


说明: 1.本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)满分150分,考试时间120分钟。






1. What time is it now?

A. 4:50.

B. 5:00.

C. 5:10.

2. How does the woman usually go to work?

A. By bus.

B. On foot.

C. By taxi.

3. What does the woman advise the man to do?

A. Sell his DVD player.

B. Buy a new DVD player.

C. Borrow a DVD player.

4. What is the relationship between the speakers?

A. Waiter and customer.

B. Host and guest.

C. Shop assistant and customer.

5. What will the speakers do this afternoon?

A. Go swimming.

B. Go shopping.

C. Go fishing.

第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)

听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷相应的位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各个小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。


6. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A. A test.

B. A plan.

C. A gym.

7. How does the woman feel now?

A. Tired

B. Good.

C. Bored.


8. Why does the man always travel by subway?

A. It’s clean.

B. It’s cheap.

C. It’s fast and comfortable.

9. What does the man think of buses in Beijing?

A. Slow.

B. Crowded.

C. Expensive.

10. What do we know about the woman?

A. She has traveled much in China.

B. She thinks taxis cost a lot.

C. She doesn’t like the subway.


11. Why does the woman like spring?

A. It makes her feel happy.

B. She can go for picnics.

C. It rains a lot.

12. How often does the man like it to rain?

A. About once a day.

B. About once a week.

C. About once a month.

13. What do we know about the man’s family?

A. They have no umbrellas.

B. They are troubled with umbrellas.

C. They go out in the rain without umbrellas.


14. How many rooms does the apartment have?

A. 2.

B. 3.

C. 5.

15. What direction d oes the living room face?

A. South.

B. North.

C. West.

16. What do we know about the apartmen t?

A. It has a beautiful sea view.

B. The transportation is not good.

C. The surroundings are quiet.


17. What animals can be seen in the aquarium?

A. Sharks.

B. Whales.

C. Polar bears.

18. What food can the visitors give the monkeys to eat?

A. Fruits.

B. Biscuits.

C. Specially prepared food.

19. Where do more than 300 species of birds come from?

A. Africa.

B. South America.

C. Southeast Asia.

20. Who can help the visitors if they have any questions?

A. The speaker.

B. The keepers .

C. The people at the information desk.


第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



It was unusually quiet in the emergency room on December 25. I didn’t think there would be any patients, sighing about having to work on Christmas. Just then five bodies showed up at my desk, a pale woman and four small children.

“Are you all sick?” I asked doubtfully.

“Yes,” she said weakly and lowered her head.

But when it came to descriptions of t heir presenting problems, things got a little puzzling. Two of the children had headaches, but the headaches weren’t accompanied by the normal body language of holding the head or trying to keep it still. Two children had earaches, but only one could tell me which ear was affected. The mother complained of a cough but seemed to work to produce it.

Something was wrong, but I didn’t say anything but explained that it might be a little while before a doctor saw her. She responded, “Take your time’; it’s warm here.”

I checked the chart after the admitting clerk had finished registering the family. No address—they were homeless. The waiting room was warm.

I looked out at the family huddled(挤在一起的)by the Christmas tree. The youngest one was watching TV. The oldest one was looking at the decorations on the Christmas tree.

I went back to the nurses’ station and mentioned we had a homeless family in the waiting room. The nurses, complaining about working on Christmas, turned to compassion for a family just trying to get warm on Christmas. The team went into action, much as we do when there’s a medical emergency. But this one was a Christmas emergency.

We were all offered a free meal in the hospital cafeteria on Christmas Day, so we fetched that meal and prepared a banquet(盛宴) for our Christmas guests. Our team worked to meet the needs of a family who just wanted to be warm on Christmas Day.

Later, as the family walked to the door to leave, the four-year-old came back, gave me a hug and whispered, “Thanks for being our angels today.”

21. From the descriptions of the family’s presenting problems, the author learned that _____.

A. one of the children had a language problem

B. only one of the children had bitter earaches

C. the mother caught a bad cold

D. the whole family pretended to be sick

22. The author made sure that the family were homeless by _____.

A. asking them some questions

B. checking their registered information

C. observing their abnormal body language

D. listening to their descriptions of problems

23. After knowing about the homeless family, the nurses _____.

A. offered a television to them

B. bought a lot of presents for them

C. prepared a beautiful Christmas tree for them

D. worked together to let them enjoy a Christmas feast

24. What’s the best title of the tex t?

A. Christmas Emergency

B. Christmas Guests

C. A Poor Family

D. Beautiful Angels


Since I started working part-time at a grocery store, I have learned that a customer is more than someone who buys something. To me, a customer is a person whose memory fails entirely once he or she starts to push a shopping cart(购物手推车). One of the first things customers forget is how to count. There is no other way to explain how so many people get in their express line, which is clearly marked 15 items or less, with 20, 25 or even a cart load of items.

Customers also forget why they came to the store in the first place. Just as I finish ringing up an order, a customer will say, “Oops, I forgot to pick up a fresh loaf of bread. I hope you don’t mind waiting while I go to get it.” Five minutes later, he’s back with the bread, a bottle of milk, and three rolls of paper towels. What is stranger is that customers also seem to forget that they have pay for their groceries. Instead of writing a check or looking for a credit card while I am ringing up the groceries, a customer will wait until I announce the total. Then, in surprise, she says, “Oh no, what did I do with my check book?” After 5 minutes of digging through her purse, she borrows my pen because she’s forgotten hers. But I have to tolerate customers because they pay my salary, and that’s something I can’t afford to forget.

25. What does the author say about his customers?

A. They cannot count numbers.

B. They sometimes jump the queue.

C. They don’t know how to ex press themselves.

D. They behave as if their memories have totally failed.

26. According to the text, who are supposed to be in the express line?

A. Customers with nothing bought.

B. Customers with not more than 15 items.

C. Customers with items between 15 and 25.

D. Customers with 25 or even a cart load of items.

27. When customers arrive at the check-out counter, they _____.

A. find their pens lost

B. go back and get more items

C. cannot wait to pay for their groceries

D. prefer paying by check to paying by a credit card

28. We can infer from the text that _____.

A. business in the grocery store runs well

B. the author finds his present job full of fun

C. the author’s part-time job calls for patience

D. customers go to grocery stores without planning


If you think it is cold where you are at the moment, then a visit to the Russian village of Oymyakon might just change your mind.

With the average temperature for January standing at -50℃, it is no wonder that the village is the coldest inhabited settlement in the world. Known as the “Pole of Cold”, the coldest temperature recorded in Oymyakon is -71.2℃, which is the lowest recorded temperature for any inhabited location on earth.

Ironic ally, Oymyakon actually means “non-freezing water” due to a nearby hot spring. Most homes in Oymyakon still burn coal and wood for heat and enjoy few modern conveniences.

Nothing grows there so people eat reindeer(驯鹿) meat and horse meat. A single shop p rovides the town’s bare necessities and the locals work as reindeer-breeders, hunters and ice-fishermen.

The village is located around 750meters above sea level and the length of a day varies from 3 hours in December to 21 hours in summer. And despite its terrible winters, in June, July and August temperatures over 30℃ are not uncommon.

There are few modern conveniences in the village—with many buildings still having outdoor toilets and most people still burning coal and wood for heat. When coal deliveries are irregular, the power sta tion starts burning wood. If the power ceases, the town will shut down in about five hours, and the pipes will freeze and crack.

Daily problems that come with living in Oymyakon include pen ink freezing, glasses freezing to people’s faces and batteries losing power. Locals are said to leave their cars running all day for fear of not being able to restart them.

Even if there is coverage for mobile phone reception, the phones themselves could not work in such cold conditions.

Another problem caused by the frozen temperatures is burying dead bodies, which can take anything up to three days.

29. According to the text, Oymyakon ______.

A. is the coldest location on the earth

B. has got frozen water all over the year

C. gets its name because of a nearby hot spring

D. can enjoy quite a few modern conveniences

30. Mobile phones could not work in Oymyakon because ______.

A. the batteries are of poor quality

B. the extreme coldness makes them lose power

C. there is no coverage for phone reception

D. the phone reception is too far away to receive the signals

31. We can learn from the text that _____.

A. daily problems usually accompany the locals

B. the town often stops working because of no coal delivery

C. locals only live on reindeer meat and horse meat

D. locals have no awareness of saving their resources


What would it take to persuade you to exercise? A desire to lose weight or improve your figure? To keep you away from diseases? To live to a healthy of age? You’d think any of those reasons would be enough to get Americans exercising. Yet a vast majority of Americans have thus far failed to swallow the “exercise pill”.

Now a research by psychologists strongly suggests it’s time to think of current well-being (幸福) and happiness as motivators(动机;动力) for exercise instead of future health, weight loss and body image.

Dr. Segar, one of the researchers, believes that immediate rewards are more motivating than distant ones. “People who say they exercise for the quality of life exercise more over the course of a year than those who say they value exe rcise for its health benefits,” he said.

Other studies have shown that what keeps people moving depends on age, sex and life circumstances. For those of college age, physical attractiveness typically heads the lists of reasons to begin exercising, although what keeps them going seems to be the stress relief that a regular exercise program provides. The elderly, on the other hand, may get started because of health concerns. But often what keeps them exercising are the friendships and sense of community that may otherwise be missing from their lives. Improving daily well-being is the most influential factor for women. Men indicate they are motivated by more distant health benefits, but this may be because men feel less comfortable discussing their mental health needs.

“Exercise should be encouraged but the emphasis on weight loss, disease prevention and healthy aging should be reduced,” Dr. Segar concluded.

“Exercise can make people feel more energetic, less stressed and, yes, happier.”

32. What does the underlined part in Paragraph 1 mean?

A. Be free from diseases.

B. Take some diet pills.

C. Improve their figure.

D. Keep physically active.

33. According to the passage, which of the following people may exercise more

in a year?

A. Jane, who decides to lose weight.

B. David, who exercises for future health.

C. Mary, who enjoys exercising with her son.

D. Mark, who is suffering from a serious illness.

34. According to Paragraph 4, which group of people tends to exercise for friendship?

A. Men.

B. Women

C. The elderly.

D. College students.

35. What is the author mainly arguing in the passage?

A. Immediate rewards of exercise should be emphasized.

B. Distant benefits should be the motivators for exercise.

C. Feeling relaxed is more important than future health.

D. Men and women take exercise for different purposes.




How do you stay true to yourself when you’re surrounded by friends and

/ or family that have an opinion on everything you do? It is not easy! 36 Here are 4 tips which can help you live a dynamic life.


Stay true to yourself by listenin g to the only opinions that really matter—your own and those from people who believe in and encourage you. Deep down you know yourself better than anybody else.

Don’t fear people

38 The reason why most people don’t take risks, or live on the edge

is the fear of what others might think of them. If you want to live the life you truly deserve, you must give up the need to be liked by everybody.

Value yourself and your choices

When you do, others will too. Own the choices you make in your life. 39 When you believe in yourself, in time, others will believe in you too. Show confidence in your choices and what you stand for whether others agree or not.

Focus on appreciation

No matter what the circumstances are, there is always something to be

grateful for. All successful people ask: What am I grateful for? How can I improve my situation and use the tough time to inspire others? 40 These steps, if applied, will help you transform your peace of mind, lifestyle, and productivity.

A. Focus on your own talents and strengths.

B. Never let o thers’ opinions guide your choices.

C. Treat every person like they are important.

D. When you doubt yourself, others will doubt you.

E. Stay fearless in everything you will have to do.

F. Be thankful to life and be helpful to others, and you’ll lead a successful life.

G. However, there are great possibilities that you can lead the life you really want.

第三部分:英语知识运用 (共两节,满分45分)

第一节:完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)



My 9-year-old daughter is reading in her room before bed. Every now and then I hear her 41 at a funny line. Sometimes she calls out to ask 42 she can read us something. It’s 43 and she should be asleep by now, but we say yes.

“Listen!” she reads us the 44 . “Isn’t that wonderful?”

My husband and I 45 . It is wonderful. I can’t help feeling a little 46 , too.

Not that long ago, we’d read to her nightly before she went to sleep. We did so even as she 47 reading on her own. As a result, we were often 48 by what was going on in her books, 49 we’d miss chapters as she sped ahead. No matter. Bedtime was 50 reading aloud as a family, and we 51 it.

After almost ten years of reading together, she’s ready to step away from that 52 . It’s tough for my husband and me to 53 the tradition, even as we delight in the to-be-read pile growing next to her bed.

But we still talk to her about 54 . She’s aware that reading isn’t everyone’s favorite thing, and that some find it harder to get into a 55 than she does. It was frustrating for her once too, though she doesn’t remember that 56 . These days, she keeps a blog of her 57 , and begins to talk to others about what she loves to read. She’s outgrown our 58 rituals(习惯;老规矩) because she’s falling in love with books on her own. I 59 this makes me happiest of all.

We all used to read together, but my 9-year-old daughter has taken it to

a new level. What a 60 from one bedtime reading tradition towards another!

41. A. laugh B. jump C. whisper D. shout

42. A. when B. though C. if D. until

43. A. pleasing B. enough C. noisy D. late

44. A. exercise B. passage C. requirement D. blog

45. A. pretend B. hope C. agree D. shake

46. A. easy B. safe C. patient D. sad

47. A. began B. finished C. imagined D. minded

48. A. excited B. disturbed C. confused D.


49. A. before B. because C. since D. unless

50. A. with B. beyond C. against D. for

51. A. understood B. treasured C. escaped D. managed

52. A. occasionally B. entirely C. unwillingly D.


53. A. give up B. figure out C. carry on D. begin with

54. A. changes B. lessons C. morals D. books

55. A. career B. college C. story D. debate

56. A. again B. now C. either D. before

57. A. collecting B. saying C. studying D. reading

58. A. new B. old C. secret D. special

59. A. doubt B. accept C. admit D.


60. A. shift B. surprise C. pity D. chance



I 61 (concern) about wildlife protection. I will never buy a real fur coat 62 I know that animals have been killed to make it. In the same way

I am careful about the sweaters I buy. I never wear one 63 (make) with wool taken from beneath the stomach of a Tibetan antelope. They are an 64 (danger) species and if they were to die 65 I would feel very sorry.

66 , it is different with some insects such as 67 (mosquito). There are enough of them to make their place in the world secure. As they spread illness, there is a good reason 68 killing them. But for those 69 (harm) insects, I will be happy to leave them 70 peace.



61. _________ 62. ________ 63. ________ 64. ________ 65.


66. _________ 67. _______ 68. ________ 69. ________ 70.



第四部分: 写作 (共两节,满分35分)

第一节: 短文改错 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Computers are filled with dangerous poison like mercury and lead. Every time a old

computer breaks down, it needs to be dealt with safe. Usually computer parts are buried.

Deal with them is a problem. Pangu in Guangdong Province has called “the e-waste capital

of the world”. The city has to deal with 1.5 millions kilograms of e-waste each year. This

e-product industry earns $75 million per year, and it comes at a cost. Plastic is burned

outdoors and acids are poured over rivers. This year China will make up its first law about

waste recycling. The Chinese government wants the country to develop, but in

a way what

doesn’t damage the environment and people’s lives.

假如你是李华, 你的英国朋友Bill 给你发电子邮件询问你家乡这一年是否有雾


1. 介绍情况(发生雾霾天气的次数;引起交通事故疾病等);

2. 采取相应措施,减少其发生的次数(保护环境、多种树等)。

注意: 1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。

提示词:雾霾:smog;措施:measure; 环境:environment

Dear Bill,

I am glad to receive your letter. Thank you for












I am looking forward to your reply!


Li Hua



听力 1-5 ABBAC 6-10 CBCAB 11-15 ABACA 16-20 CBCBC

阅读 21-25 DBDAD 26-30 BBCCB 31-35 ADCCA 36-40 GBEDF

完形填空 41-45 ACDBC 46-50 DACBD 51-55 BBADC 56-60 BDBCA


61. am concerned 62. if 63. made 64. endangered 65. out

66. However 67. mosquitoes 68. for 69. harmless 70. in 短文改错

Computers are filled with dangerous poison like mercury and lead. Every time a old computer

Poisons an

breaks down, it needs to be dealt with safe. Usually computer parts are buried. Deal with them is a

safely Dealing problem. Pangu in Guangdong Province has∧called “the e-waste capital of the world”. The city


has to deal with 1.5 millions kilograms of e-waste each year. This e-product industry earns $75


million per year, and it comes at a cost. Plastic is burned outdoors and acids are poured over river.



This year China will make up its first law about waste recycling. The Chinese government wants


the country to develop, but in a way what doesn’t damage the environment and people’s lives.

that/ which


Dear Bill,

I am glad to receive your letter. Thank you for your caring for the weather in my hometown. Now I’d like to tell you something about the hazy weather.

During this year, the smog has occurred many times, which has done great harm to us. Some traffic accidents have happened as a result of the heavy smog weather. Some people have to go to see the doctor mainly because of some serious diseases caused by polluted air.

People have realized the severe consequences brought about by the smog and the importance of protecting the environment. Nowadays, we are taking measures to reduce the smog weather. We should go to work or school by bus or on foot. Besides, we should plant more trees. Would you like to tell me some good ideas?

I am looking forward to your reply!


Li Hua


高一上英语期中模拟测试 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,请将答案标在试卷上,录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题 1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。从题中所给的ABC三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.Where are the speaker? A.At home. B.At the doctor’s. C.At a clothing store. 2.When will the man see a doctor? A.On Thursday. B.On Tuesday. C.On Monday. 3.What are the speakers talking about? A.Which seats they will choose. B.How soon the performance will begin. C.Whether there are tickets for the concert. 4.What does the woman want to do? A.Go to hospital. B.Eat something cool. C.Make the man a cup of tea. 5.What will the man probably do on Saturday? A.Invite the woman to his house. B.Join a sports team. C.Attend a party.


绝密★启用前 2020年河南省郑州市第一中学高一下学期期中数学试题 考试范围:xxx ;考试时间:100分钟;命题人:xxx 注意事项: 1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息 2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上 第I 卷(选择题) 请点击修改第I 卷的文字说明 一、单选题 1.小明中午放学回家自己煮面条吃,有下面几道工序:①洗锅、盛水需要2分钟;②洗菜需要6分钟;③准备面条及佐料需要2分钟;④用锅把水烧开需要10分钟;⑤煮面条和菜共需要3分钟,以上各道工序,除了④之外,一次只能进行一道工序小明要将面条煮好,最少要用( ) A .13分钟 B .14分钟 C .15分钟 D .23分钟 2.给出下列四个命题: ①34π-是第二象限角;②43π是第三象限角;③400-?是第四象限角;④315-?是第一象限角.其中正确的命题有( ) A .1个 B .2个 C .3个 D .4个 3.下列事件: ①如果a b >,那么0a b ->. ②某人射击一次,命中靶心. ③任取一实数a (0a >且1a ≠),函数log a y x =是增函数, ④从盛有一红、二白共三个球的袋子中,摸出一球观察结果是黄球. 其中是随机事件的为( ) A .①② B .③④ C .①④ D .②③

○………………装…………○…※※不※※要※※在※题※※ ○………………装…………○…项指标,需从他们中间抽取一个容量为42的样本,则老年人、中年人、青年人分别应抽取的人数是( ) A .7,11,18 B .6,12,18 C .6,13,17 D .7,14,21 5.下列四个数中,数值最小的是( ) A .()1025 B .()454 C .()210110 D .()210111 6.一个频数分布表(样本容量为30)不小心被损坏了一部分,若样本中数据在[)20,60上的频率为0.8,则估计样本在[)40,50,[)50,60内的数据个数共为( ) A .15 B .16 C .17 D .19 7.为比较甲、乙两地某月14时的气温状况,随机选取该月中的5天,将这5天中14时的气温数据(单位:℃)制成如图所示的茎叶图.考虑以下结论: ①甲地该月14时的平均气温低于乙地该月14时的平均气温; ②甲地该月14时的平均气温高于乙地该月14时的平均气温; ③甲地该月14时的平均气温的标准差小于乙地该月14时的气温的标准差; ④甲地该月14时的平均气温的标准差大于乙地该月14时的气温的标准差. 其中根据茎叶图能得到的统计结论的标号为( ) A .①③ B .①④ C .②③ D .②④ 8.古代“五行”学说认为:物质分“金、木、水、火、土”五种属性,“金克木,木克士,土克水,水克火,火克金”.从五种不同属性的物质中随机抽取两种,则抽到的两种物质不相克的概率为( ) A .12 B .13 C .25 D .310 9.阅读如图程序框图,运行相应的程序,则程序运行后输出的结果为( )


河南省郑州市第一中学2020-2021学年高一上学期期中考试 语文试题 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、现代文阅读 阅读下面的文字,完成下面小题。 分享经济,又名共享经济,指的是通过人人参与,借助互联网平台,把各类过剩的消费资源、尤其是数据信息整合在一起,通过倡导人人分享,实现体验式消费,进而促使成本降低、效率提高,创造新的生产红利和消费红利。 美国著名的Zipcar租车公司,就是把各种闲置车辆及其信息通过网络平台整合起来,Zipcar的会员用车时通过网站或电话搜寻,即可发现距离会员最近的车辆情况和使用价格,然后会员可自主选择并预约用车,用完之后在约定时间内将车开回原处。再比如,大家熟悉的淘宝网,其实也是成千上万大中小企业、成千上万用户借助互联网平台,让成千上万的产品和商品价格、产品数量、广告、厂商、消费者甚至信用等各类信息透明化,通过人人参与,平台分享,公平竞争,大大解决信息不对称问题,提高交易效率,同时也扩大消费需求。 分享经济之所以能产生这样的效应,原因就在于分享经济强调分享式消费和消费式分享,即消费既是一种消费,也是一种为他人消费提供供给和创造创新的过程;同时,分享经济的背后也提出了一个今天我们如何更好解决过剩的问题。当今时代,高速工业化和市场化带来的巨大效率提升、生产高速增长,实际上带来了“全球性过剩”,从生产领域到消费领域,大量的资源、产品和服务处在闲置和过剩状态,因此分享经济通过互联网平台整合,把大量的“闲置”重新配置,加以利用。这显然顺应了绿色消费、绿色生产和可持续发展的大趋势。 从更重要的意义上说,分享经济也意味着经济运行方式的改变。工业化甚至更早时代,经济增长更加强调生产、强调效率、强调产出率,解决这个问题的重要办法就是实现分工,通过分工产生效率,通过市场交易实现资源配置最优化,达到产出最大化的目标。但是,随着人类经济活动进一步发展,人们发现,日益细化的社会分工和市场分工,在带来效率提高的同时,也带来了过剩;强调分工促进增长的同时,也由于生产环节细化、甚至全球化分工,产生了信息不对称并由此带来了巨大的市场交易成本,反而降低了交易效率和经济增长效率。为此,技术创新和制度创新以及由此产生的大数据等,能借助分享平台整合价值链、产业链,降低交易成本,提高交易效率,解决过剩经济时代的供求失衡问题。正是从这个意义上说,人人参与的大数据分享正在带领人类从分工型


郑州一中2018-2019学年七年级上期第一次月考数学试卷一、单项选择题(本题共8小题,每小题3分,共24分) 1.的倒数是() A.3 B.C.D.﹣3 2.四位同学画数轴如下图所示,你认为正确的是() A. B. C. D. 3.下列平面图形中不能围成正方体的是() A.B. C.D. 4.下列各组数中,值相等的是() A.32与23B.﹣22与(﹣2)2 C.(﹣3)2与+﹣(﹣32)D.2×32与(2×3)2 5.用一个平面去截一个正方体,截面的形状不可能是() A.梯形B.长方形C.六边形D.七边形 6.已知﹣a<b<﹣c<0<﹣d,且|d|<|c|,a,b,c,d,0这五个数由大到小用“>”依次排列为() A.a>b>c>0>d B.a>0>d>c>b C.a>c>0>d>b D.a>d>c>0>b 7.用平面截一个长方体,下列截面中:①正三角形②长方形③平行四边形④正方形⑤等腰

梯形⑥七边形,其中一定能够截出的有() A.2个B.3个C.4个D.5个 8.如图,都是由边长为1的正方体叠成的立体图形,例如第(1)个图形由1个正方体叠成,第(2)个图形由4个正方体叠成,第(3)个图形由10个正方体叠成,依次规律,第(8)个图形有多少个正方体叠成() A.120个B.121个C.122个D.123个 二、填空题(本题共8小题,每小题3分,共24分) 9.五棱柱有个顶点,有条棱,个面. 10.若|a﹣2|+(b+3)2+(c﹣4)2=0.则(b+c)0= 11.|x+2|+|x﹣2|+|x﹣1|的最小值是. 12.已知长为6m宽为4的长方形是一个圆柱的侧面展开图,则柱的体积为(结果保留π) 13.如图是一个正方体的平面展开图,已知x的绝对值等于对面的数,y与所对面上的数互为相反数,z与对面上的数互为倒数,则xy﹣z=. 14.如图所示是计算机某计算程序,若开始输入x=﹣1,则最后输出的结果是.

河南省郑州市第一中学2020届高三数学12月联考试题 理(含解析)

河南省郑州市第一中学2020届高三数学12月联考试题理(含解 析) 一、选择题(本大题共12小题) 1.已知全集2,3,4,5,,集合3,,2,,则 A. B. C. 2,4, D. 2,3,4, 2.在复平面内,复数对应的点位于 A. 第一象限 B. 第二象限 C. 第三象限 D. 第四象限 3.已知向量,,若,则的最小值为 A. 12 B. C. 15 D. 4.已知x,y满足,的最大值为2,则直线过定点 A. B. C. D. 5.一个几何体的三视图如图所示,则该几何体的各个面中,面 积小于的面的个数是 A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 6.已知a,,则“”是“函数是奇函数”的 A. 充分不必要条件 B. 必要不充分条件 C. 充要条件 D. 既不充分也不必要条件 7.郑州绿博园花展期间,安排6位志愿者到4个展区提供服务,要求甲、乙两个展区 各安排一个人,剩下两个展区各安排两个人,其中的小李和小王不在一起,不同的安排方案共有 A. 168种 B. 156种 C. 172种 D. 180种 8.已知数列:,按照k从小到大的顺序排列在一起,构成一个新的数列:首次出现时 为数列的 A. 第44项 B. 第76项 C. 第128项 D. 第144项 9.在长方体中,,,E,F,G分别是AB,BC,的中点,P是底面ABCD内一个动点, 若直线与平面EFG平行,则面积的最小值为 A. B. 1 C. D. 10.已知函数的图象过点,且在上单调,同时的图象向左平移个单位之后与原来的图象 重合,当,,且时,,则 A. B. C. 1 D.

11.如图,设抛物线的焦点为F,过x轴上一定点作斜率为2的直 线l与抛物线相交于A,B两点,与y轴交于点C,记的面积为, 的面积为,若,则抛物线的标准方程为 A. B. C. D. 12.已知函数,若关于x的方程有六个不同的实根,则a的取值范围是 A. B. C. D. 二、填空题(本大题共4小题) 13.设双曲线的左、右顶点分别为A、B,点P在双曲线上且异于A、B两点,O为坐标 原点,若直线PA与PB的斜率之积为,则双曲线的离心率为______. 14.已知是定义在R上的偶函数,且若当时,,则______ 15.已知梯形ABCD,,,,P为三角形BCD内一点包括边界,,则的取值范围为______. 16.瑞士著名数学家欧拉在研究几何时曾定义欧拉三角形,的三个欧 拉点顶点与垂心连线的中点构成的三角形称为的欧拉三角形.如 图,是的欧拉三角形为的垂心已知,,,若在内部随机选取一点, 则此点取自阴影部分的概率为______. 三、解答题(本大题共7小题) 17.数列的前n项和为,已知,2,3, Ⅰ证明:数列是等比数列; Ⅱ求数列的前n项和. 18.如图,在四棱锥中,底面ABCD为梯形,,,,为等边三角形. 当PB长为多少时,平面平面ABCD?并说明理由; 若二面角大小为,求直线AB与平面PBC所成角的正弦值.


河南省郑州市第一中学2021届高三上学期开学测试数学(理)一、单选题 (★★) 1. 已知全集,集合,则()A.B.C.D. (★) 2. 已知,若复数是纯虚数,则的值为() A.1B.2C.D. (★★) 3. 将函数的图像上各点的横坐标伸长到原来的2倍(纵坐标不变),再向右平移个单位,则所得函数图像的解析式为() A.B. C.D. (★★) 4. 已知向量,,则下列结论正确的是() A.B. C.D. (★★) 5. 中国古代词中,有一道“八子分绵”的数学名题:“九百九十六斤绵,赠分八子做盘缠,次第每人多十七,要将第八数来言”.题意是:把996斤绵分给8个儿子作盘缠,按照年龄从大到小的顺序依次分绵,年龄小的比年龄大的多17斤绵,那么第8个儿子分到的绵是() A.174斤B.184斤C.191斤D.201斤 (★★★) 6. 在上随机取一个数,则事件“直线与圆相交”发生的概率为()

A.B. C.D. (★) 7. 对于直线和平面,的一个充分条件是() A.,∥,∥B.,, C.,,D.,, (★★) 8. 函数的图象大致是( ) A.B. C.D. (★★) 9. 冰雹猜想也称奇偶归一猜想:对给定的正整数进行一系列变换,则正整数会被螺旋式吸入黑洞(4,2,1),最终都会归入“4-2-1”的模式.该结论至今既没被证明,也没被证伪. 下边程序框图示意了冰雹猜想的变换规则,则输出的()

A.B.C.D. (★★★) 10. 以为顶点的三棱锥,其侧棱两两互相垂直,且该三棱锥外接球的表面积为,则以为顶点,以面为下底面的三棱锥的侧面积之和的最大值为() A.2B.4C.6D.7 (★★) 11. 设,实数满足,若恒成立,则实数的取值范围是() A.B.C.D. (★★★) 12. 已知函数,若存在实数,,,,当时,满足,则的取值范围是() C.


长沙市一中高一下学期英语期终考试试卷 Part ONE LISTENING COMPREHENSION (20 points) SECTION A Directions: In this section, you’ll hear 6 conversations between 2 speakers. For each conversation, there are several questions and each question is followed by 3 choices. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter (A, B or C) on the question booklet. You will hear each conversation Twice. Conversation 1 1.When will the program Traveler begin? A.At 9 o’clock. B.At 8 o’clock. C.At 2 o’clock. 2.What will the man do at two o’clock tomorrow morning? A.Sleep. B.Watch TV. C.Go to the sport stadium to watch a football match. Conversation 2 3.Where does the conversation most probably take place? A.In the bedroom. B.In an office. C.In the street. 4.What does the man suggest the woman? A. Bring her some breakfast. B. Give her some medicine. C. Have a rest and drink more water. Conversation 3

2020学年河南省郑州市第一中学高一上学期期中考试 英语

2019—2020 学年上期中考 22 届高一英语试题 说明:1.本试卷分第 I 卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)满分 150 分,考试时间 120 分钟。 2.将第Ⅰ卷的答案代表字母填(涂)在第Ⅱ卷的答题卷(答题卡)中。 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分听力(共 20 小题,每小题 1.5 分,共 30 分) 第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分) 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分) 1.What do we know about Helen? A.S he is working full-time this term. B.S he doesn’t need to work part-time this term. C.S he wants to become a scholar. 2.When does the man have to return the book? A. On Tuesday. B. On Wednesday. C. On Thursday. 3.Why does the woman thank the man? A.H e lent her some money. B.He gave her a five-pound note. C.He returned the money she lost. 4.How was the man’s work? A.T he working hours were long. B.I t was boring. C.The pay was low. 5.What color does the woman want to try? A. White. B. Grey. C.Black. 第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分) 听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读 两遍。 听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。


一、选择题 1.下列条件中不能确定ABC 为直角三角形的是( ). A .ABC 中,三边长的平方之比为1:2:3 B .ABC 中,222AB BC AC += C .ABC 中,::3:4:5A B C ∠∠∠= D .ABC 中,1,2,3AB BC AC == = 2.如图,在数轴上,点A ,B 对应的实数分别为1,3,BC AB ⊥,1BC =,以点A 为圆心,AC 为半径画弧交数轴正半轴于点P ,则P 点对应的实数为( ) A .51+ B .5 C .53+ D .45- 3.如图,桌上有一个圆柱形玻璃杯(无盖)高6厘米,底面周长16厘米,在杯口内壁离杯口1.5厘米的A 处有一滴蜜糖,在玻璃杯的外壁,A 的相对方向有一小虫P ,小虫离杯底的垂直距离为1.5厘米,小虫爬到蜜糖A 处的最短距离是( ) A .73厘米 B .10厘米 C .82厘米 D .8厘米 4.如图所示,有一块直角三角形纸片,90C ∠=?,12AC cm =,9BC cm =,将斜边 AB 翻折使点B 落在直角边AC 的延长线上的点E 处,折痕为AD ,则CD 的长为( ) A .4cm B .5cm C 17cm D . 94 cm 5.《九章算术》是我国古代的数学名著,其中“勾股”章有一题,大意是说:已知矩形门的

高比宽多6尺,门的对角线长10尺,那么门的高和宽各是多少?如果设门的宽为x 尺,根据题意可列方程( ) A .222(6)10x x ++= B .222(6)10x x -+= C .222(6)10x x +-= D .222610x += 6.如图,在ABC 中,13,17,AB AC AD BC ==⊥,垂足为D ,M 为AD 上任一点,则22MC MB -等于( ) A .93 B .30 C .120 D .无法确定 7.有四个三角形,分别满足下列条件,其中不是直角三角形的是( ) A .一个内角等于另外两个内角之和 B .三个内角之比为3:4:5 C .三边之比为5:12:13 D .三边长分别为7、24、25 8.如图,90ABC ?∠=,//AD BC ,以B 为圆心,BC 长为半径画弧,与射线AD 相交于点E ,连接BE ,过点C 作CF BE ⊥,垂足为F .若6AB =,10BC =,则EF 的长为( ) A .1 B .2 C .3 D .4 9.如图,“赵爽弦图”是由四个全等的直角三角形和一个小正方形构成的大正方形,若直角三角形的两直角边长分别为3cm 和5cm ,则小正方形的面积为( ). A .21cm B .22cm C .42cm D .23cm


河南省郑州市第一中学【最新】高一上学期期中地理试题 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、单选题 旅行者1号(Voyager1)是一艘无人外太阳系太空探测器,于1977年9月5日发射。目前可能已经飞出太阳系,成为首个进入星际空间的人造物体,但至今为止只发现地球上存在生命。 读图,完成下列各题。 1.如果旅行者1号已飞出太阳系,那么目前其在天体系统层次图中的位置是 A.A位置B.B位置C.C位置D.D位置2.下列关于“太阳系中至今为止只发现地球上存在生命”的条件,叙述正确的是 A.地球运动具有同向性、共面性、近圆性的运动特征 B.地球体积质量适中,所以有安全的环境和稳定光照 C.地球与太阳的距离适中,产生适合生命生存的大气 D.地球与太阳的距离适中,所以地球上有适宜的温度 3.下列地理现象与太阳辐射关系较密切的是 ①生物的生长②大气的运动③火山的爆发④煤、石油的形成 1

A.①②③B.①②④ C.②③④D.①③④ 【最新】4月9日,日面上出现黑子群,并伴随有小级别耀斑爆发活动。给航天、卫星、国防、通讯、导航定位等系统的安全带来全面性威胁。据此完成下面小题。 4.目前,人类对太阳活动的正确认识是() A.黑子增多、增大时耀斑不会频繁爆发 B.太阳活动会引发极光、流星雨、磁暴及气候变化 C.太阳活动大体上以11年为周期 D.自光球层到日冕层依次出现黑子、太阳风、耀斑 5.航天、卫星、国防、通讯、导航定位等系统的安全将受到威胁是因为() A.太阳活动引发极光B.太阳活动引发磁暴 C.太阳活动引发气候变化,形成恶劣天气D.太阳风形成的风力较大 读地球自转线速度随纬度变化图(甲)和地球公转速度变化图(乙),回答下面小题。 6.关于地球运动速度的描述, 正确的是 ①地球自转的线速度自赤道向两极递减②地球自转的角速度各处都相等 ③地球公转的线速度是均匀的④地球公转的线速度和角速度都是近日点最快、远日点 最慢 A.①②B.③④C.①④D.②③ 7.甲图M点的纬度、乙图N点的月份分别是


长沙市一中2018届高三月考试卷(七) 英语 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结朿后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题! 5分,满分7. 5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt? A. £ 19.15. B. £ 9.18. C. £ 9.15. 答案是C。 1. When will the military parade in Beijing start? A. In 15 minutes. B. In 20 minutes. C. In half an hour. 2 . What will the woman do this afternoon? A. Drop in on her sister. B . Go to Wang Anshi Museum . C . Help with her sister 5s study . 3 . What are the two speakers mainly talking about? A. The man’s Apple watch. B . The man’s brother . C . The man’s birthday . 4.What was the weather like in Australia then? A. Rainy. B. Nice. C. Terrible. 5 . Where does the conversation take place? A . At a bank . B . In a police office . C . Ata market . 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6 . How does the man feel? A. Nervous. B. Upset. C. Sick. 7. What’s wrong with the man? A. He had a car accident. B . He was knocked down by a car . C . He had an accident when walking on the street. 听第6段材料,回答第8、9题。 8. What’s the man’s favorite fruit? A. Apples. B. Peaches. C Bananas 9 . When were peach trees first planted in China? A . About 750 years ago . B . About 5,700 years ago . C . About 7,500 years ago . 10. What’s wrong with the man’s camera? A. It’s missing. B. It’s out of date. C. It’s broken.


郑州一中2019—2020学年上期中考 22届高一生物试题 命题人:刘圣云审题人:常莹 说明:1.本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题),满分100分,考试时间90分钟。 2.将第Ⅰ卷的答案代表字母填(涂)在第Ⅱ卷的答题表(答题卡)中。 第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共60分) 一、选择题:本题共30小题,每小题2分,共60分。 1.生命活动离不开细胞,以下有关说法不正确的是 A.草履虫是单细胞生物,可以依赖单个细胞进行运动和分裂 B.由一个受精卵发育成胚胎离不开细胞的分裂和分化 C.病毒不具备细胞结构,只能独立的完成一小部分生命活动 D.多细胞生物依赖各种分化的细胞密切合作,共同完成一系列复杂生命活动2.地球上瑰丽生命画卷是具有丰富层次的生命系统。以下有关生命系统的说法正确的是A.生命系统最微小的层次是病毒 B.一个大肠杆菌既是细胞层次也是个体层次 C.高等动物与高等植物具备的生命层次相同 D.人工合成脊髓灰质炎病毒表明人工制造了生命 3.构成人体的细胞与颤藻相比,不正确的说法是 A.二者结构上的主要区别是人体细胞较大,有多种复杂的内部结构 B.人体细胞不能进行光合作用,颤藻可以进行光合作用 C.人体细胞没有细胞壁,颤藻细胞有细胞壁 D.二者结构上既有差异性也有统一性 4.关于使用高倍镜观察某动物细胞的相关叙述,正确的是 A.在低倍镜下找到细胞后,换高倍镜观察前应提升镜筒,以免镜头触碰装片 B.换高倍镜后视野范围增大,视野变暗,可通过调节细准焦螺旋改善这种情况C.显微镜的放大倍数是指细胞直径被放大的倍数,而不是面积 D.高倍镜下可观察到更多的细胞,使细胞结构更加清晰 5.下图甲是显微镜的某些构造,乙和丙分别表示不同物镜下观察到的图像。下列叙述中,正确的是 A.①②是物镜,③④是目镜,①比②的放大倍数小,③比④的放大倍数大 B.观察乙、丙图像时,物镜与装片之间的距离分别是⑤⑥


长沙市一中高一英语期中考试试卷内容摘要: 温馨提示:1.请将所有答案写在答题卷上,写在试题卷上的一律无效。 2.请规范答题。如果答题卷卷面书写不规范,我们将给与3-5分的扣分。 3.我们相信宜章一中的每一位一中人都能做到诚信考试,谢谢大家! 第一部分:听力(共10题,计20分) 第一节反应根据你听到的内容和实际情况,写出简要答语。 第二节理解根据你听到的对话,选择正确的答案回答问题。听一段对话,做第6-8小题。 6. Where is Peter now? A. Sleeping at home. B. Being in the classroom. C. At the doctor’s. 7. What’s wrong with Peter? A. He’s got a fever. B. He’s got a toothache. C. He’s quite well. 8. What can Mr. Johnson most probably be? A. A doctor. B. A teacher.

C. A student. 第三节笔录要点根据你听到的内容,填写下面的表格。 Weather Report Big ( 9 ) Weather Temperature Beijing sunny 4 to -5 London rainy 2 to 9 Sydney (10) Above zero to below zero 第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,计40分) 第一节语法填空(共15题,计15分) 11. The trees ______ are on the school campus have lost _______ leaves. A. who, their B. which, their C. that, they D. whom, them 12. The student _______ we saw just now is the best runner in our school. A. whom B. which C. to whom D. to who 13. Jack is no longer the lazy boy _________ he used to be. A. whom B. which C. that D. whose 14. The school ___________ he studied is in Shenzhen.


2020-2021学年河南省郑州一中高三(上)开学化学试卷 一、单项选择题:本题共16小题,每小题3分,共48分。 1. 化学与生活密切相关。下列说法错误的是() A.屠呦呦用乙醚从青蒿中提取出对治疗疟疾有特效的青蒿素,该过程包括萃取操作 B.电热水器用镁棒防止内胆腐蚀,原理是牺牲阳极的阴极保护法 C.二氧化硫有毒,严禁将其添加到任何食品和饮料中 D.工业生产时加入适宜的催化剂,除了可以加快反应速率之外,还可以降低反应所需的温度,从而减少能耗 2. 我国明崇祯年间《徐光启手迹》记载了《造强水法》:“绿钒(FeSO4?7H2O)五斤,硝五斤,将矾炒去,约折五分之一,将二味同研细,次用铁作锅,……锅下起火,取气冷定,开坛则药化为水…….用水入五金皆成水,惟黄金不化水中,加盐则化。……强水用过无力……”。下列有关解释错误的是() A.“将矾炒去,约折五分之一”后生成FeSO4?4H2O B.该方法所造“强水”为硝酸 C.“惟黄金不化水中,加盐则化”的原因是加入NaCl溶液后氧化性增强 D.“强水用过无力”的原因是“强水”用过以后,生成了硝酸盐溶液,其氧化性减弱 3. 用N A表示阿伏加德罗常数,下列说法中正确的个数是() ①100g质量分数为46%的乙醇溶液中含有氢原子数为12N A; ②1mol?Na2O2与水完全反应时转移电子数为2N A; ③12g石墨烯(单层石墨)中含有六元环的个数为0.5N A; ④在标准状况下,22.4L?SO3的物质的量为1mol; ⑤电解精炼铜时,阳极质量减小64g,转移电子数为2N A; ⑥28g硅晶体中含有2N A个Si?Si键; ⑦100mL?10mol?L?1浓盐酸与足量MnO2加热充分反应,生成Cl?的数目为0.25N A; ⑧在常温常压下,0.1mol铁与0.1mol?Cl2充分反应,转移的电子数为0.3N A; ⑨标准状况下,22.4L?NO和11.2L?O2混合后气体的分子总数小于N A; ⑩S2和S8的混合物共6.4g,其中所含硫原子数一定为0.2N A。 A.3 B.4 C.5 D.6 4. 下列对应关系错误的是()


长沙市一中2014届高三年级月考(一)英语2 高考英语 2014-08-20 1553 Sir Paul said so as he announced a specialist knife crime unit to deal with teenagers carrying knives in the capital.It will use a team of 75 specialist officers to find criminal group members and their supporters. Detective Inspector, George Rhoden, president of the National Organisation of Black Law Enforcement Executives said, “In the black community we have all noticed that there is major concern about gun and knife crime.Clearly we are not the only part of the community affected by the problem of children who have no fathers, but parental responsibility should be of major concern.” Around 59 percent of black Caribbean children and 54 percent of mixed – race youngsters are looked after by a parent.In the white British population, the number is 22 percent. 61.From the above, we can see that in knife crimes in London. A.there are more whites than Asians as victims B.there are more blacks than whites as victims C.Asians make up the smallest group of criminals D.blacks make up the second largest group of criminals 62.What Sir Paul Stephenson said suggests that . A.drug selling has replaced knife crime as the top concern for London police B.drug selling had been the top concern for London police in the past C.knife crime used to be the top concern for London police D.London police now pay no attention to drug selling


2017—2018学年下学期期末考试试卷 七年级数学 注意事项: 1.本试卷共4页,三个大题,满分120分,考试时间100分钟. 2.本试卷上不要答题,请按答题卡上注意事项的要求,直接把答案填写在答题卡上.答在试卷上的答案无效. 一、选择题(每小题3分,共30分)下列各小题均有四个选项,其中只有一个是正确的. 1.下列交通标志图案中是轴对称图形的是( ) A . B . C . D . 2.下列计算正确的是( ) A .2222a a a ?= B .824a a a ÷= C .22(2)4a a -= D .()235a a = 3.在一个不透明的布袋中,红色、黑色、白色的玻璃球共有40个,除颜色外其他完全相同,小明通过多次摸球试验后发现其中摸到红色球、黑色球的频率稳定在15%和45%,则口袋中白色球的个数可能是( ) A .24 B .18 C .16 D .6 4. 2.5PM 是指大气中直径小于或等于0.0000025m 的颗粒物,将0.0000025用科学记数法表示为( ) A .50.2510-? B .60.2510-? C .52.510-? D .6 2.510-? 5.下列四个图形中,线段BE 是ABC △的高的是( ) A . B . C . D . 6.如图,为估计池塘岸边,A B 的距离,小方在池塘的一侧选取一点O ,测得15OA =米,10OB =间的距离不可能是( ) A .25米 B .15米 C .10米 D .6米 7.如图,一块三角形的玻璃打碎成了三块,现在要到玻璃店去配一块完全一样的玻璃,那么最省事的办法是

( ) A .带①去 B .带②去 C .带③去 D .带①和②去 8.下列运算正确的是( ) A .22()()x y x y x y ---+=-- B .10x x -+= C .22(2)143x x x -+=-+ D .()21222 x x x x +÷=+ 9.下列事件中是必然事件的是( ) A .两直线被第三条直线所截,同位角相等 B .等腰直角三角形的锐角等于45° C .相等的角是对顶角 D .等腰三角形的一个角是80°,则它的顶角是80° 10.小亮每天从家去学校上学行走的路程为900米,某天他从家去上学时以每分钟30米的速度行走了450米,为了不迟到他加快了速度,以每分钟45米的速度行走完剩下的路程,那么小亮走过的路程s (米)与他行走的时间t (分钟)之间的函数关系用图象表示正确的是( ) A . B . C . D . 二、填空题(每小题3分,共15分) 11.计算0 3-=________. 12.将直尺和直角三角板按如图方式摆放,已知125∠=?,则2∠=________.


河南省郑州市第一中学2018届高三上学期入学考试 语文试题 学校_________ 班级__________ 姓名__________ 学号__________ 一、现代文阅读 1. 阅读下面的文字,完成下列小题。 揽纳是中国封建社会一种常见的社会经济现象,它出现于唐朝晚期,在宋、金、元诸朝都很盛行,到了明代不仅仍然活跃,而且在形态上发生了新 的变化。所谓揽纳,也称包揽,就是兜揽代纳賦税。从事此种活动的人,被称为揽纳户。明代前期,揽纳户的主体是城市中的权势之家或投机钻营的无赖之徒,他们从税户或解户那里兜揽代纳,通过揽而不纳、虚买实收、以次充好等途径谋取钱财。到明代中期,同时又出现另一种揽纳。与封建政权相联系的乡绅阶层势力不断扩张,乡绅豪强采用“诡寄”的方式,将民户田粮兜揽到自己名下,包收代纳,多收少缴,谋取厚利。揽纳对国计民生造成损害,却屡禁不绝。 明初的賦税制度有两个明显特征。一是实物为本,无论是田税还是上供物料,都以征收实物为主。田税分夏税(征麦)、秋粮(征米),此外有丝绢、棉苎麻布等,部分地区还要缴纳草料。上供物料则是因需而征,包括皇室消费的食品、用品,官府手工业所需的各种原料,各种军用物资、建筑材料等。二是民收民解,即要求民户将指定物品自行运送到指定地点交纳。永乐迁都后,为了收纳全国各地解运而来的钱粮物料,北京陆续设立了众多仓场。巨额的物资解纳和众多的仓场存在,为揽纳者提供了广阔的活动空间。从征收到入库各个环节,都可以看到揽纳者的身影。 万历年间,户部疏请“禁包揽”,并概括包揽为“本地之包揽、在京之包揽、各衙门之包揽”。前二者是就揽纳活动发生地而言,而“各街门之包揽”是就揽纳者的身份及运作形态而言。明代仓场的官吏员役,不少自己就从事揽纳。各种包揽,危害极大。往往额外勒索,加重解纳者的负担。永乐十七年,监察御史邓真指出:“今贪利之徒,一概揽纳,不收本等物料,而行收钞贯等项,以一科百,以十科千,以百科万,恣肆贪残,吮民骨血。”揽纳到手后,揽纳者又常常拖延不予上纳,解纳者被系不堪。隆庆六年,神宗在诏书中指出:“各处解纳>^粮到京,内外管收人5揹索使用,多于原额,以致上纳桂欠。及在京势豪,在外积棍,包揽棍骗久之。贻害小民,苦累正户。” 自宋代以来,揽纳一直被当作犯罪行为加以惩治,明朝也有众多比较严厉的处罚条例,但终明之世,揽纳一直风行不衰。有法不依、执法不严是一大原因。勋成、宦官等权势人物染指揽纳,即使事发,也往往曲法宽贷。如天顺年间,宁阳侯陈懋纵子侄揽纳事发,英宗念其“积有劳且老疾,姑宥之”。另
