



The concept of management and managers is introduced in this chapter. Five questions are addressed:

A. Who are managers?

B. What is management?

C. What do managers do?

D. What is an organization, and how is the concept of an organization changing?

E. Why study management?


The changing nature of organizations and work has blurred the clear lines of distinction between managers and non-managerial employees. Many workers’ jobs now include managerial activities. Definitions used in the past no longer work.

How do we define a manager? A manager is an organizational member who works with and through other people by coordinating their work activities in order to accomplish organizational goals. However, keep in mind that managers may have other work duties not related to integrating the work of others.

Managers can be classified by their level in the organization, particularly for traditionally structured organizations (those shaped like a pyramid). (See Exhibit 1.1)

First-line managers are the lowest level of management. They’re often called supervisors.

Middle managers include all levels of management between the first-line level and the top level of the organization.

Top managers include managers at or near the top of the organization who are responsible for making organization wide decisions and establishing the plans and goals that affect the entire organization.


Management refers to the process of coordinating and integrating work activitie s so that they’re completed efficiently and effectively with and through other people.

The process refers to the ongoing functions or primary activities engaged in by managers.

Coordinating others’ work activities is what distinguishes a manager’s job from a non-managerial one.

Efficiency is getting the most output from the least amount of inputs, the goal of which is to minimize resource costs. (See Exhibit 1.2.)

Effectiveness is completing activities so that organizational goals are attained; often descr ibed as “doing the right things.” (See Exhibit 1.2.)


No two managers’ jobs are alike. But management writers and researchers have developed some specific categorization schemes to describe what managers do. We’re going to look a t five categorization schemes: functions and processes, roles, skills, managing systems, and situational analysis.

A. M anagement Functions and Processes. Henri Fayol, a French industrialist from the early part of the 1900s, proposed that managers perform five management functions: POCCC (plan, organize, command, coordinate, control).

These functions still provide the basis around which popular management textbooks are organized, but the functions have been condensed to four. (See Exhibit 1.3.)

a. Planning involves the process of defining goals, establishing strategies for achieving those goals, and developing plans to integrate and coordinate activities.

b. Organizing is the process of determining what tasks are to be done, who is to do them, how the tasks are to be grouped, who reports to whom, and where decisions are to be made.

c. Leading includes motivating subordinates, influencing individuals or teams as they work, selecting the most effective communication channel, or dealing in any way with employee behavior issues.

d. Controlling is monitoring activities to ensure that they are being accomplished, comparing performance with previously set goals, and correcting any significant deviations.

The reality of managing isn’t quite as simplistic as these des criptions imply. It’s more realistic to describe managers’ functions from the perspective of a process.The management process is the set of ongoing decisions and work activities in which managers engage as they plan,

B. M anagement Roles. In the late 1960s, Henry Mintzberg conducted a precise study of managers at work. He concluded that managers perform 10 different, but highly interrelated roles.

1. Management roles refer to specific categories of managerial behavior. (See Exhibit 1.4.)

a. Interpersonal roles included figurehead, leadership, and liaison activities.

b. Informational roles included monitoring, disseminating, and spokesperson activities.

c. Decisional roles included those of entrepreneur, disturbance handler, resource allocator, and negotiator.

2. Follow-up studies of Mintzberg’s role categories in different types of organizations and at different managerial levels within organizations have generally supported the notion that managers perform similar roles. However, the more traditional functions have not been invalidated. In fact, the functional approach still represents the most useful way of classifying the manager’s job.

C. M anagement Skills. Managers need certain skills to perform the varied duties and activities associated with being a manager.

1. Robert L. Katz found through his research in the early 1970s that managers need three essential skills or competencies. (See Exhibit 1.5.)

a. Technical skills are skills that include knowledge of and proficiency in a certain specialized field.

b. Human skills include the ability to work well with other people both individually and in a group.

c. Conceptual skills include the ability to think and to conceptualize(形成概念) about abstract and complex situations, to see the organization as a whole, and to understand the relationships among the various subunits, and to visualize how the organization fits into its broader environment.

2. There are 21 skill-building modules found at the back of the textbook. These skills reflect a broad cross section of the managerial activities that are important elements of the four management functions. (See Exhibit 1.6.)

D.How the Manager’s Job is Changing. Significant changes both within and beyond the organization have had a measurable impact on management.

1. Events of 9/11, corporate ethics scandals, global economic and political uncertainties, and technological advancements need to be discussed.

2. While most managers will not have to manage under such terrible conditions such as 9/11, the fact is that how managers manage is changing.

E. Two changes that appear to be having a significant impact on managers’ jobs:

1. Importance of Customers to the Manager’s Job

2. Importance of Innovation to the Manager’s Job.


Organizations need managers. An organization is a deliberate arrangement

of people to accomplish some specific purpose.

A. O rganizations share three common characteristics: (1) each has a distinct purpose; (2) each is composed of people; and (3) each develops some deliberate structure so members can do their work. (See Exhibit 1.9.)

Although these three characteristics are important to defining what an organization is, the concept of an organization is changing. Exhibit 1.10 lists some

of the important differences between the traditional organization and the new organization. Some of these differences include: flexible work arrangements, employee work teams, open communication systems and supplier alliances. Organizations are becoming more open, flexible, and responsive to changes. Organizations are changing because the world around them has changed and is continuing to change. These societal, economic, global, and technological changes have created an environment in which successful organizations must embrace new ways of getting their work done.


Management is important in our society today. The importance of studying management can be explained by looking at the universality of management, the reality of work, and the rewards and challenges or being a manager.

A. The Universality of Management—the certainty that management is

needed in all types and sizes of organizations, at all organizational levels, and in all organizational work areas, regardless of where they’re located.

1.We interact with organizations every day of our lives. Every

product we use and every action we take is provided or affected

by organizations. These organizations require managers.

Organizations that are well managed develop a loyal customer

base, grow, and prosper.

2.By studying management, students will be able to recognize good

management and encourage it, as well as to recognize poor

management and work to get it corrected.

B. The Reality of Work—after graduating, you will either manage or

be managed. A course in management provides insights into the

way your boss behaves and the internal working of organizations.

You don’t have to aspire to be a manager to gain something

valuable from a course in management.

C. Rewards and Challenges of Being a Manager (see Exhibit 1.12).

1. Challenges

a. Managers may find it difficult to effectively blend

the knowledge, skills, ambitions, and experiences of

a diverse group of employees.

b. A manager’s success typically is dependent on

others’ work performance.

2. Rewards

a. Managers get to create a work environment in

which organizational members can do their work to

the best of their ability and help the organization

achieve its goals.

b. Receiving recognition and status in the organization

in the organization and the community, playing a

role in influencing organizational outcomes, and

receiving appropriate compensation.

c. Satisfaction from knowing that efforts, skills, and

abilities are needed by the organization.

1. Is your college instructor a manager? Discuss in terms managerial functions,

managerial roles, and skills.

A college instructor would generally not fall within the definition of a manager

when utilizing managerial functions. This is predominantly due to the relationship between instructors and students. Students are not employees but, more appropriately, clients. In fact, in some cases, an instructor may have little say about the course content or how it is to be taught. In these instances, the instructor clearly makes few decisions. Regardless, college instructors, in their position as teacher (in contrast to a position such as department head) are not managers.

In terms of managerial roles, college instructors are perhaps involved in some ways in the interpersonal, informational, and decisional roles. For example,

a college instructor could be seen as a liaison (interpersonal role), a monitor and

disseminator (both informational roles), and a disturbance handler and negotiator (both decisional roles).

Looking at managerial skills, college instructors obviously need a lot of technical skills—in this case, knowledge about the latest research and conceptual developments in a particular discipline. They also need significant human skills as they deal with their students. To a limited extent, the instructor might need to utilize conceptual skills as courses are planned or as departmental curriculums are debated.

2.“The manager’s most basic responsibility is to focus people toward performance

of work activities to achieve desired outcomes.” What’s your interpretatio n of this statement? Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not?

The statement means that a manager’s job or responsibility is to coordinate and/or focus subordinates’ energies toward performance outcomes that will result in the achievement of organizational goals. By definition, management is the process of coordinating and integrating work activities so that they’re completed efficiently and effectively with and through other people. Therefore, yes, most managers and management scholars would agree with this statement.

Coordinating others’ work activities is what distinguishes a manager’s job from

a non-managerial one.

3. Why do you think skills of job candidates have become so important to

employers? What are the implications for (a) managers, in general, and (b) you, personally?

Skills of job candidates have become important to employers because of today’s demanding and dynamic workplace. Employees need to be willing to constantly upgrade their skills and take on extra work outside their own specific job area.

The implication for managers of the increasing importance of employee skills is that the job of integrating and coordinating the work of others becomes more challenging. However, it also means that the people a manager manages may have more skills and can be more involved in designing ways to do their jobs effectively and efficiently. A final implication is that organizations will need to provide continual skills training to their employees so they can keep their skills upgraded.

The personal implications that students cite are likely to vary. This would be a good time to introduce the skill-building modules that are found at the end of the textbook.

4. Is there one best “style” of management? Why or why not?

No, there’s probably not one single “best” style of management. Organizational situations vary and what works best in one organization may not necessarily work best in another. Point out to students that they’re going to see a variety of managerial “styles” illustrated throughout the textbook in different boxes, examples, and cases. Each individual tends to develop his or her own preferred “style” of managing.

5.What characteristics of new organizations appeal to you? Why? Which do not?


Exhibit1.10lists some of the important differences between the traditional organization and the new organization. Some of these differences include: flexible work arrangements, employee work teams, open communication systems and supplier alliances. Organizations are becoming more open, flexible, and responsive to changes. Students should reflect on these new elements and defend their selections.

6. In today’s environment, which is more important to organizations—

efficiency or effectiveness? Explain your choice.

Both are integral to effective management. Management refers to the process of coordinating and integrating work activities so that they’re completed efficiently and effectively with and through other people.Efficiency is getting the most output from the least amount of inputs, the goal of which is to minimize resource costs. (See Exhibit 1.2.). Effectiveness is completing activities so that organizational goals are attained; often described as “doing the right things.”

(See Exhibit1.2.)

7.Can you think of situ ations where management doesn’t matter to organizations?


No. The principle of the universality of management—the certainty that management is needed in all types and sizes of organizations, at all organizational levels, and in all organizational work areas, regardless of where they’re located—applies here.

This exercise asks students, in small groups, to develop a list of characteristics that make individuals good managers. Then for each characteristic, the students are to identify which management function it falls under.

Before the in-class group activity, have each student identify three managers they have worked with (this could be a current or previous boss, a family member they have watched closely, or even themselves in managerial roles). Then for each of the three managers, have the student identify a minimum of three characteristics that made the individual a good manager and at least one characteristic that needed changing. Then have the students identify the management function each good characteristic and each “bad” characteristic falls under. Have the students bring these lists to class to work with in a group.

In the group setting, have the students compile a comprehensive list of “good” manager characteristics and a list of “bad” m anager characteristics. Also, have them identify the management function of each characteristic.

When all of the group-compiled lists are completed, have the students make a prediction on what management function will be identified the most often and which function will be identified the least. Finally, going around the room, share group results, and see if management function predictions were correct.

1. Keeping professionals excited about work that can be routine and standardized is a major challenge for Siegel. How could he use technical, human, and conceptual

skills to maintain an environment that encourages innovation and professionalism in his CPA firm?

Technical skills are skills that include knowledge of and proficiency in a certain specialized field. Accountants have this skill set and Siegel would expect competence in his staff. Human skills that he employs demonstrate his commitment to open communication, innovation and creativity. The structure of the organization demonstrates the application of conceptual skills by designing an office that encourages communication and team skills while focusing on the mission of the firm to delight the customer. The office is arranged in a nomadic fashion without proprietary desks or other office equipment. This arrangement encourages staff to work together and to develop a team approach to attaining the firm’s goals as expressed in the mission.

2.What management roles would Steven be playing as he (a) made a presentation

to potential clients, (b) assessed the feasibility of adding a new consulting service, (c) kept employees focused on the company’s commitments to customers?

The basic managerial roles are broadly classified as interpersonal, informational, and decisional. Making a presentation to a client would exemplify the informational managerial role that includes the role of spokesperson and disseminator of information. In terms of assessing the feasibility of adding a new consulting service, Steven would be engaged in decisional roles that revolve around making choices. Here he would be acting as perhaps entrepreneur and resource allocator. Keeping employees focused on the company’s commitments to customers would involve interpersonal roles where Steven would be acting as figurehead, leader and liaison.

3. What can you tell about LLG’s emphasis on customer service and innovation?

In what ways does the organization support its employees in servicing customers and in being innovative?

It is clear that LLG is focused primarily on the customer. The mission of the firm, and the symbols used in the office (e.g. the giant wall-mounted abacus and the “Welcome Wall”) exemplify the firm’s commitment. There pledge to “delight” the customer, and to respond to customer’s within 24 hours demonstrates this commitment. Within the office, there are no telltale signs of what most people consider boring, dull CPA work. Everywhere you look in the company’s office you see versatility, comfort, and eccentricity. The open office design promotes opportunities for professionals to gather.

4. Would LLG’s approach work for all CPA firms? Why or why not? What could

other managers learn from Steven Siegel?

Each manager develops his or her own style. Not all CPA firms would necessarily benefit from LLG’s approach. This may depend on the type of customers, management, organizational design, and other factors. Other managers could learn the value and benefit of innovation and a strong emphasis on people as a key to organizational success.


管理学习题集---判断(149题) Part1-61 1.一个管理人员应具备的管理技能有领导技能、人事 技能和技术技能三种。(技术、人际、概念)X 2.需要对环 境迅速作出反映的组织应当实行集权化管理。X 3.简 单型组织结构的优点是管理实行了专业化分工。X 4. 在管理幅度给定的条件下,组织的规模越大则管理层次越多;在组织规模给定的条件下,管理幅度越窄 则管理层次越多。V 5.领导者除了组织好信息沟通网 络外,还应在日常工作中经常参与沟通过程。V 6.企 业家是一种稀缺的资源,因而企业家问题也是我国经济学界所必须研究的一个问题。 V 7.市场营销理论中的推销观念强调:企业的一切行为 要以市场需要为出发点,以满足市场需要为归宿。X 8组织中的帮派就是一种非正式组织。 V 9.控制工作 力度越大、越严格,越能保证计划的实施。 X 10.计划过程中必须(改为尽可能)对多种可供选择的方案进行评价和比较。X 11.领导者不应采取独裁或自由放纵的领导方式。 V 12.领导是管理的首要职能。 (计划)X

13.领导者之所以对部下有影响力。全靠手中的权力,拥有权力才能有影响力,权力越大,影响力越大。 X 14. 根据马斯洛的需求层次理论,人的行为是由最高一级的需求所决定的。(最迫切)X 15.强调权力下放,主要是为了减轻领导者的工作负担。X 16.领导者的责任不能随着权力的下放而相应地全部转移给下级。(授权而不放权) V 17.企业的规章制度一旦制定出来,就必须不折不扣地加以执行。X 15.企业战略决策思想越深入人心,其战略的实施就越有效。 V 19.企业员工的士气越高,企业的经济效益也必定越好。 X 20.企业规模越大,其经营的风险性就越小。X 21.企业文化建设是现代企业管理不可或缺的重要组成部分。 V 22.控制过程就是管理人员对下属行为进行评价考核的过程。X 23.根据产品生命周期理论,对于处于不同生命周期阶段的产品应该相应采取不同的经营策略。 V 24.追求最大利润应该始终作为企业定价的惟一目标。 X 25.管理控制一般可分为预先控制、现场控制与事后控制三种。V 26.一般来说,企业的规模越大就越倾向于采取更为分权的组织形式。V 27.管理学目前还只是一门不十分精确的学科,这主要是因为管理学作为一门新兴的学科,其发展历史还


大学双语教学的利弊 在本文中,概要介绍了双语教学在我国的现状,讨论了双语教学的利弊得失,并阐明了我们的观点。双语教学只是一种辅助手段,大面积实施弊大于利,不宜过于夸大和推广。 关键词双语教学母语目的语言 一、双语教学现状 双语教学从很早就引入我国,但真正兴起始于上个世纪90年代末。所谓双语教学,实际上就是用不同于母语的语言进行的教育。我国目前实行双语教学的教学单位很多,几乎各省市都有。其覆盖的范围和跨度也很大,下至幼儿园,上至大学。在本文中,主要考虑大学双语教学,探讨了其利弊得失,以及我们的观点和研究结果。 广义上讲,凡是采用两种以上语言进行的教育活动均可称为双语教学。但人们普遍接受的双语教学指得是用母语之外的目的语言传授专业知识的教育活动。双语教学可分为下述几种: (一)简单的语言教学,以传授目的语言为目的,并不涉及系统的专业知识 (二)词汇式双语教学,以母语为本体传授专业知识,同时用两种语言阐明专业词汇 (三)混合式双语教学,部分内容用目的语言传授,部分内容用母语传授。比例介于10~80%之间 (四)纯粹意义上的双语教学,所有内容,从教材到课堂讲授到讨论均采用目的语言 第1种情况不在本文讨论之列,在此仅对后三种情况加以阐述。目前高校中实行的双语教学以第2种和3种为主,而且通常是尝试性质的。第4种仅有部分实力较强的大学提供,而且主要集中在MBA方面。 二、双语教学概述 正如前文指出的那样,双语教学在我国的普及程度并不高,究其原因,主要在于四个方面:需求、成本、教员和生源。 在高校教育中,除了MBA等少数领域外,在其他专业领域,对双语教学的需求并不旺盛,并不像新闻媒体报道的那样。首先是受教一方的兴趣并不高,学生关注的是采用最有效的方法掌握知识,而并不是很在意是否要用目的语言(英语)掌握这些专业知识,学生们更在意的反倒是如何学好英语。这与双语教学的目的相去甚远。其次,教师们对双语教学的积极性也不高,除去观念上的原因和实际能力方面的原因,付出与得到的不成比例也是一个重要原因。 其次是成本,双语教学所需的成本远高于普通教学,学校方需付出更多的成本,学生方也同样。如果这些增加的成本全部由校方承担,没有几个学校能大面积承受得起,学生更是如此。不像MBA,对于大多数专业,双语教学的好处短期内不明显,长期更是渺茫,有的只是理论上的潜在好处,实际情况却并非如此。大多数学校认为,在普通大学生中推广双语教学,是件只见投入,难见产出的措施。在普通大学生眼中,如果不增加费用,倒是可有可无,如果这类费用由学生承担,有多少学生能承担的起?据统计,在中国的大学生中,只有50%左右的能承担


罗宾斯《管理学》第11版知识点总结 第一章管理与组织导论 管理者之所以重要,是因为:时代的不确定性需要管理者的管理技能和能力;管理者对工作的顺利完成至关重要;管理者对组织举足轻重。 管理者通过协调和监管其他人的活动以达到组织目标。 基层-中层-高层管理者 组织是对人员的一种精心安排,以实现某个特定目标。 管理是协调和监管其他人的工作活动,从而使他们有效率,有效果地完成工作。 效率是指以尽可能少的投入获得尽可能多的产出。(正确地做事)效果是指完成工作活动以实现组织的目标。(做正确的事)三种描述管理者做什么的方法:职能、角色、技能。 管理职能: 亨利?法约尔一一计划、组织、指挥、协调、控制 当今本教材一一计划、组织、领导、控制 明茨伯格的管理角色: 人际关系角色(挂名首脑、领导者、联络者)、信息传递角色(监听者、传播者、发言人)、决策制定角色(企业家、混乱驾驭者、资源分配者、谈判者) 卡茨关于管理技能的理论: 技术技能、人际技能、概念技能 管理者面临的变化:数字化、对组织和管理伦理的更多强调、更激烈的竞争、不断变化的安全威胁;顾客重要性的提升、创新重要性的提升、可持续性重要性的提升。 为什么学管理?管理的普遍性;工作的现实;管理者的回报。 附加模块——管理史 亚当?斯密在1776年出版的《国富论》中提出了劳动分工/工作专业化。 管理方法的四个时期:古典方法(科学管理,一般管理)一一定量方法一一行为方法(早 期倡导者,霍桑研究,组织行为)一一当代方法(系统方法,权变方法) 科学管理弗雷德里克?泰勒以及弗兰克.吉尔布雷斯和莉莲.吉尔布雷斯 科学管理一一使用科学的方法来确定一种完成工作的最佳方法”。 泰勒一一生铁块搬运实验,砌砖实验 吉尔布雷斯夫妇测微计时表的发明 一般管理理论一一更多地关注管理者做什么以及什么构成了良好的管理行为。 法约尔一一管理职能,14条管理原则 马克思.韦伯一一德国社会学家,认为理想的组织类型是官僚行政组织一一一种以劳动分工、定义清晰的等级制、详细的规章制度以及非个人的关系为特征的组织形式。 组织行为学一一对工作中的人的行为进行研究的研究领域。 早期倡导者(人是企业最重要的资产):罗伯特.欧文、雨果.芒斯特博格、玛丽.福莱特、 切斯特.巴纳德。 霍桑实验一一社会规范或群体标准是个体工作行为的主要决定因素。提出了人在组织中的作用。 定量管理采用定量技术来改进决策。(管理科学) 定量方法一一统计学、优化模型、信息模型和计算机模拟运用于管理活动。全面质量管理一一专注于持续改进以及对顾客的希望和需求作出回应。 系统一一封闭系统和开放系统。当管理者协调自己组织中各个部分的工作活动时,他们需要确保所有这些部分都在共同努力,以使组织的目标得以实现。系统方法意味着组织的某个部分的决策和行为将会影响组织的其他部分。系统方法认识到组织并不是自给自足的。 系统方法认为,一个组织从环境中获取输入,将这些资源转化或加工为输出,而这些输出又被分配到


Ten Organizational Structure and Design 1. INTRODUCTION. Organizational structure can play an important role in an organization’s success. The process of organizing—the second management function—is how an organization’s structure is created. 2. DEFINING ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE. Managers are seeking structural designs that will best support and allow employees to effectively and efficiently do their work. A. Before we look at the elements of organizational structure and design, we need to define some important terms. 1. Organizing is the process of creating an organization’s structure. That process has several purposes, as shown in Exhibit 10.1. 2. An organizational structure is the formal arrangement of jobs within an organization. 3. Organizational design is the process of developing or changing an organization’s structure. It involves decisions about six key elements: work specialization, departmentalization, chain of command, span of control, centralization/decentralization, and formalization. We need to take a closer look at each of these structural elements. B. Work specialization is the degree to which tasks in an organization are divided into separate jobs. Most managers today see work specialization as an important organizing mechanism but not as a source of ever- increasing productivity. C. Once work tasks have been defined, they must be grouped together in some way through a process called departmentalization—the basis on which jobs are grouped in order to accomplish organizational goals. There are five major ways to departmentalize. (Exhibit 10.2) 1. Functional departmentalization is grouping jobs by functions performed. 2. Product departmentalization is grouping jobs by product line. 3. Geographical departmentalization is grouping jobs on the basis of territory or geography. 4. Process departmentalization is grouping jobs on the basis of product or customer flow. 5. Customer departmentalization is grouping jobs on the basis of common customers. 6. Two popular trends in departmentalization include: a. Customer departmentalization continues to be a highly popular approach because it allows better monitoring of customers’ needs and responding to those changes in needs. b. Cross-functional teams, a hybrid grouping of individuals who are experts in various specialties (or


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实施双语教学的对策与建议 转变观念,加强对双语教学的认识很多人对双语教学的意义认识不足,认为双语教学费时费力且效果不好,但护理学科的无国界性使双语教学的开展显得十分必要。因此,首先要求教师和学生转变观念,认识到双语教学的重要性,使学生积极主动地参与双语教学,真正下功夫学习专业知识和专业词汇,培养使用英语进行临床思维的良好习惯。教师也要统一思想,充分认识到双语教学对提高教学质量和学生素质的重大意义,以更饱满的热情进行教学。选择适宜教材学校可多购置国外原版教材供教师和学生参考,在充分比较各种原版教材的基础上,组织教师改编或自主编写包含各学科主要内容和最新进展、符合国内实际情况的双语校本教材,并配套讲义和专业词汇表。教师在编写教材的过程中,通过比较分析国内外教材,可以吸收先进国家最新的护理教育理念,优化和改善教育教学方法,提高教学效果。加强师资队伍的建设双语教学实施的关键是师资,专业素质与外语素质“双高”是对双语教师的基本素质要求。这就要求护理专业授课教师不仅精通专业知识,还能用准确、流利的英语讲解专业知识,及时解答学生的疑问。比较理想的双语教学人员是曾在国外学习、工作过一段时间的归国学者,当然也可以从现有师资队伍中选拔听、说、读、写能力较强的专业教师定期去外语学院或者国外进修培训。我校护理学专业现任教师大多具有本科以上学历,部分教师有国外学习、工作的经历,外语教学能力总体有了极大提高,为双语教学的顺利开展提供了有力保障。选择合适的教学模式,逐步提高学生的外语能力当前双语教学的基本模式有以下3种: (1)沉浸式双语教学:要求用外语进行教学,使学生完全沉浸于弱势语言(外语)的教学氛围中; (2)过渡式双语教学:要求在前一阶段部分或全部科目使用母语教学,但一段时间过后,则全部科目使用外语教学,最终目的仍然是向沉浸式双语教学过渡; (3)保留式双语教学:针对当前护理专业学生的现实情况以及护理专业英语词汇的特殊性,我们认为,在一开始应采用保留式双语教学模式,


大学双语教学管理规定 根据教育部《关于加强高等学校本科教学工作提高教学质量的若干意见》(教育部教高[2001]4号)有关加强英语教学的文件精神,以及我校建设高水平大学的战略目标,为加快推进双语教学改革工作,培养一批与国际接轨的高素质复合型人才,经研究,学校决定在现有双语教学改革的基础上进一步加强双语教学工作,具体措施如下: 一、成立双语教学工作领导小组 为加强对双语教学工作的监督指导,学校决定成立双语教学工作领导小组。领导小组成员由主管教学领导、教务处领导和人事处领导担任。领导小组下设专家组,专家组成员由学校教学指导委员会委员担任。 二、明确双语教学工作要求 自2004年起每年在全校范围内新增若干个专业的双语教学试点班,到2015年全校开办双语教学试点班的专业要达到10个以上。 非双语试点班专业在制订培养计划时要逐步加大双语教学课程比例,每个专业至少要有3门以上课程采用双语授课。高新技术领域的生 物技术、信息技术类专业,以及为适应我国加入WTO后需要的金融、法律类专业应先行一步,积极开展对双语教学的教改工作,自2005 级起,上述专业的本科综合培养计划中双语教学课程比例,即开设双语教学的课程数占相关专业开设课程总门数的比例要达到10%以上。从2005级开始,全校所有专业取消专业英语课程。

三、加大对双语教学工作支持力度 1.学校在教研立项、教学优秀奖、职称评聘等方面优先考虑双语授课教师。 2.专门设立双语教学研究基金,支持各学院和教师积极参与双语教学试点班及双语课程改革研究。教学效果和教学质量较好的双语教学课程,可申请校级双语教学示范课程,校级双语教学示范课程将纳入学校重点支持的教改教研项目。 3.提高担任双语授课课程教师的课时补贴,双语授课课程教师的课时补贴按双学位班计算;担任校级双语教学示范课程的教师在计算课时补贴时系数取6 。 3.双语教学课程根据授课质量和效果,在计算工作量时改革教学手段系数k3的取值范围为0.6—1.2 。对于开设两年以上(含两年)的双语课程,k3取值为0.6;对于全英文授课,并且学生全部采用英文作业和英文考试的课程,k3取值为1.0;对于新开的双语教学课程,在计算当年的工作量时,k3取值为1.0;学校示范性双语教学课程取上限值1.2 。 4.学校鼓励双语教学课程采用原版优秀教材并给予一定经费资助,任课教师根据教学需要编写英文讲义,经试用三年教学效果良好,可由教务处支持立项作为教材正式出版。教师编写正式出版的英文教材,在计算工作量时每万个印刷符号按20小时计算。


●什么是动机? 动机:一种过程,它体现了个体为实现目标而付出努力的强度、方向和坚持性 ●早期的动机理论 马斯洛的需求层次理论 ·需求层次理论:马斯洛的这个理论认为人的需求——生理需求、安全需求、社会需求、尊重需求和自我实现需求——构成了一种层级结构 1·生理需求:一个人对食物、水、住所、性以及其他生理需求的需求 2·安全需求:生理需求得到保证的前提下,保护自身免受生理和情感伤害的需求3·社会需求:一个人在爱情、归属、接纳以及友谊方面的需求 4·尊重需求:一个人对内部尊重因素(例如自尊、自主和成就感)和外部尊重因素(例如地位、认可和关注)的需求 5·自我实现需求:一个人对自我发展、自我价值实现和自我理想实现的需求 麦格雷戈的X理论和Y理论 ·X理论:该假设认为员工没有雄心大志,不喜欢工作,只要有可能就会逃避责任,为了保证工作效果需对他们严格监管;个体受到马斯洛需求层次中的低层次需求的主导·Y理论:该假设认为员工是有创造力的,喜欢工作,主动承担责任,能够自我激励和自我指导 赫茨伯格的双因素理论 ·双因素理论(激励-保健理论):该理论认为内在因素与工作满意度相关,而外在因素与工作满意度不相关 ·保健因素:能够消除工作不满意但无法产生激励的因素 ·激励因素:能够增强工作满意和工作动机的因素 高级需要

麦克莱兰的三种需求理论 ·三种需求理论:该动机理论认为主要有3种后天的(而非先天的)需求推动人们从事工作,而这3种需求是成就需求、权力需求和归属需求。 ·成就需求:个体想要达到标准、追求卓越、获得成功的愿望 他们喜欢具有适度挑战性的工作;尽量避免他们认为过于容易或者困难的工作任务·权力需求:个体想要使他人按照自己的指示以某种特定方式行事的期望 ·归属需求:个体对友好、亲密的人际关系的渴望 ●当代的动机理论 目标设置理论:该理论认为具体的工作目标会提高工作绩效,困难的目标一旦被员工接受,将会比容易的目标产生更高的工作绩效 自我效能:个体认为自己能够完成某项任务的信念 强化理论:该理论认为行为是其结果的函数;大都通过奖励然后强化某种行为 强化物:紧跟在某种行为之后立即出现、并且能够使该行为未来被重复的可能性提高的某种结果 ●设计具有激励作用的工作 工作设计:用来将各种工作任务组合成完整的工作的方法 工作范围:一份工作所要求从事的任务数量以及这些任务重复的频率 工作扩大化:横向扩展工作范围 工作丰富化:通过增加计划和评估责任而使工作纵向扩展 工作深度:员工对自己工作的控制程度 工作特征模型:管理者在设计具有激励作用的工作时所采用的一种有效框架,它确定了5种核心工作维度、它们的相互关系以及它们对员工生产率、动机和满意度的影响●5种核心工作维度 技能多样性:一项工作需要从事多种活动从而使员工能够利用不同技能和才干的程度 任务完整性:一项工作需要完成一件完整的、可辨识的工作任务的程度 任务重要性:一项工作对他人生活和工作的实际影响程度 工作自主性:一项工作在安排工作内容、确定工作程序方面实际上给员工多大的自由度、独立权和决定权 工作反馈:员工在完成任务的过程中可以获得关于自己工作绩效的直接而明确的信息的程度


《财务管理学》教学大纲 一、课程基本信息 课程中文名称:财务管理学 课程英文名称:Financial Management 课程编码:20000006 课程类型:学科基础课 总学时:56 理论学时:56 实验学时:0 学分: 3 适用专业:会计学 先修课程:《会计学原理》、《企业会计学》 开课院系:管理学院会计教研室 二、课程的性质与任务 本课程是会计学专业的学科基础课。通过本课程的学习,使同学们了解财务管理的基本理论框架,掌握企业筹资管理、投资管理、日常经营管理、利润分配管理以及财务分析的主要内容和基本方法,为进一步学习专业课程打下坚实的基础。 三、理论教学内容和基本要求 Chapter 1 The Role of Financial Management Know about what is financial management and organization of the financial management function; Understand the goal of the firm. Chapter 2 The Business, Tax, and Financial Environments Know about the business, tax, and financial environments of the firm. Chapter 3 Time Value of Money Know about the concept of the time value of money and types of annuities; Master the calculation of future value and present value of a single fund or an annuity. Chapter 4 The Valuation of Long-Term Securities Know about the distinctions among valuation; Understand the principle of security valuation; Master the methods of bond valuation, preferred stock valuation and common stock valuation. Chapter 5 Risk and Return Know about the definition of risk and return, and attitudes toward risk; Understand risk and return in a portfolio context, and diversification; Master how to use probability distributions to measure risk, and the using of the capital asset pricing model (CAPM). Chapter 6 Financial Statement Analysis


提高双语教育教学质量的实施方案为贯彻落实《国务院关于深化改革加快发展民族教育的; 一、重要意义;加快少数民族教育发展,推进“双语”教学, 二、工作思路;以提高课堂教学效率提高教育质量为中心; 为贯彻落实《国务院关于深化改革加快发展民族教育的决定》、自治区党委、人民政府《关于大力推进“双语”教学的决定》和自治区教育厅《关于加快推进学前和中小学“双语”教学工作的通知》以及英吉沙县教育局《关于印发加强双语教育工作实施方案〉的通知》的文件精神,结合我乡双语教育教学实际,特制定提高教育教学质量的实施方案。 一、重要意义 加快少数民族教育发展,推进“双语”教学,培养“民汉兼通”的学生,是巩固发展平等、团结、互助的社会主义民族关系、促进各民族之间经济文化交流,共同发展、繁荣、进步,实现全面建设小康社会目标具有重大的意义。 二、工作思路 以提高课堂教学效率提高教育质量为中心。加强落实学生良好学习习惯的培养;努力提高课堂教学效率与质量。提

高教师的教研能力、课堂教学能力、学生自主学习和创新能力;努力使我乡的教育教学质量大幅度提高。 三、组织领导 三、组织领导;组长:吾热依木江·库尔班(校长);负 责监督检查 萨乌尔·胡达拜尔地(书记);负责监督检查指导副组长:妮萨古丽·夏斯依提(副校长)负责宣传检查 工作 热比古丽·孜比布拉 (副书记) 负责督导检查 阿尔子古丽·艾热提负责宣传上报信息 米娜瓦尔·麦麦提敏负责双语档案 阿米娜·艾买提负责教师信息 1、小组成员要做好组长和副组长安排的任务,要帮助分析原因,落实整改,力求提高双语教学质量。同时要做好学校的参谋,发现问题要及时探讨、交流,共同提高。 2、建立督查制度。以“校长督查教务室;教务室督查教研组;教研组督查教师”为主线,层层要做好督促指导工作。


管理学演讲稿 管理学演讲稿精选范例 管理学演讲稿精选范例 各位同学,大家好! 今天我讲的课题是:管理学的魅力。 管理学有什么魅力为什么要探讨管理学的魅力呢这可是个新鲜的课题。 我们常说,兴趣是最好的教师,学习这样,工作也这样。 一个学管理、干管理、研究管理的人,如果不能领略管理学的魅力,甚至把管理学看成是枯燥乏味的东西,那他对管理的学习和研究就缺乏基本的动力,这样八成是做不好管理的;反之,如果你被管理学的魅力所深深吸引,就会以持久的兴趣和热情投入到管理学的学习和运用中,干得津津有味,乐此不疲,很容易就会取得成效。 另一方面,我们在探讨管理学之美的过程中,会了解到一些管理学的特点和发展脉络,了解了这些,才能以正确的态度和适当的方法来研习管理学,应用管理学。 这就是我们这个课题的意义所在。 那么,管理学的魅力到底在哪里学习和应用管理乐趣何在依我之见,体现在以下几个方面: 一、科学与艺术的融合 我在这里所说的是广义的管理学,是指一切关于管理的学问。你

也许会说:老师,你所说的不就是管理科学吗你只说对了一半,为什么呢道理很简单,我想说的还有管理艺术。科学性与艺术性是管理学的两个重要属性,片面强调哪个方面都是有欠公平的。 首先 管理学是科学。具备科学的特征。(数理工具的应用、定量分析与定性分析相结合)。这就要求我拉按照科学规律办事。违背就要失败。我们学管理的,接触大量的管理案例,有成功的案例,也有失败的案例。有些失败就是因为违背了管理的基本规律。我们看到很多企业,管理者不懂管理(企业管理素质低下)所带来的失误和低效率触目惊心。管理者不能不学好管理学。 与此同时,管理又是一门艺术。灵活运用是灵魂。管理属于软科学,没有最优解,只有满意解。如何管理,受天时地利人和的影响,更受管理者本身的价值观、风格和偏好的影响。一个人有一个人的管理学。不信你去问问那些成功的管理者,他们的理论和方法有完全重样的吗?一个管理者如果有自己鲜明的管理风格,并且运用自如,得心应手,他就是管理高手。 古往今来的管理大师,远到上古的成禹尧舜,近至当代的政治领袖,都把管理艺术运用得炉火纯青。虽然他们未必研修过管理学,但都深刻把握了管理学的艺术性精髓。相反,一些饱读管理经书的学者,在管理实践中却屡遭败绩,究其原因,缺少的是什么呢?可能就是管理艺术吧。 你看,管理学就是这样,既是科学也是艺术,既有规律又不能拘


第28卷第5期 唐山师范学院学报 2006年9月 Vol. 28 No.5 Journal of Tangshan Teachers College Sep. 2006 ────────── 收稿日期:2005-12-19 作者简介:张雪玉(1972-),女,河北唐山人,河北理工大学外国语学院讲师。 - 128 - 关于高校双语教学的几点思考 张雪玉1,肖本罗2 (1.河北理工大学 外国语学院,河北 唐山 063000;2.华北煤炭医学院 外语系,河北 唐山 063000) 摘 要:在高校开展双语教学是形势所需,可以弥补高校外语教学存在的不足。了解双语教学应遵循的原则以及实际教学中应注意的问题有助于提高双语教学的效果。 关键词:双语教学;高等教育;素质教育 中图分类号:H319 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-9115(2006)05-0128-02 我国开展双语教学主要是为了培养具有较高外语水平的专业人才,以满足日益增长的国际交流需要,应对时代挑战。而我国传统大学英语教学模式已难以胜任这一新时代的挑战,双语教学是适应社会新发展而采取的新举措。 一、当前高校外语教学中的问题 1.英语基础教育与大学英语教育严重脱节 我国大学英语教学在各学校间存在着差距,发展极不平衡,学生的英语水平相对比较低,自主学习能力差。另外,高中英语教学服务于高考,忽视了对学生的语言能力训练,造成大学英语教学与中学英语教学之间的脱节,新生入学后往往不适应大学英语教学模式。 2.大学英语教学中应试教育与素质教育脱节 由于大学英语教学基本上是围绕四、六级考试而进行,因此可以说在很大程度上应试教育思想左右着大学英语教学,所以教师在提高学生英语实践能力与应试能力之间处于矛盾状态,使学生顺利通过四、六级考试的急功近利思想使大学英语教学忽视了语言学习中循序渐进的原则。 3.学生学习动机不明确 学生进入大学英语学习的动机不是很明确,由于过多关注四、六级考试或研究生英语入学考试等应试能力,对外语应用能力水平要求不高,造成真正有效学习英语的时间、精力投入不足,最终英语应用能力无法满足日益发展的社会要求。 4.英语学习与专业学习相结合的矛盾 在大学学习中,英语与专业学科的学习相对独立,而学生对英语的学习也不能自觉地与自身专业的学习结合起来,专业英语水平低,自身利用外文文献资料能力不够,对其日后的专业学习造成一定障碍。 二、双语教学应遵循的原则 1.循序渐进的原则 双语教学是应用两种语言进行专业知识教学的一种教学模式,在当今我国的教学实际情况下,根据各学校的实际情况,应该采用循序渐进的原则,分层次、分阶段进行。各阶段教学模式的变化如下图所示。 1 2 3 4 5 C —Chinese (汉语) E —English (英语) 根据我国现有的高等教育状况,双语教学应遵循这样一种模式:从传统的母语教学向双语教学过渡,最终努力达到全英语教学的目标。教师在教学中要根据自身能力及学生英语水平,同时兼顾本学科专业的发展,逐步进行教学模式的转换,切不可盲目追求双语教学。 2.制定合理的教学目标,注重英语教学的实效性 语言是交际工具,外语教学有着相对特殊性,因此确定合理的教学目标是双语教学的出发点。在开展双语教学时, 要根据本学校各个专业的特点和学生能力水平,合理制定有层次的教学目标,对不同层次水平的学生,提出不同的要求,在不同的教学阶段,教学目标也要有所调整。总之,以提高学生专业外语水平为目标,注重教学实效性。 3.针对语言应用能力目标,调整教学评估测试体系 测试作为一种检查教学的手段,应该是灵活多样的。而现在我国大学英语教学基本上是将四、六级考试结果作为对教师教学成果评价的最主要的手段。实际上要对教学进行全


当代的组织设计 团队结构:整个组织由工作小组或工作团队构成并完成工作任务的一种组织结构。 矩阵结构:一种组织结构,指的是把来自不同职能领域的专业人员分派去从事各种工作项目。 项目结构:一种组织结构,指的是员工持续不断地从事各种项目,并没有所属的正式部门。 无边界组织:不被各种预先设定的横向、纵向或外部边界所定义或限制的一种组织。 虚拟组织:由作为核心的少量全职员工以及工作项目需要时被临时雇用的外部专业人员构成的组织。 网络组织:利用自己的员工来从事某些工作活动并且利用外部供应商网络来提供其他必需的产品部件或工作流程的组织。 学习型组织:已经培养出持续学习、适应和改变的能力的组织。

●内部协作 跨职能团队:由来自不同职能领域的专业人员组成的工作团队 特别行动组(或者是特别委员会):为解决某个具体的、影响许多部门的短期问题而组建的临时委员会或工作团队 实践社区:共同关注某个事项或一系列问题,或者对某个主题怀有激情,而且通过持续不断的互动和交流来深化自己该该领域的知识和专业技能的一群人员。 ●外部协作 开放式创新:把研究工作向组织之外的其他人员和组织开放,以获得各种新的创意,并且允许创新可以轻而易举地朝其他方向转移。 战略合作伙伴关系:两个或多个组织之间的协作关系,通过把彼此的资源和能力结合起来以实现某个商业目的。 ●灵活的工作安排 远程办公:一种允许员工在家办公并通过电脑与公司办公场所相连的工作安排 压缩工作周:员工在一个工作周中每天工作更长时间但只工作较少的天数 弹性工作时间:一种要求员工每周必须完成固定数量的工时但可以在特定的限制范围内自由改变具体工作时间的工作排班体系 工作分享:由两个或者更多人分担一份全职工作 ●灵活就业的员工队伍 灵活就业工人:其工作岗位取决于雇主需要的临时工、自由职业者或合同工


seven Foundations of Planning 1. INTRODUCTION. Planning is one of the four functions of management. The basics of planning are presented in this chapter. The text discusses what planning is, why managers plan, how they plan, and provides some contemporary issues related to planning. 2. WHAT IS PLANNING? Planning involves defining the organization’s goals, establishing an overall strategy for achieving these goals, and developing a comprehensive set of plans to integrate and coordinate organizational work. The term planning as used in this chapter refers to formal planning. 3. WHY DO MANAGERS PLAN? A. Purposes of Planning. Planning is important and serves many significant purposes. 1. Planning gives direction to the organization. 2. Planning reduces the impact of change. 3. Planning establishes a coordinated effort. 4. Planning reduces uncertainty. 5. Planning reduces overlapping and wasteful activities. 6. Planning establishes objectives or standards that are used in controlling. B. Planning and Performance Research has shown we cannot assume organizations with formal planning processes always outperform those organizations that don’t have formal planning processes. 1. Generally speaking, however, formal planning is associated with positive financial results. C. The quality of the planning process and appropriate implementation probably contribute more to high performance than does the extent of planning. D. When formal planning has been shown not to lead to higher performance, the environment is usually the reason. 4. HOW DO MANAGERS PLAN? Planning is often called the primary management function because it establishes the basis for all other functions. Planning involves two important elements: goals and plans. A. The Role of Goals and Plans in Planning. 1. Goals—desired outcomes for individuals, groups, or entire organizations. 2. Goals are objectives—the two terms are used interchangeably. 3. Types of goals.


大连理工大学“百门双语课程”建设计划实施方案 (试行) 随着科学技术的迅猛发展和全球经济一体化进程的推进,高等教育国际化已经成为世界性趋势,开展和推进双语教学工作是我国高等教育国际化的重要内容,也是培养具有国际意识和国际竞争能力人才、增强高校自主创新能力的必要保障。为此,学校制订“百门双语课程”建设计划实施方案。 一、指导思想 根据《教育部、财政部关于实施高等学校本科教学质量与教学改革工程的意见》(教高[2007]1号)、《教育部关于进一步深化本科教学改革全面提高教学质量的若干意见》(教高[2007]2号)、《高等学校本科教学质量与教学改革工程实施方案》(2007年1月发文)和《大连理工大学关于进一步加强本科教学工作的若干意见》(大工校发[2006]48号)相关文件精神,在全校范围内努力营造双语教学环境,探索体验教学方式,培养师生教学兴趣。通过“百门双语课程”建设,力争引进国外先进的教学资源,吸引更多的外国留学生来校学习,加强我校的国际交流与合作。 二、建设计划与目标 1. 建设数量:100门左右。 2. 建设期限:2007—2009年。 3. 建设标准:本着稳步推进、注重实效、逐步提高的原则,划分三个标准等级(见下表)。教师可根据自身的外语水平、课程性质和学生具体情况,选择相应的等级标准进行建设。

4. 实施的范围:要求全校每个专业必须安排不低于2门的双语课程,其中计算机和软件类专业、生物和化学类专业、经济和管理类专业、法学类专业、国家重点学科类专业必须建设3门或3门以上的双语课程,外语强化专业的双语课程不得低于5门。同时,鼓励院系进行专业系列双语课程建设。 三、建设内容 1. 师资队伍建设:鼓励聘请海外归国教师担任双语课程负责人,组建双语教学团队,保证双语教学质量。扩大国际交流,努力创造条件直接聘请外籍教师担任课程的主讲教师。采取多种形式、多种渠道、多种层次的培训方式,提高本校教师的双语授课能力。 2. 教材的选用与编写:提倡直接引进先进的,能反映学科发展前沿的优秀原版教材。同时要在吸纳和整合优秀原版教材的基础上,探索多样化的教材建设模式,建设符合我校及国内高校教学需要的优质双语教材。在双语教学过程中,如使用国外原版教材,也可采取学校统一订购,学生借阅,课程结束统一收回等方式解决教材价格贵的问题。 3. 教学方式:按照双语教学课程不同的标准,选择不同的形式组织教学,鼓励同一门课程分别采取中文授课、双语授课等多种形式,由学生自由选学。凡是立项的双语课程,均应制作多媒体课件,以使学生较好地理解和掌握课程的内容。 4. 教学文件:立项的双语课程应严格执行课程规范的要求,教学文件齐全。有完整的反映课程内容的双语课程教学大纲(含外文版)和科学合理的双语课程教学进程表(含外文版)。 四、激励政策 1. 设立“双语教学课程建设”专项资金:凡是批准立项建设的双语课程,学校将投入3000~5000元/门的建设经费,以资助不同级别的双语课程建设。此专项经费资助教师用于外国原版教材的购置、相关教学资料的建设以及双语教学法的研究等。编写双语教材可另行申请教材出版基。对于双语


大学本科专业课程双语教学的几点思考 摘要:近年来,双语教学成为本科教学改革中的重点之一。实施双语教学是适应中国高等教育国际化趋势的发展需要,是培养具有国际合作意识、国际交流与竞争能力的外向型人才的重要途径。因此。各高校都很重视教学。在阐述目前双语教学发展现状的基础上,分析了双语教学过程中存在的一些问题并相应地提出了解决的办法。以期对国内方兴未艾的双语教学改革有所启示。 关键词:大学本科;专业课程;双语教学 根据英国著名的朗曼出版社出版的《朗曼应用语言学词典》“双语教学”的定义:The rise of a second or foreign language in school for the teaching of content subjects,“在学校里应用第二语言或外语教学知识性科目”。从上述的定义中,我们可以这样认为,双语教学的实质是运用外语教授知识性科目。双语教学一般有三种教学模式:第一,学校只使用一种非学生母语的语言进行教学,即浸入型双语教学(immersion pm-gram);第二,学生进入学校后部分或者全部使用母语,然后逐步转变成只使用第二种语言进行教学,这种模式称为过渡型双语教学(transitional biGngual education);第三,学生刚进入学校是使用母语,然后逐渐地使用第二种语言进行部分学科的教学,其他学科仍然使用母语教学,这种模式称为保留型双语教学(maIntenance bilingual education)。 一、中国大学本科专业课程双语教学现状及存在问题分析 加入WTO之后,中国在各个方面与国际接轨,使得高等教育国际化日显迫切。为此,教育部2001年颁发了《关于加强高等学校本科教学工作提高教学质量的若干意见》(教高2001 4号),要在高校积极推动使用英语等外语进行教学,其中本科教育要创造条件,使用英语等外语进行公共课和专业课教学。很多大学积极开设双语课程,用英语进行公共基础课和专业课的教学。但无论在理论上还是在实践上,中国高校双语教学都尚未进入成熟阶段。其理论研究主要集中在介绍国外成果上,缺乏有深度的本土化研究;教学实践普遍存在着盲目跟风的“羊群行为”,迷失了方向,浪费了资源,影响了实效,制约了健康有序的发展。目前中国高校双语教学存在如下突出的问题: 1 双语教学目标定位不明确、认识不深。在中国高校,专业课双语教学虽已开展实施,但在一些方面还尚未达成共识,有很多教师和学生对双语教学认识不清、理解片面、定位不准、缺乏积极性。有人认为,英语还未过关,没必
