



[新同学■ — _ ________ _ 广珍惜新起点

曾习生活的斯环境 I 创建新集体J 仆学习新美地) I 把握学习新节奏 <

> 新苗孕g 活 笑迎新生活






友情,像一艘船, 友情,像一张纸, 记录着你点点滴滴生活的味道。

它载着你, 陪你走过风吹雨打O 友情,是你一生中最美好的情感。正如你说的:有时这也失败了,那也失败了, 我会在你摔倒时扶你一把。



新概念英语第二册第一单元测试题(满分150 分) 姓名_____ 分数 一、英汉互译(30X1') 1. private ____ 2. conversation __ 3. repeat 4. museum ___ 5. decision ___ 6. public 7. __________ distanc _______ 8.valuabl 9. expect 10. competition _ 11.begga _____ 12.performa nee 13.聚集______ 14乐器_______ 15经理 16.允许______ 17抱怨________ 18立刻 19.场合______ 20.经历 _______ 21扔、抛 22.打断______ 23发疯________ 24.服从 25.舞台______ 26抓到________ 27.账单 28匆忙______ 29返回/归还______ 30负担得起 二?单项选择题(20X1.5') 1. --- ------------- terrible weather it is! ----- It is said that it will get ______ later. A. What; bad B. What ;worse C. How; bad D. How; worse 2. The book ______ L ucy ' s. Look! Her name is on the book cover. A. must be B. can be C. can ' t be D. mustn ' t be 3. It _____ me two hours to get there by bus. A. spe nt B. took C. used D. paid 4. My mother has — to Hong Kong twice. A. come B. got C. gone D. bee n 5. Three months— quite a long time. A. is B. be C. are D. am 6. I did not remember — her before. A. have met B. hav ing met C. to hav ing met D. to meet 7. I ' ll go with you to the theater as soon_as my homework.


新概念英语一册考卷 (1—36课) 姓名____________ 成绩____________ 一. 单项选择(本题共20分,每小题1分)从四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 ()1. Give _____ some glasses please. A.I B. she C. him D. he ()2. _____ is this handbag? A. who B. Who’s C.whose D. what ()3. What is the _______? A. matter B. thing C. matters D. things ()4.These _________ _____ nice. A. apple are B. tomatoes are C. photoes are D.photos is ()5.What ____ your father and mother doing? A.is B. are C. am D. was ()6. The kid is sitting ____his mother. A. besides B. on C. between D. beside ()7. Jack is ______ his family. A. in B. on C.with D. by ()8. ______________ your coat. It is very cold. A .Take off B.Turn on C.Turn off D. Put on ()9.What ____ your father and mother doing? A. is B. are C. am D. was ()10. The child is sitting ____his mother and his father. A.off B. on C. between D. beside ()11. There are not ________ umbrellas on the desk. A. some B. somes C.any D. anys ()12. ______________ your coat. It is very cold. A .Take off B.Turn on C.Turn off D. Put on ()13. Look! There is ______ apple and _____ banana in the box. A. an, a B. a, an C. a, a D. an, an ()14. What are jobs? They are postmen. A. their B. my C. our D. his ()15. is he? -- He is Swedish. A. where B. what color C. what nationality D. How ()16. Is it ______ blouse? A.she B. she’s C. her D. her’s ()17. any women in the picture ? A. Are there B. Is there C. There is D. There are () 18. Is Mrs. Jackson an English teacher or a Chinese teacher? A.Yes, she is. B.She is a n English teacher. C.No, she isn’t. D. English. () 19. Sally is ______under the tree, but Tom is ______ the tree. A. siting ,climbing B. sitting, climbing C. sitting, climbbing D. siting, climbbing ()20. ____ is running along the street? Tom. A .What B. Whose C. Who D. When


七年级政治新学校新同学的教案 七年级政治新学校新同学的教案 教学目标: 引导学生以积极的心态面对新的学习环境、新同学与新的班级,与同学友好相处,对新的学校和班级产生一定的归属感,正确认识 个人与集体的关系,同时对初中生活充满兴趣,满怀信心地迎接初 中生活。 教学重点: 珍惜新友谊 教学难点: 珍惜新友谊 教学方法: 事例分析法;讲解法;谈话法;讨论法 教具: 一张空白纸和一支笔。 教学过程: 在打开课本之前,你们来猜一猜我们第一课主要讲的是什么内容? 好了,那么从踏入着所学校的大门开始,你们已经从一名小学生变成了一名中学生了。可以说,升上初中是你们人生道路上的一个 新的起点,那么,我们该以什么样的心态来迎接这个新的学习生活呢?你们都熟悉了这里的环境,适应了新的校园了吗?你们都认识 了周围的同学吗?接下来我们来学习第一课的第一节“新学校,新 同学”)

初中生活新体验 1、当你踏入中学的校门,你已经是一名中学生了,进入新的环境,你有什么样的感觉? 2、开学以来,你遇到了哪些新鲜的事? 3、你喜欢现在的学校吗?喜欢这里的老师和同学吗? 小结:初中是我们人生道路上的一个新起点。从这个起点开始,我们将在新的校园里学习,认识新的老师和同学,那么多新的同学 组成了这个新的集体,对于我们来说,一切都是崭新的。 珍惜新友谊 那么这些新的同学怎么样才能尽快地熟悉起来呢?老师这里就有一个游戏,让大家尽快熟悉起来。串名字游戏 游戏方法:以四人小组为单位,先给几分钟时间给你们互相认识,并且呢要记住对方的名字。待会呢,老师就叫一个组的成员来自我 介绍,介绍的时候说,例如:我是性格开朗、爱交朋友的徐璇,第 二名学员轮流介绍,但是说:我是性格开朗、爱交朋友的徐璇旁边(后面)的热情善良的某某;第三名学员说:我是性格开朗、爱交 朋友的徐璇旁边(后面)的热情善良的某某的`后面的某某,依次下去……,介绍的一名学员要将前面所有学员的名字和所采用的修饰 复述一遍。 注意:其中一组介绍的时候,其他组的同学也要认真记住自我介绍的同学的名字,不可以说话,待会老师还要考考其他同学记住了 多少位同学的名字。 算一算你记住了多少新同学的名字?他们是谁? 认识新的同学成为了新的朋友,你快乐吗?你还想认识更多的同学吗? 小结:在我们这个新的班级里,有这么多新的同学聚在一起是一种缘分,让我认识你,也让你认识我,从记住对方的名字开始,大 家就成为了好朋友。


新概念英语第二册第一单元测试题(满分150分) 姓名分数 一、英汉互译(30×1’) 1. private 2. conversation 3. repeat 4. museum 5. decision 6. public 9. expect 10. competition 13. 聚集14.乐器15.经理 16. 允许17.抱怨18.立刻 19. 场合20. 经历21.扔、抛 22. 打断23.发疯24. 服从 25. 舞台26抓到27. 账单 28匆忙29返回/归还30负担得起 二.单项选择题(20×1. 5’) 1. —— _______ terrible weather it is! —— It is said that it will get ______ later. A. What; bad B. What ;worse C. How; bad D. How; worse 2. The book ______ Lucy’s. Look! Her name is on the book cover. A. must be B. can be C. can’t be D. mustn’t be 3. It ______ me two hours to get there by bus. A. spent B. took C. used D. paid 4. My mother has to Hong Kong twice. A. come B. got C. gone D. been 5. Three months quite a long time. A. is B. be C. are D. am 6. I did not remember her before. A. have met B. having met C. to having met D. to meet 7. I’ll go with you to the theater as soon as I my homework. A. will finish B. shall finish C. finish D. finished 8. —Can you deal with the problem —_____. A. I’m afraid not B. I’m not afraid C. I’m no sure D. I’m sure not 9. —Has your neighbour moved into the new house


丰都县包鸾中学思想品德学科七(上)年级课题新学校,新同学第 1 单元(章) 1 课(节) 1 课时德育寄语有很多良友,胜于很多财富。——莎士比亚 学习目标 1,热爱新的学习环境,对新学校和新班级产生一定的归属感,培养主人翁意识; 2,提高交往能力,能够在新的集体中建立新的友谊; 3,和谐共处,与新朋友结伴成长; 相 关 知 识 链 接 (或学法指导) 1915年秋,正在湖南第一师范学校读书的毛泽东,为了多结交志同道合的青年,向长沙各学校发出一则《征友启事》。毛泽东征得的朋友都是“好学有远志,持身谨严而意志坚毅”的青年。他们用“以天下为己任”来相互勉励,一起研究学问、探索救国之道,后来成为共同献身于革命事业的亲密战友。 学生 自主 学习内容1,自主学习教材P2~P6的相关内容; 2,进入新的环境,你有什么样的感觉? 3,怎样才能适应新的学习环境? 4,填一填:课本P4页“我遇到的新鲜事”;P6页“我和同学有哪些相同之处”; 合 作 探究 内容1,毛泽东征朋友的故事给我们哪些启发? 2,开展“新环境,新感觉”的讨论交流,提高学生的人际交往能力;3,进入新学校、新环境,有负面情绪的学生,我们该怎么帮助呢?

重 难 点知 识记录什么是初中生适应障碍,产生的原因及教育措施是什么? 适应障碍是指当体内环境的变化非常强烈或变化的持续时间太长时,人对环境的适应就会出现一些异常的反应。一般来说,引起适应障碍的原因大致有两类:一种是急性突发事件,如各种天灾人祸;另一种是慢性持久的精神刺激,如长期家庭关系不和睦、人际关系不良、学习成绩低下等。 ⑴初中生容易患适应障碍的原因: ①小学到初中生活的巨大变化是患适应障碍的直接原因; ②初中生在生理上的巨大变化也部分影响着其对新环境的适应; ③初中生的心理特点是导致其容易患适应障碍的根本原因; ④外界刺激多元化,而初中生辨别能力差,也是导致其适应障碍的部分原因; ⑤初中阶段开始出现的家庭关系“代沟”,是学生遇到适应障碍时无法得到及时 解决的主要原因。 ⑵对初中生适应障碍的教育措施: ①从小培养自我意识; ②让学生学会真诚、学会欣赏; ③从小培养乐观的生活态度、坚强的意志; 当堂检测1,在新的集体里,我们会有许多不认识的新同学。面对新面孔,我应该() A.从记住对方的名字开始,结交更多的新朋友 B.只要学习好,别人就会主动和我交朋友 C.只和小学同学交往,这样才能建立起长久的友谊 D.万事不求人,有没有朋友无所谓 2,进入一个新的集体,会有许多不适应,我们如何看待新集体?下列想法正确的是() A.新集体是个大家庭,同学间彼此关心,努力融入新集体 B.进入中学,学业负担越来越重,我们应该只把学习抓好 C.集体与个人没有多大的关系 D.只需努力发挥个人的特长


新概念第二册第一单元测试 一、根据要求完成单词(10分) 1. friendly __________ (反义词) 2. decision __________(动词) 3. musical __________ (名词) 4. waiter __________(女服务员) 5. 对...的浪费____________ 6. r _________________ ad.无礼地,粗鲁地7、竞赛n. ________________ 8、发疯的adj. _______________ 9、和往常一样________________ 10、应得到,值得v. ______________ 二、找出划线部分读音与其他三个不同的选项。(5分) 1. A. theatre B .those C. think D. thirsty 2. A.decision B.begin C desk D behind 3. A,postcard B.whole C. old D.box 4. A.excuse B.student C. duty D.business 5. A.private B. ring C. business D.until 三、写出下列单词的不规则变化(10分) 1. buy ________ ________ 2. draw ________ _________ 3. catch ________ ________ 4. teach ________ ________ 5. spend ________ ________ 6. eat ________ _________ 7. leave ________ ________ 8 put ________ ________ 9. forget ________ ________ 10. drink ________ ________ 四.单项选择(30分) 1. —I’m sorry sir. The tickets have been s old out. —___ A. What a pity! B. Certainly. C. May I have two tickets? D. You’re welcome. 2. Does John know any other language ______French. A. except B. but C. besides D. beside 3. When I reached home, my parents __________their supper. A. are having B.have already had C.have had D. had already had 4. Can you look yourself when I’m out? A. at B. for C. after D. up


新概念英语第二册一单元(上) 教学知识点 一、重点短语 Lesson1: go to the theatre/movie Pay attention to=focus on=be concentrate on Take notice of get(be ) angry(with)/angrily turn round=turn around in the end=at last=finally none of one’s business make a conversation talk loudly/speak louder/read aloud Lesson2: get up/wake up/get down/get on Sit up/jump up Sometimes/sometime/some time/some times Out of the window/by the window/ Stay in bed/go to bed Not……until What a day! Just then/from then(now) on By+交通工具 Have breakfast(lunch/dinner)/a meal Lesson3: public gardens=park In public/in the public eye A single day Teach sb. sth. Lend sb. sth.=lend sth. to sb. Borrow sth from sb. Few/a few/little/a little A few words Think about/of/ Send sb. sth.= send sth. to sb. On the last day Make a decision=make up one’s mind Lesson4: receive sth. from sb. Work for/work with A great number of/ the number of Try to do sth.= take efforts to do sth. Fly to+地点 In the centre of ……/in the middle of Find sb. doing sth. A big firm(company) Lesson5: sp. +距离长度+from+ sp. In three minutes/after three minutes Cover/be covered with Up to now=up till now=until now=so far A great many One……the other…… From……to…… In the way/on the way/in this way/ by the way/in a way Spare parts/ a part of/ the portion of Carry the message to/ leave a message for Lesson6: move to/settle in/settle down Knock at/knock on/knock down/knock off Knock oer/knock out Ask/ ask for A glass of In return for/in return Stand on one’ head(hand) Go away/get away/ Tell sb. (about) sth. Call at+地点 Call on+人 Once/twice/three times a day/month/year Once upon a time/once more/once again/ Once in a while Lesson7:at the airport Expect sth./expect sb. to do sth. Wait on +地点 Wait for Take sth. off/take off Keep guard=stand guard=patrol To one’s surprise Be full of=be filled with Look at/for/after Put out/put……out Put on/put……on


新概念英语第二册测试卷 基础听力 一、本部分有5道小题,每道小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。(2*5) 1.Why doesn’t the man leave the house? A.His son will go abroad next year. B.He has not enough money. C.He likes the place. 2.What will be built in Peter’s village? A.An airport B.A train station C.A bus stop. 3.How does the man write the letters? A.He writes the letters on paper. B. He writes the letters by computer. C. He writes the letters in the book 4. What does Tom give Amy? A.Some food B.Some paper C.A letter 5.Who is Peter? A.The man’s father.. B. The woman’s father. C.The dog. 二、听对话或独白,选择最佳选项,每段对话或独白听两遍。(2*5) 听对话,回答第6至7题 6.How much is John’s house? A.50,000 yuan B.500,000 yuan C.5,000,000 yuan 7.What will the woman do if she has a large sum of money? A.She wants to build a beautiful garden. B. She wants to build a beautiful house C. She wants to build a shool. 听独白,回答第8至10题 8.Where are they? A.In a hostel B.In the street. C.At home. 9.Where did Milly lose her money? A.In a shop. B.On her way home C. In a hostel 10.How much did Milly lose last week? A.600 pounds. B.500 pounds. C.100 pounds. 词汇.语法 三. 从A.B.C.D中选出最佳选项。(1*20) 1.Is that a_____? ---Yes,There are kinds of beautiful shoes in it. Let’s go and have a look. A.fruit shop B.clothes store C.shoe store D. book shop 2. The cake______good. I can’t wait to eat it. A.feels B.sounds C.becomes D.smells 3.Mum, Mary bought a parrot yesterday.Could you please buy_____for me? ---Sure,but you must take good care of it. A.one B.this C.it D.that 4.The boy was so attracted by the computer games that he forgot______else. A.anything B.nothing C.something D.everything 5.It is quite hot these days. And today is _______day. A.hot B.hotter C.as hot as D.the hottest 6.How long have you_____China? ——For three years. https://www.360docs.net/doc/f61361808.html,e back B.returned C.left D.been away from 7.Do you want to know_____in the future?A special mirror invented by the French scientists can help you. A.what you will look like B. what will you look like C. how do you look like D. how you look like 8.We_____talk loudly when we see the sign on the right. A.must B.mustn’t C.need D.needn’t 9.Please take the medicine three times a day,_____it won’t work well. A.and B.but C.or D.so 10.Your dress is so nice. ——Thanks! It___by my uncle as a birthday present. A.bought B.was bought C.has bought D.will buy 11.The noise made by the little boy every day drives me mad. He_____4 people _____. A.has drove;away B.has driven;in C. has driven; away D. has drove;in 12.Don’t accuse me____stealing from you, I never went to your house. A.of B.from C.on D.in 13.What ____sweet water! I have never drunk such water like this.. A.a B.an C.the D./ 14.Where is Johnson? I can’t find him anywhere. ——He____letters upstairs. A.might have written B.must have written C.must be writing D.must write 15. _____honest he was! He gave the money to the person who lost it yesterday. A.what B.which C.why D.how 16. Our party turned ugly when a drunk man started to throw bottles_____the window. A. on B. of C. through D. in 17.Many villages in the Third World______an acute (严重的) shortage of clean water. A. suffer from B. suffer in C. suffer over D. suffer of 18. I _____being a singer before I went to the university. But now I don’t want to be a singer,because I have no money to learn music. A.dreamed B. dreamed of C. had dreamed D. had dreamed of 19. Last year,when we_____the U.S.,my little girl became interested in the history of this country. A. were travelling across B. travel across C.were travelling through D. travel through 20. In this village, the villagers ____wheat. A. live B. live with C. live on D. live in 21.The wine can_____me_____my mind. A.drive;away B. drive;into C. drive;out of D. drive;over 22. What______trouble he caused! He is driving me mad now!.


新学校新同学作文3篇 友好的同学、和蔼可亲的老师、宽敞明亮的教室、这就是我目前发现我新学校的特点。我爱我的新学校,我爱我的新老师,我还爱我的新同学!下面一起随我来欣赏关于"新学校新同学"的作文吧。 新学校新同学作文1: 进入中学后,有很多新鲜的事物,让我们好奇,令我们欣喜。初中生活把我们带进一个崭新的天地,在这个新天地里,我们站在一个新的起点上。让我们珍惜这个新起点,体验成为一名初中生吧! 在新的班级里,有这么多新的面孔,让我认识你,也让你认识我。当我们踏入这个新的班级,我们将认识更多的新同学,结交更多的新朋友,并一起在学习生活中分享成长的快乐。 认识新同学之后,我们将在这个班级中共同学习和生活,我们都希望和谐相处,共同进步,生活在一个团结友爱的集体中。 在彼此交流后,我们发现这个小小的班级里,有这么多亲密的伙伴。这份成长中的友谊,将使我们宝贵的初中生活更加精彩,青春的生命充满阳光。 初中生活正是我们成长的体验,学习知识更快的阶段,我们将会在这段时间里学到更多知识。 新学校新同学作文2:

开心快乐的暑假眨眼间就过去了,迎来的是一个崭新的学校,崭新的同学和教师,崭新的书本,还有就是崭新的课程。暑假里,我以为到了初中,作业会很多很多,书包会很重很重,这让我怀着好奇的心态进入了学校。 学校很大呢!一个个初一的新同学,都挤在教学楼的门口,在看自己被分到了哪班呢!一开始的时候,是按照姓氏来排的,在一个星期以后的摸底考试中出了成绩,再按成绩的高低来排。 我们进了教室,座位都是自己挑的。教室已经两个月没有打扫了,地上,桌子上,板凳上都是一层灰尘,有些同学爱干净,就东吹吹西擦擦,等收拾完,老师已经来了。老师给我们讲了讲在七年级四班学生应该做的事,又给我们每人发了一本《中学生日常行为规范》,里面有几个小故事。老师让我们在一个星期之内会背中小学生日常行为规范。就这样,大家都专心致志的读了起来。 摸底考试到了,同学们一点儿都不紧张,以为自己的基础都很牢固了,一定能考的很好。老师告诉我们要放松心态去答题,不许作弊。老师又给我们读了一下考号和考场。同学们陆续从教室里走了出去。"嘟--"考试的小哨吹响了,大家都专心答起题来。两天之后,同学们的教师被重新编排。我呢,被分到了七年级六班,这也是个不错的班级。从今天开始,我们就要正式上课了。过了一些日子,不知道同学是从哪里得来的消息,说是七年级一班到六班是好班好的班,其中七年级三班和七年级四班是最好的


新概念英语第二册第一单元测试题(满分150 分) 姓名分数 一、英汉互译(30×1’) 1. private 2. conversation 3. repeat 4. museum 5. decision 6. public 7.distance 8.valuable 9. expect 10. competition 11.beggar 12.performance 13. 聚集14.乐器15.经理 16. 允许17.抱怨18.立刻 19. 场合20. 经历21.扔、抛 22. 打断23.发疯24. 服从 25. 舞台26 抓到27. 账单 28 匆忙29 返回/ 归还30 负担得起 二.单项选择题(20× 1. 5’) 1. ——_______ terrible weather it is! ——It is said that it will get ______ later. A. What; bad B. What ;worse C. How; bad D. How; worse 2. The book ______ Lucy ’s. Look! Her name is on the book cover. A. must be B. can be C. can ’t be D. mustn ’t be 3. It ______ me two hours to get there by bus. A. spent B. took C. used D. paid 4. My mother has to Hong Kong twice. A. come B. got C. gone D. been 5. Three months quite a long time. A. is B. be C. are D. am 6. I did not remember her before. A. have met B. having met C. to having met D. to meet 7. I ’ll go with you to the theater as soon as I my homework. A. will finish B. shall finish C. finish D. finished 8. —Can you deal with the problem? —_____. A. I ’m afraid not B. I ’m not afraid C. I ’m no sure D. I ’m sure not 9. —Has your neighbour moved into the new house?


新概念英语阶段测试题 姓名:_______ 一.单词填空(1分/题,共20分) 01. (原谅)02. (手提包)03. (连衣裙)04. (房子)05. (伞)06. (票)07. (号码)08. (老师)09. (早晨)10. (美好的)11. (遇见)12. (国籍)13. (工程师)14. (工作)15. (今天)16. (学校) 17. (抓住)18. (妈妈)19. (手表)20. (领带) 二、根据单词写音标(1分/题,共10分) 01.pardon 02.pencil 03.English 04.please 05.cloakroom 06.school 07.mechanic 08.thanks 09.woman 10.brother 三、写出下列单相对应的反义词(1分/题,共10分) 01.fat 02.tall 03.dirty 04.hot 05.old 06.busy 07.white 08.stand https://www.360docs.net/doc/f61361808.html,e 10.these 四、根据问题作出适当回答(5分/题,共25分) 01.-Is this your watch? - Yes,_______________. 02.-Thank you very much. -___________________ 03.-This is not my umbrella. -__________________ 04.-What's your job? -___________________ 05.-What nationality are you? -____________________


新概念第二册第一单元测试 Name________ Marks________ Ⅰ单选: (18分) 1.The movie was very___ she was really ___ in it. A. interest; interesting B. interested; interested C. interesting; interested D. interest; interests 2. The play ____ finish ____ nine last night. A. not, until B. didn’t, until C. doesn’t until D. not, until 3. Sherry didn’t know what to do at the beginning; but she made her _____ at last. A. decide B. decides C. deciding D. decision 4. Jean spent fifty hours ___ the book. A. reading B. to read C. in read D. read 5.Planning so far ahead ____ no sense(意义)--- so many things will have changed by next year. A. made B. is making C. makes D. has made 6.I wasn’t sure if he was really interested or if he ____ polite(礼貌的). A. was just being B. will just be C . had just been D. would just be 7. There is ____ milk in the bottle, but there is ______ fly in it. A. a; a B. some, a C. some, a D. any, a 8.The number of the foreign students attending Chinese universities ____ rising since 1990. A. is B. are C. has been D. have been 9. Tony runs fast; Jack runs ____ ; Tim runs ____. A. faster, fastest B. fast, fast C. fast, faster D. faster, faster 10. Helen arrived ___ London airport ____ the morning of June 7. A. in, on B. at, on C. at, at D. at, in 11. Don’t ____ other people’s mistakes. A. laugh B. laugh at C. laugh on D. laugh in 12.My parents ___ in Hong Kong. They were born there and have never lived anywhere else. A. live B. lived C. were living D. will live 13. To _______, he won the match at last. A. my surprised B. my surprising C. my surprise D. my surprises 14. If you ____ the book tomorrow, you will be very happy. A. will read B. will reading C. will be reading D. read 15. He ___ football regularly for many years when he was young. A. was playing B. played C. has played D. had played 16.I not only ____ spoke English very carefully , ____ very carefully _____. Abut also; too B. and; either C. but; as well D. and; so well 17. Y ou can stay here tonight . We can put you _____ in the spare room. A. away B. up C. in D. out 18.______, have you seem Tom _______? A.By the way; lately B. In the way; recently C. On the way ; lately D. In a way; recently


Unit 1 That’s my father! 一. 单元分析(本单元在教材中的地位) 本单元教学内容相继是通过询问某人是谁,再现所学语料句型。基于本单元在教材中的位置和学生的情况,教师可以首先利用儿歌复习家庭成员,之后通过猜测She’s/He’s my father’s brother/sister 引出新知uncle/aunt;以此类推通过学生和教师的照片family members 介绍家庭新成员cousin。随着故事的发展,通过询问某人是谁设计语境引导孩子们看图片交流,课本中的片段跟读模仿表演等语境中实施教学,可采用的教学方法可以是模仿表演,看孩子们自己的家庭照片询问图片中的人物等活动形式来提高学生的综合语言运用能力。同时利用配套资源:碟片,单词卡片和故事图片等直观手段激发学生的学习兴趣,从而帮助学生达到好的学习效果。 三.本单元教学重点和难点 1、教学重点: a. 正确熟练运用表示动物的所学词汇及句型。培养学生的理解、跟读模仿,合作表演的能 力。 b. 理解cousin 与brother 和sister,在交流中询问家庭成员关系时正确应用; c. 正确提问和回答:-Who’s that …?-He’s/She’s /That’s … -Is that…? -Yes, it is. -Is that…? -No, it isn’t. 2.教学难点: 1. 理解cousin 与brother 和sister,在交流中询问家庭成员关系时正确应用; 2. 正确提问和回答:-Who’s that …?-He’s/She’s /That’s … -Is that…? -Yes, it is. -Is that…? -No, it isn’t. 四.课时划分 本单元分3课时完成。
