


It was two years ago when I first met him. At that time he was a roamer who had、 just come to this city single and had no thought of settling down. I still remember that he used to describe himself as a lost child drifting in the world seeking things to till his heart he could never stop for he would lose his way then die in silence.


It was like a crystal though our relationship beautiful. pure but fragile. Sometimes we just like old friends. talking and laughing. But I knew that there is always a separate yvorld in which only he exists and he never let other people in.


"True relationship takes work" I told myself time and time again. I could wait wait for the day he let me in and wait for the day we became true friends. For a while I believed that until his leaving.


It was hidden and with an awful finality`'.Till then did I know that I was a little part of his time on earth a little understanding of his physical being. I was a little piece of him. Maybe to his drought-like heart our relationship was just a drizzle useless and disappointing.


Time slid away from fingers while I was trying to get on with my lifc. I locked our memories in a box and put it at the bottom of my heart pretending nobody had turned up in my lifenothing had happened.


His appearing again split my peace again. Vivid memories came flooding back from the box deep in my heart. For a while I was vaguely conscious it was just like there hadn't being any distance any separation between us and his one-year left was just an alter of eyes.



When he told me that he had found the harbor for his wondering heart I felt like drowning in a lake cold and breathless. He kept talking but I could not hear a word. Perhaps nobody could be immune to `' such felony.


That night he and his true love haunted my dream. They were flying far across the fields and woods leaving me far behind. I ran and ran but could not catch up. I was the one left behind.


At that time I realized even perfect love couldn't promise you forever sometimes forever means to let him go.



银川海派英语:古罗马神话中的花神Flora(上) No. 43. 古罗马神话中的花神:Flora(上) Flora 是古罗马神话中的花神 (goddess of flowers),预示着鲜花的盛开和春天的到来。她后来嫁给了古罗马神话中“西风之神”:Favonius. 西风之神 Favonius 代表着轻柔和美好的微风(breeze)。于是 Favonius 的衍生出了favorable,意思是“有利的,有好处的”,以及favorite,表示“特别受喜爱的”。 例如:The terms of the agreement are favorable to both sides. 协议条款对双方都有利。 It is one of my favorite movies. 这是我特别喜爱的电影之一。 注意哦,西风之神Favonius 还有一个好听的名字:Zephyr,而zephyr作为名词,同样表示“和风,微风”:a soft gentle wind. 我们把花神 Flora 的名字的首字母小写,就会得到flora,表示“植物群”,也就是一个地方植被的统称。与 flora相对的是fauna,表示“动物群”,也就是一个地方所有动物的统称。 花神 Flora 的名字衍生出了两个同音异形字 (homophone):flower 以及 flour. flower表示“花朵”,而 flour表示小麦“花朵”长出麦穗之后研磨的“面粉”。注意哦,flower 与 flour 的发音方式是一样的。 再后来,花神 Flora 的名字衍生出了一个重要的词根:flor-,表示“花朵”,托福和SAT 考试中floral,florid,florist,floret,inflorescence 都是有它衍生的。 1. floral 表示“用花装饰的”,例如:a floral dress 花裙子;a floral vase,花瓶。floral 的同义词是“flowered”,它同样表示“用花装饰的”。 2. florid 表示“过分花哨的,过分修饰的”,常常用来修饰文章或者语言的风格。 例如:the florid language. 过分华丽的辞藻。 有时候,florid 还能够表述一个人的脸色“绯红的,面色红润的”,就像鲜花盛开一样。 例如:He was a stout florid man. 他是一个身材结实,脸色红润的人。 如果我们在florid这个单词的后面加上字母“a”,首字母大写之后,Florida,这就是佛罗里达,因为这里是“鲜花盛开的地方”。


雅思听力需谨慎的11个陷阱 雅思考生们常会碰到这样的情况:经过一段时间的密集练习,已经基本能够找到听力中的关键信息点,但答案有时却还是会错。 有人会问:我明明听到了这个词,这个信息点,为什么写出来还是错呢?其实在听力输入和答案输出的过程中,还需要增加一个辨识的环节。如果缺少这一环节,就容易掉入出题者的陷阱中。下面就来看看雅思听力考试中常出现的集中陷阱~ 1. 时间先后 考题中经常通过现在和过去的状况的比较来设置陷阱,考生要特别注意used to, in the past, many years ago, at present, now,in the future 等一系列提示时间先后的词。 例如在租房场景中房东会说这里从前有5个人住,后来走了两个,所以现在就只有三个人住了,而题目问的是现在房子里住的人数,答案就自然应该是3 而不是5了。 又例如有健身俱乐部在介绍设施时说现在只有健身房,将来还会开设游泳馆。题目中问此俱乐部有什么设施,答案就只能是健身房。 2. 数值比较 考题中经常会出现一连串数据连报的现象,让很多考生颇为头疼,特别是当数据较多或对数据的解释较难时。因引起注意的词有:minimum, maximum, least, most, up to等。 例如在旅游场景中会说一个旅游团的人数通常在30人左右,但是在淡季时也会有20人的小团,而旺季最高会达到40人,考题中问最大的团几人,就应填40。 3.信息拆分 这一个陷阱表现得比较明显的就是数字。很多烤鸭们现在都知道重点靠后原则,所以答案中往往会写最后听到的一个数字。绝大部分情况下这么做是没错的。但是还是有小部分的情况,需要烤鸭们很小心。在考试中有时会把一个完整信息拆成两半,在答题时就要注意综合两方面的信息,其中重点词不是非常明显。 举个例子来说,录音中说一个学校里男生有500人,女生有480人,但在题干中,问的却是这个学校总共有多少人。这时候就需要烤鸭们把两个数字加起来。 又如在面试场景中,面试者介绍经历时说在纽约住了5年,又在西雅图住了2年。那班级的总人数和在美国居住的时间就应该是前后两个数据的相加。 4.信息选择 这类陷阱在两人对话中是经常发生的,特点是由一人列举大量信息让对方选择,对方在评价后作出决定。注意:…should do, decide on,don’t want to 等接出决定的用法及一些表评价的形容词。这时要分清谁是做决定者,且做决定的人的语气有一定提示作用。 例如在讨论旅游携带物品时,一方说要带防晒霜,水壶,毛衣,另一给建议的人说防晒霜是必须的,因为会去海滩晒太阳,但水壶太占地方,而且如果换了是他的话,不会带毛衣会带雨衣。则最后要带的物件是防晒霜和雨衣。 5.主观和客观 很多烤鸭对这个陷阱不是非常敏感,常常在不知不觉中就把答案写错了。在做雅思听力题的时候一定要看清题干,看要求回答的到底是主观还是客观的情况。考题中会出现主观愿望和客观事实的冲突,这时要注意usually, common, want to, plan to等词。 举例来说,一个教授和一个学生正在就论文延期的情况讨论,教授说论文延期的理由只能是生病或批准的事假,学生说是因为正在做另外一个重要的论文;而在题干中问的是教授说的理由。那么这时候烤鸭们就一定要注意了。 又比如面试官问面试者会呆多久,面试者回答他一般要在学校学习三年,但是他打算在两年内完成所有课程。则该学生决定要呆的时间就是2年。


银川海派英语【外贸英语】运输(3) (三) We think it necessary to move the articles by way of combined transportation. 我们认为联运货物十分必要。 Sometimes, the way of combined transportation has the complicated formalities. 有时联运的手续十分繁琐。 The two sides agreed to employ “combined transportation” to ship the goods. 双方决定联运货物。 Since there is no direct vessel, we have to arrange multimodal combined transport by rail and sea. 由于没有直达船只,我们只好安排海陆联运。 I don't like this kind of combined transportation. 我并不喜欢这种联运方式。 It's easy to cause a delay in shipment or even lose the goods completely when we arrange such combined transport. 这种联运方式货物容易丢失,也常误期。 It's simpler and cheaper for both of us to arrange multimodal combined transport. 安排联运对我们双方都既简单又经济。 Insurance covers both sea and overland transportation. 保险应包括水陆两路的运输。 If the goods are to be transshipped from one means of transportation to another during the course of the entire voyage, it's called “combined transport”。 如果货物在运输途中交换交通工具,这便是“联运”。 Words and Phrases Train-Air-Truck (TAT;TA) “陆-空-陆”联运;或“陆空联运” combined transportation 联运


英语作文公开课课件 英语作文是英语重要的技能之一,英语作文公开课有哪些优秀的课件。 一、背景知识介绍。 书面表达是写的一种途径,是英语交际的重要组成部分。初中阶段对于英语写作的要求,实际上是“有指导的写作”(guided writing)。它通过提供情景(文字、图画、表格),让学生用学过的英语语言来描述事物或事件并表达一定的思想,以此达成和检验对所学英语语言知识的实践应用能力。客观地说,书面表达一直是我们英语教学的一个难点,也是学生应试的一个难点。 从去年对中考英语试卷的抽样调查情况来看,英语写作是得分最为薄弱的一个题项,平均分只有4.7分(满分为12分)。究其原因,一是学生写作练习的时间少,二是教师平时缺乏对学生进行系统的写作知识的指导。(比如,如何用词、句、组段、谋篇等)。这些原因造成了学生从最初不会写盲目写到不愿写。惧怕写,直至最后拒绝写的恶性循环。针对这一现象,我在教学过程进行了一次如何提高学生写作能力的课堂实践。教师旨在通过与学生谈论他们熟悉的话题“making friends”, 搜索学生头脑中有关朋友的消息,通过阅读两则e-pal广告,获取e-pals 的一些信息,指导如何写e-mail ,从而达到给e-pals 写信的

目的。 二、教学过程。 1.warm-up活动:通过听一首英语歌:“the more we get together, the happier we’ll be.”目的是活跃气氛,为引出今天的话题做准备。 3.pre-reading 通过提问,how can you know your friends, if you haven’t seen each other for a long time? 联系朋友有很多方法,但是 one of the best ways is sending e-mails to them. do you know why?过渡今天话题的材料,快速看完两则e-pal广告,找出答案。 4.while-reading,读两则广告,了解mary和jack完成表格 name age hobbies looks personality e-mail added wish where she? 5.post-reading 引导学生讨论:do you like to make e-pals with mary or jack? why? 当大部分学生都持肯定观点时进一步思索,what will you write in you e-mail to them? 为下面事实写作埋下伏笔,提供铺垫。 6.while-writing. 教会学生正确使用e-mail格式,同时提供关于朋友和友谊的一些精彩句子,为学生写作提供素材。 7.post-writing. 提供写作标准 要求学生根据这个标准,修改自己的e-mail. 1. do you use the tense (时态),spelling(拼写),


观点对比类作文的模板 Some people believe (argue, recognize, think) that 观点1. But other people take an opposite side. They firmly believe that 观点2. As for me, I agree to the former/latter idea. There are a dozen of reasons behind my belief. First of all, 论据1. More importantly, 论据2. Most important of all, 论据3. In summary, 总结观点. As a college student, I am supposed to 表决心. 或From above, we can predict that 预测. People hold different views about X. Some people are favor of the opinion that 观点1, while others point out that 观点2. As far as I am concerned, the former/latter opinion holds more weight. For one thing, 论据1. For another, 论据2. Last but not the least, 论据3. To conclude, 总结观点. As a college student, I am supposed to 表决心. 或From above, we can predict that 预测.


银川海派英语【BEC听力】专项听力原文(4) 第七套题 Part Two. Questions 13—22 Section One. Questions 13——17 Question13 Joe I've got Mr Brand on the line and he says he hasn’t got the cheque for his trip yet. Apparently he had to pay the hotel in cash and it was quite a lot of money. Do you know if his form has been processed yet ? Question14 We are going to start the campaign by putting full page ads in all the major newspapers over a period of a month. They'll be in weekly probably on a Monday and after that we are planning to focus on TV and Radio. Question15 Woman: Mr Carpenter has decided to postpone it until after the next consignment has gone out. I shall fax everyone who was due to come and give them some alternative dates. Question16 I shall be coming round to each of you to discuss how you think things have gone so far. I'm going to need as much detail as possible BECause I want the documentation to be a realistic record of events. Question17 It's very sophisticate model. You can programme it to send stuff at any time and then if there’s a problem a message appears on this little screen here. It's even suggests what you can do about it to put it right! Section Two. Questions 18—22 Question18 Well in a sense I've got no choice in the matter. No one’s act ually told me to get the qualification. It's just that form my point of view my own sense of confidence if you like I feel that if I’m going to be responsible for instructing other people in the company then I should do something to improve my own level of knowledge. On the other hand I don't know what I feel about the course itself. One thing is for sure I am not looking forward to the journey there and back every day. It’s going to be very tiring. Mind you I know I shouldn't complain. It’s only for a mont h after all. Question19 It's certainly a challenge isn’t it? Of course I am nervous in some ways. Who wouldn't be? Then again there’s a lot to look forward to as well. For starters it's going to be something like twenty people doing it. So I’m sure that's going to include some interesting types you know people you enjoy spending time with on the course itself and also afterwards. Could be some useful contacts too. Well OK. I need the course. If I don’t it I won't be able to cope with all the latest


对比观点题型 (1)要求论述两个对立的观点并给出自己的看法。 1.有一些人认为。。。2.另一些人认为。。。3.我的看法。。。 The topic of X---(主题)is becoming more and more popular recently. There are two sides of opinions about it. Some people say A is their favorite. They hold their view for the reason -----------------(支持A的理由一)What is more, -------------(理由二). Moreover, ---------------(理由三). While others think that B is a better choice in the following three reasons. Firstly,-----------------(支持B的理由一). Secondly (besides),------------------(理由二). Thirdly (finally),--------------(理由三). From my point of view, I think ----------------(我的观点). The reason is that --------------------(原因). As a matter of fact, there are some other reasons to explain my choice. For me, the formerlatter is surely a wise choice . (2)给出一个观点,要求考生反对这一观点 Some people believe that ①----------------(观点一). For example, they think ②-----------------(举例说明).And it will bring them ③-----------------(为他们带来的好处). In my opinion, I never think this reason can be the point. For one thing,④-------------(我不同意该看法的理由一). For another thing, ⑤-----------------(反对的理由之二). Form all what I have said, I agree to the thought that ⑥------------------(总结我对文章所讨论主题的看法). 阐述主题题型 要求从一句话或一个主题出发,按照提纲的要求进行论述. 1.阐述名言或主题所蕴涵的意义. 2.分析并举例使其更充实. The good old proverb ----------------(名言或谚语)reminds us that ----------------(释义). Indeed, we can learn many things form it. First of all,-----------------(理由一). For example, -------------------(举例说明). Secondly,----------------(理由二). Another case is that ---------------(举例说明). Furthermore , ------------------(理由三). In my opinion, ----------------(我的观点). In short, whatever you do, please remember the saying------A. If you understand it and apply it to your study or work, you’ll necessarily benefit a lot from it. 解决方法题型 要求考生列举出解决问题的多种途径 1.问题现状2.怎样解决(解决方案的优缺点) In recent days, we have to face the problem X, which is becoming more and more serious. First, ------------(说明A的现状).Second, ---------------(举例进一步说明现状) Confronted with X, we should take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation. For one thing, --------(解决方法一). For another thing,--------(解决方法二). Finally, --------(解决方法三).Personally, I believe that ------(我的解决方法). Consequently, I’m confident that a bright future is awaiting us because -------(带来的好处).


银川海派英语【BEC口语】练习:保险 Unit Nineteen 保险 Part One 531. Please insure for us these products at invoice value plus 10% ( at 110% of the invoice value). 请给我们这批货物在发票金额上加10%的保险(即发票金额为110%) 532.We’d like to cover our ordered goods against WPA for 120% of the invoice value according to our usual practice. 我们要求根据实际对我们订购的货物按发票金额120%投保水渍险 533.Please hold us covered for the cargo listed on the attached sheet. 请保留附件表所列出的货物 534.For this consignment we shall cover WPA and risk of breakage for 110% of the invoice value. 对这批货,我们要按发票金额110%投保破损险 535.Our company will insure against all risks for 110% of the invoice value. 我们公司要按发票金额110%投保 536.Please insure the electric fans at 120% of the invoice value. 请按合同金额120%对电扇投保 537.The machines are to be unsured against all risks. 机器不确定所有风险 538.We only cover FPA and war risk. 我们仅保平安险和战争险 539.There are not delicate goods that can be damaged on the voyage .FPA will be good enough. 航行中不是精致的货物不易受损,所以平安险就足够了 540.Our goods are very valuable so I want insure against all risks. 我们的货物非常贵重,所以我要保所有险 541.We’d like to get a policy for total loss only for these goods. 我们只对这批货所有损失做个方案


高考英语对比类作文写作(正反观点类) Teaching Procedures Step1. The importance of writing about contrast(写作教学定位背景) Step2 How to arrange a good composition 1) article structure 2) words and sentence structure 3) conjunction and transitional words 4) handwriting Step3. Introduction to the structure of the argumentative writing 1) Dissusion: How to organize a good structure of the contrast composition ( 通过让学生把一篇打乱顺序的高考作文按比较好的结构排序活动实现) 三班的同学进行了一场有关英语学习的讨论。讨论的题目是:学习英语要不要从儿童时期开始?请你根据下表中的提示写一篇短文,介绍讨论的情况。 一些同学认为另一些同学认为 1.应从儿童时期开始学习英语2.儿童时期记忆力好,可以记住很多单词 3.能为以后的英语学习打下坚实的基础1.不应从儿童时期开始学习英语 2.儿童时期既要学汉语拼音又要学英语,易混淆 3.会影响汉语学习和今后的英语学习 1.Opinions are divided on this issue. 2.The students of class 3 had a discussion about whether it is necessary to start learning English from childhood. 3. In short, the students have not arrived at any agreement yet. 4. But others do not agree. Young children have to learn Chinese pinyin at school. If they study Chinese pinyin and English at the same time, it will be very likely for them to mix them up. This will do a lot of harm not only to their Chinese learning but also to their future English learning. 5.Some of them think that English learning should start from childhood. As little boys and girls have a very good memory, they can learn a lot of English words by heart. This will help them lay a solid foundation for their future English learning. ___________→____________ → __________→ __________→ _____________. 2)Summary: What should be included in the argumentative writing? Topic sentence For the opinion Ending sentence Against the opinion


银川海派英语【外贸英语】装运(2) 扫描下方二维码关注海派国际英语官方微信公众账号,更多精彩内容不容错过!! BEC商务英语的等级和其他考试之间并没有严格对等的换算,一般而言,在校大学生如果是报考BEC初级的话略显简单,在此我们建议大家选择BEC中、高级。大体上,如果通过了大学英语四级考试,而且取得了较高的分数,比如450分甚至是500分以上,是完全可以挑战BEC中级的;如果已经过了大学英语六级,而且考到了500分以上则完全可以挑战BEC 的高级。下面是一些关于BEC专业术语装运的句型和重点短语,让我们来看看吧! 第二部分 Can our order of 100 cars be shipped as soon as possible? 我们订的100辆小汽车能尽快装运吗? An early reply from you will help us to speed up shipment. 如果你们尽快答复,我们便可以加速装船。 The order No. 105 is so urgently required that we have to ask you to speed up shipment. 第105号订单所订货物我们要急用,请你们加快装船速度。 Could you manage to hasten the delivery? 你们能否加快装运? Could you possibly effect shipment more promptly? 你们能不能提前一点交货呢? A timely delivery means a lot to us. 及时交货对我们来说关系可大了。 I'm sorry to say that we can't advance the time of delivery. 非常抱歉我们不能把交货期提前。 There's still another possibility to ensure a prompt delivery of the goods. 还有另一种可能可以确保即期交货。 If shipment were effected from Hong Kong, we could receive the goods much earlier. 如果在香港交货,我们可以更早些收到货物。 Could you do something to advance your shipment?


外贸英语:对外贸易与外贸关系(3) 第三部分 We want to develop direct contact with Continental buyers for ourselves. 我们想为自己的公司同欧洲大陆的买主建立起直接的联系。 We see that your firm specializes in Light Industrial Goods,and we are willing to establish business relationship with you. 得知贵公司专门经营轻工业品,我们愿意与贵公司建立业务关系。 We are one of the largest importers of Electric Goods in this city,and we wish to establish business relationship with you. 我们是此地最大的电器进口商之一,愿意与你们建立业务关系。 We are willing to enter into business relationship with your company on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. 我们愿在平等互利的基础上与贵公司建立业务关系。 Our two countries have had trade relations for ten years. 我们两国之间已经有了10年的贸易关系。 We've never had any difficulties with our Chinese partners,and we'd like to make as many new contacts as we can. 和中国同行共事从来没有什么困难,希望今后我们之间尽可能多地建立新的关系。


银川海派英语【BEC写作】商务英语新闻翻 译示范4 英国服务业增长缓解经济衰退担忧促英镑汇率反弹 Source: Daily Telegraph(英国《每日电讯报》) The pound rose for the first time in more than a week after better than expected (好于预期的)data from Britain’s dominant(最重要的,主流的,处于市场领导地位的) services sector (服 务行业,sector常在股票中作“。。。板块”解)eased fears that the economy may slip back into recession (再次进入经济衰退)this quarter. 英镑汇率一周多以来首次上升,这是因为在英国(经济)占据重要地位的服务业有高于预期的(增长)数据,从而缓解了这一季度中有关经 济再次进入衰退期的担忧。 Sterling(即英镑,英国货币的别称) which had been hammered over (hammer的原意是指 铁锤,用作不及物动词产生词组hammer over sth,原指用力捶打、打击某事物,此处指英镑 汇率遭受重创)recent days by political uncertainty(政局不稳) rose back up above the psychologically (心理上)important $1.50 mark(重要标志,财经数据的“大关”) after closing at (于。。。价格收盘/报收)$1.4927 in the previous session(较早前). 近期,英镑汇率由于 政局不稳而遭受重创,其对美元的汇率较早前曾以1英镑兑1.4927美元报收,现已回升到1:1.50的重要支撑位之上。 翻译讲解: 1.本句翻译难度较高。同学们首先要知道,在翻译一种货币的汇率价格时,一定要表达 清楚“针对何种货币的汇率”,这一点学习者容易出现错误。比如本句中,由于出现了“$”符号,可见是在讲英镑兑美元的汇率。一般分析英镑汇率时,经常涉及的是兑美元或兑欧元的汇率。 2. 本句中还有一处值得注意。就是psychologically mark.这一部分,要理解其语言传递出的 意思并不是很难,就是指“具有重要心理影响力的基准水平”。不过,如果译文这样进行机械 化的文字对应式翻译,显得生硬、繁琐。其实在外汇领域,这个概念有个习惯性的说法,称 之为“支撑位”。


银川海派英语【雅思阅读】常见谚语大盘点 扫描下方二维码关注海派国际英语官方微信公众账号,更多精彩内容不容错过!! 雅思复习备考,考生们需要学习的东西很多,同学们难免有疏漏的地方,为此,小编下面为大家带来了雅思阅读常见谚语的介绍,希望能够帮助大家获得雅思高分。 1.After meat mustard; after death doctor .雨后送伞 Explanation: this describes a situation where assistance or comfort is given when it is too late. Example: just as I had cancelled my application to go abroad I had a promise of money for my fare. It was a case of fter death the doctor. 2. After praising the wine they sell us vinegar.挂羊头卖狗肉 Explanation: to offer to give or sell something that is inferior to what you claim it to be. Example: that fellow completely misled us about what he was capable of doing. After praising the wine he sold us vinegar. 3. All is over but the shouting.大势已去 Explanation: finally decided or won; brought to the end; not able to be changed. Example: after Bill’s touch down the game is all over but shouting. 4. All lay load on the willing horse.人善被人欺,马善被人骑 Explanation: a willing horse is someone who is always doing things for others. Very often the implication is that others impose on him. Examples: the trouble is you're too good-natured and people take advantage of it. all lay load on the willing horse. You will have to learn to refuse people who ask too much. 5.anger and haste hinder good counsel.小不忍则乱大谋 Explanation: one can not act wisely when one is angry or in a hurry. Example: you should calm down before you decide the next move. Anger and haste hinder good counsel. 6. As poor as a church mouse。一贫如洗。 Explanation: to be exceedingly poor having barely to live upon. Example: he has a large family and is poor as a church mouse. Note: a church is one of the few buildings that contain no food. 7. A word spoken is past recalling.一言既出,驷马难追


银川海派英语【BEC口语】预定墨盒 A: May I help you? B: Yes I would like to place an order for toner cartridges. We have a standing agreement with you company so we will need the same amount as last time. A: Let me key in your information into my computer. I will pull up our records for you . Do you have an order number? What name is the order listed under ? B: It should be under Leslie Smith. The number is 184796 A. A: Yes Mr. Smith. I have an order for three cases of cartridges it that what you would like to refill? B: Yes. A: Is there the correct billing address? B: No pls post the bill to 124 Hildrod Lane Milton County 98830. A: I will send you an invoice in the next few days. Your order should be delivered before the end of the day on Monday. B: Thank you. 有什么需要帮忙的吗? 是的,我想订购墨盒。因为我们公司和你们公司有长期合同,我们需要与上次数量相同的墨盒。 让我把你的信息输进电脑,这样就能调出我们之间的生意记录…你有订单号吗?下订单的人叫什么名字? 应该是莱斯利.史密斯,号码是184796 A。 有了,是史密斯先生。我们找到一个三箱墨盒的订单,你想按这个单子续订吗? 是的。 这个送票据的地址对吗? 不对,请把票据寄到弥尔顿郡希尔卓德街124号,邮政编码98830. 过几天我就把发票给你寄去,你们所订的商品应该在周一下班前送到。 谢谢你。 Refill 补充 Invoice 发票
