

Random Walks and Rehab: Analyzing the Spread of the

Opioid Crisis

Ellen Considine

Suyog Soti

Emily Webb

University of Colorado Boulder




Advisor:Anne Dougherty


We classify69types of opioid substances into four categories based on synthesis and availability.Plotting use rates of each category over time re-veals that use of mild painkillers and natural alkaloids has stayed relatively constant over time,semi-synthetic drugs have declined slightly,and syn-thetic drugs such as fentanyl and heroin have increased dramatically.These ?ndings align with reports from the CDC.We select54of149socioeconomic variables based on their variance in?ation factor score(a common measure of multicollinearity)as well as on their relevance based on the public health literature.

To model the spread of the opioid crisis across Kentucky,Ohio,Penn-sylvania,West Virginia,and Virginia,we develop two completely different models and then compare them.

Our?rst model is founded on common modeling approaches in epidemi-ology:SIR/SIS models and stochastic simulation.We design an algorithm that simulates a random walk between six discrete classes,each of which represents a different stage of the opioid crisis,using thresholds for opioid abuse prevalence and rate of change.We penalize transitions between cer-tain classes differentially based on realistic expectations.Optimization of parameters and coef?cients for the model is guided by an error function in-spired by the global spatial autocorrelation statistic Moran’s I.Testing our model via both error calculation and visual mapping illustrates high accu-racy over many hundreds of trials.However,this model does not provide much insight into the in?uence of socioeconomic factors on opioid abuse The UMAP Journal40(4)(2018)353–380.c Copyright2019by COMAP,Inc.All rights reserved. Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for pro?t or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice.Abstracting with credit is permitted,but copyrights for components of this work owned by others than COMAP must be honored.To copy otherwise, to republish,to post on servers,or to redistribute to lists requires prior permission from COMAP.

rates,because incorporating those factors does not signi?cantly change the model results.

Our second model makes up for this de?ciency.Running spatial regres-sion models on socioeconomic predictors(including total drug use rate),we explore the spatial patterning of the opioid crisis as the result of a spillover ef-fect and of spatially-correlated risk factors,using spatial lag,spatial error,and spatial Durbin models.While all models con?rm signi?cant spatial signals, the spatial Durbin model performs the best.We also calculate the direct,in-direct,and total impacts of each predictor variable on opioid abuse rate.Far and away,the most important variable in all models is the total drug use rate in each county.The average result(across all seven years)is that a unit increase in total illicit drug use rate would raise the opioid abuse rate by52%.This is quite realistic,given a CDC statistic that in2014,61%of drug overdose deaths involved some type of opioid.By contrast,an ordinary linear regres-sion reports only a37%increase in opioid abuse rate per unit increase in total drug use rate.Statistical measures such as the Akaike Information Criterion and Likelihood Ratio Test verify the superiority of our spatial models.

To predict possible origins of the opioid epidemic in each of the?ve states,we run a Monte Carlo simulation of our random walk model from 2000to2010.We map these counties and discuss their arrangement in the context of our other?ndings.The random walk?nds that the opioid crisis most likely started in Montgomery,Kentucky,which conclusion aligns with research that opioid abuse is more prevalent in rural communities than in urban ones.

To forecast spread of the opioid crisis from2017–2020,we use both the random walk and spatial regression models.The two models display sur-prisingly minimal deviance from each other,especially in2019and2020.The random walk predicts that the number of counties above the illicit opioid use threshold will go down within the next seven years,which aligns with the idea that the opioid epidemic follows the spillover effect seen in infectious epidemiology.

Due to our assumption that the socioeconomic indicators change linearly, the second model’s error signi?cantly increases after about4–5years.The random walk,on the other hand,operates on a healthy tension between wanting to cluster together and randomly assigning classes.Near the ini-tial date,it clusters more;but the randomness starts to compound rather quickly.For this reason,the random walk has lowest errors near the4–7year mark.This means that the best strategy to predict the future would be the spatial regression1–3years out,and the random walk for the4–7year range.

Predicting anything beyond this point will have high error. Introduction and Problem Statement

The deadly consequences of abusing prescription narcotic pain-relief medications,heroin,and synthetic opioids are affecting people in all50 states and across all socioeconomic classes.The opioid epidemic claims the lives of115people in the United States every day[Health Resources

&Services Administration2019].Through healthcare costs,rehabilitation treatment,lost productivity,and criminal justice involvement,the opioid crisis is costing the U.S.federal government an estimated$78.5billion each year[National Institute on Drug Abuse2019].Our team is presented with the following modeling tasks:

?characterize the spread of the opioid epidemic throughout Kentucky, Ohio,Pennsylvania,Virginia,and West Virginia and analyze resulting patterns;

?incorporate socioeconomic factors in our model and analyze the associ-ations,if any,between them and opioid abuse rates;and

?use results from these models to recommend public policy strategies to combat the opioid epidemic.

To perform these analyses,we are limited to data for2010–2016from the American Community Survey(ACS),which provides socioeconomic indicators,and from the National Forensic Laboratory Information System (NFLIS)on illicit drug use.All data are provided at the county level.

To characterize the spread of the opioid crisis throughout these?ve states,we develop two models:

?The?rst simulates a random walk through stable,endemic,and epi-demic stages.

?The second is a standard collection of spatial regression models.

After describing these two modeling approaches and their results,we re-port forecasts from both models on the future spread of the opioid epi-demic,and compare the results.This dual-pronged approach provides di-verse insights into the nature of the opioid crisis,and helps us to identify strategies for government intervention.

Etiology of the Opioid Crisis

A Brief Timeline of the Epidemic

Opioids emerged into the non-cancer pain market following studies in the1990s indicating that pain was inadequately treated.Pharmaceutical companies and medical societies were reassured(by somewhat erroneous studies)that opioids were not addictive[Rummans et al.2018].Thus,the ?rst wave of opioid prescriptions began.

The second wave occurred around2010as the addiction began to https://www.360docs.net/doc/d310261687.html,ernment organizations placed limits on opioid prescriptions.Many of those already addicted turned to heroin instead,which was often im-pure or mixed with other drugs,leading to increased deaths[National In-stitute on Drug Abuse2018].

The third wave came in2013with the rise of synthetic opioids,such as fentanyl.

Risk Factors

Currently,age appears to have the largest impact on susceptibility to addiction.The younger a person,the more vulnerable to addiction:74% of individuals admitted to treatment programs between18and30years of age had started abusing drugs before the age of17.However,the ma-jority of people admitted for heroin and prescription painkiller addictions started using drugs after the age of25[Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration2014].

Common Epidemiological Models

Several types of models and overarching principles in public health re-search guide our approach to the given tasks.

Compartmental Models

A compartmental model is commonly used to simplify mathematical mod-eling of infectious diseases.Populations are divided into compartments with assumptions about the nature of each compartment and the time rate of transfer between them.In the SIR model,the population is partitioned into three groups:susceptible(S),infected(I),and removed(R).S’s are in-dividuals who have not been infected,but who are susceptible to infection; I’s are those who are infected and are capable of transmitting the disease; R’s are people who can no longer contract the disease because they have recovered with immunity,been quarantined,or died.

Stochastic Simulation

A.A.Brownlea incorporated a time element into modeling the spread of infectious hepatitis in Wollongong,Australia.He simulated random diffusion advancing as a ring from the origin of infection[Emch et al.2017].

Our Model

We combine the approaches of dynamic compartmental and stochastic simulation to model the spread of the opioid crisis.

Our needs diverge from the Greenwood model in that both our popu-lation size and the probability of“becoming infected”are dynamic,espe-cially once we include socioeconomic factors as predictors—these predic-tors change over time.Thus,the foundation of our?rst model is a time-inhomogeneous random walk,where each county acts as an“agent.”

Foundations of the Models


?Prevalence is the fraction of people in a population who are sick with a disease at a particular point in time.

?An epidemic burdens a disproportionately large number of individuals within a population,region,or community at the same time.

?A disease that is constantly present in a given area is called endemic.?A disease that occurs with intense transmission,exhibiting a high and continued incidence,is called hyperendemic.

?A phenomenon exhibits spatial autocorrelation if the presence of some factor in a sampling unit makes that factor’s presence in neighboring sampling units more or less likely[Klinkenberg2019].


1.All counties for which we have no data have either a low abuse rate or no opioid abuse;all counties with illicit opioid cases are reported in our data set.

2.Three months is the minimum period of time in which a county can transition between distinct stages in the opioid epidemic.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/d310261687.html,cation level is a proxy for income and healthcare status,ancestry and language together indicate race,and veteran status can stand in for disability.

4.Linear extrapolation of socioeconomic indicators is acceptable within ?ve years beyond the time span for which we have data(2010–2016).

Overarching Concepts

A peril in using aggregated data to characterize social or ecological phe-nomena is the temptation of the ecological fallacy:asserting that associations identi?ed at one scale of analysis are valid at either larger or smaller scales [Emch et al.2017].We incorporate some logic about individuals’opioid abuse into our model for county opioid rates,but do not claim that pat-terns at the county level represent the experiences of individuals.

A major question is whether a spatial autocorrelation of a health out-come is due to spillover(diffusion)or is simply explained by regions near each other having similar social,economic,and environmental characteris-tics that result in similar health outcomes.We explore spillover,spatially-correlated risk factors,and a combination of the two.

Exploring the Drug Report Data

Tracking all69drugs tagged in the National Forensic Laboratory Infor-mation System(NFLIS)data would be burdensome and probably not pro-duce useful results.So,to diagnose meaningful trends in the NFLIS data, we divide opioids into four categories based on chemical synthesis and availability:

?Methadone,buprenorphine,etc.:mild painkillers sometimes used to treat opioid addiction,easily available in clinics and are not as intensely regulated as other opioids.

?Hydrocodone,oxycodone,etc.:semi-synthetic opioids,among the most addictive and deadly drugs,contributing to the most overdose deaths from prescription opioids in2017[Centers for Disease Control and Pre-vention2019].Their semi-synthetic nature makes them more dif?cult to produce outside of a laboratory;they are likely abused as prescriptions or through overlooked distribution leaks.

?Fentanyl,heroin,U-48800,etc.:the largest category and the one with the highest increases in abuse and overdose deaths in recent years.It includes mainly synthetic opioids.Heroin is included in this category despite its semi-synthetic nature because it is illegal,and thus like other synthetic drugs,it can’t be made entirely without the assistance of a professional laboratory.

?Morphine,codeine,etc.:natural alkaloids of the opium poppy.They are less potent than their semi-synthetic and synthetic cousins;codeine can be found in varieties of Tylenol painkillers.

Figure1shows that the prevalence of the opioids in each category(with the exception of synthetics)remained relatively constant over the six years for which we have data.Synthetic opioids became increasingly prevalent following2011,in accord with reports from the Centers for Disease Control [Katz and Sanger-Katz2018].

Building a Model,Part I:Characteristics of the Epidemic

The discrete nature of both annual and county-aggregated data leads us to consider discrete time and discrete space(DTDS)Markov models.A stochastic process has the Markov property if the conditional probabilities of future states in the process depend only on the current state,not on past states.Our intuition is that,like an individual recovering from addiction, a county may regress if it does not make consistent efforts to address drug abuse.Thus,the current situation of a county directly in?uences its future situation.

Figure1.Drug trends for each category,2010–2016.

Discrete Classes for Prevalence and Rate of Change

Instead of working with the exact prevalence of opioid abuse in each county,we classify each county into“low”or“high”and“increasing”or “decreasing”opioid abuse prevalence.

We choose the median as the cutoff between“low”and“high”preva-lence.

We classify all values greater than one standard deviation above the mean to be“increasing,”and all values lower than one-half standard devi-ation below the mean to be“decreasing.”Our reasoning for the difference is that the data are from years when the opioid crisis was in full swing,so “normal”in the data set is not the normal in general;and it is harder for a county to rehabilitate than to develop an opioid abuse problem,so smaller changes in the negative direction represent larger changes in the county. Values between these two cutoffs are regarded as“stable.”

Counties for which we have no data we classify as“low stable.”Categories for Our Data

In Figure2a,the vertical line(red)represents the median for our data. In Figure2b,the left(orange)and right(red)vertical lines represent the decreasing and increasing cutoffs.The horizontal axes have a scale of10 3. We have six categories:low and stable(LS),high and stable(HS),low and increasing(LI),high and increasing(HI),low and decreasing(LD),and

high and decreasing(HD).

Figure2a.Prevalence.Figure2b.Rates of change.

Figure2.Cutoffs for prevalence and for decreasing/increasing opioid abuse.

The proportions of counties in each category stayed constant between 2010and2016,but the spatial distribution of the categories did not.In fact,the pattern reminded us of the description of Brownlea’s hepatitis model as a ring-shaped clinical front expanding radially from an origin [Emch et al.2017],in this case apparently southwestern West Virginia.The maps in Figure3depict the prevalence of opioid abuse in each county in 2010and in2016.Note the“ring-like”expansion of the darker-red sections (which indicate regions of high and stable opioid abuse).The numbers in the legend correspond to the six classes as follows:1–Low Stable,2–High Stable,3–Low Decreasing,4–High Decreasing,5–Low Increasing,6–High Increasing.

Figure3.Spread of the opioid epidemic from2010(left)to2016(right).

How the Model Works

The state(category)of a county at the next time step in our model is in?uenced by its current state,the states of its neighboring counties,a noise parameter,and random selection from a probability vector.Our Python code performs the following tasks:

1.Initialize the county probability vector,a1?6vector containing the probabilities that the county will be in the predetermined classes in the

next timestep.It is initialized by adding noise uniformly to each class such that the probability of a country transitioning from one class to any other is greater than zero.The level of noise added is optimized to minimize error(discussed below).

2.Each neighboring county adds a tally to the entry of the county’s proba-bility vector corresponding to the neighboring county’s class.This tally incorporates inverse distance weighting.In other words,a county di-rectly adjacent adds a tally of1,a county with one county in between it and the origin county adds a tally of1/4,etc.

3.Divide each entry in the probability vector by the relevant transition score in the penalty matrix below,which re?ects our expectations about how dif?cult it should be to transition between classes.If our algorithm classi?es a county as high stable,but the data say that it should be high increasing,we want the error to re?ect the fact that our model was close and not so wrong as to have classi?ed that county as having low preva-lence.This need explains the penalty matrix.

26 6666 664

LS HS LI HI LD HD LS|142321 HS|413232

LI|231222 HI|322142 LD|232412 HD|322221




4.Scale the probability vector by a coef?cient vector that was previously optimized to account for the overall importance of each class,in the same manner as the noise was optimized.

5.Normalize the probability vector so that it becomes a discrete probabil-ity distribution.

6.The?nal probability vector de?nes the distribution from which we sam-ple to determine the county’s class for the next time period.

7.Repeat the steps above for some number of timesteps and then for some number of trials so that each trial walks through the speci?ed number of timesteps.

After running the Monte Carlo simulation detailing possible outcomes, we pick the most likely class of the county at the time that we are most interested in analyzing.

Evaluation of the Model

Error analysis is tricky for this model because a good result does not necessarily mean a perfect match to the data.

The model results cluster a lot more than the real data do,as seen in Figure4.

Figure4.Model clustering in2016.

Instead of trying to characterize clustering at each location,we devise an error function based on overall spatial autocorrelation.We look to Moran’s I statistic[Emch et al.2017](a standard measure of spatial autocorrelation) for inspiration and present the following formula.For each class,for all counties in that class,our spatial autocorrelation measure is the mean pro-portion of neighbors with the same class.Then we take the sum over the classes of the difference between the simulated and real spatial autocorre-lation measures.

A class=


number of counties of that class?

counties of that class

X?#neighbors with same class


Err total=classes

X A predicted A real .

Using this error function to optimize levels of noise and other param-eters in our model eradicates the clustering,leaving us with results akin to the those depicted in Figure5.Note:each time we run the model,we get slightly different results due to the random nature of added noise.

Model Testing

The histograms of the six categories stay more or less constant over time, depending on the levels of noise added to the initial probability distribu-tion.Models with more noise tend to diverge at?rst,but by2016the noise compounds so much that simulations with noise have distributions that

Figure5.Best prediction from the model in2016.

match the data more closely than simulations without noise.We?nd that the optimal level of noise is0.3(Figure6).

Figure6.Category prevalences for data vs.simulations in2016.

Because the random walk is on its own after being initialized by the2010 data,there is no obvious reference point to deduce an optimal timestep size.Optimization of coef?cients would?t the model to the data regard-less of step size,so we choose a step size of three months(four steps per year)for ease of comparison to the annual data,and with the thought that three months is about the minimum time in which a county could switch category.The?nal optimization determines the coef?cients on each cate-gory.

Building a Model,Part II:Socioeconomic Factors


The opioid epidemic is notable for its range across socioeconomic classes. The three main risk factors appear to be race[Berezow2018;Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration2018;Barbieri2018], education[Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration 2018;Scommegna2018],and veteran status[Recovery First2019].

Other risk factors include gender(women,despite recent increases,are less likely to abuse opioids than men)[National Institute on Drug Abuse 2018],age(younger people are more at risk)[National Institute on Drug Abuse2018],and population size(opioid abuse is more prevalent in rural communities than in urban settings)[Keyes et al.2014].Disability could be a possible risk factor because of the higher rates of opioid prescriptions associated with chronic pain,but few data on this topic are available.

American Community Survey Indicators

The subset of the American Community Survey(ACS)data from2010 to2016provided for this problem includes variables about household size and family structure,age and gender distribution,educational enrollment and attainment,veteran status,disability status,residential mobility,place of birth,language spoken at home,and ancestry.It does not include cer-tain statistics that our research indicates would be useful,such as income, unemployment rate,healthcare coverage,and race.

For the sake of consistency across years,we remove variables for which one or more of the years have missing data.This process removes fer-tility statistics,disability status,citizenship status,world region of birth for foreign born,and several miscellaneous household/family structure variables—in total,27of the149socioeconomic factors.Because of the discrepancies between the data that we have and the data that we would want,we assume that

?education level is a proxy for income and healthcare status,?ancestry and language indicate race,and

?veteran status stands in for disability.

Because there was so much information in the survey data regarding household size and family structure,we focus subsequent research on any ties between household/family structure and opioid addiction.While the epidemic affects families of all kinds,we notice an increase in grandpar-ents raising their grandchildren in areas where the opioid epidemic has

hit hardest[BAART Programs2018].This occurs as parents are separated from their children,both voluntarily and not(e.g.,death),due to addiction.

Model Optimization with Socioeconomic Status

To incorporate socioeconomic factors into our random walk model,we ?rst run a random forest algorithm in sklearn[Pedregosa et al.2011]that classi?es each county into one of our six categories based on23socioeco-nomic https://www.360docs.net/doc/d310261687.html,ing the feature importance attribute in sklearn,we ?nd that the10most important socioeconomic factors are total illicit drug use rate,total population,people born in the U.S.,American ancestry,Irish ancestry,only English spoken at home,people with some college but no degree,high school graduation rate,Polish ancestry,and people with a graduate or professional degree.Unfortunately,these feature rankings are based on absolute magnitude,so they do not provide insight into the di-rection of in?uence on opioid abuse rates.

Our adapted model uses probabilities generated by this random forest classi?er to initialize the probability vector for our random walk.The al-gorithm then proceeds as before.

After making this adaptation,we use our error function to compare the performance of the new model to the old.Once we optimize the coef?-cients,both models become more accurate,and their performances become comparable.

Error and Sensitivity Analysis

The random walk model takes on high error immediately after the start of the simulation.With noise,the error peaks around2013and then begins a steep descent;without noise,the error continues on an upward path. Our model supports a healthy tension between the clustering noted ear-lier and the randomness added later with the inclusion of noise.However, this balance takes about24timesteps(6“years”)to reach,which is why the error is higher toward the beginning of the simulation than at the end.

Possible Origin Locations

To avoid adding bias to our model through reliance on extrapolated socioeconomic factors,we do origin identi?cation analysis with the old model,which did not rely on socioeconomic factors.We run a Monte Carlo simulation to?nd the possible origin locations,starting the epidemic in each county in2000,during the height of the?rst wave of the opioid crisis. The simulation then propagates forward in time until2010,at which time we compare the results to the given data.The simulations with the low-est amount of dissimilarity to the2010data indicate the counties in which

the epidemic likely began.Figure7highlights the counties in which the epidemic could have started(purple)and the counties?rst to contract the epidemic in their respective states(blue:topmost shaded county in each of Pennsylvania,West Virginia,and Virginia,and lowest shaded county in Ohio;and gold:leftmost of three adjacent shaded counties in Kentucky). The most likely origin of the crisis according to the random walk model is Montgomery,Kentucky(in gold).

Figure7.Possible origin locations of the epidemic.

The epidemic origin according to this result model is not far from south-western West Virginia,which we hypothesized earlier as the origin.

Second Approach:Spatial Regression

We explore the application of spatial regression models to the NFLIS and ACS data[Spielman2015;Ver Hoef et al.2017].Taking into account spatial relationships is important because spatial correlation dramatically reduces the information contained in a sample of independent data,often by a factor of2[Waller and Gotway2004].

Within spatial regression,there are three common types of models:?Spatial Autoregressive models(SARs),also known as spatial lag mod-els,quantify the spatial dependence of the dependent variable y among

neighboring regions,the diffusion or“spillover”effect of y[Sparks2015]:

y=?W y+X +u,

where W represents the spatial weights(adjacency or distance between regions),?is the spatial autoregressive coef?cient,and the error u is assumed to be classical(independent of y)[Viton2010].?Spatial Error Models(SEMs)quantify spatial dependence of the resid-uals.Instead of a spillover effect,they conceptualize spatial error as spatial correlation in one or more unidenti?ed predictor variables:

y=X +u,

u= W u+?,

where,in addition to the variables de?ned above, is the spatial autore-gressive coef?cient,and??N(0, 2)[Viton2010].

?Spatial Durbin Models(SDMs)are a combination of spatial lag and spatial error models[Anselin2003].By lagging the predictor variables in the model using W,we can get a collection of spatial predictor variables in addition to the regular predictors:

y=?W y+X +W X?+?,

where in addition to the variables de?ned above,?is a vector of the re-gression coef?cients for the lagged predictor variables and?is the error [Sparks2015].It is also possible to include the lagged predictors in a spatial error model,resulting in a Durbin Error Model(DEM),but that model appears to be less common and we do not explore.

The question of model speci?cation depends on whether we think that opioid abuse results from diffusion or is simply in?uenced by spatially-varying risk factors.Fortunately,we can rely on statistical tests as well as the combination of our research and intuition to select a model.

Model Fitting

To perform statistical regression,we use the R package spdep.To quan-tify the spatial weights(W in the model),we use a shape?le of all U.S. counties[United States Census Bureau2017],subset it to include only the ?ve states of interest,and convert it to a spatial weights object,illustrated in Figure8.

We identify and remove highly-correlated variables,using the method of variance in?ation factors(VIF).The formula for VIF is as follows:

V IF k=


1 R2



Figure8.Visualization of spatial weights between counties.

where R2k is the R2-value obtained by regressing the k th predictor on the remaining predictors[Simon et al.2018].Thus,if a predictor is highly-correlated with the other predictors,its R2k value will be large,the denomi-nator of the VIF expression will be small,and the VIF score will be large.A common heuristic for addressing multicollinearity is to remove predictors with VIF scores over10.In our data,the group of variables with VIF scores over10included many overlapping measures of household/family struc-ture,including educational enrollment and attainment,residential mobil-ity,place of birth,and language.Removing that group of variables left us with54predictors,mostly from the ACS but also including total illicit drug use rate(TotalDrugReportsCounty from NFLIS divided by total popula-tion from ACS),plus our dependent variable:illicit opioid use rate(NFLIS DrugReports divided by total population).

We run regressions for spatial lag,spatial error,and spatial Durbin mod-els,using the functions lagsarlm,errorsarlm,and lagsarlm with type =‘‘mixed’’,respectively.

Statistical Results

Every model(across the seven years)con?rms a highly-signi?cant spa-tial signal in the data.The Likelihood Ratio Test(LRT)is a ratio of the likelihood functions from two nested models,one with more parameters than the other[White2017].In this case,the LRT compares spatial linear regression with regular linear regression.All p-values on Likelihood Ra-tio tests and asymptotic t-tests for the spatial autoregressive coef?cients?and (for SAR and SEM respectively)were 2 3.This means that spatial regression gives us signi?cantly more information than regular regression would have.

Regarding spatial model speci?cation,the most direct comparison can be based on maximized log-likelihood[Anselin2003].Across all years,the spatial Durbin model had the highest log-likelihood.This makes sense,

because we expect the spread of the opioid epidemic to display both spatial lag and spatial error patterning,based on both human interactions and socioeconomic and/or regulatory patterning.

Each SAR and Durbin model also performs a Lagrange multiplier(LM) test for residual autocorrelation.About half of the SAR and Durbin models showed signi?cant residual autocorrelation(p<0.01).This indicates that there may be other spatially autocorrelated variables that could improve our model,and/or our error term is heteroskedastic(has nonuniform vari-ance)[Spielman2015].To test the latter,we perform a Breusch-Pagan(BP) test on each spatial Durbin model.All BP tests show highly-signi?cant heteroskedasticity in the residuals.In spatial models,this is often due to spatial units having different population sizes[Spielman2015].

Unlike the coef?cients produced by ordinary linear regression,the co-ef?cients from a spatial lag model do not facilitate interpretation,because a change in one predictor in one region in?uences response in other re-gions,which in turn in?uence the response in the region where the initial change occurred[Sparks2015].To account for both direct(local)and indi-rect(spillover)effects,we used the impacts function in spdep to calculate the global average impact of a unit increase in each predictor variable.Our results indicate that total illicit drug use rate in a county was by far the strongest predictor of opioid abuse levels in that county.

The Centers for Disease Control reported that in2014,61%of drug over-dose deaths involved some type of opioid,including heroin[Rudd et al. 2016].By2017,this was67%[Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2019].So our?nding that a one-unit increase of total illicit drug use rate would raise the opioid abuse rate by52%seems realistic.For compari-son,an ordinary linear regression on the same predictor set gives R2=.74 but with the coef?cient on total illicit drug use rate only.374.It is notable that our average direct impact rate was.372.This result con?rms that our spatial model is far superior to a regular regression model in predicting opioid abuse,because it takes into account the indirect impacts of spatial diffusion.The Akaike Information Criterion(AIC),another output from sarlm models,formally quanti?es this comparison for all the models. Apart from the illicit drugs rate,none of the other variables has a com-parable coef?cient size,nor do they seem particularly helpful in informing policy to help address the opioid crisis.

Sensitivity Analysis

To test sensitivity of our analysis to the socioeconomic variables selected, we use a smaller subset of23variables that emphasize educational attain-ment and ancestry,but also include percentages of grandparents responsi-ble for grandchildren,civilian veterans,those who moved in the last year, birthplace,and speaking only English at home.The results are not sig-ni?cantly different than those from the larger dataset.The spatial Durbin

models all performed the best.The average direct,indirect,and total im-pacts of a unit increase in total illicit drug use rate on opioid use rate were .377,.154,and.531respectively,each of which are less than.01different from the corresponding average impacts from the larger model.For the reduced dataset,the consensus of the spatial models is:?Education:percentage with a bachelor’s degree is all positively associ-ated with illegal opioid use;percentage of high school graduates and percentage with some college but no degree was mostly negatively as-sociated;

?Family:percentage of grandparents responsible for grandchildren is pos-itively associated;

?Language:percentage with only English spoken at home is mostly posi-tively associated;and

?Ancestry:percentage Dutch and Irish are all positively associated;per-centage Norwegian,Ukrainian,and Hungarian are mostly negatively associated.

Note:“mostly”positive/negative indicates that there was at least a5:2 majority in that category among the seven years’models.

Future Trends and Comparison to First Model

The predict.sarlm function in R allows us to apply trends from our initial results to new data.We used it to predict illicit opioid use up to ?ve years in the future for the spatial lag model.Because we are trying to forecast on the same predictor variables but different observations of the variables in the model(the extrapolated socioeconomic factors),we use the trend prediction type[Bivand n.d.].

After making predictions for opioid abuse prevalence,we run these numbers through our six-stage classi?er,to make the results comparable to those from our random-walk model.Figure9illustrates the deviation between the forecasts of our?rst model(random walk)and second model (spatial lag).

The spatial-regression model is heavily dependent on the accuracy of the socioeconomic factors.Because we assume that the SES indicators change linearly over time,the extrapolated indicators are most accurate nearest to the initial data,which means that the spatial regression model is most accurate in years not long after2016.As noted earlier,the random-walk model has signi?cant error for a few years right after the initial point. After a few years,our previous assumptions regarding the socioeconomic indicators make the spatial regression more and more inaccurate;the accu-racy of the random-walk model increases as tension between randomness and clustering reaches a balance.

Figure9.Error between random-walk and spatial-regression predictions.

Drug Identi?cation Thresholds

We classify a county as problematic if it is High and Stable,High and Increasing,or Low and Increasing for longer than1.5years(6timesteps). Figure10depicts the predicted number of problematic counties through


Figure10.Counties classi?ed as a problematic,2017–2028.

Our model indicates that the number of problematic counties will de-crease fairly steadily over the next10years.However,this may be due to the spillover effect:As the crisis diffuses to other areas of the country,the

magnitude of the problem may decrease within our study region.

Strategies to Combat the Opioid Epidemic Reducing Illicit Drug Use

Results from both our spatial regression and random forest models show that total illicit drug use rate is the most important predictor of opioid use rate in each county.The average results across the seven years of spatial regression models are that,all else constant,a0.1%reduction in total illicit drug use would reduce total illicit opioid use by0.05%,which is almost half of the median opioid abuse prevalence rate across counties in this re-gion.Reducing total amount of drug use would reduce the amount of opioid use,because fewer people would progress through the drug hierar-chy.

Recommended ways to address illicit drug use include investing in re-habilitation infrastructure[Chandler et al.2009],reaching out and pro-viding resources to communities willing to cooperate with police efforts [Moore and Kleiman1989],and improving adolescent education about the addictive properties of illicit substances[Gerstein and Green1993].The results of our models with regard to ancestry and education indicate that aiming education initiatives at people of all races and socioeconomic sta-tuses is necessary.

Direct Opioid Interventions

In the early1970s,the U.S.declared a“war on drugs,”increasing the size and presence of federal drug enforcement agencies while halting investi-gation into medical ef?cacy of these substances.Rates of criminal drug abuse have remained constant or increased in the decades since[Drug Pol-icy Alliance2018].Launching another“war on drugs”will not address the opioid epidemic.Instead,we must treat it as a public health crisis, requiring science-and health-based solutions,rather than a combative ap-proach.The?rst steps in this direction are the limitations on opioid pre-scriptions;the next steps in this process involve prevention,reducing over-dose deaths,and improving addiction care in and beyond the criminal jus-tice system[National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse2017].


当我谈数学建模时我谈些什么——美赛一等奖经验总结 作者:彭子未 前言:2012 年3月28号晚,我知道了美赛成绩,一等奖(Meritorus Winner),没有太多的喜悦,只是感觉释怀,一年以来的努力总算有了回报。从国赛遗憾丢掉国奖,到美赛一等,这一路走来太多的不易,感谢我的家人、队友以及朋友的支持,没有你们,我无以为继。 这篇文章在美赛结束后就已经写好了,算是对自己建模心得体会的一个总结。现在成绩尘埃落定,我也有足够的自信把它贴出来,希望能够帮到各位对数模感兴趣的同学。 欢迎大家批评指正,欢迎与我交流,这样我们才都能进步。 个人背景:我2010年入学,所在的学校是广东省一所普通大学,今年大二,学工商管理专业,没学过编程。 学校组织参加过几届美赛,之前唯一的一个一等奖是三年前拿到的,那一队的主力师兄凭借这一奖项去了北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校,学运筹学。今年再次拿到一等奖,我创了两个校记录:一是第一个在大二拿到数模美赛一等奖,二是第一个在文科专业拿数模美赛一等奖。我的数模历程如下: 2011.4 校内赛三等奖 2011.8 通过选拔参加暑期国赛培训(学校之前不允许大一学生参加) 2011.9 国赛广东省二等奖 2011.11 电工杯三等奖 2012.2 美赛一等奖(Meritorious Winner) 动机:我参加数学建模的动机比较单纯,完全是出于兴趣。我的专业是工商管理,没有学过编程,觉得没必要学。我所感兴趣的是模型本身,它的思想,它的内涵,它的发展过程、它的适用问题等等。我希望通过学习模型,能够更好的去理解一些现象,了解其中蕴含的数学机理。数学模型中包含着一种简洁的哲学,深刻而迷人。 当然获得荣誉方面的动机可定也有,谁不想拿奖呢? 模型:数学模型的功能大致有三种:评价、优化、预测。几乎所有模型都是围绕这三种功能来做的。比如,今年美赛A题树叶分类属于评价模型,B题漂流露营安排则属于优化模型。 对于不同功能的模型有不同的方法,例如评价模型方法有层次分析、模糊综合评价、熵值法等;优化模型方法有启发式算法(模拟退火、遗传算法等)、仿真方法(蒙特卡洛、元胞自动机等);预测模型方法有灰色预测、神经网络、马尔科夫链等。在数学中国网站上有许多关于这些方法的相关介绍与文献。


The Design of Snowboard Halfpipe Abstract: Based on the snowboard movement theory, the flight height depends on the out- velocity. We take the technical parameters of four sites and five excellent snowboarders for statistical analysis. As results show that the size of halfpipe (length, width and depth, halfpipe slope) influence the in- velocity and out- velocity. Help ramp, the angle between the snowboard’s direction and speed affect velocity ’s loss. For the halfpipe, we established the differential equation model, based on weight, friction, air density, resistance coefficient, the area of resistance, and other factors and the law of energy conservation. the model’s results show that the snowboarders’ energy lose from four aspects (1) the angle between the direction of snowboard and the speed, which formed because of the existing halfpipe (2) The friction between snowboard and the surface (3) the air barrier (4) the collision with the wall for getting vertical speed before sliping out of halfpipe. Therefore, we put forward an improving model called L-halfpipe,so as to eliminate or reduce the angle between the snowboard and the speed .Smaller radius can also reduce the energy absorption by the wall. At last, we put forward some conception to optimize the design of the halfpipe in the perspective of safety and producing torsion. Key words:snowboard; halfpipe; differential equation model;L-halfpipe


For office use only T1 ________________ T2 ________________ T3 ________________ T4 ________________ Team Control Number 11111 Problem Chosen ABCD For office use only F1 ________________ F2 ________________ F3 ________________ F4 ________________ 2015 Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM/ICM) Summary Sheet In order to evaluate the performance of a coach, we describe metrics in five aspects:historical record, game gold content, playoff performance, honors and contribution to the sports. Moreover, each aspect is subdivided into several secondary metrics. Take playoff performance as example, we collect postseason result (Sweet Sixteen, Final Four, etc.) per year from NCAA official website, Wikimedia and so on. First, ****grade. To eval*** , in turn, are John Wooden, Mike Krzyzewski, Adolph Rupp, Dean Smith and Bob Knight. Time line horizon does make a difference. According to turning points in NCAA history, we divide the previous century into six periods with different time weights which lead to the change of ranking. We conduct sensitivity analysis on FSE to find best membership function and calculation rule. Sensitivity analysis on aggregation weight is also performed. It proves AM performs better than single model. As a creative use, top 3 presidents(U.S.) are picked out: Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Franklin D. Roosevelt. At last, the strength and weakness of our mode are discussed, non-technical explanation is presented and the future work is pointed as well. Key words: Ebola virus disease; Epidemiology; West Africa; ******


目录 问题回顾 (3) 问题分析: (4) 模型假设: (6) 符号定义 (7) 4.1---------- (8) 4.2 有热水输入的温度变化模型 (17) 4.2.1模型假设与定义 (17) 4.2.2 模型的建立The establishment of the model (18) 4.2.3 模型求解 (19) 4.3 有人存在的温度变化模型Temperature model of human presence (21) 4.3.1 模型影响因素的讨论Discussion influencing factors of the model (21) 4.3.2模型的建立 (25) 4.3.3 Solving model (29) 5.1 优化目标的确定 (29) 5.2 约束条件的确定 (31) 5.3模型的求解 (32) 5.4 泡泡剂的影响 (35) 5.5 灵敏度的分析 (35) 8 non-technical explanation of the bathtub (37)

Summary 人们经常在充满热水的浴缸里得到清洁和放松。本文针对只有一个简单的热水龙头的浴缸,建立一个多目标优化模型,通过调整水龙头流量大小和流入水的温度来使整个泡澡过程浴缸内水温维持基本恒定且不会浪费太多水。 首先分析浴缸中水温度变化的具体情况。根据能量转移的特点将浴缸中的热量损失分为两类情况:沿浴缸四壁和底面向空气中丧失的热量根据傅里叶导热定律求出;沿水面丧失的热量根据水由液态变为气态的焓变求出。因涉及的参数过多,将系数进行回归分析的得到一个一元二次函数。结合两类热量建立了温度关于时间的微分方程。加入阻滞因子考虑环境温湿度升高对水温的影响,最后得到水温度随时间的变化规律(见图**)。优化模型考虑保持水龙头匀速流入热水的情况。将过程分为浴缸未加满和浴缸加满而水从排水口溢出的两种情况,根据能量守恒定律优化上述微分方程,建立一个有热源的情况下水的温度随时间变化的分段模型,(见图**) 接下来考虑人在浴缸中对水温的影响。我们从各个方面进行分析:人的体温恒定在37℃左右,能量仅因人的生理代谢而丧失,这一部分数量过小可以不考虑;而人在水中人的体积和运动都将引起浴缸中水散热面积和总质量的变化,从而改变了热量的损失情况。因人的运动是连续且随机的,利用MATLAB生成随机数表示人进入水中的体积变化量,将运动过程离散化。为体现其振荡的特点,我们利用三角函数拟合后离散的数据,以频率和振幅的变化来反映实际现象。将得到的函数与上述模型相结合,作图分析其变化规律(见图**)。 利用以上温度变化的优化模型,结合用水量建立多目标优化模型。将热水浴与缸中水温差、浴缸水温偏离最适温度最值进行正向化和归一化再加权求和定义为舒适度。在流量维持稳定的情况下,要求舒适度越大而用水量越小。因该优化模型中的约束条件中含有微分方程,难以求解,则对其进行离散仿真,采用模拟退火算法求解全局最优解。最后讨论了加入泡泡剂后对模型的影响,求得矩形浴缸尺寸为长*宽*高=1.5m*0.6m*0.5m时,最优的热水温度、热水输入速率为T1= 63.4℃,f=0.33L/s。然后对浴缸形状体积和人的形状体积等影响因素进行灵敏性分析,发现结果受浴缸体积的影响最大。 ?


中继站的协调方案 摘要(Abstract ) 中继站是将信号进行再生、放大处理后,再转发给下一个中继站,以确保传输信号的质量。低功耗的用户,例如移动电话用户,在不能直接与其他用户联系的地方可以通过中继站来保持联系。然而,中继站之间会互相影响,除非彼此之间有足够远的距离或通过充分分离的频率来传送。为了排除信号间的干扰,实现某一区域内(题中以40英里为半径的圆形区域)通信设备正常的发射和接收信号,需要利用PL 技术对中继站作合理的协调和分配。 首先本文结合香农理论的相关算法,考虑了信号供给系统的损耗、天线增益、信号的传播损耗、辐射效率因素的影响,得到中继站的辐射范围半径公式为: ,10,10log ( )37.2328 20 10 r out r in p P d -= 在供给对象为低功率消耗设备,查资料一般发射功率为3.2W ,中继站能接收到的最弱的信号1W μ,代入数据得到每个中继站的辐射半径为15.28m iles 。同时本文在不考虑其他因素(包括:地形、大雾、山川、建筑物等)对辐射范围和辐射强度的影响下,结合相关知识和题目中给出的条件,在不引入PL 技术时得出每个中继站所服务的用户数量为39个。 对于问题一, 我们首先定义了均衡覆盖、覆盖效率,在均衡覆盖中即用圆覆盖圆形区域,我们根据式子 2(2)n k n ππ -= ,得出(,)k n 的可能值有 (3,6),(4,4),三种,即等效三角形、正方形、正六边形覆盖,并通过覆盖效率的比较,最终得出正六边形覆盖是最好的覆盖方法,即蜂窝拓扑网络。在这种覆 盖情况下我们,我结合中继站覆盖半径15.28m iles ,根据式子 m i n 3(1)1,0,1,2,3,N K K K =++= ……,求出最少需要19个中继站,并在满足单位 面积覆盖同时在线人数的情况下引入PL 技术,得出此时中继站在该区域可同时 服务在限人数为1292人。 对于问题二,我们在问题一模型基础上从提高中继站服务人数和减少中继站半径两方面考虑,得出在将PL 分为18层,即中继站同时在线服务人数为702的情况下,结合单位面积同时在线服务人数,得出在中继站最少的情况下,中继站半径在[]11.094,,11.68范围内都可,我们为了让同时在线服务人数最大,取11.094英里,得出服务人数为11305。 问题三:对于山区地形,信号在传播过程中会有绕射和绕射损耗情况的出现,我们通过解析几何法寻找到发生绕射的山峰,通过菲涅尔积分和信号损耗理论 ,把山峰的损耗累加,最终算出信号由于绕射山峰而发生的功率损耗 。 关键词(Key Words):蜂窝拓扑网络,香农理论,容量和辐射半径,亚音频率层, 解析几何


Where is the MH 370? Abstract Where is the crashed MH 370? This is an issue of global concern. In this article, the search work for the crashed aircraft is divided into three stages:determining the fall area, select the search location, arrange rescue equipment.To solve problems, we have set up three mathematical models. According to physics equations,we have established a differential equations model that can describe the crashed procedure of the aircraft.By combined maritime related cases,we have calculated the theoretical appeared area of the aircraft. Because of the large area of theory, it will be split into many small regions of equal area. With the limited search capability,we need to find a small piece where the aircraft is most likely to exist in.Then we use the conditional probability to establish a maritime search model and have got the actual search area and search paths. Each time a search is completed.We use a Bayesian probability formula to update the appearing probability of the aircraft in each small area if the crashed aircraft is not found.Besides,we resolve the model to acquire the actual search area and search paths. From an economic point of view, we have created a scheduling model of the search appliances with the existed search equipment. Then we made reasonable arrangements for personnel and equipment based on the results of the model. Keywords:Differential Equations Conditional Probability Bayesian Methods Nonlinear Programming


Team Control Number For office use only 35532 For office use only T1 ________________ F1 ________________ T2 ________________ F2 ________________ T3 ________________ Problem Chosen F3 ________________ T4 ________________ F4 ________________ A 2015 Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM) Summary Sheet Summary The complex epidemic of Zaire ebolavirus has been affecting West Africa. A series of realistic, sensible, and useful mathematical model about Ebola of spreading and medication delivery are developed to eradicating Ebola. 这个复杂的传染病,埃博拉,已经影响西非好久。一系列真实可信的关于抑制埃博拉传播和医药相关的数学模型正在建立。 First, we divide the spreading of disease into three periods: naturally spreading period, spreading period with isolation but without effective medications and spreading period with effective medications. We develop a SEIR (susceptible-exposed-infectious-recovered) model to simulate the spread of the disease in the primary period. Then the model are improved to a SEIQR (susceptible-exposed-infectious-quarantined-recovered) model to adapt to the second and third period and to predict the future trends in 第一,我们把这个疾病划分为三个部分:自然传播过程,没有有效药物控制的独立传播过程和有有效控制的传播过程。我们建立了一个SEIR (易受暴露的感染性恢复)模型来模拟早期疾病的传播。接着我们又把模型升级为一个SEIQR (易受暴露性感染后的隔离恢复)来适应第二和第三阶段的传播同时也用来预测在Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia.的传播情况。 According to our plan, drugs are delivered to countries in need separately by air, then to medical centers by highway and be used for therapy of patients there. To solve the problem of location decision of medical centers , which belongs to a set covering problem , we developed a multi-objective optimization model . The model’s goal is minimizing the numbers of medical centers and total patients’ time cost on the road on the condition that all of patients can be sent a medical center in time. We solved the model with genetic algorithm, and get an approximate optimal solution with 7 medical centers. 根据我们的计划,运送药物的国家个别的需要空中运输,然后疾病中心通过高速公路将药物运送到患者手中。为了决定当地医疗中心位置的一个覆盖问题,我们建立了一个多元线性规划的选择模型。这个模型的目的是最小化医疗中心与主要患者之间在路上的距离使得所有患者能够被及时得送去医疗中心。我们用一个演变的算法解决了这个模型并得出一个最优化的结果----7个医疗中心。 Then we built a logistic block growth model to describe the changing speed of drugs manufacturing. Comparing it with the SEIIR model, we considered the two situations: one is in severe shortage of drugs, the other is relatively sufficient in drugs. We built two optimization models for the two situations. The optimization goal is minimizing the number of the infectious and minimizing of death cases and the number of infectious individuals, respectively. The decision variables is the drug allocation for every country, and the constraint conditions is drug production.


Team #17999 2013美赛A题一等奖论文 哈尔滨工业大学 杨宜蒙 李春柳 姜子木 【注:此页非正式论文页】

Contest 1.Introduction (1) 2.General assumption for all models (1) 3.What is the distribution of heat across the outer edge of a pan? (1) 3.1Model establishment (1) 3.1.1Model Ⅰ: Micro-point model (1) 3.1.2Model Ⅱ:Thermodynamics conduction model (3) 3.2Model solution and analysis (5) 3.2.1Model Ⅰ: Micro-point model (5) 3.2.2Model Ⅱ: Thermodynamics conduction model (6) 3.3Sensitivity analysis (11) 4.How to choose an optimal pan? (14) 4.1Model assumption (14) 4.2Model requirement (14) 4.3Model establishment (14) 4.4Model solution and analysis (20) 4.5Sensitivity analysis (21) 5.Superiority and weakness (22) 6.Further research (22) 7.Practical suggestions (23) 8.References (23) 9.ADS (24) 10.Appendix ...................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。


For office use only T1________________ T2________________ T3________________ T4________________ Team Control Number 32642 Problem Chosen B For office use only F1________________ F2________________ F3________________ F4________________ 2015 Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM/ICM) Summary Sheet (Attach a copy of this page to your solution paper.) Type a summary of your results on this page. Do not include the name of your school, advisor, or team members on this page. Searching a crashed plane in the sea is a hard job, while searching a lost plane presumed crashed in the open sea is much harder. To help find a lost plane, we restore the whole process, divide it into three periods and construct models respectively. The first model is a Stochastic Particle Simulation Model(SPSM), which describes the process that the plane loses contact with the ground and falls into the sea. Then we treat debris of the plane as separate particles and build a Drift Model based on Stochastic Particle Migration Model, which helps us to describe the motion of the debris of the plane and find the possible area containing the lost plane. Finally, we use BP-Artificial Neural Network Algorithm to choose the most suitable type of search planes and try to plan the optimal routine based on Time Homogeneous Markov Chain Model. In the first period, we break it down into two models: Fly Model and Fall Model. In the Fly Model, considering the great uncertainty on the plane crash, we use SPSM to find the distributions of the position where the plane lost power. Also, we get the distributions of flight speed, fight course and flight duration in that position. Then we divided the crashed plane into two types: with gliding function and without gliding function. Each type of the plane falls down in different way. In the second period, our goal is to simulate the motion of the debris in the water. We assume that the debris of the plane float on the surface, and it is small enough to ignore the affection of wave force. Based on the Leeway Model, we analyze its acceleration while considering the disturbance of environment at the same time. Then we check the model with data from National Oceanographic Data Center (NOAA) and get a good result. In the third period, we should choose the most suitable type of search plane and plan the optimal search routine. Using BP-ANNs Model, we determine the input layer as some factors on sea states and the output layer as several factors on the performance of a search plane. The outputs we get are the criterion by which we choose the most suitable plane. Then we try to find the optimal routine based on Time Homogeneous Markov Chain Model. We conduct Sensitive Analysis on the BP-ANNs and find that the model is robust. We also analyze our strengths and weaknesses and give a brief conclusion.


exclusively专门 undobtedly毫无疑问的 notable 值得注意的 tremedous/significant极大的 notion概念 definition定义——define Interpret……as…… 理解……为 invoke(+模型援引,引用 equation方程式,等式 function因变量——提示符号的含义 matrix矩阵,模型 constant 常数,常量It requires I t o be a constant for …to be true algorithm演算方法——a general algorithm 通用算法simplify the algorithm 简化算法we have produced a general algrrithm to solve this tpye of problems. derivative微分,倒数antiderivative 不定积分 optimal results 最优结果 invesgate the problem from different point of view调查问题——investgation调查survey 调查 subproblem 子问题,次要问题——major problem 主要问题 metric 度量标准,指标 digit 数字delete some digits element /component 元素

解题思路seek/explore—— explore different ideas探索不同的想法 we seek to device a new model for solving the problem by exploring the new direction suggested by their investigations. 解决方案design/device ——develop/establish/conduct Based on our analysis, we design a model for the problem using integral linear programming(线性积分). We then devise a polynominal-time apprximation algorithm to produce near optimal https://www.360docs.net/doc/d310261687.html,ing integral linear programming.We then device a polynominal-time approximation to We conduct sensitivity analysis on…to find…xxx analysis is also performed. 解决结果tackle/solve We tackle the problem using the new technique we developed in the previous section.While it is difficult to solve the problem completely, we are able to solve a major subproblem. 计划与打算approach/propose We approach the problem using the proposed method. We propose a new approach to tackling the problem. 词组 Basedon…以……为基础 According to根据 Devide …into…——subdivide into细分 …is applied to…使用了……模型来……——we apply our model into将我们的模型运用于 Model proves to be efficient in other sports.模型被证明在其他方面有效 ….,which indicates that………反映了

2018年数学建模论文写作技巧 论文自评(美赛一等奖获得者从获奖论文评述中总结的经验)word版本 (4页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! == 数学建模论文写作技巧论文自评(美赛一等奖获得者从获奖论文评述中总结的经验) 论文自评 Successful teams would have to combine existing models, data, and new ideas in creative and original ways. (成功的队伍会把现有的模型、数据和新的思想创造性地组合起来) Here are some of the issues that kept papers from the final rounds: (以下问题会使得论文无法进入最后一轮评审) ?Errors in mathematics, which quickly took them out of further consideration. (数学上的错误,使他们无法进行更深层次的思考) ?Including mathematics that didn’t fit the flow of the presentation. In a few cases, mathematics appears to have been inserted to make a paper look more credible or to take the place of other work that had led to a dead end. (数学方法被插入论文中是为了使论文看起来更可信或 是取代某些其他的工作将会使论文被淘汰) ?Changing notation, sometimes even within a single section. (改变符号,有时甚至在同一个章节中) ?Using undefined or poorly defined symbols, or using symbols before defining them. (用没有定义过的符号,或者在定义之前使用它 们) ?Incomplete expressions, either because the team made an error or because the expression did not survive the word-processor. (One of the Outstanding papers addressed in this commentary had a few incomplete, probably because they didn’t survive the word-processor, but the coherence of its model and the strength of its presentation overcame that defect.) (不完整的表述)


Random Walks and Rehab: Analyzing the Spread of the Opioid Crisis Ellen Considine Suyog Soti Emily Webb University of Colorado Boulder Boulder,Colorado USA ellen.considine@https://www.360docs.net/doc/d310261687.html, Advisor:Anne Dougherty Summary We classify69types of opioid substances into four categories based on synthesis and availability.Plotting use rates of each category over time re-veals that use of mild painkillers and natural alkaloids has stayed relatively constant over time,semi-synthetic drugs have declined slightly,and syn-thetic drugs such as fentanyl and heroin have increased dramatically.These ?ndings align with reports from the CDC.We select54of149socioeconomic variables based on their variance in?ation factor score(a common measure of multicollinearity)as well as on their relevance based on the public health literature. To model the spread of the opioid crisis across Kentucky,Ohio,Penn-sylvania,West Virginia,and Virginia,we develop two completely different models and then compare them. Our?rst model is founded on common modeling approaches in epidemi-ology:SIR/SIS models and stochastic simulation.We design an algorithm that simulates a random walk between six discrete classes,each of which represents a different stage of the opioid crisis,using thresholds for opioid abuse prevalence and rate of change.We penalize transitions between cer-tain classes differentially based on realistic expectations.Optimization of parameters and coef?cients for the model is guided by an error function in-spired by the global spatial autocorrelation statistic Moran’s I.Testing our model via both error calculation and visual mapping illustrates high accu-racy over many hundreds of trials.However,this model does not provide much insight into the in?uence of socioeconomic factors on opioid abuse The UMAP Journal40(4)(2018)353–380.c Copyright2019by COMAP,Inc.All rights reserved. Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for pro?t or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice.Abstracting with credit is permitted,but copyrights for components of this work owned by others than COMAP must be honored.To copy otherwise, to republish,to post on servers,or to redistribute to lists requires prior permission from COMAP.
