


A: Hi, summer holiday is coming, do you have any travel plan to have a

rest? Do you like other countries? If you have the chance to travel and study in

foreign country, where do you like to?

B:Yes, of course. Preparing the examination is so stressed that I am so

tired of this period. My family likes travel most. When I prepared my College

Entrance Examination, my father and my mother accompanied me to walking along

the main street to relieve stress. So, this time , we want to travel to London

to enjoy the beautiful sights of England. And if I have the chance to study in

London, it will be wonderful, for I can learn more authentic English expression


A: Wow, amazing, I want to visit Canada, for in my mind, it is the paradise

to enjoy the wonderful temperature.

B:Canada, it is an attractive city, and I also like the snow. Snow-covered

landscape can be the representation of clean and pure. What’s more, I am

attracted by the beauty shared in some apps. And in my mind, Queen's School of

Business is very famous in my major, so I want to study further in Canada.

A: Well, I think you are eager to taste the delicious food around Queen's

School of Business .

B:Haha, I also want to share the delicious food with my parents, for

without their support and love, I can not enjoy my study and life here.





Recently it seems that____________.MANY people,especially___________,think it will certainly do good to_____________because_____________.Moreover,_________.

Nevertheless,after careful consideration,I have to state that the above view is more than biased,given the following readons.First of all,____________.Besides,__________.Furthermore,__________.

We can see clearly that although_________may bring favorable results,there are still problems concerning_______.It seems necessary for ___________to make a careful consideration befero________.


Until recently most people hold hostile attitudes towards_______.Some people view it as_____________while others consider it____________.

Recent research,however,shows that___________is of great benefit in many respects._________,scientists tell us,_____________.Surprisingly enougu,____________also_______.The most remarkable thing about_______is that_______.

Now we can draw the conclusion that_______.I strongly advocate that we should make good use of it to_________.


In current society,we come across too many peole who put much emphasis on __________.In many cases,________has become the sole criterion for judging a person’s__________.

I argue that we should not put too much emphasis on________.To begin with,we should not take it for granted that those who__________will naturally______________.


The above discussion points to a fact that_______________.Consequently,it is of vital importance for us to realize that_____________.


Travelling 赵:你们喜欢旅游吗? Do you like traveling? 周:当然!我很喜欢它!旅游可以扩大我们的地理知识,文化习俗,文化和不同的地方和国家的生活方式。 Sure!I really like it!Travel can widen our knowledge of geography, the knowledge of customs, cultures and lifestyles of different places and countries. 张:通过旅游我们可以交朋友、练外语。旅行是最好的消遣。我们可以享受各种食品,观看美丽景色。 We can make friends and practice a foreign language through travelling. Travel is the best way of pastime. We can enjoy eating various foods and seeing beautiful sceneries. 章:那你们喜欢独自出游,还是随旅行社组团出游? What is your choice? By oneself or traveling in a group organized by travel agencies? 赵:我喜欢独自出行。对孤身一人的旅行者来说,最大的优点是自由。我完全可以随心所欲地选择旅行线路,规划行程安排 I prefer by myself. For the single traveler,the greatest advantage is freedom .I am perfectly free to choose my plan and schedules. 张:你好勇敢!会不会很危险? You are brave! It will be very dangerous? 赵:不会的,我会和家人朋友保持联系!我很享受这种自由。 No, I will keep in touch with friends and family。I really like this feel. 周:我选择集体旅游旅行。社会安排好一切。在旅行团内部,原来的陌生人一会儿就可成为朋友。 I will choose the group .travel agencies take care of everything. Within a group,people who used to be strangers soon become friends 章:我们从旅游上得到很多。这是值得花时间。我想在期末后去旅游,你们有什么好主意吗?We can benefit from travel in more than one way. It is worth spending the time. I want to have a travel after this final exam. But I don’t know where to go. Do you have any good idea? 赵:我去过很多地方都很漂亮。海南,是个美丽的城市,那儿有大海,温暖的沙滩和微风,令人舒畅 I have ever been to many places for a visit. And some of them are really beautiful. HAINAN, which is a beautiful city. There is a beautiful sea there. The warm beach and breeze, which make me comfortable 周:那是我的梦想,我希望去但是总是没有时间。我去过西塘和乌镇,虽然很小但是有许多美食。 Oh!that’s one of my dream!I have looked forward to go there for a long time but haven’t had a chance. I have been to Xitang and Wuzhen, although very small but there are many delicacies. 张:说起美食,你知道吗,我去过新加坡,我无法忘记他们新鲜的水果。那是个亚洲的小国家,也是个环保十分好的国家。那么你呢? Delicacies?Do you know, I’ve been to Singapore and I cannot forget their fresh fruit. Singapore


2002: Task3: Role-playing Directions: The geology department of a major university is planning to admit 30 male and 5 fem ale students. However, the results of the college entrance examination show that by average, of a ll the applicants, females have scored higher than most males. Should the department stick to its original plan? Student A: You think the department should still stick to the original plan, and you should try to c onvince your partner. Remember you should start the conversation. Student B: You don’t think th e department should stick to the original plan, and you should try to convince your partner. Reme mber your partner will start the conversation. 2003 Task III: Carry out a conversation with your partner based on a given situation. Student A: You will be traveling later this week and you are wondering about the advantages and safety of flying. Recent news reports of air crashes have made you nervous and you cannot decide if it is safe to travel by airplane. You turn to your friend for advice about whether you should go by air or by train. He/She tried to persuade you to take a flight by listing some advantages. Eventually,you refuse to accept his/her opinion and make your own decision. Student B: One of your friends is taking a trip later this week and he/she is undecided about whether to travel by air or by train. Not knowing what to do,your friend comes to you for advice. You try to persuade your friend to take a flight in spite of reports of air crashes. Eventually,you fail to convince him/her and your friend buys a train ticket instead. 2004 Task3: Role-playing Student A: Nowadays higher education is getting more and more expensive. To quite a number of families it has become a big financial burden. You try to discuss this problem with student B. You think that parents should pay tuition for their children since college students do not yet have any regular income. Student B: Nowadays higher education is getting more and more expensive. To quite a number of families it has become a big financial burden. You try to discuss this problem with student A. You r opinion is that it is unfair to put this big burden on parents since college students are already ad ults. Students themselves should find ways to pay their own tuition. 2005 Task3: Role-playing Directions: The geology department of a major university is planning to admit 30 male and 5 fem ale students. However, the results of the college entrance examination show that by average, of a ll the applicants, females have scored higher than most males. Should the department stick to its original plan? Student A: You think the department should still stick to the original plan, and you should try to c onvince your partner. Remember you should start the conversation. Student B: You don’t think th e department should stick to the original plan, and you should try to convince your partner. Reme mber your partner will start the conversation.


往年英语四级口语真题汇总 旅行 A: Hi, summer holiday is coming, do you have any travel plan to have a rest? Do you like other countries? If you have the chance to travel and study in foreign country, where do you like to? B:Yes, of course. Preparing the examination is so stressed that I am so tired of this period. My family likes travel most. When I prepared my College Entrance Examination, my father and my mother accompanied me to walking along the main street to relieve stress. So, this time , we want to travel to London to enjoy the beautiful sights of England. And if I have the chance to study in London, it will be wonderful, for I can learn more authentic English expression here. A: Wow, amazing, I want to visit Canada, for in my mind, it is the paradise to enjoy the wonderful temperature. B:Canada, it is an attractive city, and I also like the snow. Snow-covered landscape can be the representation of clean and pure. What’s more, I am attracted by the beauty shared in some apps. And in my mind, Queen's School of Business is very famous in my major, so I want to study further in Canada. A: Well, I think you are eager to taste the delicious food around Queen's School of Business . B:Haha, I also want to share the delicious food with my parents, for without their support and love, I can not enjoy my study and life here.


四级英语口语考试真题 Part 1: Introduction and Warm-up Questions 1. Can you introduce yourself and tell us a little bit about your background? 2. How long have you been studying English? Why did you decide to study it? 3. Have you ever taken any English exams before? If yes, which ones? Part 2: Personal Experiences 4. Can you share a memorable travel experience you've had? Where did you go and what did you do there? 5. Is there any particular person who has greatly influenced your life? Why and how did they do so? 6. Tell us about an accomplishment that you are proud of. What did you do and how did it make you feel? Part 3: Opinions and Discussions 7. Do you think it is important for students to study abroad? Why or why not? 8. What are some benefits and challenges of living in a foreign country? 9. What is your opinion on the use of technology in education? Do you think it enhances the learning experience or poses challenges? Part 4: Imaginative and Creative Questions


2023年四六级口语真题 四级口语真题: Part 1: Personal Information Examiner: Can you please introduce yourself briefly? Test Taker: Sure. My name is [Your Name] and I'm from [Your City], [Your Country]. I'm currently a student at [Your University] studying [Your Major]. In my free time, I enjoy [Your Hobbies] and spending time with my friends and family. Examiner: That sounds interesting. Now, let's move on to the next question. How do you usually spend your weekends? Test Taker: On weekends, I like to relax and unwind after a busy week of studying. I usually hang out with my friends, go to the movies, or explore new cafes and restaurants in the city. Sometimes, I also enjoy taking day trips to nearby attractions or going hiking in nature. Examiner: Great. Now, let's talk about your favorite holiday. What is your favorite holiday and why? Test Taker: My favorite holiday is Christmas. I love the festive atmosphere and spending time with my family. It's a time when we all come together, exchange gifts, and enjoy delicious meals. I also love the decorations and lighting that create a magical ambiance during Christmas. Examiner: That sounds wonderful. Now, let's move on to the next question. Do you prefer to work alone or in a team?


2021大学英语四级口语考试样题 CET Spoken English Test - Band Four Sample Paper Topic A - 1 Topic Area: Daily Life Topic: Travel Examiner: Hello, welcome to the CET Spoken English Test - Band Four. We wish you both good luck today. Now let's begin with self-introductions. Candidate A, would you please start? (考生A先回答,时间20秒) Thank you. Candidate B, now it's your turn. (然后考生B回答,时间20秒) Thank you. OK, now that we know each other, let's go on. Examiner: Task 1 Read Aloud In this task, you are to read aloud a short passage. You will have 45 seconds to go over the passage and 1 minute to read it aloud. Now here is the passage. (屏幕显示以下文字) Many people would list San Francisco as one of the most delightful cities in the world. Sitting on the Pacific coast, it gives you a feeling of the sea. The sea breezes wake you up and make you eat well and sleep well. The city was planned with straight roads, and these roads cross each other at right angles, making squares as they do in many American cities. Very often you can find yourself on top of a hill in the city, looking down one of these straight roads as it rises and falls on its journey through the town. A good way to travel these roads is by cable car. These are buses that run on rails in the ground up and down the steep hills. (考生准备时间45秒) Now please begin to read on hearing the beep. (考生A和B同时回答,时间1分钟) Examiner: Task 2 Question and Answer In this task, you are to answer two questions. For each question, you will have 2o seconds to respond. Please start speaking on hearing the beep. (问题文字不显示在屏幕上) Question I: What would many people think of San Francisco according to the passage?


英语四级口语练习题目 Introduction: Oral English is an essential part of the English language learning process, and practicing speaking skills is crucial for improving fluency and accuracy. In this article, we will explore several English four-level oral practice topics to help learners enhance their communication abilities in everyday situations. 1. Favorite Travel Destination: One exciting topic for English oral practice is discussing favorite travel destinations. Students can share their experiences, such as where they have been, what they liked about the place, and any memorable moments. They can also talk about the reasons for choosing that particular destination and recommend it to others. 2. Effective Study Habits: Another valuable topic for English oral practice is discussing effective study habits. Students can talk about various methods they find helpful, such as making a study schedule, using flashcards, or participating in study groups. They can share personal experiences, successes, and challenges, providing useful tips for others looking to improve their study habits. 3. Environmental Conservation: Environmental issues are of global concern, and discussing them can be an insightful oral practice topic. Students can explore topics like recycling, reducing carbon footprints, and conserving natural resources. They can discuss their personal efforts or actions taken by their community or country


旅行是有趣的英文作文_四级真题英语作文3篇 关于”旅行是有趣“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:。以下是关于旅行是有趣的四级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。 高分英语作文1: Plants can't spread, but seeds can be spread in many different ways. Some seeds are blown away by the wind, forming floating shapes, sliding or spinning in the air. Plants growing on the river can use the flowing water to transport seeds. Many plants can also use animals to transport seeds. The seeds may have convenient hooks, which can be attached to the animal's fur. Plants can make delicious fruits to cover the seeds and attract animals to eat them. 中文翻译: 植物不能传播,但是可以用很多不同的方式散播有些被风吹走,形成漂浮的形状,在空中滑行或旋转。生长在河边的植物可以利用流动的水来运输。许多植物也可以用动物来运送这种可能有方便的钩子,钩子可以附着在动物的毛皮上,植物可以制作美味的水果来包住,从而吸引动物吃它们。 万能作文模板2: It's fun, isn't it. 中文翻译: 满分英语范文3:旅行是有趣


四级口语考试题目 1. Describe your favorite hobby and why you enjoy it. 2. Discuss the impact of social media on communication skills. 3. Describe a memorable travel experience and how it changed your perspective. 4. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad. 5. Describe a time when you had to make a difficult decision and how you handled it. 6. Discuss the importance of physical fitness and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. 7. Describe a time when you faced a challenge and how you overcame it. 8. Discuss the impact of technology on education. 9. Describe a person who has had a significant influence on your life and why. 10. Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of living in a big city versus a small town.


英语四级真题听力 引言 英语四级考试中,听力部分是考查学生听力理解能力的重要环节。考生需要通过听录音材料,理解并回答相关问题。下面将为大家提供一些英语四级真题听力材料,用以帮助大家提高听力水平。 真题一 Passage 1 You will hear a man and a woman talking about a trip to the zoo. Woman: Hey, John! Have you ever been to the zoo? Man: Yes, I have. I went there last summer. Woman: Oh, really? How did you like it? Man: It was great! There were so many interesting animals. I learned a lot about different species. It was a fun and educational experience. Woman: That sounds wonderful! I’ve been thinking about going to the zoo too. What can you tell me about it?

Man: Well, the zoo is quite big and has a wide variety of animals. There are lions, tigers, elephants, giraffes, and many more. They also have a special area where you can feed the animals. Woman: That so unds exciting! I can’t wait to go. How can we get there? Man: We can take the subway. The zoo is just a few stops away. Woman: Great! Let’s plan a trip there this weekend. Man: Sounds good. I’m looking forward to it. Questions 1. When did the man go to the zoo? 2. What can be inferred about the woman? 3. What do they plan to do? 答案 1. The man went to the zoo last summer. 2. The woman is interested in going to the zoo. 3. They plan to go to the zoo together this weekend. 真题二 Passage 2 You will hear a conversation between two students, Mary and Tom, about their upcoming exams. Mary: Hi, Tom. How’s your exam preparation going? Tom: Hi, Mary. To be honest, I’m quite worried. I feel like there’s so much to study and not enough time.


2021年12月英语四级翻译真题答案及点评:旅游2 2021年12月20日全国大学英语四级考试开考,本次考试为多题多卷,老师第一时间收集整理不同版本试题,供考生参考,以下是2021年12月英语四级翻译真题及参考答案: 【翻译原文】 越来越多的中国年轻人正在对旅游产生兴趣,这是近年来的新趋势。年轻游客数量的不断增加,可以归因于他们迅速提高的收入和探索外部世界的好奇心。随着旅行多了,年轻人在大城市和著名景点花的时间少了,他们反而更为偏远的地方所吸引。有些人甚至选择长途背包旅行。最近调查显示,很多年轻人想要通过旅行体验不同的文化、丰富知识、扩展视野。 【参考译文】 More and more Chinese young people are interested in tourism, which is a new trend recently. The rising number of young tourists can be attributed to their rapidly increasing income and the curiosity of exploring the outside world. As travel growing, young people spend less time in big cities and famous scenic spots, instead they are more attracted by remote areas. Some even choose long-distance backpacking trip. A recent survey shows that via traveling, many young people want


旅游英语口语课后听力 随着我国旅游业的快速发展,对旅游的从业人员的要求也越来越高。为了培养出高水平的旅游从业者,都在对旅游英语专业人才的培养进行积极的探索。店铺整理了旅游英语口语,欢迎阅读! 旅游英语口语一 如何表达行李托运 第一句:Do you have any pieces of luggage to check in? 您有行李需要托运吗? A: Do you have any pieces of luggage to check in? 您有行李需要托运吗? B: Yes. We have eight suitcases and two bags. 是的。我们有八个行李箱和两个包。 A: Would you please put them on the scale? 把它们放在秤上好吗? B: Sure. 当然。 第二句:Can I take this travelling bag as a carry-on? 我能随身携带这个旅行袋吗? A: Can I take this travelling bag as a carry-on? 我能随身携带这个旅行袋吗? B: I'm afraid not. It's overweight. The allowance for the carry-on baggage is 8kg. 恐怕不行。超重了。免费托运服务携带的行李重量为8公斤。 A: I see. 好的。 B: Here are claim tags for your baggage and your passport. 这是为您行李准备的提取牌和护照。 相关表达法: 一些有用的词汇:airport terminal 机场候机楼;baggage claim


去旅游的英语情景对话 英语口语是大学英语教学的重要内容。互联网和信息技术为大学英语口语教学提供了丰富的教学资源。整理了去旅游的英语情景对话,欢迎阅读! 去旅游的英语情景对话篇一亨利: May I see your passport,please? 麻烦请给我你的护照。 莫妮卡: Here is my passport. 这是我的护照。 亨利: What`s the purpose of your visit? 旅行的目的为何? 莫妮卡: Business. 公务. 亨利: How long will you be staying in the United States? 预计在美国停留多久? 莫妮卡: I plan to stay for about 10 days。 I`m just passing through.I am leaving for Geneva tonight。 预计停留约10天.我只是过境而已.今晚即动身前往日内瓦。 亨利: Where are you staying? 将在那儿住宿? 莫妮卡: I will stay at Boston Hotel。 我将住在波士顿饭店。 亨利: Do you have a return ticket to Taiwan?

是否有台湾回程机票? 莫妮卡: yes,here it is. 有的。这就是回程机票. 亨利: How much money do you have with you? 随身携带多少现金? 莫妮卡: I have 800 dollars. 大约800元。 亨利: Good。 Have a nice day. 祝你玩得愉快. 莫妮卡: Thank you. 谢谢。 去旅游的英语情景对话篇二安检: Next。 下一个. 汤姆: Oh, hello. 您好! 安检: Please put all your stuff in this box, take off your shoes,and walk through this gate here。 请把你所有的东西都放到这个盒子里.脱下鞋。走到这个门这里. 汤姆: Okay。 好的。 安检: Excuse me sir, you are not allowed to carry a gun on the plane。 打扰一下。先生。不能带枪上飞机.


Lessen 4 Travel by air Question: What do people usually do when they travel by air? Part 1 Language Focus: 1.Booking tickets from agent :n Could you tell me about the flights to Paris? Do you have any flights in the morning? How much luggage can I take on the plane? Is there any discount for a group booking? Are you offering any deals at present? What time do I have to be at the airport? What’s the check-in time ? I want to book a ticket on British Airways Flight 108 to Pairs. I wanna make a reservation for a morning flight on December 1st, please

I want to book a one-way ticket. I’d perfer economy. Wait a moment, let me see if there are tickets available. Sorry, we all booked up for that day. I’d like to comfirm my reservation 2.Checking in at the airport. May I see you ticket and your passport please? Can I take these small bags as carry-on luggage with me ?(how many items of carry-on are permitted?/How much hand luggage am I allowed?) Can I take my luggage weigh up to 30 kilos?(Your luggage is 5 kilos Overweight.) Do you have any sharp items like scissors in your carry-on bag? I’d like to check this item of luggage.(piece) I want a window seat.(aside seat) Is the plane on time?(How long is the flight delayed?) What’d the departure time?(take off/arrival time) When will we begin boarding?(boarding gate)
