


To forgive is a virtue, but no one has ever said it is easy. When someone has deeply hurt you, it can be extremely difficult to let go of your hate. However, forgiveness is possible, and it can be surprisingly beneficial to your physical and mental health. People who forgive show less sadness,anger and stress and more hopefulness, according to a recent research.

__1__ Try the following steps:

Calm yourself. __2__ You can take a couple of breaths and think of something that gives you pleasure : a beautiful scene in nature, or someone you love.

Don’t wait for an apology. Many times the person who hurt you does not intend to apologize. They may have wanted to hurt you or they just don’t see things the same way. __3__ Keep in mind that forgiveness does not necessarily mean becoming friends again with the person who upset you.

Take the control

away from your offender (冒犯者). Rethinking about your

hurt gives power to the person who caused you pain. Instead of focusing on your wounded feelings, learn to look for the love, beauty and kindness around you.

__4__ If you understand your offender, you may realize that he or she was acting out of unawareness, fear, and even love. You may want to write a letter to yourself from your offender’s point of view.

Don’t forget to forgive yourself. __5__ But it can rob you of your self­confidence if you don’t do it.

A.Why should you forgive?

B.How should you start to forgive?

C.Recognize the benefits of forgiveness.

D. Try to see things from your offender’s angle.

E. For some people, forgiving themselves is the biggest challenge.

F. To make your anger die away, try a simple stress-management technique.

G. If you wait for people to apologize, you could be waiting an awfully long time.




2.解析:根据段落中心句Calm yourself.和下文的关键信息think of something that gives you pleasure可确定答案。




4.解析:根据关键信息write a letter to yourself from your offender’s point of view可确定答案。


5.解析:根据段落中心句Don’t forget to forgive yourself.中的关键信息forgive yourself可确定答案。


Passage 2(2013·北京卷)


Until relatively recently, the vast majority of human beings lived and died without ever seeing a city. The first city was probably founded no more than 5,500 years ago. __1__ In fact, ne

arly everyone lived on farms or in tiny rural(乡村的) villages. It was not until the 20th century that Great Britain became the first urban society in history—a society in which the majority of people live in cities and do not farm for a living.

Britain was only the beginning. __2__ The process of urbanization—the migration (迁徙) of people from the countryside to the city—was the result of modernization, which has rapidly transformed how people live and where they live.

In 1900 ,fewer than 40% of Americans lived in urban areas. Today,over 82% of Americans live in cities. Only about 2% live on farms. __3__

Large cities were impossible until agriculture became industrialized. Even in advanced agricultural societies, it took about ninety-five people on farms to feed five people in cities. __4__ Until modern times,those living in cities were mainly t

he ruling elite(精英) and the servants, laborers and professionals who served them. Cities survived by taxing farmers and were limited in size by the amount of surplus food that the rural population produced and by the ability to move this surplus from farm to city.

Over the past two centuries, the Industrial Revolution has

broken this balance between the city and the country. __5__ Today, instead of needing ninety-five farmers to feed five city people, one American farmer is able to feed more than a hundred non-farmers.

A.That kept cities very small.

B. The rest live in small towns.

C. The effects of urban living on people should be considered.

D. Soon many other industrial nations became urban societies.

E. But even 200 years ago, only a few people could live in cities.

F. Modernization drew people to the cities and made farmers more productive.

G. Modern cities have destr

oyed social relations and the health of human beings.




2.解析:空格前一句中的beginning与D项中的soon 相对应,英国只是个开始,之后一些其他的国家也开始成为城市化的社会,故选择D项。








Passage 1(2013·东北联考)

Make the right choices

What is life’s greatest gift? __1__ Choice is the ability t o select one course of action from a set of alternatives to achieve a is so great about ch oice? It transforms us from dumb animals into of us becomes another becomes nothing other than the tool we use to sculpt(雕刻) our tool doesn’t come free,

however,for the price of choice is responsibility.__2__ The reward is happ


Life is not is a flow. __3__ We constantly need to monitor where we are on our need to ask questions:Am I moving closer to my goals? If not,what corrective measures can I take? What action will I take now to readjust myself to my goals? Choice is power. Choice is at the heart of life. It is the creative power of life.

__4__ And your life becomes more convenient or comfortable because of them. For example, you decide which stores to shop at and which gas station to go to. But the decisions that we make to sculpt our life are far more important than deciding where to shop. The more we appreciate the difference between minor and major decisions, the greater the probabi lity that we will experience happiness and fulfillment.

All chess lovers realize that it isn’t necessary to win to enjoy the game. The pleasure is in the playing. Life is like a chess game. __5__

A.It is free will or choice.

B.You have to make choices every day.

C.Make the best moves you can under the circumstances.

D.But when we accept and carry it out, we get a great return.

E.Every choice we make leads us closer to or farther from our goals.

F.Life is full of hard choices, and the bigger they are, the harder they get.

G.Choose to carry out responsibilities not because you have to, but because you want to.


1.解析:根据上文的提问“生命中最珍贵的礼物是什么?”可知选A,it指代life’s greatest gift,即生命中最珍贵的礼物是自由的意志或选择。


2.解析:选项D中a great return与下文The reward前后照应,即当我们接受并执行它时,我们就获得了巨大的回报。这种回报就是幸福。









Passage 2(2013·海淀期中)


nbsp; Any car accident is frightening, but an accident in which your vehicle is thrown into the water, with you trapped inside, is absolutely terrifying. __1__ However, most deaths result from panic, without a plan or understanding what is happening to the car in the water. By adopting a brace (支撑) position, acting decisively and getting out fast,you can save yourself from a sinking vehicle.

Brace yourself for impact ( 撞击力). As soon as you’re aware that you’re going o ff the road and into a body of water, adopt a brace position. The impact could set off the airbag

system in your vehicle, so you should place both hands on the steering wheel in the “ten and two” position.

Undo your seatbelt. __2__ Unbuckle the children, starting with the oldest first. Forget the cellphone call. Your car isn’t going to wait for you to make the call.


bsp; Leave the door alone at this stage and concentrate on the window. A car’s electrical system should work for up to three minutes in water, so try the method of opening it electronically first. Many people don’t think about the window as an escape option either because of panic or misinformation about doors and sinking.

Break the window. If you aren’t able to open the window, or it only opens halfway, you’ll need to break it with an object or your foot. It may feel counter-intuitive(有悖常理的) to let water into the car.__4__

Escape when the car has equalized. If it has reached the dramatic stage where the car cabin has been filled with water and it has become balanced, you must move quickly and effectively to ensure your survival. __5__ While there is still air in the car, take slow, deep breaths and focus on what you’re




高中英语阅读七选五专项练习题 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选 项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 <1> Dear Seth, You‘re only three years old, and at this point in your life you can ‘t read, much less understand what I‘m going to try to tell you in this letter. But I ‘ve been thinking a lot about the life that you have ahead of you, about my life so far as I reflect on what I ‘ve learned, and about my role as a dad in trying to prepare you for the trials that you will face in the coming years . As with my advice, take it with a grain of salt . What works for me might not work for you . But someday when you‘re ready, I hope you will find some wisdom and value in what I share with you . 【小题 1】_____________________________ You are young, and life has yet to take its toll on you, to throw disappointments and heartaches and loneliness and struggles and pain into your path . You have not been worn down yet by longs hours of thankless work, by the slings and arrows of everyday life . For this, be thankful . You are at a wonderful stage of life . You have many wonderful stages of life still to come even if they are not without their costs and great dangers.


高考英语阅读七选五专练含答案 People need a place to call home。whether it's their childhood home。a school dormitory。a newly-built house。or even a XXX。not everyone has a permanent home。and travelers especially may struggle to find a sense of belonging。But do they not deserve a home too。Of course they do. For some frequent travelers。they bring personal belongings such as bed sheets。pillowcases。and family photos to create a XXX where they are。Others may stay in the same hotel for extended ds of time。ing familiar with the staff and services。Some may even add a touch of home by placing XXX。There are many ways to make a temporary space feel like home. B。People find ways to keep in touch while traveling。Some may send letters。postcards。or photos。while others may simply make a phone call to let their friends know they are safe and well。Making friends on the road can also help travelers feel more at home。with some backpackers ing incredibly close friends.


一、考点精要 【授之以渔】 近年来,高考的阅读理解增加了七选五题型,试题模式为:给出一篇缺少5个句子的文章,对应有七个选项,要求同学们根据文章结构、内容,选出正确的句子,填入相应的空白处。该题型主要考查考生对文章的整体内容和结构以及上下文逻辑意义的理解和掌握。其命题体现了《新课标》“用英语获取、处理和运用信息的能力;逐步获取用英语思维的能力。”的阅读学习和教学理念。《考试说明》对该题型命题目的的表述“主要考查考生对文章的整体内容和结构以及上下文逻辑意义的理解和掌握。” 新题型七选五其实跟传统题型完形填空有相似之处,完形填空空出的是词,而七选五空出的是句子,但是他们的考察方式都是一样的,只要考生选择的答案能够使行文连贯,符合英文的语法以及习惯表达就行,因此,这两类题型在做题方法上有共通之处。 二、解题技巧 【名师坐堂】从该题型给出的选项中我们可以发现一些特点:该题型选项大致可分为主旨概括句(文章整体内容)、过渡性句子(文章结构)和注释性句子(上下文逻辑意义)三类。另外两个多余的干扰项也可以通过这三个特点来排除,例如主旨概括句要么过于宽泛要么以偏概全或偏离主题,过渡性句子不能反映文章的行文结构,注释性句子与上文脱节等。根据这些,我们总结一些关于七选五的做题方法供大家参考。 1.先看选项。跟完形填空不一样,七选五的答案选项较少,并且给出的都是句子,因此,我们可以通过句子的完整性或者句子后面的标点符号来判断该句在文章中的位置。另外,通过阅读选项,有可能找出跟其他选项表达完全不同意思的句子,这样的话我们就可以直接将该选项排除。 2.通读全文对文章进行快速浏览,寻找主题句,抓住文章结构及文章的写作内容。在阅读过程中,要注意文章的开始与结束段落,尤其是文章的首段及末段末句,因为“开门见山”与“结尾总结”的写作方式为常见的写作方式,首段的末句一般是全文的主题所在,说明本文将探讨哪些内容,并简要指出文章的写作思路,有时甚至会以提纲的形式进行呈现。 3.看空前空后。由于七选五空出的是整个句子,而这些句子与句子之间,必然有一种联系,因此我们可以通过选项中某个名词或动词跟空前或空后的一致性或者相关性来确定这两个句子之间有一种关联性,从而选择答案。 4.将所选答案代入文中,再次通读全文,重点考查逻辑关系和关联结构。在完成选项定位后,应通读全文,检查文章内容是否完整,语义是否连贯合理、各段落内容是否紧扣主题,语篇结构是否通顺连贯、具有一致性、合乎逻辑,写作思路是否清晰明了,格式以及用语是否恰当贴切,从而判断选择的答案是否正确。同时,我们还应注意对相近选项的对比分析,个别干扰项由于与某个正确选项的内容相近具有很强的干扰性,这时就需要我们认真分析,仔细甄别,排除干扰,从而得出正确选项。 同时在解题的过程中,应该注意下列几个方面: 1.注意代词或定冠词。在做这类题目的时候,一定要注意句子中出现的人称代词或者指示代词,因为我们知道,代词是指代一个名词或者一个句子的,然后通过代词在句子中所做的成分我们可以推断出它指代的句子的类型,我们要做的就是从选项中找这类句型就可以了。 2.注意一些特殊疑问词。如果选项中或空前出现特殊疑问词,一定要把这句话仔细读几遍,因为对于不同特殊疑问词的回答方式是不一样的,比如对why的回答,后面要有because等表原因的词,对when的回答,后面要有表时间的状语,对where的回答,后面要有表地点的名词,对how的回答,后面要有方式状语等。 3.注意一些连词。如一些表示转折的连词,but,however,yet,though,nevertheless等,另外还有一些表示并列关系的连词如and,also,as well as,neither…nor…,either…or…,not only…but also…,on

2020年高考英语复习:七选五阅读 专项练习题10篇(含答案)

2020年高考英语复习:七选五阅读专项练习题10篇 A In the middle of the Pacific Ocean lies the tiny island nation of Tuvalu,the fourth smallest country in the world. This group of four islands and five atolls (islands made from coral) is famous for its sandy beaches and turquoise (蓝绿色的) waters and has long been a popular tourist destination for nearby New Zealanders. However, the nation of Tuvalu is at risk of soon no longer existing; not because of war or political change, but because it will be covered by the rising ocean. Tuvalu is experiencing the harmful effects of global warming. As global temperatures rise, so does the ocean temperature. Due to the scientific law of “thermal expansion,” when water heats it get bigger. 1.Most experts claim that the effects of climate change will make Tuvalu uninhabitable within the next 50 years. Problems are already emerging. As sea levels rise, ocean water containing high levels of salt is travelling further and further inland destroying the little amount of soil Tuvaluans have to grow crops. Even before Tuvaluans began to suffer from the effects of climate change, lift on Tuvalu was tough. 2.Most of the land on an atoll is rock-hard arid any soil that exists on it is usually thin and poor for growing crops. The nation has always had to import food apart from fish. More serious than Tuvalu’s lack of home-grown food has been its lack of drinking water.3.Therefore, Tuvaluans depend almost entirely on rainwater for their water needs. Unfortunately, due to a geographical phenomenon known as La Nina, Tuvalu often suffers from long periods of drought. In autumn 2010, after seven months of no rain, the Prime Minister had to declare a state of emergency riot only because of a lack of drinking water, but also because the water left was polluted with cholera (霍乱) 4._____ Tuvalu’s problems have led some of its 11, 000 inhabitants to consider migrating to Australia or New Zealand.5.They know they’ll have to someday, but for as long as possible, they want to remain and make the world aware of what is happening to their homeland due to chimate change.


Several times each year the Queen gives afternoon tea parties at which guests are served tiny cakes filled with cream from her own cows. Cakes and sandwiches are brought in by footmen, yet you never see the Queen touch a thing. She simply sits beside a big silver plate, pouring cups of tea for everyone and carefully avoiding the cakes. At cocktail parties the Queen moves from group to group, chatting informally, and manages to make one glass of diet(节食)drink to last an entire evening. Tours abroad are difficult because hosts(主人)seem to believe the warmth of their welcome must be shown with wonderful state banquets(宴会). But the Queen has perfected the art of appearing to enjoy her meal without actually eating much. During one visit to the Pacific islands of Tonga, a specially-prepared dinner was arranged in a hut made of wood and bamboo leaves. Deep holes were dug in the ground, filled with hot stones and baby pigs, and the pigs were slowly baked over several days. The Queen looked uneasily at her plate when she discovered a whole roast pig was her serving. Then she became uneasy when a turkey, some meat, bananas and an apple were also carried in for each guest. So she depended on her old favorite trick of talking with her host. , King Tupou IV, carrying on a warm conversation. At the same time she pushed her food around her plate and only ate a piece of turkey and some fruit. Reporters traveling with her have noted that the Queen will sometimes seem so carried away by a foreign leader’s political chat that she simply never has time to finish a meal before it is time to get up and make her speech. She will lift her fork to swallow a mouthful, then put it down again to make another point, leaving almost all of her meal untouched. 1. The main idea of the passage is about ____. A. the Queen’s favorite food B. the Queen’s tours abroad C. how the Queen keeps her diet during her tours D. the Queen’s trouble with a foreign leader


高考英语《七选五阅读理解》专项练习题(含答案) Travel is one of the activities people carry out most often during their spare time. 1.Maybe, for them, to broaden their horizons and to be happy and healthy, are more important than money. Travel can be a wonderful experience and a sweet memory. The foll owing tips on travel may help you if you plan to travel later on. Know more about the place you plan to visit. 2.After making a decision, you shoul d seek others’ advice and try to know more about the place that you are going to, i ncluding how to get there, the cost, the sights you plan to visit and so on. 3.Especially if you plan to take part in adventure activities, you may get injured. Once such an injury or accid ent happens to you, you may not have to suffer both physically and financially as long as you have travel insurance. Do not forget medicines. 4.They are necessary for a col d, infection, stomach upset? injuries, etc. Since you are travelling away from home, you may not have family members to care for you when you fall ill. So, take extra care of yourself and be ready for everything. Mind your basic safety. It’s easy to let your guard d own when you travel. After all, you’re more relaxed and there are so many new sights to focus on. However, nothing is more important than your life. 5. A.Consid er travel insurance. B.Being a money-saving traveller is not easy. C.So, watch out for your personal safety at all times. D.Ask your classmates for opinions about where to go. E.Although travel may cost a lot of money, most people like to travel. F.Always remember to carry your first aid box and necessary medicines. G.To enjoy a wond erful trip, you shoul d think carefully about where to go. Movies have become such an inseparabl e part of our lives that it’s tough to imagine a world without this form of entertainment. With the development of new technology, the number of movie viewers has increased greatly. 6.The reason is that it opens a wind ow of

2021届高考 英语七选五专题训练(10篇 含答案详解)

2021届高考阅读七选五训练 阅读七选五 1 Imagine a child standing on a diving board four feet high and asking himself the question:"Should I jump?" This is what motivation or the lack of it can do. Motivation and goal setting are the two sides of same coin. (1) Like the child on the diving board, you will stay undecided. (2) More than that, how should you stay motivated to achieve the goal? First, you need to evaluate yourself, your values, your strengths, your weaknesses, your achievements, your desires, etc. Only then should you set your goals. You also need to judge the quality and depth of your motivation. This is quite important, because it is directly related to your commitment. There are times when your heart is not in your work. (3) So, slow down and think what you really want to do at that moment. Clarity (清晰)of thoughts can help you move forward. Another way of setting realistic goals is to analyze your short and long term objectives, keeping in mind your beliefs, values and strengths. Remember that goals are flexible. (4) They also need to be measurable. You must keep these points in mind while setting your goals. Your personal circumstances are equally important. For example, you may want to be a pilot but can't become one because your eyesight is not good enough. (5) You should reassess your goals, and motivate yourself to set a fresh goal. You will surely need to overcome some difficulties, some planned, but most unplanned. You cannot overcome them without ample motivation. Make sure that you plan for these difficulties at the time of setting your goals. A.This can affect your work. B.So how should you motivate yourself? C.However, this should not discourage you. D.So why should we try to set specific goals? E.They can change according to circumstances. F.Motivation is what you need most to do a good job. G.Without motivation, you can neither set a goal nor reach it.


2013-2019年高考阅读理解之七选五真题汇编30篇 1【2019全国卷I】 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Is Fresh Air Really Good for You? We all grew up hearing people tell us to “go out and get some fresh air.” ____36____ According to recent studies,the answer is a big YES,if the air quality in your camping area is good. ___37___ If the air you’re breathing is clean-which it would be if you’re away from the smog of cities-then the air is filled with life-giving,energizing oxygen. If you exercise out of doors,your body will learn to breathe more deeply,allowing even more oxygen to get to your muscles(肌肉)and your brain. Recently,people have begun studying the connection between the natural world and healing(治愈). _____38_____ In these places patients can go to be near nature during their recovery. It turns out that just looking at green,growing things can reduce stress,lower blood pressure,and put people into a better mood(情绪).Greenery is good for us. Hospital patients Who see tree branches out their window are likely to recover at a faster rate than patients who see buildings or sky instead. ______39______ It gives us a great feeling of peace. ___40___While the sun's rays can age and harm our skin, they also give is beneficial Vitamin D. To make sure you get enough Vitamin D—but still protect your skin— put on sunscreen right as you head outside. It takes sunscreen about fifteen minutes to start working, and that's plenty of time for your skin to absorb a day's worth of Vitamin D. A. Fresh air cleans our lungs. B. So what are you waiting for? C. Being in nature refreshes us. D. Another side benefit of getting fresh air is sunlight. E. But is fresh air really as good for you as your mother always said? F. Just as importantly, we tend to associate air with health care. G. All across the country, recovery centers have begun building Healing Gardens. 2【2019全国卷II】


2019年高考英语阅读理解七选五专题训练10篇(带答案) 2019年高考英语阅读理解七选五 专题训练10篇 (名师精选真题实战训练+详细解题过程,值得下载练习) [一] Open Hearts to Life We often close ourselves off when unfortunate events happen in our lives; we also try to forget pain by pretending it doesn’t exist,but we can’t make it.15 The three ways below can open your heart more fully and completely. Breathe into pain. Whenever a painful situation arises in your life,16 .If we run away from sadness that’s un folding in our lives,it gets stronger. Ask your heart what it wants. To start this process,you should ask,“Heart,what decision should I make here?What action feels the most rights?” 17 Engage your shadow. Many of us who are on the personal development path always get caught in such characteristics,like happiness,love and passion. 18 Try asking yourself a few questions: What parts of myself could I do without?Is there anything I’m hiding from myself?Don’t be afraid of what comes out; instead,acknowledge them and be with them as much as possible.Once you are a lithe(柔韧的) clearer about what exactly you’ve been hiding,you will get easier to shine your light on it. 19 Take one a day at a time,determine which work is best for you,and see what you can discover. A.It might be painful or even scary at first.


“七选五”阅读理解题专项训练汇编附答案 Forgiveness To forgive is a virtue, but no one has ever said it is easy. When someone has deeply hurt you, it can be extremely difficult to let go of your hate. However, forgiveness is possible, and it can be surprisingly beneficial to your physical and mental health. People who forgive show less sadness,anger and stress and more hopefulness, according to a recent research. __1__ Try the following steps: Calm yourself. __2__ You can take a couple of breaths and think of something that gives you pleasure : a beautiful scene in nature, or someone you love. Don’t wait for an apology. Many times the person who hurt you does not intend to apologize. They may have wanted to hurt you or they just don’t see things the same way. __3__ Keep in mind that forgiveness does not necessarily mean becoming friends again with the person who upset you. Take the control away from your offender (冒犯者). Rethinking about your


2021年英语中考阅读理解(七选五)题型提升练 Test 1 Trust has been considered as the basis (基础) of any relationship, including friendship. No relationship can last long without trust. 1. _______ Sometimes, it takes years, even a whole life to make it. We certainly know who are the people we trust. However, how do we know if others trust us? 2. _______ You may first like to talk to the friends you trust most. It is the same with your friends. Whom do you ask for advice when you need it the most? Either your parents or your friends may first come into your mind. You can only ask for advice from the people you really trust. You know they will never pass on a wrong suggestion. And so do they. 3. ____ Different ideas and discussions are a part of every relationship, and this is also true for friendship. Actually, two people can’t always have the same opinions on a situation and they may share different suggestions. Sometimes some people find it hard to forgive(原谅) and forget. 4. _______It is because they trust you and believe that you will never cause any pain to them on purpose (故意地). There are times in life when you find yourself a lonely soldier. 5. _______ Your friends will never let you down and will strongly stand for you when you need encouragement. If they side with you when you need them the most, you can know that they trust you. 根据短文内容, 从下列七个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。 A. But winning trust is not easy as we imagine. B. Whom would you like to share your secrets with? C. But for your true friends, there is no difficulty in it. D. They don’t like their friends with different opinions. E. It will be necessary for you to stay in touch with your friend. F. However, if you have true friends, you will never be alone in any trouble. G. The friends who trust you will go to you for help in the important decisions of their life. Test 2 (2019·柳州柳江中考模拟)


备战2021年高考英语七选五阅读理解选编10篇练习题(含答案) (一) Scientists often see the first ton years of a child's life as the "window of opportunity". 1__. And studies show that the following activities can be good for their brain greatly. 2____ Free playtime has always been an important part of "being a kid",but it is also important to a child ''s development. " Free play" not only helps kids develop different skills,but also helps them develop into happy healthy adults in the future. Read with kids Reading has long been known to improve children '' s intelligence. 3 For parents who don't have much time,just keeping your kids around books goes a long way too. Put kids to bed early 4_____. Preschool children should get at least 11 hours of sleep and kids up to age 12 should try to get at least 10 hours of sleep. Learn a second language Early studies in this field have shown that bilingual(会说两种语言的)kids can perform better under pressure. Young children can learn new languages with nearly perfect fluency(流利)and pronunciation. Praise good effort not intelligence Your kids may be smart but you should mainly praise the effort they put into tasks. Kids,who are praised on intelligence, often feel it is a fixed quality, and mistakes or failures badly hurt their self-confidence. Kids who are praised on effort often focus more on learning. 5__________ A. Play some helpful games B. Give kids enough playtime C. And they are not afraid to fail and try again D. Kids still need time away from the TV to do homework E. Kids who read often develop earlier writing and number skills as well F. Everything at this time is very important to the development of a person's' brain G. Studies show that kids with regular bedtimes are better at languages, math and reading (二)
