







2010年11 月

Development and maintenance of CNC technology

Numerical control technology and equipment is the development of new high-tech industry and cutting-edge enabling technology, industry and the most basic equipment. The world information industry, biological industry, aviation, aerospace and other defense industry widely used numerical techniques to improve manufacturing capacity and level, to improve the adaptability of the market and competitiveness. Industrial countries and CNC numerical control technology and equipment will also be listed as countries of strategic materials, not only to develop their own numerical control technology and industry, and in "sophisticated" technology and equipment, numerical control key aspects of the policy of closures and restrictions. Therefore, efforts to develop advanced numerical control technology as the core manufacturing technology has become the world's developed countries to accelerate economic development, enhance the comprehensive national strength and an important way to statehood.

Part I: the development of CNC machine tools trends in individual

1. High speed, high accuracy, high reliability

High speed: To improve the speed and increase feed spindle speed.

High precision: the precision from micron to sub-micron level, and even the nano-level (high reliability: the reliability of numerical control system generally higher than the reliability of numerical control equipment more than an order of magnitude, but not the higher the better reliability because the goods by the cost performance constraints.

2. Composite

Composite function CNC machine tool development, its core is in a single machine to complete the turning, milling, drilling, tapping, reaming and reaming and other operating procedures, thereby increasing the efficiency and precision machine tools to improve production flexibility.

3. Intelligent

Intelligent content included in all aspects of the numerical control system: the pursuit of processing efficiency and processing quality of intelligence; to improve the performance and the use of convenient connections and other aspects of intelligence; simplify programming, simplifying operational intelligence; also like the intelligent automatic programming, intelligent man-machine interface, as well as intelligent diagnostics, intelligent monitoring and other aspects, to facilitate system diagnostics and maintenance.

4. Flexible, integrated

The world of CNC machine tools to the development trend of flexible automation systems are: from the point (CNC single, composite machining centers and CNC machine tools), line (FMC, FMS, FTL, FML) to the surface (Section workshop independent manufacturing island FA) , body (CIMS, distributed network integrated

manufacturing system) direction, the other to focus on applied and economic direction. Flexible automation technology is the industry to adapt to dynamic market demands and quickly update the primary means of product is the main trend of national manufacturing industry is the basis for the field of advanced manufacturing technology.

Second, personalization is the adaptability of the market trends

Today's market, gradually formed the pattern of international cooperation, the products becoming more competitive, efficient and accurate processing of the escalating demand means, the user's individual requirements become increasingly strong, professional, specialization, more and more high-tech machine tools by the users of all ages.

Third, the open architecture trend is

The core of a new generation of CNC system development is open. Open software platform and hardware platforms are open systems, modular, hierarchical structure, and through out the form to provide a unified application interface.

CNC system to address the closure of the traditional CNC applications and industrial production problems. At present, many countries of open CNC system, CNC system has become an open numerical control system of the future of the road. The open numerical control system architecture specification, communication specifications, configuration specifications, operating platform, function libraries and CNC numerical control system software development tools, system function is the core of the current study. Network numerical control equipment is nearly two years of a new focus. NC network equipment will greatly satisfy the production lines, manufacturing systems, manufacturing information integration needs of enterprises, but also achieve new manufacturing model, such as agile manufacturing, virtual enterprises, global manufacturing the base unit. Some well-known at home and abroad, and CNC CNC machine tools manufacturing company in

Part II: Machine Maintenance

CNC machine tools is electronic technology, measurement technology, automation technology, semiconductor technology, computer technology and electrical technology, and integrated set of automation equipment, high precision, high efficiency and high flexibility. CNC machine tools is a process control equipment and asked him in real-time control of the accuracy of every moment of work, any part of the fault and failure, so that the machine will shut down, resulting in production stoppages, which seriously affected and restricted the production efficiency . CNC machine tools in many industries to work the device is critical, if not after a failure in its maintenance and troubleshooting time, it will cause greater economic losses. Therefore, the principle that complex numerical control system, structure, maintenance of sophisticated equipment is necessary. CNC machine tools to enhance fault diagnosis and maintenance of power, can improve the reliability of CNC machine tools, CNC machine tools is conducive to the promotion and use.

CNC machine tools is a mechanical, electrical, hydraulic, gas combination of

complex equipment, though the reasons for failure vary, but the failure occurred, the general idea of the steps are the same. Fails,

Spindle start below to stop immediately after the fault diagnosis of CNC machine tools as an example the general process.

First, the fault-site investigation. The survey content includes 1, 2 types of failure, the failure frequency of 3, 4, external conditions, the operating conditions 5, 6, machine conditions, the functioning of 7, wiring between machine tools and systems 8, CNC equipment visual inspection. After an investigation, such failure is spindle class failure, only once, outside of all normal, the operator of a boot to reflect this situation.

Second, the fault information collation, analysis. For some simple fault, because not a lot of time, the method can be used form of logical reasoning, analysis, identification and troubleshooting. After a failed on-site investigation for several reasons we suspect that the system output pulse ①②drive is not enough time to move the state line to control the spindle components ③④damage to the spindle motor short-circuit, causing the spindle thermal relay protection ⑤not with self-control loop lock circuits, and the parameter is set to pulse signal output, so that the spindle can not operate normally. Identify possible reasons to rule out one by one.

Third, conduct fault diagnosis and troubleshooting.

Diagnosis usually follows the following principles: 1, after the first outside inside. Reliable line of modern CNC system increasingly high failure rate of CNC system itself less and less, and most are non-occurrence of failure causes the system itself. The CNC machine is a mechanical, hydraulic, electrical as one of the tools, the occurrence of the fault will be reflected by these three comprehensive, maintenance personnel should be from outside to inside one by one investigation to avoid arbitrary unsealed, demolition, otherwise expand the malfunction, so that the loss of precision machine tools, slow performance, outside the system detected the fault is due to open one by one, hydraulic components, pneumatic components, electrical actuators, mechanical devices caused problems. 2, the first after the electrical machinery. In general, the mechanical failure easier to find, and numerical control system and electrical fault diagnosis more difficult, before the troubleshooting to rule out mechanical failure of the first 3, after the first static dynamic. Power off the machine first, quiescent state, through understanding, observation, testing, analysis, confirm the power failure will not result in expansion of the incident only after the power to the machine, run the state, the dynamic of observation, inspection and testing, to find fault. While after the devastating power failure, you must first rule out the danger, before electricity. 4, after the first simple and complex. When multiple failures are intertwined, and sometimes impossible to start with, we should first solve the problem easily, then solve the difficult problem, often a simple problem to solve, the difficulty of the problem may also become easier.

CNC machine tools in the fault detection process, should make full use of numerical control system self-diagnostic features to be judged, but also flexibility in the use of some common troubleshooting methods. Troubleshooting common methods are:

1. Routine examination method

Routine examination method is mainly of hands, eyes, ears, nose and other organs of the fault occurrence of various light, sound, smell and abnormal observations and careful look at every system, follow the "first post outside of" the principle of fault diagnosis by looking, listening, smelling, asking, mold and so on, from outside to inside one by one check, the fault can often be narrowed down to a module or a printed circuit board. This requires maintenance personnel have a wealth of practical experience, to the wider multidisciplinary and comprehensive knowledge of the ability to judge.

2. Self-diagnostic function method

Modern CNC system has yet to achieve a high degree of intelligence. But already has a strong self-diagnostic function. CNC ready to monitor the hardware and software is working. Once the abnormal, immediately displayed on the CRT alarm or fault LEDs indicate the approximate cause. Using self-diagnosis function, but also shows the interface signals between the system and the host state, in order to determine the fault occurred in the mechanical part or parts of NC system, and indicate the approximate fault location. This method is currently the most effective maintenance methods.

3. Functional program testing method

So-called functional program testing method is commonly used in the numerical control system functions and special features, such as linear positioning, circular interpolation, helical cut, fixed cycle, such as the user macro programming by hand or automatic programming methods, the preparation of test procedures into a functional program , into the numerical control system, and then start the CNC system to make it run, to check the im time the first boot of CNC whether a programming error or operational error or machine

4. Spare parts substitution

Spare parts replacement method is a simple method to determine the scene is one of the most commonly used. The so-called spare substitution is generally the cause of failure in the analysis of the case, maintenance personnel can use the alternate PCB, templates, integrated circuit chip or replace the questionable parts of components, which narrowed the fault to a printed circuit board or chip level. It is actually in the verification analysis is correct. However, before switching the standby board should carefully check the spare board is intact, and should check the status of reserve board should be fully consistent with the original board the state. This includes checking with the board selection switch, set the location and the short rod potentiometer position. In short, we must strictly in accordance with the system's operation, maintenance requirements manual operation.

In determining the replacement of a part to, should carefully check the relevant connected to electrical lines and other related, confirming that no failure up to the new replacement to prevent failures caused by external damage to replace the parts up.

5. Transfer Act

The so-called transfer method is to have the same numerical control system

features two printed circuit boards, templates, integrated circuit chips or components to exchange, observed failure phenomena be transferred. In this way, the system can quickly determine the fault position. This method is actually a kind of spare parts substitution. Therefore, the considerations described in the same spare parts substitution.

6. Parameter check method

Known parameters can directly affect the numerical performance of CNC machine tools. Parameters are usually stored in the magnetic bubble memory, or stored in batteries to be maintained by the CMOS RAM, once the battery is low or because of outside interference and other factors, some parameters will be lost or change in chaos, so that the machine does not work. At this point, through the proofreading, correction parameters, will be able to troubleshoot. When the machine idle for a long time to work again for no reason that there is no normal or failure without warning, it should be based on fault characteristics, inspection and proof-reading the relevant parameters.

After a long run of CNC machine tools, wear and tear due to its mechanical drive components, electrical component performance changes and other reasons, also need to adjust the parameters of its. Some machine tool failure is often not timely because the parameters change due to some not meet. Of course, these failures are the fault of the areas are soft.

7. Measurement of Comparative Law

CNC system in the design of printed circuit board manufacturing plant, in order to adjust, repair facilities, in the printed circuit board designed a number of test terminals. Users can also use normal printed circuit board terminals comparing the measured and the difference between the printed circuit board failure. These terminals can detect the voltage and waveform measurements, analyze the causes of failure and failure location. Even on a normal printed circuit board can sometimes artificially create "fault", such as broken connection or short circuit, unplug the components, in order to determine the real cause of failure. Therefore, maintenance personnel should be in the usual accumulation of key parts of the printed circuit board or failure-prone parts of the right in the normal waveform and voltage values. Because the CNC system manufacturer often does not provide the information in this regard.

8. Percussion method

When the CNC system failures showed Ruoyouruowu, often used method for detecting the fault struck the site lies. This is because the numerical control system is composed by the multi-block printed circuit boards, each board has a lot of solder joints, plates or between modules and is connected through the connectors and cables. Therefore, any cold solder joint or bad, may cause a malfunction. When the tap with the insulation and poor contact with Weld doubt at fault must be repeated reproduction.

9. Local heating method

After a long running CNC system components are to be aging, performance will deteriorate. When they are not fully damaged, failures will become from time to time. Then heat can be used such as a hair dryer or electric iron is suspected to local

heating components, accelerating the aging so thoroughly exposed fault components. Of course, using this method, be sure to pay attention to components of the temperature parameters, do not roast the original device is a good or bad.

10. Principle of analysis

The composition according to principles of numerical control system can be analyzed from various points of logical levels and logical parameters (such as voltage or waveform) and then with a multimeter, logic pen, only the oscilloscope or logic analyzer to measure, analyze and compare, and thus failure positioning. Using this method, which requires maintenance personnel to be on the whole system or the principle of each circuit have a clear, deep understanding.

Based on the above principles and methods, we may be itemized on the check it and eliminate the causes.

The first possible failure for the system output pulse time is not enough, we adjust the M-code system, start the spindle output time, found the problem still exists, and then find the next possible cause may be in the drive to move the state, refer to the manual drive , set parameters start the spindle, the problem still exists we suspected spindle motor short-circuit, resulting in thermal relay protection. Then find the cause of the short, so that the spindle thermal relay reset the start and found that the normal operation of the spindle, the problem solved.

Fourth, do a lessons learned and recorded. After troubleshooting, repair work can not be considered complete, still need technical and management aspects of the underlying causes of failure have to take appropriate measures to prevent failures from happening again. Under field conditions when necessary use of mature technologies to transform and improve the equipment. Finally, the failure of the maintenance of the phenomenon, cause analysis, resolution process, the replacement of components, legacy, etc. to make a record.






























现代的数控系统虽然尚未达到智能化很高的程度.但已经具备了较强的自诊断功能。能随时监视数控系统的硬件和软件的工作状况。一旦发现异常,立即在CRT 上显示报警信息或用发光二极管指示出故障的大致起因。利用自诊断功能,也能显示出系统与主机之间接口信号的状态,从而判断出故障发生在机械部分还是数控系统部分,并指示出故障的大致部位。这个方法是当前维修工作最有效的一种方法。









众所周知,数控参数能直接影响数控机床的性能。参数通常是存放在磁泡存储器或存放在需由电池保持的CMOS RAM中,一旦电池不足或由于外界的干扰等因素,会使个别参数丢失或变化,发生混乱,使机床无法正常工作。此时,通过校对、修正参数,就能将故障排除。当机床长期闲置重新工作时无缘无故地出现不正常现象或有故障而无报警时,就应根据故障特征,检查和校对有关参数。














International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials Volume 17, Number 4, August 2010, Page 500 DOI: 10.1007/s12613-010-0348-y Corresponding author: Zhuan Li E-mail: li_zhuan@https://www.360docs.net/doc/0015048736.html, ? University of Science and Technology Beijing and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010 Preparation and properties of C/C-SiC brake composites fabricated by warm compacted-in situ reaction Zhuan Li, Peng Xiao, and Xiang Xiong State Key Laboratory of Powder Metallurgy, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China (Received: 12 August 2009; revised: 28 August 2009; accepted: 2 September 2009) Abstract: Carbon fibre reinforced carbon and silicon carbide dual matrix composites (C/C-SiC) were fabricated by the warm compacted-in situ reaction. The microstructure, mechanical properties, tribological properties, and wear mechanism of C/C-SiC composites at different brake speeds were investigated. The results indicate that the composites are composed of 58wt% C, 37wt% SiC, and 5wt% Si. The density and open porosity are 2.0 g·cm–3 and 10%, respectively. The C/C-SiC brake composites exhibit good mechanical properties. The flexural strength can reach up to 160 MPa, and the impact strength can reach 2.5 kJ·m–2. The C/C-SiC brake composites show excellent tribological performances. The friction coefficient is between 0.57 and 0.67 at the brake speeds from 8 to 24 m·s?1. The brake is stable, and the wear rate is less than 2.02×10?6 cm3·J?1. These results show that the C/C-SiC brake composites are the promising candidates for advanced brake and clutch systems. Keywords: C/C-SiC; ceramic matrix composites; tribological properties; microstructure [This work was financially supported by the National High-Tech Research and Development Program of China (No.2006AA03Z560) and the Graduate Degree Thesis Innovation Foundation of Central South University (No.2008yb019).] 温压-原位反应法制备C / C-SiC刹车复合材料的工艺和性能 李专,肖鹏,熊翔 粉末冶金国家重点实验室,中南大学,湖南长沙410083,中国(收稿日期:2009年8月12日修订:2009年8月28日;接受日期:2009年9月2日) 摘要:采用温压?原位反应法制备炭纤维增强炭和碳化硅双基体(C/C-SiC)复合材


常见职位、职务英文译名 Accounting Assistant 会计助理 Accounting Clerk 记帐员 Accounting Manager 会计部经理 Accounting Stall 会计部职员 Accounting Supervisor 会计主管 Administration Manager 行政经理 Administration Staff 行政人员 Administrative Assistant 行政助理 Administrative Clerk 行政办事员 Advertising Staff 广告工作人员 Airlines Sales Representative 航空公司定座员 Airlines Staff 航空公司职员 Application Engineer 应用工程师 Assistant Manager 副经理 Bond Analyst 证券分析员 Bond Trader 证券交易员 Business Controller 业务主任 Business Manager 业务经理 Buyer 采购员 Cashier 出纳员 Chemical Engineer 化学工程师 Civil Engineer 土木工程师 Clerk/Receptionist 职员/接待员 Clerk Typist & Secretary 文书打字兼秘书 Computer Data Input Operator 计算机资料输入员 Computer Engineer 计算机工程师 Computer Processing Operator 计算机处理操作员 Computer System Manager 计算机系统部经理 Copywriter 广告文字撰稿人 Deputy General Manager 副总经理 Economic Research Assistant 经济研究助理 Electrical Engineer 电气工程师 Engineering Technician 工程技术员 English Instructor/Teacher 英语教师


常用单位的中英文对照翻译 单位 Unit. 单位制 system of units 米 meter (m) 毫米 millimeter (mm) 英尺 foot (ft) 英寸 inch (in) 弧度 radian (rad) 度degree (°) 摄氏 Celsius. (C) 华氏 Fahrenheit (F) 磅/平方英寸 pounds per square inch (psi) 百万帕斯卡 million pascal (MPa) 巴 bar 千克(公斤) kilogram (kg) 克 gram (g) 牛顿 newton (N) 吨 ton (t) 千磅 kilopound (kip) 平方米 square meter (m 2) 方毫米 square millimeter (mm2 ) 立方米 cubic meter (m3 ) 升 liter; litre (L) 转/分 revolutions per minute (rpm) 百万分之一 parts per million (ppm) 焦(耳) Joule (J) 千瓦 kilowatt (kW) 伏(特) volt (V) 安(培) ampere (A) 欧(姆)ohm (Ω) (小)时 hour (h) 分 minute (min) 秒 second (s)

管道组成件专业英语(中英文对照) 1 管道组成件 Piping component 1.1 管子 Pipe 管子(按照配管标准规格制造的) pipe 管子(不按配管标准规格制造的其他用管) tube 钢管 steel pipe 铸铁管 cast iron pipe 衬里管 lined pipe 复合管 clad pipe 碳钢管 carbon steel pipe 合金钢管 alloy steel pipe 不锈钢 stainless steel pipe 奥氏体不锈钢管 austenitic stainless steel pipe 铁合金钢管 ferritic alloy steel pipe 轧制钢管 wrought-steel pipe 锻铁管 wrought-iron pipe 无缝钢管 seamless (SMLS) steel pipe 焊接钢管 welded steel pipe 电阻焊钢管 electric-resistance welded steel pipe 电熔(弧)焊钢板卷管 electric-fusion (arc)-welded steel-plate pipe 螺旋焊接钢管 spiral welded steel pipe 镀锌钢管 galvanized steel pipe 热轧无缝钢管 hot-rolling seamless pipe 冷拔无缝钢管 cold-drawing seamless pipe 水煤气钢管 water-gas steel pipe 塑料管 plastic pipe 玻璃管 glass tube 橡胶管 rubber tube 直管 run pipe; straight pipe 1.2 管件 Fitting 弯头 elbow 异径弯头 reducing elbow 带支座弯头 base elbow k半径弯头 long radius elbow 短半径弯头 short radius elbow


英语常用谚语 目录 字母A开头 (1) 字母B开头 (3) 字母C开头 (4) 字母D开头 (5) 字母E开头 (5) 字母F开头 (6) 字母G开头 (7) 字母H开头 (8) 字母I开头 (9) 字母J开头 (10) 字母K开头 (10) 字母L开头 (10) 字母M开头 (12) 字母N开头 (12) 字母O开头 (13) 字母P开头 (14) 字母R开头 (15) 字母S开头 (15) 字母T开头 (15) 字母U开头 (18) 字母V开头 (19) 字母W开头 (19)

字母A开头 1、A bad beginning makes a bad ending. 不善始者不善终。 2、A bad thing never dies. 遗臭万年。 3、A bad workman always blames his tools. 不会撑船怪河弯。 4、A bird in the hand is worth than two in the bush. 一鸟在手胜过双鸟在林。 5、A boaster and a liar are cousins-german. 吹牛与说谎本是同宗。 6、A bully is always a coward. 色厉内荏。 7、A burden of one\'s choice is not felt. 爱挑的担子不嫌重。 8、A candle lights others and consumes itself. 蜡烛照亮别人,却毁灭了自己。 9、A cat has lives. 猫有九条命。 10、A cat may look at a king. 猫也可以打量国王,意为人人平等。 11、A close mouth catches no flies. 病从口入。 12、A constant guest is never welcome. 常客令人厌。 13、A fair death honors the whole life. 死得其所,流芳百世。 14、A faithful friend is hard to find. 知音难觅。 15、A fall into a pit, a gain in your wit. 吃一堑,长一智。 16、A fox may grow gray, but never good. 江山易改,本性难移。 17、A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情。 18、A friend is easier lost than found. 得朋友难,失朋友易。 19、A friend is never known till a man has need. 需要之时方知友。 20、A friend without faults will never be found. 没有十全十美的朋友。 21、A good beginning is half done. 良好的开端是成功的一半。 22、A good beginning makes a good ending. 善始者善终。 23、A good book is a good friend. 好书如挚友。 24、A good book is the best of friends, the same today and forever. 一本好书,相伴一生。 25、A good conscience is a soft pillow. 不做亏心事,不怕鬼叫门。 26、A good fame is better than a good face. 美名胜过美貌。 27、A good husband makes a good wife. 夫善则妻贤。


毕业设计说明书 英文文献及中文翻译 学院:专 2011年6月 电子与计算机科学技术软件工程

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常见职务职位英文翻译 希望对你有帮助哦!总公司Head Office分公司Branch Office营业部Business Office人事部Personnel Department(人力资源部)Human Resources Department总务部General Affairs Department财务部General Accounting Department销售部Sales Department促销部Sales Promotion Department国际部International Department出口部Export Department进口部Import Department公共关系Public Relations Department广告部Advertising Department企划部Planning Department产品开发部Product Development Department研发部Research and Development Department(R&D)秘书室Secretarial PoolAccounting Assistant 会计助理Accounting Clerk 记帐员Accounting Manager 会计部经理Accounting Stall 会计部职员Accounting Supervisor 会计主管Administration Manager 行政经理Administration Staff 行政人员Administrative Assistant 行政助理Administrative Clerk 行政办事员Advertising Staff 广告工作人员Airlines Sales Representative 航空公司定座员Airlines Staff 航空公司职员Application Engineer 应用工程师Assistant Manager 副经理Bond Analyst 证券分析员Bond Trader 证券交易员Business Controller 业务主任Business Manager 业务经理Buyer 采购员Cashier 出纳员Chemical Engineer 化学工程师


鞋业(类)常用术语中英文对照 ---欧维思品牌鞋业折扣店 --https://www.360docs.net/doc/0015048736.html, 目录 第一章:Stage 阶段………………………………P2-P10 第二章技术……………………………P7-P15 第三章鞋型转移……………………………P16-P17 欧维思品牌鞋业折扣店招商加盟网--https://www.360docs.net/doc/0015048736.html,- 1 -

第一章:Stage 阶段 ----欧维思品牌鞋业折扣店https://www.360docs.net/doc/0015048736.html, I.3.1. Two main sections in Dev. Division 开发的两大部分: 1. Development section: explain more in process of new models to make samples in order to introduce market to achieve qty. 开发部分:此部分着重于新型体的样品制作,以便可介绍给客户来争取一定数量的订单。 https://www.360docs.net/doc/0015048736.html,mercialization section: explain more in process of technical after it was developed with Fitting test and Wear test to ensure that all products meet consumers’ expectations in terms of Fitting, Comfort and Performance. 技术部分:开发转移到技术部门,此阶段着重于在开发阶段完成试穿测试, 确保产品在试穿/舒适/功能方面可满足客户的要求后进行的技术工作。 I.3.2. Development Stages 开发阶段 I.3.2.1. PPR: Pre Prototype Review 初始线条评估 1st stage to review all sample products Internally by customer ( Marketing,designer,L.O) For performance shoes, we have Fitting and Wear Test Sample to be sent. * The topics of review are : 1. Material 2. Quality 3. Performance 4. Price 5. Color 6. Design 7. Forecast 客人内部(市场销售、设计师、本地客人)对于新鞋型第一阶段之评估。 对于功能性鞋型,我们要寄Fitting test &Wear test试穿样品。 此时检查要点如下: 1、材料 2、品质 3、功能 4、价格 5、颜色 6、设计 7、订单预测 I.3.2.2. PFR:Prototype Final Review 最后线条评估 Final stage to review all sample shoes before introducing the products to the customers. At this time, all key points should be finally decided (Pattern / Design, Color,Price, Material (should be released), etc.). The result of Fitting Test should be considered for PPR meeting as a basic. 在全部新鞋型介绍给客户前之最后检查阶段,此时所有要点均需做出最后确定,如:纸版、设计、颜色、价位、材料(必须是通过了测试)等等。 寄出试样鞋时需附上试穿报告。此时的试穿结果是PPR 会议之基本考量点。 I.3.2.3. SMS1:Salesman Sample 1 销样一 欧维思品牌鞋业折扣店招商加盟网--https://www.360docs.net/doc/0015048736.html,- 2 -


韶关学院 期末考核报告 科目:专业英语 学生姓名: 学号: 同组人: 院系: 专业班级: 考核时间:2012年10月9日—2012年11月1 日评阅教师: 评分:

第1章英文阅读材料翻译 (1) 第2章中文摘要翻译英文 (3) 第3章中文简历和英文简历 (4) 第4章课程学习体会和建议 (6) 参考文献 (7)

第1章英文阅读材料翻译 Mechanization and Automation Processes of mechanization have been developing and becoming more complex ever since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution at the end of the 18th century. The current developments of automatic processes are, however, different from the old ones. The “automation” of the 20th century is distinct from the mechanization of the 18th and 19th centuries inasmuch as mechanization was applied to individual operations, wherea s “automation” is concerned with the operation and control of a complete producing unit. And in many, though not all, instances the element of control is so great that whereas mechanization displaces muscle, “automation”displaces brain as well. The distinction between the mechanization of the past and what is happening now is, however, not a sharp one. At one extreme we have the electronic computer with its quite remarkable capacity for discrimination and control, while at the other end of the scale are “ transfer machines” , as they are now called, which may be as simple as a conveyor belt to another. An automatic mechanism is one which has a capacity for self-regulation; that is, it can regulate or control the system or process without the need for constant human attention or adjustment. Now people often talk about “feedback” as begin an essential factor of the new industrial techniques, upon which is base an automatic self-regulating system and by virtue of which any deviation in the system from desired condition can be detected, measured, reported and corrected. when “feedback” is applied to the process by which a large digital computer runs at the immense speed through a long series of sums, constantly rejecting the answers until it finds one to fit a complex set of facts which have been put to it, it is perhaps different in degree from what we have previously been accustomed to machines. But “feedback”, as such, is a familiar mechanical conception. The old-fashioned steam engine was fitted with a centrifugal governor, two balls on levers spinning round and round an upright shaft. If the steam pressure rose and the engine started to go too fast, the increased speed of the spinning governor caused it to rise up the vertical rod and shut down a valve. This cut off some of the steam and thus the engine brought itself back to its proper speed. The mechanization, which was introduced with the Industrial Revolution, because it was limited to individual processes, required the employment of human labor to control each machine as well as to load and unload materials and transfer them from one place to another. Only in a few instances were processes automatically linked together and was production organized as a continuous flow. In general, however, although modern industry has been highly mechanized ever since the 1920s, the mechanized parts have not as a rule been linked together. Electric-light bulbs, bottles and the components of innumerable mass-produced


常见职位职务英文翻译 Accounting Assistant会计助理 Accounting Clerk记帐员 Accounting Manager会计部经理 Accounting Stall会计部职员 Accounting Supervisor会计主管 Administration Manager行政经理 Administration Staff行政人员 Administrative Assistant行政助理 Administrative Clerk行政办事员 Advertising Staff广告工作人员 Airlines Sales Representative航空公司定座员 Airlines Staff航空公司职员 Application Engineer应用工程师 Assistant Manager副经理 Bond Analyst证券分析员 Bond Trader证券交易员 Business Controller业务主任 Business Manager业务经理 Buyer采购员 Cashier出纳员 Chemical Engineer化学工程师 Civil Engineer土木工程师 Clerk/Receptionist职员/接待员 Clerk Typist&Secretary文书打字兼秘书 Computer Data Input Operator计算机资料输入员Computer Engineer计算机工程师 Computer Processing Operator计算机处理操作员Computer System Manager计算机系统部经理 Copywriter广告文字撰稿人 Deputy General Manager副总经理 Economic Research Assistant经济研究助理 Electrical Engineer电气工程师 Engineering Technician工程技术员 English Instructor/Teacher英语教师 Export Sales Manager外销部经理 Export Sales Staff外销部职员 Financial Controller财务主任 Financial Reporter财务报告人 F.X.(Foreign Exchange)Clerk外汇部职员 F.X.Settlement Clerk外汇部核算员 Fund Manager财务经理 General Auditor审计长 General Manager/President总经理


医院常用中英文对照 公共空间大厅Hall 中药局Chinese Medicine Pharmacy 公用电话Public Telephone/Pay Phone/Telephone/Public Phone 日常生活训区Daily Activity Training 日间门诊Clinic Area 日间院Adult Day Care Center 日间照护Day Care Center 出院室Discharge Office 加护病房Intensive Care Unit(ICU) 打卡刷卡区Clock In / Out 民众意箱Suggestions 各科门诊Out-Patient Departments(OPD) 早产儿室Premature Babies 自动提款机A TM 住院室Admissions 佛堂Buddhist Prayer Room 吸烟区Smoking Area 志工服务台V olunteer Services 志工室V olunteers 衣室Dressing Room 巡箱Patrol Box 夜间门诊Evening Clinic 居家护Home Health Care 居家护室Home Health Care 服务台(询问处)Information 注射室Injections 治室Treatment Room 社福卫教室Social Work and Health Education 门诊大厅Outpatient Hall 门诊注射室Outpatient Injection 门诊部Out-patient 门诊满意调查回收意箱Suggestion Box 门诊检验OPD Laboratory 待产室Labor Room 急诊暂观察室ER Observation Room 恢室Recovery Room 候诊区Waiting Area 员工意箱Suggestions 晒衣场Clothes Drying 气喘卫教室Asthma Health Education Room 消毒室Sterilization 消毒锅区Equipment Sterilization


1.名词翻译 a.尽职调查:due diligence b.包销:firm commitment c.尽力推销:best efforts d.余额包销:standby commitment e.首次公开发行:initial public offering f.二次发行:secondary offering g.招股说明书:prospectus h.路演:road show i.承销辛迪加:underwriting syndicate j.做市商:market maker k.交易商:dealer l.经纪商:broker m.管理费:manager’s fee n.承销费:underwriting allowance o.销售费:selling concession p.墓碑广告:tombstone q.反向收购:averse merger r.美国存托凭证:American Depository Receipt s.全球存托凭证:Global Depository Receipt 2.名词翻译 a.柜台市场:over the counter

b.做市商交易:dealer trading c.竞价交易:auction trading d.现金帐户:cash account e.保证金账户:margin account f.市场委托指令:market order g.现价委托指令:limit order h.止损指令:stop order i.定价全额即时委托指令:fill or kill j.定价即时交易委托指令:immediate or cancel k.开市和收市委托指令:market at open or close l.套利:arbitrage m.投机:speculation n.纳斯达克:NASDAQ o.特许交易商:specialist 3.名词翻译 a.开放式基金:open-end fund b.封闭式基金:closed-end fund c.契约型基金:contract fund d.公司型基金:corporate fund e.货币市场基金:money market fund f.认股权证基金:warrant fund g.国际基金:global fund


例1.Winners do not dedicate their lives to a concept of what they imagine they should be, rather, they are themselves and as such do not use their energy putting on a performance, maintaining pretence and manipulating(操纵) others . They are aware that there is a difference between being loved and acting loving, between being stupid and acting stupid, between being knowledgeable and acting knowledgeable. Winners do not need to hide behind a mask. 1.dedicate to 把时间,精力用于 2.pretence 虚伪,虚假 6 .1 斤斤于字比句次,措辞生硬 例2.Solitude is an excellent laboratory in which to observe the extent to which manners and habits are conditioned by others. My table manners are atrocious( 丑恶)—in this respect I've slipped back hundreds of years in fact, I have no manners whatsoever(完全,全然). If I feel like it, I eat with my fingers, or out of a can, or standing up —in other words, whichever is easiest. 孤独是很好的实验室,正好适合观察一个人的举止和习惯在多大程度上受人制约。如今我吃东西的举止十分粗野;这方面一放松就倒退了几百年,实在是一点礼貌也没有。我高兴就用手抓来吃,(eat out of a can)开个罐头端着吃,站着吃;反正怎么省事就怎么吃。 3.Whatsoever 完全,全然 1.Be conditioned by 受……制约 2.Atrocious 丑恶 6 .2 结构松散,表达过于口语化 例3.有一次,在拥挤的车厢门口,我听见一位男乘客客客气气地问他前面的一位女乘客:“您下车吗?”女乘客没理他。“您下车吗?”他又问了一遍。女乘客还是没理他。他耐不住了,放大声问:“下车吗?”,那女乘客依然没反应。“你是聋子,还是哑巴?”他急了,捅了一下那女乘客,也引起了车厢里的人都往这里看。女乘客这时也急了,瞪起一双眼睛,回手给了男乘客一拳。(庄绎传,英汉翻译教程,1999 :练习 3 ) 译文1:Once at the crowded door of the bus, I heard a man passenger asked politely a woman passenger before him: “Are you getting off?” The woman made no


A.I. 人工智能 A2A integration A2A整合 abstract 抽象的 abstract base class (ABC)抽象基类 abstract class 抽象类 abstraction 抽象、抽象物、抽象性 access 存取、访问 access function 访问函数 access level访问级别 account 账户 action 动作 activate 激活 active 活动的 actual parameter 实参 adapter 适配器 add-in 插件 address 地址 address space 地址空间 address-of operator 取地址操作符 ADL (argument-dependent lookup) ADO(ActiveX Data Object)ActiveX数据对象 advanced 高级的 aggregation 聚合、聚集 algorithm 算法 alias 别名 align 排列、对齐 allocate 分配、配置 allocator分配器、配置器 angle bracket 尖括号 annotation 注解、评注 API (Application Programming Interface) 应用(程序)编程接口app domain (application domain)应用域 appearance 外观 append 附加 application 应用、应用程序 application framework 应用程序框架 Approximate String Matching 模糊匹配 Arbitrary Precision Arithmetic 高精度计算 architecture 架构、体系结构 archive file 归档文件、存档文件 argument引数(传给函式的值)。参见parameter array 数组 arrow operator 箭头操作符
