
















选定一个名词后,要考虑是否把它变成复数或“所有格”形式。例如:match→matches, friend→friend's/friends'。其他还要考虑名同是否需要变成形容词,例如:sun→sunny, use→useful/useless/used, danger→dangerous。



相互转换以及形容词变名词的要求也要考虑。例如:interesting→more /the most interesting , happy→happily, happy→happiness。


数词方面要注意基数词和序数词的变化以及分数的表达法,例如:three→third, 2/3

→two thirds。

不定冠词只需要在a或an之间判别,例如a girl/an old man。





An old saying goes, "When in Rome(罗马),do as the Romans do." I learned the 1 of this when I studied in Russia.

One day I invited some of my Chinese friends to a famous local restaurant in Moscow. My guests and I were 2 from visiting Red Square and happy about our meeting. We had a warm chat until the waiter told me that we were being too loud. We turned our voices 3 . But this didn't last long. The waiter came over to us two more 4 with the same message.

How bad an impression(印象)we must have left on the local people! In China, it's 5 and important for a host to make a 6 atmosphere(气氛). However, in Russia and 7 countries, having a meal in a public place means you must keep your voice low. You need to be polite to others.

I felt bad about this. Even though we tried our 8 ,it's very difficult to develop a new habit.

Russians have their own special habits. My Russian friend, Andrey always looks around and thinks for a while before leaving home. I asked him why he did this. "Aha, " Andrey said, "in Russia, people always take about a minute 9 over things and plans in their minds before leaving. So they won’t leave anything necessary behind. "

Finding the 10 between cultures is much fun. I'd like to keep my eyes and mind open.



1. meaning。作者通过在俄罗斯学习期间的一次亲身经历,体会到“入乡随俗”这句话


2. excited。联系下文“他们聊天兴致很高,说话声音大”,可判断:他们在参观完红场


3. lower。联系上文“服务员告诉我,我们说话声音太大”,可判断本句句意为:我们压


4. times。由上句“这种情况没有持续太长时间”,可判断本句句意为:服务员又为了同


5. natural。nature意为“自然”,这里用其形容词形式natural,意为“自然的,正


6. lively。根据下文“在俄罗斯和西方国家的公共场合用餐时,必须压低说话声”,结


7. western o western country意为“西方国家”,故用名词west的形容同形式western o

8. best固定短语try one's best意为“尽某人最大努力”。

9. to go o take+时间+to do sth.意为“花费时间做某事”。

10. differences。本空缺少主语,故用形容词different的名词形式difference,意
















做完以后,再认真读一遍,检查所填写的单词是否与文章要求相符,文章是否通顺,前后是否呼应,有无句型结构及语法错误。在实际做题的过程中,很多学生能够充分利用词首字母和短文内容填写单词,但是问题往往出现在单词的形式变化上。比如填以q开头的单词,要求填写quickly,然而多数考生只知道填写 quick,忽略了词性问题。因此,深思熟虑很重要。


More than 95% of the people in the world have phones today. They help us easily make contact(联系)with others. It means that we h 1 write letters now. But a TV show, Letters Alive, is bringing b 2 this old habit.

The show is loved by people around China. It invites famous actors and actresses, one person walks up to a microphone(麦克风)and reads a 1 3 . The letters were w 4 by people from different times in history. We can experience the real lives and feelings of the writers.

Besides it, another TV show, Readers, is also p 5 . It invites different people to read aloud on the stage, and t 6 the touching stories behind them. They can read anything, like poems and bunks. Now the s 7 gives people a special place, a reading pavilion(朗读亭),to read all over China. Reading pavilions are now in some c 8 like Shanghai, Hangzhou and Xi'an. The pavilion is quite s 9 . Only

one person can come into it each time. A microphone in it records people' s voices. Some of the readers will be picked and invited to r 10 on TV

Cultural values and true feelings are the keys to winning praise. Both shows are leading Chinese people to enjoy reading. In fact, this is also what our country is trying to do now.


1. hardly。根据上文中的“More than 95% of the people in the world have phones today.”可知,现在世界上大多数人通过电话联系,故应该是几乎不再写信了。故填hardly,意为“几乎不”。

2. back。bring back意为“带回”。

3. letter。根据上下文可知这个节目的播出目的是为了唤回人们对信的记忆。故填letter,意为“信”。

4. written。主语letters和谓语动词write之间是被动关系,故用一般过去时的被动语态。故动词write要用其过去分词形式written。

5. popular。popular意为“流行的,受欢迎的”。

6. tell。tell stories意为“讲故事”。这里是invite sb. to do sth.意为“邀请某人做某事”,tell和前面的动词read并列。

7. show。 show为名词,意为“节目”。

8. cities。结合后面的Shanghai, Hangzhou and Xi'an可知用名词的复数形式cities,意为“城市”。

9. small。由下文中的“Only one person can come into it each time.”可知,一次只能进一个人,可判断句意为:这个朗读亭非常小。small意为“小的”。

10. read。be invited to do sth.意为“被邀请做某事”,故本空填动词原形read。










I was feeling a little sad because my mother had lost her job. One day, while I (1)

(walk) on the street, I heard that a beautiful piece of piano music (2) (play)

above the noise of the people. I walked more slowly (3) (find) out where

it was coming from. Then I saw a young lady sitting at a piano.

She was singing songs about love, believing in yourself and keeping on (4) (try). The way she was singing made me (5) (relax). I stood there quietly, watching her playing on such a crowded New York square. I thought that she must be

brave enough to perform in front of so many people.

She noticed me, I walked over and (6) (tell) her how good her music sounded. "Thank you." she said. "I have been going through a hard time recently,

but you've made me hopeful again." I said to her.

"I'm glad that I could help." She replied. "Why are you so sad?"

"Well, my mum (7) (lose) her job, and I'm not so sure what to do..."

"Did you notice the way you were walking? Your head was down." she said. "(8) (not be) upset, because opportunity comes in different ways and if your head is

down, you might not see it. You (9) (smile) more...lift your head up."

I looked at her, amazed at how she was encouraging me. "Why (10) you

(play) the piano here now?" I asked her with a smile.

She explained that she saw a lot of unhappy people in the world and she tried

to cheer them up by playing music.

I smiled a little wider, realizing that no difficulties could stop me from going





1. was walking。分析该句的句子结构可知,此句为while引导的时间状语从句,主句

为一般过去时,从句用过去进行时表示动作正在进行。主语为I,故用was walking。

2. was being played。句子的主语music和谓语动词play为被动关系,联系上下文可


用was being played。

3. to find。此处用不定式to do作目的状语。

4. trying。keep on doing sth.为固定搭配,意为“坚持做某事”。

5. relax/relaxed。make sb. do/+形容词,为固定搭配,意为“使某人(做)……”,relax


6. told。此处told与and前的walked并列。

7. has lost。由文中第一句话“I was feeling a little sad because my mother had

lost her job."


8. Don't be。该句为祈使句,构成“Don't+动词原形”结构。句意为“不要难过”。

9. should smile。联系上文“不要难过,因为机会以不同的方式出现,如果你聋拉着

头你可能看不到它”可知,此处表示提出建议,用should smile,句意“你应该多微笑……


10. are; playing。由时间状语now可知,此处用现在进行时,主语是you,所以be










3.注意固定搭配。如be interested in, at least, take care of, get on well with 等。




When you talk with someone, you'll need to end your conversation at some point. And there are many reasons why you need to do that. Either you or the other person may need to continue an activity such 1 working or shopping. Or you may have run out of things to say. You just want to keep the conversation short.

But 2 do you end a conversation in a polite way? It may depend on where and how the conversation started. It may also depend on your relationship with the 3 person. If you already know that person, you can just say, "I need to run now." Or you can say, " I'll catch you later." You may also give a reason for ending the conversation. "I really need to go- my piano class starts in ten 4 . "

Perhaps you just meet someone in a social situation, and you have a nice talk. But then you have to go. You can say, "It was nice meeting you. Maybe we can talk happily 5 sometime in the future."

Another way to end a conversation is to make it easy for the other person to 6 .If you see the other person is already not patient, you can say, "Well, I'm sure you have a lot to do today."

You could use these 7 to end a conversation, and you should notice that others may also use them. 8 they do so, you should know that it's time for you to stop and get on with your day.



1. as。上文告诉我们在必要的时候结束谈话,下文列举了需要结束谈话的原因。表列

举用such as,故填as。

2. how。第一段讲述原因,下文就讲述怎样礼貌的结束谈话。从下文“It may depend on where and how the conversation started.”可以判断出这里讲怎样结束谈话,故填how。

3. other。根据社会常识可知,只有与其他人才能进行对话和交流,故填other符合题意。

4. minutes。句意:我需要离开了,因为我的钢琴课在 4 要开始。不可能是10天,


5. again。 sometime in the future表示以后的某一时间,可知应该是下次或再一次

交流,故填again 。

6. leave。根据“If you see the other person is already not patient, you can say,‘Well, I'm sure you have a lot to do today.’”可以判断出是为对方的离开找借口,所以填leave比较合适。


8. If。分析该句结构可知该句为主从复合句,前句为条件,后句为结果,故填if合适。



make progress on the piano, one day, a boy 70. to a Paderewski’s concert by his mother. After they were seated, the mother saw a friend and walked up to g reet her, leaving the boy alone in 71. seat. Catching the chance to explore the wonders of the concert hall, the little boy stood up and finally made his way through a door 72. marked “No Admittance(进入)” . Soon, the hall got dark and the concert about to begin. When the mother 73. to her seat, discovered that the child was missing. Suddently the lights focused on the piano on the stage. In surprise, the mother

work can be truly beautiful. Next time, you set out to achieve great works, listen carefully. You can hear the voice of the master, whispering in your ear, “Don’t stop. Keep playing.” 解析 70. 考查一般过去时的被动语态,一天,一个小男孩被他妈妈带到 帕德雷夫斯基的音乐会。根据后文“by his mother”及上下文时态可知was taken。 71. 考查物主代词。根据上下文可知“把小男孩独自留在他的座位


中考英语词语运用专项练习 每日谚语 Diligence is the first step to succeed.自信是走向成功的第一步。 学习目标:1,熟记词性变化顺口溜,以防选词正确但词性错误而前功尽弃。 2,认真研究领悟技巧分析的24条经验总结,以达到以不变应万变。 3,通过本节课的学习,努力让自己的词语运用题能提高1-2分。解题策略(步骤): 研、寻、定、查 解题技巧 A 分析词性:各种词性本身的变化情况 为了方便记忆,试着记住下面的顺口溜: 空前空后要注意,名词单复要牢记,还有’s不能弃; 动词注意要变形(共4种);形、副注意用三级; 要填数词请留意,千万别忘“基”和“序”; 填入代词需慎重,五格变化要谨记; 介词、连词最省力,看见照抄就可以。 B.注意各种词性之间的相互转换。 1.v.+er/or--n.(人) eg. teach visit invent 2.adj.+ly---adv. eg. Careful quick 3.n.+ly---adj. eg. Friend month 4.adj---n. eg.Important different health 5.v.---adj. eg.die miss 6.v.+tion---n. eg. Invent pollute 7.v.+ment---n. eg. develop move 8.adj.+ness---n. eg. happy sad

9.--less是adj.的词尾,并且是反义eg. careful helpful C.具体情况分析 1.be后面可以填三种形式:现在分词、过去分词或形容词。- - - be + Ving构成进行时;be + adj.表状态; be +Ved2 构成被动语态 2.冠词、形容词、物主代词和名词所有格后填名词。 ----- a/an/the + n. ; adj. + n. ;物主代词+n. ; n’s +n. 3.名词前可填形容词、形容词性物主代词或名词所有格。 ------ adj. +n. ;物主代词+n.;n’s+n 4.动词或动词短语后填副词------v.+ adv. 或adv. +v. 5.两个句子之间填连词 6.冠词和名词之间填形容词。------冠词+ adj. +n. 7.have/has/had 后首先考虑填动词的过去分词 ------have /has /had +Ved2构成现在完成时态 8.数字(除one外)后面填名词复数,序数词后填名词单数。 ------基数词(除one外)+ n. (pl.)序数词+n.(单数) 9.如果需要填数词,则看名词,名词是复,填基数词;名词是单数填序数词或one --基数词+ n. (pl.) 序数词/ one +n.(单数) 10.通过所缺词前后的关键词,填出答案。如: many / few / several / most + n. (pl.) ; much + -er ; -er +than 11.句首空词,并且后面有逗号,考虑填副词。 ------However,/Luckily ,/ Unluckily Also, / Most importantly , +句子 12.句中不缺成分,考虑填副词,句末一定是副词 13.通过固定短语填出所缺的词。 eg. keep in touch with ; play a joke on ; be on a visit to


词语运用 一、考点解读 词语运用题主要考查学生在特定语境中对词汇、表达法的灵活运用能力。试题的主要考查点是名词、数词、形容词、副词、动词及常用动词短语。 1、名词:名词单复数、名词所有格以及星期、月份等特殊名词的拼写; 2、形容词和副词:形容词与副词的选用及形式转化,形容词与副词的比较级等级; 3、数词:序数词变为基数词的规律; 4、动词:动词的过去式、过去分词、现在分词以及动词不定时、动词短语的拼写及用法。 二、解题方法及技巧 (一)阅读全句,理解句意 正确理解全句有助于准确判断所填的单词,若只看所填词的提示而忽略整个句意,往往填不上或填错单词 e.g. We can’t breathe f air because of polluted environment. (二)认真分析所填词的词性 做题时结合语境、语法要求去判断所填词的正确词性 e.g.1.This morning I was two minutes late for train,but (luck),I didn’t miss it as the train was late,too. 2.What a (sun) day! Let’s go hiking. 3.She was one of the greatest Chinese (write) of the 20th century. 各种词性之间的相互转换表 (1)v.+er/or n.(人):teach visit work (2)adj.+ly adv. : careful luck quick

(3)n.+ly adj. :friend month (4)adj. n. :important different healthy dead (5)v.+tion n. : invent pollute (6)v.+ment n. : develop move (7)adj.+ness n. : happy ill sad (8)-less后缀,un-前缀都表示否定含义 careless ——(反) helpless——(反) useless ——(反) unhappy——(反) unusual——(反) (三)要判断所填词的正确词性 (1)名词要注意复数和所有格 (2)形容词、副词要注意比较级和最高级的变化 (3)动词及词组要注意各种时态、语态及非谓语动词等各种形式 (4)数词注意分数和序数词的变化 e.g.1. In China, students have two (term) every year. 2. After exercising for a few months, she is a little (thin) than before. 3. Mr.Green lives on the (twelve) floor of the building. 4. When I (arrive), it was early in the morning and it was raining. (四)注意固定搭配 e.g. I am (interest) in reading books. 词语运用解题口诀: 空前空后要注意,名词单复要牢记,还有’s不能弃; 动词注意要变形;形、副注意用三级; 要填数词请留意,千万别忘“基”和“序”; 填入代词需谨慎,五格变化要谨记; 介词、连词最省力,看见照抄就可以。

D_中考英语词语运用专项训练 (讲义)

中考英语词语运用专项训练 【知识点睛】 一、中考词语运用命题特点 河南中考对词汇的考查主要集中在______________、______________及 _____________和______________等几个方面。这就要求考生在平时一定要熟记大纲所 规定的考查单词及相关短语搭配,明辨同一词根的词的不同用法,更重要的是要做到对单词的词形/性变化及语法知识的活学活用。预计河南中考对词汇的考查重点在实词的拼写、词形/性变化及同一词根的词的不同用法上。 二、考察目标 该题型旨在考查学生的英语基础知识和综合运用英语的能力。该题型将重点考查:同一词根的不同词性变化;序数词与基数词的区别运用;名词的单复数及所有格;代词的用法;形容词和副词比较等级的运用以及动词各种时态语态的灵活运用。 三、解题策略 1.认真查看所给的单词,弄清楚每个单词的意思及词性。如动词一般作谓语,形容词 常作表语或定语,副词作状语等。 2.跳开空格,快速通读文章,初步了解文章框架、大意,获取有用信息。 3.认真阅读挖空的句子,弄清楚句子的结构及句子大意,特别是空格前后单词的词性, 这很关键。因为空格前后的单词往往是选择所要填入空格的单词最重要的依据。 4.根据句意,从所给单词中筛选最恰当的单词填入空格中。注意有时候词性要作相应 的变化。 5.认真研读完成后的短文和句子,看句子结构是否合理,句意是否完整并符合逻辑, 以便确定答案。 四、解题步骤 明确所给词的词性→弄清所给句子的意思→确定空白处所需的词性→正确写出所填的词 五、应试策略 1.对中考课标和考试说明中要求掌握的词汇必须通过听写或练习掌握,牢固掌握单词 不仅有益于答好词汇题,更是做好其他题型的前提。 2.重视背单词的_________,并熟知不同词性的作用。 3.注意结合语境去填对__________,(学生最爱用动原,名词单数),答题时画出关键 词,名词考虑“单复数”,形副考虑“原比最”,数词考虑“基序词”,动词考虑“时态语态”等。 4.练习各种题型,如用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空,根据首字母补全单词,用方 框中单词短语正确形式填空等。 5.每天做几道题,作业经常训练,长期坚持必有收获。 6.摘录错题,错题反复看。


初中英语词语运用解题技巧及练习 一、考点解读词语运用题主要考查学生在特定语境中对词汇、表达法的灵活运用能力。试题的主要考查点是名词、数词、形容词、副词、动词及常用动词短语。 1、名词:名词单复数、名词所有格以及星期、月份等特殊名词的拼写; 2、形容词和副词:形容词与副词的选用及形式转化,形容词与副词的比较级等级; 3、数词:序数词变为基数词的规律; 4、动词:动词的过去式、过去分词、现在分词以及动词不定时、动词短语的拼写及用法。 二、解题方法及技巧 (一)阅读全句,理解句意正确理解全句有助于准确判断所填的单词,若只看所填词的提示而忽略整个句意,往往填不上或填错单词e、g、We can’t breathe f air because of polluted environment、 (二)认真分析所填词的词性做题时结合语境、语法要求去判断所填词的正确词性e、g、1、This morning I was two minutes late for train,but (luck),I didn’t miss it as the train was late,too、2、What a (sun)

day! Let’s go hiking、3、She was one of the greatest Chinese (write) of the20th century、各种词性之间的相互转换表(1)v、+er/orn、(人):teach visit work(2)adj、+lyadv、 : careful luckquick(3)n、+lyadj、 :friend month(4)adj、n、:important different healthy dead(5)v、+tionn、 : invent pollute(6)v、+mentn、 : develop move(7)adj、 +nessn、 : happy ill sad(8)-less后缀,un-前缀都表示否定含义careless (反) helpless(反)useless (反) unhappy (反)unusual(反) (三)要判断所填词的正确词性(1)名词要注意复数和所有格(2)形容词、副词要注意比较级和最高级的变化(3)动词及词组要注意各种时态、语态及非谓语动词等各种形式(4)数词注意分数和序数词的变化e、g、 1、In China, students have two (term) every year、2、 After exercising for a few months, she is a little (thin) than before、3、 Mr、Green lives on the (twelve) floor of the building、4、 When I (arrive), it was early in the morning and it was raining、 (四)注意固定搭配e、g、 I am (interest)


中考题型集训(四) 词汇运用 __题组训练1_ [中文提示写单词] 根据句意和所给中文提示,写出下列句中所缺单词。 A 1.[2017·连云港]—What do you think of the Art Festival in your school? —Colourful! All the students enjoy ________(他们自己) and show their different talents. 2.[2017·乐山]I didn't hear the phone because it was too ________(吵闹的) in the supermarket. 3.I don't want to ________(浪费) my time talking with her. It's like playing the lute to a cow. 4.[2017·南充]Tu Youyou has won the Nobel Prize. We are very ________(自豪的) of her. 5.September is the ________(第九) month of a year. 6.We shouldn't take these game shows too ________(严肃地) while watching them. 7.Tom and Peter are good friends. They can talk about and ________(分享) everything. 8.[2017·连云港] Some classical pieces at the concert are traditional and have a lasting ________(价值). 9.[2017·天水]Because of his ________(粗心), he didn't pass the exam. 10.[2017·南京]—What do I need to make a thank-you card? —You need some ________(纸), glue and a pair of scissors. B 1.[2017·宿迁]There is a ________(刀) and some pens on Wang Jun's desk. 2.Drivers should drive more slowly on ________(下雨的) days. 3.[2017·苏州]In Switzerland, some of the old clothes are ________(卖) in charity shops. 4.[2017·苏州] Life is like a race. I'm ready to take on new ________(挑战) any time. 5.Everyone, you need to have a dream. The future of China ________(依靠) on you! 6.My grandma always tells me ________(没有什么) is more important than health. 7.[2017·泰州]David showed great ________(勇气) during his fight against illness last year. 8.My mother goes shopping every week—there is a shopping mall just ________(在……对面) our house. 9.[2017·南京]Liu Hua is the chief ________(工程师) of the high-speed railway connecting Moonlight Town to Nanjing. 10.[2017·南京]More than six ________(百) teams took part in 2017 Nanjing primary and secondary school robot competition in May. C 1.The glasses can keep the worker's eyes ________(安全的). 2.The houses are so expensive that he can't ________(承担得起) to buy one. 3.My parents are always ________(严格的) with me. 4.Nobody was ________(缺席) from school though it rained heavily yesterday. 5.His uncle is going to ________(参加) a business meeting in Beijing next week. 6.It's important for young people to make a right ________(决定) for their future. 7.Some wild animals are in ________(危险)as the earth is getting warmer and warmer. 8.Mary goes to work every day ________(除…之外)Sundays. 9.[2017·镇江]The dentist suggests that the girl should brush her ________(牙齿) before going to bed. 10.We've got a lot of new ________(杂志) in our school library. D 1.Tina is my cousin. She is tall and she has long ________(直的) hair. 2.[2017·乌鲁木齐]The Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation(一带一路国际合作高峰论坛) which was held in Beijing on May 15th had a very deep ________(影响) on almost all the countries. 3.Nowadays people like to eat out on Spring Festival, ________(特别地) young people.


基础题型二词语运用 01 命题趋势考标导向化 词汇是学习英语的基础,也是中考的高频考点之一。近几年来,各地中考的中考英语都非常重视考生在具体语境中运用词汇的能力的考查,词汇部分在历年中考题中约占总分的5%~10%。预计2015年中考将会加大考生对各类词汇的灵活运用及单词拼写能力的考查。 02 题型解读题型归类化 ◆类型Ⅰ根据句意及汉语提示拼写单词 【解题策略】 1.先判断句中所缺的词的词性,根据汉语提示回忆对应的词。 2.所填的词多为重要词汇,不会是特别难的词。 3.若有两个以上的词汇符合所给的汉语意思,要根据上下文和搭配形式进行取舍。 4.检查所给词汇的形式以及时态是否正确。 【题组训练】 A(2014·镇江) 1.Whether Siheyuan in Beijing should be kept or not is under a hot______________(讨论). 2.—What do you think of the block you live in? —I’m not satisfied.The loud noise from the squar e always________ (打扰、扰乱)me a lot. 3.What he said finally proved that he was__________(不诚实的). 4.Some people have no sense of safety.They usually go________(径直)across the road without looking at traffic lights. 5.The weather report says there will be much _________(雨)in most areas in the south. B(2014·黄冈) 1.Women teachers are usually more careful and more_________(有耐心的)with the pupils. 2.Since you’ve finished your work,why not consider________ (参观)the park with your friends? 3.Early in the________(二十)century,two famous scientists developed their personal ideas about dreams. 4.In order to search for the missing passengers in the MH370,two________(军人)died. 5.The film reminded me of the day when I was _________(照顾)care of in the village. C(2014连云港) 1.It’s time to have a rest. Let’s go out for a _______(呼吸)of fresh air. 2._______(幸运地)for the villagers,the firemen put out the big fire in time. 3.Thomas Bach of Germany was _______(选择,选为)to be the ninth IOC president last year. 4._________(无论在哪里)someone falls ill,Doctor Mei often rides for hours to see the patient in the mountainous area. 5.The guide is so________ (精力充沛的)and outgoing that he can always help tourists have a good time on the trip. D(2014宜宾) 1.We usually have_________ (面包)for breakfast. 2.Do you know the person _________(跑)after the bus? 3.God helps those who help________ (他们自己). 4.EXO is one of the _________(最热的)singing groups in China. 5.We should often__________ (交流)with our parents and understand them. E(2014·滨州) 1.There are nearly four ________(百)students in our school. 2.Excuse me,do you have a ________(字典)in your school bag? 3.The baby is so young that he can________ (几乎不)dress herself. 4.The restaurant is _________(在……后面)the bookstore. 5.The __________ (医学的)level in the city is better than that in the countryside. ◆类型Ⅱ根据句意及首字母提示写出正确的单词 【解题策略】 1.理解句意,所缺的单词一定是句中的关键词,一般多为名词或动词等实词。 2.在脑海中搜寻首字母是所给字母的词汇。 3.检查所填词汇的形式以及时态是否正确,如名词要考虑单复数形式、名词所有格等;如是代词要从人称代词主格、宾格考虑;物主代词要从形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词考虑;动词需要考虑单三形式,过去式等。 【题组训练】 A(2014·黄石) 1.Tom was late for class yesterday. When he came into the class,all of us were d_________ the

初中英语 词汇运用

所给单词的适当形式填空 1.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 ①Lao She was a great ________ (write) and he's especially famous for his play, Teahouse. ②Would you mind ________(take) out the trash, Jerry? ③The girl is going to repair the bike by ________(she). ④Although he lives on the ________(twelve) floor, he seldom uses the lift. ⑤He ________(not come) yet. What do you think has happened to him? ⑥This ________(wood) bridge was built more than 20 years ago. ⑦Morn couldn't stand the mess in my room, so she asked me ________(clean) it right now. ⑧The road to ________(successful) is never straight. ⑨The water ________(feel) cool when I jumped into the pool for morning exercise. ⑩He'd like to get some suggestions on how to learn ________(wise) and well. 单词拼写 2.单词拼写。根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明确,句意通顺。 ①Mary has developed a new way of life by getting close to n________ (自然). ②Frank, take off your w________ (湿的) jacket so you don’t catch a cold. ③This Chinese painting is the greatest work of a________ (艺术) I have ever seen. ④The little girl k________ (亲吻) her mum good night before she goes to bed. ⑤I’m s________ (确信的) that our dreams will come true through our efforts. 选词填空 3.用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空. ①She took lots of beautiful ________ during her stay in Europe. ②Tom, believing in ________ is the first step on the road to success. ③Tomorrow will be ________. How about going to Mount Gu for a picnic? ④The teacher kept ________ the use of the idiom to me until I understood it. ⑤He was facing a difficult ________ between staying with his family or working in Tibet.


2019中考英语短文语法选词填空题及答案精选 父爱 阅读短文在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。 When I’m growing up, I don’t hear the words “I love you” from my father. If your father never says them (16) ____ you when you are a child, it’ll get harder and harder for him to say those words as he gets (17) _____ (old). I can’t remember when I last (18) ____ (say) those words to him either. I decided (19) ____ (make) the first move. In the next phone conversation I Said, “Dad … I love you!”There was a silence(沉默)at the other end and Dad was (20) ______ (surprise) to answer, “Well, the same back to you!”“Dad, I know you love me; you will say what you want to say,” I cried. Fifteen (21) ____ (minute) later my mother called and nervously asked, “Paul, (22) ____ (be) everything OK” A few weeks later, on the phone my father said, “Paul, I love you.” I was at work (23) ____ the tears were running in my eyes as I (24) _____ (final) “heard” the love. As we both sat there in tears we knew that this special moment took our relationship to (25) _____ new way. Both of us were glad to see that. 参考答案: 16. to 17. older 18. said 19. to make 20. surprised 21. minutes 22. is 23. and 24. finally 25. a 一个音乐生 阅读短文在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。 I like music very much. (16) _____ I was young, I studied music at university. I (17) ____ (choose) to study in Vienna, Austria because of its musical culture. Vienna is a city (18) ____ a long history and it is also a place where many great musicians have (19)


2018中考英语集训词汇运用 时间:1分钟/小题分值:1分/小题 类型1根据汉语提示完成句子。 Group 1 1. —I find the game without Kobe Bryant boring. —I don't agree. One player cannot make a ________(队). 2. There is an ________(空的) bottle on the road. Everyone should be careful. 3. It's a good idea to give your father a ________(夹克衫) as a gift on June 19, Father's Day. 4. —Where shall we go for the summer outing, Daniel? —I can't ________(记得)exactly, maybe somewhere near Babulo Valley. 5. If everyone thinks about pollution and recycling, we can protect the air and help ________(救) our world. Group 2 1. John is interested in ________(化学). 2. It's good to have a ________(健康的) eating habit. 3. His father always ________(鼓励) him to face the failure bravely. 4. The Blacks are going to have their garden ________(浇水) this weekend. 5. All my classmates went to the old people's home________(除了) Eric because he was ill. Group 3 1. Although you are young, you can ________(仍然)make the world more beautiful in your own way. 2. Our government has made laws to ________(限制)air and water pollution. 3. The artist always ________(表达)his world view in his works. 4. Now is the time for all Jazz ________(迷)voices to be heard. 5. As the saying goes, “God helps those who help ________(他们自己).” 6. Early this morning I was busy ________(挖)in the garden to plant trees. 7. Toni Morrison is considered as one of the best writers of the ________(第二十)century. Group 4 1. —When was the new cross-sea ________(桥) in Lianyungang completed? —In April, 2016. 2. Flight 846 ________(降落) safely ten minutes ago with 300 passengers. 3. Researchers say temperatures in North Africa will continue ________(上升) this summer. 4. On his way back home, Frank lost his wallet because of his ________(粗心). 5. —Come on, Sandy. Everybody will be lucky or ________(成功的) sometime in their life. —Thanks, I'll try again. Group 5 1.In the USA, people eat with ________ (刀) and forks. 2.I left my book at home. May I borrow ________ (你的)? 3.You must look at the traffic lights before you go ________ (穿过) the road.


eg. keep in touch with ; play a joke on ; be on a visit to the +比较级----,the +比较级------- 14.more 后填形容词或副词原级;可数名词复数;不可数名词 ------more+多音节原级;more +n. (pl.) more +不可数名词. 15.介词后可以填:V.ing; 名词;代词宾格 ------介词+ Ving ; 介词+ n. ;介词+ 宾格 16. before / after +V.ing 17.从句句首,主语前填连词。 ------连词句子,句子。(注意:连词后无标点) 18.单句句首主语前填副词。---副词,句子。(副词后定有逗号) 19.can’t / should / might / don’t /didn‘t doesn’t / won’t / please +动词原形 20.冠词the后,多考虑填名词,有时也可以填形容词表示一类人。--the + n. ; the + adj. 21.Who +V.(多为单数形式) 或What +V. (多为单数形式) 22.注意在定语从句中,先行词who +V V.的单复数与先行词的单复数保持一致。 23.not only A but also B (A and B)A、B词性和词形一致 24.while后面用进行时 中考英语词语运用的解题技巧: 一、跳过空格,了解大意 解题时先跳过空格,通读完形填空的短文,了解全篇的内容和要旨。要重视首句,善于以首句的时态、语气为立足点,理清文脉,推测全文主题及大意。 二、复读短文,判断词形


中考英语总复习专题练习-词语运用 答题技巧 解题时,同学们先要结合所给的单词.对句子整体领悟,弄清句子含义,然后根据句子的意思判断出应该填写的单词及其正确形式,要注意所填写的单词的词性、是否与句子前后搭配一致、语法是否正确等。比如说,名词考虑单复数形式,形容词考虑比较级或最高级,动词考虑时态和语态,等等。 针对性练习 一、选用方框内的单词或词组填空,其中有一个单词或词组是多余的。 (一) 1. We're proud that China is playing a very important in the world. 2. I know my mobile phone was hidden , but I can't find it. 3. The higher you climb the mountain, the better you will see. 4. Oh, no! My favourite dog has gone_________________ . 5. The sudden big noise made me feel______________________ . 6. Don't forget to at the door before entering the office. 7. Your mother's brother is your _____________________ . 8. It's our to help each other. 9. Please me to send an e-mail to David. 10. Don't get angry with Tom. He is only a small boy________________ . 1. Mr Brown is so funny that he always tells us____________________ 2. I late to complete my homework yesterday. So I feel sleepy in class today. 3. The best season to visit here is since we can enjoy many beautiful red leaves. 4. Please be The baby is sleeping. 5. Can you what your life will be like in twenty years? 6. We shouldn't do anything the law. 7. When I was younger, my was to collect stamps, but now I like painting. 8. It is to finish the job in such a short time. We need two more days. 9. The new museum will open next month. I can't wait to visit it. 10. Columbus was one of the first to discover America. 2. If you want to read some stories, The Adventure of Tom Sawyer is a good __________.
