


The productivity of Americans employed in private businesses has declined. The productivity of workers in countries such as Japan and Germany is increasing. American machine tools, on average, are old, relatively inefficient, and rapidly becoming obsolete, whereas those of our competitors overseas, in comparison, are newer and more efficient. We are no longer the most productive workers in the world. We are no longer the leaders in industrial innovation (革新). We are an immensely

wealthy nation of educated men and women who seem to have lost sight of the fact that everything—from the simplest necessities to the finest luxuries—must be produced through our own collective hard work. We have come to expect automatic increases in our collective standard of living, but we seem to have forgotten that these increases are possible only when our productivity continues

to grow.

One thing that must change is the rate at which we substitute capital equipment for human labor. Simply put, our labor force has increased at a far greater rate than has our stock of capital investment. We seem to have forgotten that our past productivity gains, to a large extent, were realized from substitutions of capital for human labor. Today, 3 times as many robots are listed as capital assets by Japanese firms as by United States firms. There is no doubt that robots will become a common sight in American factories. Representing a new generation of technology, robots will replace factory labor much as the farm tractor replaced the horse. Robot technology has much to offer. It offers higher levels of productivity and quality at lower costs; in promises to free men and women from the dull, repetitious toil of the factory, it is likely to have an impact on society comparable to that made by the growth of computer technology.

21. The word obsolete(Para. 1) most probably means_______.

A. weak

B. old

C. new

D. out of date

22. The author is anxious about_______.

A. his people no longer taking the lead in industrial innovation

B. his country no longer being a wealthy nation

C. his people forgetting to raise their productivity

D. his country falling behind other industrial nations

23. According to the author, in his country_______.

A. the proportion of labor force to capital investment is quite low

B. the growth rate of labor force should be greater than that of capital investment

C. the productivity increases should be achieved by the increases of labor force

D. capital investment should have increased more rapidly than labor force

24. So far as the influence on society is concerned, _______.

A. robot technology seems to be much more promising than computer technology

B. computer technology has less to offer than robot technology

C. robot technology can be compared with computer technology

D. robot technology cannot be compared with computer technology

25. The purpose of the author in writing this passage is to show


A. robots will help increase labor productivity

B. robots will rule American factories

C. robots are cheaper than human laborers

D. robots will finally replace humans in factories


21. D 22. C 23. D 24. C 25. A


2023年英语六级CET阅读理解考试题及答案雨的阅读理解答案推举度:党课考试题及答案推举度:高考阅读理解高频单词推举度:党课考试题目及答案推举度: 2023年英语六级CET阅读理解考试题及答案 The productivity of Americans employed in private businesses has declined. The productivity of workers in countries such as Japan and Germany is increasing. American machine tools, on average, are old, relatively inefficient, and rapidly becoming obsolete, whereas those of our competitors overseas, in comparison, are newer and more efficient. We are no longer the most productive workers in the world. We are no longer the leaders in industrial innovation (革新). We are an immensely wealthy nation of educated men and women who seem to have lost sight of the fact that everything—from the simplest necessities to the finest luxuries—must be produced through our own collective hard work. We have come to expect automatic increases in our collective standard of living, but we seem to have forgotten that these increases are possible only when our productivity continues


2023年全国英语等级考试六级真题及答案2023年全国英语等级考试六级真题及答案 在2023年的全国英语等级考试六级中,考生需要面对一系列的英语考题。以下是本次考试的真题及答案(答案仅供参考):Section I: Listening Comprehension 1. (A) Contact the IT department for assistance. (B) Fix the computer on their own. (C) Report the problem to the manager. (D) Purchase a new computer. The correct answer is A. Contact the IT department for assistance. 2. (A) In a bookstore. (B) At a library. (C) In a coffee shop. (D) At a restaurant. The correct answer is A. In a bookstore. Section II: Reading Comprehension Passage 1: Censorship in the Digital Age

In the digital age, the issue of censorship has become increasingly complex. While the internet provides access to a wealth of information, it also presents challenges in terms of regulating content. There are arguments both in favor of and against censorship. On one hand, proponents of censorship argue that it is necessary to protect individuals from harmful and offensive material that is easily accessible online. They believe that certain information, such as violence or pornography, should be restricted in order to safeguard children and maintain societal values. They also argue that censorship is needed to prevent the spread of fake news and hate speech. On the other hand, opponents of censorship believe in the importance of freedom of expression and access to information. They argue that censorship limits creativity, innovation, and diversity of opinions. They also point out that the boundaries of censorship can be subjective and open to abuse by those in power. In conclusion, censorship in the digital age is a complex issue with valid arguments on both sides. Striking a balance between protecting individuals and maintaining freedom of expression will continue to be a challenge. Passage 2: The Benefits of Multilingualism Being multilingual offers numerous advantages in our increasingly globalized world. Firstly, multilingual individuals have better job prospects. With companies expanding internationally, employees who can speak multiple languages are highly sought after. They possess the ability to


2023年6月英语六级真题及答案(完整版) 2023年6月英语六级真题及答案(完整版) 大学英语考试根据理工科本科和文理科本科用的两个《大学英语教学大纲》,由教育部(原国家教育委员会)高等教育司组织的全国统一的单科性标准化教学考试,下面是小编给大家推荐的2023年6月英语六级真题及答案完整版。欢迎大家来阅读。 2023年6月英语四级真题及答案完整版 2023英语六级答案6月(完整版)第一套听力 1.B ) It was warm and comfortable . 2.B ) She misses her roommates she used to complain about . 3.C ) He had a similar feeling to the woman ' s . 4.A ) Go to see the woman ' s apartment . 5.D ) He has published a book recently . 6.C ) It has not prepared young people for the jobi ja market . 7.A ) More of the budget should go to science and technology . 8.D ) Cultivate better citizens . 9. A ) It is quite common . 10. B ) Engaging in regular contemplation . 11. D ) Reflecting during ones relaxation . 12. C ) There existed post offices . 13. D ) It kept people in the deserts and plains connected . 14. B ) It commissioned private wagons to carry the mail . 15. C ) He examined its historical trends with data science . 16. A ) Higher levels of anxiety may improve people ' s memory . 17.C ) They measured the participants ' anxiety levels . SP 18. B ) Extreme levels of anxiety can adversely affect cognitive performance .


2023年12月大学英语六级真题试卷及答案(三套全) 一、听力理解 第一套 第一节(共5小题) 1. What does the woman ask the man to do? A. Turn the television off. B. Turn the volume down. C. Turn the radio on. Answer: B 2. Where does the conversation most probably take place? A. At the post office. B. At the bank. C. At the hotel. Answer: C 3. What does the man imply about the woman? A. She hasn’t been to New York City. B. She needs to find a new job. C. She travels a lot for work. Answer: A

4. How long has the man been waiting? A. For an hour. B. For half an hour. C. For ten minutes. Answer: B 5. What is the woman doing? A. She is looking for her keys. B. She is waiting for someone to arrive. C. She is talking on the phone. Answer: C 第二节(共5小题) 6. What is the woman asking the man to do? A. Fix her computer. B. Help her find a job. C. Visit her tomorrow. Answer: A 7. What does the man offer to do next? A. Take the woman to the restaurant. B. Prepare dinner for the woman. C. Look for a restaurant on the Internet. Answer: C


According to the latest research in the' United States of America, men and women talk such different languages that it is like people from two different cultures trying to communicate. Professor Deborah Tannen of Georgetown University, has noticed the difference in the style of boy's and girl's conversations from an early age. She says that little girls' conversation is less definite than boys' and expresses more doubts. Little boys use conversation to establish status with their listeners. These differences continue into adult life, she says. In public conversations, men talk most and interrupt other speakers more. In private conversations, men and women speak in equal amounts—although they say things in a different style. Professor Tannen believes that, for woman, private talking is a way to establish and test intimacy. For men, private talking is a way to explore the power structure of a relationship. Teaching is one job where the differences between men's and women's ways of talking show. When a man teaches a woman, says Professor Tannen, he wants to show that he has more knowledge, and hence more power in conversation. When a woman teaches another woman, however, she is more likely to take a sharing approach and to encourage her student to join in. But Professor Tannen does not believe that women are naturally more helpful. She says women feel they achieve power by being able to help others. Although the research suggests men talk and interrupt people more than women, Professor Tannen says, women actually encourage this to happen because they believe it will lead to more intimacy and help to establish a relationship.


2023下半年英语六级阅读训练题及答案 If we look at education in our own society, we see two sharply different factors. First of all, there is the overwhelming majority of teachers, principals, curriculum planners, school superintendents, who are devoted to passing on the knowledge that children need in order to live in our industrialized society. Their chief concern is with efficiency, that is, with implanting the greatest number of facts into the greatest possible number of children, with a minimum of time, expense, and effort. Classroom learning often has as its unspoken goal the reward of pleasing the teacher. Children in the usual classroom learn very quickly that creativity is punished, while repeating a memorized response is rewarded, and concentrate on what the teacher wants them to say, rather than understanding the problem. The difference between the intrinsic and the extrinsic aspects of a college education is illustrated by the following story about Upton Sinclair. When Sinclair was a young man, he found that he was unable to raise the tuition money needed to attend college. Upon careful reading of the college catalogue, however, he found that if a student failed a course, he received no credit for the course, but was obliged to take another course in its place. The college did not charge the student for the second course, reasoning that he had already paid once for his credit. Sinclair took advantage of this policy and not a free education by deliberately failing all his courses. In the ideal college, there would be no credits, no degrees, and no required courses. A person would learn what he wanted to learn. A friend and I attempted to put this ideal into action by starting a serials of seminars at Brandeis called “Freshman Seminars Introduction to the Intellectual Life.” In the ideal college, intrinsic education would be available to anyone who wanted it—since anyone can improve and learn. The student body might include creative, intelligent children as well as adults; morons as well as geniuses (for even morons can learn emotionally and spiritually). The college would be ubiquitous—that is, not restricted to particular buildings at particular times, and teachers would be any human beings who had something that they wanted to share with others. The college would be lifelong, for learning can take place all through life. Even dying can be a philosophically illuminating, highly educative experience. The ideal college would be a kind of education retreat in which you could try to find yourself; find out what you like and want; what you are and are not good at. The chief goals of the ideal college, in other words, would be the discovery of identity, and with it, the discovery of vocation. 1.In the author’s opinion, the majority of education workers ___. A.emphasize independent thought rather than well-memorized responses B.tend to reward children with better understanding rather than with a goal for credits C.implant children with a lot of facts at the expense of understanding the problem D.are imaginative, creative and efficient in keeping up with our industrialized society 2.Children in the usual classroom learn very quickly when ___. A.they are required to repeat what teacher has said B.they read books that are not assigned by the teacher C.they know how to behave themselves in face of the teacher D.they can memorize the greatest number of facts in the shortest period of time 3.An extrinsically oriented education is one that ___. A.focuses on oriented education B.takes students’ need into account


2023年6月英语六级真题及参考答案 六级试卷采用多题多卷形式,大家核对答案时,找准具体选项内容,忽略套数! 网络综合版: 听力第一套 Conversation One M: Hi Lily, how's the new apartment? W: It's okay. M:What? How can it be just okaywhen last week you were thrilledabout the place and keptnosting photos of it online? W:Well,【1】 last week whenfmoved in, the apartment seemed cozy, justthe right size forone person. But nowit just seems tiny, shabby and solitary. M: Al that's the problem. You missyour roommates from university,don't you? W: I'm going to sound like G idiot【2】because Iused to complain to youall the time about how crowded ourdormitory room was, and about allthe things they did to irritate me, likewatching movies late at night withoutheadphones, or talking loudly early inthe morning. But now Imiss themterribly. M: Of course you do. That's perfectlynormal. When I got my first place,Iremember thinking I could ti wait tolive by myself and get away from myjuvenile roommates and all their annoyipghabits.【3】 But then began issing them and feelinglonely and thinking that our dormitory was like paradise. Even though there were six of us guys inone small room. W: I thought it was just m who reltlike thiat.


2023年6月高校英语六级考试真题及答案解析(第一套完整版) Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions: Suppose you are asked to give advice on whether to attend a vocational college or a university, write an essay to state your opinion. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 2(X) words. Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 1.A) He would feel insulted. B) He would feel very sad. C) He would be embarrassed. D) He would be disappointed. 2.A) They are worthy of a prize. B) They are of little value. C) They make good reading. D) They need improvement. 3.A) He seldom writes a book straight through. B)He writes several books simultaneously. C)He draws on his real-life experiences. D)He often turns to his wife for help. 4.A) Writing a book is just like watching a football match. B)Writers actually work every bit as hard as footballers. C)He likes watching a football match after finishing a book. D)Unlike a football match, there is no end to writing a book. Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 5.A) Achievements of black male athletes in college. B)Financial assistance to black athletes in college. C)High college dropout rates among black athletes. D)Undergraduate enrollments of black athletes. 6.A) They display great talent in every kind of game. B)They are better at sports than at academic work. C)They have difficulty finding money to complete their studies. 7.A) About 15%. B) Around 40%. C) Slightly over 50%. D) Approximately 70%. 8.A) Coaches lack the incentive to graduate them. B)College degrees do not count much to them. C)They have little interest in academic work. D)Schools do not deem it a serious problem. Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear two passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear three or four questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on


2023 年 6 月英语六级真题试卷(第二套) Part I Writing(30 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the importance of mutual understanding and respect in interpersonal relationships. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. Part ⅡListening Comprehension(30 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C)and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 1. A) why Roman Holiday was more famous than Breakfast at Tiffany’s. B)why Audrey Hepburn had more female fans than male ones. C)Why the woman wanted to be like Audrey Hepburn. D)why so many girls adored Audrey Hepburn. 2. A) Her unique personality.C) Her shift of interest to performing arts. B) Her physical condition.D) Her family’s suspension of financial aid. 3. A) She was not an outgoing person.C) She was easy-going on the whole. B) She was modest and hardworking D) She was usually not very optimistic. 4.A) She was influenced by the roles she played in the films.


2023年六级英语阅读理解真题解析随着2023年六级英语考试的结束,许多考生可能对阅读理解部分的真题解析更感兴趣。本文将对2023年六级英语阅读理解的真题进行分析和解析,以帮助考生更好地理解题目,并提供有效的解题技巧和策略。 第一篇阅读理解 题目:(题目内容不再重复) 解析:首先,我们需要明确文中所涉及的主旨和中心思想。通过仔细阅读文章,我们可以得出结论,该文章主要讨论了……(以此类推)。此外,在文章的开头/结尾,我们可以看到作者提到了……,这进一步加强了文章的中心思想。 在解题时,需要注意文中的关键词和关键信息。这些信息将帮助我们更准确地回答问题。同时,需要注意上下文的联系和逻辑关系。有时,在后文中可能会得到对前文的进一步解释或澄清。 第二篇阅读理解 题目:(题目内容不再重复) 解析:这篇文章主要讨论了……(以此类推)。文章通过提供事实和数据展示了相关观点和论据,以支持作者的观点。在解析过程中,我们可以注意到,作者提到了……这进一步加强了他的观点。

此外,我们还可以注意到文章中的转折词和过渡词。这些词语通常 会提示作者在不同观点之间的转换和联系,帮助我们更好地理解文章 的结构和逻辑顺序。 解题时,需要仔细阅读每个问题,并在文中找到对应的答案。有时,答案可能并不显而易见,需要我们进行推理和综合判断。因此,在解 题过程中,我们应该保持冷静并注意题目中的限定词和关键词,以避 免在分析和判断时产生错误。 第三篇阅读理解 题目:(题目内容不再重复) 解析:本文主要讨论了……(以此类推)。在文章的开头/结尾,我们可以看到作者的观点和态度。通过分析文中的细节和论据,我们可 以得出结论,作者支持/反对……。 解题时,我们需要仔细研读每个问题,并在文中找到与之相关的信息。我们可以根据关键词和关键信息来缩小范围,并找到正确答案的 线索。同时,注意选项中的干扰因素,避免被误导。 总结: 通过对2023年六级英语阅读理解真题的解析,我们可以得出以下 几点解题技巧和策略: 1. 仔细阅读题目,并理解文章的主旨和中心思想。


2023年上半年英语六级考试答案(汇总) 2023年上半年英语六级考试答案 ——选词填空(第一套) Scientists recently examined studies on dog intelligence .. 26.N surpass 27.K previously 28.O volumn 29.M prove 30.A affirmed 31.G formidable 32.D differentiate 33.E distinct 34.C completely 35.I overstated ——选词填空(第二套) Imagine sitting down to a big dinner ... 26.H indulging

27.I innumerable 28.J morality 29.A attributes 30.K odds 31.M regulatory 32.G inclined 33.N still 34.E diminishing 35.B comprised ——选词填空(第三套) You might not know yourself as wellasyouthink ... 26.L relatively 27.I probes 28.A activated 29.k recall 30.D consecutive 31.C assessment 32.G discrepancy 33.E cues

34.J random 35.O terminate ——信息匹配(第一套) 36. One tiny American college situated on a cattle farm is devoted to educating students to serve mankind throughout their lives . [ G ] With only 26 students ... 37. Much to the author s disappointment , the three institutions of higher learning where she taught largely ignore students growth as Social beings . [ D ] I ve had the priviledge of ... 38. Tiny colleges must be made affordable in order to play a role in higher education . [ J 】 The average tuition at a small ... 39. According to a recent graduate from a tiny college , living together with faculty and fellow students is conducive to a student s growth as a person . [ H ]" Living in close community ... 40. Rather than going small , most American universities are trying to gobig . [ B ] Inhigher education the trend ... 41. In a certain tiny college , rigorous academie work and traditional manual labor areintegrated.


Reading Comprehension(Skimming and Scanning) 1.A not be sustained in the long term解析:关键字1994对应第一段第三行,题干中unsustainable即选项A中sustained旳反义体现方式。选择A。 2.B Intergenerational conflicts will intensify.解析:从书名定位到原文第二段,heading for the rock, the cleaner, 都暗示了两代人之间旳问题,最终旳warfare则一目了然地指出了该矛盾。 3.D politicians are afraid of losing votes in the next election解析:首先需要理解题目意图,即为何养老机制改革迟迟不能进行,然后定位到文章第四段,其实只要从段落中politician这一关键字就能选定D选项。 4.A allow people to work longer解析:从题干中the most effective method找到第五段第三句原话,直接选择A选项。 5.D younger workers are readily available解析:题目中employer为关键字,找到第六段,该段看似没有直接提到为何雇主不乐意雇佣old workrs,但从其不停分析新涌现出来旳劳动力替代者,可以总结旳出D选项,即年轻劳动力旳供应已足以满足企业需求。

6.B large numbers of immigrants from overseas解析:这道题间接考察了学生变换思维旳能力,Japan在文中一时难以找到,但其所代表旳发达国家群体developed countries却出目前了第七段,而该段恰恰揭示了发达国家靠移民劳动力寻求养老机制危机一时旳缓和旳举措。 7.B They find it hard to balance career and family.解析:compromise关键字找到第九段,关键字出现旳句子前一句就是B 选项。 8.be innovative and take risks than younger ones解析:题目中old societies关键字对应到倒数第六段第三行,题目中旳less inclined恰好与原文中旳more strongly disinclined形成对照,因此答案只需摘录之后旳原文即可,即take risks than younger ones. 9.mostly have families解析:题目中关键字intergenerational warfare对应到原文倒数第五段。第二句直接对第一句做出理解释,摘录即可。 10.military service解析:要理解题目中less willing to 旳含义,即不情愿,这样定位到倒数第三段第一句旳reluctant,commit sth. to sth. ,空格内需要填写名词,参照原文,即military service. Listening Comprehension Section A
