

论文题目(英文)The Application of the Compliments in English

Teaching for Primary School Students 论文题目(中文)表扬语在小学英语教学中的运用

2014年5 月


Currently, some experts and scholars have made a lot of researches in using compliments which is one of the methods of educational evaluation in teaching with the reform of educational evaluation. Those experts and scholars have researched into the functions of compliments and effective compliments. Since the new National English Curriculum for Primary English carried out, application of the compliments in English language teaching for primary School has received attention. In order to improve the primary teachers’ skills in the aspect of praising students and achieve the aims of the new National English Curriculum for primary school. This research paper focuses on the functions of compliments which is in an attempt to achieve the aims of the new National English Curriculum for primary school, and also expounds how to praise primary students effectively in English teaching.

Key Words: Compliment; function; praise effectively.



关键词:表扬语; 小学英语课程标准; 功能; 有效表扬


Abstract (i)

摘要 (ii)

Chapter1 Introduction and Literature Review (2)

1.1 Introduction (2)

1.2 Literature Review .............................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。Chapter2 The function of compliments (3)

2.1 Improving language skills (3)

2.2Cultiviting affection and attitude (4)

2.3 Forming right learning strategies (6)

2.4Accumulating language knowledge (7)

Chapter3 Use compliments appropriately (7)

3.1 Compliments should be accurate (7)

3.1.1 Accurate wording (8)

3.1.2 Accurate pronunciation (9)

3.2 Praising students with expression and intonation (9)

3.3 Compliments should be diverse (10)

3.4 Praising learning attitude (11)

Chapter4 Conclusion (12)

Chapter1 Introduction and Literature Review

1.1 Introduction

“Compliments is a positively affective speech act. It can be referred to as a“a complex sociolinguistic skill ”, which serves to save people’s faces, to increase or consolidate solidarity between the speaker and the addressee and create or maintain rapport”(Janet Holmes, 1988). That is to say compliments is an affirmative and appreciation to students for their correct behavior in study or any other aspects. According to the feature of primary students’ mood, primary students would be very happy when they are praised by teachers,parents or any others, otherwise they would get depressed. For this reason, compliments is essential to primary school. Studies have shown that compliments can realize students’ potential and foster self-confidence to praise students appropriately and constantly. But if the compliments were not appropriate, compliments would reduce the students’ motivation to study; students will become negative and rely on others suggestions;Thus compliment will become an anaesthetic for primary school students instead of promoting their study. So it is important to praise primary school students appropriately in English class.

This research paper will mainly research effective compliments in primary English teaching and some skills to praise. On the other hand, there are a lot of studies about the application of the compliments in English language teaching for primary school students. Since the NEC for primary school carried out, few experts and scholars have made studies in the functions of compliments for achieving the goal of the NEC. So this research paper also researches the compliments’ functions related to the goal of NEC and gives some examples.

1.2 Literature Review

Some functions and principles of praise have been studied by many scholars and experts both at home and abroad. Among those scholars and experts, Shi Xiangzhen

have summarized that compliments should follow those following principles in English Teaching: The principle of praise should have individuality, the principle of praise should be specific, the principle of praise should be in time and the principle of praise should be sincere(施霞珍,2008).Furthermore, there are few experts have elaborated strategies of encouragement based on pedagogy and psychology. They thought encouragement is a key to open students’ desire to learn and promote effective teaching. Besides, Zhang XueTing and Wei ZhiHong have researched the functions of praise in Teaching. They have showed that appropriately compliments can protect students’ self-esteem, enhance students’ interest in learning and facilitate the development of both students’ physical and mental(张学厅,2009).

“Currently, some researches about praise are mainly focus on the types of praise. It can be classified with ability praise and effort praise according to Weiner’s attribution theory” (Weiner, 1985). The ability praise refers to praising the learners’ability, such as “You are clever”, “you have gifts”. Effort praise refers to praising the learner s’ the degree of effort during learning, such as“You are diligent”. Ability praise is concerned with learners’ controllable factors, while effort praise is concerned with learners’ uncontrollable factors. “In terms of effort praise, In America, Carol and Dweck have pointed out that teachers should praise children for their efforts, their concentration and their strategies rather than their smart and their natural gift”(Carol&Dweck, 2007).The compliments of teachers should be related with students’ attitude rath er than simple words just like“G ood”“G reat”based on Dweck and Carol’s point.

Chapter2 The functions of compliments

2.1 Improving language skills

The NEC focuses on improving Overall Language Ability. And the main task of the NEC is to enable students to master basic knowledge and skills so that they would form sufficient competence in using English(王蔷,2006). While language skills is a essential component part of Overall Language Ability, which includes: listening, speaking, reading, writing. Among those skills, listening and reading are skills of

comprehensive; speaking and writing are skills of expression. Those skills promote each other in English learning. For primary school students, they should practice more in listening, speaking, reading and writing, to lay a solid foundation for forming Overall Language Ability.

Compliment is a kind of speech, which expresses positive affection in language class. Feng Xiancang and Song qirui who are famous educationalists have said that language is a finished product of speech activity as well as content of speech(宋其蕤&冯显灿,1999). Based on this, a conclusion can be made, which is that compliment is the one parts of English. So learning to speak compliment appropriately can improve the ability of English speaking. In English class the more compliments are spoken by teachers, the more compliments are remembered by primary school students. Students are imperceptibly influenced by what they hear and learn to speak so that their ability of speaking will be improved. In the aspect of listening, teachers speak more appropriately compliments and further explanation about the compliments could be given if necessary. To make students comprehend what you say, which will help students remember what teachers say according to the theory that students’comprehensive material would help them easy to remember this material. As long as they hear something language about compliments, they will be familiar with what they heard instead of knowing noting about it. In other words, teachers speak more compliments could improve the ability of listening for students.

For example, a student no matter who he or she is, teachers could say to him or her “I can see your progress “as long as the student has made a progress in study or other aspects. If he doesn’t understand this sentence, teachers could give him an explanation. As time goes on, this sentence is received by the student repeatedly, he or she will naturally be familiar with this sentence and learn to use this sentence. When someone around him makes a progress, he will say “I can see your progress”. Besides, no matter when or where he heard this sentence, he would not feel strange with it. Consequently, students’ ability of speaking and listening will be improved.

2.2Cultiviting affection and attitude

Affection and attitude includes:Confidence, Motivation, Patriotism and International perspectives. Stimulating and cultivating students’ interest s and their confidences in learning English is the main task of the primary English curriculum(赵春生,2011), whereas English is second language instead of mother tongue for Chinese students, therefore they are not interested in learning English. Some students are even tired for leaning English, so it is important to cultivate students’ interests and increase their confidence in learning English. For this reason, primary school teachers are giving heavy task to primary students who are beginners at learning English. In English teaching, teachers should continually stimulate and strengthen students’ interests in learning English, besides guiding students to transform their interest into stable motivation. In this way, students will establish self-confidence and temper their will power. But there is a question. H ow to stimulate students’ interest and motivation? Praising students appropriately must be an effective measure.

In English teaching, if a student was praised by teachers, he would feel that he is respected by others. According to psychology, if someone was respected, he would feel that his value is come true, which is beneficial to realize his potential(罗明东,2011). Therefore the student who is praised will try his best to learn English for being highly respected. And he will be confident. “Besides, in primary school, students lack the ability to assess themselves, or have not even developed the need to assess themselves”(Chen Chenghui, 2003).Therefore, all the self-assessments of primary school students come from outsides, especially from teachers and parents. Primary school students always trust and worship teachers, so the teachers’ affirmative appraisal is mainly source of their confident. In terms of motivation, primary school students less understand the meaning of study even do not understand it. Therefore, their study motivation is that following parents’ claims an d hopes, besides they also hope to achieve both teachers’ compl iments and affirmation. In addition, motivation includes external motivation and internal motivation. External motivation is the motivation driving activities which is induced by external force(罗明东,2011). To teachers’ compliment s, it belongs to external motivation which could fertilize students’ learning. So in English class, teachers’ compliments are able to stimulate

students’ motivation of learning English.

For example, there are two words“sea”and “say”. None of the students are able to read these two words accurately except Ann, at this time teacher could praise her and say“How nice pronunciation!”She will think that reading English words is not difficult as she imagined, thus her confidences to learning English will increase gradually. On the other hand, she must be very happy due to teacher’s compliment and she also studies English hard in an attempt to be praised again by teachers.

2.3 Forming right learning strategies

Some psychologists and applied linguists have given definition of learning strategy which can summarized that some actions, procedures, skills and methods taken by students for learning and using English effectively. Learning strategy is various from one student to anther. In primary English teaching, the standards of learning strategy could be described to the following aspect. ①students should corporate with others actively to finish learning task together. ②students should ask modestly from teachers and other students when having some trouble with study.

③students should learn to focus attention. For primary school students are beginners at English, one of teachers’ tasks is that helping students to form learning strategies which are suitable for them. How to help them to form learning strategies? Using compliment appropriately is an effectively method.

In the course of learning English, students would have themselves learning methods and skills. Some of methods and skills are suitable for them but others are not. At this time, teachers could praise them when their methods or skills are appropriate or effective, thus they will feel their methods and skills of learning English is right and continually use those methods, forming a set of learning strategy being suitable for them.

For example, there is a student who modestly asks from teachers when he has some trouble with an English question which he could not deal with. At this time, teacher could praise him daring to ask questions from others, so from his point of view asking questions is a good habit and he will from a good learning strategy.

2.4Accumulating language knowledge

Language knowledge is an important component part of linguistic application competence. It is essential foundation of developing language skills. It includes phonetics, grammar, vocabulary, topics and functions. In the new National English Curriculum for Primary English, the standard of language knowledge is mainly discussed in the following several aspects. In the aspect of phonetics, primary students are asked to understand some words’ stress and simple spelling rules. In the aspect of vocabulary, students are asked to learn 600-700 words. In the aspect of functions, they are asked to understand and apply linguistic expressions concerned with following functions: greeting, introduction, apologize, praise and so on. How to accumulate language knowledge in English teaching? Using compliment is one of the methods.

Compliments consist of vocabulary. If teachers used more various compliments in English teaching, students would accumulate more vocabulary about compliments. In addition, when teachers praise students, accurate pronunciation would correct students’ pronunciation. The function of compliments is that praising others because of their good personality, fine character and their right behaviors. In the eyes of students, teachers are good models for them. Consequently, the behavior of compliment would influence students. They would like to praise someone around them in study and life so that the function of compliments has been brought into play.

For example, when a students pay attention to teacher’s less on. Teacher could praise him” What a good listener! “If students do not understand it, teacher should make a further explanation in Chinese. When this sentence was used many times by teacher, students would naturally remember this word “listener”, besides they can also read this sentence accurately. On the other hand, when someone listens to her or him carefully at any time, it is possible for him or her to praises the listener.

Chapter3 How to use compliments appropriately

3.1 Accurate compliments

Every coin has two sides. In term of compliments, we are sure that appropriate compliments could bring many advantages for students in their psychology. It is a

method of teaching and help students develop the ability to use English; to arose students’ interes ts in studying English; to help them develop good study habits and to set a good foundation for further study. But at the same time we should also realize that the disadvantages brought by inappropriate compliments. To make it clear overprize may serve as a good illustration. If a teacher praises students frequently whatever the students do things right or make mistakes, the students would reduce psychological endurance. When they are in trouble or have difficulties, they have not enough courage to challenge those difficulties for they are afraid of failure and leading to lose praise from teachers. So as an English teacher, learning to use compliment appropriately is necessary ability for them. Since compliments not only influence students’ psychology, especially those students who are person of great self-respect, but also influence their Over Language Ability, particularly in pronunciation. So teachers should use compliments accurately, which includes accurate wording and accurate pronunciation.

3.1.1 Accurate wording

It should be prudent to choice wording for teachers when they praise students. It is better to use different wording for different students about different actions, and they should try their best to avoid use same level compliments to all students. One of the reasons it that every student has their own uniqueness, teachers should praise students based on their own uniqueness. Which make them have a feeling that they have been received the attention from teachers instead of having been ignored. Besides, compliments should be based on fact. Compliments ought to correspond with students’ performances. So teachers should choose praise’s words according to students’performance. For example, student A has answered a simple question correctly, the teacher given highly praise on it. While student B has given a perfect answer to a question which is not easy to deal with, but the teacher just praise him paying little attention. This way of evaluation will make students think that teachers have favorites. If praising students like what this teacher does, compliments would not have any effect.

3.1.2 Accurate pronunciation

Whether the pronunciation is accurate determines the effect of compliments. Good pronunciation is essential to an English teacher if he wants to make himself easily understood while expressing himself. It is also proved by well-known fact that the better teachers pronounce and speak English, the easier students understand it when they hear it. When praising students, if teachers could not pronounce correctly all the individual speech sounds, students would not understand what teachers said so that misunderstand the meaning of compliments. This may has led to the result that student does not realize teacher are praising him at all. In addit ion, teachers’ poor pronunciation would mislead students’ pronunciation, especially for primary students who are beginners to English and they always follow teachers to pronounce. Therefore teachers must pay sufficient attention to pronunciation when praise students. Taking into account all the facts concerned, we can say that accurate pronunciation is the fundamental of using compliments accurately.

3.2 Praising students with expression and intonation

Expression divides speech expression and non-speech expression. Speech expression includes pronounce, stresses, pauses, transition of sounds and intonation. Non-speech expression are facial expression and body expression, such as smile,gesture and posture. “Albert Mehrabian who is an America psychologist have pointed that the effect of communication=7℅words+38℅intonation+55℅facial expression based on experiments” (Albert Mehrabian, 1967). Form this formula, we can conclude that facial expression and intonation are important during communication for better effect.

There is another study shown when people communicate with each other, their expression would pass on more information than the language itself(晨曦,2013). If teachers are absorbed in praise students without any expression and intonation, the compliments would be lack of honesty. At this time, students are not going to get encouragements which are due to them. According to primary students’ psychology, using teaching language appropriately is the key to cultivating primary students’

attention. Using teaching language appropriately includes language should be in rhythmic tones and with properly expression(胡志海,2011). During English teaching, compliments with expression and intonation not only cultivate students’ attention, but create an atmosphere of learning English. We can imagine that the class which teachers have no any expression or intonation, which must be too boring to have few students being interested in the class. So in order to arouse more students’ interests in English class, teachers should create teaching atmosphere as more as impossible using expression and intonation. In other words, compliments following expression and intonation are beyond their true worth. To illustrate this point, let us consider a situation which a teacher has smiley praised a student. The student would feel that teacher placed a high value on him instead of praising him with a perfunctory attitude. In brief, teachers ought to try their best to praise students adding expression and intonation for achieving better teaching effect.

3.3 Compliments should be diverse

To some extent, the fact of praise is objective. A good case in point is that praising students is only the thing teachers can do when students do some right things. However, teachers can choos e different compliments to confirm them. That is to say, teachers’ compliments are various from one students to another students according to their different performances. Teachers should avoid using a single model of compliments to the best of their ability. On the contrary, compliments ought to be flexible and diverse; making different appraisals for different situations and using vivid and plentiful compliments to arouse students’ enthusiasm and initiative in maximization. Diverse compliments could achieve the following two results. Firstly, students easy to feel the teachers’ honesty and do not be boring to teachers’ pra ise. So the compliments would do some work. Secondly, the more plentiful compliments used by teachers, the more words and sentences about praise are received by students. Therefore, they can accumulate more knowledge.

For instance, when student C has made a progress in the English learning, teacher could say to him” You are improving”. Then Student D also makes a progress,

however, teacher could say to him” You are on the way”. A nd student E make a progress next time, teacher could say to him” You make a great progress”. In this way, they would have an idea that they really make a progress rather then teacher is praising them casually for cultivating their confidence. They will think that English is very interesting and could use different words to describe same things. On the other hand, students have learnt some vocabularies and sentences, such as “improve”, “progress” and“on the way”.

3.4 Praising learning attitude

The definition of “attitude”has been defined by many experts and scholars. Among those experts, Allport defines attitude as “a mental and neural state of readiness, organized through experience, exerting a directive or dynamic influence upon the individual’s response to all objects and situations with which it is related”(乐眉云,2011).According to this definition, learning attitude could define that a mental and neural state of readiness, organized through experience, exerting a directive or dynamic influence upon the individual’s response to learning.It refers to learners’ behavior or psychology tendency of positive or negative to learning. It is stable and lasting. Learning attitude could be divided to right attitude and bad attitude. For instance, right learning attitude is being hard-working and eager to learn, paying one’s attention, finishing homework on time, and taking study seriously. On the contrary, being unserious and being sloppy to study is bad learning attitude. Recent years, many psychologists have taken some experiments for primary school students’ learning. The result shows learning attitude not only influence students’ learning behaviors, but also influence academic record. That is to say, right learning attitude could influence study effect positively. To illustrate this point, let us consider an example, a student who is in trouble would overcome difficulties relying on their efforts. Learning attitude is so important that teacher must pay attention to praise students’ learning attitude. The reasons are mainly in the followings.

Firstly, even though intelligence is prerequisite to mastering knowledge(胡志海,2011). The non-intellectual factor, such as learning attitude is also necessary

component of study. Research results from modern education have shown that students’ confidences、gumptions and being dauntless reflected in study is important reason why one obtain a good results. According to this, we can get a conclusion that right learning attitude will help students to get good school records based on having same intelligence. In addition, praising learning attitude can improving the ability to challenge difficulties. America psychology and educator Carol and Dweck have research for about 400 primary school students. The research has shown that if teachers praised students’ talent or cleverness instead of their learning attitude, students would become negative and easy to rely on others suggestions (Carol&Dweck, 2007). That is to say, those students who are always praised by teachers that they are clever and having talent are in troubles or have difficulties in study, they would be afraid of facing them. The reason is that they are afraid of losing the teachers’ compliments when they fail. They feel their failure would leave bad impressions in others mind and pay much attention to the results of learning. Conversely if teachers praised students’ good learni ng attitude, for example, making efforts and having gumption performed during study, students would deal with difficulties with good mentality.

Praising learning attitude not only help students to attach importance to the process of study so that obtain a good result, but help them to cultivate right attitude which be benefit of them in the future. So teachers’ compliments should be more related with students’ learning attitude.

Chapter4 Conclusion

Rousseau, a French educator, once said it is cleverer for teachers to praise even a little progress of students rather than ridicule their shortcoming(Rousseau 2008). Therefore, praise from teachers play an important role in the mental development of students. Also, it is an effective ways to facilitate students’ study. For instance, on one hand, it can strengthen students’motivation in learning and improve students’confidence in English learning. On the other hand, praise can be applied to achieve teaching goals. However, every coin has two sides. Praise also has a bad effect on

students’ learning. That is to say, improper use of compliments not only prevents in from helping students’students feel self-satisfied on account of teachers’compliments.

This thesis researches scholars’ research results about applying compliments in English teaching and summaries some principles that Primary English teachers should follow. Firstly, teachers’ compliments should be accurately, including accurate pronunciation and wording. Besides, compliments should have expression and intonation. Furthermore, compliments also should be diverse. Above of all, teachers should praise students’ learning attitude more. There are two significance of this study.

①Helping to primary English teachers to master the skills of praise, improve their compliments and promote to finish the aims of English teaching;②This study reaches the functions of compliments based on The aim of the new National English Curriculum for primary school. Namely, compliments could help primary students improve the language skills, cultivate affective, form learning strategies being appropriate themselves and also accumulate language knowledge. Those functions could help primary English teachers’ compliments more targeted.

All in all, learning to praise students effectively is necessary for a teacher at any time. Finally, hoping more an more experts and scholars to research the application of the compliments in Primary English teaching based on the new National English Curriculum for primary school; hoping compliments to be more normalized and realize its truly value.


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Firstly, I would like to show my deepest gratitude to my supervisor, Kong Minsu, a respectable, responsible and resourceful scholar, who has provided me with valuable guidance in every stage of the writing of this thesis. Without his enlightening instruction, impressive kindness and patience, I could not have completed my thesis. His keen and vigorous academic observation enlightens me not only in this thesis but also in my future study.

Besides, I shall extend my thanks to all my teachers who have helped me to develop the fundamental and essential academic competence.


浅谈小学英语语篇的教学 摘要:本文从传统的英语课教学程序出发,分析了传统教学模式的局限性,并 根据英语课的特点,从预习、课堂实践和课后语篇重建三方面探讨了语篇教学的 具体实施及开篇教学活动的必要性及意义。 关键词:语篇教学:语篇重建语篇指的是实际使用的语言单位,是一次交际 过程中的一系列连续的话段或句子所构成的语言整体,它具有连贯性和衔接性的 特点。语篇教学是指在教学中从宏观出发,将语篇作为一个整体来处理,而不是 把课文肢解成许许多多的短语和句子,并对这些短语和句子加以分析研究。本文 试以从传统的英语课的教学模式出发,探讨语篇教学的实践和意义。 一、传统的教学模式传统的英语课短文教学程序基本是先让学生熟悉生词, 再挑出课文中的重点句型和词语深入讲解,并举出许多例句来作精细的比较,辨 析各种意义和用法上的细微差别。然后围绕这些所谓的语言点做大量的练习加以 巩固,并要求学生运用其所掌握的有关知识进行阅读、翻译等项目训练,这就是 我们常说的“精讲多练”模式。 然而近年来,这种模式在理论上受语言学、教育学、心理学及相关学科的挑战; 在实践上则随着改革开发的扩大和社会对人才质量需求的提高,其局限性越来越 明显。 首先,精讲多练模式强调讲解要精细、透彻,因而不得不有赖于母语。在母 语环境下教授英语,学生获得目的语输入的机会很少。其次,教师垄断了大部分 课堂的发言权。课堂上教师讲得,但学生学得被动,很少有主动参与语言实践而 获得全面运用英语的机会。第三,外语教学心理学表明,外语教学过程中单纯强 调掌握语言知识和单纯强调重复操练以培养外语熟练程度都是不适当的。拥有了 语言能力(指听说读写)并不等于具备了交际能力。换句话说,语言能力并不能 保证在实际交际中恰当灵活地使用语言。最后,精讲多练往往侧重语言形式而忽 视其内容。因为强调语言点和句法结构,只培养了学生在词、句水平上的一种抽 象语言能力,忽视了作为语言的载体,语篇体现在其深层结构上的连贯性。 实际上,外语教学的根本目的是要使学习者能运用目的语来交流思想和获得 信息。而思想的交流和信息的获取是在一定的语言环境中完成的。这种语言的使 用环境既包括语言方面的知识,也包括文化背景、语用和认知方面的知识。以词 句为中心的教学只能够完成语言方面的知识传授,而在其它方面知识的传授则被 忽视了。因此外语教学应以词句教学为依托来进行,这样才有利于在培养学生的 语言能力的同时,发展他们的交际能力。 二、语篇教学的实施语篇教学是一种整体教学,它是相对于以词汇和句 子机构为中心的教学而言的,它是从语篇的形式和内容两方面人手,结合语言的 运用环境来理解来掌握语篇。语篇教学不仅要注重语言形式,更要注重语言功能。在目前的英语教材中,所选语篇均为书面文章一类的,语篇教学主张在理解语言 形式结构的基础上,分析作者布局谋篇的特点和遣词造句的手法,并结合文章的 语言,传授目的语言,传授目的语有关的社会知识和社会习俗。在语篇教学中, 强调突出综合英语课的特点;系统地传授知识,综合得进行听说读写的技能训练。为了充分调动学生的学习积极性,发挥群体思维的作用,使学生在课堂上得到较 多的实践机会,可采取小组讨论方式开展教学活动。 语篇教学是英语教学的中心环节,是培养学生听、说、读、写能力的重要途径。 如何在英语语篇教学中既传授给学生知识,又培养学生实际运用语言的能力,值


浅谈小学英语语篇教学 《英语课程标准》明确提出:“英语课程改革的重点就是改变英语课程过分重视语法和词汇知识的讲解与传授,忽视对学生实际语言运用能力培养的倾向,强调课程从学生的学习兴趣,生活经验和认知水平出发,倡导体验,实践,参与。合作与交流的学习方式和任务型教学途径,发展学生的综合语言运用能力,使语言学习的过程成为学生积极的情感态度,主动思维和大胆实践,提高跨文化意识和形成自主学习能力的过程。”由此可见,如何促进学生素质的全面发展,提高学生的人文素养,增强学生的实践和创造能力,诸如此类的复杂问题是现今小学英语教学中需要共同探讨的。 一.小学英语语篇教学的现状及思考 目前为止,根据牛津小学英语教材的编排特点,A板块是语言的功能,是语篇的整体呈现,B、C板块是词汇、句型,是语言的结构。功能在结构之前,语篇在词汇、句型之前。我们一般采用这样的方法进行教学:先由语言结构C,D 板块入手,将C,D板块的重点句型结合B部分生词呈现在一个情景中,从“点”的角度进行呈现和讲解,重点难点逐个突破后再对语言功能(A部分情景会话板块)进行教学整合和剖析。用这种方法进行教学时,由简单到复杂,目的性明确,对于各项语法内容和知识结构,学生掌握扎实。但这种方法带来的负面影响是学生只会机械的模仿句子,不会完整的表达语篇;换言之,学生只会死记硬背,不会灵活运用。因为这种教学模式是从结构到功能的,而教材编排却又是截然不同的从话题功能到结构意图。所以需要我们从A板块语篇直接切入教学,让学生整体感知话题情境,再突出C,D部分的重点句型教学,并根据书本提供的不同情境,用A部分情景会话语篇中自然习得的语言进行滚动,形成新的小短文,从而强调语言的拓展和运用。


教育性小学英语语篇教学案例 Asking the way 一.案例背景 教学时间:2010年6月2日 教学内容:上海版牛津教材5B Module2 Unit 1 Asking the way 教学片断:句型“E xcuse me , how can I get to___________。Can you tell me the way to______? Let me show you the way. (Go straight)________ is on your left/right.”教学(while-task) 执教教师:宋欢婕上海市松江区实验小学 教学对象:上海市上外附小五(3)班学生,借班上课。 教材内容:上海版牛津教材的第2单元的第一课的主题是Animals in the zoo,基于教材提供的这一主题,结合本课“Look and learn”“Look and read””Ask and Answer”,3个模块的内容,本节课重构了以“Asking the way”为话题而展开 的以让学生一起和kitty一家从宾馆来到世博会,选择了何种路线去参观世博馆 的教学内容。 课例分析:松江区实验小学章健 二.案例片断: 片断目标:语言知识与技能:学生能在具体的情境中运用“E xcuse me , how can I get to___________。Can you tell me the way to______? Let me show you the way. (Go straight)________ is on your left/right.” 语言文化和技能:语言感受与表达中,鼓励学生争做世博小志愿者,能够大 胆的为外国宾客指路,体验到作为世博会小小东道主的小主人翁精神,激发 学生热爱世博,热爱上海的情感,更爱我们的美丽家乡。 语段1: Hello! My name is Kitty. I come from England. My family and I are going to Shanghai for the Expo. We are going to stay in Park Hotel for 3 days。 T:Her name is kitty. She just arrived at the airport with her happy family. 屏幕呈现画面与文字 学生边听边思考教师提出的3个问题。 教师转述问题,学生回答。屏幕上同时出现问题的答案,用红线在文本中划出。 引出新授句型Excuse me , how


小学英语语篇教学心得体会 阜新市彰武县兴隆山九年制学校 2013年5月

小学英语语篇教学心得体会 参与《小学英语语篇》课题,我感受到,作为未来的小学英语教师,我们要学习的东西还有很多很多。同时,我也从这中获得一些与专业相关的知识。这些知识对于以后的教学工作的开展是非常有用的。 我把这些知识分为五个部分,分别是故事教学、语篇教学、生词处理、把握提问时机的策略以及小学生阅读技巧的培养。 首先是故事教学,在资料中介绍了很多关于故事教学的内容。我主要归纳为以下几点: 一、故事教学模式: 1、故事教学前的准备活动:学生兴趣准备、背景知识准备、语言准备。 2、故事中的教学阶段:谈论故事、理解故事、初步朗读故事。 3、故事后的学习活动:综合、运用、发展。 二、故事理解过程的设计: 整体感知——部分理解,层层深入——整体产出;点面结合,将故事按情节分段处理;对故事情节较多的课文进行逐图处理。 三、故事教学的意义: 1、有利于激发学生的学习兴趣,增强其学习动机。 2、能提供与情境紧密相连、意义相对完整的语言输入。 3、能有效突出语言的表意功能。

四、故事教学的基本步骤和相应的活动设计: 1、阅读前活动设计 (1)介绍故事背景或预测故事内容。 (2)适时、适度地介绍教学新的语言点。 2、阅读中活动设计 (1)速读故事,了解故事大意,验证阅读前的猜测。 (2)逐段阅读,获取细节信息,了解故事进程及线索。 (3)复读全文,再次从整体上理解故事内容,巩固学习效果。 3、阅读后活动设计 (1)表演、复述和改编故事。 (2)个性化学习活动。 五、新课程下如何进行故事教学: 1、挖掘教材内容,激发学生对故事的兴趣 (1)挖掘故事中的矛盾点,激发学生对故事的兴趣。 (2)帮助学生构建生活经验,激发学生对故事的兴趣。 (3)借助图片或简笔画,激发学生复述故事的兴趣。 (4)通过猜想续编故事,激发学生表达的兴趣。 2、挖掘故事之间的联系,以旧代新 (1)挖掘词汇之间的联系。 (2)挖掘故事内容之间的联系。 3、创设情境,让学生体验故事主人公的情感 (1)通过实物让学生演绎故事,体验情感。


浅谈小学英语语篇教学 小学高年级《牛津小学英语》课本A部分的语篇较长,知识点较多,语篇中涉及到许多新单词、新句型以及外国文化背景知识。由于受应试教育的影响,大部分英语教师还停留在单词和句型的教学,认为学生对单词、句型的掌握比较实在,对语法的掌握也会比较扎实。殊不知,这样的教学限制了学生思维,抹杀了学生探索知识的激情,忽略了语言存在的环境。下面结合5B Unit 2 《A telephone call》的教学,就如何提高小学英语语篇教学效果谈谈个人想法。 一、加强课前预习,激发学习兴趣 由于小学高年级阶段的语篇逐步增加了长度,涉及到的词汇、句型、语法以及文化背景等内容越来越丰富。所以,语篇教学所富有的内涵比一般单词句型课、语法课等课型要复杂的多、要求也高。所以,如果学生没有做好充分准备,直接进行语篇教学,学习能力较一般的学生就无法适应这种教学,就会增加他们的学习难度和心理负担,更容易降低学习兴趣。因此,教师要加强课前学习辅导,使学生在有准备的情况下进行语篇学习。可以这样做:在学习课文之前,让学生预习课文,通过听磁带的方法来读一读、猜一猜课文的大体意思;还可以通过课前预习培养学生的独立思维,提高学习效率,使得学生对要学的知识先做到心里有数,对自己不懂的地方有较深刻的印象。如:上课之前教师先设置了一些简单的练习,让学生带着问题再去听磁带预习课文。 二、创设学习氛围,初步感知课文 在教学时,通过Free talk、sing a song等热身活动,营造轻松活泼的课堂学习气氛,引导学生进入英语氛围。在课前预习中,学生通过听磁带,看插图,已经能够看懂课文的大体意思。在初步感知课文的大体意思后,力求让学生在体验、参与中感知语言和实践语言。接着,通过听磁带或听老师读课文整体呈现Part A,学生已经能够知道哪些是新单词、哪些是新句型。对于初步感知和整体呈现课文后,传统的词句教学已经完成了它的教学任务,但没有达到任务型教学的要求:实践语言的能力。《英语课程标准》倡导“任务型”的教学途径,以学生“能做某事”为目标。这节课以《英语课程标准》为依据,以学生的英语语言综合运用能力为目标。不但以语言知识、语言技能为重点,而且更注重学生的学习策略、情感态度和文化意识,让学生初步感知课文,为进一步深入探究学习打好基础,因为学习英语的最终目地就是会运用英语。


小学高年级英语语篇高效教学例谈 发表时间:2011-12-28T14:04:27.093Z 来源:《时代报告》2011年11月下期供稿作者:叶英姿 [导读] 语篇包含了比较完整的语言组织形态、多元的语言要素向学生传递丰富的语言信息。 叶英姿 (浙江省温岭市方城小学,浙江温岭 317500) 中图分类号:G623.31 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-2738(2011)11-0032-02 摘要:语篇是小学阶段学习英语的重要素材之一,它包含了比较完整的语言组织形态、多元的语言要素向学生传递丰富的语言信息,从而使学生通过听、说、读、写等语言实践活动获得相关信息。本文选取精彩的教学案例展示阅读前通过活动直奔主题,促使学生主动学习;阅读中通过活动方法的多样性,力求课堂教学高效达成;阅读后通过活动及时巩固知识,着力提升学生的英语素养。 关键词:小学英语;语篇教学 语篇是小学阶段学习英语的重要素材之一,它包含了比较完整的语言组织形态、多元的语言要素向学生传递丰富的语言信息,从而使学生通过听、说、读、写等语言实践活动获得相关信息。并在此基础上,语言知识和技能、阅读兴趣、学习策略和情感态度等方面得以充分的发展。 小学高年级的教材中,语篇长度逐渐增长,内容趋于丰富,所涉及的词汇、句型、语法以及文化背景知识更为复杂。那么,如何在有限的课堂时间内,依托教材开展有效的语篇教学,真正激发学生的阅读能力呢?本文将结合五、六年级的部分精彩的语篇教学案例,探讨对提高高段语篇教学实效的几点思考。 一、阅读前,简洁言语领入门 读前活动是指语篇教学前的准备活动,这是调动学生积极性的关键步骤,更是顺利引入语篇学习的重要铺垫。教师简洁明了的读前活动,激发学生的学习兴趣,帮助学生建立文本和以往知识、经验之间的联系,扫清语言障碍,从而促使学生主动进入学习语篇的状态。 1.让学生自主提问 直奔主题的阅读前活动要求教师要少教,学生要多学。教师要事学生对所学内容自主提问,从而引向主动学习。 [教学片段1] 在第五届全国小学英语教学观摩研讨会上,某教师在执教一篇描述Helen Keller生平的文章时,授课教师作了一下设计:直截了当的在PPT上呈现一张Helen Keller 的图片。 T:Do you have any questions about her? 之后,学生纷纷对这幅肖像提出心里的疑问。 S1: Who’s she? S2: Where is she from? S3: What’s her job? … 于是授课教师在图片下一一写下学生的提问。 Q1: Who’s she? Q2: When was she born? Q3: Where’s she from? Q4: What’s her job? 接着,学生因为心中的疑问,而去主动通过语篇来了解这个人物,解决自己心中的疑问。也就是授课教师通过直接呈现图片,开门见山的问学生对这幅肖像有什么疑问。这样让学生自主提问,正式激发学生了解这个人物的欲望。而且学生的提问涉及到的人物生平,又恰恰是语篇的主要内容,所以,看似直奔主题的读前活动,简单明了,收效却可谓是四两拨千斤。 2.让学生主动思考 教学前,引导学生不仅可以对阅读内容进行自主提问,更能据问题自主探究,寻找答案。等待解答的问题,它能最大限度的吸引学生的注意力,激发学生寻求谜底的想法,从而促进学生积极的思考与探寻答案。 [教学片段2] 某教师在执教话题为“transportation”的一篇名为《A rainy day》的文章时,教师在上课伊始,抛出了3个问题。 Q1: Which city do I come from? Q2: Which school do I come from? Q3: How do I usually go to school? 接着向学生看自己的Photo Album。学生由于对之前的问题并不了解,因此,非常关注Photo Album 中透露的信息。通过Photo Album中的信息,最后,大部分学生都能填出如下教师的信息表。


小学高段英语阅读教学随笔 2012-9-24 9:57:00 推荐 一、指导预习,有备而学 语篇相对较长,涉及的词组、句型、文化信息较丰富,如果在学生没有准备的情况下直接切入,很多学习基础一般的学生难以适应。会增加学习难度,降低学习兴趣,因此教师要加强预习指导,使学生有所了解、有所准备地进行语篇学习。 教师可根据教材语篇的特点,有目的、有计划地进行预习指导。对于一般性的文章,教师可让学生听录音、跟读语篇、适当翻译中文意思,划出自己不理解的词组与句子,对于一些有趣味性、文化性较强的语篇,教师可先让学生先了解相关文化。 二、热身活动,引生入境 兴趣是最好的老师”,一位教育名家曾经这样说过。小学高段的语篇中生词和句型越来越多,加上语篇本身没有多少特别的趣味性,加之插图的减少学生自然会对语篇内容越来越不感兴趣,因此教师应多采取一些能激发学生学习兴趣的方法,如运用多媒体、运用简笔画等创设情境。本课开始时我就跟学生讲:“底下你看到的是一个节日里面能看到的画面,画面播放完毕后,请帮助老师告诉我这是什么节日?”学生个个精神抖擞,观察时学生不由的想起预习时自己接触到的万圣节。通过这个活动的创设再现了

学生对万圣节的记忆,让学生的预习得到有效的反馈。关于万圣节可以让学生说说都了解到了什么,然后我总结时,突出“Halloween party”,激发学生想去参加万圣节派对的兴趣,带着参加派对的心情去阅读文本,减轻文本的枯燥度。 三、巧用背景,整体感知 我们不难发现人教英语的语篇对话的开头都有背景,一种是文字说明,它用3-5句话交代一下时间、地点、人物和事件。二是图画背景。在本课我分别呈现了这两种背景,降低学生理解文本的难度,有效地从整体上把握了文本。 我以Ben和家人在客厅谈话的这一张插图,先给学生一个整体的印象,然后通过观察图片找出今天的日期:10月30日,这时候,我问:“今天是万圣节吗?”学生说不是,明天才是,引出:“It’s Halloween,tomorrow.”既而,我加强了兴奋的语气,并引导学生体会兴奋的感受,带着这样的情绪问他们想为万圣节做什么呢?学生提议买些东西,这正与Ben一家的想法不谋而合,那需要买些什么呢?就是接下来要围绕的中心了。 四、篇段结合,理解大意 我们在语篇教学中容易走进这样的误区,就是专门把生词提炼出来教,遇到某个新句型,也是反复操练,把一堂语篇教学课上得完全走了样,变成了一堂纯粹的单词和语法教学课。在语篇教学课中我们应灵活处理单词和句式,不要遇到生词就教,应尽量让学生自己通过上下文去理解,或者通过小组讨论等方式去解决,


浅谈小学英语语篇教学中的问题设计 小学阶段语篇教学的关键是培养学生的语篇意识,其价值主要体现于阅读教学,在阅读教学中帮助学生获取信息、增长知识、开阔视野、体验乐趣。由于问题贯穿于阅读教学的全过程,始终发挥着组织和调控教学的作用,引领学生积极体验和学习。所以,问题设计在阅读教学中起着至关重要的作用。学生的思维过程往往是从问题开始的。因此,在阅读教学中设计有效的问题,是启发学生思维,引导学生走进语篇,在阅读过程中通过感知、体验、实践、参与、合作、探究获取和处理信息,提高阅读技能的重要手段。下面笔者结合教学实践,分别从阅读前、阅读中和阅读后这三个阶段谈谈关于语篇教学中问题设计的实践与思考,以期提高小学英语语篇教学的有效性。 一、阅读前设计问题——激发兴趣,走进语篇 读前活动是英语语篇教学的前奏和基础,对于建构语篇文本的内容结构具有非常重要的意义。通常教师设计一些与语篇主题相关的问题,通过问答形式来激活学生的背景知识和相关经验,扫除影响学生理解语篇的部分语言障碍,为学生顺利阅读做好铺垫,同时教师还要引导学生根据图片或话题预测语篇的主要内容和可能用到的词汇,激活学生的思维,从而引领学生积极地从生活走进文本。 1. 导入型问题。问题导入是英语教学过程中运用最广泛、操作最简单的一种导入法。它是指教师从学生原有知识和生活经验出发,紧扣话题,通过提问帮助学生建立起语篇文本与以往经验、知识之间的联系,迅速自然地导入语篇话题,从而激发学生的阅读兴趣。 2. 铺垫型问题。读前活动一方面激活学生有关背景图式,另一方面帮助学生消除语篇语言理解上的障碍。铺垫型问题是教师针对学生理解语篇语言点而设置的问题,其目的不仅是寻求问题的答案,更是利用问题对这些语言点进行适当的铺垫,从而减轻学生在阅读过程中的认知压力,保证阅读教学的整体性、连贯性和逻辑性。例如,在教学《牛津小学英语》6A Unit 6 Holidays Part A前,语篇中的生词favourite是学生理解的难点,于是笔者在热身环节先利用问题What’s your favourite food/animal/colour...?与学生亲切交谈,再自然过渡到问题What’s your favourite holiday? What other holidays do you know?的讨论。学生在问题的讨论中不仅理解了生词favourite的含义,而且激活并丰富学生原有的有关语篇


小学英语“主题式”语篇教学的有效策略 江苏省金坛市城西小学李星娟 [内容概要]语篇是学生学好英语的权重内容。针对小学英语语篇学生的现 状和误区,教师应紧扣语篇主题,找准主线和最佳切入点,形成有效、可行的语篇教学策略。 [关键字]语篇教学语篇信息语篇脉络语篇拓展 作为小学英语教学的权重板块,语篇教学是目前英语课堂教学的热门话题。语篇在篇幅上的逐步加长、语言项目的逐步复杂以及中英文化等因素的介入不断丰富着高年级英语课堂教学,在更高层面上促进学生综合语言运用能力的同时,也给广大小学英语教师带来了新的课题、新的困惑、新的挑战。面对如此挑战,笔者进行了举步维艰的探索。 一、语篇教学的分析 1.什么是语篇? 语篇(discourse)外语教学中的一个非常重要的概念。语篇是一个语言使用单位,也是一个语义单位,可以以口头形式出现,也可以以书面出现。著名语言学家金蒂认为:语篇是指由一系列连续性句子构成的、形式上衔接、意义上连贯的语言整体。在小学英语教学中,语篇可以是一则小故事、一篇小短文或一首小歌谣,这些语言材料有一定的语境,富有趣味性,通常是围绕某个语言点而编写的,且满足7个条件,即衔接、连贯、目的性、可接受性、信息性、情景性和篇际性。 2.什么是语篇教学? 语篇教学是针对传统的注重词、句、语法点的教学方式而提出的,它倡导把教学的重点放在指导学生从篇章的角度和整体把握所学语言材料。语篇教学应从整体出发,遵循整体——部分——整体的路径,即从篇章到句子,再到词汇、语法点等语言知识点,最后落实到对所学语篇的整体理解。从另一个角度来说,让孩子们先入林,后见树,再赏林。 3.语篇教学的误区扫描: a.语篇教学的目标和核心不明确。 b.重视词句讲解,忽视学生对语篇的理解(只见树木不见森林)。 c.缺乏教与学的师生互动过程。 d.过分强调工具性,语言人文性被控制。 e.任务活动的有效性和拓展性不够。 二、我的“主题式”语篇教学的有效策略: 1.运用软性作业梳理语篇信息 A板块是完整的有情境性的语篇,本身具有一定的完整性。软性作业能让学生体验语篇的完整意义,并获取“有意义的内容”。所谓软性作业,即在教学新的语篇前,布置学生自主进行语篇分析,对语篇有全面、整体的认识,例如:谁?什么关系?什么话题?说了什么?在哪里?什么场合(语境)?让学生自己设计语篇表达方式,简单讲述语篇发生的时间、地点和人物。这种软性作业能有效反映出学生对语篇的投入程度和求异思维。 [教学案例一]我在教学6A 《on the farm》PartA时,首先出示2幅挂图和教


小学英语阅读教学心得 体会修订版 IBMT standardization office【IBMT5AB-IBMT08-IBMT2C-ZZT18】

心得体会 阅读完这份有关小学英语阅读教学的资料,我感受到,作为未来的小学英语教师,我们要学习的东西还有很多很多。同时,我也从这份资料中获得一些与专业相关的知识。这些知识对于以后的教学工作的开展是非常有用的。 我把这些知识分为五个部分,分别是故事教学、语篇教学、生词处理、把握提问时机的策略以及小学生阅读技巧的培养。 首先是故事教学,在资料中介绍了很多关于故事教学的内容。我主要归纳为以下几点: 一、故事教学模式: 1、故事教学前的准备活动:学生兴趣准备、背景知识准备、语言准备。 2、故事中的教学阶段:谈论故事、理解故事、初步朗读故事。 3、故事后的学习活动:综合、运用、发展。 二、故事理解过程的设计: 整体感知——部分理解,层层深入——整体产出;点面结合,将故事按情节分段处理;对故事情节较多的课文进行逐图处理。 三、故事教学的意义: 1、有利于激发学生的学习兴趣,增强其学习动机。 2、能提供与情境紧密相连、意义相对完整的语言输入。

3、能有效突出语言的表意功能。 四、故事教学的基本步骤和相应的活动设计: (1)阅读前活动设计 (1)介绍故事背景或预测故事内容。 (2)适时、适度地介绍教学新的语言点。 (2)阅读中活动设计 (1)速读故事,了解故事大意,验证阅读前的猜测。 (2)逐段阅读,获取细节信息,了解故事进程及线索。 (3)复读全文,再次从整体上理解故事内容,巩固学习效果。(3)阅读后活动设计 (1)表演、复述和改编故事。 (2)个性化学习活动。 五、新课程下如何进行故事教学: 1、挖掘教材内容,激发学生对故事的兴趣 (1)挖掘故事中的矛盾点,激发学生对故事的兴趣。 (2)帮助学生构建生活经验,激发学生对故事的兴趣。


浅谈小学英语语篇教 学

浅谈小学英语语篇教学 李艳 浙江省金华市环城小学 当前,不少小学生能说几句英语,但总是错误百出;能背诵一些课文,却不会在实际生活中运用。这些现象与学生脱离语境学习语言有一定关系;也就是说,学生没有在一定的语篇中学习语言。 在小学英语教学中,语篇可以是一则小故事、一篇小短文或一首小歌谣。这些语篇的共同特点是有一定的情境,富有趣味性,能吸引小学生的注意力和激发他们的学习兴趣,而且通常是围绕某个语言点而编写的。 一、语篇教学的必要性 从小学英语课程的目标来看,语篇教学的目标并不单一,它可以看成是一个由不同纬度的小目标交织在一起而形成的“复合体”。按课程标准的说明,小学英语语篇教学的目标至少包括这样一些更小的目标:知识学习层面,技能训练层面、策略培养层面、智能开发层面,情感熏陶层面和文化意识层面,也就是说,希望通过英语语篇教学来引导学生学习和运用语言知识,提高语言技能,获取所需信息,了解多元文化,享受阅读过程,养成阅读习惯,开启人生智慧并发展独立人格。 课程标准中对语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识等五方面分别提出了相应的一级、二级内容标准和目标要求。针对小学

英语语言技能的“读”,二级目标提出了“六能”,其中要求学生能正确朗读所学的故事和小短文,能借助图片读懂简短的故事或小短文,并养成按意群阅读的习惯;学习策略的二级目标中提出了尝试阅读英语故事及其他英语课外读物,对所学习内容能主动练习和实践,积极运用所学英语进行表达和交流,能初步使用简单的学生英汉词典等要求。其中特别强调了阅读兴趣和阅读习惯。 “为学之道,莫先于穷理;穷理之道,必在于读书。”让孩子学会并享受阅读实际上就是给了他一生最重要的学习能力。在阅读过程中不仅可以获取大量信息,更能发展语言能力、写作能力、培养想象力、创造力和独立思考的能力,有助于形成和发展独立人格。因此,世界各国都把儿童阅读作为一项重要的教育政策来实施,比如美国教育部1983年发布的《成为阅读大国》报告,核心内容就是强调阅读是所有课程的核心和基础。 二、语篇教学的意义 (1) 巩固教材,提高学生的语言运用能力 在语篇的阅读过程中,学生复习了以前所学的语言知识,有机会将学到 的知识 技能恰当地运用于语篇之中,有效防止了因学到的知识得不到实际应用而忘记的情况,语言运用能力也能得到提高。例如,教材中的生词在创编的语篇中复现,可以激活学生的短时记忆;同一单词在不同的语境中出现,使学生有机会接触不同的词义,可以锻炼学生的阅读理解能力。其次,通过广泛的阅读,学生对句型结构、习惯用法的认识更为清晰,对文章的谋篇布局也


小学英语阅读课教学模式初探 历城区工业北路小学张自立 一、什么是阅读课 在小学英语教学中,由于受到传统教学观念影响,人们往往认为小学生的词汇少,知识面窄、语法欠缺,不易开展阅读教学。有不少老师对于阅读课采用“讲解式”的呆板陈旧的教学方式,无法培养学生良好的阅读习惯,提高阅读技巧,无助于提高学生的阅读能力。事实上,英语阅读教学的目的是教给学生阅读方法,训练其阅读技巧,培养和提高学生的阅读能力。具体地说,就是使学生学会在英语阅读中有目的地去获取信息,并能对它们进行分析和判断,从而准确地理解文章的内容和思想意义。《英语课程标准》明确规定小学毕业时的阅读要求:“.…..能借助图片读懂简单的故事或小短文,并养成按意群阅读的习惯,能正确朗读所学故事或短文。” 阅读课教学顾名思义就是以语篇阅读为主,以学生对文章信息的整体正确输入与否为标准进行的教学。即学生是否能正确理解全文意思,深入理解重点词、词组和句子的意思,并能就文章进行口、笔头理解练习。对于阅读课我们不能以词汇课、对话课的标准去衡量是否完成了几个词的教学,是否达到了“x会”的要求,更不能以是否具有花样繁多的教学活动如:TPR,玩游戏等为衡量标准,因为它的教学目的不是“点”而是“面”。对话课就是听说领先,让学生尽量地多听多说,最后达到能交际,而阅读课则要在阅读的基础上不断扩展一些知识。 阅读课文是传授语音、词汇、语法知识和培养听、说、读、写能力最好的综合教学材料。只有通过阅读课才能提升学生的综合语用能力及持久的学习兴趣,因为学生到了高年级后如只停留在句型教学(对话课)上,学生会因没有提高而感到单调乏味,从而使英语学习没有后劲。这如同《英语九百句》不适合作为中小学教材一样。阅读课不像句型课那么单一,它是各种句型、语言现象构成的“杂烩”,因此抓好重点是个关键,抓住了关键句或词组,以点带面,很多非重点的问题也随之迎刃而解。 有些自命话题阅读课容量大,生词多,新句型多,在40分钟内要处理好的确不容易。遗憾的是个别教师在教学中出现了教学目标定位偏差。教师将目光更多放在了学生词生句上,导致花费了大量时间用来呈现、学习、领读、练习生词上,进入课文后所剩时间无多。这样,一节课的主体放在了新授生词、句上,文本阅读理解反而成了附属,这就把阅读课的


小学英语语篇教学反思 语篇教学是指在具体语境中教学单词和句型,主张把单词融入句子中教学,从整体入手,给学生展现一个完整的语言概念。语篇教学的核心思想在于在课堂教学中创设语境,让学生在情景中体验并运用语言,更为具体地说就是通过有意义的语言输入来激活有意义的语言输出。语篇教学一直是小学高年段英语教学的一个难点内容,它并非单纯的语篇知识的教学,它始终以学生为主体,以发展学生的能力为目的,让学生在教师的引导下感知、理解和运用所学语言。在小学英语教学中进行语篇教学有利于提高学生的学习兴趣,激发学生学习的动力。 小学英语语篇教学倡导“词句结合,语篇感悟”,强调不仅重视语篇知识的传授,更重视语言能力的培养。通过培训学习,我对语篇教学的重要性有了更进一步的认识,对如何利用教材呈现的每一篇语言材料,充分调动学生学习英语的兴趣,有了浅薄的认识。 一、语篇教学中存在的问题 1、语篇教学的单一性 课堂上,一些教师把重点词句的讲解完就简单的把课文读读,结束教学,忽视了学生综合能力的培养,以致学生不能把词,句和语篇进一步融会贯通。如,《闽教版小学英语》五年级下Unit7中的新句型“which floor do you live on? On the fourth floor.”是课文部分的主要内容,有的教师却在教学课文部分时让学生反复操练基数与序数之间的差别,占去很多时间,以致后面的整个语篇教学,时间紧张,只能草草了事。 2、情境创设的局限性 在创设情境时,只是小范围的就词讲词,而忽略了课文的整体情境性。如,《闽教版小学英语》五年级下Unit 6课文教学关feelings这类相关情感这类单词时“tired,sad,angry”有些教师就利用这几个小范围的词就词讲词,忽略了课文中的整体情境性。闽教版所学英语的内容往往贴近学生的生活和学习实际,以利于学生在比较接近于实际的情景中进行听说训练。以前在进行教学时,往往会像词汇、句型课一样,急于去


一 ,什么是语篇? 语篇是实际使用的语言单位 ,是一次交际过程中一系列连续的话段或句子构 成的语言整体 .它可以是对话 ,也可以是独白 .体现在 pep 教材中 ,五年级的 readandwrite,六年级的 let ’ sread,都是较为典型的语篇教材. 二 ,那么语篇教学在小学英语教学中地位如何呢? 我们拿 pep 教材来分析 ,每个单元大致有词汇教学部分即let ’slearn,句型及对 话教学部分即 let ’stalk,语篇教学部分即readandwrite 或 let ’sread很多.老师非常重 视词汇和对话教学 ,而对语篇教学部分则没有给予足够的重视 ,每上到这一部分就一带 而过 ,或者干脆上成练习课 .以建筑物做比 ,词汇好比砖瓦材料 ,句型好比是砖瓦粗垒的 墙 ,而语篇所呈现的才是整座建筑物的全貌 .所以扎扎实实进行语篇教学 , 对于学生在 小学阶段英语运用能力的发展具有至关重要的意义 . 首先 ,语篇教学是学生阅读理解能力形成的基础 .通过对每篇课文的分析 ,学生形 成对英文的理解能力 ,从逐句译成母语的方式过渡到直接用英文去理解 .有了这个基 础 ,以后升入中学 ,才能从容面对初高中的大篇幅文本材料 ,将来甚至可以直接阅读英 文原文刊物 .其次 ,通过语篇学习 ,学生才能逐步形成并提高个人的英文写作水平 .从 五年级的 readandwrite 开始 ,就可以将对话部分的句型从口头操练落实到写上 ,六年 级的 let ’sread更可以采取多种方式 ,如填充对话 ,列提纲等方式引导学生初步进行 写作 . 最后 ,语篇学习过程也是学生综合语言运用能力形成的过程 .小小一篇短文 ,涵盖 词汇 ,句型 ,语法等多方面知识 ,更可以通过它 ,了解中西方文化差异 ,英美国家风俗文 化等多方面知识 .综上所述 ,小学英语从基础上来说可比喻为金字塔 ,它处于塔的顶端 , 教师想要驾驭好它 ,必须深钻教材 ,深入思考 .因为它的重要性 ,我们别无选 择,必须做好这部分的教学工作 . 三,如何进行语篇教学 ,才能达到最佳效果呢? 1.做好课程开始前的引入工作.以旧知导入新课文 ,是


例谈小学三年级英语语篇学习 作者:陶澄 来源:《现代教育科学(普教研究)》2012年第03期 【摘要】小学是养成学生良好学习习惯的最佳时期。而当今所提倡的教会学生学习又将如何在小学进行呢?在实施素质教育的同时,不断提高学生的学习兴趣,调动学生的学习主动性、积极性,让学生在主动参与中学会学习,进而培养学生终身受益的能力。三年级是学生习惯养成的转折期,在英语课文学习方面,有必要学会学习。 【关键词】小学;三年级英语;课文;学会学习 中图分类号:G623 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-5843(2012)03-0159-02 小学三年级英语是小学阶段英语学习的一个转折点。而这一年龄段的学生对英语仍保持着新鲜感,大部分学生对英语学习饶有兴趣。教师在教学过程中,应采用多种教学活动形式,营造宽松、和谐和民主的教学氛围.要使学生的这一兴趣得以延伸,并在兴趣使然下养成会学习的习惯。 结合自己三年级的英语教学实践和学会学习理论,在三年级英语A部分教学中,我形成了这样几个教学环节: 一、预习——学习准备工作的最基本形式 在小学三年级的英语学习过程中学生在预习时可以做到: 1. 通过自己听录音,模仿跟读,解决发音语调问题。 2. 圈出自己不懂或发音吃不准的单词、句子。解决方法: (1)自己查电脑或英汉字典;(2)留下在课上解决。 通过预习,学生对课文内容有了一个基本的了解,对于不同层次的学生有不一样的好处。对于好孩子而言,他们可以自己把握课文,会朗读、了解课文大意。对于不乖的孩子,他们有了对课文的一定了解,至少能读出课文,那么在课上再学课文时,不会出现不知所措的情况,他们也就可以融入这个学习环境中。 二、听——交际的最基本形式


小学英语语篇教学模式初探 在小学英语教学中,由于受到传统教学观念影响,人们往往认为小学生的词汇少,知识面窄、语法欠缺,不易开展阅读教学。有不少老师对于阅读课采用“讲解式”的呆板陈旧的教学方式,无法培养学生良好的阅读习惯,提高阅读技巧,无助于提高学生的阅读能力。事实上,英语阅读教学的目的是教给学生阅读方法,训练其阅读技巧,培养和提高学生的阅读能力。具体地说,就是使学生学会在英语阅读中有目的地去获取信息,并能对它们进行分析和判断,从而准确地理解文章的内容和思想意义。《英语课程标准》明确规定小学毕业时的阅读要求:“.…..能借助图片读懂简单的故事或小短文,并养成按意群阅读的习惯,能正确朗读所学故事或短文。” 阅读课教学顾名思义就是以语篇阅读为主,以学生对文章信息的整体正确输入与否为标准进行的教学。即学生是否能正确理解全文意思,深入理解重点词、词组和句子的意思,并能就文章进行口、笔头理解练习。对于阅读课我们不能以词汇课、对话课的标准去衡量是否完成了几个词的教学,是否达到了“x会”的要求,更不能以是否具有花样繁多的教学活动如:TPR,玩游戏等为衡量标准,因为它的教学目的不是“点”而是“面”。对话课就是听说领先,让学生尽量地多听多说,最后达到能交际,而阅读课则要在阅读的基础上不断扩展一些知识。 阅读课文是传授语音、词汇、语法知识和培养听、说、读、写能力最好的综合教学材料。只有通过阅读课才能提升学生的综合语用能力及持久的学习兴趣,因为学生到了高年级后如只停留在句型教学(对话课)上,学生会因没有提高而感到单调乏味,从而使英语学习没有后劲。这如同《英语九百句》不适合作为中小学教材一样。阅读课不像句型课那么单一,它是各种句型、语言现象构成的“杂烩”,因此抓好重点是个关键,抓住了关键句或词组,以点带面,很多非重点的问题也随之迎刃而解。 有些自命话题阅读课容量大,生词多,新句型多,在40分钟内要处理好的确不容易。遗憾的是个别教师在教学中出现了教学目标定位偏差。教师将目光更多放在了学生词生句上,导致花费了大量时间用来呈现、学习、领读、练习生词上,进入课文后所剩时间无多。这样,一节课的主体放在了新授生词、句上,文本阅读理解反而成了附属,这就把阅读课的教学目标本末倒置了。 阅读课的教学目标定位应该是:能通畅地阅读文本,正确理解其意并能用正确的句子回答就文章信息提出的问题,如果条件允许的话,还可以上升到复述文章或仿写文章等。处理


小学英语教学心得体会 一个学期紧张繁忙的英语教学工作即将告一段落,四个多月120多个日日夜夜,可谓一路探索、一路艰辛、一路欣喜、一路收获。 小学英语教学心得体会 一、注重教学过程管理,强调先进教学方法和理念的实施。 如何充分发挥小学英语在实现教育目标中的功能,从而体现小学英语在整个课程中的地位和作用,是小学英语教学必须重视的问题。英语学习的启蒙阶段是非常重要的,教学的成功与否将对学生的终身学习产生深远影响。 小学开设英语课程的目的在于培养学生学习英语的积极情感,形成初步的英语语感,打好语音、语调的基础,具备用所学英语进行交流的初级能力。通过英语课程的学习,丰富社会生活经历、开拓视野、树立学习的自信心。为此在实际教学中我们要求广大教师积极实践和探索,在教学目标、课程实施、教学方法、教学评价等方面做到层层推进。在实践过程中应该明确以下几点: 1.在教学总体目标上,重兴趣、重成就感、重自信心的培养 教师通过多种激励的方式,如奖品激励、任务激励、荣誉激励、信任激励和情感激励等,激发学生积极参与、大胆实践、体验成功的喜悦。有了成就感,就有了自信心,学生就会渴望学习英语;在课程实施上,重环境、重频率、重效率。教学中 特别强调语言环境的创设,充分利用和开发电视、录音、录像、光碟等多种媒体,丰富教学内容、活跃教学气氛、创设生动和

真实的语言环境。 尽量在课堂上创造真实的情境,克服课时少的困难,并且按排早读课及时复习,保证学生高频率的接触英语,为学生创造有效的学习条件,提高学习效率;在语言教学目标上,重语感、重语音语调基础、重交流能力。 学校和教师积极创造条件,提供良好的语言环境和设备,通过提供大量的感知、体验、模仿等实践活动,帮助学生形成初步的语感。语音语调的学习包括发音、重音、语调、节奏和语流等多方面,教学中要求教师防止以单音准确为目的的教学,通过多听、多模仿,在有意义的语境中进行训练,奠定语音语调的基础。强调要培养学生交流能力就要创设交流的情景,使学生通过交流发展交流的能力。 2.在教学模式和方法上,重体验、重实践、重参与、重创造 要求教学设计贴近生活,符合小学生兴趣的需求;教学内 容能引起学生的兴趣,例如韵律诗歌、寓言故事、会话表演、游戏等;教学的语言材料要真实、实用。学生在课上通过用中学、学中用,反复实践,学用结合。功能、结构、话题、任务做到有机结合;以话题为核心,以功能和结构为主线,以任务 型活动为目标安排各单元或各课的教学;通过视、听、说、玩、唱、画、游、读、写、译等饶有趣味的活动,让学生接触足够量的语言材料,保证输入量,“习得”与“学得”结合,使学生逐步培养起初步的语感;通过大量语言材料的输入,特别是 声像材料的示范,学生模仿,教师指导,使学生逐步形成良好的语音、语调、书写、拼读的习惯。 设计任务型活动,开放空间,激活学生的思维,培养创造思维。自始至终引导学生通过完成具体任务活动来学习语言,


浅谈如何提高小学英语语篇教学的有效性 楚州实验小学周菁菡 伴随着小学英语学科的成长,我们的关注点从词汇教学到对话教学,再到语篇教学。每一次的潜心探索都是一次成长和提高。我们研究的目的只有一个,那就是:让孩子们学得更好,让小学英语这一学科“飞”得更高。步入高年级,《牛津小学英语》课本的语篇就变得较长,容量较大,语篇中涉及一定量的生词、句型以及文化背景知识,许多教师觉得语篇教学难以把握。难教、怕教成为教师们的共识。因此,如何提高小学英语语篇教学的有效性成为教师共同关注的话题。 一、小学英语语篇教学的内涵 1.语篇及语篇教学的概念 所谓“语篇”,即discourse。对于“discourse”的概念,《牛津高级英汉双解词典》对此作了明确的解释,即“the use of language in speech or writing in order to produce meaning; language that is studied,usually in order to see how the different parts of a text are connected”。由此可见,任何以特定文体整体呈现的语言材料的教学,在广义上都是语篇教学。这就包括各种文体的语篇教学,散文、诗歌、戏剧对白、说明文、记叙文、论说文、应用文等,也包括中国的对联和日本的只有十七音节的俳句。依照这样的概念界定,即使是最简单的英语对话材料也因该放在语篇教学的高度去对待和处理。 语篇教学则是指在具体语境中教学单词和句型,主张把单词融入句子中教学,从整体人手,展现给学生完整的语言概念。对于小学英语教学来说,首先要培养的是学生的听说能力,当学生有了一定的听说基础后,就需要不失时机的加强阅读教学。进入小学英语学习的高年级阶段,语篇教学已经是日常英语教学的最基本模式。 2.语篇教学的意义 语篇教学的主要意义在于: ⑴培养学生从整体上(结合上下文及语言信息的相关语境)正确把握语篇信息的能力,而不是只看到局部,以避免望文生义现象的产生。(如:there的语义)
