

Part 1:写作


1原因:because、on account of 、in view of、take account of、give that、for the sake of、as a result/consequence of、owing/due/thanks to、result from;

2增强语气的词:more、most和more than例如I’m most happy to meet you!我非常高兴见到你this view is more than biased(有偏见的)这个观点是非常错误的。表示斩钉截铁的语气:undoubtedly、unquestionably、undeniably、beyond doubt、out of question;例如it’s out of question for me to do sth做成某事是没有问题的。never与until的连用,例如I will never give up until I succeed。all、any、every、no等的应用,例如make every effort、size every chance;

3调节观点的词:正方和反方的观点大多数时候都是不完美的,我们用to some extent来调节,例如I don’t agree with it to some extent。generally表示并不是绝对化的,on the whole通常用来引出本方观点;

4关联词:两个要论证的观点on the one hand、on the other hand;for one thing、for another;三个或更多用to begin with、more over、what’s the most important;in the first place、in the second place、last but not least;first、second、third···等

5用于引出事例:Let’s take···as an example、A good case in point is that···、Just think of···,which(who)···;6表示两个对立的观点的词:some body think that···,while others argue that···;



2灵活运用词汇:例如表示某人持什么观点时不仅可以用think,还可用hold、argue、maintain(主张)、take···for granted(认为···理所应当);

3多变的句型和句式结构:多用特殊句式,减少简单句式、文中包含少量相对复杂的句式,句子长短错落有致,使用简单地道的English来表达。常用句型有Only in this way,can we···。例如:Only in this way,can we except to live a happy life; 4适当应用谚语和名言:使用句型As the famous saying/proverb goes,···;Just as sb once said,···;有时把谚语或名言放在文章最后,这是一种高级技巧,例如:Only if we get prepared can we size the opportunities instead of letting them slip by,just as the saying goes,“opportunities are only for the prepared minds.”

5使用多种修辞手法:比喻(分明喻和暗喻),隐喻:If life is a journey,we have nothing to regret so long as we put meaning into it和knowledge and experience accumulated(积累)can help reap harvest in English learning,and confident and courage gained along the route can help me succeed in my future career.排比(有助于保持段落结构清晰):Students cheat in examinations to obtain high scores. Accountants make up false data to win trust and respect from stockholders. Even

scientists copy others’ articles or inventions to seize m oney or fame.拟人(使事物人性化):The past twenty years witnessed the fast development of the automobile industry along with national economy.其中witness即是拟人用法

6运用插入语(一种高级技巧):Other people, however, hold that it is unfair to···.其中however是插入语。To put an end to such a serious problem, in my mind, calls for the efforts from all sides.插入语为in my mind.还有Many people, especially the parents, think it will certainly do good to their children because the independent life will make them learn confidence and perseverance.插入语有的时候作同位语,起解释说明的作用:First of all, the university authority should make it clear that any cheating behaviors in the examinations, from whispering and copying, receiving via mobile phones to asking ringers for help, will be severely punished with no exception.


8使用简单地道的英语,如:高手master hand、老手:seasoned hand、能手:skillful hand。

9有时可用双重否定表肯定,展现灵活运用英语的能力,如not unnecessary有必要;not unimportant重要的;

10多用同义词避免重复,同义词集锦(按汉语首字母顺序排列) B:@把···看作:regard as、consider as、look on···as、treat···as、view···as;@必要的:indispensable、essential、necessary;@表达:voice、convey、express、deliver、communicate;@不计其数的:countless、endless、unlimited、innumerable、immeasurable、incalculable、numberless、numerous;C:@参加:participate in、attend、take part in、go in for、engage in、join、enter;@产生,带来:breed、cultivate、develop、produce、bring;@重复的,反复的:repetitively、repeatedly、over and over、time and again、time and time;@充分运用,使用,应用:optimize、make best use of、make full use of、employ、utilize、apply、use;@充足的:sufficient、adequate、ample、enough、plenty;@抽出时间做···:set aside、put aside、spare、spend;@除···之外:apart from、in addition to、along with、besides、what’s more、moreover;@聪明的:intelligent、bright、wise、brilliant;@粗俗的,不雅的:vulgar、unrefined、obscene、improper、foul、crude、coarse、rough、bad;D:@当前,目前:nowadays、at present、currently、presently、now;@等不及,渴望,想:can’t wait to、be eager to/for、long for、yearn for、hunger for/after、look forward to、want to、have a desire for、desire to do;@低等的,次要的:inferior、junior、minor、secondary、lesser、insignificant;@断定:come to the conclusion、arrive at the conclusion、draw the conclusion 、conclude、decide、assert、wind up、judge;@反对,抵制:oppose、object to、resist;F:@方法:method、approach、means、measure、mode、way;@繁荣的,富裕的:prosperity、flourishing、thriving、booming、affluent、wealthy、well-off、rich;G:@高兴的:be in a good mood、happy、cheerful、joyful、joyous、

pleased、delighted、glad;@各种各样的,不同的:a variety of、various、diverse、all kinds of、all sorts of、different;@观察:see、witness、observe、view;H:@寒冷的:chilly、wintry、frigid、cold;@好处,优点:advantage、merit、benefit;@合作:cooperate、join forces、work side by side、make joint efforts;@坏处,缺点:disadvantage、defect、flaw、drawback、deficiency;@恢复,重新获得:restore、recover、regain、resume、get···again;@获得,赢得,取得:acquire、obtain、attain、reap、earn、gain、procure、get;J:@给予,捐赠,赠与:impart、denote、contribute、give;@假的:fake、deceptive、disguised、cheating、false;@建立:construct、build、set up、put up、found、establish;@节约的:economical、thrifty、frugal、prudent、saving、sparing;@减少,缩短:reduce、decrease、diminish、lessen、cut down、shorten、make···shorter;@教授:tutor、coach、educate、teach;@解决:resolve、settle、deal with、cope with、manage、work on;@解释:account for、illustrate、clarify、explain;@进步,成绩:advancement、achievement、accomplishment、feat、fulfillment、progress;@尽力做:attempt to、make efforts to、spare no efforts to、endeavor to、manage to do、try to、work hard;@禁止:ban、disallow、prohibit、forbid、prevent;@仅有的:sole、single、unique、only;@经历:undergo、endure、live with、go through、experience;@巨大的:tremendous、immense、huge、gigantic、giant、enormous;@沮丧的,失意的:frustrated、discouraged、depressed、down-hearted、disheartened、low-spirited、sad;K:@空前的,罕见的:unprecedented、exceptional、unusual、uncommon、rare;@扩展,扩大,展开:expand、broaden、widen、extend、enlarge、spread;L:@乐趣:entertainment、amusement、fun;@冷淡的:indifferent、unconcerned、uninterested、chilly、not kind、cold;@冷静的:sober、reasonable、sensible、rational、calm;M:@迷人的,美丽的:enchanting、charming、appealing、alluring、fascinating、attractive、beautiful、pretty、nice;@描述:depict、describe、picture;@明确的,特别的:concrete、specific、particular、definite、special;@明智的,合理的:advisable、sensible、rational、elevate、reasonable;@目标:purpose、objective、aim、goal;N:@难以置信的,惊人的:fantastic、incredible、unusual、unbelievable、exceptional、extraordinary、marvelous、notable、noteworthy、striking、amazing、appalling、shocking、astonishing、surprising;@能力,才能:capability、competence、capacity、faculty、talent、ability;P:@疲惫不堪的:exhausted、fatigued、run-down、worn-out、weary、tired;@抛弃,放弃:desert、abandon、quit、give up;Q:@强调:lay/place emphasis on、attach emphasis to、stress on、highlight、emphasize;@强烈的,强的:keen、intense、fierce、violent、strong;@勤奋的:diligent、studious、industrious、hardworking;@请教,咨询:consult、return to、resort to、ask;@轻视,蔑视:despise、contempt、belittle、distain;@倾向于,易于:be prone to、be liable to、tend to、incline to、be likely to;@起作用:play a role、perform、function、serve、play a part、work;@全部的:entire、overall、comprehensive、complete、

all;@全面的,彻底的:sheer、utter、thorough、complete;@确定的:unquestionably、indisputably、undeniably、out of question、going without saying、unsurprisingly、undoubtedly、It’s no wonder that···、definitely、certainly、surely;R:@然后:afterwards、later、later on、after that、then;@忍受:put up with、bare、tolerate、come to terms with;@认为,主张,:argue、maintain、hold、believe、think、考虑take···into consideration、consider、ponder、meditate、contemplate、think over、reflect on/upon;@认真的:conscientious、cautious、careful、serious;S:@上升:increase、ascend、go up、rise、mount、on the rise、roar、grow;@胜过,超过,比···更重要:outweigh、exceed、surpass、be more important than;@失业的:unemployed、laid-off、jobless、workless、out of work;@事实上:in reality、in effect、as a matter of fact、practically、virtually、actually、in fact;@适应:be adapted to、be accustomed to、be adjusted to、be used to;@实施,做:practice、carry out、conduct、perform、do;@使信服:convince、persuade、assure、confirm、make···believe;@熟悉,知道:be acquainted with、be familiar with、be informed of;T:@提前,在···前:ahead of time、ahead of schedule、beforehand、in advance、prior to、before;@提高:improve、increase、enhance、raise、elevate;@突然地:abruptly、unexpectedly、suddenly;W:@完成,实现:achieve、accomplish、fulfill、complete、finish;@违背,打破:violate、disobey、infringe、break;@为了:for the sake of、in order to、so as to、on the purpose of、aim at;@位于:be located、be situated、stand、sit、lie;@无聊的:boring、dull、monotonous、annoying、irritating、uninteresting;X:@吸收,消化:assimilate、digest、grasp、absorb、comprehend、understand;@吸引:allure、captivate、fascinate、tempt、attract;@显示:demonstrate、reflect、manifest、indicate、point to、show;@想出:come up with、cross one’s mind、occur to somebody、think out、flash into;@消费,花费:consume、expend、spend、cost、take;@需要:call for、require、demand、need;Y:@依赖,依靠:rely on、lean on、depend on;@意识到:be aware of、be conscious of、realize;@影响:affect、impact、have effect on、influence;@意义深远的,重要的,重大的:far-reaching、profound、significant、eventful、vital、crucial、critical、decisive、important;@永久的:permanently、enduringly、lastingly、constantly、unchangingly;@涌入:flood into、overflow into、crowd into、swarm in;@由···组成,组成:be made up of···、consist of···、be comprised of···、be composed of···、form、constitute;@有敌意的,不友好的:hostile、adverse、aggressive、not kind;@忧虑,使···不安:upset、agitate、bother、disturb、troubled、worried、anxious、uneasy、concerned、restless;@有偏见的,偏心的,不公正的:biased、prejudiced、partial、discriminative、unfair;@有机会:stand a chance of、have an opportunity to、have a chance of/to;@优秀的:outstanding、perfect、brilliant、remarkable、distinguished、excellent;@与···相联系:be connected with、be linked to、be relevant to、have something to do with、be related to;@遇到:come across、meet with、encounter、

confront;Z:@在我看来:in my view、in my belief、as far as I am concerned、in my opinion;@遭受:be subjected to、sustain、encounter、suffer;@责备:blame、accuse、denounce、scold;@增加:increase、rise、grow、climb、go up等;@支持,赞成:approve of、in favor of、uphold、stand by one’s side、agree with、give one’s assent、support提倡advocate、recommend;@志气,抱负,渴望:aspiration、ambition、yearning、thirst、desire;@占有,持有,拥有:occupy、hold、own、possess、have;@真诚的,诚实的,正直的:sincere、truthful、genuine、upright、hearty、frank、honest;@珍贵的,昂贵的:precious、valuable、valued、prized、cherished、treasured、dear、costly、high-priced、expensive;@证明:testify、confirm、verify、turn out、prove;@重要:important、critical、vital、crucial、significant;@注定:be doomed to、be destined to、it is decided···;@逐渐地:step by step、little by little、bit by bit、gradually;@壮丽的,完美的:splendid、grand、magnificent、superb、striking、impressive、marvelous、wonderful;@遵守:abide by、obey、observe、conform;@最终:eventually、sooner or later、at length、ultimately、finally、at last;@阻止:hinder、curb、hamper、restrain、prevent、ward off、avoid、stop;写作常用句型

1由while引导的状语从句(凸显两种观点的对比,使句子显得非常精炼):Different people have different views on Opportunity. Some people think that there are few opportunities in the world, while others argue that everybody will have some kind of opportunity along his life route.和When it comes to traveling, some of people will choose to go on a self-tour while others want to go on a package tour.

2Those who···或Those people who···句型(多用于引出持什么观点,对比鲜明,也非常精炼):Those who are in favor of the Internet claim that it has a lot of advantages.和Those who are opposed to the Internet hold that disadvantages are many. ( face=be faced with, oppose=be opposed to,而face with和oppose to均是错误的)

3倒装句,多由only引导(其强调和加强语气的作用):only when+时间状语,only if+条件状语、only by doing sth,can we···及only in this way can we···step by step. 4条件状语从句:由if 引导He will make the right choice if he knows his goal in life and how to make decisions according to the goal.由so long as(语气比if强)引导so long as we can make proper use of it, it can be most helpful for us in many respects.(make good use of it和make use of it reasonably均表示“合理使用”)

5强调句(语气强烈):For all the years it is they who give the student courage and determination to hold on and excel(杰出),有时强调句可与not···but···结构同时使用来突显对比It’s not the years in your life, but the life in your years that counts

6反问句(更具说服力):Now that we can draw the conclusion that daydreaming is most beneficial, why not make good use of it to make life rich and rewarding?此外还有How shall I sum up my feeling upon hearing the news of this new test?和If you can only had wonderful things happen to you, how can you become brave? If you can

only embrace success and will never accept failure, how can you become mature?

7结果状语从句:由so···that···或such···that···引导,译为“如此···以至于···”例如Failure is such a common matter that every one of us may meet it from time to time. 8让步状语从句:第一种由though和although引导,Although it may bring unfavorable consequence, we can be sure to conclude that this practice is favorable on the whole。Although(it is true that)···,it doesn’t mean(that)···是反驳对方推导的观点的好句型,例如To begin with, although you may feel anxious to finish the work when the deadline is drawing near, it doesn’t mean you can finish your job on time. 类似的还有while···,it doesn’t follow···.第二种由even if 和even though引导,例如You can never give up even if you face difficulty.第三种由no matter how或however, whatever 引导,例如No matter how responsible the teachers are and how friendly the classmates are, you can only depend on yourself once you step into the examination room.

9 not(never)···until···译为“直到···才···”此句型有时可用在末句,如We can never wish to realize our dream of a cleaner and more beautiful environment until all of us take actions to build, protect and take care of it.有时此句型可与反问句同时使用,这是一种高级写作技巧:How can anybody expect to lead a meaningful life until he is far from any kind of cheating behaviors?

10 There is no such things as···译为“没有···这样的事情”(此句型语气非常强烈):There is no such thing as one can achieve his goal without hard work.

11包含never 的否定句:never与too同时使用,表示“再···都不为过”,如:You can never be too good to your mother.你对你妈妈再好都不为过。never 与其他否定词(如no)连用,构成双重否定,表示肯定意义:The two-day weekend can never be said to bring no problem。Never···because(since)···表示“不因为···就···,如I will never give up since a matter is difficult我不会因为一件事情难就放弃。never与unless/until同时使用,译为“你永远也不可能···,除非你/直到你···”:You can never write a good research paper unless you concentrate on what you are doing and have a right attitude towards failure.此外,never 还可与fail连用,表示“总能够···”:The sun never fails to rise up from the East/horizon.太阳每天总能够从东方/地平线升起。

12 平行结构:名词平行For another, if a person is diligent and determined, he will realize his dream no matter how poor, humble or unlucky he may be.动宾词组的平行Knowledge and experience accumulated can help me reap harvest in English learning, and confident and courage gained along the route can help me succeed in my future career. 反问句的平行If you can only had wonderful things happen to you, how can you become brave? If you can only embrace success and will never accept failure, how can you become mature?





5稍作修改:注意动词的时态和语态,第三人单数名词后面的动词要用第三人称单数形式,如She likes apple very much.


1观点子类模板,对立观点:@第一段(提出两种人的观点)Different people have different views on···. Some people think that···,while others argue that···第二段(明确表示自己同意某个观点)As far as I’m concerned, I agree with the···opinion. For one thing ,I firmly believe···.For another,···.just think of···,who···.第三段(结论)Taking all these factors into consideration, we may safely come to the conclusion that···.Only if···can we···,just as the saying goes,···;@第一段(第一种人的观点)People’s opinions are always different once they talk about···.Those who···maintain that···.They also firmly believe that···.第二段(第二种人的观点)Many people think otherwise. On the one hand,···.On the other hand,···.第三段(明确表明自己同意某个观点)My own opinion is that···,in the fast-developing information era(时代),has become more than common and acceptable. If we want to···,we have to···.So why not···?事物性质:第一段(引出现象并说明其意义)Recently there have been many reports of···.It turns a new page of···in China, and will have far-reaching effects in the forthcoming years.第二段(分三方面说明其优点)The biggest benefit, in my eyes, is that···.In addition,···.Finally,···.第三段(说明我们所面临的挑战并下结论)Apart from the benefits mentioned above, we should also face several unavoidable challenges. In the first place,···. In the second place,···.What’s the most important,···.Only when···can we···. 混合模板(观点+办法):第一段(引入某种有害事物)Nowadays every one of us may come across···now and then. These···are most harmful to the whole society.第二段(分三方面说明其危害)In my opinion, their harmfulness can be summarized in the following three respects. In the first place,···.In the second place,···.Last but not least,···.第三段(说明自己的态度)In my mind, the government and the citizens should join hands to put an end to these···.On the one hand, the government should···.On the other hand, some citizens···.Only by the joint(联合)efforts of the government and the common people can we do away with(废除,去掉)···.

2利弊子类模板,对立观点:第一段(指出某一事物)Nowadays,···is playing a more and more important role in people’s opinions are still divided on this point. 第二段(支持者的观点:利)Those who are in favor of···claim that it has a lot of advantages. Firstly, ···. Secondly,···.Last but not least,···.第三段(反对者的观点:弊) Those who are opposed to···hold that disadvantages are many. In the first place,···.In the second place,···.Finally,···.第四段(作者的观点:利大于弊)All in all, we can safely come to the conclusion that the pros(利) outweigh the cons(弊). The past twenty years witnessed the fast development of···along with···.A brighter future is awaiting us if we make use of···.事物性质:第一段(提出某一现象)Like anything else,···has both advantages and disadvantages.第二段(谈“利”) The main benefits of···are as follows. First,···.In the second place,···.Last but not least,···.第三段(谈“弊”)H owever, the negative effects are also obvious. To begin with,···.Second,···. Finally,···.第四段(作者认为利大于弊)In conclusion, the advantages of···out-weigh its disadvantages.···.混合类(利弊+办法):第一段(某制度的优点)···has brought a lot of benefits to college students ever since the beginning. First,···.Second,···.Third,···.第二段(某制度的缺点)Though it does good to college students in many ways,···can never be said to bring no problem. For one thing,···for another,···.第三段(分三方面谈个人感受,阐述自己的做法)In order to make good use of···,I form(形成) the habit of···.On the one hand,···. On the other hand,···.By carefully planning my time,···.

3提问子类模板,对立观点:第一段(提出问题)It is quite natural for···to ponder over the question of where to···.第二段(描述一种做法及原因)Many···will choose not to···. Generally for three reasons. On the one hand,···.On the other hand,···. Most important of all,···.第三段(描述相反的做法及原因)Nevertheless, other people adopt a totally different view. For one thing,···.For another,···.第四段(给出自己的绝妙方法---折中)From what we have discussed above, we can draw the conclusion that it depends on personal choice. In my own case,···.现象解释:第一段(从正反两面描述一种复杂现象)When we talk about whether···,we will be most surprised to find that the present situation is so complicated. On the one hand,···.On the other hand,···.第二段(从三方面给出这一现象的原因)Three reasons, in my eyes, can account for this phenomenon. In the first place,···.In the second place,···.Finally,···.

4选择子类模板,对立观点:@第一段(提出某问题的两个方面)Whenever people···, they will come across the problem of whether they should···or···,and it is natural for different opinions to arise.第二段(一类人的观点)Some people think we should···.They say that···.Furthermore,···.Therefore, we should···.第三段(另一类人的不同观点)But other people think otherwise. They argue that in an age when science and technology develop at a fantastic speed, we should not only···but also···.Only when we···can we keep up with the pace of social development.第四段(作者的观点:将两种做法相结合)In my opinion, we should combine···with···.

First···.Second,···,Only in this way can we···.@第一段(提出某问题的两个方面)Currently, the major dilemma which most···face···is to···or to···.第二段(描述一类人的选择)Those who···.They believe that only by···can a person···.Most important of all,···.第三段(描述另一类人的不同选择)Other people, however, believe that···.The best way is to···.第四段(以客观的态度评价这一问题,未给出明确的结论)No matter which choice a student will finally make, he has to be extremely careful to look into his unique situation and consult the predecessors for their advice. He will make the right choice if he knows···.

5批驳类模板,批驳做法:第一段(第一句提出现象,第二句表态)Nowadays, there us a growing tendency(趋势)···. Personally speaking, I don’t agree with this practice at all.第二段(分三个方面进行批驳)First of all,···. Second,···.Third,···.第三段(结论)To wind up my discussion, my conclusion is that it is not advisable for···.批驳观点:第一段(某种做法与支持这种做法的观点)Recently it seems that···..Many people, especially the parents, think it will certainly do good to their children because···.Moreover,···.第二段(从两方面进行批驳)After careful consideration, I have to say the above view is more than biased. On the other hand,···.On the other hand,···.第三段(结论)We can see clearly that although···may bring favorable results, there are still a lot to worry about. It seems necessary for young students to make a careful investigation before···.复合批驳:第一段(首先指出某些人的做法,然后提出有些人反对)It becomes a common tendency these days for people to···..Many people are opposed to this practice because they think···.They also argue that···.第二段(提出我不同意这些人的看法,并分三点说明)In my mind, however, I can’t agree with these people on this occasion.···.At the same time,···.In addition,···.第三段(结论)In conclusion,···.混合类(观点批驳+办法):第一段(首句提出观点,并提出反面意见)Nowadays there is a commonly held belief that···.Actually, it is not the real case.第二段(从三个方面说明反对理由) On the one hand,···.On the other hand,···.Most important of all,···.第三段(提出两方面的解决方法)We need to carry out several measures to promote···.First, we should···.Second, we should···.

6办法类模板,社会问题:第一段(说明与问题有关的某一现象)Nowadays,···. It has become such a serious problem that it has aroused the concern from the whole society.第二段(分三点阐述解决方法)To put an end to such a serious problem, in my mind, calls for the efforts from all sides. First of all, Moreover,···.Last but not least,···.第三段(结论)How can anybody expect to lead a meaningful life he is far from···?Only when all of us join in the efforts of···at all levels can we expect to have···a more beautiful future.个人问题:第一段(引出问题)The past decades has witnessed···.Consequently students voice growing concern over how to···.To this problem, in my mind, there are at least the following three approaches(处理方法).第二段(列举三种可行办法)First of all,···.Secondly,···. Finally,···.第三段(选择第二种

办法,突出个性)Personally, I would like to choose···.On the one hand,···.On other hand,···. As long as I’m sure of···.it is out of question for me to···. 混合类(后果+办法):第一段(引出问题)With the development of national economy, a worrying social problem also arises---···.第二段(分三个方面阐述问题带来的后果)The···phenomenon will bring many un favorable consequences. First and foremost,···. What makes matters worse,···Finally, if this matter is not properly settled, it will pose a threat to···.第三段(三种解决方法)It is high time that we called on the efforts from all sides to deal with this problem properly. For one thing, the government should···.For another,···should seize every chance···. Finally, the mass media should also play a positive role in···.第四段(结束语)No matter whether this problem is a natural result of social development, it is important that we find a satisfactory solution to it in this social transformation era.

7谚语类模板,完全赞同:第一段(引入谚语并解释)The well-know proverb···has long been accepted by all of us. It tells us that···.第二段(举例说明)Let’s take···as a example.···.第三段Another good case in point is···.第四段(结论)Judging from the examples given above, we may safely come to the con conclusion that···. So why not···?···.部分赞同:第一段(引入谚语)When we talk of the famous proverb···,we should not simply label it as right or wrong, but explore(探究)in depth.第二段(正面论述谚语正面的情况)This proverb is especially true under several situations. )First,···. Second, ···.Third,···.第三段(反面论述)Nevertheless, there are also some exceptions.···.第四段(呼应第二、三两个段落)In a word, we can draw the conclusion that in most cases···,but in certain circumstances,···the right choice.



第一段(表明写信意图)I’m writing to you,···.···.第二段(说明目前的

困难)···,Worse still,···.···.However,···.moreover,···,···.第三段希

望,呼吁人们动起来)It’s high time that···.···. Thank you for kindness! Yours sincerely


演讲辞:Good everyone,

第一段(简单的致谢)First I’d like to extend my thanks to···(要感谢

的对象)for offering us this

opportunity to run for chair man of the student union.第二段(说明自己的条件和优势)I’m sure I well

satisfy the conditions for working as chairman. Since···(时间),I···(个人经历).More importantly··(获

奖经历). As far as···is concerned,···.In addition,···.第三段(阐明如果成功,我会怎么办)If I were

···,I would···. Moreover,···.To sum up,···.第四段(希望得到支持并致谢)If you···,please···.Thank you for···.

导游辞:My dear friends,

第一段(对游客表示欢迎)Welcome to···.It’s rea lly a great pleasure to···. 第二段(说明今天旅游活动的安排)The schedule(日程表) for today

is as follows:first,···; after···,···. 第三段(介绍将要参观

的景点)···(某一标志性景点),as the very symbol of···(大地点),···(景点特

点).···(上述景点)is regarded as···.What we will visit today is···(上述景

点).It is located at···(小地点),Among all the sections(地域) of···(上述景

点),···(上述景点种的某一特征性建筑)is considered most impressive

for···(原因如its magnificent view and historical significance). 第四段(表

达对参观者的祝愿)Thank you for listening. I hope you enjoy yourselves



第一段(表明写信的目的)I’m···(自我介绍).I’m sorry to occupy your

precious time, but I really want to talk about···.第二段(阐述现状,说

明其不足之处)···(现象).To make matters worse,···.It is true


样做)···(现象)is connected with the daily life of···(人物).···(现

象)have aroused concern from all the···(人物).I hope you can···(做

法). 第四段(表达谢意)I’m looking forward to your reply.

Best regards.








第一段(表明收到信件和某人消息时激动的心情)I’m most happy to receive your···letter and hear that···.第二段(就某事展开叙述或自己

的打算或安排)······.第三段(提醒朋友应注意的地方)I advise you

to···.Remember to···.And I will···.第四段(再次表达欢迎之意) I’m

looking forward to your reply and wish you a good journey.

Best regards.


第一段(表明写信目的及事件的起因)I’m writing to inform you of

my unhappy experience lately. On···(时间),I···.Unfortunately,···. 第

二段(介绍书信交涉的经过)To resolve the problem, I···.I made great

efforts to···,only to be told···.第三段(说明解决此类问题的重要

性)Up until now, I have been thinking of this happening. I believe that

it is more than necessary for···to···.Only when···can···.

With best regards.

Yours sincerely



第一段(表明写信目的) I’m writing you this letter to show my keen(强烈的) interest in the post(职位) of···.第二段(详细展示自己的能

力)I···. Another point I want to draw your attention to is that I have been

taking an active part in a variety of campus activities. In the due process my

teamwork spirit has been enhanced(增强) my interpersonal skills improved.

I’m sure I can···.第三段(表示自己的希望并留下联系方式,表示谢意)I

would like to meet you at your earliest convenience and discuss the

possibility of working with your company. Or, if you are too busy these

days, you can contact me at···for further information. Thank you for your

favorable consideration.

Best wishes.

Yours sincerely


9图表类模板,解释原因:第一段(描述图表:某个数值增加,某个数值减小)During the period from···to···,···rose from···to···,while···decreased from···to···.第二段(分三方面解释原因)We believe that three reasons can account for this phenomenon. First···.Second,···.Third,···.第三段(得出结论并预测发展趋势)We are happy to see that things are becoming better and better nowadays. We can imagine that···.混合类(原因+后果):第一段(描述图表)From the chart we can see clearly that···. 第二段(解释原因)In my mind, the reasons why···are as follows. First,···.Besides,···. 第三段(描述后果)The negative effects of···are also clear. to begin with,···.Second,···,which···.第四段(结论)All in all, I should say the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. The key lies in whether we can make good use of it to
