaissance man, a man whose unquenchable curiosity was equaled only by his powers of invention. He is widely considered to be one of the greatest painters of all time and perhaps the most diversely talented person ever to have lived. William Shakespeare was an English poet and playwright, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's pre-eminent dramatist.Shakespeare's work has made a lasting impression on later theatre and literature. Michelangelo, was an Italian Renaissance painter, sculptor, architect, poet, and engineer. he is often considered a contender for the title of the archetypal Renaissance man, along with his rival and fellow Italian, Leonardo da Vinci. The Protestant Reformation also called the Protestant Revolt or simply The Reformation, was the European Christian reform movement that established Protestantism as a constituent branch of contemporary Christianity. It was led by Martin Luther, John Calvin and other Protestants. Martin Luther was a German priest and professor of theology who initiated the Protestant Reformation. Luther's influence spread across northern and eastern Europe and his fame made Wittenberg an intellectual centre. John Calvin was an influential French theologian and pastor during the Protestant Reformation. He was a principal figure in the development of the system of Christian theology later called Calvinism. The Scientific Revolution was a period when new ideas in physics, astronomy, biology, human anatomy, chemistry, and other sciences led to a rejection of doctrines that had prevailed starting in Ancient Greece and continuing through the Middle Ages, and laid the foundation of modern science.The science of the late renaissance was significant in establishing a base for modern science. Nicolaus Copernicus was a Renaissance astronomer and the first person to formulate a comprehensive heliocentric cosmology, which displaced the Earth from the center of the universe.


《西方文化概论》复习题(本部) 练习题 1、四年一届的(奥林匹亚竞技会)是全希腊最隆重的盛会。 2、(浪漫主义)主义的基本特点就是,用自由和美感来代替义务和功利,用情感的权威来代替理性的权威,用个人的立场来代替国家的立场。 3、卢梭的小说(新爱洛伊丝)是浪漫主义的典范,在这本书中,卢梭第一次把真挚炽热的情感凌驾于崇高典雅的荣誉和义务之上。 4、当“哲学之父”(泰勒斯)宣称万物是从水中产生时,他第一次以哲学的方式表达了本原的思想。 5、真正的爱琴文明主要是指(米诺斯文明),它在公元前17—前15世纪达到了鼎盛时期。 6、20世纪初期普朗克的量子论和爱因斯坦的(相对论)揭开了现代物理学革命的序幕。 7、分离主义的政治态度和自由主义的生活信念构成了希腊(城邦)社会的重要特征。 8、莫尔和闵采尔的乌托邦理想成为近代西方(共产主义)理论的思想根源。

9、公元前5世纪,(雅典)成为全希腊的政治、经济和文化的中心,成为希腊各个城邦人们敬仰和向往的圣地。 10、人文主义的精神实质就是(人性的解放),它的目的是 把人们从自然欲望的满足和感性享乐由教士阶层的偷偷摸摸的勾当转变为所有人理直气壮的行为。 11、“基督教的真正父亲”(保罗)构建了基督教的基本教义—“道成肉身”—理论的雏形。 12、基督教在哲学上对应一种(唯心主义)观点,即把精神看得 比物质更加具有根本性。 13、从迈锡尼文明灭亡到希腊城邦文明诞生,中间经历了长达三个世 纪的、所谓的(黑暗时代)或者“英雄时代”。 14、(哥特式)建筑以纤巧华丽的艺术风格和怪诞夸张的浪漫 气质而著称于世,它构成了中世纪基督教文化的标志性成就。15、(《尼西亚信经》)确立了“三位一体”和“基督神人二性联合而互不混淆”的正统教义,并且树立起教会在人间的绝对权威,成为后世基督教世界一致同意的普世宣言。 16、公元前8世纪,当新兴的希腊城邦文化逐渐从“黑暗时代”的 文化废墟中生长出来时,与城邦的殖民化过程相互伴随的文化形式是(系统叙事诗)。 17、笛卡尔在根据无可怀疑的内在经验,确立了他的“(我思故我 在)”的哲学第一原理。 18、1054年在东西教会的大分裂和1071年塞尔柱突阙人对耶路撒冷


Origins of European culture Some time ago I have re-read《The Ancient Greek Myth and Legend》the origins of European culture, and then had a strong interest in the origins of European culture ! When talking about the origins of European culture, it will always be reminiscent of ancient Greek culture. Indeed, Europe is the cultural which can date back to the ancient Greek culture and the Hebrew culture. Here is a simple example on the word "Europa", from the word we can obviously see that ancient Greek culture and European culture are inextricably linked, she used to refer to a princess of the eastern Mediterranean in ancient Phoenicia, Zeus transformed himself into a bull and then brought her to Crete Island. Since then people named her landing continent Europe! And after thousands of years of change and development, the European culture is not just simply the ancient Greek culture and the Hebrew culture’s extending. Today, if you want to have a simple Western culture’s summary, then, it is more inclined to a combination of Greece philosophy, Roman law and Christian morality. It seems complicated, but if we were staging of European history, the result is clear. Who ruled the continent of Europe, who will play a decisive impact on the intrinsic value of European culture. So, Greek philosophy, Roman law and the Christian faith are the three basic components of Western culture. Now, we first take a look at Greek philosophy. Greek philosophy is the origin of Western philosophy, The word "philosophy" comes from the ancient Greek “philo –


欧洲史前文明的发展概述 a long journey into the age of iron 冰川时代/旧石器时代 公元前200万年-公元前1.2万年:大约200万年前,巨大冰盖的交替前进与后退开始了一个漫长的冰川时代,在北半球的大部分地区造成了冷暖循环。几乎与此同时,在温带的非洲,一种被现代学者称为霍玛哈贝利斯的早期人种正在使用石斧、石刀和其他类似工具与自然进行着斗争。这些粗糙的石器工具虽然不断得到改进,但它们在此后的数十万年里一直是这个时代的标志。过了约100万年后,这些旧石器时代的人类已经学会用火来弄熟食物、取暖和驱赶野兽了。也就是在这时,从霍玛哈贝利斯进化而来的直立人,开始向北缓慢地扩散,到了50万年前,他们中的一些人来到了冰川时代的欧洲。 面对着严峻的气候挑战,这些移民进化成尼兰德特人。他们的生理结构非常适合这种寒冷的气候。尼兰德特人生活在有组织的群体中,繁衍了12万年,直到在3万年前彻底被完全意义的现代人--智人--所取代,他们也经常被称为克鲁马努人。 克鲁马努人的起源还不清楚,正如尼兰德特人的最终命运还是个谜一样。实际上,曾有学者认为尼兰德特人进化成克鲁马努人了。但如今的大多数学者认为,智人很可能是起源于中东地区;他们中的一部分从那里迁徙到欧洲,与尼兰德特人杂交并最终进化成一种新的现代欧洲人。 能够肯定的是生存下来的克鲁马努人要比尼兰德特人进化得多。他们

不仅能够制作更精细的石器工具,还创造了精美的艺术品,如左图所示的野牛雕刻。它是1.6万年前刻在一个驯鹿角上的,是一个抛矛器的头。 中/新时期时代 公元前1.3万年--公元前2000年:到了公元前1.2万年,世界气候开始变暖。有了这种相对稳定温暖的环境,早期欧洲人开始居住在固定的定居点里。公元前1万年左右中东地区开始出现农业,他进一步刺激了社会的发展。到了公元前7000年左右,欧洲农民们开始开辟土地,种植庄稼,收获的粮食可以常年储存。这种长期的食物储备可以使相对大量的人口永久居住在一个地方,而不是为了寻找食物进行季节性的迁徙。这种变化还导致社会上出现了等级划分,产生了酋长、商人、工匠和农民等不同阶层。 公元前4000年以后,犁的出现使农业的规模更大,欧洲社会的大部分地区已经以种植和饲养牲畜为主要的生活方式。在此后的几个世纪里,欧洲大陆又由于铜的使用而发生巨变,这种金属在工具制造和装饰品制造中有更好的延展性。这一时期还出现了有轮车辆,大宗货物可以长途运输到较远的地方。 此外,在这一时期欧洲人还开始建立气势宏伟、经久不衰的纪念碑。悬石阵至今仍然屹立在英格兰南部的索尔兹伯里平原上,堪称是其中最有气势的代表。到了公元前3000年,成千上万的巨石沿着大西洋


Ziggurat Ziggurats were built by the Sumerians, Babylonians, Elamites, Akkadians, and Assyrians for local religions. Each ziggurat was part of a temple complex which included other buildings. The precursors of the ziggurat were raised platforms that date from the Ubaid period during the fourth millennium BC. The earliest ziggurats began near the end of the Early Dynastic Period. The latest Mesopotamian ziggurats date from the 6th century BC. The Code of Hammurabi The Code of Hammurabi is a well-preserved Babylonian law code of ancient Mesopotamia, dating back to about 1754 BC. It is one of the oldest deciphered writings of significant length in the world. The sixth Babylonian king,Hammurabi, enacted this code. The Code adjust"an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth" as graded depending on social status. Alexander the Great He was a King of the Ancient Greek kingdom of Macedon, member of the Argead dynasty. Born in Pella in 356 BC. He spent most of his ruling years on an unprecedented military campaign through Asia and northeast Africa, until by the age of thirty he had created one of the largest empires of the ancient world, stretching from Greece to Egypt and into northwest ancient India. He was undefeated in battle and is considered one of history's most successful military commanders. Hippocrates Hippocrates was an ancient Greek physician of the Age of Pericles. And he is considered one of the most outstanding figures in the history of medicine. He is referred to as the father of western medicine in recognition of his contributions that found the Hippocratic School of Medicine. This intellectual school revolutionized medicine in ancient Greece, establishing it as a discipline distinct from other fields that it had traditionally been associated with theurgy and philosophy, thus establishing medicine as a profession.
