



preschool education 学前教育

higher education 高等教育

online education 网络教学

academic community 高等教育界;学术界

foster the students’ ability to study on their own 培养学生的自学能力

to major in sth. 以……为专业

take / sit an exam 参加考试

pass / fail an exam 通过考试/考试不及格

repeat a year 留级

test a skill 测试某种技能


hack into 潜入/侵入

cybercrime/cyberfraud 网络犯罪/诈骗

artificial intelligence 人工智能

technological advance 技术进步

genetics 遗传学

genetic engineering 基因工程

clone 克隆

growth hormones 长高激素

transgenic food 转基因食品

gene transformed food 基因改良食品


give incentive to 鼓励

bring vigor into 输入活力

exercise macro control 进行宏观调控

optimize the economic structure 优化经济结构

improve economic environment 改善经济环境

effectively control inflation 有效地控制通货膨胀

liberate / release the productive forces 解放生产力

a blind alley 死胡同;没前途的职业(或局势等)

circulating capital / working capital 流动资本

available capital 可用资产

allocation of funds 资金分配

allowance / grant / subsidy 补贴,补助金,津贴

be saddled with 使负担

economic doldrums 经济低迷

be annexed or forced out of business 被兼并或被挤掉卫生健康

knock down 击倒

knock out 击昏

square off/square up 摆好架势

wrestling 摔跤

chronic/acute disease 慢/急性病

occupational disease 职业病

sanitary environment 卫生环境

adjustment disorders 心理适应失常

memory disorder 记忆障碍

mental disorder 精神障碍

mental retardation 智力迟钝,智障

mood disorders 情绪异常

benign/malignant tumor 良性/恶性肿瘤

prescribe/write out a prescription 开处方

adverse effect/reaction 不良反应

disposable devices 一次性使用器具


to practice family planning 实施计划生育

empty nest syndrome 空巢综合症

close/harmonious relationship 亲密/和谐的关系

to hold/control the purse strings 掌握财权, 掌管钱财for more specialized work 为从事更专业性的工作

for the prospect of promotion 为晋升的前途

for wider experience 为扩大工作经验

job satisfaction 工作的成就感,工作的满意度

adaptable 适应性强的

aggressive 有进取心的

analytical 善于分析的

aspiring 有志气的,有抱负的

candid 正直的

competent 能胜任的

conscientious 认真的,自觉的


renewable resources 可再生资源

nonrenewable resources 不可再生资源

develop renewable resources 开发可再生资源

slow down the rate of resource degradation 降低资源消耗率

resource conservation 资源保护

mineral resources 矿产资源

environmental degradation 环境恶化

uncontrolled urbanization 城市化失控

discharge industrial pollutants排放工业污染物

industrial solid wastes 工业固体废物

rate of deforestation 森林砍伐率

nature conservation 自然保护

environmental planning 环境规划

raise environmental awareness amongst the general public 提高全民环保意识

curb environmental pollution / bring the pollution under control 治理环境污染


public morals / morality 社会风气/公德

public spirited 有公德心的

appeal to the public to do sth. 向公众呼吁做某事

educate the public in… 在……方面教育公众

disregard the public rules 无视公共规章

comply with / observe / obey the law 遵守法纪

comply with public morality 遵守公德

offend against the law 违法

break / violate public regulations 违反公共规章

make and rigidly enforce the law 立法并严格执法

industrialization 工业化

urbanization 城市化

income gap further widened 收入差距进一步扩大

aggravate social contradictions 加剧社会矛盾

long term difficulty in employment 长期的就业难问题

labor demand and supply 劳动力供求

anti corruption 反腐败

be plagued with environmental problems 被环境问题所困扰hamper overall economic development 妨碍总体经济发展


1.同意(某人) 2.对…意见一致(事情) 3.同意去做 4.全世界(2种) 5.一位八岁的男孩 6.看起来一样 7.向某人说再见 8.希望去做某事 9.祝愿某人成功 10.五米高 11.在二月十四日 12.在中秋节那天 13.去看电影(3种) 14.照顾(2种) 15.上网 16.健康的生活方式 17.去滑板 18.锻炼()4种 19.饮食习惯 20.做更多的越动 21.与什么相同 22.一月一次 23.吃药一天两次 24.与…不同 25.一周两次 26.对什么有好处 27.多久一次 28.大多数学生 29.购物 30.至于 31.活动调查的结果 32.组家务(2种) 33.吃更少的肉 34.垃圾食物 35.对什么有害 36.与某人相处的好(3种) 37.想做某事 38.想某人做某事 39.尽量做某事40.放学回家 41.当然 42.取的好成绩 43.一些建议 44.帮助某人做某事 45.许多蔬菜 46.保持健康(4种) 47.感冒(2种) 48.背痛(2种) 49.并驾齐驱 50.我胃疼 51.怎麽了?(4种) 52.咽喉痛 53.躺下休息 54.口渴 55.做某事有麻烦(2种) 56.看牙医 57.多喝水 58.加蜂蜜的热茶 59.好主意 60.太糟糕了 61.我认为如此 62.我觉得不太舒服 63.有压力 64.一些建议(2种) 65.采纳某人的建议(2种) 66.我不知道该什么做(2种) 67.听说 68.收到某人的来信(2种) 69.听到某人做某事 70.在一些西方国家 71.生某人的气(2种) 72.坏的饮食习惯 73.健康的生活方式 74.擅长做某事(2种) 75.在某方面弱 76.传统中医 77.阴阳调和 78.你阴气太盛 79.保持饮食平衡 80.健康食品 81.玩得高兴(3种) 82.(名词)喜欢某物 83.喜欢做某事 84.练习做某事 85.建议做某事 86.完成某事 87.放弃做某事 88.忍不住做某事 89.等不及做某事 90.坚持做某事 91.此刻 92.东道家庭 93.会话练习 94.听到此事我很难过 95.照顾妹妹 96.看望奶奶 97.和朋友在一起度过时光 98.看望表弟 99.去运动野营 100.去海滩 101.去野营 102.去买东西 103.去游泳 104.去划船 105.去溜冰 106.去散步 107.去登山 108.去跳舞 109.去徒步远足 110.去观光 111.骑自行车旅行 112.买东西(2种) 113.洗衣服(2种) 114.一些不同点 115.读书(2种) 116.练习英语口语 117.取的好成绩


大学英语专八200高频词汇整理一 1. Babble:v. 含糊不清地说胡言乱语地说The babies babbled as they played. 婴孩们一边玩一边咿咿呀呀地学说话。 2. Baffle:v. 使困惑,使难倒,使受挫 The question baffled me completely and I couldn‘t answer it. 这个问题把我彻底难倒了,我答不出来。 3. Baleful:a. 凶恶的,有害的 The robber gave me a baleful look. 那强盗用威胁的眼光看着我。 4. Balk:v. 犹豫不决,举棋不定 I wanted to buy the dress,but I balked at the high price. 我本想买这件连衣裙,但一看价钱太高就犹豫了。 5. Badger:v. 缠着,问个没完 The children badgered me into taking them to the cinema. 孩子们吵着要我带他们去看电影。 6. Ballast:n.压载物,压舱物v. 给……装压舱物 7. Ballistics:n. (有关枪炮发射的)弹道学 8. Balm:n.护肤膏;香膏 Lip balm润唇膏 9. Balustrade:n. 栏杆,扶栏 She leaned over the balustrade and shouted to the man downstairs. 她俯身在阳台栏杆上对楼下的人们喊着。 10. Banal:陈旧的;平庸的;乏味的 Making banal remarks was one of his bad habits. 他的坏习惯之一就是喜欢说些陈词滥调。大学英语专八200高频词汇整理二 1.Cabaret:n.(餐厅、夜总会等的)歌舞表演 That nightclub has a good reputation for its cabaret. 那家夜总会的歌舞表演十分有名。 2.Cache:n.藏物处;(电脑)快速缓冲贮存区v.藏匿,贮藏,躲藏 Police discovered a cache of weapons in the room. 警方在房间里发现了一批隐藏的武器。


2018年高考英语试题分类汇编单词短语辨析 1.【2018·北京】14. —Good morning, Mr. Lee’s office. —Good morning. I’d like to make an appointment _________ next Wednesday afternoon. A. for B. on C. in D. at 【答案】A 【解析】考查介词。句意:——早上好,Lee先生办公室。——早上好。我想预约下周三下午(和Mr. Lee见面)。make an appointment for意为“为……预约”,是固定搭配,故A选项正确。 拓展:make an appointment with sb.和某人预约;make an appointment for为……预约。 2.【2018·天津】11. Bob thought he couldn't go to the party because he had to write a report, but he went ___________. A. at first B. after all C. above all D. at random 【答案】B 拓展:本题侧重考查在特定的语境中辨析短语的能力。对于短语而言,没有捷径可言,只有老老实实的记忆。考生除了要充分利用特定语境理解词义,还需要重点关注他们用法上的区别。 3.【2018·天津】8. It took him a long time to___________ the skills he needed to become a good dancer. A. display B. acquire C. teach D. test 【答案】B 【解析】考查动词词义辨析及语境理解。句意:他花了很长时间才获得了成为一名优秀舞蹈家所需的技能。A display显示;B. acquire获得;C. teach教;D. test测试。故选B。 拓展:本题考查动词辨析。动词和动词短语的考查是高考重点考查的知识点,解题时要区分清选择项的含义与区别,再联系句意进行判断,从而选出正确答案。 4.【2018·天津】6. The__________ that there is life on other planets in the universe has always inspired scientists to explore the outer space.


八年级上英语短语集锦 Unit1. 1.短语听写 1.呆在家里stayathome 2.去纽约城gotoNewYorkCity 3.看望祖父母visitgrandparents 4.去夏令营gotosummercamp 5.去山里gotothemountains 6.去海滩gotothebeach 7.参观博物馆visitmuseums 8.和...去...gowith... 9.买特殊的东西buysthspecial 10.遇见有趣的人meetsomeoneinteresting 11.备考studyfortests 12.某个有趣的地方somewhereinteresting 13.相当多的quiteafew 14.去度假goonvacation 15.在度假beonvacation 16.无事可做havenothingtodo\nothingmuch 17.看起来似乎无聊seemtobebored 18.记日记keepadiary 19.给某人买东西buysbsth\buysthforsb 20.到达\抵达arrivein\at=getto=reach 21.决定做...decidetodo 22.感觉像feellike 23.在过去inthepast 24.直走到顶端walkuptothetop 25.开始做...startdoing\todo 26.因为...becauseof 27.足够的钱enoughmoney 28.一碗米饭abowlofrice 29.尝起来好吃tastegood 30.忘记做...forgettodo 31.山顶thetopofthehill 32.再2个小时another2hours\2morehours 33.天安门广场Tian’anmenSquare 34.故宫thePalaceMuseum 35.带回来bringbacksth 36.坚持做...keepdoing 37.如此...以至于so...that 39.太...而不能too...to 40.至于asfor Unit2 短语听写: 1.多久一次howoften 2.帮助做家务helpwithhousework 3.几乎不hardly\hardlyever 4.购物goshopping/gototheshop/gotothemall 5.看电影gotothemovie 6.每周一次onceaweek 7.每周两次twiceaweek 8.每周三次threetimesaweek 9.使用因特网usetheInternet 10.看英语书readEnglishbooks 11.最喜爱的节目favoriteprogram 12.空闲befree 13.十分忙bequitefull 14.什么种类的舞蹈whatkindofdance 15.上钢琴课take\havepianolessons 16.看电影gothemovies\seeafilm 17.熬夜stayup 18.至少atleast 19.有利于…begoodfor 20.好习惯goodhabits 21.健康的食物healthfood 22.垃圾食品junkfood 23.空闲时间freetime 24.百分之十伍fifteenpercentof 25.一点也不not...atall 26….的答案theanswerto 27.比赛节目gameshows 28.最好的方法thebestway 29.例如forexample\asfor 30.度过时光spendtime 31.一个一十六岁的高中生 asixteen-year-oldhighschoolstudent 32.看牙医seeadentist 33.害怕beafraid 34.害怕…beafraidof 35.害怕做…beafraidofdoing 36.健康习惯healthhabits 37.不要着急Don’tworry. 38.想让...做wantsbtodo Unit3 短语听写: 1.跑得快runfast 2.跳得高jumphigh 3.起得早getupearly 4.和...一样as…as 5.唱歌比赛thesingingcompetition 6.比...好betterthan 7.想要赢wanttowin 8.某个新事somethingnew 9.有趣havefun 10.更外向moreoutgoing 11.比较努力workharder 12.两年以前twoyearsago 13.很酷的衣服coolclothes 14.和...一样thesameas 15.擅长begoodat 16.关心careabout/for 17.使某人笑makesblaugh 18.使得某人...makesbadj


新人教版八年级上册英语单词表 Unit1 Where did you go on vacation? 1.anyone ['eniw?n] pron.任何人 2.anywhere ['eniwe?(r)] adv.任何地方n.任何(一个)地方 3.wonderful ['w?nd?fl] adj.精彩的;极好的 4.few [fju?] adj.很少的;n.少量 5.most [m??st] adj.最多的;大多数的; 6.something ['s?mθ??] pron.某事物; 7.nothing(=not…anything) ['n?θ??] pron.没有什么n.没有 8.myself [ma?'self] pron.我自己 9.everyone ['evriw?n] pron.每人;人人 10.yourself [j??'self] pron.你自己;你亲自 11.hen [hen] n.母鸡;雌禽 12.bored [b??d] adj.无聊的;厌烦的;郁闷的 13.pig n.猪 14.diary ['da??ri] n.日记;日记簿(keep a diary) 15.seem [si?m] vi.似乎;好像 16.someone ['s?mw?n] pron.某人;有人 17.quite a few相当多;不少(后接可数名词) 18.of course [?vk??s] 当然 19.activity [?k't?v?ti] n.活动;活跃 20.decide [d?'sa?d] v.决定;选定(decide to do sth.) 21.try [tra?] v.尝试;设法;努力(try to do sth. /try doing sth.) 22.bird [b??d] n.鸟;禽 23.paragliding ['p?r?ɡla?d??] n.空中滑翔跳伞 24.bicycle ['ba?s?kl] n.自行车 25.building ['b?ld??] n.建筑物 26.trader ['tre?d?(r)] n.商人;商船 27.wonder ['w?nd?(r)] v.惊奇;想知道;怀疑 28.difference ['d?fr?ns] n.差异;不同 29.top [t?p] n.顶部;顶 30.wait [we?t] v.等;等待(wait for) 31.umbrella [?m'brel?] n.伞;雨伞 32.wet [wet] adj.湿的;雨天的 33.below [b?'l??] prep.低于;在...下面adv.在下面 34.as [?z] conj.如同;像...一样 35.enough [?'n?f] adj.足够的adv.足够地;充分地 36.duck [d?k] n.鸭肉;鸭 37.hungry(反full) ['h??ɡri] adj.饥饿的;渴望的 38.feel like(doing sth.)想要 39.dislike [d?s'la?k] v.不喜欢;厌恶n.不喜爱;厌恶;反感 40.because of因为;由于 41.have a good time=enjoy oneself=have fun(doing sth.)玩得痛快 Unit2How often do you exercise? 1.housework ['ha?sw??k] n.家务劳动


1天10个英语专八核心词汇: T开头的单词(完结篇) 1.tutelage:n. 1. 保护,监护,守护 2. 指导,教导 He made good progress under her tutelage.(他在她的教导下进步很大。) 2.twitch:n. & v. 痉挛,抽搐 The child's mouthtwitched as if she were about to cry.(这小孩的嘴抽动着, 像是要哭。) 3.typographical:a. 印刷上的 4.typography:n. 活版印刷,排字及印刷 5.tyrannize:v. 虐待,施行暴政 He tyrannizes his family.(他在家里称王称霸.) 普通词汇 1.shriek:v. 尖叫n. 尖叫声 They were allshrieking with laughter.(他们都发出了尖锐的笑声。) 2.shrimp:n. 1. 小虾2. 矮小的人 3.shutter:n. 1.(照相机的)快门2. 百叶窗 4.signet:n. 图章,私章 5.silicon:n. 硅 6.silt:n. 淤泥 7.simmer:v. 1. 炖,煨2. 充满(难以控制的怒火等)3.(指争吵、争辩等)处于即将爆发的状态 Papa had been quietly simmering over the situation for years.(爸爸对这种状况早有不满。)8.simpleton:n. 傻瓜,笨蛋 9.simulate:v. 1. 假装,冒充2.模拟,模仿 A sheet of metal was shaken to simulate the noise of thunder.(猛力抖动金属片以模仿雷声。) 10.simultaneous:a. 同时发生的 The two simultaneous shots sounded like one.(那同时发出的两声枪响听起来像是一响。) P开头的单词(8) 1.pounce:v. 猛扑,忽然攫住 pounce on 急忙抓住 2.precipitate:v. 1. 使突然发生2. 猛然抛下 2. 使沉淀n. 沉淀物 Falling sales precipitated the failure of the company.(销售额下降促使该公司倒闭。) 3.preclude:v. 阻止,排除 We try to preclude any possibility of misunderstanding.(我们努力排除任何误解的可能性。) 4.predicament:n. 困境,穷途 5.premature:a. 1. 提前的2. 早熟的3.仓促的 A fire caused the premature closing of the exhibition.(火灾迫使展览会提前结束。) 6.prenatal:a. 出生前的,胎儿期的 7.prerequisite:n. 先决条件,前提 8.presidium:n. 常务委员会,主席团 9.pretentious:a. 1. 自负的2. 做作的 It sounds a bit pretentious.(这听上去有些狂妄。)


必背02 高考常考动词短语1.add up to加起来是……;表示 add to增加;加入,加到 add...to...把……加到……上 add up加起来 add that...补充说…… 2.can’t bear doing/to do sth.不能忍受做某事 can’t bear sb./sb.’s doing/to do sth.不能忍受某人做某事bear a heavy burden肩负重担 bear responsibility/the blame承担责任/受责备 3.break out爆发 break in打断;破门而入 break into闯入;强行闯入 break away from脱离 break down (机器、车辆)出毛病;摧毁;分解 break through突破 break off折断;中断;突然停止 break up解散;破碎 4.bring up培养;抚养;教育;提出;呕吐 bring about引起;产生;导致;带来 bring sth. back归还;使想起某事 bring down带下,运下,搬下;使倒下;使倒台;使降低 bring in引入;赚(钱) 5.call on拜访(某人);号召 call at停靠;(短时间)访问 call for需要;要求;邀请;提倡 call in召集;召来 call up给……打电话;召集;使想起 6.come along跟着来;快点 come out出来;出版

come true实现 come back to life苏醒过来 come to the point说到要点,触及问题实质 come about发生,造成 come across偶遇 come to light为人所知,显露 come up走近;上升;被提出 come on快点;开始 come over过来 come up with提出;想出 7.come into use开始被使用 come into sight/view出现在眼前;映入眼帘 come into power/office就职,上台执政 come into existence开始存在;形成 come into effect/force/operation开始生效/执行/实施8.cut down削减;砍倒 cut in插嘴;超车;插入 cut up切碎;抨击 cut out删除 cut through刺穿;抄近路走过 cut off切断;中断;使死亡 9.die out灭亡;逐渐消失 die away (声音、光线等)逐渐消失 die of/from因……而死 die down减弱;平息 die off相继死亡 be dying for很想要;渴望 be dying to do sth.极想做某事 10.come to an end结束 put/bring sth.to an end结束……


新人教版八年级英语(上)重点单词短语句子归纳 Unit1 Where did you go on vacation? 一、重点短语 1.去度假go on vacation 2.待在家里stay at home 3.去爬山go to the mountains 4.去海滩go to the beach 5.参观博物馆visit museums 6.去参观夏令营go to summer camp 7.相当多quite a few 8.为……而学习study for 9.出去go out 10.大部分时间most of the time 11.尝起来很好吃taste good 12.玩得高兴have a good time 13.当然of course 14.给……的感觉;感受到feel like 15.去购物go shopping 16. 在过去in the past 17.四处走走walk around 18.因为because of 19.一碗……one bowl of…20.第二天the next day 21.喝茶drink tea 22.找出;查明find out 23.继续go on 24.照相take photos 25.重要的事something important 26.上上下下up and down 27.出来come up 二、重点句型及考点 1. 为某人买某物buy sth. for sb. / buy sb. sth. 2. 尝起来……taste + adj. 3. 看起来……look+ adj. 4. 除了……之外什么都没有nothing…but+动词原形 5.看起来……seem+(to be)+ adj. 6. 到达某地arrive in+大地点/ arrive at+小地点 7. 决定去做某事decide to do sth. 8. 尝试做某事try doing sth . 尽力去做某事try to do sth. 9. 忘记做过某事forget doing sth. 忘记做某事forget to do sth. 10. 喜欢做某事enjoy doing sth. 11. 想去做某事want to do sth. 12. 开始做某事start doing sth. 13. 停止做某事stop doing sth. 14. 不喜欢做某事dislike doing sth. 15. 继续做某事keep doing sth. 16. 为什么不做……呢?Why not do. sth.? 17. 如此……以至于……so+adj.+that+从句18. 告诉某人(不要)做某事tell sb. (not) to do sth Unit 2 How often do you exercise? 一、根据汉语写短语。 1. 多久一次how often 2. 几乎不hardly ever 3. 至少;不少于at least 4. 摇摆舞swing dance 5. 垃圾食品junk food 6. 多少how many 7. 例如;像……这样such as 8. 少于less than 9. 百分之十五fifteen percent 10. 上网go online 11. 对……有好处be good for 12. 多余more than 13. 看电视watch TV 14. 许多好习惯a lot of good habits 15. 去看牙医go to the dentist 16. 一周一两次once or twice a week 二、根据所给英语翻译句子。 1. ---你周末通常都干些什么?---我总是锻炼。(weekend; exercise) ---What do you usually do on weekends? ---I always exercise. 2. 他们经常帮忙做家务。(housework) They often help with housework. 3. ---他多久看一次电视?---他几乎不看电视。(how often) ---How often does he watch TV. --- He hardly ever watches TV.


时间:2008-10-10 09:07 | 分类:学习笔记- 英语知识 主题:专八高频词汇100个 1. abide by(=be faithful to ; obey)忠于;遵守。 2. be absent from…. 缺席,不在 3. absence or mind(=being absent-minded) 心不在焉 4. absorb(=take up the attention of)吸引…的注意力(被动语态):be absorbed in 全神贯注于…近:be engrossed in ; be lost in ; be rapt in ;be concentrated on ; be focused on ; be centered on 5. (be) abundant in(be rich in; be well supplied with) 富于,富有 6. access(to) (不可数名词) 能接近,进入,了解 7. by accident(=by chance, accidentally)偶然地,意外. Without accident(=safely) 安全地, 8. of one’s own accord(=without being asked; willingly; freely)自愿地,主动地 9. in accord with 与…一致/ out of one’s accord with 同….不一致 10. with one accord (=with everybody agreeing)一致地 11. in accordance with (=in agreement with) 依照,根据 12. on one’s own account 1) 为了某人的缘故, 为了某人自己的利益 2) (=at one’s own risk) 自行负责 3) (=by oneself)依靠自己


. 2018高考英语必备短语大全 live on 继续存在,继续生存 by means of … 用……办法,借助…… make a life 习惯于新的生活方式、工作等 keep up 坚持,维持,沿袭(风俗、传统等) back to back 背靠背 team up with 与……合作或一起工作 mark out 画线,标出……界线 take in 包括,吸收 a great/good many 许多,很多 apply for 申请,请示得到 pay off 得到好结果,取得成功,偿清 cast down 沮丧,不愉快 in favour of 赞成,支持 (be) bound to (do)… 一定或注定(做)…… strike …into one ‘s heart 使……刻骨铭心 bring back to life 使复生,使复活 in vain 白费力气,枉费心机 in good/pool condition 状况很好(坏) (坏) ring up 给……打电话 now and then 偶尔,有时 set about 开始,着手 dive into 迅速把手伸入,一心投入 set out (to do) 开始(做) hang on 不挂断,稍等,紧紧握住 out of order 次序颠倒,发生故障 get through 设法联系上(设法)做完,通过 ring back 回复电话 ring off 挂断电话 make one ’s acquaintance 结识,与……相见 generally speaking 一般来说 in terms of … 就……来说,从……角度 show …in 带或领……进来 once more 再一次 in need of 需要…… regardless of 不管,不顾 at most 至多,最多 cut up 切碎 fed up with 受够了,饱受,厌烦 look ahead 向前看,为将来打算 date back 追溯到….. in other words 换句话说 adapt to 适合 cut out 切去,省略,停止(做某事) out of breath 上气不接下气 all in all 总而言之 sit around 闲坐着 as well as 和,也 in many ways 在很多方面 make fun of 取笑 never mind 不必担心 all the best (口语)(祝你)一切顺利 meet with 遇到,经历,会晤 test out 试验,考验 ring up 给……打电话 turn around 转向,回转 leave …alone 不管,别惹,让……一个人待着 set aside 将……放在一边,为……节省(钱或时间)


八年级上册英语短语句 型集锦 集团标准化小组:[VVOPPT-JOPP28-JPPTL98-LOPPNN]

新目标英语八年级上各个单元重点词组与句型归纳Unit1 1. go to the movies=go to the cinema =see a film 看电影 2. look after=take care of = babysit 照顾 3. surf the Internet 上网 4. healthy lifestyle 健康的生活方式 5. go skateboarding 去划板 6. (be) in good health =(be)healthy身体健康 7. keep / stay healthy=keep / stay in good health 保持健康 8. as for至于 9. take/do exercise = play/ do sports锻炼,做运动 10. eating habits 饮食习惯 11. be the same as 与……相同 12. once a month一月一次 13. be different from 不同 14. twice a week一周两次 15. make a difference to 对什么有影响 16. how often 多久一次 17. hardly ever几乎不 18. most of the students=most students大多数学生 19. activity survey活动调查 20. go shopping=do some shopping 购物 21. do homework做家庭作业 22. do housework做家务事 23. junk food垃圾食物 24. be good/bad for 对……有益(害)be good at 擅长be good to 对某人友好be good with 与某人相处融洽 25. on/at weekends 在周末 26. want to do sth. = would like to do sth.= feel like doing sth. 想要做某事 27. want sb. to do sth.= would like sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事 28. try to do sth 尽量做某事 try doing sth.试着做某 try one`s best to do sth.尽力做某事 29. come home from school放学回家 30. of course= certainly= sure当然 31. get good grades取得好成绩 32. help sb. ( to )do sth. 帮助某人做某事, 33. help sb. with sth. 在某方面帮助某人 34. a lot of = lots of = many + 可数名词。许多,大量的 35. a lot of =lots of= much + 不可数名词许多,大量的 36. the results of … ……的结果 37. a healthy lifestyle 健康的生活方式 38. two or three times a week 一周两三次39. a healthy habit 一个健康的习惯 40. kind of unhealthy 有点不健康 41. How often do you exercise 42. What`s your favorite program 43. Good food and exercise help me to study better . 44. How many hours do you sleep every night Unit 2 1. have/ catch a cold = have got a cold 感冒 2. have a sore throat = have a pain in one`s throat 咽喉痛 3. have a stomachache = have a sore stomach = have a pain in one`s stomach胃痛 4. lie down and rest 躺下休息 5. see a dentist 看牙医 6. drink lots of water 多喝水 7. drink hot tea with honey 喝加蜂蜜的热茶 8. That sounds like a good idea. 听起来像个好主意. 9. stressed out 紧张,有压力感, 10. traditional Chinese doctors传统中医 11. a balance of yin and yang阴阳平衡 12. too much yin 阴气过盛 13. a balanced diet饮食平衡 14. healthy/yin/yang food 健康(阴性,阳性)食品 15. at the moment = now 此刻 16. enjoy oneself = have a good time = have fun = have a wonderful time 玩得高兴,过得愉快 18. host family 寄宿家庭 19. conversation practice会话练习 20. enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事, like doing sth 喜欢做某事, practice doing sth. 练习做某事, mind doing sth. 介意做某事, finish doing sth. 完成某事, give up doing sth. 放弃做某事, keep doing sth. 坚持做某事. can`t stand doing sth.忍不住做某事 have fun doing sth. 做某事很愉快 即:practice, mind, finish, give up, keep, can`t stand, have fun等与enjoy用法相似。 21. It`s + adj. + (for sb.) + to do sth. 对某人来说做某事怎么样。 22. have a lot of headaches. 经常头痛。 23.What`s the matter(with Gina)(蒂娜)怎么啦? 24.Maybe you should see a dentist.也许你该看看牙医。 25.Traditional Chinese doctors believe we need a balance of yin and yang to be healthy.传统中医认为,保持身体健康需要体内阴阳二气的平衡。26.You should eat hot yang foods, like beef .


新版人教版八年级上册英语单词表 Unit 1Where did you go on vacation? 3)_______________ adj.精彩的;极好的 4)_______________f adj.很少的;n.少量 5)________________adj.最多的;绝大部分的; 6)_______________pron.某事物; 7)_______________pron.没有什么n.没有 8)_________________pron.我自己 9)__________________pron.每人;人人 10) _________________pron.你自己;你亲自 11)__________________n.母鸡;雌禽 12)_______________adj.无聊的;厌烦的;郁闷的 13)__________________n.猪 14)____________n.日记;日记簿(keep a diary) 15)__________________vi.似乎;好像 16)__________________pron.某人;有人 17)__________________相当多(后接可数名词) 18)__________________当然 19)__________________n.活动;活跃 20)__________________v.决定;选定 21)___________________v.尝试;设法;努力 22)_________________.鸟;禽 23)__________________n.空中滑翔跳伞 24)__________________n.自行车 25)___________________n.建筑物 26)__________________n.商人;商船 27)__________________v.惊奇;想知道;怀疑 28)___________________n.差异;不同 29)____________________n.顶部;顶 30)____________________v.等;等待(wait for) 31)____________________n.伞;雨伞 32)_________________adj.湿的;雨天的 33)________________prep.在...下面adv.在下面 34)__________________conj.如同;像...一样 35)__________________adj.充足的adv.充足地 36)___________________n.鸭肉;鸭 37)__________________adj.饥饿的;渴望的 38)___________________v.想要 39)________________v.不喜欢;厌恶n.不喜爱 40)___________________因为;因为 41)___________________玩得痛快 Unit 2How often do you exercise? 1)________________n.家务劳动 2)____________adv.几乎不;简直不;刚刚 3)______________adv.以前;在任何时候 4)________________adv.一次;以前 5)________________adv.两倍;两次 6)________________n.因特网 7)_______________n.节目;程序;课程;节目单8)________________adj.满的;充满的;完全的 9)________________n.摇摆;秋千v.摇摆;旋转 10)________________adv.或许;也许;可能 11)________________摇摆舞 12)________________adj.最小的;最少的 13)________________至少 14)________________很少;几乎从不;难得 15)________________n.垃圾;废旧杂物 16)________________ n.咖啡;咖啡色 17)____________n.健康;人的身体或精神状态 18)________________结果;后果 19)________________adj.百分之...的 20)________________adj.在线的adv.在线地 21)________________n.电视机;电视节目 22)___________conj.虽然;即使;不过;不过 23)________________prep.穿过;凭借;一直到 24)________________n.身体 25)________________想法;意见;心思 26)________________adj.这样的;如此的 27)________________adv.共同;一起 28)________________v.死;枯竭;消失 29)________________n.作者;作家 30)________________n.牙科医生 31)________________n.杂志 32)___________adv.不过;无论如何;不管多么 33)________________conj.比 34)________________adv.几乎;差不多 35)______________pron.没有人;没有任何东西 36)________________adj.更少的;较少的 37)________________n.看法;重点;分数 38)________________例如;诸如 39)________________n.垃圾食品;无营养食品 40)______________超过;多于;不但仅;非常 41)________________不到;少于 Unit 3 I'm more outgoing than my sister. 1)_________________adj.外向的 2)_________________adj.更好的;较好的 3)____________adv.大声地;高声地;花俏地 4)____________adv.安静地;悄悄地;平静地 5)________________adj.勤勉的;努力工作的 6)_________________n.竞争;比赛 7)_________________adj.极好的;了不起的 8)_________________adj.哪一个;哪一些 9)_________________adv.清楚地;显然地 10)_________________v.赢;获胜n.胜利 11)_________________conj.虽然;即使 12)_________________关心 13)_________________adj.有才能的;有天赋的 14)_________________adv.真实地;真诚地
