


一、Executive Summary

In this report, we will look into the Shanghai Zhangjiang Pharmaceutical Cluster. Located in Zhangjiang High-Tech Park, Pudong, Shanghai, one of the fastest developing region of China, with high quality human resources, and dense R&D centers, this pharmaceutical cluster has taken initial shape of its unique value chain after more than 10 years of development

Through “diamond” and other detailed analysis, we try to shed light on whether Shanghai is able to build a successful pharmaceutical cluster, discuss the challenges for further development and give out our recommendations as well.

二、Cluster Analysis 2.1 Favorable Home Base

Shanghai has been a long time a manufactory city, specialized in textile. The shift occurred after the reform of 1978. Shanghai became an important place for several key economic sectors as chemical and pharmaceutical, ship and car industries, machinery, steel, paper and printing products. In 1984, Volkswagen set up the first foreign car manufactory of China in Shanghai.

The growth of the GDP of Shanghai had been more than 10% annually between 1985 and 1999. Nowadays, around 10%, and it is still one of the highest of China. In 2006, the GDP per capita is around $7000 while in the rest of the China it’s on average around $1800.

Shanghai is therefore one of the most dynamic places of China, and according to several experts, it is not going to stop. Indeed, the Chinese government wants henceforth to set up also a main financial framework in Shanghai. They intend to make the Shanghai Stock Exchange one of the most important financial places in the world in the next decades. Shanghai seems to have the ideal home base to set up a successful industry and to develop several clusters as the pharmaceutical one.

2.2 Diamond Analysis for Shanghai Pharmaceutical Cluster

Exhibit 1 Shanghai Pharmaceutical Cluster Diamond Factor (Input) Conditions

Shanghai is one of the most talent-intensive metropolises in China, with 8 top medical universities, 10 international research centers and hundreds of R&D centers launched by respective companies. International pharmaceutical companies, for instance, Novartis has started up its 7th international research center in Shanghai. The cluster is also a focal area for national R&D funding. In 2009, the State Council decided to invest 32.8 billion Yuan ($4.95 Billion) for the development of altogether 11 high-tech research programs, with pharmaceutical industry included. With the joint efforts in both national and industrial level, more technological breakthroughs will be made by the huge talent pool in the cluster.

In terms of public services, the most notable event is the founding of Shanghai Zhangjiang Pharmaceutical Public Information Service Platform (registered as Shanghai Pharma-Engine Co., LTD) in April 25th, 2009, where solutions and consulting services to pharmaceutical enterprises about new drug development and clinical research was provided . The establishment


北京外国语大学 巫亚桥瑞士西北应用科技大学 张依梅巴黎高等商学院 索林?伯纳德

摘要:本文从地区,具体产业分析两方面入手,以“产业集群效应”为分析主线,详细阐释了上海张江医药产业集群的建立背景,运作情况以及未来展望。适合来华投资的医药外资企业,国内医药企业,以及相关政策制定方阅读参考。关键词:医药产业 集群 研究 展望



of this platform was one of the governmental promotions with the yearly goal of providing 5000 consulting services to enterprises and bringing up 20 infant pharmaceutical companies.

The physical infrastructure in the cluster is quite well-established. Enjoying one of the most developed transportation systems in the world encompassing ports (the world’s No.1 cargos handling capacity); railways, airports and highways, companies within the cluster can easily transport their materials and products domestically and abroad. Apart from transportation, the electricity stability, abundant water supply and highly developed telecommunicating system are all key elements of the cluster’s advanced physical infrastructure.

As the common competitive advantage throughout China, low cost of land and human capital is easy to access. By spreading their value chain, international companies in Shanghai Pharmaceutical Cluster are able to reduce their total cost for hiring employees. Although this low cost will eventually disappear as the cluster itself develops further on, it is still a crucial advantage at the current stage.

Context for firm strategy and rivalry

Shanghai is a city of dynamism, providing its pharmaceutical cluster a right context for improving productivity and innovation capacity. The cluster is located inside Zhangjiang High-tech Park, with other industries such as computer software, video games developing, etc. By the end of year 2007, some 540 patent applications have been made including 30 international ones .

Companies inside the cluster are faced with fierce competition against each other. According to statistics, by the beginning of 2008, there are 265 pharmaceutical companies gathering in the cluster. The number is developing with an annual speed of approximately 10%, meaning at least 350 companies are now competing currently .

Rivalry might lead to two different methodologies of competing, namely differentiation and cost leadership. Due to the fact that pharmaceutical industry is more knowledge-based rather than labor-intensive, cost leadership strategy will only deteriorate every single company and eventually the whole cluster. The only way to struggle through the fierce rivalry is the differentiation strategy, here presented as products upgrading and innovating. Fortunately, most of the companies are in the right track. A bunch of innovation-oriented companies have made their achievements in different segments of the pharmaceutical industry, including cardiovascular medication, fluorescence treatment and protein drugs.

Domestic Demand Conditions

China is the country of the largest population all over the world. Thus the huge amount of patients demanding for medical treatment is the NO.1 accelerator for the Chinese pharmaceutical industry. According to estimation by population experts, Chinese population will reach its peak level of 1.6 billion around the year 2035. The growing population means the growing demand for medical treatment. It is reported that every 1% of Chinese population growth will lead to the medicine consumption of an extra 370 million Yuan. A great growth potential exists in pharmaceutical sector.

First of all, in the year 2004, China was already the world’s No.7 medicine market and prediction shows by the end of the year 2010, the sales revenue of medicine in China will reach $24 billion. Furthermore, by the year 2020, China is likely to become the world’s No.1 medicine market. The large population base only partly accounts for this; another factor worth mentioning is the growing aging problems of Chinese society. By the year 2020, number of people over 65 years old will have accounted for 11.8% of the overall Chinese population and more than 80% of the overall consumption of medicines .

Secondly, people’s perception about medicines has now changed greatly. Conventionally, medical treatment was thought to be the last solution for patients and Chinese medicine is the first choice by Chinese people. As internalization hits China, people began to realize that western medicines are far more effective and easy to take as compare to Chinese medicine soups. Additionally, medicine becomes more a measure of prevention of illness than solutions; not only real patients, but also those suffering from sub-health, a status between healthy and sick, are willing to buy medicines.

This trend reveals the growing local demand for medicines and the growing demand for the sophistication of medicines. Consumers in China are becoming more particular and strict about the pharmaceutical products because they view medicines more as daily articles.

Related and supporting industries

Starting from the analysis of the location of the cluster, it is easy to get an overview of the related and supporting industries around the Shanghai Pharmaceutical Cluster for the first step.

As was mentioned, the cluster is located in Zhangjiang High-tech Park, together with several other clusters, which to some extend support the development of the pharmaceutical cluster. And viewing the Zhangjiang Park from a wider perspective, that is, the whole picture of this area in Shanghai (Pudong District), a lot of other similar parks can be seen, such as Lujiazui Financial Center, Jingqiao Manufacturing Park, Yangshan Free Trade Port Area, etc. All of the industries gather together in the 1210-square-kilometer administrative region are called Pudong District . It is obvious that the information technology cluster and the software technology cluster facilitate the R&D development of the pharmaceutical cluster the most. And within the whole Pudong District, the Financial Center and the Free Trade Port Area are crucial to the financing and transportation of

pharmaceutical cluster.



Exhibit 2 The Mechanism For Collaboration

三、Issues and Recommendations 3.1 Government Extraction

Looking back to the birth of Shanghai Pharmaceutical Cluster, it’s obvious that it is shaped totally by the government. It was part of the “11th Five Year Plan” of Shanghai, and was initiated through an agreement signed by the State Ministry of Science and Technology, the State Ministry of Health, the State Food and Drug Administration, China Academy of Science and Shanghai Municipal Government in 1996. As has been analyzed above, Shanghai has a favorable home base and promising diamond for bio-pharmaceutical industry. It is justified to say that choosing Shanghai to develop the cluster is a reasonable and wise decision. Government played a positive role in shaping the cluster.

Preferential Policies

Preferential Policies cover areas including: financial and tax support, capital support, human resources support, the Customs policy and so on. Those policies provide incentives for self-innovation, industry upgrade, boost service sector, encourage venture capital etc. With the intervention of government, the policies created a favorable diamond for the cluster from all around.

Challenge of Extraction

Since the cluster is taking shape, with elements of “the diamond” in place, it’s time for the government to think of how to gradually extract itself out of the cluster nurturing and boost the cluster’s inner impetus of development.

The role of government in starting a cluster should be one who constantly upgrades the diamond conditions, promotes fair competition and creates a free atmosphere for all participants. The government played a dominant role in the beginning of Shanghai cluster, but further intervention and involvement may bring problems such as too much bureaucracy, not enough competition, and improper policies tangling with market incentives and so on.

3.2 Intellectual Property Rights Protection.

Pharmaceutical innovation is vulnerable for its long developing circle, large inputs and low outputs. A lack of protection of Intellectual Property Rights will definitely hinder the development of the cluster.

It also includes the issue of the information sharing between local and foreign companies. By attracting FDI, an underlying goal is to learn the know-how from foreign companies and use that knowledge to upgrade our own companies. However, on the side of foreign companies, their ultimate reason is tax cuts and cheap labor, and may be unwilling to share the technology. This dilemma is at core of further development of Shanghai pharmaceutical cluster, for whether it can upgrade from a cheap-labor, low cost based cluster to a technology and innovation based one.

3.3 Institutions of Collaboration

A very important feature of cluster development is the free flow of information among related industries and institutions, which highly promotes innovation, sharing know-how, and competition. That’s why

institutions of collaboration are an important issue when talking about the development of cluster.

Shanghai Zhangjiang Pharmaceutical Public Information Service Platform was established as a tool to encourage exchange of information, boost innovation and increase competitiveness of the cluster. But the connection among all supporting industries was not self-initiated; it was designed by the government plan. At present, this platform is not utilized as much as it should have been. A better use of this information platform needs to be addressed. Challenges of cultural gaps with foreign research institutions, technology boundaries, and lack of connection among related industries are major obstacles that require solution, in order to upgrade the cluster.

3.4 Recommendations For the government

Further upgrade the diamond by infrastructure construction, preferential policies.

Enacting laws on Intellectual Property Rights, especially focusing on the issue of sharing know-how between local and foreign companies.

Encourage fair competition by setting and perfecting industry regulations.

Avoid extra intervention by leaving the control to market incentives, industry associations and institutions of collaboration.

Using policy incentives to strengthen the connection among related industries as well as the flow of information.

Direct the cluster to innovation and technology-based cluster.

For company strategies

Fully leverage the home base advantage, ally with related companies by setting up collaborated research centers and information databases.

Import new technology and learn the know-how rather than rely on the cheap cost.

Diversify the portfolio of investment by attracting capital from private sector rather than only from government lending.

Focusing on developing a unique value chain, which includes cooperative relationship with hospitals and medical schools, transportation companies, and so on.

Setting up Chinese medicine research centers, and put efforts into the combination of Chinese and western medicines, to meet the growing need for Chinese medicine and expand the market.


1.Resource from https://www.360docs.net/doc/4712199208.html,/EN/index.asp, homepage of Shanghai Zhangjiang Pharmaceutical Public Information Service Platform.

2.Resource from the homepage of ZHANGJIANG HIGH-TECH PARK, https://www.360docs.net/doc/4712199208.html,/Second.aspx?infoitem_id=65&infoitem_pid=5

3. Resource from the homepage of ZHANGJIANG HIGH-TECH PARK, general introduction of the cluster, h t t p ://w w w.z j p a r k.c o m /S e c o n d.a s p x ?i n f o i t e m _id=384&infoitem_pid=213&CPI=1



英文调查报告 广告的目标 1. our main goal is to establish brand awareness among our target audience. 2. our main purpose is to establish brand awareness among our target audience. 3. the main objective is to establish brand awareness among our target audience. 本段的关键在于清楚地表明公司的目标,同时下文即可循着这个主题发展。”main goal”, “main purpose”, “main objective”,都是指‘主要的目标’。 调查的数据 1. according to my figures, of the working women we polled, 50% said they read at least one of the top-five selling women’s magazines in taiwa n. 2. the numbers we have show that of the working women we polled, 50% said they read at least one of the top-five selling women’s magazines in taiwan. 3. as the facts prove, of the working women who responded to our poll, 50% read one of taiwan’s top-five selling women’s magazines. 说明调查的结果,并作为下文结论的根据。关键词为”figures”、”numbers”和”facts”等。 依调查判断


产业集群发展状况调研报告 产业集群发展状况调研报告 根据XX年3月5日张副县长的工作安排,分析农业、林业、畜牧、发改、创新、经贸等部门提供的材料,对我县电力、糠酒业、矿产业、畜牧业、生物创新产业、旅游业六大产业集群发展情况进行了调研。现将调研情况报告如下: 一、 **县产业集群发展状况 近几年来,**县委、县政府全面实施产业富县战略举措,积极调整、优化产业结构,着力打造和培育具有区域特色的产业集群经济,全县已初步形成了电力、糠酒业、矿产业、畜牧业、生物创新产业、旅游业六大支柱产业集群,产业规模不断发展壮大。特别是12月28日南沙电站第一台机组发电,标志着**县支柱产业培植又迈上新的台阶。**县产值突破亿元的产业已达5个,成为新的经济增长点。目前,产业集群覆盖面积达到xx平方公里,涉及全县14个乡镇。 XX年,六大产业集群完成总产值xx元,占全县民营经济总产值的xx%;实现产品销售收入xx元,其中出口创汇xx元;实现利税xx 元,发放从业劳动者报筹xx元。 电力产业 完成投资14304万元,南沙电站完成投资9300万元;麻栗寨河

二级电站完成投资720万元;农网三期改造工程完成投资3000万元;南沙至小新街35千伏线路建设完成投资700万元;电力设施修理改造完成投资584万元。 糖酒业 年产5万吨燃料酒精改扩建工程已建成投产。 矿业产业 与红河钢铁厂进行合作,南砂矿业公司投资XX多万元,成功地对马街铁矿进行资源整合;按公开、公平、公正的原则,将**县黄金有限责任公司产权转让给云南华西矿产资源公司的工作已全面完成。 畜牧业 XX年,生猪存栏xx万头,同比增长xx%;肥猪出栏xx万头,同比增长xx%;实现畜牧业产值xx亿元,同比增长xx%。实现肉类总产XX9吨,实现畜牧业产值2.61亿元,与前XX年的1997年同比,肉类总产年均增长1492吨,年均增长率40.9%,畜牧业产值年均增长2023万元,年均增长52.67%。 生物创新产业 **县国土面积2189.88平方公里,林业用地175.8万亩,占国土面积的53.5%,其中:有林地124.05万亩,灌木林地27.02万亩,疏林地0.47万亩,未成林造林地3.21万亩,苗圃地0.07万亩,宜林荒山20.98万亩,森林覆盖率41.0%。 1.膏桐 据调查,**县适宜发展膏桐的土地资源总面积为60万亩,适宜

大力推动产业集群发展 构筑跨越发展战略支撑

肥东发展与改革 肥东县发展和改革委员会 4 (总第18期)2008年4月23日------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 大力推动产业集群发展构筑跨越发展战略支撑 ——赴河南省长垣县学习考察报告 为学习借鉴外地产业集群发展的好经验、好做法,编制好我县产业集群发展规划,提升我县产业集群发展水平,助推肥东跨越式发展,经县领导同意,4月18日下午,县发改委组织县直有关部门前往河南省长垣县学习考察。现将此次学习考察情况报告如下: 一、长垣县概况和近年来经济发展情况 长垣县位于河南省东北部,隶属新乡市,地处豫北平原,东靠黄河,与山东省东明县隔河相望,西(北)邻滑县,南界封丘,北依濮阳,居郑州、新乡、安阳、濮阳、开封、菏泽等城市群中心。总面积1051平方公里,全县辖6镇8乡、4个办事处,总人口80万,是国家粮食生产基地县和绿色农业示范区、中国防腐蚀之都、中国厨师之乡、建筑之乡、起重机械之乡、医疗器械

之乡,是河南省城镇化建设重点县、扩权县和对外开放重点县,系“中国中部经济百强县”。 目前,该县综合经济实力在河南省108个县(市)中排序第33位,较1990年前移了59个位次。近5年来,长垣县GDP年均增速在20%以上,财政收入年均增速达30%左右,工业企业增加值年均增速42%,固定资产投资年均增速达60%以上。2006年,全县地区生产总值达到73.2亿元,增长20.6%。规模以上工业增加值达到18.9亿元,增长42.1%,实现利润4亿元,增长170.8%。财政收入完成2.57亿元,增长27.4%。全社会固定资产投资完成64.9亿元,增长64%。社会消费品零售总额完成17.7亿元,增长16%。城镇居民人均可支配收入6762元,增长14%。农民人均纯收入4198元,增长17.3%。 二、长垣县产业集群发展的主要做法和经验 既无区位优势,又无资源优势,地处黄泛区的长垣县,近年来走出了独具特色的发展道路,被中央、省、市新闻媒体誉为“长垣现象”、“北方的温州”。短短的几年时间内,为何发展得这么快,取得如此大的成绩,通过学习考察,我们得知,这主要得益于长垣县在近年的发展实践中成功探索出了一条“县域经济特色化、特色经济产业化、产业经济规模化、规模经济外向化”的新路子,加快生产要素向优势产业集聚、向骨干龙头企业集聚、向城镇集聚、向工业园区集聚,培育形成了七大优势产业(起重机械、医疗器械、建筑、防腐、烹饪、绿色食品、苗木花卉)、六大经济板块(起重机械、医疗器械、商贸流通、特色农业、劳务


上海医药集团可持续发展探究Research on Shanghai Pharma Group’s Sustainable Development Tang Mei 1. 介绍Introduction 1.1 研究对象简介 21世纪是可持续的世纪,在全球经济一体化的发展趋势下,环保问题日益引人注目,国际市场上可持续运动日益高涨,倡导可持续意识和可持续消费己成为时代的潮流。随着社会知识化、科技信息化和经济全球化的不断推进,人类世界将进入可持续发展激烈竞争的时代。谁在可持续发展上占据优势,谁便能为自身的生存与发展奠定更为牢靠的基础与保障,创造更大的时空与机遇。企业是社会经济系统中的基本单位,促进经济、生态、社会的协调发展,既是企业自身生存与可持续发展的需要,同时又是企业责无旁贷的社会责任。企业可持续发展将成为争取未来国际地位的重要基础和为人类发展做出重要贡献的主要标志之一。在这样的重要历史时刻,我们需要把握决定可持续发展企业竞争的关键,需要清楚自身的地位和处境、优势和不足,需要检验已有的同时制定新的竞争和发展战略,以实现企业可持续发展的迅速提升的总体战略目标。 传统的经济理论认为,企业的目标就是追求利润的最大化,衡量企业的标准是经济效益的高低。近年来,在人类饱受了环境恶化之苦后,其绿色意识开始觉醒,可持续发展的观念开始深入人心。企业作为社会经济系统的基本单位,同时也是一个环境产出系统,企业从周围的环境中获取对自己有用的资源,如劳动力、物质设备、各种能源等,经过生产经营活动又对周围的环境产生一定的影响。这种影响既有积极的,也有消极的。因此,现代企业为谋求可持续发展,必须处理好与环境的关系,树立正确的可持续发展观。 伴随着中国经济焕发强劲的增长势头,国内医药市场的规模不断扩大,国家的政策也扶持医药经济的发展,中国医药在国际市场上的前景十分广阔,可持续发展也已成为当前我国医药行业经济发展的根本指针,这给上海医药产业发展带来了良好机遇。医药企业要实现做强的战略目标,要引领国民经济的可持续发展,就必须以自身可持续发展作为保障。如何在经营环境和市场发生巨大变化的新经济背景下,不断提高自身竞争能力,以保证医药企业在已领先的竞争领域和未来扩张的经营环境中始终保持持续的盈利增长和能力的提高,实现企业 1

调查报告 英文版

A report on the influence Factors of Graduating Students a Survey Report on Employment 1 Introduction In the last two decades, owning to education, we witnessed a rapid development in industry, agriculture, science and technology in China. Education can not only enrich people’s knowledge, but also improve people’s moral standard as a whole. However, with the new higher education policies coming into effect, a growing number of college students are fully aware of the uncertainties of their future careers. How to find a right niche for ourselves? As a result, we did this study aims to investigate the influence factors of graduating students’ employment. We hope we can offer some advises for college students based on the findings of our research. 65 graduating students from Shandong University were investigated and 65 questionnaires are valid. The questionnaire is both in electronic form and papery form. We collect the data and type the result into computer. Besides, in order to make the result more directviewing, we use Excel to make diagrams. Through our statistical analysis, the results indicated that most of the college students want to get a stable job with a high salary. And they tend to work in big cities or work abroad where there has a good development prospect. 2 Research Design 2.1 Research Questions: The questionnaire is clearly set out in appendix I. More specifically, the following questions were addressed: 1. Personally, does gender has impact on applying for jobs? 2. In your opinion, which of the following abilities will be the advantage when you look for a job? 3. Do you think what ability needs to be improved when you look for a job? 2.2 Participants: 65 graduating students from Shandong University were investigated. 40 of them filled in the questionnaire online. The students who have been surveyed were voluntary. And the average age of students was 20. And 30 percent of the students are male and 70 percent of the students are female.


利津宜坤化工科技研发有限公司 石化集群公共服务平台建设项目 可行性研究报告(工程号:HS20130016) 海工英派尔工程有限公司 (资质证书编号:工咨甲11920070005) 二〇一三年三月

利津宜坤化工科技研发有限公司 石化集群公共服务平台建设项目 可行性研究报告(工程号:HS20130016) 项目负责人:范海英 总工程师:李福生 海工英派尔工程有限公司 (资质证书编号:工咨甲11920070005) 二〇一三年三月

项目名称:石化集群公共服务平台建设项目建设单位:利津宜坤化工科技研发有限公司建设单位法人代表:武文科 项目建设地点:东营市利津县陈庄镇工业园编制单位:海工英派尔工程有限公司 编制单位负责人:陈明华 项目负责人: 范海英 项目技术负责人:李福生 项目经济负责人:张明玉 编制人员名单: 设计:张一兰张建贵余德海 撒臻李进靳渝生 张清姚艳玲周星懿 孙严牛磊夏艺楠 张振婷杨挺成靳丽娅 范东海胡东波杨丹 冯春亮 校核:李福生杨昆良姚复兴 张庆禄董世堂张永华 任媛慧 审核:张明玉郑向先 审定:范海英

目录 一、项目概况 (05) 二、企业概况 (06) 三、项目需求分析和必要性 (08) 四、项目内容和目标 (10) 五、项目总投资、资金来源和资金构成 (12) 六、人员培训及技术来源 (13) 七、项目实施进度 (14) 八、项目经济效益和社会效益分析 (15)

一、项目概况 1.1项目名称:石化集群公共服务平台建设项目 1.2项目承担单位及负责人 项目承担单位:利津宜坤化工科技研发有限公司 项目负责人:韩俊来 1.3项目起止日期:2013年3月——2014年2月 1.4项目主管部门:利津县民营经济发展局 1.5项目建设内容 建设利津宜坤化工科技研发有限公司石化集群公共服务平台,是促进县域经济强劲发展的重大举措。项目建成后,可辐射利津县经济开发区、陈庄镇工业园、利北滨海经济园区等“一区六大产业”工业格局,协调推进物流、石化行业、市场信息服务业三大产业发展的新局面。目前,平台建设己初具规模,已为山东宜坤化工有限公司、山东华盛化工有限公司、东营国安化工有限公司等38家石油化工企业提供石油化工信息、技术研发、产品检测等公共服务。项目包括综合实验1个,检验室1个,信息中心1个,中试培训基地1个,融资服务中心1个。项目建成后可提高生产工艺、产品质量、产品收率,提升掌握市场动向、产品信息等方面的应对市场激烈变化的能力,增强企业市场竞争力。 1.6项目提供的主要服务 该项目建成后可提供以下服务: a中小企业合作项目服务


产业集群发展工作方案 一、充分认识加快产业集群发展的重要意义 产业集群是相互关联的企业在同一区域形成产业链接和聚集发展,并形成一定规模和竞争优势的经济群体,现代工业经济发展的重要形态和区域经济发展的强力“助推器”近年来,市已在机械制造、农产品加工等领域发展形成了产业集群的雏形,呈现出龙头企业快速发展、集聚效应开始显现的特征,石化装备制造产业已连续5年纳入全省重点扶持产业集群范畴水产品加工园区被省政府确定为全省二十个农产品加工示范园区之一但与省内外先进地区相比,市产业集群发展水平还较低,主要是规模小,企业个数和知名品牌少,产业链短、市域内配套率低。加快产业集群发展,有利于发挥全市工业优势,实现资源配置优化和生产要素有效集中,促进企业集聚、行业整合、产业集中,推动工业结构调整和优化升级。各地各有关部门要充分认识到发展产业集群的重要意义,不断增强工作的主动性和创造性,进一步加快产业集群发展。 二、加快产业集群发展的指导思想和主要目标 (一)指导思想。以科学发展观为指导,突出企业主体和市场导向,围绕我市主导产业,优化资源配置,延伸产业链条,培植骨干企业,加速生产要素集聚和产业升级,引导产业聚集,不断提升全市工业发展水平和竞争能力。 (二)主要目标。期间,按照“规划科学、主业突出、特色明显、竞争力强”要求,进一步加快产业结构调整,推进资源整合,推动产业集群发展。整合优势人

力和技术资源,发展壮大石化装备制造、农产品加工、汽车零部件、纺织服装和医药化工五大产业集群,力争机械制造、农产品加工两大产业纳入全省重点扶持的产业集群范畴。末,力争我市机械制造业和农产品加工行业总产值均达到100亿元,成为全国石化设备重要制造基地和主要研发基地,全国农产品加工大市。 三、工作重点 (一)科学制定产业集群发展规划。坚持“高起点、高标准、布局合理、适度超前”原则,以政府为主导,龙头骨干企业为主体,遵循产业集群形成、演进、升级的内在规律,与产业调整振兴规划相结合,对产业集群发展进行科学规划。充分发挥行业龙头骨干企业、行业高层次专业人员的作用,把产业集群规划编制的过程作为政府、企业、协会和专家等各方资源综合和融合的过程,为产业集群发展提供科学依据和行动指南。 (二)加强产业聚集区的建设。经济开发区、临港工业园是产业集群发展的重要载体,要采取产业链带动、品牌带动、市场带动等多种模式,搞好产业园区的规划发展。充分利用工业园区的资源,进行整合、优化、提升。不断提高投资强度和土地集约化程度,促进产业集聚升级。加强产业园区的基础设施建设,科学确定园区主导产业,引导龙头企业从横向和纵向两个方面实现聚集。 (三)培育壮大龙头企业。积极培育产业集聚中关联度高、主业突出、创新能力强、带动作用大的龙头企业,发挥其产业辐射、技术示范和销售网络中的龙头作用。推动龙头企业加快技术改造,提升产品档次,不断提高市场占有率和竞争力,有力促进生产要素向优势骨干企业集中。期间,重点支持产值过亿元的10家骨干企业。 (四)突出抓好产业链条延伸。以产业集群主导产业为基础,明确产业延伸的方


上海XXXXX医药有限公司 薪酬制度 C&B Policy 2008年6月

目录 第一章总则 (1) 第二章薪酬结构 (2) 第三章固定工资 (3) 第一节基本工资 (3) 第四章年终利益分红 (4) 第五章绩效薪酬 (5) 第一节个人绩效薪酬 (5) 第二节销售提成 (5) 第三节特别奖 (5) 第四节其它奖金 (5) 第六章附加薪酬 (6) 第一节加班工资 (6) 第二节午餐补贴 (7) 第三节驻外津贴 (7) 第七章保险福利 (8) 第八章试用期薪酬 (8) 第九章兼职特约人员或特聘顾问薪酬 (9) 第十章薪酬调整 (9) 第十一章工资的支付 (11) 第十二章薪酬组织与发放 (12) 第十三章附则 (13) 附表一:各类人员薪酬组成表 (15) 附表二:职务序列工资等级表 (16)

第一章总则 Chapter One Guidance 第一条 本制度是公司依据国家法律、法规并结合企业自身实际情况订立的薪酬管理规定,是员工获得正当劳动报酬的保证,也是维持企业效率和持续发展的基本保证, 体现了企业效益与员工利益相结合的原则; Article 1 The C&B policy is circulated in accordance with China law and regulations as well as the actual operation and manufacturing of our company. It makes sure that employee can get fair salary which matches his positions, and achieve good joint of the company benefits and employees benefits. 第二条 本制度旨在客观评价员工业绩的基础上,奖励先进、鞭策后进、提高员工工作兴趣和热情,体现以选拔、竞争、激励、淘汰为核心的用人机制; Article 2 The policy aims at motivating employees based on his/her performance appraisal and award excellent employees and encourage the employees of poor performances and try to show our mission to respect the talents. 第三条 本制度以战略为导向,强调薪酬的竞争性,通用人才薪酬在上海市有竞争力,骨干人才薪酬在全国有竞争力; Article 3 The policy focus on the competition of compensation & benefits in Shanghai and China, and having the high competition for senior talents. 第四条 本制度适用于公司所有正式员工,但不适用于以下人员: Article 4 The policy is available to all the formal employees in the company except: z公司总经理、副总、商业协调总监、项目经理、技术总监等高级管理人员; GM, DGM, Commercial and coordination Director, project manager and technical director. 本制度适用人员分类如下: The policy is available to the following: z职能部门负责人类:指公司总部各部门主要负责人; supervisors and managers in the downtown office z职能部门普通员工类:指各职能部门中除勤务系列员工外的所有普通员工;


调查报告英文版格式 篇一:英文论文报告格式-汇总篇 Report title Unit Code and Unit Name Declaration I hereby declare that this submission is my own work and that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by another person or material which has to a substantial extent been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma at any university or other institute of higher learning, except where due acknowledgment has been made in the text. 原创性声明 兹呈交的论文,是本人在导师指导下独立完成的研究成果,在论文写作过程中参考的其他个人或集体的研究成果均在文中以明确方式标明,本人依法享有和承担由此论文而产生的权利和责任。 Signature(签名): ________________ Date(时间): ________________ Table of Contents

(字体Times New Roman, 四号,) (空一行) 1. Introduction ...................................... ................................................... . (4) 2. Sample title ............................................. (4) Sample title ............................................. ................................................... (4) Sample title ............................................. ................................................... .. (4) Sample title ............................................. ................................................... .. (4) Sample


英文调查报告范文 关于正宁三中高中生英语学习现状的问卷调查报告正宁三中高一五班李素珍惠小花王康丽指导老师:史晓真 一、背景与目的 随着社会的发展,社会对英语方面人才的需求逐渐增加,在21世纪,英语发挥着越来越 重要的作用。获取英语知识的方法就显得尤为重要。在学习英语方面,我们面临的问题较多, 一方面当前高中生对英语学习方法还存在着很多不足,他们对自己学习英语的方法满意程度 普遍较低。另一方面,对学习英语方法重要性的认识较为清醒,但学习效果一直不佳。我们研究小组针对中学生学习英语的现状,困惑,以及教师的教学方式等方面情况展开 调查研究,以便让更多学生走出学习英语困境,从而进入高效学习状态。二、调查过程 1、组长:李素珍课题成员:王康丽、惠小花小组分工:李素珍:查找资料,全面 总结。 王康丽、惠小花:发放、收交问卷,分析数据。 2、调查方案:(1)讨论选定课题, 制定活动计划;(2)讨论制定关于高中生学习英语方法的问卷调查;(3)发放关于高中

生学习英语方法调查问卷并根据反馈情况,总结分析当前高中生英语学习方法现状,指出问 题之所在。 3、调查情况:我们把正宁三中高一、高二、高三共三级的1500余名学生作为调查对象,发放问卷1490 份,收回有效问卷1450份。针对问卷中的15个重点问题,制成统计表,展开分析,说明, 并提出有关建议。 三、调查结果分析: 表一、高中生的英语成绩评价统计结果显示:我校高中生的英语成绩普遍较低,这与平时学习英语的方法,英语基础,学习环境等有着密切的关系,所以应该重视这个现状,掌握正确的学习方法,提高英语成绩。 表二、高中生对英语学习的兴趣统计结果显示:高中生对英语的学习兴趣普遍不浓。“很喜欢”的仅占2%,“喜欢”的占34%,“一般”的占47%,“不喜欢”的占17%。兴趣是最好的老师,所以应该加强培养高中生对英语学习的兴趣,增强高中生对英语的了解,提高对英语的认识。表 三、高中生是否经常参加英语补习班统计结果显示:我校高中生参加英语补习班的人数较 少,仅占23%。可以看出,绝大多数高中生不喜欢上英语补习班,因此,应该加强培养高中生对学习英


精益六西格玛简介 质量是促进国防科技工业持续健康发展的重要推动力,也是确保武器装备研制生产和发展的关键。为了在降低成本、提高速度的同时提供高质量、高可靠性的产品,越来越多的管理者开始关注“精益的速度”与“六西格玛的质量”的融合问题—精益六西格码,这种新的管理方法可以使企业兼顾速度、成本与质量,这一点是以往任何一种管理方法都不能做到的。精益六西格玛在国外的研究和应用使得在军工领域进行推广应用具有重要的价值。 一、精益六西格玛管理 1. 精益生产 精益(Lean Production,LP)的思想起源于本世纪40年代后期第二次世界大战以后,日本丰田汽车公司。丰田汽车公司经理大野耐一在福特汽车公司先进管理方法的基础上,进一步发展了其理念,在组织、管理和用户的关系、供应链、产品开发和生产运作等方面,使工作效率和利润率都得到大幅度的提高-即以越来越少的投入获得越来越多的产出。自从1996 年沃麦克和琼斯的《精益思维》一书出版以来,许多组织采用精益方法取得了不同程度的成功。 精益生产的基本思想是消除浪费,降低成本。精益思想的关键出发点是价值,它将浪费定义为:“如果不增加价值就是浪费”,并且将浪费归结为七种,即:过剩生产浪费、过度库存浪费、不必要的材料运输浪费、不必要的动作浪费(寻找零件等)、下一道工序前的等待浪费、由于工装或产品设计问题使零件多次加工处理的浪费、产品缺陷浪费。 2. 六西格玛管理 六西格玛管理(Six Sigma)最初的起源是Motorola公司。而真正把六西格玛这一高度有效的质量战略变成管理哲学和实践,从而形成一种企业文化的是在杰克?韦尔奇领导下的通用电气公司。 六西格玛是一套系统的业务改进方法体系,旨在对组织业务过程进行突破性的持续改进,实现顾客和其他相关方满意。它通过系统地、集成地采用业务改进过程,实现无缺陷的六西格玛过程设计(Design for Six Sigma,DFSS),并对现有过程进行定义(Define)、度量(Measure)、分析(Analyze)、改进(Improve)、控制(Control),简称DMAIC流程,消除过程缺陷和无价值作业,从而提高质量和服务、降低成本、缩短周期时间,达到顾客完全满意,增强企业竞争力。 3. 精益六西格玛 精益六西格玛(Lean Six Sigma,LSS)将全面质量管理的统计工具和过程改进方法集成在一起,结合了精益(致力于消除非增值活动以及改进寿命周期)和六西格玛(降低过程变异和提供高质量的可重复加工过程)两者优点的持续改进方法。 精益六西格玛管理的目的是通过整合精益生产与六西格玛管理,吸收两种生产模式的优


中国手机产业集群研究报告 杨 锐 宁波市发展规划研究院 E-mail:lvublurr@https://www.360docs.net/doc/4712199208.html, 引 言 中国移动通信产业正从第二代移动通信向第三代技术标准迈进。手机产业作为一个新兴的朝阳产业,正日益成为中国电子信息产业出口的重要力量。伴随国际手机产业向发展中国家的转移,不仅使中国成为全球最大的手机制造基地和最大的出口基地,也造就了世界级的产业集群。手机产业集群的形成,为本土厂商增强全球竞争力奠定了良好的产业基础与产业环境。产业集群已是地区提升产业国际竞争力,提高企业竞争力以向高增值价值链环节攀登的重要载体。 中国手机产业处在动态发展变化的产业环境中。一方面日新月异的技术变化以及原材料、能源、劳动力成本上升;另一方面手机产品结构性、阶段性过剩导致国内手机市场价格持续走低,企业利润空间不断被压缩以及外商投资企业继续加大对低端市场开拓力度、黑手机猖獗使得国产手机品牌的市场空间受到上下挤压。企业面临如何根据既存资源与能力来不断提升创新能力以向高附加价值环节延伸的压力。而充分培育和发挥产业集群效应,走产业集群与地区联动发展道路是实现我国手机企业、产业做强做大的重要途径。 因此,探索中国手机产业集群的发展现状与存在问题是当前中国手机产业在新形势下持续发展的一个重要课题。根据国民经济分类,

本报告的手机产业指“移动通信及终端设备制造业”。本报告的手机产业集聚是指与生产最终手机产品相关的研发、设计、销售、服务等具有贸易联系或非贸易联系的企业在一定地理空间内进行资源交换和价值增值的关系网络。 一、全球价值链下中国手机产业集群的形成 (一)全球手机产业区位及产业特性分析 1.全球手机产业区位分布 手机产业的全球布局与通信技术的演变是密切相关的。手机产业全球布局大体分为三个阶段:欧美等局部地区分布阶段(1988-1992年):手机通信技术处在研发、测试以及小量生产阶段,也即1G到2G发展初期,全球手机产业主要分布在欧美等少数发达国家。生产向发展中国家转移阶段(1992-1998年),随着2G技术的成熟与推广,以及发展中国家实施的对外开放战略,全球手机生产巨头开始把生产布局扩展到全球范围,尤其是向中国、马来西亚、印度、菲里宾等发展中国家转移进行离岸生产。中国的手机产业集群也正是在这阶段形成的。全球价值链布局阶段(1998年-),即在2G技术向3G技术过渡时期。手机产业技术的日新月异,发展中国家的巨大市场需求,以及逐步完善的市场体系、制度等投资环境的改善,使得众多跨国公司把整个手机产业价值链进行全球范围内布局。 在产业的全球转移进程中,发展中国家凭借廉价劳动力等低成本的比较优势吸引了全球价值链中的生产环节,形成了全球价值链下手


产业集群发展的几点意见 发布时间:2009-5-5信息来源: 产业集群是指在一定的区域范围内,生产某种产品的若干同类企业、为这些企业配套的上下游企业,以及相关的服务业,高密度地集聚在一起。实践证明,产业集群是全球性的经济发展潮流,是提高区域经济竞争力的有效途径。加快产业集聚,培育产业集群是加快经济发展速度,提高发展质量的重大举措,是推进工业化进程的必然要求。通过调研,产业集群发展中存在以下几个问题: 1、产业链不完善,产业发展缺乏上下游产业和相关产业支持; 2、低水平重复建设依然严重; 3、企业的技术水平和创新能力低,专业技术人才缺乏; 4、产业集群内中小企业融资困难。 针对上面存在的问题,结合实际,我提出如下建议和对策 1、坚持科学规划、高起点建设 为突出尾毛产业集群特色,按照“科学规划、高起点设计、标准建设、高效能管理、打造具有较强综合实力的产业集群”的建设思想,对产业集群的地理位置,区位交通、行业资源、企业分布等情况进行定位。 (1)在产业集群规划方面,以培育产业集群为目标,通过政策调整,在整个产业范围内统筹生产力布局,明确产业定位,规划产业分工,制定以促进关联、合并为主要内容的产业集群化发展体系。按照“整合资源、扩大规模、优化结构、拉长链条、提高水平、打造品牌的思路,大力发展产业集群,提升产业的质量和数量。使产业集群成为县域经济的重要承载区和优势特色产业的培育区。 2、在产业规划方面,按照“块状经济”发展的特点,以龙头企业为中心,划分不同的功能区,引导相关企业集中布局,连片发展。 3、在企业厂房建设方面,按照标准化厂房建设要求集约利用土地。同时,对产业集群道路,网络建设等基础设施也要进行科学论证,一次设计到位 2、优化发展环境,提供优质服务 制订出台了重点企业挂牌保护、纳税人评议执法部门、检查收费许可证等一系列相关制度,对于做出突出贡献的企业家,进行重奖和表彰,让他们在经济上得实惠,政治上得地位,社会上得荣誉。一方面成立经济环境整治领导组,专门受理企业和商户的投诉,查处影响经济发展环境的违法违纪案件,保护生产经营者的合法权益。每月定期召开一次企业座谈会,交流经验,探讨发展新思路,为企业发展提供全方位服务。另一方面重点开展企业同周边环境的集中整治,加强社会治安综合治理,为企业提供安全、稳定、和谐的社会环境,同时对企业生产经营区的基础设施和娱乐、教育、医疗、卫生等配套工程进行了完善,努力为客商提供一个宽松的生产经营环境。 3、加强体系建设,推进行业管理 在体系建设方面,一是建立融资担保体系,解决中小企业的融资难问题,更好地满足企业生产流资需求;二是建设信息网络体系,建立中国中小企业网站,使其成为企业的门户,成为企业的宣传队。在推进行业管理方面,一是成立产业协会,并完善制定了一整套产业政策及交易管


For the things that have been done in a certain period, the general inspection of the system is also a specific general analysis to find out the shortcomings and deficiencies 上海医药调研报告正式版

上海医药调研报告正式版 下载提示:此报告资料适用于某一时期已经做过的事情,进行一次全面系统的总检查、总评价,同时 也是一次具体的总分析、总研究,找出成绩、缺点和不足,并找出可提升点和教训记录成文,为以后遇到同类事项提供借鉴的经验。文档可以直接使用,也可根据实际需要修订后使用。 :稳固医药流通第二,加快内部资源整合 投资评级与估值:上海医药、上实医药等8个公司是新上药利润的核心来源,业绩增长明确,我们预计公司XX-XX年每股收益0.61元(扣除非经常性损益后0.43元)、0.59元、0.74元。生物医药产业已被上海市确定为重点发展的九大高新技术产业化领域之一,上海市政府明确提出要积极推动国有大企业发展、加速做大重点企业、大力扶持骨干企业。本次重组后,公司成为代表上海医药产业和国资背景医

药产业的唯一平台,将在医院招标采购和价格等方面得到扶持。考虑公司医药商业的行业地位以及当前医药股估值水平,给予医药商业业务XX年35倍市盈率、医药工业业务XX年30倍市盈率,目标价18.7元,首次评级"增持"。 关键假设点:深度开发华东,进军华南、华北、东北,通过收购扩张医药商业,市场份额逐步上升,2020年市场份额有望从目前的5%上升到15%。新上药启动以浦东、奉浦、星火三大基地为核心的产业布局调整计划,通过集中、集聚生产资源发展聚焦产品,降低生产成本,并通过产品整合扩大销售。 有别于大众的认识:市场可能担心:


调查报告英语范文 篇一:调查报告英语作文 Our school has made a survey---“Don’t keep your worries”.Here are the results. About fifty percent of the students in our school are worries about their have so much homework to do every they feel stressed too thirty percent of the students think their parents are too strict with ’s difficult for them to get along well with their other twenty percent of the students say they are weak in complain that they almost have no time for their hobbies or after school activities. Dear teachers,would you please give us less homework and more time to relax ourselves?Dear parents,we want to take more exercise to keep will do our best and we want to a time to study and a time to play. Our school has made a survey---“Don’t keep your worries”.Here are the results. About fifty percent of the students in our school are worries about their have so much homework to do every they feel stressed too thirty percent of the


《创新南昌产业集群》研究报告 南昌市2008年度市长点题重大课题 课题组 摘要 本研究报告以产业集群理论、创新系统理论等为依据, 以国内外学者已有的产业集群创新模式研究成果为基础,结合南昌产业集群的现状,提出了南昌产业集群的创新模式及构建思路。全文共分为三大部分。 第一部分为研究的背景和理论探讨。包括导言和第一章。 导言部分指出,在信息化与网络化背景下,作为世界范围内的一种重要经济现象,产业集群的成长与发展已经成为产业发展的新亮点和主旋律。一些经济发展较快的区域,产业集群的支撑作用是极为明显的,那些产业创新活跃、产业竞争力强、区域经济迅速发展的地区,无一不是产业集群发展和创新的区域。改革开放以来,南昌产业集群也得到了培育和蓬勃发展,目前,南昌已拥有汽车、家电和电子信息、医药和食品、冶金和新材料、纺织服装等支柱产业,形成了汽车及零部件、空调、光电子和电子信息、食品、造纸、飞机、纺织服装、医药和医疗器械、机电产品、冶金和新材料十大制造业基地,由此辐射出30多个大类、150多个中类、500多个分类较为完整的制造业体系。同时,发展道路上的先行者为这座城市培育了江铃、南烟、南钢、汇仁等26户企业销售收入超2亿元的龙头企业。但是,由于政治、经济、文化等方面的原因,产业集群化程度远不如沿海发达城市。为此,我们必须正视世界产业发展趋势,把握产业发展的规律,切实加快产业集群的发展与创新。特别是自2007年底以来,我市发展面对的国际和国内环境发生了很大变化,从国内来看,南昌正在告别低成本时代而迈入高成本时代,这主要是因为, 受劳动力成本上升、土地价格和生产资料价格上涨等因素的影响,我市过去最大“亮点”的低成本优势目前正在丧失。从国际上来看,受美国次贷危机影响,国际经济降温导致我市外贸出口增速明显放缓,再加上国际上日益增多的贸易磨擦,也对我市外向型经济产生了极大的冲击。面对国际和国内的内外夹击, 南昌迫切需要探索一条从低成本集群向创新集群的转变的路径。因此,可以说,南昌能否成功的应对经济危机,成为江西经济发展和江西在中部崛起的领头羊,南昌产业集群的发展和创新,则是最为关键的一步。
