


Part 1: Personal Information

Examiner: Can you please introduce yourself briefly?

Test Taker: Sure. My name is [Your Name] and I'm from [Your City], [Your Country]. I'm currently a student at [Your University] studying [Your Major]. In my free time, I enjoy [Your Hobbies] and spending time with my friends and family.

Examiner: That sounds interesting. Now, let's move on to the next question. How do you usually spend your weekends?

Test Taker: On weekends, I like to relax and unwind after a busy week of studying. I usually hang out with my friends, go to the movies, or explore new cafes and restaurants in the city. Sometimes, I also enjoy taking day trips to nearby attractions or going hiking in nature.

Examiner: Great. Now, let's talk about your favorite holiday. What is your favorite holiday and why?

Test Taker: My favorite holiday is Christmas. I love the festive atmosphere and spending time with my family. It's a time when we all come together, exchange gifts, and enjoy delicious meals. I also love the decorations and lighting that create a magical ambiance during Christmas.

Examiner: That sounds wonderful. Now, let's move on to the next question. Do you prefer to work alone or in a team?

Test Taker: Personally, I enjoy working in a team. I believe that teamwork brings different perspectives and allows for more creative solutions. It also helps in improving communication and collaboration skills. However, I do appreciate the importance of individual work as well, especially when it comes to focused tasks that require concentration.

Examiner: I understand. Now, let's move on to the next part.

Part 2: Describe an Important Decision You Have Made

Examiner: Please describe an important decision you have made and explain why it was important.

Test Taker: One important decision I made was to study abroad for a semester. It was a big step for me as it meant leaving my comfort zone and immersing myself in a completely new culture and environment. However, I believed that this experience would broaden my horizons, enhance my language skills, and provide me with valuable life experiences. It turned out to be one of the best decisions I have ever made, as it allowed me to grow personally and academically.

Examiner: That sounds like a significant decision. Can you explain how this decision has impacted your life?

Test Taker: Studying abroad not only improved my language skills but also helped me develop a greater sense of independence and adaptability. I learned to navigate new situations, make new friends from different backgrounds, and appreciate diverse perspectives. This experience also enhanced my professional prospects, as employers value international

experience and cultural awareness. Overall, studying abroad has shaped me into a more confident and open-minded individual.

Examiner: That's impressive. Now, let's move on to the next part.

Part 3: Discussing Social Issues

Examiner: In your opinion, what are the benefits of volunteering?

Test Taker: Volunteering provides numerous benefits. Firstly, it allows individuals to give back to the community and make a positive impact on the lives of others. It also offers personal growth and development opportunities by enhancing empathy, compassion, and interpersonal skills. Moreover, volunteering can broaden one's horizons, expose them to new experiences, and create a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction.

Examiner: Those are indeed valuable benefits. Now, let's discuss the impact of social media on society. What are your thoughts on this?

Test Taker: Social media has undoubtedly transformed the way we communicate and access information. On one hand, it has connected people from all around the world, allowing for easy and instant communication. It has also given individuals a platform to express themselves, share their opinions, and raise awareness about various social issues. However, social media can also have negative effects, such as addiction, cyberbullying, and a distorted sense of reality. It is crucial for users to be mindful of their online behavior and practice responsible use of social media.

Examiner: Well said. Now, let's move on to the next question.

Part 4: Expressing Opinions

Examiner: Do you think it's important for young people to travel?

Test Taker: Absolutely. Traveling allows young people to gain new perspectives, experience different cultures, and broaden their horizons. It promotes cultural understanding, tolerance, and empathy. Additionally, it offers opportunities for personal growth, independence, and self-discovery. Traveling also helps young people develop important life skills, such as problem-solving, adaptability, and communication. Overall, it plays a crucial role in shaping well-rounded individuals.

Examiner: I completely agree. Now, let's move on to the final question. What can individuals do to reduce their carbon footprint?

Test Taker: Individuals can take several steps to reduce their carbon footprint. Firstly, they can reduce energy consumption by turning off lights and electronics when not in use, using energy-efficient appliances, and opting for renewable energy sources whenever possible. Secondly, they can reduce waste by practicing recycling and composting, using reusable products, and avoiding single-use plastics. Lastly, individuals can choose sustainable transportation options, such as walking, cycling, or using public transportation, instead of relying on private vehicles. These small actions, when practiced collectively, can make a significant positive impact on the environment.

Examiner: That's a great way to approach the issue. Thank you for your insightful responses. This concludes the speaking test.

Test Taker: Thank you. It was a pleasure participating in the test.


2023年6月大学生英语四级真题试卷及详细答案(三套) 前言 2023年6月的大学生英语四级考试即将到来,为了帮助广大考生更好地备战,本文提供了三套2023年6月大学生英语四级真题试卷及详细答案。希望本文可以对考生们的备考提供一定的帮助。 试卷一 第一部分:听力理解(共25小题) 听力理解部分包含了五个听力材料,每个材料后面有五个 问题。请考生根据所听到的内容选择正确的答案。 第二部分:阅读理解(共20小题) 阅读理解部分包含了四篇文章,每篇文章后面有五个问题。请考生根据文章内容选择正确的答案。 第三部分:完型填空(共15小题) 完型填空部分包含了一篇短文,短文中有15个空格。请考生根据上下文选择合适的词语填入空格处。

辨析词义部分包含了10个句子,每个句子中都有一个加下划线的单词,考生需要根据句子的上下文选择最合适的词义。 第五部分:写作(共两个任务) 写作部分包含了两个任务,第一个任务是写一篇关于城市交通问题的短文,第二个任务是根据一幅图画写一篇短文。 试卷二 第一部分:听力理解(共25小题) … 试卷三 第一部分:听力理解(共25小题) … 第二部分:阅读理解(共20小题) …

… 第四部分:辨析词义(共10小题)… 第五部分:写作(共两个任务) … 答案及解析 试卷一答案及解析 听力理解 1.B 2.C 3.A 4.B 5. C …

阅读理解 1.A 2.D 3.B 4.C 5. A …完型填空 1.C 2.A 3.B 4.D 5. C …辨析词义 1.B 2.A 3.C

4.D 5. B … 写作 任务一:城市交通问题的短文 (此处省略正文) 任务二:根据一幅图画写一篇短文 (此处省略正文) 试卷二答案及解析 … 试卷三答案及解析 … 注意:本文只是提供了试卷的框架和部分内容,实际的试卷内容和答案需要参考真实的2023年6月大学生英语四级考试。希望本文可以帮助考生们更好地备考,祝大家顺利通过考试!


历年英语四级口语考试真题及解析汇总 英语四六级是大学生必考的证书之一,口语考试虽然是自愿报名的,如果有能力最好去试一下。下面是小编整理的历年英语四级口语考试真题及解析汇总,欢迎大家阅读分享借鉴。 历年英语四级口语考试真题 失物招领 本场个人陈述的主题为“失物招领”,生活中我们有时会无意中捡到其他人丢失的东西,此时应该想办法找到失主。那么接下来,我们来看一下就“失物招领”这一主题展开的一些常用的表述:Lost and Found In our daily life, we may have experiences of picking up others’ things, for example, finding a book without the owner’s name on it in the classroom, and at that time, we certainly intend to find and contact the owners to return the things. And a Lost and Found Notice will be needed. When we write the notice, we should pay attention to the followings. First, if you are writing a paper version, please avoid polluting the environment. So you cannot attach the papers here and there, instead of which you can find the special bulletin board for it. And I suggest that you can just create the notice on social mediums such as the Moments of Wechat and ask your friends to forward for you. Since the notice will be forwarded by many people, the owner can probably see it and contact with you. Second, we should write clearly the places we found the lost thing and our own contact information, then the owner can affirm if it is his or hers and contact with us directly. Certainly, when there is someone contacting with you ,just be careful and ask some details to prevent giving the lost thing to a wrong person. 公众演讲


Part 1 (5 minutes) Examiner: Good morning (Good afternoon), everybody. Could you please tell me your name and the number of your admission ticket? Your name, please. And your number? … Your name? … And your number? ... Thank you. Now would you please briefly introduce yourselves to each other? Remember, you should not mention the name of your university. (1.5 minutes) OK, now that we know each other we can do some group work. First of all, I’d like to ask each of you to say something about life in the city. [ C1, C2, C3 ] 1) How do you like living in Beijing ( Shanghai , Nanjing …)? 2) What do you think is the most serious challenge of living in a city like Beijing ( Shanghai , Nanjing …)? 3) How do you like shopping in a supermarket? 4) Where would you like to live, downtown or in the suburbs, and why? 5) What measures do you think we should take to reduce air pollution in Beijing ( Shanghai , Nanjing …)? 6) Can you say something about the entertainment available in your city? 7) Where would you like to find a job after graduation, in a big city like Beijing or Shanghai or in a small town and why? 8) What’s your impression of the people in Beijing ( Shanghai , Nanjing …)? Part 2 (10 minutes) Examiner: Now let’s m ove on to something more specific. The topic for our discussion today is “City Traffic”. You’ll have a picture (some pictures) showing two different types of transport. I’d like each of you to give a brief description of each type and then compare the two types. You’ll have one minute to prepare and each of you will have one and a half minutes to talk about the picture(s). Don’t worry if I interrupt you at the end of the time limit. Now here are your pictures. [1 minute later] Now, [ C1 ], would you please start first? [ C2 ] and [ C3 ], please put your pictures aside and listen to what [ C1 ] has to say. [1.5 minutes later] OK. [ C2 ], now it’s your turn. [1.5 minutes later] OK, [ C3 ], and now it’s your turn. Right. Now we all have some idea of v arious kinds of city transport. I’d like you to discuss this topic further and see if you can agree on which is the best type of transport for a big city like Beijing ( Shanghai , Nanjing …). During the discussion you may argue with each other or ask each other questions to clarify


2023下半年英语四六级考试内容(一览)2023下半年英语四六级考试内容(一览) 2023四六级考试分为听力、阅读、写作和翻译四个部分,每个部分有不同的题型和难度。具体如下: 听力:四六级听力部分共有25道题,分为短对话、长对话、短文理解和复合式听写四个小节。每个小节有不同的题型和要求,如选择题、填空题和简答题等。听力部分占总分的25%。 阅读:四六级阅读部分共有20道题,分为快速阅读、仔细阅读和阅读理解三个小节。每个小节有不同的题型和要求,如选择题、填空题和简答题等。阅读部分占总分的30%。 写作:四六级写作部分共有1道题,要求写一篇150-200字的英语短文。写作部分占总分的15%。 翻译:四六级翻译部分共有2道题,要求将一段英语翻译成汉语,或将一段汉语翻译成英语。翻译部分占总分的30%。 四六级考试流程是什么 四六级考试时间分配 我们先来回顾一下四六级的官方时间分配:写作30分钟,听力30分钟(四级25分钟),阅读40分钟,翻译30分钟。不少同学会忽略这个时间安排,认为考试一共130分钟左右,作文可以用10分钟写完,写作部分剩下的20分钟可以省下来做阅读。但是走上考场,你就会发现,四六级考试的第一项就是写作。并且写作的30分钟里,只能写作文,不可以翻看试卷,也就没有办法做写作以外

的题目。因此,四六级考试中,你能自由支配的时间只有阅读和翻译的70分钟。很多第一次考试的同学,不知道考试流程的安排,在平时练习时把阅读翻译的做题时间自行拉长,导致在考场上时间紧张,根本无法做完试卷上的全部题目。 因此,在备考阶段,不仅要严格按照考试时间,还要严格按照考试流程练习答题。 四级考试流程 9:00——9:10 阅读考场注意事项,发放考卷,贴条形码 9:10——9:40 作文考试 9:40——10:05 听力测试 10:05——10:10考试暂停5分钟,收答题卡一(即作文和听力) 10:10—11:20 完成阅读及翻译 六级考试流程 15:00——15:10 阅读考场注意事项,发放考卷,贴条形码 15:10——15:40 作文考试 15:40——16:10 听力测试 16:10——16:15 考试暂停5分钟,收答题卡一(即作文和听力) 16:15——17:25 完成阅读及翻译 既然写作和听力的时间都是固定的,只有阅读和翻译的70分钟可以自由安排,那么面对时间短题量大的情况,阅读和翻译到底该如何分配时间呢?新东方在线四六级考前冲刺班的答题技巧中,提供了四六级阅读和翻译各题型的做题时间规划。


2023年四六级口语真题 四级口语真题: Part 1: Personal Information Examiner: Can you please introduce yourself briefly? Test Taker: Sure. My name is [Your Name] and I'm from [Your City], [Your Country]. I'm currently a student at [Your University] studying [Your Major]. In my free time, I enjoy [Your Hobbies] and spending time with my friends and family. Examiner: That sounds interesting. Now, let's move on to the next question. How do you usually spend your weekends? Test Taker: On weekends, I like to relax and unwind after a busy week of studying. I usually hang out with my friends, go to the movies, or explore new cafes and restaurants in the city. Sometimes, I also enjoy taking day trips to nearby attractions or going hiking in nature. Examiner: Great. Now, let's talk about your favorite holiday. What is your favorite holiday and why? Test Taker: My favorite holiday is Christmas. I love the festive atmosphere and spending time with my family. It's a time when we all come together, exchange gifts, and enjoy delicious meals. I also love the decorations and lighting that create a magical ambiance during Christmas. Examiner: That sounds wonderful. Now, let's move on to the next question. Do you prefer to work alone or in a team?


四六级口语真题答案解析 在备考英语四六级口语考试时,许多考生都会寻求真题的解析来更好地了解考试要求和提高口语表达能力。本文将对四六级口语真题进行解析,帮助考生们更好地备考。 一、关于真题解析的重要性 了解真题的解析对于备考四六级口语考试至关重要。通过对真题进行解析,考生们可以更全面地了解考试要求和评分标准,有针对性地进行备考。此外,真题解析还能帮助考生们分析自己在表达和思维逻辑上的不足之处,提高口语能力。 二、解析真题的方法和技巧 1. 阅读并理解问题 在答题前,首先要认真阅读问题,确保自己对问题的理解是准确的。有时候,问题可能会包含一些隐含的信息,考生们要善于发现并理解其中的关键词,以便能够准确回答问题。 2. 组织答案的结构 一个好的答案,无论是在内容上还是在结构上,都应该具备清晰有条理的特点。考生们可以通过组织答案的结构来提高答题的质量。可以采取时间顺序、因果关系或者对比对立等方式将答案分为不同的部分,并确保每一部分都有清晰的开头和结尾。 3. 使用适当的语言表达

在口语考试中,使用正确而丰富的词汇和句型对于得高分是非常重要的。考生们应该尽量避免使用太过简单和重复的单词和句子,可以通过使用同义词、近义词或者比较级等方式来增加句子的多样性。此外,适当使用口语化的表达方式也能给人留下深刻的印象。 4. 引入个人观点和例子 在回答问题时,考生们可以结合自己的观点和实际例子,使得答案更具有个性和说服力。个人观点可以加强答案的连贯性和逻辑性,而例子则可以更好地支撑和说明观点。但需要注意的是,个人观点和例子要与问题相关,避免离题。 三、真题举例及解析 1. Do you agree or disagree with the statement "It's better to attend a live performance than to watch it on TV"? 解析:在回答这个问题时,考生可以从不同的角度进行解析。观点可以是肯定的,也可以是否定的。如果同意这个观点,可以列举一些如交流、沉浸式体验、现场氛围等方面的优势。相反,如果反对这个观点,可以着重强调电视直播的便利性以及能够提供更好的视觉效果。 2. Describe a time when you received excellent service from a company or a store. 解析:在回答这个问题时,考生可以选择举一个真实的例子,详细描述该次服务经历。可以从服务人员亲切、专业等方面入手,如描述工作人员主动帮助、给予合理建议、提供额外的服务等。此外,还可以强调这个良好的服务体验对你的印象以及对该公司或店铺的回头


期末口语测试 第一部分:样题及详解 一、自我简介 涵盖自己旳专业简介,家乡特色,个人爱好,生活态度等 二、短文朗诵 Task 1 Read Aloud (preparation time: 45 seconds; response time: 1 min) Many people would list San Francisco as one of the most delightful cities in the world. Sitting on the Pacific coast, it gives you a feeling of the sea. The sea breezes wake you up and make you eat well and sleep well. The city was planned with straight roads, and these roads cross each other at right angles, making squares as they do in many American cities. Very often you can find yourself on top of a hill in the city, looking down one of these straight roads as it rises and falls on its journey through the town. A good way to travel these roads is by cable car. These are buses that run on rails in the ground up and down the steep hills. 三、简短问答Question and Answer Question 1: what would many people think of San Francisco according to the passage? (20 seconds) Question 2: which city in China do you like most? And why? (response time: 20 seconds) 四、个人陈说 Individual presentation: (preparation time” 45 seconds; response time: 1 min) 看图说话:古树严禁登攀


全国英语专业四级口语考试仍然采用录音口试,将于笔试一至二周后举行。根据大纲规定,口试内容将分解为三项: (1)复述故事(听两遍故事后复述3分种); (2)即席发言(根据所给旳题目准备3分钟后,作即席发言3分钟); (3)对话(根据规定旳角色各自准备3分钟后,对话4分钟)。 2023年 Task1: Retelling a story ①I once knew an old man whose bad memory made him famous. John Smith was so forgetful that he sometimes forget what he was talking about in the middle of a sentence. His wife had to constantly remind him about his meetings, his classes –even his meals! ②Once he forgot he had eaten breakfast twice, at home and at school. His wife liked to remind her neighbors, “If John didn’t have his head tied on. He would forget that too!” ③Since Smith was a professor at a well-known university, his forgetfulness was often an embarrassment. It wasn’t that he was not clever, as some critical people tended to say, but just very, very absent-minded. ④One hot summer day, Professor Smith decided to take his children to a seaside town about a three-hour train ride away. To make the trip more interesting for his young children, he kept the name of the town a secret. ⑤However, by the time they arrived at the station, Smith forgot the name of the town he was planning to visit. Luckily, a friend of his happened to be in the station. He offered to


2023年英语四六级试卷构成及分 值 英语四六级试卷构成及分值 全国大学生四六级英语考试题目分为四部分,分别是四六级写作、听力、阅读理解、翻译。四六级考试总分为710分,具体的结构组成是: 四六级考试第一步就是要进行三十分钟的写作,内容是短文写作。四六级不同于普通的英语考试在于,写作是要第一步写的,三十分钟后老师收取四六级写作答题卡才能进行后面部分的四六级考试。写作占总分分值为15%即106.5分。 第二部分就是进行25分钟的四六级听力理解考试,分值总比为35%即248.5分,组成成分是短篇新闻七个选项题(分值7%)、长对话八个选择题(分值8%)、听力篇章10个选择题(分值20%)。 第三部分就是进行40分值的四六级阅读理解考试,分值总比也是为35%即248.5分,阅读第一道就是词汇理解,也是大家熟悉的选词填空,总共10个空,占比分值5%。接下来就是四六级长篇阅读测试的类型是阅读理解段落,匹配相应意思。10个选择,分值10%。最后就是四六级仔细阅读,题目数量10个,分值20%。 第四部分就是四六级翻译了。看中文段落进行汉译英,只有1个段落,分值为15%即106.5分。 英语四六级多少分算通过

四六级425分算过。大学英语四、六级改革之后,满分为710分,凡考试成绩在220分以上的考生,由国家教育部高教司委托"全国大学英语四六级考试委员会”颁发成绩单,不设及格线。 因大学英语四、六级曾规定"英语四级成绩达到425分以上(含425分)者,可以报考英语六级”,所以,一般默认大学英语四六级的合格线为425分。 一般来说考试正确率达到60%就算合格,比如英语四六级的总分都是710分,按照正确率达到60%才算合格的话,英语四六级的合格分数应为426分,但通常考到425分(含425分)以上就算是合格了。 四六级各部分分值是多少 一、英语四六级作文 说明:四六级写作部分占整套试卷的15%=106.5分 在这部分你要达到63.9分为及格。 时间:30分钟 二、英语四六级听力部分=248.5分 四六级听力部分占整套试题的35%,除听力篇章外每个题都是7.1分。 1、短篇新闻7%共7小题,每小题7.1分。 2、长对话8%8个题目每小题7.1分。 3、听力篇章20%共10个小题,每小题14.2分。


2023下半年山东英语四六级考试时间及科 目(笔试+口试) 2023下半年山东英语四六级考试时间及科目 一.口试考试时间 11月18日:山东英语四级口语考试(CET-SET4)。 11月19日:山东英语六级口语考试(CET-SET6)。 二.笔试考试时间 CET4考试内容 CET6考试内容 英语四六级口语考什么内容 四级口语考试内容: 热身环节、短文朗读、简答、个人陈述、两人互动。 其中热身环节就是自我介绍20秒,这关系到你给老师的第一印象。短文朗读部分给大家45秒准备时间,然后用1分钟朗读大概120词的*。 简答部分是需要大家回答两个大约20秒的问题,第一个问题来自于*,第二个问题与*所讨论的话题相关。个人陈述部分给大家45秒准备,60秒陈述。 最后就是两人互动环节,1分钟准备,3分钟讨论。 六级口语考试内容:

热身环节、问答部分、个人陈述、两人互动。热身环节与四级相同。问答部分是需要回答考官一个问题,回答时间30秒。 个人陈述环节第一个任务给每位考生60秒准备,说1分30秒(两位考生依次进行);第二个任务是两人讨论3分钟,无准备时间。两人互动环节无准备时间,回答考官一个问题,回答时间45秒。 任务3和任务1无本质差别,都属于问答。 英语四六级口语建议考吗 英语四六级口语考试不是必须强制考的,是做为一个选考的项目,因为英语四六级考试成绩是按照笔试来的,一般来说英语四六级考试只要是达到220分以上就可以颁发成绩单,一般来说不设及格标准。 考研复试环节基本上所有的院校都会进行口语考试,如果大学期间从来没有进行过四六级口语的练习,会比较吃亏,因此有能力的话建议考。 英语四六级考试考生须知如下 一、按照有关规定的要求签署《诚信考试承诺书》。 二、四六级考试当天必须按规定的时间(具体时间由考点依据疫情防控要求确定)入场,上午9:00,下午3:00后,禁止入场。四六级入场时必须主动出示四六级准考证以及有效身份证件,接受四六级考试工作人员核验,并按要求在四六级考场签到册上签名。 三、考生须携带HB-2B铅笔(涂答题卡用)、黑色字迹签字笔、橡皮等文具。任何书籍、笔记、资料、报刊、草稿纸以及各种无线通信工具(如寻呼机、移动电话)、录放音机、电子记事本等违规物品不得携带入场,一经发现,将按违规处理,四六级成绩无效。


2023年7月全国大学生英语四六级考试 六级试卷(第四套) 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 1. A) Borrow a pen from the speaker. 2. C) Take notes on the lecture. 3. B) Ask Mr. Johnson for help. 4. C) Go to the campus library. 5. A) Attend the talk and discuss the topic. 第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) 6. C) Diverse cultural backgrounds. 7. A) Its size and population. 8. D) Rome's historical significance. 9. B) The quality of local universities. 10. D) The choice of cuisine. 11. B) The importance of art. 12. C) It is a milestone in dance music history.

13. A) It is an improvisational style of music. 14. C) It is often used in animated films. 15. D) It reflects Jamaican culture. 第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)Passage 1: 16. D) The importance of deforestation. 17. A) Carbon emissions. 18. B) China and India. 19. C) Afforestation efforts. 20. D) The current rate of deforestation. Passage 2: 21. B) It lacks evidence from clinical trials. 22. C) They can help reduce symptom severity. 23. A) They are more effective for mild illnesses. 24. C) There are potential side effects. 25. D) It is necessary to find alternatives.


2023下半年英语四六级口语考试内容和分 数_英语四六级_口语 2023年下半年英语四六级口语考试内容及分数设置 自 2023 年 5 月考次起,全国大学英语四、六级口语考试的成绩报告为“优秀、良好、合格”三个级别,不合格成绩报告单上不报道。 2023年下半年英语四六级口语考试注意事项有哪些 在进行英语四级口语考试时,一定要认真测试所在的设备,不要着急,否则万一设备没测试好,接下来的考试可能会无法顺利进行。四六级口语考试的考生在进行自我介绍时要自信,大方,语速不要太快,发音要准,以别人听懂为目的,自我介绍要简洁,大概30秒就可以不要过于长。 四六级口语朗读*要语速适中,停顿有度,发音清晰,偶尔有读错的也不要纠正,继续读接下来的即可。四六级口语考生在朗读之前会有一分钟时间让你去理解短文的大概意思,因为接下来你需要回答关于这篇短文的几个问题。 四六级口语个人陈述时,准备时间大概45秒,有一分钟时间发言,发言时一定要仔细观察所给的文字信息和图片信息,发言的内容围绕所给文字和图片信息即可。 英语四六级必须考口语吗 四六级不一定要考口语,英语四六级口语考试是按照自愿原则报名并参加考试,用人单位一般对四六级口语证不作要求。

四六级的口语考试的结果分为ABCD四个等级(还会有A+,B+这种副等级),如果是得到了D等级的话,成绩单就不会显示,也就是说如果等级是D,那么成绩单看起来是和没有报名口语考试的人是一样的。 英语四六级口语不考影响笔试吗 四六级口语考试对总体成绩是没有影响的,不是要求必须考取的项目,考下英语四六级口语,也不单独发成绩单,在笔试成绩单上统一体现成绩。 英语四六级考试可以不考口试,口语考试和笔试是分开考试的。而且口语考试是按照自愿原则去报考。许多学校看四六级主要是是笔试成绩。但要注意的是四六级只有报了笔试才能参加口语考试。 英语四六级口语建议考吗 英语四六级口语还是有必要去考一下的,尤其是如果你将来想工作的地方需要英语口语这方面的技能。另一方面,这也是锻炼你英文能力以及英文学习的一种方式,在学习的过程中可以让你提升很多方面的能力,所以还是支持去考一下的。 有考研打算的学生。考研复试环节基本上所有的院校都会进行口语考试,如果大学期间从来没有进行过英语四六级口语的练习,会比较吃亏;如果考名校的话,复试的专业课复习很费力,很重要的英语面试却没有针对性的材料,容易掉坑。


2023下半年四六级几号考试_英语四六级 考试内容 2023下半年四六级几号考试 2023年下半年英语四级口语考试(CET-SET4)考试时间为11月21日,英语六级口语考试(CET-SET6)考试时间为11月22日。 2023年下半年英语四六级笔试考试(CET-SET4)考试时间为12月12日。 2023年下半年英语四六级报名时间从9月23日开始,考生需在考点规定时间范围内自行登录CET全国网上报名系统注册用户、查证报名资格、核对个人信息、选择考试语种级别,缴费完成后即报名成功。 2023年英语四六级考试内容 2023四六级考试分为听力、阅读、写作和翻译四个部分,每个部分有不同的题型和难度。具体如下: 听力:四六级听力部分共有25道题,分为短对话、长对话、短文理解和复合式听写四个小节。每个小节有不同的题型和要求,如选择题、填空题和简答题等。听力部分占总分的25%。 阅读:四六级阅读部分共有20道题,分为快速阅读、仔细阅读和阅读理解三个小节。每个小节有不同的题型和要求,如选择题、填空题和简答题等。阅读部分占总分的30%。 写作:四六级写作部分共有1道题,要求写一篇150-200字的英语短文。写作部分占总分的15%。

翻译:四六级翻译部分共有2道题,要求将一段英语翻译成汉语,或将一段汉语翻译成英语。翻译部分占总分的30%。 英语四六级能一起考吗 四级六级不可以同时报。 1、英语四级和六级两者都不能同时报,只有过了四级才能考六级,不能跨级考试。教育部门规定,英语四级成绩达到425分或以上,准许报考六级。两者的测验一般都在同一天,上午是英语四级,下午是英语六级。 2、如果四级考试还没及格,就不能参加六级考试。如果你的四级已经及格就可以参加两次考试了,因为英语四级考试可以多次参加,而英语六级考试则需要通过英语四级考试。但有些学校是不允许同时参加的,具体的规定你可以查看学校发布的报名通知。 3、在校生全日制专科、本科、研究生报考四六级,其中,四级成绩达到425分以上(含425分)的在校大学生可报考六级,统一考试批次,四级和六级不能兼报。 英语四六级考试报考条件 1、全日制普通高等学校在校生、本科、研究生。 2、各类成人高等教育机构全日制专科、本科学生。 3、修完大学英语四级课程者,方可报考CET4。 4、修完大学英语六级的课程,且CET4成绩达到425分(含425分)以上者,方可报考CET6。


英语四六级(2023下半年)口语考试内容 及分数设置 英语四六级口语考试内容及分数设置 2023下半年四六级口试考试内容: 四级口语考试内容: 六级口语考试内容: 2023下半年四六级口试考试分值: 自2023年5月考次起,全国大学英语四六级口语考试的成绩报告为“优秀、良好、合格”三个级别,不合格成绩报告单上不报道。 2023下半年英语四六级口语考试怎么备考 备考四六级英语口语需要做好这几步:首先是多说多练,其次是多听,例如ABC、BBC、英语之声等;还要多做题目,多看英语书籍英语电影;最后一点心态要端正,不要急于求成。 首先要多说,不要吝惜你的嗓子,多说英语,多说多练,达到出口就是一句流畅的英文的水平,你的四六级就不用担心了。 其次多听,四六级口语还要与别人交流,听不懂也是徒劳,所以多听一些英语电台,例如ABC,BBC,英语之声等。

还要多做,这个是做笔记的做,把自己经常容易读错的单词或句子总结起来,每天读几遍,做到同样的错误不再犯。四六级口语要多看,多看些英语书籍,英语电影,让自己在潜移默化中接受英语的熏陶。 多听些英语歌曲来练习四六级口语,这个可用于闲暇时的休闲娱乐,有不少好听的英文歌曲,大家可以去听听看,如果能学会唱的话,对自己的口语也是一个很大的提升。 最后一点心态要端正,不要急于求成,要一步一步慢慢来,心急吃不了热豆腐,只要付出努力,一定会有回报的。 大学四六级多少分算过? 1、大学英语四六级425分算过。 2、大学英语四六级改革之后,满分为710分,凡考试成绩在220分以上的考生,由国家教育部高教司委托“全国大学英语四六级考试委员会”颁发成绩单,不设及格线。因大学英语四六级曾规定”英语四级成绩达到425分以上(含425分)者,可以报考英语六级”,所以,一般默认大学英语四、六级的合格线为425分。 英语四六级怎么算合格:一般来说考试正确率达到60%就算合格,比如英语四六级的总分都是710分,按照正确率达到60%才算合格的话,英语四六级的合格分数应为426分,但通常考到425分(含425分)以上就算是合格了。 大学四六级一年考几次? 英语四级可以考的次数为:只要是在校大学生,都是可以考的。 具体次数如下: 1、本科生从大一开始考,可以考8次。 2、本科生从大二开始考,可以考6次。


2023年6月英语六级听力真题(第二套) 【四六级试卷采用花卷形式,核对答案时请找准具体选项内容,忽略套数和选项符号】Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard 1. A) She is drawn to its integration of design and engineering. B) She is influenced by her father who teaches architecture. C) She is preoccupied with her dream to be an architect. D) She is attracted to the beauty of modern buildings. 2. A) By taking prerequisite courses. B) By studying the subject online. C) With the professor’s help. D) Through hard work. 3. A) It is immortal. B) It is immaterial. C) It is long-lasting. D) It is groundbreaking. 4. A) Computer science. B) Philosophy. C) Economics. D) Western art. Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 5. A) He is a famous football coach. B) He is well known to the public. C) He has been guarded by a discreet assistant. D) He has occasionally been harassed by his fans. 6. A) Help promote Mr Sanchez’s public profile. B) Run common daily chores for the woman. C) Play a key role in Real Madrid. D) Serve as a personal assistant. 7. A) He once worked part-time in university. B) He is honest and always tells the truth. C) He cares little about his working hours. D) He has little previous work experience. 8. A) He has a natural capacity to cooperate with others. B) He has a sound knowledge of sports consultancy. C) He has a high proficiency in several languages. D) He has a strong ability to connect with people. Questions 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heard. 9. A) They have fewer rules and pressures. B) They require less supervision and training. C) They are more suitable to young people. D) They bring more benefits to young people. 10. A) They prevent kids from enjoying adventure sports. B) They rob kids of the chance to cultivate their courage. C) They help kids guard against any possible injuries.
