

编号200904142009041420 南京航空航天大学金城学院


题目 A Brief Analysis of Knight Spirit

in The Three Musketeers











本人郑重声明:所呈交的毕业设计(论文)(题目:A Brief Analysis of Knight Spirit in The Three Musketeers )是本人在导师的指导下独立进行研究所取得的成果。尽本人所知,除了毕业设计(论文)中特别加以标注引用的内容外,本毕业设计(论文)不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写的成果作品。





First of all, I would like to extend the earnest thanks to my supervisor, Lecturer Zhu Juanjuan, for her continuing assistance and patient supervision; her heartfelt encouragement and valuable advice have been a strong support i n my thesis making. I’ve learned a lot from her. Without her help, I could not have finished my present thesis successfully.

Second, I am grateful to the professors and teachers at the English Department in Jincheng College of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, who have offered me informative and enlightening courses in the past few years.

My thanks also go to my classmates and friends who have given me persistent encouragement and confidence in my thesis making.

Finally, I sincerely wish to thank my family and relative for their love and all-out support in making this thesis.


Table of Contents

Abstract (i)

摘要 ......................................................................................................................... i i Introduction . (1)

I. A Brief Introduction to The Three Musketeers and Knight Spirit (4)

A. The Three Musketeers (4)

B. Knight Spirit (5)

II. The Knight Spirit of the Four Main Characters in The Three Musketeers (6)

A. The Embodiment of Athos (6)

B. The Embodiment of Aramis (6)

C. The Embodiment of Porthos (7)

D. The Embodiment of D’Artagnan (8)

III. The Essence of Knight Spirit in Europe (10)

A. The Background of Its Emergence (10)

B. The Essence of Knight Spirit (11)

IV. The Influence of Knight Spirit upon Europe (12)

Conclusion (13)

References (14)


A Brief Analysis of Knight Spirit

in The Three Musketeers


The Three Musketeers is one of the representative works of the romantic French writer—Alexandre Dumas in the 19th century. It’s about an ordinary young man named D’Artagnan who aspires to join the army in Paris, and becomes good friends with other three musketeers, Athos, Aramis and Porthos. In order to protect the reputation of the Queen Anne, they fight against the cardinal Richelieu and go to Britain to collect the Queen’s diamonds which have been given to the duke Buckingham. Finally they foil Richelieu’s scheme and save the King and Queen.

This paper consists of four parts. The first part mainly introduces the author, the story of the three musketeers and the connotation of knight spirit. The second part respectively tells the embodiment of knight spirit in the four main characters. The third part analyzes the essence, background of knight spirit. The fourth part states the influence of knight spirit exerted on European people’s national characters and the profound lasting effect on modern western life now. Through analyzing, it comes to the conclusion that knight spirit can be generally concluded to bravery, loyalty, generosity, with honor as its core. It is virtually an aspect of the knight system. Finally, the author finds out the vanity of knights. But it is undeniable that knight spirit plays an important role in western history and gradually evolves into gentleman manners, which still affects modern life.

Key Words:The Three Musketeer; knight spirit; gentleman; national character







A Brief Analysis of Knight Spirit

in The Three Musketeers


The Three Musketeer s was written in 1844 by Alexandre Dumas. It is one of the few works which praises male friendship in literature history. Athos, Porthos, Aramis and D’Artagnan are sincere, congenial and cooperated friends. One can even pay the life for another. “All for one, one for all”is their motto. They are symbols of friendship, youth, and bravery. They are the knights walking confirmedly in the wind. Then, the exploration of knight spirit becomes the theme of this thesis. How to express different embodiment in different characters? What are the causes? What is the background? How to view the specific influence on western society in different periods? These are the main topics of this paper research.

Generally, previous study of this work can be classified as several major categories: research on the theme of the work, the comparison of different personalities of the protagonists, language style and feature, the comparison of different translated texts, comparison of chivalrous spirit between China and west, etc. Previous studies focus more on analyzing different personalities of the characters, less involved in knight spirit “a ll for one, one for all”. For instance, both Liu Cuilian (2011: 73) and HuoYanan (2011: 73) put forward on youth D’Artagnan, Alexandre Dumas describes him as a crazy ideal incarnation, not willing to insipid who has a strong heart of career, but is full of justice and kindness.

Domestic research on knight spirit started relatively late. In the 1980s, some scholars became involved in this research field, under the guidance of several papers; for example, Jiang Shouming (1985: 104) published Knight Systems and Knight Spirit, which mainly focused on the definition of related concept of “knight”. Since the 1990s, many scholars published research in the open academic journals. Such as Ni Shiguang (2003) came out Analysis on Knight Spirit from The Song


of Roland. In summary, there are researches from the angle of historiography, from comparison aspect, from a religious point of view to analyze relationship between the religions, from the literature angle. These different perspectives broaden the scope of research in this field and gain a lot of achievements.

The author found that these studies often research from the macroscopic aspect, all those researches recognize knight spirit as a common cultural phenomenon in medieval Europe. Generally those studies put emphasis on its generality, its character; however, the microscopic analysis is not enough. Therefore, this paper will research from the perspective of the novel’s plots, characters, differences of knight spirit in the protagonists, and the lasting influence of knight spirit on the whole western society. Given the social background at that time, a profound symbolic meaning can be explored on the musketeers. At that time, French was in the end stage of revolution with a revolutionary, mutinous and war-torn social order. To think out of the box, it is at the same time French breeds spirits of democracy, freedom and righteousness. How was the state of mind of the French people? Did they behave like the musketeers in pursuit of freedom, justice and friendship? In addition, Dumas’s formula serves his story well. His incorporation gives the French people a story that reassured them about their country’s troubles. Popular literature must be considered on two fronts: aesthetically and socially, as literature and as a popular artifact. The best popular literature, like the work of Alexandre Dumas, supersedes the latter category to come into our minds as a work of literature in its own right.

In this paper, the author will apply specific text analysis, combined with the background of that time in France, in-depth analysis of “a ll for one, one for all” in the four characters of different concrete behavior and the subtle influence on western national character’s development, which plays an important role for the whole western society and the profound lasting effect will also be discussed.

Therefore, this paper will research from the perspective of the novel’s plots and characters to discuss knight spirit in different protagonists and the profound influence on the whole western society. Combined with the background of that time in France, it’s not difficult to see the musketeers embody a deeper symbolic meaning. At that time, France is in the latter period of

freedom and justice crowd into a cry. How about the state of mind of French people at that time? Are they in pursuit of freedom, justice and love like the musketeers? At this background, this paper aims to explore the connation of knight spirit and the role it has played in European history. What’s more, in modern society, we need to call for moral qualities like knight spirit which is disappearing in the present time.

In this paper, the author will apply specific text to analyze the four main characters with their different concrete behavior. In addition, the influence of knight spirit on western national character’s development will also be discussed.


I. A Brief Introduction to The Three Musketeers and Knight Spirit

A. The Three Musketeers

The Three Musketeers is a marvelous journey and should be appreciated foremost for its engaging story which tells about three valorous young man fighting for their country heroically. The techniques Dumas employed to such a success in 1840, particularly his mastery of the form of the Romance still works today. Dumas gives us a fully developed Romance within his historical framework. He starts with levity and confidence, and ends with moroseness and doubt. He keeps his characters away from being major players in national events. He is not afraid of brazenly attributing human motives to history. In Dumas’s version, France and England nearly fight a war simply because the Duke of Buckingham loves Anne of Australia; John Fenton assassinates Buckingham because of personal reasons provided by Milady. Dumas explains the great events more satisfyingly and entertainingly than any direct explanation of affairs of state could hope to do.

The Three Musketeers is a good novel in the history of French during 1625 to 1628. At that time, there was a religious reform in France, the protestant forces became increasingly powerful, and occupied a lot of cities. For French unity, in 1625, cardinal protestant captured the last bastion of La Rochelle city, stripped new political privileges. This period of history is a major political event of France at that time, the book is set in it and it evolves into a spectacular, exciting literary masterpieces. This is Dumas’s consistent writing style, he loves history.

In The Three Musketeers, there are a series of interesting characters: D’Artagnan is witty, brave, and friendly; Athos is sophisticated who has an abhorrence of sin; Porthos is rude and reckless; Aramis is flexible and gentle. In studies of published literature, “Youth D’Artagnan is a crazy ideal incarnation of Alexandre Dumas, in the heart of D’Artagnan’s future, life is full of yearning, he is not willing to live feely. He has a strong pursuit for reputation, but he is also very kind”(Liu Cuilian, Huo Yanan, 2011: 72). That kind of justice, loyalty and abhorrence of sin is the mainstream of western culture. People can not deny the fact that such a sense of justice is in great lack.


B. Knight Spirit

For the content of knight spirit, a large number of critical essays have come out to discuss about it. “Knight spirit is the aristocratic culture spirit of the upper-class, it is based on the superiority of personal identity, morality and personality spirit, but it also accumulates the Western Europe national ancient warrior spirit of some positive factors”(Jiang Shouming, 1985: 103). Girouard pointed out that “love and respect for individual personality;for the oppressed and generous spirit of bravery and power to sacrifice the whole life”(Girouard, 1981: 61). Knight System is rooted in the super stratum society of mid-century Europe. Acquisition of knight status symbolizes a knight’s entry into the super stratum society. (Gui Zi, 2007) In the western cultural tradition, the medieval knight spirit of the national character plays an extremely important role. In short, it contains elegant aristocratic temperament in the modern Europe national character and the good qualities of keeping promise, helping others, and honoring the sacrifice for a noble ideal.


II. The Knight Spirit of the Four Main Characters in The Three


A. The Embodiment of Athos

Athos is the eldest of the three musketeers, for D’Artagnan, he is a father of man, the soul of them. Although injured, he still lived the way of a noble knight.

“There are five of them,” said Athos quietly, “and we are only three. We shall be beaten! But, for my part, I declare I shall ne ver be taken alive by one of the cardinal’s men” (Dodd, 2003:17).

“Either the King’s or the Queen’s. We are their Majesties’ servants” (Dodd, 2003:49).

Knight spirit which is composed of moral qualities a knight should comply with, such as bravery, loyalty, generosity, with honour as its core. It is virtually an aspect of the knight system. Knights are eager for honour, with the final aim to obtain praise and prise, raise their status, and gain politiacl rights.

Athos, it seems that he cares nothing because of his noble status and it let him be respectable anywhere. Twenty years later, however, he has said something he cares about:

“L et’s maintain the monarchy, it is our position” (Dodd, 2003:145).

Monarchy and this is Athos really minds because his noble status he thus obtained, all sustained on this.

Inadvertently, he will fight for this loyally. In the first part he devoted to maintaining the reputation of the Queen. In the second part he saved Charles I, against Martha Lin. In the third part he helped Charles II. Athos is preferred by Dumas, all the knight virtues of that eras can be found in Athos. Twenty years later, when the four fighted against each other due to political differences, Athos threw away his sword and sweared no matter what happened he would never assassinate his friend.

“We used to live together, hate together, love together; we bleed together” (Dodd, 2003:200).

B. The Embodiment of Aramis

毕业论文专用纸Aramis’s character contains some specific things that the other three don’t have. He retires after being a priest, if so, when he is in the army, he just needs to serve honestly. Why does he participate in many unrelated adventure which is out of his business?

In his world, meaningless loyalty and faith, is a kind of natural and unrestrained mentality. Aramis and D’Artagnan, in contrast, prefer the wandering and exciting life.

Knight obeys the rules: to be honest, guarantee the church and protect the poor, maintain peace in his own province, and fight infidels. He is loyal to the monarch which is much stronger than their love and devotion to parents. For all women, he is a protector who protects their dignity and purity; for other knights, he is like a brother, courtesy and helpful.

Like Athos introduces him: “He is down with a man, and bows to a woman, that must be Aramis.” Such a man, even if everyone knows he is a playboy, there still would be lots of women fall in love with him.

Review the formation and development process of knight spirit until death, women can be found from the knight’s childho od to adulthood, women seem to be always indispensable elements in their lives. In getting along with a woman, a sacred, spiritual affection become attached to them, it is based on the knight’s loyalty and the unremitting pursuit with the bravery wisdom and talent as the means, with knight’s ego psychology satisfied, for the purpose of knight’s elegan ce and love. This is exactly the principle Aramis practices. His attitude towards women, is rare appreciation and protection. He is the most considerate among the four. It is a kind man who respects women in that era when women are treated as tools.

For the attitude of friendship, Aramis is not inferior to the other three, but his expression way is different. D’Artagnan makes three friends adventure together with him. However Aramis prefers being far away from friends, taking risks alone. As he says:

“I think to pull the two good friends co me in is inappropriate, gentlemen, don’t worry, when I die, I won’t lose your face” (Dodd, 2003:263).

C. The Embodiment of Porthos

To become a knight, one must accept training and ceremony. Youth must receive training for a long time. At the age of seven or eight, he should act as a servant boy first. When he is 12 or 14


years old, he need serve as a squire and serve the lord in the estate. When he finishes his learning, he will attend a sacred oath, represents the purification of body and mind. But on Athos, it seems that there is no such perfect elegant behaviour, he is the most powerful among the four, and is addicted to gambling and alcoholic like Athos, known for his vanity.

“I remember it perfectly,” said the innerkeeper. “You mean M. Porthos, of course?”

“Yes,” replied D’Artagnan quickly. “My dear man, tell me at once if anything has happened to him?

“He is still here, Monsieur.”

“I cannot tell you, Monsier. But M.Porthos warned us not to tell anyone. He is a very proud gentleman. ”

D’Artagnan laughted. “He is indeed,” he said. That's just what he would do. Well, take me to see him, my good man, and I will pretend to konw nothing about his wound.”(Dodd, 2003:67) “It is shameful for our musketeers to allow an unfortunate fellow to be arrested like that”

(Dodd, 2003:31).

But in front of the various challenges, he has the courage and loyalty which never loses behind his friends. Heroic spirit is recognized to be the most basic feature of being a knight, because the knight’s career is joining in war, people who do not have this quality are not able to join the knights.

Athos, Aramis and D’Artagnan remounted their horses, a nd set out once more, while Porthos was promising his enemy to fill him with a dozen sword thrusts.

In terms of origins, Porthos is similar to D’Artagnan, both of whom are from small landlord aristocratic family. He has the simplest dream: big landlord, big manor, blow in front of the neighbours and show off his identity.

D. The Embodiment of D’Artagnan

Ambitious and chivalrous, realistic and romantic, these words can be used to describe D’Artagnan. His flexible mind, youth, intelligence and strong power of motivation and determination make him the protagonist of the story. At first he is just a boy who comes from the countryside Gascon, while finally he becomes the marshal of France.

Infinite love for motherland can be found in many excellent knights, for example, the description of knight hero William of Orange reflect this phenomenon. When he goes to say farewell to his motherland, he kneels down and writes: “From the French, sweet wind blowing, all there let me think about, may God bless you, I have no hope to meet with you.” As for D’Artagnan,


he is obviously patriotic.

“And now, gentlemen,”said D’Artagnan, without bothering to explain his action to Porthos; “All for one, one for all, that is our motto, is it not” (Dodd, 2003:31).

“Either the King’s or the Queen’s. We are their Majesties’ servants” (Dodd, 2003:49).

In order to win the favor of Madame Bonacieux, D’Artagnan can risk his life going to see the duke of Buckingham.

“I hope I shall be worthy of her gratitude, and also of yours.” said D’Artagnan, giving the pretty young woman a long, loving look (Dodd, 2003:46).

However, D’Artagnan has a very strong desire for wealth and fame. Although he did a lot of resistance to cardinal, finally a deputy musketeer commission led him bow down to the cardinal and give oath to it: “My life belongs to you; from now on it is at your disposal.”

When love is useless to him, it would be ruthlessly abandoned. He pretended to be M. De Treville to possess Milady. To his friend, D’Artagnan though show ed very deep feelings for them, but “D’Artagnan decid ed to regard his three partners as tools for success in his secret plan” (Rui Juanyin, 2009: 25). Why did such changes happen? Then, the historical background of the story needs to be discussed.


III. The Essence of Knight Spirit in Europe

A. The Background of Its Emergence

Knight system formed in the middle ages of Europe. The primogeniture made young boys go to the outside, with war as main means, to become a professional knight and to be a member of feudal upper class, to get raised from the king. In the 11th century, knights went into the heyday. In the 12th century, there were lots of knighthoods, such as the Knights Templar, the Teutonic Order. At that time, to be a knight was full of honor and fashion, but it often required necessary processes and hard training.

The story of The three musketeers occurred during the period of 1625-1628, under the reign of Louis XIII. At that time, all sorts of contradictory forces struggled extremely fiercely. There was a religious reform in France, the protestant forces became increasingly powerful, and occupied a lot of cities. For French unity, in 1625, cardinal protestant captured the last bastion of La Rochelle city, stripped new political privileges. This period of history is a major political event of France, the book is set in it then it evolves into a spectacular, exciting literary masterpieces. For the decline of knight spirit, it can be attributed to the following reasons:

First, the decline of the manor economy makes the knight system gradually collapsed; the late middle ages shake the dominance of manor economy. Second, the military and the transformation of the war accelerates the decline of knight spirit. Honor is the core of the knight, but it can also lead to the failure of the war because of the blind pursuit. The application of guns also greatly weakens the position of knight. Third, Christian’s decay shakes the pillar of the knight spirit. On the religious spirit, under the support of a long and brutal crusade, it further strengthens the brave knights for their sacrifice, and loyalty but justice, kindness, humanity and honor has been greatly weakened.

With the decline of the feudal society, capitalism is preliminary already in the 17th century; the emergence of these four knights is not surprising. Meanwhile, it suggests that the western knight spirit is in disintegration and


the feudal system is declining.

B. The Essence of Knight Spirit

“Knight spirit is the aristocratic culture spirit of the upper-class, it is based on the superiority of personal identity, morality and personality spirit, but it also accumulates the Western Europe national ancient warrior spirit of some positive factors”(Huang Chunlei, 1985: 113). Broughton (1988) pointed out that “love and respect for individual personality; for the oppressed and generous spirit of bravery and power to sacrifice the whole life.” Knight system is rooted in the super stratum society of mid-century Europe. Acquisition of knight status symbolizes a knight’s entry into the super stratum society.”“Knighthood was about more than just fighting, and it was also about chivalry. At the beginning of the middle ages, this meant good horsemanship, but by 1100 it had become a whole new way of life. Knights were expected to be brave and honorable, to uphold the honor of women, and to protect the weak and helpless, and so on” (Zhou Congxian, 2005: 18).

Knight is in pursuit of honor and adventure everywhere in their whole life. Medieval knight is more focused on the personal honor and romantic love. The word “chivalry”appeared, and then developed into “gentleman”. But actually the ideal knight and the reality knight differ a lot. On the surface, their behavior is under the guidance of the divine principle, but that is just the illusion of essence and the reality of their goal is to get into the upper class.

Knight spirit is actually a fatal alluring right, bravery, loyalty, patriotism. All these aim to make ones wear honorary title one day in the future.

Knight was hypocritical, flamboyant and bellicose. To win the so-called honor, they sparked wars, countless big or small, they sentimentally attached to the smoke of battle; history proves that not all wars are consideration for the people; people desire the stability of life. But the continuous territorial expansion and depredations bring people catastrophic trauma. Knights see themselves as the strong who sacrifice the interests of the weak to render their loyalty to the Lord.


IV. The Influence of Knight Spirit upon Europe

The middle ages ended, knights system became ups and downs in the past, but the knight spirit did not decline. By the media of literary, it regenerated. Medieval hero epics and knight literature, have the same attitude towards knight spirit, both of them regard knight spirit as a kind of ideal and hymn.

After the age of cold weapons, knight spirit is turned into gentleman manner. Athos’s pride and honor, Aramis’s love, Porthos’s courage and D’Artagnan’s patriotism, these main qualities, promote the social civilization more gentle in Europe. Later gradually evolved into politeness, respect, dignity, etiquette, this shift of chivalry gentleman, has become a modern civilized life rule of ma n’s basic personality in Europe, and by extension to all over the world. The so-called gentleman requires men paying attention to appearance and clothing clean and tidy. Their manners should be polite, elegant and generous. For example, the western society has formed the custom of respecting female, and today’s gentlemen still keep very obvious knightly demeanors. And current events, such as terrorist attacks, corporate and political scandals and betrayals of public trust, have made people aware of the importance of ethical conduct and personal integrity. People are gradually recognizing that duty, heroism, honest and self-realizing that the 21th century calls for that kind of knight spirit.

Knight spirits make contributions to society in another important aspect, which is the admiration of love. This is not literally love of men and women, but a brave knight to a lady, showing absolutely holy ideal love. Prestage (1996: 53), in the western cultural history, said: “The knight spirit cultivate romantic love, on an ideal of woman’s love, a kind of can’t do, not worldly and spiritual love. The ideal woman is one who can make the worshiper noble. This kind of love is not to be praised as love lyric poets sing, but the typical female virtue almost religious devotion.” This spirit of love not only constitutes the knights of the medieval literature, about the main content and basic style, but also composes the social and spiritual life in the pursuit of the ideal in Europe.

From knight spirits to gentleman manners, spanning hundreds of years, knight spirit does not disappear, but still deeply influences the later generations.



In this paper, the author used specific text and conversations to analyze knight spirits in The Three Musketeers, combined with the background of that time in France and the general content of the story to illustrate the motto “all for one, one for all”on the four characters with different concrete embodiment. The protagonists in the novel are four young men who embrace courage and righteousness. They fight against the cardinal Richelieu who sets all obstacles and finally surmount all difficulties in order to get the Queen’s diamonds which are the emblem of authorization and are given to the duck Buckingham. By doing so, they successfully protect the King and Queen’s dignity and avoid a war between France and England.

Athos’s pride and honour, Aramis’s love, Porthos’s courage and D’Artagnan’s patriotism, these main qualities can be generally recognized as typical knight spirits. Then this paper introduces the connotation of knight spirit. Take D’artagnan for clues, leading to the essence of the knight spirits.

Knight system is rooted in the super stratum society of mid-century Europe. Acquisition of knight status is symbolizing a knight’s entry into the super stratum society.

Knight spirit which is composed of moral qualities a knight should comply with, such as bravery, loyalty, generosity, with honor as its core. It is virtually an aspect of the knight system. Knights are eager for honor, with the final aim to obtain praise and pries, raise their status, and gain political rights.

Afterwards, the author finds out the weak points of knight spirits in the four protagonists and illustrates them in detail. As for the influence on western national character, knight spirit plays an important role for the whole western society, which is so profound and lasting. The era of knights has passed away, but knight spirit is not dead. It is not something that is only known to literary scholars and history professors, but it still has its place in modern society. Today there are many paths to knighthood: seeking membership in a knightly order; using a martial art or the tournament; seeking these virtues on our own in errancy. But these external ways are far away from us, to fan this spark into a great fire of our passion, which may be one path where we will meet with success.



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周聪贤.骑士精神在欧美文学中的衍变[J].东北农业大学学报,2005(1): 16-20.






《三个火枪手》读后感精选 【篇一】《三个火枪手》读后感精选 在这个寒假中,我读了许多书,比如,我最近刚刚读完了大文豪大仲马写的《三个火枪手》。 这本书大概简述了:在1625年,一个名叫达达尼昂的小伙子听从父亲的教导,向巴黎出发,在巴黎,达达尼昂遇到了各式各样的人,也结识了他的三个好伙伴:阿托斯,阿拉米斯和波托斯,他们四个人乐观,向上,勤劳,闯过了一次次的难关,获得了一次次的成就。但是,最后,四个好朋友却各走东西,再没了联系。 读完了这本小说,我深有感触,比如,书中,红衣教主想要对白金汉首相进行行刺,并且围困拉罗舍尔城,想要把雷岛上的英国人都给赶出去,掀起一场腥风血雨,而达达尼昂身负和平的使命,他想尽一切办法阻止,是无数个家庭得到和平。达达尼昂的正义感使我感动。 没读过这本书的人一定会认为红衣教主是一个大反派,没有一丝的优点,可事实并非如此,红衣教主他是一个作风严谨的人,同时,他还是一位德高望重的大臣,而达达尼昂,行为放荡,还有点酗酒,从中,我们可以知道,坏人的内心不一定坏,而好人的内心不一定好。 就让我们向达达尼昂和红衣教主学习他们的优点吧。【篇二】《三个火枪手》读后感精选 《三个火枪手》,其实我早在小学的时候就已经读过他的图画本和儿童版本,使我对这本书的剧情和框架有了一个

大概的了解,正方代表国王、四个火枪手和护卫队长特雷尔,大反派则是红衣大主教。真正开始深度理解本书是在我前几天读完青少年读本以后,之前曾因为考试而被打断。 本书是我读了第一本青少年版的16世纪的西方小说,之前我曾读过诸如奥德赛、金银岛,后有化身博士和神秘岛。这本书可以说是弥补了我在这个年代小说阅读的空白。小说的写作风格与大仲马的大部分文章相仿,故事仅仅是一个框架,真正要向我们展示的是人与人之间的情感、友谊,特别是在这四个火枪手之间的故事,更是无一遗漏的展示了大仲马的风格。也就是说,读起来是人随书走的感觉,不会使人产生那种被迫接受的感觉,却又还在吸引着我们,不可不说是妙哉。 这个本书的主角达达尼安无论是从形象还是性格还是背景来看,都是标准的主角资料,诸如他的父亲与皇家护卫队长时代叫好、出生于一个剑士家庭等,都为达达尼安日后扬名天下获取荣耀做好了坚实的铺垫。当然作者也并不想只让让他一人放光彩,那样也就对不起这个书名了。阿多斯、啊拉米斯、波尔多斯都是达达尼安的好朋友。在他们团结对敌时,往往无所不胜。他们彼此之间都互相了解和信任,任那红衣主教如何挑拨也未能得逞,他们的团结可见一斑。【篇三】《三个火枪手》读后感精选 这些天,我看了大仲马的长篇小说《三个火枪手》,世界大文豪大仲马手下的《三个火枪手》是如此精彩,我最向往的就是文中的主角达大南与三个火枪手正气凛然的气质,


三个火枪手读后感精选范文2020 三个火枪手读后感1 对这本书仰慕许久,终于在这个双休日躺在床上看完了。可惜我不是法国人,对那段历史并不太了解,但一部热情的作品,有时候的确可以超越许多东西。我觉得这个好的故事有两种好法,一种是发人深省的,作家会在这篇故事里承载许多东西,包括他的思想,他的理念,他的憧憬甚至他心灵深处最茫然的疑问;而另一种则轻松的多,没有批判没有愤怒没有挑衅没有悲悯,他只是想讲个有趣的故事而已,而甚至我觉得,写这个故事是为了什么,好玩而已。而《三个火枪手》就是这一类的故事。 四个性情。各异的朋友间的友情,老奸巨滑却又不失绅士之气的老人,疯狂到为一个女人发动一场战争的贵族,心如蛇蝎貌美如花的女人……这只是一个好玩的故事而已。而故事里面最吸引人的,是每一个人物,都充满了对世界的热情。动不动就说出的爱,动不动就以生命为赌的决斗,也许在现实中我们会觉得这个是轻率,但既然我们是莫名其妙来到这个世界上的,我们又何必把生命看的太沉重。树立自己的价值观哪怕是幼稚,爱自己选择的女人哪怕是疯狂,憎恨自己的敌人哪怕是残忍……反正又不是圣人,错了就改,痛了就哭,也许这是一句很俗气的话“我无法选择我的人生是快乐还是痛苦,我只求他货真价实。” 每一个人都在选择自己的人生,在以前,我看史记觉得很不理解,为什么有人会为了一句赞赏而为其送命;我看山伯爵都看不下去,为什

么他会如此恨的热烈;我用我的价值观来判断,这个是对的,这个是错的。我总是希望说服别人,希望大家都走到正确的道路上。 但是现在我觉得,到底什么是正确的?我不知道哪条路是对的,我甚至连选择后悔最少的路都做不到。 就和达尔大尼央一样,他爱的情人最后死在他同样追求过的一个女人的手上,他勇敢,正直,忠诚,聪明……但却仍保护不了他深爱的女人。我想他也会后悔吧,他会哭,会报仇,他的人生路还是要走下去。以后仍然会有爱情,幸福,后悔,泪水。 我喜欢过这样反反复复的人生,看新的故事,也不时翻阅以前的感动;认识新的朋友,但遇见老朋友仍然可以默契地聊天。有说笑,有争吵;有猜疑,有原谅;有泪水,有快乐……就好象我每天看见这个城市的夕阳,有时候我会很惆怅,有时候我又会觉得很安心。但无论如何,只有愿意去看,才会产生这些情感。 只有新鲜地活着,才会有新鲜的喜怒哀乐。有那么多不知道的事情,有那么多无法把握的事情,有那么多无法理解的事情,会不会还蛮好玩的。有许多事情我做不到,这个也没什么丢脸的,只要我想做的事情,我就去货真价实地做一遍吧。 三个火枪手读后感2 这本书的作者是大文豪——大仲马,这本书让我知道了友谊的真谛,感动,真情在书中很快就能找到,作者文笔细致,刻画的人物传神而有趣。故事十分精彩,是本值得看的好书。 达达尼安为成为火枪手,便去寻找火枪卫队队长——德特雷维尔。后


骑士精神 2019-01-26 作曲 : 周杰伦 作词 : 蔡依林 编曲:钟兴民 合声:蔡依林/周杰伦 录音师:杨瑞代 录音室:J&A Studio 混音师:杨大纬 混音室:丽风录音室 当我看见左肩破损的战衣 盔甲后的你表情带着笑意 想要对我说外来的袭击即将离公主远去那些令人刺耳的声音我不听我不听 偏偏我又容易受影响容易伤心 没有用微笑的表面不停骗自己 他们的语气好笑的攻击自卑的心理 四年来带着各种面具想让你我孤立 莫名其妙那些话语莫名其妙那些话语

如同沙子掉进眼里不用哭泣 莫名其妙那些话语莫名其妙那些话语不如下档电影值得注意 我不要王子苦苦守候的故事 梦幻不实我不希望你是王子 因为瑰丽童话结局为战而死 故事开端结局会因你而真实 像骑士的忠贞不畏惧邪恶的眼神 这过程一直放在我心底就像 挡在你胸前的盔甲保护着我让我心疼骑士们发挥出你们的精神 就这样强悍的骑士撑到最后 骄傲的公主的要回家整装再出发 像骑士的忠贞不畏惧邪恶的眼神 这过程一直放在我心底就像 挡在你胸前的盔甲保护着我让我心疼当我看见左肩破损的战衣 盔甲后的你表情带着笑意 想要对我说外来的袭击即将离公主远去那些令人刺耳的声音我不听我不听

偏偏我又容易受影响容易伤心 没有用微笑的表面不停骗自己 他们的语气好笑的攻击自卑的心理 四年来带着各种面具想让你我孤立 莫名其妙那些话语莫名其妙那些话语 如同沙子掉进眼里不用哭泣 莫名其妙那些话语莫名其妙那些话语 不如下档电影值得注意 我不要王子苦苦守候的故事 梦幻不实我不希望你是王子 因为瑰丽童话结局为战而死 故事开端结局会因你而真实 像骑士的忠贞不畏惧邪恶的眼神 这过程一直放在我心底就像 挡在你胸前的盔甲保护着我让我心疼 骑士们发挥出你们的精神 就这样强悍的骑士撑到最后 骄傲的公主的要回家整装再出发 (a ha) 像骑士的忠贞不畏惧邪恶的眼神(当我看见左肩破损的战衣盔甲后的你表情) 这过程一直放在我心底就像 (带着笑意想要对我说外来的)


浅议英国的骑士文化 姓名: 学号: 学院: 专业班级:

浅议英国的骑士文化 摘要:骑士文化虽然不是英国本土的产物,但它在英国的土地上一步一步地发展与完善起来,随着英国骑士阶层不断发展壮大,形成了独特的骑士精神与骑士文化。本文试从阐述骑士文化的来源及发展,详细阐明英国骑士精神的内涵,最后指出骑士文化对英国人的深刻影响,由浅入深,对英国的骑士文化作了较全面的论述。 关键字:骑士文化、骑士精神 引言:文化不仅是一种社会现象,也是一种历史现象,是社会历史的积淀物。而文化形成后,对处于该文化氛围中的人和事则又起着潜移默化的影响作用。一说到英国,不由得想起英国人的绅士风度,其实英国绅士文化的形成,大抵可以追溯到中世纪的骑士精神,这一时期的骑士精神对现代英国的民主性格塑造起着极其重大的作用,使现代英国人的民族性格中包含了优雅的贵族气质成分。 一、英国骑士文化的来源 骑士制度最早起源于8世纪的法兰克王国,它是一种建立在封建采邑制度基础上的军事制度,包含封君封臣关系、骑士生活习俗、行为规范和思想观念等方面的内容。11、12世纪,日臻完善的骑士制度从法国远渡重洋来到英国,结合当地的一些军事传统,强调“服务精神”和“敬忠职守”的骑士文化在英国开始形成。 二、英国骑士文化的发展

随着骑士阶层在英国的确立,与骑士有关的生活方式、行为规范与文化也一步一步地发展完善起来。 15、16世纪以前,渴望进入骑士阶层的人需要经过侍童、扈从阶段的培养,成年后加以封授才能成为骑士,而只有骑士才有资格参加比武大赛。骑士的生活方式随着时间的变化而改变,其培养场所逐渐由宫廷转到学校,家庭教育被大学教育所取代;骑士的封授不再实行;比武大赛也从一种实战训练转变为一种观赏性的活动。骑士的行为不断规范化,呈现文明的趋势,这是因为骑士一方面受到基督教的教化,一方面受到宫廷文化的熏陶。骑士在典雅爱情观的激励和宫廷礼仪的约束下,逐渐由一介武夫转变成谦谦君子,培养成了一种忠勇、谦恭、讲究礼仪、以保护弱者和妇女为己任且对上帝虔诚的骑士精神。后冷兵器时代,骑士精神转化成了绅士风度。这种由骑士精神转变而来的绅士风度,已经成了现代文明生活中男人的基本人格准则,并推而广之蔓延到了全世界。 三、英国骑士文化的内涵 骑士精神渊源于热爱荣誉和战争的古代日尔曼民族,经由基督教的规矩教化和典雅爱情与文学的熏陶,逐渐内化为英国民族精神的重要组成部分和显著特征。理想的骑士们的形象是:“比武场和战场上敢于冒险、力挫群雄的勇士,爱情生活中温柔体贴、风流倜傥的情人,社交场合彬彬有礼、修养良好的绅士,宗教上虔敬谦卑、道德上自律的信仰实践者和护教者。 忠诚是骑士精神中备受重视的品德。忠诚起初是指骑士必须效忠封建领主,这种忠诚与骑士的名誉休戚相关。骑士一旦触怒甚至背叛


浅析《堂吉诃德》对当代人的启示 陈睿正 《堂吉诃德》是文艺复兴时期的现实主义杰作,作者塞万提斯。作品主要描写和讽刺了当时西班牙社会上十分流行的骑士小说,并揭示出教会的专横,社会的黑暗和人民的困苦。堂吉诃德的名字已经变成一个具有特定意义的名词,成了脱离实际、热忱幻想,主观主义,迂腐顽固,落后于历史进程的同义语。革命导师马克思、恩格斯、列宁在著作里不止一次地提到堂吉诃德。除此之外,他还是一个疯子,一个勇于追求理想,对爱情执着、忠贞,对骑士精神和名誉崇高向往的形象。在他身上,愚蠢和聪明博学,荒唐和正直善良,无能和勇敢顽强,真实与虚幻,诚实与虚伪,理性与疯癫等这些矛盾融合在一起。堂吉诃德的形象在今天仍保持它的意义。对当代人有重要的启示。 一、启示我们做人不能脱离实际。 作品中写道,堂吉诃德这个瘦削的、面带愁容的小贵族,由于爱读骑士文学,入了迷,竟然骑上一匹瘦弱的老马“驽骍难得”,找到了一柄生了锈的长矛,戴着破了洞的头盔,要去游侠,锄强扶弱,为人民打抱不平。他把乡村客店当做城堡,把老板当做城堡的主人,硬要老板封他为骑士。店老板乐得捉弄他一番,拿记马料账的本子当《圣经》,用堂吉诃德的刀背在他肩膀上着实打了两下,然后叫一个补鞋匠的女儿替他挂刀。受了封的骑士堂·吉诃德走出客店把旋转的风车当做巨人,冲上去和它大战一场,弄得遍体鳞伤。他把羊群当做军队,冲上去厮杀,被牧童用石子打肿了脸面,打落了牙齿。这是严重的脱离了实际,才导致自己吃了大亏。 在今天的社会中同样有一些人脱离实际,做事一点都不从现实出发,而是随心所欲。这样是很危险的。人毕竟是凡胎肉身,没有超强的能力,不可能一切事情都按照自己的想法顺利完成。脱离实际的行为会导致意想不到的后果。我国在社会主义建设初期的大跃进和浮夸风就是严重的脱离了实际。所以,当代人应该清醒地从堂吉诃德身上看到:我们无论做任何事都应该一切从实际出发,一步一步地走向成功。生活中很多事情绝对没有捷径可言。只有认识到这点,我们才不至于走更多的弯路。 二、启示我们做人不能热忱幻想。 堂吉诃德无疑是个浪漫主义的幻想者。他把邻村的一个挤奶姑娘想像为他的女主人,给她取了名字叫杜尔西娜雅。于是他以一个未受正式封号的骑士身份出去找寻冒险事业,他完全失掉对现实的感觉而沉入了漫无边际的幻想中,唯心地对待一切,处理一切,因此一路闯了许多祸,吃了许多亏,闹了许多笑话,然而一直执迷不悟。 幻想是美好的,但现实是残酷的。人可以有一定的幻想,那样才会有希望,有奋斗的动力。但不能热忱幻想,完全迷失在其中,这是没有出路的。 所以,当代人应该正确认识幻想与现实,从堂吉诃德的身上得到启示。不要整天处在漫无边际的幻想中,对我们当代学生来说就是不要整天沉溺于自己编织的故事中,无可自拔。我们应该到实践中去找出路,幻想不能给我们解决生活问题。反而会给我们带来灾难。当代社会中已经出现很多青少年因沉迷于网络游戏


《三个火枪手》读后感读书心得500字五篇 《三个火枪手》这部小说情节引人入胜,故事的历史背景和小说情节没有太大的关联。关于《三个火枪手》读后感怎么写?下面是小编给大家整理的《三个火枪手》读后感范文,欢迎大家来参阅。 大家都读过《三个火枪手》吧,即使没有读过,也一定听说过。对,它就是很受欢迎 的大仲马的作品。去年暑假,我读了这本书,完全被这扣人心弦的故事情节吸引住了,仿 佛和作者一起进入了这美丽的故事。 这个故事描写的是17世纪的法国,政治者争权夺利,矛盾重重。主人公是一个法国 小子达达尼昂,他善良、淳朴、聪明,一次又一次把自己的朋友从危险中拯救出来,一次 又一次粉碎红衣主教的阴谋。说到这里,我不得不提到达达尼昂的三个朋友----三个火枪手:阿托斯、波尔多斯和阿拉米。他们是非常好的朋友,他们正直、勇敢,有绅士风度。说到他们和达达尼昂是怎样认识的,那真是一段奇遇,可谓不打不相识。达达尼昂无意间冒犯了这三位火枪手,他们为了荣誉要和达达尼昂决斗,达达尼昂只好硬着头皮接受了。 达达尼昂本来想去送死,谁知红衣教主的卫兵来了,他们人多势重,要和三个火枪手决斗,达达尼昂则加入火枪手这一边,就这样,大家同仇敌忾,一起战胜了敌人。也正因为这次战斗,化解了大家彼此的误会,成了非常要好的朋友。达达尼昂经努力也加入了火枪队,从此,四个人形影不离,有福同享有难同当。大家接受了反抗红衣教主的任务。 故事也就此展开。作者生动地描写了他们四个人战斗后面的场面,以高超的写作水平 烘托出达达尼昂、阿托斯、波尔多斯、阿拉米这四个个性炯然不同的人物。看了这部小说,我也受益匪浅,“一个篱笆三个桩,一个好汉三个帮。”朋友能给自己带来很大的帮助,就 像这四个朋友互相帮助,共渡难关一样,也就是因为这样,他们才能从一个个危险和困难 中走出来。而且,人要证明自己就要以实际行动来证明,在经历了无数风险和危难后,达 达尼昂终于获得了自己想要的一切!也许人生原本就充满酸甜苦辣!只要努力,一切都会好 起来的! 大文豪大仲马的代表作<三个火枪手>,向我们展现了一个奇妙的非常世界。 在这喧嚣的俗世,踏踏实实地读一本书并不容易,但我一旦捧起法国大文豪大仲马的<三个火枪手>便会静下心来,用目光轻轻地扫过每一个字,体会大仲马笔下的另一个世界……


编号200904142009041420 南京航空航天大学金城学院 毕业论文 题目 A Brief Analysis of Knight Spirit in The Three Musketeers 浅析《三个火枪手》中的骑士精神 学生姓名沈晨洁 学号2009041420 学院英语系 专业英语(商务翻译) 班级20090414 指导教师朱娟娟讲师 二〇一三年五月

南京航空航天大学金城学院 本科毕业设计(论文)诚信承诺书 本人郑重声明:所呈交的毕业设计(论文)(题目:A Brief Analysis of Knight Spirit in The Three Musketeers )是本人在导师的指导下独立进行研究所取得的成果。尽本人所知,除了毕业设计(论文)中特别加以标注引用的内容外,本毕业设计(论文)不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写的成果作品。 作者签名:年月日 (学号):

毕业论文专用纸 Acknowledgements First of all, I would like to extend the earnest thanks to my supervisor, Lecturer Zhu Juanjuan, for her continuing assistance and patient supervision; her heartfelt encouragement and valuable advice have been a strong support i n my thesis making. I’ve learned a lot from her. Without her help, I could not have finished my present thesis successfully. Second, I am grateful to the professors and teachers at the English Department in Jincheng College of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, who have offered me informative and enlightening courses in the past few years. My thanks also go to my classmates and friends who have given me persistent encouragement and confidence in my thesis making. Finally, I sincerely wish to thank my family and relative for their love and all-out support in making this thesis.


怎样理解堂吉诃德这一人物形象 堂吉诃德是西班牙伟大作家塞万提斯的代表作《堂吉诃德》中的主人公。《堂吉诃德》是一部出色的长篇小说,不仅对那以后的欧洲小说创作产生了深远的影响,而且出版近400年来仍有着不衰的艺术魅力。 小说中的堂吉诃德是西班牙捡曼查地区的一个年龄为五十岁左右的身材瘦高,面容清瘦的老式乡绅。他经济地位低下,朋友不多,生活单调。他整天沉浸在骑士小说里,梦想要做一个勇敢的骑士游侠闯荡天涯,扶困济危,打尽世间不平。并且他亲身体验了骑士的生活,有了三次出行经历。虽然每次都是躺着回来,但也算是完了他的骑士梦。 这个人物的性格具有两面性:一方面他是神志不清的,疯狂而可笑的;另一方面他代表了最高的道德原则.无畏的精神.英雄的行为.对正义的坚信以及对爱情的忠贞,是一个理想主义的化身。品德也越鲜明.他对于被压迫者和弱小者寄予无限的同情。 荒唐可笑的伪骑士 我第一次读这本小说的时候,觉得这部小说是一部讽刺性的小说,主人公堂吉诃德的一个很荒唐的伪骑士。他准备了一副盔甲——头盔是硬纸板拼起来的;备了一匹皮包骨头的瘦马,叫驽马辛难得;他还给自己取了个不愧骑士角色的名字:堂吉诃德;之后确定了一个村姑作意中人,称“杜尔西内娅·台尔·托波索”。在第一部第七章里作者又让堂吉诃德补齐了骑士必不可少的侍从——“没有什么脑子”,体形矮胖的农夫,桑丘·潘沙。于是他的骑士轮廓出来了,游侠过程中,他的抱打不平的机会来了。只是他所做的事在我们看来都是傻事,如他把风车当成巨人,并与之战斗,结果他连人带马被摔得遍体鳞伤;他把修士当成妖魔便直冲上去,吓得修士们落荒而逃;更可笑的是他把羊群当成了敌国的军队,冲进去乱刺一阵,当桑丘说那是羊群时,他反而说那是魔法师变的。这一切都说明堂吉诃德是一个荒唐的主观主义者,他只注重事物表象而无视其实质。他把一切都想得很简单,他以为凭着单枪匹马就可以扫尽世间的丑恶与不平。他总是沉浸在幻想中.......从这可以看出堂吉诃德形象中荒唐,滑稽,可笑的一面,他是一个沉溺于幻想世界的疯子。 真骑士精神 塞万提斯曾说,他写这部小说是为了讽刺当时盛行的骑士小说,要扫除它们的流毒。他做到了,但也给我们展现了一个骑士的真正的精神,在堂吉诃德整体形象上展示出来的另一面,我称他为真正的骑士精神。是的,堂吉诃德在成为“骑士”的过程和他的三次出行都充满了荒唐的闹剧,但是在这些闹剧中,在他的一次次失败中我们却发现了他的真骑士精神。 他本性正直善良,嫉恶如仇。生活在十六、七世纪的西班牙,企图以中世纪骑士行侠的方


《三个火枪手》读后感读书心得五篇 《三个火枪手》这部小说情节引人入胜,故事的历史背景和小说情节没有太大的关联。关于《三个火枪手》读后感怎么写?下面是WTT给大家整理的《三个火枪手》读后感范文,欢迎大家来参阅。 《三个火枪手》读后感范文(一) 大家都读过《三个火枪手》吧,即使没有读过,也一定听说过。对,它就是很受欢迎的大仲马的作品。去年暑假,我读了这本书,完全被这扣人心弦的故事情节吸引住了,仿佛和作者一起进入了这美丽的故事。 这个故事描写的是17世纪的法国,政治者争权夺利,矛盾重重。主人公是一个法国小子达达尼昂,他善良、淳朴、聪明,一次又一次把自己的朋友从危险中拯救出来,一次又一次粉碎红衣主教的阴谋。说到这里,我不得不提到达达尼昂的三个朋友----三个火枪手:阿托斯、波尔多斯和阿拉米。他们是非常好的朋友,他们正直、勇敢,有绅士风度。说到他们和达达尼昂是怎样认识的,那真是一段奇遇,可谓不打不相识。达达尼昂无意间冒犯了这三位火枪手,他们为了荣誉要和达达尼昂决斗,达达尼昂只好硬着头皮接受了。达达尼昂本来想去送死,谁知红衣教主的卫兵来了,他们人多势重,要和三个火枪手决斗,达达尼昂则加入火枪手这一边,就这样,大家同仇敌忾,一起战胜了敌人。也

正因为这次战斗,化解了大家彼此的误会,成了非常要好的朋友。达达尼昂经努力也加入了火枪队,从此,四个人形影不离,有福同享有难同当。大家接受了反抗红衣教主的任务。 故事也就此展开。作者生动地描写了他们四个人战斗后面的场面,以高超的写作水平烘托出达达尼昂、阿托斯、波尔多斯、阿拉米这四个个性炯然不同的人物。看了这部小说,我也受益匪浅,“一个篱笆三个桩,一个好汉三个帮。”朋友能给自己带来很大的帮助,就像这四个朋友互相帮助,共渡难关一样,也就是因为这样,他们才能从一个个危险和困难中走出来。而且,人要证明自己就要以实际行动来证明,在经历了无数风险和危难后,达达尼昂终于获得了自己想要的一切!也许人生原本就充满酸甜苦辣!只要努力,一切都会好起来的! 《三个火枪手》读后感范文(二) 大文豪大仲马的代表作<三个火枪手>,向我们展现了一个奇妙的非常世界。 在这喧嚣的俗世,踏踏实实地读一本书并不容易,但我一旦捧起法国大文豪大仲马的<三个火枪手>便会静下心来,用目光轻轻地扫过每一个字,体会大仲马笔下的另一个世界...... 这个故事描写的是17世纪的法国,政治者争权夺利,矛盾重重。主人公是一个法国小子达达尼安,他与阿多斯、波尔多斯和阿拉密斯。他们是非常好的朋友,正直、勇敢,有绅士风度的他们不打不相识。因为达达尼安无意间冒犯了三位火枪手,他们为


三个火枪手读后感(1): 《三个火枪手》读后感 读过许多文学民著,但自从读过大仲马的《三个火枪手》之后,心里久久不能平静。不少文学批评家称大仲马为通俗作家,但是大仲马的代表作品,如《三个火枪手》及其续集、《基督山伯爵》等,在世界上却一向拥有超多的读者。 《三个火枪手》是一部历史题材的小说。景十分景。大仲马不像巴尔扎克等人那样,花费超多笔墨去描绘故事发生的背景和场所。他总是开门见山,本书正文第一句话便是:话说一六二五年四月头一个星期一小说一开场,主人公就在变故中亮相,这就决定了故事情节展开和发展的速度,也决定了故事背景的特异和不断变幻。最能打动女孩子的话 文中主要讲了达达尼安和三个伙伴为了挫败红衣主教的阴谋,前往英国取回王后赠给白金汉的十二枚钻石别针,一路险象环生,绝处逢生,完成了不可能完成的使命,保住了王后的名誉,但是结怨了权倾朝野的红衣主教,性命就握在黎塞留(红衣主教)的手中了。神秘女生朱莱狄为了要达达尼安等人的性命,就奉红衣主教之命,去阻止英国权相白金相发兵,救援被法国大军围困的拉罗舍尔的新教徒。于是,双方暗中进行一场你死我活的较量。 三个火枪手读后感(2): 《三个火枪手》读后感廉政短信 如果说友谊是一棵常青树,那么浇灌它的必定是出自心田的清泉,如果说友谊是一朵开不败的鲜花,那么照耀它的必定是心中升起的太阳。读了《三个火枪手》,让我更明白世界上最完美的东西,莫过于有几个头脑和心地都很正直的朋友。 《三个火枪手》是大仲马的代表作《达达尼昂三部曲》的第一本也是一部历史小说,从1625年至1628,共历时四年。它以法兰西国王路易十三朝代和权倾朝野的红衣主教黎塞留掌权这一时为背景,描述三个火枪手阿多斯、波尔朵斯、阿拉宓斯及其朋友达达尼昂如何忠于国王,与红衣主教黎塞留斗争故事。 三个火枪手阿多斯、波尔朵斯、阿拉宓斯在小说里扮演着不一样的主角。阿多斯原


浅析“粉丝名” 2008155102 赵彦青 摘要:本文将209个粉丝名从语音、语义、组成方式等三个方面对其分析,揭示出粉丝名具有贴近大众、童真童趣、求新求异、向往美好、归属感等几个方面的心理文化特征。 关键词:粉丝名语言分析文化内涵 继“超级女声”、“快乐男声”、“加油好男儿”等很多选秀节目的火爆热播,粉丝名也成为一个特别的网络文化风尚,不仅这些选秀节目的明星有自己的粉丝团,其他明星也积极加入这个时尚活动中,比如“张艺谋的粉丝团叫魔鬼”、“徐静蕾粉丝团叫蕾丝”、“刘德华的粉丝团叫话梅”等等。作为一种特别的语言现象,粉丝名具有其鲜明的特点,本文搜集了209个国内国外明星粉丝团的名字,在组成方式、语义两个方式进行语言分析,最后介绍了粉丝名产生的文化心理特征。 第一、语言分析 粉丝是英语fans的谐音,意思是狂热的爱好者、狂热的仰慕者,翻译成中文就是XX迷,比如黎明的粉丝团叫明迷,但随着时间的推移粉丝们不再满足于千篇一律的某某迷,创造出各类可爱繁多的名字,现实出粉丝们过人的智慧。 一、粉丝名的组成方式 (1)根据“迷”或者“迷”的谐音引发而来,在明星名字中的某一个字或者谐音字前或后加迷、米、蜜、饭、丝、粉、亲等。

比如:武艺—午饭谢娜—纳米李小璐—白露丝 唐笑—蜜糖林爽—爽身粉Se7en—7蜜 安以轩—轩亲周杰伦—米粥 比较特殊的是厦门大学教授易中天先生的粉丝团叫乙醚,这又是在某某迷得基础上的一个变体。 (2)明星名字中的某一个字、同音字或者谐音字加上其他的字组成新的名词。比如:李玮—维他命李璇—漩涡杨佳—杨家将郑爽—正版张韶涵:韶先队陈德修—修止符 潘玮柏—威儿帮炎亚纶—炎卫御林军李俊基—十字JUN团(3)根据跟明星有关的事物联想而成。 这一类中粉丝们根据明星的名字、特质、作品等等展开丰富的想象,一部分通过谐音等方式变更,一部分保留原貌。 ①根据明星的名字 比如:潘辰--水滴(潘辰的英文名字叫MISS-UNDER-WATER) DELAY组合--地雷(暗合成员名字中的“迪”和“雷”) 朱梓骁--马戏团员(把“骁”字拆开就是马戏团) 林依晨—草莓(晨迷的首字母CM就是草莓的首字母) 至上励合--炽天使(官方歌迷团名称为至天使) 艾梦萌—多啦A梦(取谐音“都爱艾梦”) ②根据明星的作品 比如:张艺谋--魔鬼(张艺“谋”电影最“贵”最好,谐音为魔鬼)


“是代言人,却又是毁灭者” ——简论《堂吉诃德》中的堂吉诃德与理想主义 塞万提斯所作的《堂吉诃德》无疑是西班牙文学中的一颗明珠。尽管作者塞万提斯在序言中声明:“这部书只不过是对于骑士文学的一种讽刺”,目的在于‘把骑士文学地盘完全摧毁’”。但从事实上来看,这部书所为我们带来的意义却远远超出了作者的主观意图。这样的一本“行将灭亡的骑士阶级的史诗”,实质上成为了一部全面地批判封建制度的现 实主义伟大著作。 《堂吉诃德》一书的主人公堂吉诃德,以其疯癫的形象、天真单纯的思想以及对于理想的无比坚定而成为了文学史上脍炙人口的经典人物之一。我们除了对他的滑稽可笑的举 止难以忘怀的同时,同样也为他身上所闪耀的理想主义精神而感怀,以至于成为了我们心 中理想主义精神的化身。然而在我看来,堂吉诃德这个人物的形象是深远而复杂的,他不 仅仅是简单的代表了人们心中对于理想主义的憧憬与赞赏,其中还含有许多富有启迪性的 意味。 我们在解读堂吉诃德这个人物的时候,其中的重点也必然是他身上闪耀的理想主义的 光辉。至今为止,西班牙人中依旧流传着这样一句话:“即使到了我们一无所有的时候, 我们依然还有堂吉诃德。”毫无疑问,他代表着在那样的一个处于封建与资产阶级过渡过 程的社会之中,追寻自身的理想与信念的,富有个性解放特征的人文主义精神的形象。尽 管构成了诸多可笑的结局与可悲的结果,但是我们始终不能否认的是他内心中永不动摇的 对于自己理想中美好未来的不懈坚持与追求。这样的一种精神是超越于时代之外的,始终 能够触动人类内心的辉煌的品质。 堂吉诃德所坚持的骑士精神的核心内容是十分美好的,其中富有着许多直到我们当代 社会依旧坚持与赞颂的美好内涵。到了十二世纪,骑士精神的意义转变为人生的整体规范。骑士精神规范的基本守则就是…保护老弱妇孺、为公义而战以对抗不平与邪恶、热爱家园、为防卫教会而冒死犯难。?”堂吉诃德一心想要恢复的骑士道,本身具有着充分积极意义。 只是“骑士”这种代表着黑暗的中世纪的意象,已经不符合当时社会的价值评判与发展需要。因此,堂吉诃德所坚持的这种骑士精神,也就成为了荒谬与落伍的象征。但这些都没 有阻挡堂吉诃德对于自己理想的坚持。堂吉诃德并不是一个愚蠢的人,在谈到骑士精神之 外的时候,几乎所有的见解都是精到的,而且他清醒时,可谓博学多才又富有浪漫主义诗情。他为理想的坚持与付出是我们今天这些坚持着现实主义的人们所难以理解的。他向我 们描绘了一个理想主义者应该具有的所有美好的品质——“永远不畏困难,不向困难低头”,“始终怀有希望的种子”,“热爱人性的爱与正义”。向我们诉说了理想之于人生 的伟大价值。 但堂吉诃德这个人物的形象却是十分矛盾的。一方面,他的人生具有着十足的喜剧色彩。当他拿着长矛去锄强扶弱、济贫救困;当他发誓要以生命来捍卫骑士精神;当他不断


《三个火枪手》读后感 《三个火枪手》读后感1 走进名著的世界里,与它一起优雅,一起荡漾。——题记 法国大文豪——大仲马写过一本小说《三个火枪手》,这本书让我们知道了友谊的真谛,感动,真情在书中很快就能找到。故事内容也十分精彩。 《三个火枪手》是法国十九世纪浪漫主义作家大仲马的著作之一,又译《三剑客》,《三统士》,《侠隐记》……该小说以路易十三时期为法国宫廷为背景,描述年轻的男主人公德·阿尔塔尼昂从法国乡间,带着父亲的嘱托,来到巴黎,最终成为一名火枪手的故事。德·阿尔塔尼昂和“战术专家”阿托斯、“大力士”波尔托斯、“美男子”阿拉米斯结成了生死之交,四个人卷入了路易十三和红衣主教黎塞留以及其他国家和党羽的较量。共同经历了一系列冒险。 《三个火枪手》是大仲马的成名作之一,100多年来被不断翻译成各种文字,书里也塑造了一系列血肉丰满的人物形象如德·阿尔塔尼昂的机智勇敢、阿托斯的嫉恶如仇、波尔托斯的粗鲁莽撞、阿拉米斯的文雅灵活……他们为了和平,一次又一次地克服困难,取得胜利。在这期间,他们没有一个人放弃,坚强不屈的品质怎么不值得我们学习?他们是友谊、青春、胆略的象征,演绎着善良与邪恶、忠诚与背叛的永恒主题。 他们四个“有福同享,有难同当”,友谊是多么可贵呀!它能为了别人舍弃自己的幸福;它能为了别人用生命做;它能为了别人而牺牲自己。“一个篱笆三个桩,一个好汉三个帮”。正是这样,他们的冒险才得以成功。 世界上能有多少知音呢?能有多少像书中主人公那样的“黄金搭档”呢?所以真正的友谊是宝贵的、是无暇的、是纯洁的、是善良的。如果你拥有这样的'友谊,那你一定要把它把握好,不然到时候你后悔也来不及。 《三个火枪手》读后感2 大家都读过《三个火枪手》吧,它是法国作家大仲马的作品。 今年,我读了这本以历史为题材的小说,完全被这扣人心弦的故事吸引住了,仿佛穿越到了十七世纪法国路易十三当政时发生的这“常景非常景”的情节中。十七世纪


试述西欧中世纪骑士精神内涵及其影响"如果上帝也有灵魂, 它在自己的时代里也是一个异常勇敢的骑士。”—傅花萨, 法国历史学家。中世纪时的欧洲出现了一个特殊的阶层. 他们以服骑兵军役为条件, 获得国王或大领主的封地。他们是参加镇压农民起义, 或掠夺战争中级别最高的战斗人员,是以马代步驰骋于沙场的贵族。他们, 就是骑士阶层。 一、骑士制度的起源和发展 欧洲骑士制度源于中世纪加洛林朝的法兰克王国, 后来逐渐推行到欧洲各国。但是完整的骑士制度到公元11世纪左右才形成。之后罗马天主教和统治者发动的十字军东征,把骑士阶层推向极度繁荣的历史时期。战士的骁勇和基督教的神圣信仰开始结合,使骑士具备了一个新的身份:基督的卫士。 披上天主光辉的骑士成为深受崇拜与尊敬的人物。他们忠诚于统治者和基督,在基督教的教义感召下乐于救助鳏寡老幼。这样,骑士脱离了蛮族和异教的背景,而被整合于基督教文化的社会结构中。 二骑士精神的实质 骑士精神是一种贵族文化精神,是以个人身份的优越感为基础的道德与人格精神。同时它也积淀了欧洲远古民族尚武精神的某些积极因素,严格规范了骑士的思想和行为。其精神实质概括来讲主要有以下方面:信仰基督而又忠于领主;勇敢无畏而又诚实守信;尚武好战而又不失风度;尊崇女性而又追求爱情;行侠仗义且荣誉至上。 中世纪的欧洲是一个信仰的时代,人们虔诚地信仰基督教,到处都弥漫着宗教的气息。骑士是社会中的一员,自然也是虔诚的基督教徒。基督教教义对骑士思想影响的一个重要表现就是忠于领主。领主给予骑士领地,骑士回报领主忠诚。这样,领主与骑士之间才能保持长久的关系,维护共同的利益。 骑士的另一种身份就是军人,在中世纪的欧洲,勇敢不仅是骑士们的日常行为准则,更是一种深入灵魂的精神。勇敢是骑士荣誉感和高尚品格的集中体现,也是骑士精神的核心内容。骑士在十字军东征是所表现出的勇敢无畏令后人敬仰。因此,如果对某个骑士的勇敢进行怀疑,无疑是对其人格的最大诋毁和侮辱。 骑士是尚武好战的,驰骋战场不仅是其必须履行的军事封建义务, 而且也是其神圣不可侵犯的权利。因此中世纪的骑士既是军事艺术的体现者, 又是军事战略战术的谋划策动者。从古老的骑士文学中,人们就能感受到骑士对战争的狂热。但是骑士在尚武好战的同时又不


浅析欧洲骑士精神 摘要:骑士精神作为欧洲的一种精神文化现象,体现了欧洲封建时代理想 化的生活方式和行动规范,从中世纪武功歌到十八世纪历史小说,它始终贯穿于欧洲文学之中并随着时代的发展而演变。本文结合欧洲文学发展史中的骑士文学作品,论述了这些作品中所体现的骑士精神,以及这种精神的进步意义及消极思想。 关键词:欧洲文学;骑士精神;贵族 骑士精神作为欧洲的一种精神文化现象,体现了欧洲封建时代理想化的生活方式和行动规范,从中世纪武功歌到十八世纪历史小说,它始终贯穿于欧洲文学之中并随着时代的发展而演变。 骑士精神骑士精神和道德是上层社会的贵族文化精神,它是以个人身份的优越感为基础的道德与人格 精神,但它也积淀着西欧民族远古尚武精神的某些积极因素。 别林斯基指出骑士精神是指对个人的人格的爱护和尊重;为被压迫者和压迫者牺牲全部力量乃至生命的慷慨勇敢精神;把女子作为爱和美在尘世上的代表及作为和谐,和平与安慰的光辉之神而加以理想化的崇拜等等”其他西方学者指出:从选择品德的倾向来说,传统在欧洲占上风。在西方的文化传统中,中世纪的骑士精神对现代欧洲的民族性格的塑造起着极其重大的作用。它构成了中所谓的“绅士精神”形成了现代欧洲人对于个人身份和荣誉的注重,对于风度、礼节和外表举止的讲究;对于崇尚精神理想和尊崇妇女的浪漫气质的向往;以及恪守公开竞赛,公平竞争的精神品质。总之,它使现代欧洲人民族性格中既含有优雅的贵族气质成分,又兼具信守诺言,乐于助人,为理想和荣誉牺牲的豪爽武人品格。 骑士精神,信奉于一种信仰。站在孤高的峰顶,任由风左右着已破损的衣衫,拍一拍满是土灰的铠甲,抬起沾满血渍的脸,微笑,凝望远方。名誉、礼仪、谦卑、坚毅、忠诚、骄傲、虔诚…… 于男人精神层面的骑士精神,是贯穿在人类发展整个过程的。无论古往今来,东西南北,皆不出其外。日本有武士精神,他们效忠的是天皇。中国有侠义道,他们效忠的是天,以及天定的道德准则,有所谓的替天行道。而西洋的骑士精神最为浪漫,他效忠的如果是一个女人,也绝不会成为别人的笑柄。 他们的身体已经流了太多的血,但是,他们对帝国的忠贞不渝的精神却像一副坚实的铠甲,保护在祖国的胸前。有了骑士的矢志不渝,才有了帝国无与伦比的骄傲与矜持。 我相信,我们每一个战士、骑士的精神家园,都有一个可以为之付出一切的帝国,那就是我们的信念。 帝国是高傲的、圣洁的,即便是落难的帝国。为什么?因为他还有骑士忠贞的保护,这个骑士用他的生命捍卫了骄傲的帝国,没想过得到什么,有的也许仅仅是帝国对他会保护自己的那份自信。 为了帝国的那份与生俱来的高傲与自信,骑士找到了自己的使命。对他来说,为了达到自己保护帝国的使命,生命,是可以拿去的。 后冷兵器时代,骑士精神转化成了绅士风度。这种由骑士精神转变而来的绅士风度,已经成了现代文明生活中男人的基本人格准则,并推而广之蔓延到了全世界。


《堂吉诃德》读后感 我愿意跟随那些过往的真正骑士的脚步 在沉沉入睡的荒野中—— 信马漫步。 我的命运将紧连着动人的传说, 追随自己的信念—— 将是我一生的行为。 岁月啊…… 究竟在无尽的幻想中 昏然流逝而去 还是应该 在广阔的世界中 刻下万世留名的战绩? 虽然《堂吉诃德》的创作动机是为了反对当时在欧洲盛行的骑士小说,作者塞万提斯认为骑士小说对读者来说是精神鸦片,会使人落入不切实际的幻想,因此他创作《堂吉诃德》,塑造堂吉诃德这样一个读骑士小说入迷而做了许多蠢事的人物,目的就是为了批评骑士小说。但是堂吉诃德的一生是辉煌的一生,痴痴地追随以前骑士的脚步,他的伟大正是在于他的实践,虽然在别人眼中他只是个读骑士小说而走火入魔的疯子,但是至少他勇于去尝试,勇于去做别人不做而又正确的事情。 十六世纪末十七世纪初西班牙正在走向衰落。小说揭露了西班牙统治阶级外强中干的本质和彬彬有礼的外表下掩盖的阴险、凶残的本质。官僚们贪污纳贿,买卖黑权,好大喜功的国王疯狂的发动军事侵略,数千名无辜的士兵尽成炮灰,统治阶级为摆脱困境挑起宗教冲突、民族矛盾。正是在这个黑暗腐朽的社会中,堂吉诃德却要恢复骑士精神,不得不说这是对黑暗现实的批判。他是一个学识渊博的学者他的见解高于常人,他对战争、法律、道德、文学有远见卓识;他同情受压迫的弱势群体,热情的追求个性解放;为了追求正义、理想而奋不顾身,愿为社会而牺牲自己的生命。他是个孤独的战士,为了肃清社会风气,为了实现自己的理想他一次又一次的出游,虽然总是闯祸,但是他一直在行动,从未退缩。 人们总是把他当成喜剧人物,一个理想主义者,但是和桑丘这种现实主义者相比,堂吉诃德无疑是伟大的,他有自己的追求,有自己的理想,有自己的行动。而桑丘只是个唯利是图的小人,满足于眼前的利益,一个毫无头脑、碌碌无为的肤浅之人。主仆两人构成了鲜明的对比,更显示出理想之于现实的伟大。我认为每个人都应该有自己的理想追求,即使自己的理想是可笑的、不切实际的,相比那些只着眼于现实,鼠目寸光的平庸之人,理想还是极其伟大的。 堂吉诃德是个英勇而孤独的战士! 机械与储运工程学院 储运12---3班 宋明亮 2012010975


《三个火枪手》读后感精选 在这个寒假中,我读了很多书,比如,我最近刚刚读完了大文豪 大仲马写的《三个火枪手》。 这本书大概简述了:在1625年,一个名叫达达尼昂的小伙子听从 父亲的教导,向巴黎出发,在巴黎,达达尼昂遇到了各式各样的人, 也结识了他的三个好伙伴:阿托斯,阿拉米斯和波托斯,他们四个人 乐观,向上,勤劳,闯过了一次次的难关,获得了一次次的成就。但是,最后,四个好朋友却各走东西,再没了联系。 读完了这本小说,我深有感触,比如,书中,红衣教主想要对白 金汉首相实行行刺,并且围困拉罗舍尔城,想要把雷岛上的英国人都 给赶出去,掀起一场腥风血雨,而达达尼昂身负和平的使命,他想尽 一切办法阻止,是无数个家庭得到和平。达达尼昂的正义感使我感动。 没读过这本书的人一定会认为红衣教主是一个大反派,没有一丝 的优点,可事实并非如此,红衣教主他是一个作风严谨的人,同时, 他还是一位德高望重的大臣,而达达尼昂,行为放荡,还有点酗酒, 从中,我们能够知道,坏人的内心不一定坏,而好人的内心不一定好。 就让我们向达达尼昂和红衣教主学习他们的优点吧。 【篇二】《三个火枪手》读后感精选 《三个火枪手》,其实我早在小学的时候就已经读过他的图画本 和儿童版本,使我对这本书的剧情和框架有了一个大概的了解,正方 代表国王、四个火枪手和护卫队长特雷尔,大反派则是红衣大主教。 真正开始深度理解本书是在我前几天读完青少年读本以后,之前曾因 为考试而被打断。 本书是我读了第一本青少年版的16世纪的西方小说,之前我曾读 过诸如奥德赛、金银岛,后有化身博士和神秘岛。这本书能够说是补 充了我在这个年代小说阅读的空白。小说的写作风格与大仲马的绝大

骑士精神语录 侣行_优美句子 摘抄大全

骑士精神语录侣行_优美句子- 摘抄大全 摘抄大全文章句子励志故事骑士精神语录骑士精神语录出发其实没那么简单那一刻我走在两条路上看的见的在脚下看不见的在心底 来吧来预设苦难 为你惧怕的定制可控的开端 去吧去经历苦难 用收获的美景来为王者之心加冕人生不是彩排也许我们不可能一开始直奔梦想但只要我们不放弃自已的信仰希望永远在不远处向你招手 有些事情 现在不做永远不会去做 因为时间有限 有些风景

现在不去休验永远没有惊喜 因为生命有限 侣行的意义在于发现生命的美好!有的时候内心的恐惧无法屈服有的时候同伴间的信任会面临挑战为了继续前行有时候需要强迫自已成长即使面对的困难太强即使无法训服自已心中的猛虎我们也要学会与它和平共只有内心真正强大起来才能不辜负那些跟你共同经历风雨的人 包括那些把命交给你的人 只有背对黑暗 才能看见阳光 只有遭遇苦难 才能珍惜幸福 生命的每一天都转瞬即逝 请活在当下珍惜眼前只要想就一定可以彪悍的冒险只

要敢就一定可以走的更远更惊心动魄只有亲身经历才能觉知生命的意义和震撼 人生短暂 我们如何尽情的拥抱所有 倒不如一同投入到世界怀抱 换一个角度看世界 来场精彩的侣行-来源: 摘抄大全https://www.360docs.net/doc/3418444719.html, 上: 匆匆那年台词摘抄下: 骑士经典语录---- 更多热门《优美句子》优美句子推荐幸福是每一个微小愿望的达成 痛不痛不由我自己做主,要不要表现出来可以由我自己做主如果你还不曾做出任何努力,那么,这份感情一定不够真挚 用一颗浏览的心,看待人生 热爱祖国的名言警句关于摘抄大全摘抄网https://www.360docs.net/doc/3418444719.html, 为您提供好词好段摘抄/优美作文摘抄/好句子摘抄/美文摘抄/优美校园文章、爱情句子摘抄大全. 站长统计 -
