



(1)Communication is A form of human behavior derived from a need to connect and interact with other human beings. It occurs whenever meaning is attributed to behavior or the residue of behavior.

(2)Its components: Message, Sender, Receiver, Channel, Noise, Feedback, Encoding, Decoding.

(3)Characteristics: communication is dynamic; irreversible; symbolic; systemic; self-reflective; interactive; complex.

(4)Five types of communication: human communication; animal communication; human-animal communication; human-machine communication; machine-to-machine communication. (In summary, under communication, we have human and biological/physical communication; under human communication, we have non-social and social communication; intre-personal in non-social communication while social communication includes interpersonal, organizational, and mass communication. )

2.Intercultural business communication:

(1) ICC is the term first used by Edward T. Hall in 1959 and is simply defined as interpersonal communication between members of different cultures.ICBC is a relatively new term in the business world and it is defined as communication within and between businesses that involve people from more than one culture.

(2)ICC的分类:ICC includes International communication (between nations and governments rather than individuals); Interethnic communication (between people of the same race but different ethnic background) (Tibetan vs. Han); Interracial communication (Afro-American vs. white American) ; Interregional communication: (northerner vs. southerner)

(3)跨文化交际障碍Barriers in Intercultural Communication: a.A voidance of the unfamiliar疏远陌生; b. Uncertainty reduction减少不确定性; c. Withdrawal回避; d. Stereotyping定势; e. Prejudice偏见; f. Racism种族; e. Misuse of power 滥用权力; h. Culture shock文化震惊; i. Ethnocentrism文化优越感.

3. Stereotyping: A stereotypes is an overly simplified / generalized way of thinking about a person, group, etc. Anyone can stereotype and can be the target of stereotyping! (课件答案) Stereotyping is a complex form of categorization that mentally organizes your experiences and guides your behavior toward a particular group of people. (课本答案)

4. Prejudice: Prejudice refers to the irrational dislike, suspicion, or hatred of a particular group, race, religion, or sexual orientation. Learned beliefs and values that lead an individual or group of individuals to be biased for or against members of particular groups prior to actual experience of those groups. E.g Residents of Shanghai

●Relation between S tereotype and prejudice定势和偏见的区别

Both are a stumbling block to ICC. Prejudice usually refers to the negative aspect when a group inherits or generates hostile views about a distinguishable group based on generalizations. These generalizations are invariably derived from inaccurate or incomplete information about the other group.The generalization are called stereotyping.

5. Racism: (课本)It refers to the belief that one racial category is innately superior to another. (课件)It is any policy, practice, beliefs or attitude that attributes characteristics or status to individuals based on their race. It can either be conscious or unconscious, intentional or unintentional.

6. Culture shock: Cultural shock is precipitated by the anxiety that results from losing all our familiar signs and symbols of social intercourse. Four stages (U-curve): Honeymoon phase; Culture shock phase/ Depression (horror); Recovery phase; Adjustment; (Acceptance/ Home)

7. Ethnocentrism民族优越感: Ethnocentrism is the belief that you own cultural background, including ways of analyzing problems, values, beliefs, language, and verbal and nonverbal communication, is correct. Ethnocentrists believe their culture is the central culture and other cultures are incorrect, defective, or quaint. (The negative impact of ethnocentrism on intercultural communication is obvious: it shapes social sense of identity which is narrow and defensive; it normally involves the perception of members of other cultures in terms of stereotypes; ethnocentric judgments usually involve invidious comparisons that ennoble one’s culture while degrading those of others.)

8. Culture: Culture is the total accumulation of beliefs, customs, values, behaviors. Institutions and communication patterns that are shared, learned and passed down through the generations in an identifiable group of people. (p41)

Culture can be classified by three large categories of elements:(1) Artifact; (2) concepts; (3) behavior. Characteristic of Culture :(1)Culture is not innate; it is learned文化不是先天遗传的而是后天习得的;(2)Culture is

transmitted from generation to generation (social heredity)文化是代代相传的; (3)Culture is selective具有选择性; (4)The facets of culture are interrelated文化各要素相关联的; (5)Culture is ethnocentri c本民族具有文化优越感的倾向;

(6)Culture is subject to change是发展变化的.

9.Cultural values 定义以及四个层次:V alues are “a conception, explicit or implicit, distinctive of an individual or characteristic of a group, of the desirable which influences the selection from available modes, means, and ends of action”文化观念的四个层次:(1)Symbol s符号;(2)Heroes英雄;(3)Rituals习惯;(4)V alues价值观.

(价值观的三个层次:(1)Universal values普遍的价值观; (2)Cultural-specific values某一文化特有的价值观; (3)Peculiar expression or deviations of individuals within cultures文化中的个体所持有的价值观.)

10. Power distance定义:Power distance indicates the extent to which a society accepts the fact that power in institutions and organizations is distributed unequally among individuals.

(A High Power Distance ranking indicates that inequalities of power and wealth have been allowed to grow within the society. These societies are more likely to accept a hierarchical order. E.g. Mexico, South Korea, India.

A Low Power Distance ranking indicates the society de-emphasizes the differences between citizen's power and wealth. In these societies equality and opportunity for everyone is stressed. E.g U.S.)

11. Masculinity & Femininity区别:Masculinity indicates the extent to which the dominant values in a society tend towards assertiveness and acquisition of things and away concern for people and the quality of life. Masculinity comes from masculine and implies aggressiveness and assertiveness, while femininity comes from feminine and stresses naturaring, caring attention to people’s feelings and needs.

Masculinity: a high degree of gender differentiation, achievement, heroism, aggressiveness, assertiveness, material success. For Example: Japan, Austria, Italy.

Femininity: equal gender relationships, modesty, caring for the weak, quality of life. For example: Sweden, Norway, and Denmark.

12. Uncertainty avoidance回避不确定性:It indicates the extent to which a society feels threatened by ambiguous situation and tries to avoid them by providing rules, believing in absolute truths and refusing to tolerate deviance.

Strong Uncertainty Avoidance: uncomfortable with uncertainty and ambiguity, intolerant with deviance. This creates a rule-oriented society that institutes laws, rules, regulations, and controls in order to reduce the amount of uncertainty. For Example: Greece, Belgium, Portugal, Japan, Chile, Israel, and Spain.

Weak Uncertainty Avoidance:Practice counts more than principles; deviance is more easily tolerated. This is reflected in a society that is less rule-oriented, more readily accepts change, and takes more and greater risks. For example: Singapore, Sweden, Denmark, Malaysia

13. Universalism & Particularism普遍主义与特殊主义区别:Extent of belief in defined set of rules. Universalism: Performance-based considerations. Particularism: Relationship- or situation-based considerations. Universalistic cultures focus more on rules than relationships, have a preference for legal contracts, and believe there is only one truth. In universalistic cultures a deal is a deal. Trust is based on honoring your word or contract. Fairness is treating all people the same (United States, Australia, Germany, Sweden, and the United Kingdom). Particularistic cultures focus more on relationships, change legal contracts easily and believe in several perspectives on reality. Particularists evolve their relationships to suit the situations. (V enezuela, Korea, the former Soviet Union, China, Indonesia)

14. Emotional & Neutral中立型和情感型的区别:Extent to which emotions are openly expressed. Neutral: Reserved and composed. Emotional: V ery expressive.Affective (Emotional): Affective cultures readily express their thoughts and feelings. Expressing feelings relieves tension. Emotions flow easily. Touching and gestures are common. Statements are dramatic and fluent.Neutral cultures do not openly reveal thoughts and feelings, admire self-possessed behavior and frown on physical contact.

( 课本定义参考A neutral culture is one in which emotions are held in check. Ethiopia, Japan, China, and India are high neutral cultures. People in these countries try not to show their feelings; they act stoically and maintain their composure. A emotional culture is one in which emotions are openly and naturally expressed. People in emotional cultures often smile a great deal, talk loudly when they are excited, and greet each other with a great deal of enthusiasm. Mexico, the Netherlands, and Switzerland are examples of high emotional cultures.)

15. Diffuse & Specific 明确型和弥漫型的区别:Extent to which various life roles kept separate. Specific: Compartmentalize roles. Specific cultures get to know people easily and maintain flexible relationships; yet specific cultures make acquaintances for specific or limited reasons. Diffuse: Mix personal, professional, and private roles. Diffuse cultures on the other hand, keep their distance from unknown others. Individuals are slower to develop relationships; however, once an individual has been accepted in a diffuse culture that person is in all the way. Example: p. 68

(课文定义参考A specific culture is one in which individuals have a larger public space they readily let others enter and share and a small private space they guard closely and share with only close friends and associates. A diffuse culture is one in which both public and private space are similar in size and individuals guard their public space carefully, because entry into public space affords entry into private space as well

16. Ascription & Achievement 成就与归属的区别:Extent to which status depends on certain factors. Achievement: Status linked to goals obtained or performance. Ascription: Status linked to age, connections, class, or gender. Similar to Kluckhohn’s social relationships (hierarchy/ group/ individual)

Achievement------ Ascription

Austria United States Switzerland United Kingdom Sweden Singapore Former Soviet Union China Indonesia V enezuela (课本: An achievement culture is one in which people are accorded status based on how well they perform their functions. An ascription culture is one in which status is attributed based on who or what a person is. )

17. Low-context culture & High-context culture区别:

Low-context culture: Tends to prefer direct verbal interaction; Tends to understand meanings at one level only; Is generally less proficient reading nonverbal cues; V alues individualism; Relies more on logic; Employs linear logic; Saying no directly; Communicates in highly structured messages, provides details, stresses literal meanings, gives authority to written information.

High-context culture: Tends to prefer indirect verbal interaction; Tends to understand meanings embedded at many socio-cultural levels; Is generally more proficient n reading nonverbal cues; V alues group membership; Relies more on context and feeling; Employs spiral logic; Talks around point, avoids saying no; Communicates in simple, ambiguous, noncontexted messages; understands visual messages readily.

High-Context Cultures Low-Context Cultures

Japanese Chinese Korean …. …. American Scandinavian German German-Swiss

18. Individualism & Collectivism个人主义和集体主义的区别:Individualism indicates the extent to which a society is a loosely knit social framework in which people are supposed to take care of only of themselves and their immediate families. Collectivism emphasizes common interests, conformity, cooperation, and interdependence. It indicates a tight social framework in which people distinguish between in-groups and out-groups and expect their in-group to look after them.( P60表格对比) It is believed that individual is the core of western cultural value, while collectivism is the core of Eastern cultural value. Decision making in an individualist culture may be more rapid, the implementation of a change in policy will be perceptibly slower than in a collectivist culture. The individual will go along with what is best for the group with few questions asked. P77

19. Sapir-Whorf hypothesis P92(详细见课本): Edward Sapir and Benjamin Whorf concluded that language not only serves as a mechanism for communication, but as a guide to social reality. “language is a reflection of culture, and culture is

a reflection of language.” Some examples:P92

20. Connotation & Denotation 内涵意义和概念意义。(不记定义,P94-95举例、图连线):

Denotation: dictionary definition.

Connotation (Cultural connotation): “the implication of a word, apart from its primary meaning” (Longman Modern English Dictionary) “the suggesting of a meaning by a word apart from the thing it explicitly names or describes” (Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary) eg. 松,竹,梅vs. pine, bamboo, plum (具体参考课件和课本例子)

21. Deductive & Inductive演绎法和归纳法: The deductive pattern: from the general to the specific; (西方交际模式)the inductive pattern: from the specific to the general(东方交际模式).(具体例子见P116-118)

22. Nonverbal communication 定义、功能:(1) “Nonverbal communication involves all nonverbal stimuli in a communication setting that is generated by both the source and his or her use of the environment and that has potential message value for the source or receiver.” (Samovar and Porter, 2004)Simply, nonverbal communication refers to

communication without the use of words. Nonverbal communication is the study of facial expressions, touch, time, gestures, smell, eye behavior, and so on.

(2) Functions: (1) Replacing/ substituting (eg. A noisy cafeteria might get you to wave at a friend instead of screaming to get his attention); (2) Regulating (Eg. Turn taking); (3) Conveying; (4) Modifying (Eg. Loudness and tone of voice);

(5) Repeating; (6) Complementing (eg. “Attention please” ); (7)Contradicting (When there are contradictions, people tend to believe the verbal messages or nonverbal ones?); (8)Accenting (eg. A well-skilled public speaker might pause before or after an important point in a speech.)


Body language: posture, head movement, facial expressions, eye behavior, gestures, handshaking, arm movement, leg movement etc.

Paralanguage: sound, pitch, tempo of speech, turn-taking, silence

Object language: clothing, personal artifacts, hair, etc.

Environmental language: time language, spatial language, color, light, signs and symbols, architecture, etc.

23. Paralanguage副语言: Paralanguage lies between verbal and nonverbal communication. It involves sounds but not words. It is related to oral communication. It refers to the rate, pitch, and volume qualities of the voice, which interrupt or temporarily take the place of speech and affect the meaning of a message.

Researchers divide paralanguage into three categories: voice quality, vocal qualifiers, and vocalization.

V oice Qualifiers声音的修饰:refers to volume, pitch, rhythm, resonance, tempo Tone, stresses, etc. (课文例子P154)

V ocalization 发音: “un-huh”, “shh”, “uh”, “oooh”, “mmmh”``````````````````````(P156)

Silence 沉默:(沉默是划分高语境文化和低语境文化的一条重要标准P157-158)

24. Spatial language/Proximics 4种空间语言:Spatial language is the study of the way that people use physical space to convey message. Proxemics is usu. concerned with personal space and office space. Factors that affect personal space: sex, age, relationship, culture. Examples: Closer physical distance. Latin culture, Middle Eastern culture. Extra interpersonal distance Asian culture, Nordic culture.

Zones of spatial distance: (1) Intimate zone(no distance to 6 to 18 inches): is reserved for very close friends. loving, comforting, protecting or fighting; (2)Personal zone(18 inches to 4 feet): is for giving instructions to others or working closely with another person. Conversations with intimates, friends and acquaintances; (3) Social zone (4-12feet): is used in business situations in which people interact in a more formal, impersonal way. (e.g: a meeting); (4) Public zone (12-25feet or over): is used when calling across the room or giving a talk to a group. Lectures, concerts, plays, speeches, ceremonies.

25. Monochromic time (M-time) & Polychromic time (P-time) 多元时间化与单一时间区别(P165-166表格):

M-time cultures emphasize schedules, a precise reckoning of time, and promptness. Eg. United states, Britain, Canada, and Australia as well as many of the cultures in Northern Europe, managers adhere to M-time schedules.

In contrast, P-time cultures emphasize the completion of transactions and the involvement of people rather than a rigid adherence to the clock. They tend to do several things at the same time. Latin America and Middle East. P171案例


26. gestures 手势含义P142-143

27. resume 的基本知识:P199-203

28. Buffer ?

间接方式步骤:(1) Open with a buffer; (2) continue with a logical, neutral explanation of the reasons for the bad news; (3) following with a clear but diplomatic statement of the bad news; (4) close with a positive forward-looking statement that is helpful and friendly. P192-195详细内容

29. Direct/Indirect plan: P189-191

30. Good- / bad-news message: P189-191

31. Etiquette 不考定义,基本的礼节内容P254:

32. Protocol 礼仪. 课本第六章


《跨文化交际》 课程教学大纲 课程名称:英语教学论 课程类别:专业必修课 考核类别:考试 适用对象:本科 适用专业:英语 总学时、学分:36学时2学分 一、课程教学目的 该课程旨在扩大学生的知识面,对西方文化的不同层面有所了解,以提高学生的交际能力。在传统的外语教学中, 人们往往忽视文化的重要作用, 只注重语言能力的培养而未能顾及交际能力的提高。近年来国内学者认识到外语教学必须引进文化知识的对比,训练学生灵活运用语言知识, 更好地与外国人沟通, 减少和避免误解。 1

二、课程教学要求 该课程教学要求学生提高对文化差异的敏感性, 更有效地与外国人进行交际,为英语专业课程的学习和翻译实践能力的提高奠定基础。 三、先修课程 跨文化交际是英语专业的必修课, 是在完成了精读、泛读、综合英语、写作等基本技能训练后开设的,旨在增强文化差异的敏感性,增强跨文化交际意识,有助于英语专业课程的学习和翻译实践能力的提高。因此,学生先期完成英语听说读写等技能训练基本课程,如《基础英语》、《英国文学选读》等课程。 四、课程教学重、难点 该课程教学重点在于培养学生对英语国家文化的 2

了解及跨文化交际意识, 提高驾驭英语语言的能力, 从而使其能得体地运用语言与操英语的外国人士进行交流。教师的讲授重点是帮助学生认识中西文化的异同,分析文化差异的根源, 帮助学生深化对西方文化的理解。中西文化的差异在表层上很容易识别,但对造成差异的原因却需追根溯源。东西方在历史,思维方式以及哲学等方面的差异则是造成中国学生对西方文化不解的主要原因,也是该课程的难点。 五、课程教学方法(或手段) 教学方法:以课堂讲授为主,适当组织课堂讨论,鼓励学生充分利用课外资源进行探索性、研究性学习。 六、课程教学内容 Unit 1 Communication Across Cultures(4学时) 3


第一章跨文化语言交际概述 第一节文化、语言和交际 一、关于文化的概念 (一)文化的内涵和特性 1、关于文化的内涵 概括地讲,文化即是人们所思、所言(言语和非言语)、所为、所觉的总和。在不同的生态或自然环境下,不同的民族创造了自己特有的文化,也被自己的文化所塑造。交际即文化,文化即交际,如果没有交际,文化是难以形成的。科学的提法是:“文化是冻结了的人际交流,而交际是流动着的文化。” 2、关于文化的特性 (1)文化由人们的内稳和外显的行为组成。 (2)文化是通过符号被人们习得和传授的知识。 (3)文化是群体行为规则的集合。 (4)文化与社会是潜在现实中两种类型或两个层面上的概念。 (5)文化是历史所衍生及选择的传统观念。 (6)文化和交际具有同一性。 (7)文化是动态多变的。 (8)文化具有选择性。 (9)文化是群体或民族中心主义的意识产物。 (10)文化是个非常复杂的系统。 (二)文化定势、群体文化、亚文化 1、文化定势和群体文化 世界上大多数社会中都可能存在着若干群体或社团,这些群体或社团对地域、历史、生活方式、世界观,以及价值观等方面的共享,使其成员形成并发展和强化了自己独特的文化和与其相关的交际文化。存在两种不同类型的文化范畴:一是全民族的文化,即整体的文化形象,二是具体的个性文化,即是按个人的社会情况或个人所属文化群体为基础的文化,有的学者把这种文化称之为群体文化或副文化。 2、亚文化与亚群体 在跨文化交际研究中,对文化分类的一种较为传统的做法是把文化分成主流文化和亚文化。亚文化是指存在于某一主流文化之中的一种非主流文化,某一少数群体的文化,这一文化中的行为模式区别于主流文化的行为模式。 二、关于语言的概念 (一)语言是交际工具 1、交际媒介 言语交际是人类社会中必需的另一种交换活动,交换的是信息、思想、情感。语言就是一个符号系统,一个人脑子里贮存了符号和符号的组合规则,他就可以和别人交际,传情达意,沟通信息。 2、符号功能 符号是用某种能感知的形式来代表某种事物或现象的结合体。符号由两个要素构成:一个是形式,必须是人们可感知的途径,如听觉、视觉、嗅觉、触觉等等;另一个是意义,即这个形式所代表的事物或现象。形式和意义结合,就成了“符号”。人类语言是一种有声语言,用声音形式来表示意义,通过听觉途径来感知和理解话语。 (二)语言是思维工具 “思维”和“思想”不完全相同:思维是人们认识现实世界的过程;而思想是人们对现实世

跨文化交际 期末复习资料 重点笔记

精品文档 Culture: Culture is the total accumulation of beliefs, customs, values, behaviors, down and passed are shared, learned institutions and communication patterns that through the generations in an identifiable group of people. law, food, etiquette, religion, literature, language, Objective Culture: history, and customs. are and how they feelings and attitudes about how things Subjective Culture: communication family, spaces, friendship, love, concept should be –the of time, pattern, etc. Learned, transmitted from generation to generation, based on : Characteristics symbols, dynamic, ethnocentric. It is meant to be a contrast to learning “about”culture underscores Doing Culture: of meaning, process of making communicating across cultures is a the idea that build another, know one so they can get to another people understanding one relationships, and solve problems together. It should not be words on paper, but ideas in practice. individuals which process through Communication: Human communication is the respond to and create messages ––in relationships, groups, organizations and societies to adapt to the environment and one another. Dynamic and interactive Characteristics:interaction between : Communication Generally speaking, it refers to Intercultural people from different cultural backgrounds, such as interactions between people from Hispanic and whites and African Americans, between America and China, between Japanese Americans The form of Intercultural Communication people from different races a. Interracial communication – different but of the same race Interethnic communications –the parties are of b. ethnic origins. same the between members of c. Intercultural communication –communication multiple or hold dual or both of the participants one culture, in which )(gay, disabled, Mexican American, African American, or https://www.360docs.net/doc/67449251.html,munication Competence (ICC competence) how much one know about communication. The cognitive component –The affective component –one's motivation to


跨文化交际学概论笔记 第一章跨文化交际 一、什么是跨文化交际——具有不同文化背景的人从事交际的过程跨文化交际之所以在今天日益引起人们的注意,主要原因是由于交通工具的进步与通讯手段的发展,使得不同国家、不同种族、不同民族的人能够频繁地接触和交往。L.S.Harms 认为,在世界范围内的交际经历了五个阶段:语言的产生;文字的使用;印刷技术的发明;近百年交通工具的进步和通讯手段的迅速发展;跨文化交际。近二十年来的交际是以跨文化为特征的。 二、第二章跨文化交际学 跨文化交际学在美国Intercultural Communication (与人类学、心理学、传播学关系密切) 1.首先在美国兴起。美国有来自各个国家的移民,有各自的文化系统和风俗习惯,逐渐在美国社会形成了多元文化的格局;美国与各国交往频繁。 2.Edwar Hall 《无声的语言》跨文化交际学的奠基之作。认为不同文化背景的人们在使用时间、空间表达意义方面表现出明显的差异。(对时间、空间、交际的关系作了深入探讨) 3.1970 年是具有重要意义的一年在这一年,国际传播学会承认跨文化交际学是传播学的一个分支,成立了跨文化交际学分会。1972 年,第一届跨文化交际学国际会议,日本东京。 第四章交际 一、交际与传播 这两词来源于同一英语communication表示的是同一个概念,不同学科背景的人采用不同术语。有语言学背景的学者大多使用“交际”,从事传播学教学和研究的学者都采用“传播”。 三、传播的种类 传播可分为人类传播和非人类传播;人类传播又可分为社会传播和非社会传播。非社会传播指内向传播(自我传播),社会传播包括人际传播,组织传播,大众传播。 内向传播(intarpersonal communication)只一个人自己脑子里在自我交流活动或是自言自语 人际传播(interpersonal communication)两个人或以上的信息传受过程。如交谈,书信,小组讨论,大会演讲等。 组织传播(organizational communication)在学校,公司,工厂,机关,军队,党派,群众团体等内部的传播,不都是自上而下的,可具有不同模式,纵式或横式,要注意因文化差异造成的传播不通的局面。 大众传播(mass communication)职业化的传播机构利用机械化,电子化的技术手段向不特定的多数人传送信息的行为或过程,如报刊杂志,广播电视,因特网信息等。 第四章语言交际 一、语言与文化密不可分 (语言反映一个民族的文化,同时有受到文化的巨大影响。)语言与文化有着密切的关系。由于语言的产生和发展,人类文化才得以产生和传承。不存在没有语言的文化,也不存在没有文化的语言。广义的文化包括语言,同时文化又无时无刻不在影响语言,使语言为了适应文化发展变化的需要而变得更加精确和缜密。语言既是文化的载体,又是文化的写照。 E.g.①亲属称谓是语言反映文化的一个突出例证。汉族不仅注重长幼顺序,而且对于是父系、母系或婚系亦十分重视。古人有强烈的传宗接代的观念,按血缘远近区别亲疏,家族里又有内外嫡庶之别。——后来亲属称谓的简化,意味着家族关系在社会生活中不占那么重要的地位。在我国个别地区的亲属称谓中,只有男性称谓,没有女性称谓,可能是古代父系社会的


Unit 1 1 economic globalization(经济全球化):the integration of national economies into the international economy through trade, foreign direct investment, capital flows, migration, and the spread of technology. 2 barter system(物物交换):exchange without money –Farming communities traded their surplus produce in exchange for products and services without the medium of money. –Human society has always traded goods across great distances. 3 global village(地球村):the world form one community –All the different parts of the world form one community linked together by electronic communications, especially the Internet. 4 melting pot(大熔炉):a socio-cultural assimilation of people of different backgrounds and nationalities. 5 culture(文化):can been seen as shared knowledge, what people need to know in order to act appropriately in a given culture. 6 cultural diversity(文化融合):refers to the mix of people from various backgrounds in the labor force with a full mix of cultures and sub-cultures to which members belong. 7. Communication(交际): mean to share with or to make common, as in giving to another a part or share of your thoughts, hopes, and knowledge. 8 intercultural communication(跨文化交际):communication between people whose cultural backgrounds and distinct(不同)enough to alter(改变)their communicaion。 9 components of communication(交际的十大要素) ①source(来源):the person who desires to ②encoding(编码):the process of putting on idea into a symbol ③message(信息):identifies the encoding thought ④channel(渠道):the means of transmission(传播途径) ⑤noise(干扰):anything distorts the messages ⑥receiver(接受者):the person who attends to the message ⑦decoding(解码):assigning meaning to the symbols received ⑧receiver response(接受者反应):anything the receiver does ⑨feedback(反馈):the portion which the source has knowledge and to which the source attends and assigns meaning ⑩context(场景):help define(使明确)the communication


跨文化交际知识点: 1.L.S.Hams认为,在世界范围内的交际经历了五个阶段:语言的产生、文字的使用、印刷术的发明、近百年交通工具的进步和通讯手段的迅速发展、跨文化交际。近20年来的交际是以跨文化交际为特征的。 2.跨文化交际学首先在美国兴起,与人类学、心理学、传播学关系密切。 3.Edwar Hall《无声的语言》是跨文化交际的奠基之作。 4.1970年,国际传播学会承认跨文化交际学是传播学的一个分支,成立了跨文化交际学分会。 5.1972年,第一届跨文化交际学国际会议在日本东京召开。 6.70年代影响最大的书籍是《跨文化交际学选读》。 7.Jenny Thomas《跨文化语用失误》:语用—语言失误;社交—语用失误。 8.前苏联的跨文化交际学主要表现在国情语言学方面。 9.传播种类:(1)人类传播①社会传播A交集传播B组织传播C大众传播②非社会传播(2)非人类传播 10.早期影响最大的传播模式是Harold Lasswell提出的5w模式。即who、say what、in what channel、to whom、with what rffects。 11.1949年Claude Shannon和Warren Weaver共同提出了线性模式,增加了“噪音”(干扰因素),把媒介分解。 12.50年代,Charles Osgood和Wilbur Schramm提出循环式的模式,加入“反馈”。 13.社会学家Jack Lyle与M.Lyle把传播过程看作是社会过程之一,特点是把传播放在社会环境中考察。 14.我国最早的辞书《尔雅》。 15.萨丕尔—沃尔夫假说基于对印第安语的研究。 16.red caipet treatment用红毯接待red-light district红灯区red flags提高警惕预防出事的状况in the red赤字 17.politics—“中性”含贬义,为争权夺利不惜采取各种手段的意思;政治—“中性”,实际用时有褒义。 18.intellectual—致力于研究的人,衍生出纸上谈兵的贬义;知识分子—受过大学教育的脑力劳动者。 19.peasant—没有受过教育,举止粗鲁、思想狭隘的人;农民—直接从事农业生产劳动的人。 20.dragon—表示罪恶、邪恶,令人感到恐怖,战争的旗帜,形容人指飞扬跋扈令人讨厌;龙—用于好的意思。 21.phoenix—“再生”、“复活”;凤凰—天下太平,有圣德的人。 22.owl—智慧的鸟,比喻人聪明;猫头鹰—不详之鸟。 23.peacock—通常是贬义,含有骄傲、炫耀、洋洋得意的意思;孔雀—吉祥的象征,大吉大利。 24.dog—中性褒义的情况多;狗—一般用于贬义。 25.Cinderella(灰姑娘)泛指不受重视的人或部门或指有才干但一时未被赏识的人。 26.Shylock(夏洛克)指心肠狠毒唯利是图的小人。 27.to meet one’s Waterloo遭到决定性失败 28.Catch-22进退维谷,左右为难 29.韩国人写文章—归纳法;美国人写文章—演绎法。 30.美国人的思维模式是“桥式”,直接明白地传达给对方。 31.日本人的思维方式是“垫脚石式”,采取迂回、隐含的手法。 32.非语言交际的特点:(1)没有正式的规则和模式,没有固定的结构(2)没有一套具有明确意义的符号(3)有连续性的(4)一部分是本能,一部分是后天习得(5)信息右脑处理 33.阿拉伯人在讲话时总是盯着对方的眼睛。 34.将手掌平放在脖子下面,中国指杀头,英国指吃饱了。 35.食指和中指轻叩桌面,广东指感谢,北方表示不耐烦。 36.美国人站在公路旁边伸出拇指(thunb a ride)表示希望搭车。 37.英美人把中指放在食指上面(let’s keep our fingers crossed.)表示希望某事成功。 38.手兜起来,放在耳后,表示听不见或听不清楚。


第一部分绪论:跨文化交际与跨文化交际学 第一章跨文化交际 一、什么是跨文化交际——具有不同文化背景的人从事交际的过程。 跨文化交际日益引起人们的注意的原因:是由于交通工具的进步与通讯手段的发展使得不同国家、不同种族、不同民族的人能够频繁地接触和交往。 认为,在世界范围内的交际经历了五个阶段: A语言的产生; B文字的使用; C印刷技术的发明; D近百年交通工具的进步和通讯手段的迅速发展; E跨文化交际。 近二十年来的交际是以跨文化为特征的。 二、对跨文化交际的不同理解 有的人认为每个人在文化上都是独特的,所以任何两个人之间的交际都是跨文化交际。 文化通常不是指个人的行为,而是指一个群体的生活方式和习惯。作者认为作跨国、跨种族、跨民族研究不仅应该是跨文化交际研究包括的内容,而且应该是放在首位的。 在研究一个国家的文化特点时,我们的眼光首先应集中在它的主流文化上,其次才注意它的亚文化和地区文化的特点。 主流文化亚文化地区文化小群体文化 (不同年龄、职业、性别群体的文化) 第二章跨文化交际学 一、跨文化交际学在美国 Intercultural Communication 与人类学、心理学、传播学关系密切。 首先在美国兴起。美国有来自各个国家的移民,有各自的文化系统和风俗习惯,逐渐在美国社会形成了多元文化的格局;美国与各国交往频繁。 Edwar Hall的《无声的语言》跨文化交际学的奠基之作。(对时间、空间、交际的关系作了深入探讨)1972年,第一届跨文化交际学国际会议在日本东京举行。 70年代,影响最大的书籍:《跨文化交际学选读》 跨文化交际学内容: (1) Richard Porter 8态度、社会组织、思维模式、角色规定、语言、空间的组织与利用、时间观念、非语言表达 (2) Porter. Samovar 3 观点(价值观、世界观、社会组织)、语言过程(语言、思维模式)、非语言过程(非语言行 为、时间观念、对于空间的使用) (3) 心理学家Michael Argyle 6 语言、非语言交际、社会行为准则、家庭和同事的关系、做事的动力和动机、思想观念 二、跨文化交际学在欧洲(与语言学关系密切) 国际跨文化教育训练与研究学会SIETAR International Jenny Thomas 《跨文化语用失误》:语用—语言失误;社交—语用失误。不绝对,因为语境可能不同。


1.Three international developments have made intercultural contact more pervasive (无处不在), they are .(D ) A. new technology and information system B. changes in the world’s population C. a shift in the world’s economic arena D. A, B and C 2.___C___ has evolved that lets societies share cultural experiences with one another as films are produced and shown around the world. A. Show business B. I.T. C. international film industry D. Mass media 3.__A____ in the United States, because they have been profoundly affected by population and immigration increases, are a primary setting for domestic intercultural contact. A. Schools B. Community C. Workplace D. club 4. It is difficult to find a single definition of human communication because__D____. A. the complex nature of communication B. the issue of intentionality C. the issue of unintentionality D. A, B and C 5. To Reusch and Bateson, communication often takes place __A___. A. without awareness B. consciously C. intentionally D. deliberately 6. Which of the statements of communication is not true? D A. Communication is dynamic https://www.360docs.net/doc/67449251.html,munication is symbolic https://www.360docs.net/doc/67449251.html,munication is Interpretive D. Communication is static 7. Communication has a consequence means that ___D___. A. Communication is irreversible B.Our response to message does not have to be immediate C. The nature of our responses to messages is rooted in our culture D. A, B and C 8. Which of the item is not the basic component of culture? C A. Values B. Emotions C. Personality D. Attitudes 9. We learn our culture not through __D______. A. proverbs B. art C. mass media D. self-taught 10.Although many aspects of culture are subject to change, the _B______ of a culture resists major alterations. A. history B. the deep structure C. background D. tradition 11. ___C___ is at the core of intercultural communication. A. sender B. receiver C. culture D. language 12. Although cultures change through several mechanisms, which of the following item is not the three most common ones.C A. Diffusion B. Acculturation C. Invention D. Innovation 13. One of the most difficult tasks for foreigners in learning a new language is learning the _____A____ and ________ in which they are used. A. different styles, the contexts B. grammar, accent C. different styles, the speech acts D. vocabulary, the pronunciation 14. Language is accompanied by a continuous flow of nonverbal communication, which involves not only ____ but also ____ and _____.B A. the tone, gaze, posture B. the voice, the face, the body C. the pitch, gaze, gesture D. the pace, the distance, touch 15. ___B__ is the process of selecting, organizing, and interpreting sensory data in a way that enables us to make sense of our physical and social world. A. Interpretation B. Perception C. Analysis D. Understanding



《跨文化交际学概论》是胡文仲教授于1998在北京编写的。 胡文仲,1935 年生于天津,祖籍江苏。北京外国语大学教授,博导,《外国文学》主编。曾任北京外国语大学副校长,高校外语专业教材编审委员会副主任、主任;高校外语专业教学指导委员会主任;欧美同学会副会长;国务院学位委员会外文学科组成员。现任中国英语教学研究会会长;中国跨文化交际研究会会长;中国高校英语口语协会会长。由于长期从事英语教学和研究、跨文化交际研究和澳大利亚文学研究,他共出版了专著6部,教材4部,编著10部,译著5部,在国内外发表论文数十篇,并一直享有盛名。 早在80年代初期胡文仲就开始对跨文化交际学感兴趣,在国外的生活学习使他更加明白了学习英语国家文化习俗的重要性。回国后他也多次在杂志上发表过一些有关中西文化差异的文章,但随着更多的学习和研究,胡文仲发现目前我国的研究一般性的探讨较多,而基于大量数据研究比较少,他认为跨文化交际学的研究不应仅限于研究不同文化背景的人们在语际方面遇到的问题,还可以从心理学、人类学、社会学等不同的角度进行。因此,他开始编写《跨文化交际学概论》这本书,目的是通过理论和实例能够帮助不同层次的读者普及跨文化知识和理论,作为他们研究跨文化交际学的入门向导。 首先,对本书进行简单的概括介绍。《跨文化交际学概论》这本书共有十二章,被作者概括为五大部分。第一部分(第一章至第二章)主要是为跨文化交际进行定义及对跨文化研究的不同理解,并对跨文化交际学在世界各地的发展史及其成就做了详尽的描述。第二部分(第三章至第四章)是作者对文化和交际的定义,特征及在跨文化交际中的地位进行了阐述。第三部分(第五章至第九章)是跨文化交际的过程,这一部分内容被作者依次分为了语言交际、非语言交际、社会交往、人际关系和经营管理;在这几章中,胡文仲教授对每一个过程的作用和特征都通过举例做了说明。第四部分(第十章)是跨文化交际的核心内容---价值观。价值观是文化中最深层的一个部分,支配着人们的信念、态度和行动。因此,作者就价值观与交际的关系、价值观的特点、有关价值观的研究几个方面进行了描述。第五部分(第十一章至第十二章)的内容为提高跨文化意识,也就是教人们如何在实践中应对跨文化的有关问题。 胡文仲编写的这本书在很多观点上都有了新的突破,就像之前的文章大都只侧重于研究跨文化交际的一个角度,仅仅关心不同文化背景的人们在语言交际方面遇到的问题,没有更


重点 1 Definition of culture Culture is the total accumulation of beliefs, customs, values, institutions and communication patterns that are shared, learned and passed through the generations in an identifiable group of people. 重点 2 Characteristics of culture(10) 1、Culture is shared Culture is a system of shared values beliefs or patterns of behaviors held in a group ,organization or society. It is not property of any individual. 2、culture is cumulative Human beliefs, arts etc. are results of many generations. Every generations can discover the new things. The new knowledge are added to what was learned in previous generations. 3、culture is learned Culture is not inherent with any people. Culture can not be genetically and automatically passed down from


UNIT 1 +Global Village: All the different parts of the world form one community linked together by electronic communications, especially the Internet. 世界各地通过电子通讯,特别是互联网,形成了一个整体。 +Melting pot: a socio-cultural assimilation of people of different backgrounds and nationalities. 不同背景和民族的人的社会文化同化。 +Assimilation: the process of adapting oneself to a new culture so much that he/she gradually loses his own culture. +Cultural Diversity: refer to the mix of cultures and sub-cultures of a group or organization or region. 指一个群体、组织或地区的文化和亚文化的混合。 +Culture: a learned set of shared interpretations解释about beliefs, values, and norms规范, which affect the behavior of a relatively large group of people. 一组关于信仰、价值观和规范的共同理解,这些理解影响着相对较大的群体的行为。


第一章跨文化交际 一、什么是跨文化交际——具有不同文化背景的人从事交际的过程 跨文化交际之所以在今天日益引起人们的注意,主要原因是由于交通工具的进步与通讯手段的发展,使得不同国家、不同种族、不同民族的人能够频繁地接触和交往。 L.S.Harms认为,在世界范围内的交际经历了五个阶段:语言的产生;文字的使用;印刷技术的发明;近百年交通工具的进步和通讯手段的迅速发展;跨文化交际。近二十年来的交际是以跨文化为特征的。 二、对跨文化交际的不同理解 有的人认为每个人在文化上都是独特的,所以任何两个人之间的交际都是跨文化交际。 有的人认为,不同国籍人们之间的文化差异与不同职业的人们之间的文化差异并没有什么本质上的区别,只是程度上的差异。 有的人认为,跨文化交际研究应该把重点放在亚文化系统的语篇系统方面。 有的人认为,作大范围的国与国之间的对比对于改进跨文化交际益处不大,应该把眼光放在更具体的文化差异上。跨文化交际研究的范围应该也包括地区、职业、年龄、性别等方面的文化差异的探讨。 文化通常不是指个人的行为,而是指一个群体的生活方式和习惯。作者认为作跨国、跨种族、跨民族研究不仅应该是跨文化交际研究包括的内容,而且应该是放在首位的。至于地区、阶级、阶层、职业、性别、年龄等不同层次的差异也应该给予关注。至于个人之间的差异的研究只是在我们把他们当做群体的代表时才有意义。在研究一个国家的文化特点时,我们的眼光首先应集中在它的主流文化上,其次才注意它的亚文化和地区文化的特点。 主流文化亚文化地区文化小群体文化 (不同年龄、职业、性别群体的文化)第二章跨文化交际学 一、跨文化交际学在美国Intercultural Communication 与人类学、心理学、传播学关系密切 1.首先在美国兴起。美国有来自各个国家的移民,有各自的文化系统和风俗习惯,逐渐在美国社会形成了多元文化的格局;美国与各国交往频繁。 2.Edwar Hall 《无声的语言》跨文化交际学的奠基之作。认为不同文化背景的人们在使用时间、空间表达意义方面表现出明显的差异。(对时间、空间、交际的关系作了深入探讨) 3.1970年是具有重要意义的一年,在这一年,国际传播学会承认跨文化交际学是传播学的一个分支,成立了跨文化交际学分会。1972年,第一届跨文化交际学国际会议,日本东京。 4.70年代,影响最大的书籍。《跨文化交际学选读》 5.跨文化交际学内容:


1.Globalization is considered as a process of increasing involvment in international business operations. 经济学视角中的全球化表现为不断增加的国际商务往来过程。 2.Macroculture:The term macroculture implies losing ethnic differences and forming one large society. 宏观文化意味着种族差异的消失和一个大社会的形成。 3.Melting pot means a sociocultural assimilation of people of different backgrounds and nationlities. 熔炉:不同背景和国籍的人们之间的社会文化的同化。 4.Microcultures:cultures within cultures 微观文化:文化中的文化 5.Intercultural communication refers to communication between people whose culture perceptions and symbol systems are distinct enough to alter the communication event. 跨文化交际:指拥有不同文化认知和符号体系的人文之间进行的交际。 Chapter 1 6.Culture is a learned set of shared interpretations about beliefs,values,and norms,which affect the behavior of a relatively large group of people. 文化是习得的一套关于信仰,价值观,规范的公认的解释,这些信仰,价值观,规范对相当大人类群体的行为产生影响。 7.Culture identity refers to one’s sense of belonging to a particular culture or ethnic group. 文化身份:指有意识地把自己归为某一特定文化或种族群体。 8.Subculture are formed by groups of people possessing characteristic traits that set apart and distinguish them from others within a larger society or dominant culture. 亚文化:具有能在更大的一个社会范围内或主流文化中使自己有别于他人的特点的人类群体所形成的文化。 9.Subgroup are groups with the dominant culture does not agree and with which it has communication problems. 亚群体:与主流文化不一致,并与主流文化有交际障碍的交际群体。 10.Rules may refers to socially agreed-on behavior or to individual guidelines for behavior. 规则:社会认同的行为或行为的个体原则。 11.Norms are culturally ingrained principles of correct and incorrect behaviors which, if broken carry a form of overt or covert penalty. 规范指的是正确和不正确行为根深蒂固的文化原则,这种不正确的行为一旦发生,就意味着一种显性或隐性的处罚。 Chapter 2 12.Enculturation is the socialization process you go through to adapt to your society. 社会文化适应:人们学习适应自己所在社会的文化的社会化过程。 13.Acculturation refers to an individual’s learning and adopting the norms and values of the new host culture. 文化适应:人们学习适应新文化的社会规范和价值观的过程。 14.分隔和隔离separation and segregation refer to maintaining one’s original culture and not participating in the new culture. 在文化适应过程中保留了原有文化,完全没有接受和习得新文化。 15.融合Integration takes place when individuals become an integral part of the new culture
