

Chapter 1 Introduction

This research studies politeness principle in Roman Holiday. The study of politeness has attracted scholarly attention since the late 1970s. According to Jenny Thomas (1995: 149), the following separate but

related types of phenomena have been investigated in relation to the term “politeness”: politeness as a real-world goal, politeness as deference,

politeness as an utterance-level phenomenon, and politeness as a pragmatic phenomenon. The PP is not just another principle to be added to the CP, but a necessary complement that may rescue the CP from serious trouble in theorizing(Leech, 1983:80).

Roman Holiday is really classical movie . It’s so famous that the scholars

have done many researches on the language of it. Further more,Roman Holiday tells a typical life of a girl from a princess to a civilian, so it’s worth being researched. From the study of PP in Roman Holiday, we can know more about the politeness and interaction of language and have a better understanding of the way in which people communicate.

1.1Definition of politeness Principle

Pragmatics refers to the study of how speakers of a language use sentences to effect successful communication. Pragmatics is a comparatively new branch of study in the area of linguistics; its development and establishment in the 1960s and 1970s resulted mainly from the expansion of the study of linguistics, especially that of semantics. (Dai Weidong, 2002)

PP is one of the Pragmatic theories. Geoffrey Leech once put it that far from being a superficial matter of “being civil”, politeness is an important missing link between the CP and the problem of how to relate sense to force. He defines politeness as forms of behaviour that establish and maintain comity. That is the ability of participants in a social interaction to engage in interaction in an atmosphere of relative harmony.

According to Geoffrey Leech’s maxim “Be polite”, there are three rules of politeness (or rapport) or politeness strategies (Lakoff, 1990:35)

(1) Don’t impose (Distance)

(2) Give options (Deference)

(3) Be friendly (Camaraderie).

Leech formulated the Politeness Principle in both positive and negative forms (ibid., 81)

(1)Maximize (other things being equal) the expression of polite beliefs

(2) Minimize (other things being equal) the expression of impolite beliefs.

Under the two general requirements, Leech lists six specific maxims:

(1) Tact Maxim

(2)Generosity Maxim

(3)Approbation Maxim

(4)Modesty Maxim

(5)Agreement Maxim

(6)Sympathy Maxim

Grice is aware that speakers do not always follow these maxims. In fact they often violate them and thus produce some implicature. However, the Cooperative Principle is not enough to explain how people talk. It can only explain how the implicature is produced, but not why people produce so many indirect utterances. Then, the Politeness Principle is created. On the whole, it can be defined as “try to use more polite expressions” or “try to lessen the impolite expression”.

1.2 Introduction to Roman Holiday

The film's bittersweet story is a charming romantic-comedy, a kind of Cinderella tale in reverse (with an April-October romance). A runaway princess (Hepburn) rebels against her royal obligations and escapes the insulated confines of her royal prison to find a 'Prince Charming' commoner - an American reporter (Joe) covering the royal tour in Rome. The story was reportedly based on the real-life Italian adventures of British Princess Margaret.

Joe met Ann——the princess, in the street and found her drunk. He didn’t want to see her sleeping in the street and took her home. The following day he read the newspaper and realized that the girl in his house was the princess. Therefore he wanted to have an exclusive interview with Ann so that he could be a famous reporter and earned a lot of money. However, he fell in love with Ann after spending one day with her. In order to keep the princess’ fame, he gave up the opportunity and ask his friend to return the photos to the her. Finally, he just pretended to be a stranger when he saw the princess in the press conference. The princess love Joe too but she can’t because she had duty for her country and her family. They love each other but they can’t be together. This is really sad in a way.

1.3 Research Methodology

All the examples in the case analys is are selected from the conversation of Roman Holiday. They are all typical in the sense that they observe or violate the maxims of PP and generate the conversational interaction. The target conversations are classified into different categories according to the PP and they are therefore possible to conduct a comparative study.

This thesis proposes to conduct a qualitative case analysis from the approach of pragmatics. With some of the conversations from Roman Holiday as the basis and the PP as the guideline, this thesis is chiefly concerned with both the observing and non-observance of the PP maxims. The in-depth analysis itself, however, reveals how pragmatics theory can be possible applied into this classic movie Roman Holiday

1.4 Literature Review

The issue of politeness has become one of the most active areas of research in language use. Among the various politeness theories in western literature, the Face Theory proposed by Brown & Levinson (1978, 1987) claims to have universal validity and Leech’s (1983) Politeness Principle has also received enormous attention. The focus will be the face theory by Brown & Levinson, which serves as a theoretical basis of this thesis. Among the Chinese scholars who have contributed significantly to the study of politeness, Gu should be mentioned. His “Politeness Phenomena in Modern Chinese”, is an influential treatise widely cited by scholars both at home and abroad on Chinese politeness.

Leech’s Politeness Principle, although widely acclaimed, has received some criti cisms. Among others, his use of the term “maxim” is questioned for its moral and imperative connotations. Thus Leech (2005) reformulate the six maxims into something that sounds more like pragmatic constraints. One single super-constraint he invents is the Grand Strategy of Politeness (GSP for short). Leech concludes that despite some differences, there is no East-West divide in politeness.

In Peter Grundy’s view, politeness as a term can be used to “describe the extent to which actions, including the way things are said, match others’ perceptions of how they should be performed”(Grundy, 1995:129). To him, every instance of language in communication involves more or less politeness. One utterance may be polite in one context but not in another. Politeness is something subjective, personal, and dynamic.

Chapter 2 Six Maxims of Politeness Principle

As Grice’s Cooperative Principle fails to explain, among other things, why speakers choose not to be direct in saying what they mean, Geoffrey Leech put forward the PP with six maxims of tact, generosity, approbation, modesty, agreement and sympathy. The PP explains why people are sometimes indirect in conveying what they mean. Thus, the PP is not just another principle to be added to the CP, but a necessary complement that may rescue the CP from serious trouble in theorizing(Leech, 1983:80).

2.1 T act Maxim

The category of generosity maxim is used in directives and commissives. Tact maxim follows the two sub-maxims:

1.Minimize cost to other

2.Maximize benefit to other.

The first part of this maxim fits in with Brown and Levinson's negative politeness strategy of minimising the imposition, and the second part reflects the positive politeness strategy of attending to the hearer's interests, wants, and needs. It achieves illocutionary goals, the immediate, primary goals of linguistic communication, such as getting someone to do something.


(a). Could I interrupt you for a second?

(b). If I could just clarify this then.

2.2 Generosity Maxim

The category of generosity maxim is also used in directives and commissives and under it fall the following submaxims:

1.Minimize benefit to self

2.Maximize cost to self

Unlike the tact maxim, the maxim of generosity focuses on the speaker, and says that others should be put first instead of the self. It also achieves illocutionary goals.


(a).You relax and let me do the dishes.

(b).You must come and have dinner with us.

2.3 Approbation Maxim

The category of generosity maxim is used in expressives and representatives. And two more specific submaxims are:

1.Minimize dispraise of other

2.Maximize praise of other

The operation of this maxim is fairly obvious: all things being equal, we prefer to praise others and if we cannot do so, to sidestep the issue, to give some sort of minimal response (possibly through the use of euphemisms), or to remain silent. The first part of the maxim avoids disagreement; the second part intends to make other people feel good by showing solidarity. It achieves social goals, the long-term, secondary goals of our linguistic communication, such as maintaining friendly relations with others.


(a). I heard you singing at the karaoke last night. It was, um...


(b).John, I know you're a genius - would you know how to

solve this math problem here?

2.4 Modesty Maxim

The category of generosity maxim is used in expressives and representatives and under it fall the following submaxims:

1.Minimize praise of self

2.Maximize dispraise of self

This maxim is quete effective because it achieves both social goals and illocutionary goals.


(a).Oh, I'm so stupid - I didn't make a note of our lecture! Did you?

2.5 Agreement Maxim

The category of generosity maxim follows two submaxims:

1.Minimize disagreement between self and other

2.Maximize agreement between self and other

It is in line with Brown and Levinson's positive politeness strategies of 'seek agreement' and 'avoid disagreement,' to which they attach great importance. However, it is not being claimed that people totally avoid disagreement. It is simply observed that they are much more direct in expressing agreement, rather than disagreement.


A: I don't want my daughter to do this, I want her to do that.

B: Yes, but ma'am, I thought we resolved this already on your

last visit.

2.6 Sympathy Maxim

The category of generosity maxim has two submaxims:

1.Minimize antipathy between self and other

2.Maximize sympathy between self and other

This includes a small group of speech acts such as congratulation, commiseration, and expressing condolences - all of which is in accordance with Brown and Levinson's positive politeness strategy of attending to the hearer's interests, wants, and needs.


I was sorry to hear about your father.

It is to be noted that the six maxims and their sub-maxims are not equally important. This seems to suggest that politeness tends to favor other than self. Within the six maxims, it also seems true that the avoidance of discord is a more constant need than the creation of concord.

2.7 Clashes and tradeoffs between the maxims

Sometimes, the adherence to one maxim of the CP may run counter to that of another. Compare John’s two possible responses in the following conversation:

(1) May: What a nice shirt you’re wearing!

Tom1: Oh, it’s a very old one.

Tom2: Y es, it’s beautiful, isn’t it?

Clearly , in (1), while observing the Modesty Maxim, Tom1 breaches the Agreement Maxim. Tom2goes the other way: It respects the Agreement Maxim but ignores the Modesty Maxim.

Conflicts may also arise between a certain maxim of the Politeness Principle and one maxim of the Cooperative Principle.

(2) Kate: This was a marvelous show.

Ann: Well, the first part was quite wonderful.

In (2), while expected to give feedback to Kate’s comment on the concert, Ann is less informative because he only talks about the first piece. Thus, his positive feedback satisfies the Agreement Maxim at the expense of the Quantity Maxim.

When clashes between maxims are inevitable, some tradeoffs must be sought. We will have to allow one maxim to take priority over the other. Different cultures may prioritize different maxims in this regard.

Chapter 3 Case Analysis: Roman Holiday

3.1 Tact Maxim in Roman Holiday

3.1.1 Observing Tact Maxim

In the daily communication, we must observe the tact maxim to make the communication more effectively and successfully. Now let us see an example of observing the tact maxim.

Example 1:

Joe: Swell! thanks a lot. Oh er, Giovanni, er... How would you like to make some money?

Giovanni: Money?

Joe: Y eah. That's the stuff. Now look, I've got a sure thing: double your money back in two days.

Giovanni: Double my money?

Joe: Yeah well, I need a little investment capital to swing the deal.

Now, if you'll just lend me a little cash, I--.

This dialogue happens between Joe and Giovanni,an caretaker of his apartment. The poor reporter-Joe wanted to borrow some money from Giovanni so that he could entertain the princess. If he succeeded in interviewing the princess he would get lots of money. He promised that the money would be double if Giovanni lent it to him. In this way, he minimized the cost to Giovanni and maximized the benefit of him.

3.2 Generosity Maxim in Roman Holiday

3.2.1 Observing Generosity Maxim

In the daily communication, the way people say may bring some positive or negative reaction to the participants. Therefore, we must maximize cost to self so the listener may easier do as the we tell him. This is observing the Generosity Maxim. Here is the axample from Roman Holiday.


Irving: Irving Radovich, C.R. Photo Service.

Ann: How do you do?

Irving: Er, may I present Y our Highness with some commemorative photos of your visit to Rome?

Ann: Thank you so very much.

This is the dialogue happened in the press conference. The princess greeted the reporters and shook hands with them. When she shook hands with Irving, Joe’s friends, he returned the pictures to the princess without

anything. As the pictures were so important that he could be rich and famous at a moment. While he gave up all the benefits, in the contrary, he maximize the benefits of Joe and the princess. It is really a great action.

3.3 Approbation Maxim in Roman Holiday

3.3.1 Observing Approbation Maxim

Approbation maxim is much workable when showing one’s emotion. Nobody can reject the sweet words. However, note to it that approbation must be made sincerely and honestly. Follows are the example of how approbation maxim works.


Mario delani: Oh! Finalmentez: there you are! Er, scusatmitanto. I

look for you long time--I think maybe you not come Ann: Oh, it's nice without, isn't it? Cool.

Mario delani: Oh, very, very good.

This is the dialogue between Mario delani, the barber, and the princess. When Mario delani cut hair for the princess, he invited her to attend the party. The moment he found that the princess was in the party, he expressed his desire to meet the princess and praise her. He complimented her directly and expressed his love for her. His words made the princess very delighted.

3.3.2 Non-observance of Approbation Maxim

However, sometimes people can’t help making some dispraising words especially when facing a dislike person. Moreover, when we are unhappy, we will behave rudely. Here is another example that violates the approbation maxim.

Hennessy: In view of the fact that you just left her, of course. But here it is, Mr. Bradley all over the front page of every

newspaper in Rome!

Joe: Alright, alright; I overslept. It can happen to anybody!

Hennessy: If you ever get up early enough to read a morning paper you might discover little news events --little items of

general interest. That might prevent you in the future

from getting immersed in such a gold-plated,

triple-decked, star-spangled lies as you have just told

me! If I was you, I would try some other line of

business--like mattress testing.

This dialogue happened in the morning Joe was late for work. His superior critized him and suggested him to try other line of business—like mattress testing. It suggested that Joe was late for work because of

oversleep, in other words, his superior thought that he was lazy. Hennessy violates PP because he was really angry at that moment. Joe made a long piece of lies before he told him the reason why he was late.

3.4 Modesty Maxim in Roman Holiday

3.4.1 Observing Modesty Maxim

In our daily communication, we can always hear some people praising themselves and dispraising others. The non-observance of the Modesty Maxim is called arrogance. Now let us see an example of observing the modesty maxim.


Hennessy: What do you care? you've got about as much chance of getting--.

Joe: I know, but if I did, how much would it be worth?

Hennessy: Oh, just a plain talk about world conditions, it might be worth two hundred and fifty. Her views on clothes of

course would be worth a lot more--maybe a thousand.

Joe: Dollars?

Hennessy: Dollars.

Joe: I'm talking about her views on everything:: 'The Private and Secret Longings of a Princess'; her innermost thoughts as

revealed to your own correspondent in a private, personal,

exclusive interview. Can't use it, huh? I didn't think you'd like


Joe found that the girl was the princess and he told his superior that he could get everything about the princess. Actually, he exaggerated his ability. He wanted to dispraise Hennessy and held down his courage. His words was unbelievable to Hennessy.

3.5 Agreement Maxim in Roman Holiday

3.5.1 Observing Agreement Maxim

In the daily communication, sometimes we require to agreee with what other says or admit the fact and what we have promised, this is observing the Agreement Maxim. Follows are the axample from Roman Holiday.


Ann: Have I been here all night...alone?

Joe: If you don't count me, yes.

Ann: So I've spent the night here--with you.

Joe: Oh, well, now, I- I don't know if I'd use those words exactly, but er, from a certain angle, yes.

When Ann tried to make sure that whether she had been alone all night, Joe said yes with a condition ” If you don’t count me”. He tried to made the princess feel comfortable by saying yes. Although the meaning remain the same, the result after the princess heard it.

3.6 Sympathy Maxim in Roman Holiday

3.6.1 Non-observance of Sympathy Maxim

In our daily life, there are always something unhappy or dispirited happens, we should show our kind heart and smpathy to others. Now, let’s look at a non-observance example in Roman Holiday.


Ann: That's alright, thank you; I can find the place. Thank you for letting me sleep in your bed.

Joe: Oh, that's alright; think nothing of it.

Ann: It was very considerate of you-- you must have been awfully uncomfortable on that couch.

Joe: No, no--do it all the time.

This conversation is between Ann and Joe. Ann said “It was very considerate of you-- you must have been awfully uncomfortable on that couch. ”in sympathy. She put herself to the Joe’s position and appreciated him very much..She was so kind that she never treat herself as a princess.

3.7 Clashes and T radeoffs Between Maxims in Roman


Sometimes in our conversations clashes between maxims is inevitable. while observing this maxim, it may breach another maxim. Now let’s look at an example that illustrates the clashes and tradeoffs between maxim in Roman Holiday.


Ann: It was very considerate of you-- you must have been

awfully uncomfortable on that couch.

Joe: No, no--do it all the time.

Ann woke up and found herself in Joe’s bed, so she thanked him. That time Joe faced the problem of observing the tact maxim or agreement maxim. In fact, Joe pushed Ann to the sofa the previous day and took her to his bed the following day after knowing Ann was the missing princess. At last, he chose to follow agreement principle and expressed his pleasure to let Ann to sleep on his bed.


Having studied Roman Holiday with the focus on the language used, this thesis finds it necessary and significant to study the politeness and interaction systematically from the perspective of pragmatics. A Pragmatic theory, Leech’s Politeness Principle is then elaborated.

Leech PP observes a set of rules which people are supposed to abide by in the ordinary conversation. But actually people often breach certain conversational maxims assumedly governing the conversational interaction. This is really interesting phenomenon in language study. The violation of the rules often generates some humor.

Case analysis is applied following the theory study. Some typical examples from Roman Holiday are selected under investigation. They are classified into different categories in accordance with different linguistic realizations of off-record strategies. They are all the employments of politeness of interaction.

Through this thesis, we can enjoy the elaboration created by the conversational politeness tactics in Roman Holiday. PP is so important in our conversation that we must study it deeply. we can better understand how to communicate politely and it clarifies the validity of taking pragmatic theory into text analysis.



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T able 2 1. Scarlett has got married with Charles, Franklin and Rhett, however during her three marriages, she never gives up her love for Ashley. She doesn’t realize that the man she really loves is not Ashley but Rhett until Melanie dies.

2. Melanie is Ashley's wife. A kind woman unable to turn away anyone who needs help, Melanie is well liked by a swath of society that ranges from community leaders to the local madam. Melanie foolishly sees Scarlett as a supportive sister-in-law and defends her at every opportunity. However Melanie dies later.

3. Charles is Melanie's brother and Scarlett's first husband. Ashley's sister, India is in love with him. A rash idealist who is instantly enamored of Scarlett, Charles is completely unaware of his wife's feelings for Ashley.

4. Franklin is Scarlett's second husband. A shy man whom Scarlett tricks into marrying her, Frank is truly in love with Scarlett's younger sister Suellen. Frank's marriage makes his life miserable.

5. Stuart and Brent Tarleton are Twin brothers. Two of Scarlett's many admirers, Stuart and Brent predict that the coming war will be short and glorious for the South. Later, they are included among the lists of the dead.


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研究出版社, 2001.

Wen Qiufang. English Pragmatics Research Methodology and Thesis Writin g[M]. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2001

语用学课程论文:Positive Politeness Strategies in Oral Communication

Positive Politeness Strategies in the Communication Theory Introduction In this paper, I would like to focus on the usage of the positive politeness strategies in oral communication. Then what is positive politeness strategies? To clear up the theory, we should take the terms, such as face, politeness theory into consideration. Politeness theory, which is developed by Levinson and Brown, is based on the concept that people have a social self-image and meanwhile, people consciously project and try to protect it. This sense of self-image is referred to as “face.” And the theory holds that people use various politeness strategies to protect the face of others. Under politeness theory, there is a positive and a negative face. Positive face is the need to be concerned, reflecting the desire to have one’s self-image accepted by others. While negative face is the need to be independent, reflecting the desire not to be imposed on by others. According to a person is dealing with another’s positive or negative face, the politeness strategies will differ, that is positive politeness strategies and negative politeness strategies. As to positive politeness strategies, it leads the requester to appeal to a common goal, and even friendship, by orienting to preserving the positive face of other people, briefly, it emphasizes the closeness between speaker and hearer in the communication. Using Positive Politeness Strategies in Oral Communication In order to make sense of what is said in communication, take my word for it, the positive politeness strategies should be given priority for its potential benefits. On one hand, the usage of positive politeness strategies is a good way to avoid being refused. To a great extent, the positive politeness strategies orients to preserving the positive face of the listener in the communication. Since the self-image of listener is concerned, he is likely willing to cooperate with the speaker, thus making the communication continuous. For example:


The Cooperative Principle of Pragmatics: An Analysis of the Verbal Humour in the Sitcom Home with Kids Since the language was born, the research of it has never interrupted. Humor is the spice of our lives, leave it the life will be boring. Pragmatics is a main branch of Linguistics, with the development of pragmatic theory, linguists and hobbyists from many angles analysis on verbal humor and achieved fruitful results.While cooperative principle, as one of the most important pragmatic principle, makes a systemic study about language use and lays a solid foundation for later development of pragmatics. The violation of cooperative principle can often generate conversational implicature or achieve certain communicative effects. On the basis of previous humour and pragmatic theory research, I will analysis from the point of the cooperative principle of those verbal humour dialogue in the sitcom "Home with Kids", which reflects the daily life of a rebuilt family and attracts many Chinese audiences by its creating writing, good acting as well as its wonderful transcripts. 1. Four Maxims of the Cooperative Principle In 1975, the language philosopher H. P. Grice published a seminal article entitled “The Cooperative Principle” which created quite a stir in the linguis tic world and generated a large number of linguistic publications that are built on Grice's postulates. According to Grice, in conversational exchange, people usually try to reach a common goal by mutual efforts or at least make the conversation develop in the direction of their expectation. To achieve this, people need to cooperate with each other. Grice' theory of the cooperative principle explains how it is possible for the speaker to convey more than what is literally said and foe the hearer to understand. The four maxims of CP are Quantity Maxim, Quality Maxim, Manner Maxim and Relation Maxim. The maxim of quantity has two sub-maxims that require the cooperative


31、《魂断蓝桥》 Oh Roy, you're alive! 战争终于过去,活下来的Roy满心欢喜地回到家乡,在火车站遇到了已沦入风尘的恋人Mara。男的是喜出望外、讲起话来喋喋不休;女的却只重复着那一句话“你还活着”: 32、《狮子王》 Yes, the past can hurt. But I think you can either run from it or learn from it. 对,过去是痛楚的,但我认为你要么可以逃避,要么可以向它学习。 33、《落跑的新娘》 "I guarantee that we'll have tough times. I guarantee that at some point one or both of us will want to get out. But I also guarantee that if I don't ask you to be mine, I'll regret it for the rest of my life. Because I know in my heart -- you're the only one for me." “我肯定我们会分开;我肯定我们一方离另一方而去,在一个人死后。但更我肯定,我现在若不求你留下来陪我,我会后悔一辈子。” 34、Roman Holiday《罗马假日》 J: Which of the cities that you visited did your Highness enjoy the most? A: Each in its own way was unforgettable. It would be difficult to ...Rome. By all means, Rome. I will cherish my visit here in memory, as long as I live!


“语用学”课程教学大纲 教研室主任:唐建萍执笔人:唐建萍 一、课程基本信息 开课单位:外国语学院 课程名称:语用学 课程编号:043103 英文名称:Pragmatics 课程类型:专业方向限选课 总学时:18 理论学时:18实验学时: 学分:1 开设专业:英语 先修课程:语言学导论 二、课程任务目标 (一)课程任务 语用学是英语专业语言学方向的一门专业限选课。本课程主要通过语用学中两个重要的概念,即“言语行为”和“语境”使学生掌握其相互作用和构成在话语交际中的核心作用,通过对语用学中指示、预设、言语行为理论、会话合作原则、话语逻辑等若干论题的研究,使学生可以从说话者和听话者的角度,知晓语言行为是受各种社会规约制约的行为,并可以运用社会规约结合语用知识去解释某些语言现象。让语言研究变成“语言—使用者—语境”这样一个三位一体的立体研究,对语言的认识从必然性跨越到自由性,从静态到动态,从单向分析向整体扩展,凝结出跨文化交际行为适合性的精髓。 (二)课程目标 在学完本课程之后,学生能够: 1. 区分语用学与语义学和其它相关学科在研究意义上的差别; 2. 在了解英语语言的基本特征以后,从语言使用的各种情况解释语言使用的意义、规 则和条件,从而以更高、更广的视角了解语言的特征; 3. 了解近二、三十年来语用学的发展、目前最新的研究动态及趋势,增强外语教学与

学习中的语用观念。 三、教学内容和要求 第一章引论 使学生了解语用学的起源和发展,并初步了解语用学中的几个基本概念及语用学同其它交叉学科的关系与学习意义 第一节语用学的起源及发展 第二节语用学的定义 第二章指示现象 使学生从语用角度了解指示词语的功能,脱离结构主义对指示词语的狭义理解,把话语和周围的世界联系起来。 第一节指示语的定义、分类和特点 第二节人称指示 第三节时间指示和空间指示 第四节语篇指示和社交指示 第三章语用预设 使学生了解预设、前提的定义及前提的反射问题。培养学生对话语命题进行逻辑切分的能力和逻辑推理能力 第一节前提的定义 第二节前提的种类 第三节前提的映射问题 第四节前提与蕴涵的关系 第四章会话含义(I):合作原则 要求学生掌握会话合作原则,并能应用到话语交际中,在话语轮回中动态的判断信息量,信息的真实性、相关性及谈话方式,发现话语的隐含意义 第一节合作原则的四项准则 第二节违反合作原则产生的语用效果 第三节隐含意义的定义及分类


2014-2015学年第一学期 语用学与英语教学课程考核 (研究报告) 题目:An analysis of Pragmatic Failure with Cross-cultural Communications 学号(准考证号):1230100054 姓名:焦凯丽 专业:英语(教法方向) 年级:2012级 学院:外国语学院 完成日期:2015年 1 月10日

Introduction The Cross-cultural Pragmatics is a relatively young linguistic branch compared with the Traditional Linguistics and Structural Modern Linguistics. It attaches great importance to the research of cross-cultural characteristics. And the cross-cultural pragmatic failure is a common phenomenon in cross-cultural communication process. This paper focus on the analyzing of different kinds of pragmatic failures in our cross-cultural communication, at the same time, giving reflections and feedbacks on our English learning and Language teaching. Being in the rapid developed century of our human society, we should heighten the awareness of appropriating use of pragmatic language in our cross-cultural communication.


华 中 师 范 大 学 本 科 生 课 程 论 文 论文题目 The Study of Speech Sound in Language 完成时间 2012.12 课程名称 现代语言学概论 专 业 辅修第二学位英语专业 年 级 2010英语第二学位辅修本科生 成 绩 评卷人 姓 名 学 号

The Study of Speech Sounds in Language I. Introduction Knowledge of a language includes that of the different components of the language: the morphemes,words,phrases,and sentences. It also includes knowing what sounds are in the language and how these sounds are put together to form meaningful units. Different terms can be found in describing the sound system of language. Traditional terminology puts phonetics and phonology at a paralleled level. In this terminology, phonetics is the study of separate speech sounds, while phonology is concerned with the system of combination of sounds. According to the terminology in some books, however, the study of speech sounds in a general way is termed as phonology. It is concerned with all the aspects of the speech sounds and sound systems of a language. Its subdivisions are phonemics. Phonetics deals with speech sounds in isolation, and phonemics studies the systems of speech sounds. To avoid confusion, the traditional terminology is adopted in this book. II. Analysis on ---- 2.1. Analysis of speech sounds The study of phonic medium of language in isolation is the level of phonetics, attempting to describes all the sounds that occur in human language. It’s mainly concerned with the production, transmission, and perception of the speech sounds. Analysis of speech sounds can be approached from the following 4 levels Level 1: anatomy and physiology----refers to speech organs and their functions Level 2: articulatory phonetics----studies how to produce speech sounds. Level 3: auditory phonetics---studies how the sounds are perceived by the hearer. Level4: acoustic phonetics----studies the way speech sounds are transmitted in the air(using spectrographs, analyze sound waves). 2. 2. Process of speech production and perception 2.2.1. Articulatory phonetics studies the sounds from the speaker’s point of view,how a speaker manipulates his speech organs to produce speech sounds. This branch is the longest established and the most highly developed. 2.2.2. Auditory phonetics studies the way listeners perceive the speech


第一章 1、什么是语用学?P14它探索的主要现象有哪些?P16主要有哪些理论?(莫里斯研究符号理论/奥斯汀和塞尔的言语行为理论/关联理论/格赖斯的会话含义理论/新格赖斯会话含义理论) 2、字面意义和语境意义有何区别?请举例说明?P17 3、语用学和语言学的其他分支学科是什么关系?P9 4、语用学有哪三类研究方法?P15 5、语用学的研究内容主要包括哪些方面?P15-16 第二章 1、什么是语境?P22 2、波兰籍人类语言学家马林诺夫斯把语境分为哪两类?P18 3、“伦敦学派”的创始人弗思提出了什么语境理论?P18-19 4、索振羽主张语境要研究哪些内容?P23 5、研究语境有何理论意义和实用意义?P37-38 第三章 1、英语“deixis“有哪些汉译?应该翻译成什么比较确切?P39 2、什么是指示语和指示信息?P39 3、指示语包括哪些主要类别?各类指示语在话语中传达什么样的指示信息?P42-53 ①人称指示语P43 ②时间指示语P45 ③地点指示语P47 ④话语指示语P48 ⑤社交指示语P51 4、举例说明是地点指示语的手势用法。P47 5、为什么说“我们”这一第一人称指示语也具有社交指示语的双重交际功能?举例以说明。 “我们”:人称指示语、社交指示语 语用移情的社交指示功能,缩短主持人和听众之间在现时语境中的社交距离,改善社交关系,有利于推进言语交际, 例:①我们是学生,我们的主要任务是学习。 语用功能:批评、劝诫,移情,从学生角度出发,提高该话语的可接受性与劝说力 ②我们认为,语用学与社会语言学之间存在很多交叉现象。 语用功能:仅指作者本人,不包括读者在内的其他人,与读者商榷的语气,表明谦虚,有助于提高其所指内容的可接受性、认同性。 6、举例说明“来”和“去”的内在指示意义。P48-49 7、照应和指别有何区别?P53 8、举例说明第三人称代词既有照应功能,又有指别功能。 如:①我和杨老师是好朋友,我们志趣相投.②你和汤姆是同屋,你们应该互相帮助。例①中的第一人称代词“我们”和例②中的第二人称代词“你们”都有照应功能。既起照应功能,又起指别功能。③她乖得很,是我们么儿。例③是一个给她邻居介绍自己的宠物狗的年轻女人说的话,这里的“她”起的是纯粹的指别功能。 第四章 1、什么叫会话含义?P54为什么要研究会话含义? 是由美国语言哲学家格赖斯(H.P.Grice)首先提出来的,是语用学的核心内容,在言语交际中起着非常重要的作用。 交际中,很多信息不是直接传递的。说话人通过某一话语传递的语用信息并非等于该话语的字面意义或语义组合。听话人根据相关语境因素进行推理,获取字面意义以外的交际信息(隐含的语用信息,言外之意)。这种字面以外的信息就是一种隐含的语用信息,简称“含意”。它是一种言外之意、弦外之音。在言语交际中,类似的字面意义或语义意义以外的隐含信息就是我们要讨论的会话中的含义,即会话含义,也就是语用含义。本质上是一种关于人们如何运用语言的理论,不是从语言系统内部(语音、语法、语义等)去研究语言本身表达的意义,而是依据语境研究话语的真正含义,解释话语的言外之意。会话含义关注的不是说话人说了些什么,而是说话人说这句话可能意味着什么。

语用学 莱文逊 读书笔记

《语用学》读书笔记 法1401 赵涵 1404000116 莱文逊(Levinson)所著的《语用学》一书,由英国剑桥大学1983年出版,是英国剑桥大学出版社语言学教材系列中的一种。它是第一本比较全面地对语用学这一领域作出阐述的教科书和专著。这本书的价值除出版早外,更重要的是因为它写得好。作者对语用学研究的几个最基本、最重要的题目作了比较全面的归纳和比较深人的论述。 本书的第一章是导论,介绍了语用学的研究范围。作者在这一章里谈到了语用研究的起源、它的实质、它和语言学研究尤其是和语义学研究的关系等等。读者期待在这一章里能看到语用学的定义,但在这一节的开头,莱文逊却说道“给语用学下一个定义决非易事,我们将探讨一系列可能的定义,其中的每一种至多勾画出这一领域可能的研究范围。”直到这一章的结束,莱文逊确实没有给出一个语用学的定义,他只是对一系列可能的定义作了讨论。但我认为这样的讨论十分有益,这是十分值得细细一读的一节,读一下他对各种可能的定义发表的高见,远比仅仅看到一个很宽泛的定义有帮助。在对各种可能的定义进行讨论的过程中,莱文逊涉及到了语言学和语用学研究中一系列基本概念,基本范畴,和一些重要关系,例如语言的功能观、语境、语言和语境的关系及其语法化等等。其中特别值得注意的是对“语用学是对语义理论未能包含的那些意义侧面的研究”这一定义的讨论。莱文逊还谈到了语用研究和语义研究的关联和差别,谈到了句子和话语的区别,诸如格莱斯(Grice)的自然意义和非自然意义,句子意义和话语意义等各种类型的意义,以及相互知识在意义理解中的作用,所有这一些概念和关系十分有利于加深对语用和意义的理解。 第二章《指示》是在导论之后进行讨论的和话题,莱文逊把指示作为第一个题目的理由很明确同时也很充分:“语言和语境的关系通过指示这一现象在语言结构得到反映;”在已出版的多种语用学专著和教材中,大多数作者都把指示列为第一章或第一个论题,这是有道理的。指示这一现象是使语言哲学家和传统的语义学家感到头痛的问题,因为只从真实值这个角度无法解释指示词语的意义,指示词项的“编码”和“解码”都得依赖语言使用的语境,而语境正是语用研究的基础。传统对指示的研究包括人称指示、时间指示和空间指示三种,莱文逊在此基础上又加了篇章指示和社会指示两种。对各种指示的论述莱文逊大体上是对莱昂斯(Lyons)和菲尔莫(Fillmore)七十年代初有关指示的论文和专著中有关章节的综述,书中提到的“手势型指示”、“象征型指示”、“编码时间”、“解码时间”等概念均借自菲尔莫七十年代初所作的一系列关于指示的讲座。 在谈到指示时,重要的是对指示这一现象的语用性质的认识,然后才是对指示词语的意义的语用解释,在这个过程中有趣的是我们常常会遇到一些指示词语,尽管它们的意义是由语用决定的,如“来、去”之类,但在使用过程中却常常会出现语用反常的情况,如“我马上就来”这样的话,而这样的语用反常的情况则又只能从语用的角度加以解释。在人们充分认识到指示的语用本质,并从语用的角度对指示进行解释之前,指示这一现象和指示词语的使用和理解通常被作为篇章内部的语法—语义关系来解释,也就是认为


浅析语用学 指示是指利用语言进行指点或标示。语言中存在这一语言现象充分说明了语言和使用语言之间的语境之间的密切关系。指示语作为语用学研究的一个重要课题,一直受到语言学家们的重视。本文将着重从语用学中的指示语角度来分析在对外汉语教学中的造成学生学习汉语语用失误的原因。 一、语用学基本概念 顾名思义,语用学(pragmatics)就是关于语言使用的实用学。简言之,语用学就是研究话语在使用中的语境意义,或话语在特定语境条件下的交际意义,包括意义的产生与理解,也包括交际中语言形式或策略的恰当选择与使用。(冉永平,2006.) 二、语用学中的指示语 何自然先生认为:“我们把表示语言指示信息的词语称为指示语,归入语用学的范畴,因为指示语是一些不能单用语义学的真假条件衡量的词语,它们的意义只有结合语境才可能得到正确的解释”。指示(dexis)这一术语来自希腊语,它的意思是利用语言进行指点或标示。指示语可以分为五类,分别是人称指示语、时间指示语、地点指示语、话语指示语和社交指示语。 三、对外汉语教学中语用学之指示语 历来的对外汉语教学,内容基本上只包括语音、词汇、语法等语言项目。但通过实际教学,我们发现,外国人在掌握以上汉语基本语言项目后仍然出现话语不当的现象。这就要求我们在研究汉语语音、词汇、语法的同时,还要研究汉语的语用。而语用学之指示语应该是我们研究的一个重要内容。 1、对外汉语教学中指示语的影响 外国人学习汉语在语用方面的失误不是因违反语法规则或用词不当而引起的,而是在指示语上没有很好理解汉语的不同才导致出现语法正确但语用错误的现象。这些指示语不同的使用就体现了在使用汉语语言形式或词语时因思维方式和习惯的不同或观察事物的角度、范围有差异。根据指示语的性质,指示语的使用有两个必不可少的阶段:先要确定以言语行为中的哪一要素为参照点,下面从人称指示、时间指示、地点指示三个方面举例加以说明。


《罗马假日》(Roman Holiday)是1953年由美国派拉蒙公司拍摄的浪漫爱情片,故事讲述了一位欧洲某公国的公主与一个美国记者之间在意大利罗马一天之内 发生的浪漫故事。影片由格利高里·派克和奥黛丽·赫本联袂主演,取得了巨大的成功,成为好莱坞黑白电影的经典之作。奥黛丽·赫本也因该片获得了她一生最重要的奖项——奥斯卡最佳女主角奖。电影上映后,片名成为很多商号争抢的名字,也有用罗马假日作为品牌的摩托车。 Joe Bradley: You should always wear my clothes. 乔·布拉德雷:你应该一直穿着我的衣服。 Princess Ann: It seems I do. 安娜公主:看起来我就是这么做的。 Princess Ann: I hate this nightgown. I hate all my nightgowns, and I hate all my underwear too. 安娜公主:我讨厌这件睡裙。我讨厌我的所有的睡裙,并且讨厌我的所有的内衣裤。 Countess: My dear, you have lovely things. 女伯爵:亲爱的,你有一些可爱的东西。 Princess Ann: But I'm not two hundred years old. Why can't I sleep in pajamas? 安娜公主:但我不是两百岁了。为什么我不能穿着宽长裤睡觉呢? Countess: Pajamas? 女伯爵:宽长裤? Princess Ann: Just the top part. Did you know that there are people who sleep with absolutely nothing on at all? 安娜公主:就是上面的部分。你知道有些人睡觉没有穿任何东西。 Countess: I rejoice to say I do not. 女伯爵:我很高兴地说我不是这样的。 Reporter: And what, in the opinion of Your Highness, is the outlook for friendship among nations? 记者:那么,以殿下的观点来评价,两国之间的前景如何呢? Princess Ann: I have every faith in it... as I have faith in relations between people. 安娜公主:我对此非常有信心…正如我坚信两国人民之间的友谊。 Joe Bradley: May I say, speaking for my own... press service: we believe Your Highness's faith will not be unjustified. 乔·布拉德雷:我可以说吗,为我自己…的报社说说:我们殿下的信仰是勿庸置疑的。 Princess Ann: I am so glad to hear you say it. 安娜公主:我很高兴听到你能这么说。 Another reporter: Which of the cities visited did Your Highness enjoy the most? 另一个记者:访问的城市当中,殿下最喜欢哪一个呢? General Provno: [prompting] Each, in its own way... 将军普若夫诺:(提示)每一个,都有它独特之处…


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本科生课程论文 论文题目 Pragmatic Analysis on expressions Chinese and English ------- From thePerspective of Deixis 完成时间 课程名称《语用与交际》 授课教师__________________ 专业 年级

Pragmatic Analysis on expressions Chinese and English ------- From the Perspective of Deixis 摘要:指示语是语言中最基本的要素,也是日常生活里使用频率较多的语言慨念。本文拟从对比语言学的观点出发,对英汉两种语言中的指示语进行对比和分析,从中找出它们之间的一致性和分歧性,其目的是提高对英汉两种语言的认知能力和应用能力。 关键词:英汉;指示语;对比;分析 Abstract:Deixis is the most basic elements of the language, but also the frequency of use in everyday life are more generous concept of language. This paper from the viewpoint of comparative linguistics, on the instructions in both English and Chinese language for comparison and analysis, to find out the consistency and differences between them, and its purpose is to improve the cognitive abilities of both English and Chinese and application. Key words: English and Chinese; deixis; comparison; analysis I Introduction Deixis appears to be a universal component of human communication, linking utterances to the context in which they are used. It is highly context-dependent. The strong context-dependency nature of deixis constantly reminds us of the fact that natural languages are primarily invented for use in face-to-face exchange.And deixis belongs to pragmatic study since it reveals a very close relationship between language and context and non-linguistic context). The understanding of indexical expressions relies on the utterance context. In linguistics, deixis refers to the phenomenon wherein understanding the meaning of certain words and phrases in an utterance requires contextual information. Words are deictic if their semantic meaning is fixed but their denotational meaning varies depending on time and place. Words or phrases that require contextual information to convey any meaning,for example, English pronouns are deictic. Deixis is closely related to both indexicality and anaphora, as will be further explained below. Although this article deals primarily with deixis in spoken language, the concepts can apply to written language, gestures, and communication media as well. While this


20部经典英文电影对白, 哪个最经典? 20部经典英文电影对白, 哪个最经典? 每部电影都有让人难忘的经典对白,下列对白哪个是您最欣赏的呢? 1.《乱世佳人》 Tomorrow is another day. 2.《泰坦尼克号》 Jack: "You must do me this honor... promise me you will survive... that you will never give up... no matter what happens... no matter how hopeless... promise me now, and never let go o f that promise. 3.《007系列》 "Bond. James Bond." 4.《阿甘正传》 Momma always said: "Life is like a box of chocolates, Forrest. You never know what you're go nna get." Mother: It's my time. It's just my time. Oh, now, don't you be afraid sweetheart. Death is j ust a part of life, something we're all destined to do. I didn't know it. But I was destined to be your momma. I did the best I could. Jenny: Are you stupid or something? Forrest: Momma says that stupid is as stupid does. 5.《终结者》 "I'll be back!" 6.《英国病人》 We die, we die rich with lovers and tribes, tastes we have swallowed, bodies we have entered and swum up like rivers, fears we have hidden in like this wretched cave. I want all this m arked on my body. We are the real countries, not the boundaries drawn on maps with names of powerful men. I know you will come and carry me out into the palace of winds, that's all I'v e wanted- to walk in such a place with you, with friends, on the earth without maps. 7.《空军一号》 “My family first” 8.《罗马假日》 I have to leave you now. I'm going to that corner there,and turn. You stay in car and drive away. Promise not to watch me go beyond the corner. Just drive away and leave me as I leave you. Well, life isn't always what one likes, isn't it? 9.《绿野仙踪》 "There's no place like home." 10.《卡萨布兰卡》 Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world,she walks into mine.
