

Love brighten world

When there is love, there comes hope. The picture depicts a common sense of a lamp brightening the darkness, telling a philosophy to us as to love. As we can see, evidently, love compared to be a lamp and when the darker surrounding is, the brighter it will be. Though conspicuous, the drawing is undoubtedly meaningful and pays to think that have we ever attach importance to love surrounding us.

It goes without saying that love is of essential for everyone, whereas only when our condition is rougher will the love become more significant. A case in point is the Brooklyn bridge, built by John Roebling and his son and considered as one of the most unbelievable miracle in architecture. On account of an accident, Roebling died of tetanus and his son, called Washington Roebling, was completely paralyzed. However, Washington was encouraged by his wife who gave him love and support him to overcome the obstacles in his path. Without her help and affection, he hardly can achieve this spectacular project and not to mention the reward he can take pride in.What's more, the Brooklyn indeed light up the world, so do their love.

As far as I am concerned, it is universally acknowledged that love is of consequence, while loving each other is our obligation and being loved is our privilege. For one thing, on no account can we be indifferent to other's pain since they might go through some surge. That is the reason why we should hug and counsel them to restore their confidence. For the other thing, we may as well go all out to lend them a hand and take advantage of our love to illuminate the darkness of their hearts as well. To conclude, only when we fall into the darkest place, will we truly understand how precious love is. For your information, it is love that contributes to the harmony and wealthiness of a nation, that results in our power and ability to tackle the challenge and finally cope with it once for all, that leads to a considerable number of people struggle to achieve their goals.

A letter to the University President about the Canteen Service on Campus

Date: November 21,2013 Dear president, I am an undergraduate of Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication. The reason why I write this letter is to complain about the canteen service on campus. On account of that they fail to provide healthy food for us. It goes without saying that we should attach importance to the quality of food, furthermore I have to indicate that the price is definitely unacceptable. What's more, the waiter's attitude to consumers is fairly rude.

First and foremost, it is universally acknowledged that quality is of essential,

especially in business of restaurants. Whereas, it is confirmed that college canteen rather take advantage of the illegal cooking oil in defiance of the harmful impact on our health than ensure their economic income.Besides, the waiters do nothing but chatting. It is highly desirable for these waiters submitting themselves to the rules of canteen, established to remind their employee that consumers' interest should be taken into account permanently. Last but not least, the food price is far beyond the standard we can accept, puzzling me over about the reflection of their management style.

To conclude, I insist that it is the integrity that contributes to success of Amazon corporation, that results in a nation being respected, that leads to the harmony in a society. Only when we go all out to take steps to tackle this problem can we have a harmonious campus. Needless to say, integrity, making continuous improvement in our society, is of essential to business, and that is the reason why we may as well take food safety into account.


In this composition, I will describe an event about pickpocket which I witnessed on the last year. That was an extremely cold morning, when a shocking event about pickpocket happened to me. I aboard a bus with the hustle and bustle of large crowds. It was so terrible that whenever it comes to my mind I will tremble with enormous fear.

I still remember clearly that I stood against the handrail, listening to a quiet song. Everything seems as usual, for insurance, the bus was crowded and adults get the utmost out of spare time to chat. Suddenly I felt someone is scrabbling about me with his hand and I immediately knew what horrible thing happened to me, trying to grasp the thief's wrist at once, but it was too late. I had to recognize that he is so sensitive that once he realized I became conscious, he turned to run as fast as he can. Recalling the matter, it goes without saying that it has a profound impact on both individuals and society and that is the reason why we should attach importance to pickpocket. What's more, for a harmonious society, justice is of the essential.

It is universally acknowledged that pickpocket, which is the initiator of evil, is nothing but a crime. Whereas, thefts are common occurrences, and on account of that, it is high time that we took some measures to tackle this problem. Needless to say, those who violate the constitution should be punished since robbers have a negative impacts on people's psychological health. That is to say, we may as well go all out to prevent theft from happening. Meanwhile, we cannot emphasize the importance of protecting people's property and health too much. On no account can we ignore the value of justice and that is the

reason why we look forward to government taking steps to protect our rights, which in return can contribute to the whole society. Deserve to be mentioned, an advantage of upholding justice is that it can make our society harmonious.

More Haste, Less Speed

As a proverb goes, "more haste, less speed ", that is to say that we can interpret as haste make waste. It goes without saying that we all attach importance to efficient, whereas if we give priority to efficiency and in defiance of the consequence, we always realize that things go athwart. In addition, it is self-evident that things will develop in the opposite direction when they become extreme. That is the reason why we use to say that great minds mature slowly.

There are numerous examples supporting this argument. A case in point is the Great Leap Forward in China, which is nothing but a disaster to China's economy, had caused many Chinese people starving to death. Needless to say that on no account can we ignore that development must be step by step, furthermore, we should take advantage of our patience and enthusiasm to seek perfection. For another example, it is universally acknowledged that Edison severed training and hammering to choose his materials appropriately. He might feel anxious, but he worked with perseverance and looked forward to achieving his goal and all the work hard pays off in the end.

Judging from the evidence offered, we might safely draw the conclusion that soft fire makes sweet malt, on account of that on the way access to success, we should take patience into account. Though time is of the essence, it pays to spend some to make our work better. What's more, we may as well go all out to do something meaningfully but please remember that do not act in haste or be hot-headed. To conclude, more haste, less speed.

Should One Expect a Reward When Doing a Good Deed

It goes without saying that there is no complete agreement among people about whether one should expect a reward for doing a good deed.Supporters prefer to the viewpoint that one should offer help without looking forward to being awarded. On the contrary, opponents insist that reward is preferable, on account of that Samaritan deserve to possess reputation and award. What's more, a reward can stimulate increasingly people to go all out to do good and get ready to help others through fair and foul. On the other hand, it is universally acknowledged that a favorable social environment is far beyond what we need to pay. Deserve to be mentioned, it pays to improve public morals by rewarding their enthusiasm and attach importance to encourage citizen to

maintain good ethical behavior.

Nevertheless, overwhelming majority of supporters stubbornly and arbitrarily cling to their own viewpoint. First and foremost, they maintain that one can take pride in doing good, nonetheless, on no account can we look forward to being rewarded. To put it another way, we cannot take advantage of doing good. Besides, they point out that if anyone do a good deed should take into account, there will be a mass of people doing nothing but to help others on a daily basis.

Weighing up these two arguments, I cannot agree with the opponents more. The reason why I stick to my opinion is that there are a number of phenomena in our society and it is high time that we took some measures to tackle these problems. Needless to say that doing good is not only citizen's obligation, but is the cardinal virtue to build a society which is abounded with harmony. To conclude, we may as well set a good example, appealing everyone to take ownership of doing good deeds to improve our community.

The Celebration of Western Festivals

In recent years, a number of chinese people are fond of western festivals. For instance, not a few chinese lovers get caught up in the valentine's day, furthermore, a crowd of young people is attracted by the Chirstmas's day. In brief, it goes without saying that, western festivals have become increasingly popular all around china, especially for those people who are looking forward to living as westerners.

As far as I am concerned, many different reasons contribute to this phenomenon. First and foremost, the reason why people in favour of western festivals is that an increasing number of people are beginning to realize the significance of globalization, which is the key parts of our daily life.Besides, we may as well try to blend some western culture in with our society. Last but not least, we can not only take advantage of western festivals, but it also can contribute to the development of China. Needless to say that it pays to attach great importance to the lifestyle of Westerners to improve our own culture, meanwhile, it can exert a significance influence on keeping pace with the times.

From my perspective, everything has pros and cons, nonetheless, there is no limitation to what culture could accomplish, since its benefits is far beyond its disadvantage. On on account can we throw out our traditional culture, we should take pride in it. However, it is not wise for us to reject western culture, such as festivals, on account of the active role it played in the world civilization. To make a long story short, we should hold a positive attitude to western festivals, which is available for raising the culture level in our country.


作文经典表达 一、短语,高分词组 1. creating a green campus创建绿色校园 2. enjoy great prestige in the world享誉世界 2. is the essence of 是?的精华 3. Recently a debate about green campus h a s r oused public attention.引起公 众关注。 4. Undoubtedly 毫无疑问 5. Has a profound impact on both individuals and society.对个人和社会有极 深影响。 6. Needless to sa,y a green campus includes.不.. 必说 7. Degradable plastic 可降解塑料。 8. make efforts to Meanwhile, we should make efforts to improve the moral standard of university students in order to create a civilized atmosphere for the sake of studen'mtsental health. 9. Work out 解决,实现 10. Increase the awareness of the importance of增...强对...的认识的重要性 11. Rewind the clock 时光倒流 12. In addition to this 除此之外 13. Go all ou t全力以赴(属于四六级经典高分短语) 14. what's more意思是另外,而且?,是四六级经典补充类词组。 What's more, bigger banks can diversify their earnings, which should further militate against failure . 而且,大银行可以使他们的收入多样化,这可以防止经营失败。 15. whereas 意思是然而?,是四六级经典转换话题类词汇。 16. nothing but 意为:只有, 只不过,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒! Genius is nothing but labor and diligence. 天才只不过是劳动加勤奋。 17. take advantage of利用,是四六级经典短语 18. attach importance to意为:重视,属于四六级经典高分短语 19. take pride in 意为:以?自豪,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒 20. take advantage of的意思是利用,是四六级经典短语。 21. on account of意为:由于,属于四六级经典高分短语 22. far beyond的意思是远远超过,大量超出,远在天边,是四六级经典词组。 23. may as well意为:最好,不妨,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒! We may as well cut across the playground. 我们不妨从运动场上横穿过去。 24.it pays to 意为:... 是值得的。属于四六级经典高分句型,用得很 棒!Though time is of the essence, it pays to spend some to make our work better


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让英语教学与大数据同行——作文教学与批改网 ——献给Janice和那些被作文批改所折磨的英语同行们 Runner 2015-11-04 22:27来自QQ空间日志 很长一段时间以来,我都没有勇气给学生布置课外的写作任务了。因为我知道,学生的作文如果收上来后没有被我以极大的决心及时批改的话,它们可能几个星期,几个月或者一个学期都会躺在我的办公桌上,直到上面落满了厚厚的灰尘,然后在期末考试前分发给学生,或者被我心怀歉意扔进垃圾堆里。(原谅我吧,我亲爱的同学们!)于是在2014年时我就想,会不会有一种方法或者软件能帮助我们批改作文,把我们广大的英语教师从这个mission impossible 中解放出来?去网上搜索了一下,我发现了一个叫句酷批改网的网站,注册后,进网站浏览了一下,觉得很是新奇,但当时忙于班主任工作且高考日益临近,无暇去进行教学的尝试。转眼到了2015年8月,从我的好朋友Janice(Thanks a lot, Janice)那里淘来了一本《大数据时代》。在将这本书束之高阁了一个多月后,终于有一天,心情烦闷的我翻开了这本注定要改变我教学方式抑或我的人生轨迹的书。(在此也向大家强烈推荐这本书,大数据时代的扛鼎之作。) 在那醒目的书名《BIG DATA》下面这样写道:A REVOLUTION THAT WILL TRANSFOMR HOW WE LIVE, WORK AND THINK。当时我想,这些年我们听说过的REVOLUTION也太多了,真正发生的似乎又寥寥无几。轻轻的翻过封面,读完宽带资本董事长田溯宁、知名IT评论人谢文、电子科大教授周涛的三篇序

言后,我便再也不舍得放下这本书了。一口气读了100多页,心中顿觉豁然开朗,这不正是我在一年前苦苦追寻的问题的解决之道吗?原来英语作文教学的救赎之道,在悄然来临的大数据时代早已被我们握在手中,只是我们浑然不知。我突然意识到,一年前我注册的句酷批改网不正是大数据在教学实践中的一种运用吗,于是又在网上搜索了一番,开始重新了解这个一年前与之失之交臂的作文教学利器。 2010年,一次偶然的机会让批改网的创始者们发现了高校英语老师的需求。批改网在向南京大学推广英语学习综合平台时,南京大学的老师告诉他们,这样的平台对当前的高校英语教学帮助甚微,高校实行大班制,每位老师带一百多名学生,教师批改作文,花费时间太长,1分钟一篇,仅仅看完就需要两小时,而老师最痛苦的地方还在于学生在写作中反复出现的错误。此外,学生写作文,如果老师反馈及时,学生才会有写作的动力。但是,由于各种原因,老师的反馈一般要隔一周或两周,甚至更长,所以高校老师最大最迫切的需求是改善作文的批改环节。 2011年9月,在江苏省的一个学术会议,批改网这一在线英语作文批改平台开始面向广大的高校英语教师推广。刚开始推广地点选择了重点高校比较多的北京和江苏。渐渐地,批改网被清华、北大及复旦、上海交大等高校所接受,并在此基础上形成了著名的中国高校英语写作教学协同创新联盟。 批改网批改作文的原理是,作文提交后,网站将作文从“词汇”、“句子”、“篇章结构”、“内容相关度”4个大类192个维度进行拆分,每个维度都会与批改网建立的英语本族语 语料库 (即国外英语文章的素材)作对比。语料库越丰富,对比的客观性就越高,机器批改与人工批改的一致率就越高。为了测试机器批改与人工批改的基本一致率,批改网在2011年尝试批改了南京大学的1456份英语作文,在将批改结果与人工批改结果对比后发现,两者基本一致率为92.05%,高于美国ETS的 E-Rater 公布的基本一致率92%。这次尝试使得这个在线英语作文批改平台获得了挑剔的一线英语教师们的认可。 2015年4月16日至5月31日,批改网联合清华大学、北京大学、南京大学、复旦大学、中山大学五所高校发起“百万同题英文写作”活动,本次活动由清华大学负责命题,题目为:“We Are What We Read(阅读造就你我)”,最终,共计109万人参加了这次百万人写同一篇文章的写作活动。这个本来为大学英语4级、6级,TOFEL、GRE 英语作文教学而设计的平台也在这次活动中延伸到了全国


批改网高分表达 一、短语,高分词组 1. a 创建绿色校园 2. 享誉世界 2. 是…的精华 3. a .引起公众关注。 4. 毫无疑问 5. a .对个人和社会有极深影响。 6. , a ...不必说 7. 可降解塑料。 8. , a ’ . 9. 解决,实现 10. ...增强对...的认识的重要性 11. 时光倒流 12. 除此之外 13. 全力以赴(属于四六级经典高分短语) 14. 's 意思是另外,而且…,是四六级经典补充类词组。's , , . 而且,大银行可以使他们的收入多样化,这可以防止经营失败。 15. 意思是然而…,是四六级经典转换话题类词汇。 16. 意为:只有,只不过,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒!. 天才只不过是劳动加勤奋。17. 利用,是四六级经典短语 18. 意为:重视,属于四六级经典高分短语19. 意为:以…自豪,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒 20. 的意思是利用,是四六级经典短语。 21. 意为:由于,属于四六级经典高分短语 22. 的意思是远远超过,大量超出,远在天边,是四六级经典词组。23. 意为:最好,不妨,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒!. 我们不妨从运动场上横穿过去。 24. 意为:...是值得的。属于四六级经典高分句型,用得很 棒!, . 25. 意为“更不用说/别提……”,同意表达有、 .A,.,.'s,.,'s..,a . ,a,,a. 提高文章连接性 4.1,.[修改]

[学习提示]易混词汇:,,均含“爱,热爱”之意。 4.2a a,a.[修改] [学习提示]易混词汇:,均有“灯”之意。 4.3,,a,.[修改] [学习提示]易混词汇:,,,,均有“包围”之意。 4.4.[修改] [学习提示]易混词汇:,,,,,,均含有“认为”之意。第4段 5.1.[修改] [优秀词汇]意思是然而…,是经典转换话题类词汇。 [学习提示]易混词汇:,,均含“重要的,重大的”之意。 [精彩句型]意为:不用说...,很明显...。类似的表达有:属于经典高分句型,()(),,,...。用得很棒! 5.2A,.[修改] [闪光短语]a意为:一个恰当的例子,属于经典高分短语,用得很棒![拓展辨析]动名搭配在语料库中出现过34次 5.3,.[修改] [学习提示]表示“意外事故”。注意与的区别。详情点击[闪光短语]意为:由于,属于经典高分短语。 5.4,.[修改] [闪光短语]高分词组,意为“更不用说/别提……”,同意表达有、。 [学习提示]易混词汇:,,,,,,均含“计划”之意。 [闪光短语]意为:以…自豪,属于经典高分短语,用得很棒!5.5's,,.[修改][闪光短语]'s有助于提高文章衔接 [闪光短语]'s意思是另外,而且…,是经典补充类词组。[学习提示]易混词汇:,,均可表示“地球”之意。第5段 6.1I,,.[修改] [学习提示]易混词汇:,,,,均含“承认”之意。 [精彩句型]意思是大家都认为,是经典句型。


四级作文经典句型 creating a green campus enjoy great prestige in the world 享誉世界 is the essence of 是。。。的精华 Recently a debate about green campus has aroused public attention.引起公众关注。Undoubtedly毫无疑问 Has a profound impact on both individuals and society.对个人和社会有极深影响。 Needless to say,a green campus includes...不必说 Degradable plastic 可降解塑料。 Meanwhile,we should make efforts to improve the moral standard of university students in order to create a civilized atmosphere for the sake of students’mental health. 过渡句:In the first place,it is essential that...,furthermore,it is high time for us to...,last but not least... Work out 解决,实现 Increase the awareness of the importance of...增强对...的认识的重要性 Rewind the clock 时光倒流 In addition to this除此之外 Go all out全力以赴属于四六级经典高分短语 What’s more [高分词汇] whereas意思是然而…,是四六级经典转换话题类词汇。 nothing but意为:只有,只不过,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒!Genius is nothing but labor and diligence. 天才只不过是劳动加勤奋。 what's more意思是另外,而且…,是四六级经典补充类词组。What's more, bigger banks can diversify their earnings, which should further militate against failure . 而且,大银行可以使他们的收入多样化,这可以防止经营失败。 take advantage of的意思是利用,是四六级经典短语 attach importance to意为:重视,属于四六级经典高分短语 [高分短语] take pride in意为:以…自豪,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒高分短语] take advantage of的意思是利用,是四六级经典短语。 on account of意为:由于,属于四六级经典高分短语 it goes without saying that意为:不用说...,很明显...。类似的表达有:属于四六级经典高分句型,(It is) needless to say (that),It is obvious that,Obviously, ...。用得很棒! [高分词组] far beyond的意思是远远超过,大量超出,远在天边,是四六级经典词组。It goes without saying that it pays to keep early hours. 不用说早睡早起是值得的。 [高分短语] may as well意为:最好,不妨,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒!


AIDS is the threat of entire society What is AIDS? AIDS is a serious infectious disease that can cause people to death. The AIDS virus which is also call human immunodeficiency virus(HIV) invades the human body then destructs body's immune function. It can make people suffer from various incurable infections and tumors. The full name of AIDS is Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. From its name we can know three specific definition, Acquired means the cause is acquired rather than innate; Immune Deficiency means in the aspects of pathogenesis, it is mainly caused by the body's immune system and lead to reduce the damage or loss of the protective function of the immune system; Syndrome means In the clinical symptoms, complex symptoms due to various system immunodeficiency caused by infection and tumor. The origin of AIDS is Africa and mainly comes from developing country. Transmission and pathogenesis of AIDS The AIDS virus mainly exists in the various body fluids of the AIDS virus infection and has strong infectious. The main route of infection of the AIDS virus are sexual transmission, blood transmission and mother to child transmission. From HIV infection to develop into AIDS patients has four stage: The first phase is acute stage, The second stage is the asymptomatic period, which is called the incubation period, too.The third stage is the pre AIDS.The fourth period is full period of AIDS or AIDS in the late, which is the most complex. The treatment and prevention of AIDS AIDS is a serious infectious disease with high fatality rate, there is still no cure for drugs and methods, but can be prevented. Drug therapy can be divided into three categories: Anti HIV drugs, immunomodulators and anti infective Drugs. AIDS is a threat to every person and every family, the prevention of AIDS is the responsibility of the whole society. Many daily behaviors cannot infect AIDS virus. To comply with sexual morality is the fundamental measures for the prevention of the sexual transmission of AIDS. Sharing syringes, drug taking is a major channel for the spread of AIDS, therefore, we should refuse drugs and cherish life.



四级作文经典句型 creating a green campus ? enjoy great prestige in the world 享誉世界 is the essence of 是。。。的精华 Recently a debate about green campus has aroused public attention.引起公众关注。 Undoubtedly毫无疑问 Has a profound impact on both individuals and society.对个人和社会有极深影响。 Needless to say,a green campus includes...不必说 Degradable plastic 可降解塑料。 Meanwhile,we should make efforts to improve the moral standard of university students in order to create a civilized atmosphere for the sake of s tudents’mental health. 过渡句:In the first place,it is essential that...,furthermore,it is high time for us to...,last but not least... Work out 解决,实现 Increase the awareness of the importance of...增强对...的认识的重要性 Rewind the clock 时光倒流 In addition to this除此之外 Go all out全力以赴属于四六级经典高分短语 What’s more [高分词汇] whereas意思是然而…,是四六级经典转换话题类词汇。 nothing but意为:只有,只不过,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒! Genius is nothing but labor and diligence. 天才只不过是劳动加勤奋。 what's more意思是另外,而且…,是四六级经典补充类词组。 What's more, bigger banks can diversify their earnings, which should further militate against failure . 而且,大银行可以使他们的收入多样化,这可以防止经营失败。 take advantage of的意思是利用,是四六级经典短语 attach importance to意为:重视,属于四六级经典高分短语 [高分短语] take pride in意为:以…自豪,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒高分短语] take advantage of的意思是利用,是四六级经典短语。 on account of意为:由于,属于四六级经典高分短语 it goes without saying that意为:不用说...,很明显...。类似的表达有:属于四六级经典高分句型, (It is) needless to say (that),It is obvious that, Obviously, ...。用得很棒! [高分词组] far beyond的意思是远远超过,大量超出,远在天边,是四六级经典词组。 It goes without saying thatit pays to keep early hours. 不用说早睡早起是值得的。 [高分短语] may as well意为:最好,不妨,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒!


批改网高分作文 Who Are Teachers’ Pets, Boys or Girls? 1) Nowadays, a growing number of people tend to think about a question: who do teachers like more? Reading this table, we can get some information and analyse the result via the figures. Obviously, teachers favor girls over boys in primary school. As far as I concerned, the most indispensable reason is that girls are quiet, smart and well-behaved during that age. While in junior middle school, hat might seem to be no difference between boys and girls. In a word, there is no prejudice and gender discrimination at that time. Nevertheless things are getting change when coming to senior high school. The most reasonable explanation is that girls are superior to boys in math and physics up to the age of ten, fall behind from then on. under that circumstance, teachers is shown to call on male in class far more than female students. While in college, teachers seem to have no preference in student because of the less attention and unawareness 2) It is obviously that the answer of such question changes frequently as students growing up and here is my analyze according to the chart. First of all, girls, in my opinion, are much more welcomed in primary school. Over two-thirds of students believe that female students are teacher's pet in primary school. Second, however, conclusion in senior middle school is quite different because half of students hold the view that it was boys that are teacher's pet. Thirdly, the circumstance in junior middle school as well as In college is between two extremes which means neither boys nor girls have advantage to be pets of teachers. What conclusion can I draw is that the chart indicates us girls are more welcomed by teacher at low grades because they are not only quite gentle and quiet but also boys are naughty at the same time. As time goes by, though, such difference gradually disappear which lead to


whereas意思是然而…,是四六级经典转换话题类词汇 take into account意为把?考虑进去,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒! A case in point is[高分短语] 意为:一个恰当的例子,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒! [高分短语] cope with 意为:对付?,妥善处理,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒![高分短语] once for all意为:一劳永逸地,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒! 比如take into account(我不觉得它很牛的样子)、heart and soul,play an role in等等。 [高分句型] that is the reason why的意思是原因是,是四六级经典句型。 referring to not hesitate to Give priority to给===优先权 Recently,a heated debate arose online in China about the "Chinese style of crossing the road", a term referring to the tendency of large crowds of people to cross roads in disobedience of red lights. Puzzle out苦思,puzzle over Be short of 缺乏。。。。 attach great importance to 高度重视 [高分词汇] important的近义表达有 crucial/essential。 [高分短语] may as well意为:最好,不妨,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒! [高分词组] what's more意思是另外,而且?,是四六级经典补充类词组。 [高分句型] There is no denying that意思是不可否认的,是四六级经典句型。 [高分句型] It is conceivable that意思是可想而知的...,是四六级经典句型。 [高分短语] on no account 意为:决不,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒! [高分句型] On no account can意思是...绝对不能...,是四六级经典句型。 [高分句型] the reason why 意为:...的原因是...,属于四六级经典高分句型。 [高分词汇] whereas意思是然而?,是四六级经典转换话题类词汇。 [高分句型] It is universally acknowledged that意思是大家都认为,是四六级经典句型。[高分短语] and so forth的意思是等等,诸如此类,是四六级经典短语。 [高分短语] succeed in意为成功地做成了某事,属于四六级经典高分短语。 [高分短语] in the main 意为:基本上,大体上,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒![高分短语] for certain 意为:肯定地;确凿地,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒![高分短语] learn off意为:记熟,背下来,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒! [高分短语] make joint efforts 意为:共同努力,拧成一股劲儿,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒 [高分短语] cope with 意为:对付?,妥善处理,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒![高分短语] in terms of意为根据,属于四六级经典高分短语,一般和具体事物搭配,不用来表达某人的看法。请确认! [高分短语] as it is意为:事实上,既然如此,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒![高分短语] think out意为彻底地想一想,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒! [高分词汇] 建议将trustworthy改为dependable。


enjoy great prestige in the world享誉世界is the essence of 是。。。的精华 rouse public attention.引起公众关注。Undoubtedly毫无疑问 Has a profound impact on both individuals and society.对个人和社会有极深影响。Needless to say不必说 Degradable plastic 可降解塑料。Meanwhile,we should make efforts to improve the moral standard of university students in order to create a civilized atmosphere for the sake of students’mental health. 过渡句:In the first place,it is essential that...,furthermore,it is high time for us to...,last but not least... Work out 解决,实现 Increase the awareness of the importance of...增强对...的认识的重要性 Rewind the clock 时光倒流 In addition to this除此之外 Go all out全力以赴 whereas然而…,转换话题类词汇。 nothing but只有,只不过 Genius is nothing but labor and diligence. 天才只不过是劳动加勤奋。 what's more另外,而且…,是四六级经典补充类词组。 What's more, bigger banks can diversify their earnings, which should further militate against failure . 而且,大银行可以使他们的收入多样化,这可以防止经营失败。 take advantage of利用 attach importance to重视 take pride in以…自豪 on account of由于 it goes without saying that不用说...,很明显...。类似的表达有: (It is) needless to say (that),It is obvious that,Obviously, ...。 far beyond远远超过,大量超出,远在天边, It goes without saying thatit pays to keep early hours.不用说早睡早起是值得的。 may as well最好,不妨 it pays to ...是值得的 It pays tohelp others.帮助别人是值得的。not to mention更不用说/别提……,同意表达有to say nothing of、not to speak of。 be of接名词用来说明句子的主语所具有的性质或特征。Though time is of the essence, it pays to spend some to make our work better. contribute to对某事有帮助,有贡献;有助于做某事…, [stay up late熬夜, Many retired people can still contribute to the society with their rich experience . 许多退休的老人还能用他们丰富的经验为社会 作贡献。 on no account 决不 Young people should on no account neglect their daily physical exercises. 青年人决不应疏忽每天的体育锻炼。 in a nutshell简言之,概括的说 It is conceivable that可想而知的... attach importance to重视 There is no denying that不可否认的whereas然而…,是经典转换话题类词汇。 a case in point 一个恰当的例子 in a nutshell简言之,概括的说 On no account can...绝对不能... On no account can we ignore the value of knowledge.我们绝对不能忽略知识的价值。There is no denying that不可否认的 There is no denying thatthe qualities of our living have gone from bad to worse. 不可否认的,我们的生活品质已经每况愈下。The reason whywe have to grow trees is that they can supply fresh air for us. 我们必须种树的原因是它们能供应我们新鲜的 空气。 look forward to期望/等待…… It is universally acknowledged that大家都认为 take into account把…考虑进去 A case in point is[一个恰当的例子 cope with 对付…,妥善处理 once for all一劳永逸地 that is the reason why原因是 Give priority to给===优先权 Puzzle out,puzzle over苦思 Be short of 缺乏。。。。 attach great importance to高度重视 An advantage of ~ is that + 句子(...的优点是...) ~cannot emphasize the importance of ~ too much.(再怎么强调...的重要性也不为过。) 例句:We cannot emphasize the importance of protecting our eyes too much.我们再怎么强调保护眼睛的重要性也不为过。


批改网高分表达短语及句型 总结 -标准化文件发布号:(9556-EUATWK-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-DDQTY-KII

作文经典表达 一、短语,高分词组 1.creating a green campus创建绿色校园 2.enjoy great prestige in the world享誉世界 2.is the essence of是…的精华 3.Recently a debate about green campus has aroused public attention.引起公众 关注。 4.Undoubtedly毫无疑问 5.Has a profound impact on both individuals and society.对个人和社会有极深影 响。 6.Needless to say, a green campus includes...不必说 7.Degradable plastic 可降解塑料。 8.make efforts to Meanwhile, we should make efforts to improve the moral standard of university students in order to create a civilized atmosphere for the sake of students’mental health. 9.Work out解决,实现 10.Increase the awareness of the importance of...增强对...的认识的重要性 11.Rewind the clock时光倒流 12.In addition to this除此之外 13.Go all ou t全力以赴(属于四六级经典高分短语) 14.what's more意思是另外,而且…,是四六级经典补充类词组。 What's more, bigger banks can diversify their earnings, which should further militate against failure . 而且,大银行可以使他们的收入多样化,这可以防止经营失败。 15.whereas意思是然而…,是四六级经典转换话题类词汇。 16.nothing but意为:只有,只不过,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒! Genius is nothing but labor and diligence. 天才只不过是劳动加勤奋。 17.take advantage of利用,是四六级经典短语 18.attach importance to意为:重视,属于四六级经典高分短语 19.take pride in意为:以…自豪,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒 20.take advantage of的意思是利用,是四六级经典短语。 21.on account of意为:由于,属于四六级经典高分短语 22.far beyond的意思是远远超过,大量超出,远在天边,是四六级经典词组。 23.may as well意为:最好,不妨,属于四六级经典高分短语,用得很棒! We may as well cut across the playground. 我们不妨从运动场上横穿过去。 24.it pays to意为:...是值得的。属于四六级经典高分句型,用得很棒!Though time is of the essence, it pays to spend some to make our work better. 25.not to mention意为“更不用说/别提……”,同意表达有to say nothing of、not to speak of 26.be of接名词用来说明句子的主语所具有的性质或特征。
