






1. 教育应该包括哪些内容?

母题:It is generally believed that education is of vital importance to the development of individuals and the well-being of societies. What should education consist of to fulfil both these functions? (050312

提示:本题围绕教育的两大功能来展开(个人与社会),准备好这篇*,即可应付教育类话题中的最大分支—教育的功能,做到以不变应万变。对于社会角度,可以从促进经济发展、增加社会流动性(social mobility)、维护社会稳定这几个方面来展开,对于个人,可以写改变思维模式、有利于就业和便利生活来写。



2. 学校的科目谁来选择?

母题:Some people think that the government should decide which subjects students should study at the university, while others think that students should be allowed to apply for the subject they prefer. Discuss the two views and give your opinion. (060916) 提示:这类题目采取的策略就是“双批判”,因为题目中提供的两种选择往往都是错误的。

子题1:政府选课or 老师选课?学生选择所有的科目or根据兴趣自行选择?



3. 什么样的教学方式最好?

母题:Many people use distance-learning programmes (study material post, TV, Internet, etc.) to study at home, but some people think that it cannot bring the benefit as much as

attending college or university. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? (041113, 081023, 100515)

提示:远程教育最大的好处,就在于三个any:anybody, anywhere, any time. 缺点是缺乏师生之间以及学生之间的interaction, 缺乏教师的moral guidance, 因为没有体育课且久坐电脑前,会引发健康问题。


4. 谁来为学费买单?

母题:Some people believe that university students should pay all the cost of studies because university education only benefit the students themselves not the society as a whole. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (100731)



5. 孩子们要不要参加社会实践?

母题:Some school leavers travel or work for a period of time instead of going directly to university.What are the advantages and disadvantages? (030308, 050514, 090926)

提示:gap year好处就是各种能力的锻炼,缺点就是容易受到社会恶习的影响,误入歧途。



1. 现代通讯科技

母题1:People can perform everyday tasks, such as shopping and banking as well as business transactions, without meeting other people face-to-face. What are the effects of this on individuals and society as a whole? (050226, 070331)



adolescent(s)/juvenile(s)/youngster(s)/youth(s) n.青少年 adolescent adj.青春期的 parenting/upbringing n.家庭教育,教养 schooling n. 学校教育 aptitude/talent (for) n.(有……的)天赋 cultivate/foster/nurture v. 培养 specialist n.专才 generalist n.(有多方面知识和经验的)通才 all-rounded/well-rounded/versatile adj.全面的,多面的,多才多艺的awareness/sense/recognition n.意识 the development of students’personality and values 学生个性和价值观的发展mould (or mold美式拼写) one’s character塑造某人的性格 mould (or mold美式拼写) sb. into sth. 把某人塑造成…… a (or the ) sense of responsibility (or duty/obligation)责任感 improve moral standard 提高道德标准



delete/eliminate/excise v. 删除evaluate v. 评价、评估 the evaluation on 对……的评价或评估 be ?ooded (or ?lled/awash/saturated/inundated) with... 充斥着 excessive and gratuitous violent and pornographic contents 过多的、无端的暴力与色情内容 at the expense/cost of 以……为代价 media hype 媒体炒作advertising hype 广告炒作 hype n. 炒作,大肆吹捧 v. 对 ……大肆宣传,吹捧commercial(s) n. 商业广告public service advertising 公益广告 evoke (or stimulate) impulse buying 刺激冲动性购物shopaholic(s) n. 购物狂promotion n. 促销 marketing tool 市场营销手段 induce sb. to do sth. 诱导或引诱某人做某事 target audience 目标受众sensationalise (or sensationalize 美式拼写) /exaggerate v. 耸人听闻地夸大某事,大肆渲染 over-report...to hook viewers and maximise pro ?ts 为了利益最大化,从而过度报道……来吸引公众的眼球 道德规范(尤指职业的) 良好的/较强的/无懈可击的职业道德adj. 无所不在的,普遍存在的……的流行或盛行对……有着深远的影响 揭露社会问题 监督非常详尽地报道…… 如实的描述、报道adj. 有新闻价值的,有报道价值的adj. 最新的,及时的adj. 客观公正的adj. 不客观的,有偏见的 adj. 可信的,可靠的 adj. 令人误导的,不如实报道的,曲解的adj. 虚假的adj. 欺骗性的 adj. 信息量大的,增长见闻的adj. 娱乐性的,令人愉快的 v. & n. 审查n. 审查制度 对……实施审查 v. 影响,左右 (e.g. sway sb./sb. be swayed by... 影响某人或者某人受到影响)


雅思名师论2011年雅思写作备考 英赛特雅思 写作首席主讲 吴建业 第一节 雅思写作难点在哪 英语写作对于大多数中国学生而言,是项艰巨的任务。事实上,纵使用我们的母语——汉语进行写作,我们也不敢轻言“容易”两字! 对于英语学习者而言,“听、说、读、写、译”五项基本技能缺一不可,而其中“写”则是其综合运用能力的重要体现。刘润清指出,只有写作水平才能真正反映一个人的语言修养,因为英语作文反映了学生掌握实际运用英语的综合能力,它不仅能测验学生的词汇用法、语法等语言要素,而且能测验学生的组织能力、分析能力、表达能力、逻辑思维及对多种语体的掌握程度。 雅思官方数据表明,中国雅思考生写作部分平均分已经连续多年居末位,徘徊在5.12分到5.23分之间。由此可见,雅思考试写作部分对于大多数中国考生而言,绝对是一项艰巨的任务。在60分钟内,不仅要完成150词的图表作文(A 类)或信件(G类),还要用250词写出一篇有血有肉、入情入理、修辞得体、层次分明和措词得当的论说文,莫说对于雅思考生,就是从教多年的英语教师也非易事。 雅思写作难点主要体现在以下几方面:时间紧,篇幅长,体裁多,题材广,话题多,难度大和要求高。 一、 时间紧和篇幅长 A类考生在60分钟内需要完成一篇不少于150词的图表作文(R E P O R T)和不少于250词的议论文(E S S A Y);而G类考生的任务是一篇不少于150词的信件(L E T T E R)和250词的议论文(E S S A Y)。与国内其他外语测试相比,雅思写作部分不仅体裁多,字数要求也多。大学英语4/6级考试的字数要求是120/150词,研究生入学考试的作文字数要求为150词,而英语专业八级考试写作部分字数要求为250-300词。 二、 体裁多 对于A类考生来说,T a s k O n e(图表作文)是个棘手的难题,要求考生具备分析和描述多种图表的能力,例如流程图、曲线图、圆形图、柱状图和表格等。就拿笔者来说,虽然先后就读英语专业10年,且从事英语教学研究多年,长期承担英语专业写作课的教学,但在接触雅思写作之前,对图表作文知之甚少。笔者清楚记得第一次备课的尴尬情形。当时(1997年)国内极少雅思备考书籍,


附录:雅思写作必备词汇 一.同经济有关的词汇 extravagant 浪费的,奢侈的throw money into thin air 浪费钱 squander v. 浪费:If we squander our fossil fuels, we threaten civilization. lavish v. 浪费:lavish time and money on pets We have to economize on water during the dry season. dear,luxurious 豪华的,money-consuming 浪费钱的,precious,valuable destitute 贫穷的impoverished 贫穷的(名词形式为impoverishment)poverty-stricken 贫穷的poor needy 贫穷的,缺乏生活必需品的: They collected money to help the needy children. poverty line 贫穷线,贫困线 a lucrative investment profitable 赚钱的,盈利的wealthy be short of insufficient 不足的,不够的:The food is insufficient for our needs. lack n&vt缺乏,be lacking in:She is lacking in responsibility. run out of 用完scarcity n.缺乏,不足:The scarcity of food was caused by the drought. There is a shortage of oil in this country. asset n.资产 a tight budget 资金/预算紧张financial aid 经济资助financial/economic burden经济负担financial strain 资金紧张government revenue 政府税收foreign currency 外汇taxpayer 纳税人 有限的公共资金income 收入hard-earned money 辛苦挣来的钱 consumer goods 消费品consumption n. 消费(consume v.) expenditure n.花费,支出 beggar pauper=beggar homeless 无家可归的laid-off workers 下岗工人jobless 失业的;失业者 charity 慈善(形容词为charitable)healthcare 医疗保健starvation=hunger 饥饿famine 饥荒disease illiteracy 文盲(形容词为illiterate)welfare 福利shelter 庇护所nursing home/house 养老院miserable 痛苦的,悲惨的well-being福利subsidize=finance 资助,补助 二.同时间有关的词汇 squeeze time 挤时间wile away the time 消磨时间kill time 浪费时间 a waste of time and resource precious time-consuming 消耗时间的


同意与否文体 There is no denying that the specific issue of srh./ 或接*whetker 从句has become controlersial. Howoer, in spite of those who are against-' for ?“ I approve ■wholeheartedK- of/ 或I strongly object to the idea that ??? Those who hold negach e/ positive aniiude co^ ards ??. "belie1e chsu ... mayexen ad^erse/ significant effect on us. ... isal^\ ays top of the list of their argument. Fnr nampl^...(滴用举洌子的方法*軽).Rxirlz, rhnw crirics/ ad vncar^^ alm claim that ...(就处写第二个原因〉for the reason dial …. It is often the case lhat…(此处总结上段反方提出的几个观点)。But when it comes to .... .... and…:(此处先总结写你所支持的几个锂由户an increasing number of people inducing me are com-inc ed that.. .For one thing ... ? The ev idence rec ent h presented in research journah av a liable to the public confhmw tha.t ???it 处写谓查结果■通过敎字来证明自己所列举的理由1。Stnulariy.. should also deserve our special attention In other words, ...(^种说法解⑥。If .not ..(S过来在说一o Last but not least.... ObY?u$ly t ir is hard for both sides to coiue to an agreement on this coKuplicaced issue, butl srill commit to the notion that <..(HI申你的立场)。


2020 年雅思写作语料库:科技时代传统教育是否还有 价值 考试真题(2020 年 9 月 12 日): Some people think that students at schools and universities learn far more from teachers than from other resources(the Internet or television). To what extent do you agree or disagree? 有人认为:对于其他的学习渠道,例如网络教育或者电视教育,学生在学校和大学能够和老师学习更多,是否认同 类似题目】: Some people think that computers and the Internet are more important for a child's education than going to school. But others believe that schools and teachers are essential for children to learn effectively. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 有人认为计算机和互联网对于孩子的教育比去学校有效,有认为老师和学校对于孩子的高效学习更加重要,讨论两种观点 ? 薛鹏点评】: 如果雅思备考仅练习一篇文章,本题首选,关于网络教育和课堂 教育的比较,每年必考。练习本篇,教育类话题融会贯通。 薛鹏感言】: 我是如何做出预测的:对 20 年考试题库的整理、分类、考频统计。归类考题类型、核心母题、边缘考题。无论考试如何变化,我相信热题恒热、遗漏太久、必然回补。网络教育和课堂教育每年的考频 1-2 次,必然会考,意料之中。仅仅,不知你是否还信赖小鹏哥:惯性阅


【干货】雅思写作应试秘籍让你轻松拿下满分 考过雅思的同学们都知道,雅思写作并不那么容易拿到高分,因为很多同学在写作的时候,不知道怎样的文章才能赢取考官的芳心。今天,小编来给大家总结一下雅思小作文拿高分的技巧和要点…… 1、fully satisfies all the requirements of the task 标准解读: 考生在写作时首先要仔细阅读题干,读懂题目要求。小作文标题一般分两句话,第一句话介绍图表内容,第二句话提出要求。 一般要求都是:Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features,and make comparisons where relevant.也就是说,写作时要做到两点:选择并总结出表格的主要特征,同时进行适当的比较分析。考生如果只是列出一些图表信息,而不进行适当分析的话,则无法获得高分。 2、clearly presents a fully developed response 标准解读: (1)完整、有逻辑地谋篇布局。 (2)写作目的清晰。 (3)主要内容完整、切题、正确、有理有据:考生要能自然地展开论述,善始善终地表达观点、陈述事实。所举论据能很好的支持论点。 3、Uses a wide range of structures with full flexibility and accuracy; rare minor errors occur only as‘slips’ 标准解读: 1.Wide range of structures:要体现出能运用各种句式结构的能力,包括简单句、各类从句、分词短语、并列句等等。 2.Flexibility:灵活运用各类句型。文章长短句交错,每句话的形式结构恰到好处,为合理传递信息表达思想而服务。 3.Accuracy:尽量避免语法错误,包括时态、语态、句式、标点的错误等。 4.Rare minor errors:满分作文也并非要完全避免语法错误。考生在写作

FOR AND AGAINST 1-5 雅思作文必备

FOR AND AGAINST 1-5 1. It’s high time men ceased to regard women as second-class citizens This is supposed to be an enlightened age, but you wouldn’t think so if you could hear what the average man thinks of the average woman. Women won their independence years ago. After a long bitter struggle, they now enjoy the same educational opportunities as men in most parts of the world. They have proved repeatedly that they are equal and often superior to men in almost every field. The hard-fought battle for recognition has been won, but it is by no means over. It is men, not women who still carry on thee sex war because their attitude remains basically hostile. Even in the most progressive societies, women continue to be regarded as second-rate citizens. To hear some men talk, you’d think that women belonged to a different species! On the surface, t he comments made by men about women’s abilities seem light-hearted. The same tired jokes about women drivers are repeated day in, day out. This apparent light-heartedness does not conceal the real contempt that men feel for women. However much men sneer at women, their claims to superiority are not borne out by statistics. Let’s consider the matter of driving, for instance. We all know that women cause far fewer accidents than men. They are too conscientious and responsible to drive like maniacs. But this is a minor quibble. Women have succeeded in any job you care to name. As politicians, soldiers, doctors, factory-hands, university professors, farmers, company directors, lawyers, bus-conductors, scientists and presidents of countries they have often put men to shame. And we must remember that they frequently succeed brilliantly in all these fields in addition to bearing and rearing children. Yet men go on maintaining the fiction that there are many jobs women can’t do. Top-level political negotiation between countries, business and banking are almost entirely controlled by men, who jealously guard their so-called ‘rights’. Even in otherwise enlightened places like Switzerland women haven’t even been given the vote. This situation is preposterous! The argum ents that men put forward to exclude women from these fields are all too familiar. Women, they say, are unreliable and much on intuition and instinct to arrive at decisions. They are not even capable of thinking clearly. Yet when women prove their abilities, men refuse to acknowledge them and give them their due. So much for a man’s ability to think clearly! The truth is that men cling to their supremacy because of their basic inferiority complex. They shun real competition. They know in their hearts that women are superior and they are afraid of being beaten at their own game. One of the most important can be sure that if women were allowed to sit round the conference table, they would succeed brilliantly, as they always do, where men have failed for centuries. Some things are too important to be left to men! 2. World governments should conduct serious campaigns against smoking If you smoke and you still don’t believe that there’s a definite link between smoking and bronchial troubles, heart disease and lung cancer, then you are certainly deceiving yourself. No one will accuse you of hypocrisy. Let us just say that you are suffering from a bad case of wishful thinking. This needn’t


最近考试高频的十八个写作话题思路分析与素材汇总!只有7页,共18个话题,中英双语结合给出了关键思路和素材,给出了关键的高分词汇与表达!老是在考试时理不清思路、想不出素材的同学,看了一定会有帮助的!大家加油加油! ----------------------------------------------我是分割线--------------------------------------------------- 一、跳槽的原因及解决办法 1、相关词汇: fierce competition heavy pressure job-hopping is looked upon to move upward quickly keep skill fresh and up to date acclimatize themselves to the rapidly changing society 2、原因: (1)社会压力大,人们的竞争意识增强,不断改变以适应社会的变化。 (2)处于个人发展的需要,寻求升职,更新知识。 (3)金钱的诱惑,不在乎在哪儿工作,做什么职业,只要挣钱多。 (4)家庭原因,spouse工作地点改变或孩子去其他地方上学。 3、解决方法: (1)要理性看待,一般来说,stability equals success。

(2)chronic job-hopper将被questioned integrity and loyalty ,not reliable。 (3)政府和mass media应该鼓励人们扎根一个地方,扎扎实实干事业,并且尽可能提高welfare,改善城市和community的环境,留住人才。 (4)公司应该提高工资待遇,给employee创造一个良好的工作环境,在保证企业利润的同时要考虑员工个人发展,增加培训,扩充员工的知识。 二、大学是否应该根据就业教授学生知识,大学的主要功能是什么 平衡写: 1、认为应该提供实际知识的: (1)大学生毕业就要找工作,因此要培养学生掌握future job的技能。 (2)有人甚至声称理论没用,不是每个大学生都要做科学家。 2、反对方: (1)It will definitely be shortsighted to…目光短浅理论知识非常重要,理论指导实践,大学的职责不仅是教会学生一门技术,更重要的是教授一种方法。 (2)不学理论只学实际知识,会使学生变成utilitarian,narrow-minded,lack of imagination,如果学生要学的只是生存的技能,那就去vocational school。 3、总结 总之,我认为大学的功能是versatile的,促进学生all-around development,培养学生具有creative mind in some special field,而不只是教授该领域的实际知识,可以通过一些part-time job来获得。 三、个人不能对环境保护做不了什么,同意不同意 This is just an excuse for the ignorance of environmental protection. 1、分析环境恶化原因是缺乏环保意识。 2、给出解决办法。 四、维持博物馆是否是浪费金钱? 1、提出自己的观点(反对)。 政府应该spend a lot of money to enrich the collection of museums to cater for different tastes or needs of different people.有的人认为是浪费钱,我认为是很有必要的。 2、博物馆很重要(博物馆的作用)。 (1)illuminate the culture,history and arts of the world. 比如,世界上最大的British Museum provide visitors with all-round knowledge about the world culture and arts,collections in it trace the development of civilization throughout the history of mankind. Definitely a heartquake! (2)shoulder the responsibility to preserve and carry forward a country‘s traditional culture. (3)serve as a significant mean of adolescent education,benefit both the present and future generation. 教育学生什么是美,purify their heart,也可以作为第二课堂,提供教学参考


雅思写作小作文高分开头详解 雅思写作小作文是困扰很多考生的一个大麻烦。面对题目毫无头绪、不知道写什么。那么雅思写作小作文开头究竟有没有技巧?开头技巧又是什么呢?下面天道小编喵喵就帮各位焦头烂额的考生看看雅思写作高分小作文开头的正确写法,希望对大家雅思写作学习有所帮助! 让我们先来看一个雅思小作文的原题目: The two pie charts below show the results of a survey into the popularity of different leisure activities among European adults in 1985 and 1995. 很多考生可能会这样改写它: The two pie charts given illustrate/demonstrate the popularity of various entertaining activities among European adults in two years (1985 and 1995). 这样的改写句子在五年前可能能获得6.0分,但在今天,却很难抓住考官的那双挑剔眼球。所以就要求那些想取得雅思写作不少于6分以上的烤鸭们,从首段就要与众不同些。 好的开头段改写是需要仔细读题目和结合图表中的信息,像标题、数量单位、时间跨度和右侧的副标题等。 那么如何写呢?建议给考生可以先来一个高大上并能抓住考官眼球的开头句,例如:A glance at the multiple-pie chart provided reveals that 。随后加上题目与图表中的关键信息。其次,该题目最后及图表中给的是两个时间点对比,所以切勿用between...and...或during the period from...to...,可以尝试使用分词短语:comparing...and/to...所以该题目可以改写为: e.g. A glance at the multiple-pie chart provided reveals that the relative popularity of various recreations among European adults comparing 1985 and 1995. 所以说雅思高分小作文其实并不难写,只要你雅思写作词汇量 ,主要指同义词替换率要高。加上,语法基本知识具备,像分词短语,倒装和几种不同的复合句结构能够熟悉并且会运用的话,高分是更没问题。 以上就是雅思写作高分小作文开头的写作方法,希望大家认真练习。相信随着对雅思更深层的学习和训练,各位考生都能取得好成绩!如果大家在雅思写作问题上有任何疑问,欢迎咨询天道教育!留学路上,天道始终与你同在!


在雅思写作的四大评分标准当中,连贯性与衔接性是其中的一项评分标准,连贯性与衔接性其中一方面就是用连接手段(即连接词)来实现的。连接词本身是非常繁琐的知识,在教授连接词时也会遇到很多困难,那么学连接词首先把连接词词性掌握并掌握各词性的用法,学连接词就简便得多。朗阁海外考试研究中心分析认为,连接词大体可分为四种词性:连词,副词,介词和短语,它们各自的用法又不一样。 连词 如but, and,后接句子,连接并列句时前面逗号可有可无。当然连词也可放句首,这一点在考官范文里有很多体现。 例:In the past, populations were partly regulated by frequent war and widespread disease, but in recent years the effects of those factors have been diminished. (并列句中的连词) 段落开始:But how should it be achieved ( 连词放句首) 介词 如before, despite:后接名词或动名词 例:Before talking about the essential role of death penalty, you have to think about the meaning, and the purpose, of any kind of punishment. 副词 副词连接并列句,前面用句号或分号,后面用逗号(当然,如果副词前用句号,那就是另起一句了,不称之为并列句) 例:In many places today, children start primary school at around the age of six or seven. However, because it is more likely now that both parents work, there is little opportunities for children to stay in their own home up to that age.( 副词另起一句) The crime rate is increasingly high; therefore, the government needs to enforce more laws to curb this situation. ( 副词在并列句中) 短语 如on the contrary, in addition:用法和副词用法完全一样 例:They feel this is one area of life where they have the right to make decisions for themselves. For that reason, it would seem that the best approach would be work by persuasion rather than compulsion. The government plays a crucial role in scientific research; on the other hand, private companies hold certain advantages in conducting scientific research. ( 短语在并列句中) 掌握连接词的四大词性及用法以后,连接词的教学和运用就容易展开。我们可以参看考官范文,看看各类关系的时候考官如何使用连接词,使文章凸显出来。 因果关系 根据词性及用法可归结于: because / since/ as / for, so (连词), because of/ due to / owing to/ as a result of (介词) for that reason/as a result/ therefore/ accordingly (短语和副词) 例:I think the amount of waste produced is also as a result of our tendency to use sth once and throw it away. (可代替词汇because of/ due to / owing to)

雅思大作文 科技 素材汇总 KK

第6类科技 智能机器人代替人computers will become more intelligent than human beings130829 人类发展成就vs失败; 影响; Human Race; Advancement vs Problems 130406、120218 科技、网络、网游、手机、飞机、车对个人; Technologies、Internet & Computer 130323、120809 电子商务、远程办公对员工; E-Commerce system、Telecommuting 140426 、130718、121201 电子商务、远程办公对社会、雇主; E-Commerce system、Telecommuting 140426、130718、121201 电子书vs传统书Printed books vs digital books 140313 Topic科技图书馆提供高科技 Topic科技代替博物馆 Topic机器翻译技术的成熟,小孩不用学外语 手机、网络vs信the traditional skill of writing letters will disappear?121124 剑3 T2T2 科技对无形文化遗产、传统文化Technologies vs Ancestral Heritages/ Traditional Cultural Topic现代科技vs 古老科技Topic古老科技纸Topic现代科技克隆 农业现代化的利弊120519、Topic 农业发展现代科技vs 古老科技 食品从千里之外的农场运到消费者手中 Topic现代科技vs人休闲时间多或少 Topic高科技vs 创造力的发展促进或阻碍 第6类科技 - The Scientific Progress is complicating 复杂化(=alters 改变) our lives tremendously. - Technological Innovations have made our lives more complex than ever before - Influences of Technology are of great significance and we cannot afford to leave them behind. - Technology is so fulfilling/earthshaking that we cannot afford to give up. - No invention has received more praise and abuse than Internet. 智能机器人代替人computers will become more intelligent than human beings130829 背景:…T hanks to rapid development in artificial intelligence research. …Intelligent machines such as robots are increasingly being used to take the place of human beings. 观点词组:…automated machines - robots bring about advantages undoubtedly, and meanwhile, they are not as versatile as expected - 代替人利开头…Robots, known as steel-collar workers, are widely employed in different fields, such as marine research, space exploration and some modern assembly lines. - 不可能代替人. …robots cannot work creatively when confronted with complicated situation. - 不可能代替人. …all the robots and other intelligent machines are designed by human beings. What robots do is follow the instruction and pre-set programming by human beings. If there is something wrong with the electric circuit or programs, robots will become good-for-nothing machines. - 不可能代替人总结…No matter how competent they are in various kinds of fields, robots will never take the place of human beings and play a decisive role jn people's life and work. - 利…robots can take the place of human beings and work in the dangerous environment or the places not accessible for us. …Robots can work in any kind of situation, no matter how awful the environment is. …i.e. Human beings have extended their cognition to the outer space, where there are considerable unpredictable dangers. 危险工作


In some countries,the role of a mother differs in some ways from the role of a father. Why do you think these differences exist? How might parental roles develop in the future? 在一些国家,父母在教育孩子中扮演的角色,和很多方面,是不同的,为何存在这种差异,在未来父母的角色会有哪些变化? 【名师点评】 新题出现,恒热教育,谈及父母对于孩子成长中影响差异的原因,展望父母在孩子未来成长中作用的不同,不属分析问题解决问题话题,考察头脑风暴,写作有一定难度。 预测题目中的寒门贵子还是将门虎子,是否所有的父母都应该学习育儿课程,和本场考试都有交集。 【思路拓展】 男性比较理性和阳刚,女性比较感性和温柔,因此,他们对于孩子成长的影响自然不同,一般而言,孩子会从爸爸身上学到坚毅和勇敢,会从妈妈身上学会善良和孝道。骨血相连,血浓于水,无论父母,对于孩子的教育和引导都是积极的善意的。爸爸努力赚钱,是为孩子赢一个成长环境,妈妈努力育儿,是让孩子明辨是非、行为规范。 教育这个词的本源是说将一个人从一种蒙昧的无知的状态中引导出来,教育应该涉及道德教育、性格培养、学术教育等。

教育不能颠覆:道德教育和性格培养应该优先于学术成长,先重品质和品行,后重成绩和选择。如果可以畅想未来,父爱如山,为人父,应该树立标杆,让孩子学会志存高远,不懈奋斗。母爱如水,为人母,应该树立标杆,让孩子学会海纳百川,清澈纯净。 【范文赏析】 【首段】背景介绍+ 写作目的 Parents are the initial teachers of their children, thereby, their speeches and behaviors, to a larger extent, exert a subtle influence on children’s character-training and future development. The impacts that parents impose on their kids might differ greatly due to various reasons. This essay aims to explore where the differences lie in and how parental roles will change in the future. 【解析】 1. Their speeches and behaviors, to a larger extent, exert a subtle influence on children’s character-training and future development. 父母的言行举止,在很大程度上,对于孩子的性格培养和未来发展有潜移默化的影响。
