









2014年王毅外长在第69届联合国大会的发言 时间:2014-09-28 12:11来源:口译网作者:口译网点击:8487次 共谋和平发展共守法治正义 ——在第69届联合国大会一般性辩论上的发言 中华人民共和国外交部长王毅 2014年9月27日,美国纽约 Jointly Pursue Peace and Development and Uphold Rule of Law and Justice --Statement at the General Debate of the 69th Session of the United Nations General Assembly by H.E. Wang Yi Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China New York, 27 September 2014 主席先生,各位同事: Mr. President, Dear Colleagues, 今年是第一次世界大战爆发100周年。中国近代著名思想家严复曾写下“可怜横草尽飞腾”的诗句,形容这场大战的惨烈。 This year marks the centenary of the outbreak of World War I. Yan Fu, a distinguished thinker in modern China, wrote the following line to describe the devastation caused by the war: "Alas, even grass is blown away all over the place." 明年是第二次世界大战结束70周年。全球逾20亿人口卷入了这场浩劫。仅日本军国主义的对华侵略,就造成3500多万中国军民的伤亡。 Next year will be the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II. Over two billion people across the world fell victim to this calamity. In China alone, the aggression committed by Japanese militarists left more than 35 million Chinese soldiers and civilians dead or injured. 联合国建立在两次世界大战的惨痛经历之上,她寄托着全世界对共建和平、共守安宁的殷切期盼。为此,联合国宪章描绘了一幅共建美好世界的宏伟画卷。在这个世界中: The United Nations was established to keep the scourge of the two world wars from occurring again and it embodies the fervent hope of all countries for peace and stability. To achieve this goal, the Charter of the United Nations presented a grand vision of joint efforts to build a better world. In this world: 我们应该平等相待。主权和领土完整原则,必须恪守。各国推动经济社会发展的实践,必须尊重。自主选择社会制度和发展道路的权利,必须维护。


外交部长王毅记者会精彩语录(英汉对照) 3月8日(星期日)外交部部长王毅就中国的外交政策和对外关系相关问题回答中外记者提问。以下为此次记者会,王毅部长部分精彩语录。 我们着眼于构建以合作共赢为核心的新型国际关系,正在走出一条结伴而不结盟的对外交往新路。 In 2014, we focused on building a new type of international relations featuring win-win cooperation, and we are taking a new path of external relations characterized by partnership rather than alliance. 到去年年底,我们已经同70多个国家和诸多的地区组织建立了不同形式的伙伴关系,基本形成覆盖全球的伙伴关系网络。中国的朋友圈越来越大,我们的好朋友、好伙伴越来越多。 By the end of last year, we have established different forms of partnerships with over 70 countries and a number of regional organizations, and basically established a global network of partnerships. So, one can say that Chinas circle of friends and partners has widened, and will continue to expand. 海外民生工程只有进行时,而没有完成时。中国脚步走到哪里,


外交部部长王毅答中外记者提问实录(全文) 全国人大常委会办公厅新闻局局长、记者会主持人何绍仁: 各位记者,大家上午好,欢迎参加十二届全国人大三次第七场记者会。我们很高兴地邀请到外交部部长王毅先生来就中国的外交政策和对外关系回答大家的提问。下面有请王外长。 中华人民共和国外交部部长王毅: 记者朋友们,大家上午好! 今天是三八妇女节,首先我要向女记者们以及所有关心和支持中国外交的女同胞们致以诚挚的祝福。 记得去年也是今天,马航370航班失联。一年过去了,飞机还没有找到,但搜寻仍将继续。对于马航370航班的乘客家属,今天是艰难的一天,我们的心和大家在一起。马航已经启动了理赔的工作,我们愿意为每一位家属提供一切需要的服务,帮助大家维护好正当和合法的权益。现在我愿回答大家的问题。 人民日报记者: 王外长您好,很高兴我第一个提问。您曾经说过2014年是中国外交全面推进的丰收之年,请问这个丰收之年具体体现在哪些方面?另外,2015年的中国外交有哪些值得期待的看点和关键词?谢谢。 王毅: 2014年的中国外交确实是丰收之年,同时也是开拓之年、创新之年。在以习近平同志为总书记的党中央领导下,我们成功举办上海亚信峰会和北京APEC

两大主场外交,在历史上留下了深刻的中国印记。我们积极参与全球热点问题的解决,在国际和地区事务当中发挥了中国作用。 我们大力拓展对外合作,“一带一路”倡议得到了广泛的响应。特别值得一提的是,我们着眼于构建以合作共赢为核心的新型国际关系,正在走出一条结伴而不结盟的对外交往新路。到去年年底,我们已经同70多个国家和诸多的地区组织建立了不同形式的伙伴关系,基本形成覆盖全球的伙伴关系网络。中国的“朋友圈”越来越大,我们的好朋友、好伙伴越来越多。 2015年,我们将保持进取势头,拓展全方位外交,在坚定维护国家利益的同时,不断扩大与世界各国的共同利益。2015年中国外交的关键词是“一个重点、两条主线”。 一个重点就是全面推进“一带一路”。我们将进一步加强与各国的政策沟通,不断扩大彼此利益契合点。我们会探讨互利合作的有效途径,重点推动互联互通基础设施、陆上经济走廊、海上合作支点的建设。我们还愿意促进人文交流合作,加快自贸谈判进程。我们相信,“一带一路”必将更加深入人心,取得更多的早期收获,助力亚欧大陆实现整体振兴。 两条主线就是要做好和平与发展这两篇大文章。我们将同国际社会一道,办好世界反法西斯战争胜利70周年纪念活动,以史为鉴,开辟未来,使中国成为维护和平的强大力量。我们还将以纪念联合国成立70周年为契机,积极参与联合国发展峰会和国际气候变化合作,推动制定符合广大发展中国家利益的2015后发展议程和新的应对气候变化安排,发挥中国的建设性作用。谢谢! 北京新京报记者: 我们注意到,近年来中国公民出境人数不断攀升,而今年春节又掀起一股出国旅游热潮。请问,在便利公民出行和保护他们在海外正当权益方面今年外交部会有怎样的计划或者举措?谢谢。 王毅:


2015王毅外长答记者问(中英文)【摘录】 张铁城2006、2、25发送 简介 看待问题,如何使用放大镜和望远镜,其实,这个思想方法,有时,我们普通老百姓也可以试着用一用。 2015年3月8日,外交部长王毅在“两会”记者会上谈到中美关系时说: “中美是两个大国,不可能没有分歧,分歧也不会因为构建新型大国关系就一夜消失。但我们不必总是用显微镜去放大问题,而是要更多端起望远镜去眺望未来,把握好大方向。”

“China and the United States are two large countries. It's impossible for there not to be any disagreements between us, and these disagreements will not disappear the moment we commit to build a new model of major-country relations. But we shouldn't magnify the problems through a microscope. Rather, we should use the telescope to look ahead to the future and make sure we will move

forward in the right direction. ” 【2015王毅外长答记者问(中英文)来自:乐思福教育】 2015王毅外长答记者问【摘录】(英语译文)的 词汇级别统计如下: 【但是不包括这个文本内所有注释/译文中的英语单词】 ※全文共计72个英语单词,其中: 一级词汇59个,占81.94%;二级词汇5个,占 6.94%;三级词汇1个,占 1.38%;★级词汇5

王毅当众狠批澳新外长 句句见血震惊全世界

王毅当众狠批澳新外长句句见血震惊全世界 王毅当众狠批澳新外长句句见血震惊全世界 2013-12-31 14:28:51| 分类:红杏网上谈兵|字号订阅在中国宣布建立防空识别区后,澳大利亚跳出来反对,这让人惊讶,不过中国也立刻让澳大利亚吃了一惊。在访华“处女行”中,澳外长被中国外长当面斥责。外媒认为,澳大利亚在妄想基础上理解中国,造成外交错位,如果澳大利亚希望继续充当美国的“协警”,担任日本“最好的朋友”,可能会搞僵自己与越来越强大的中国的关系。澳大利亚“选边站” 澳大利亚与其最大贸易伙伴之间的关系变得不太好。当中国与美国、日本在东海上空的紧张局势不断加剧之际,澳大利亚的政治同盟与自己的经济利益发生冲突,尤其是中国经济继续在强劲增长,虽然增速已经是23年来最低了。此前,中国突然宣布设立包括钓鱼岛空域在内的东海防空识别区,遭到日本的强烈反击,而“澳大利亚与美国是唯一一对指责中国的非周边国家”。香港《亚洲时报》说。在中国建立防空识别区之后,澳大利亚随后召见中国驻澳大利亚大使“表达关切”。 中国防空识别圈据路透社报道,澳大利亚外长毕晓普指责中国的举动说,“中国宣布的时机和方式无助于缓和当前地区紧张局势,不会促进地区稳定,澳大利亚已清楚地表明,

反对任何改变东海现状的强制性或单方面行动”。中国官方随即给予严厉回击。据澳大利亚《时代报》报道,中国谴责澳大利亚在中日领土争端中“选边站”。不过,澳大利亚总 理阿博特并无道歉之意,他表示,“我们是美国的坚强盟友,我们是日本的坚强盟友,我们持有相当强烈的观点认为,国际争端应该以和平和法治的原则来解决。如果有地方没有遵守这一原则,或者没有适当地遵守这一原则,我们将说出我们的看法”。 对于有人担心这一态度可能损害中澳的潜在经济关系,阿 博特反驳说,“中国跟我们做生意,是因为与我们做生意符合中国的利益”。不过,澳大利亚的举动给中澳关系蒙上了大大的阴影。中国外交部长王毅12月6日在北京与澳大利 亚外长毕晓普共同主持首轮中澳外交与战略对话。王毅当面批评毕晓普,澳方在中国设立东海防空识别区问题上的言行,损害了双方互信,影响了两国关系的健康发展,中国社会各界和中国人民对此深为不满。“中国外长扇了澳大利亚一记耳光”,美国媒体报道说,王毅是在允许媒体拍摄的数分钟期间对毕晓普说的这番话。澳大利亚《悉尼先驱晨报》分析表示,在外交场合,一般情况下,在双方进入正式会谈前,面对记者只进行礼节性的寒暄。 中国外长王毅中国的这一举动有些不同寻常。《澳大利亚人报》称,被中国外交部长当面批评后,毕晓普显得有些


2015年3月8日,十二届全国人大三次会议在两会新闻中心举行记者会,邀请外交部长王毅就中国外交政策和对外关系回答中外记者提问。 On 8 March 2015, the Third Session of the Twelfth National People's Congress held a press conference at the Press Center of the Two Sessions. Foreign Minister Wang Yi was invited to answer questions from Chinese and foreign media about China's foreign policy and external relations. 中华人民共和国外交部部长王毅:记者朋友们,大家上午好。 今天是三八妇女节,首先我要向女记者们以及所有关心和支持中国外交的女同胞们致以诚挚的祝福。 Wang Yi: Friends from the press, good morning. Today is the International Women's Day. At the outset, I would like to extend sincere greetings to the female journalists and all Chinese women who show understanding of and support for China's diplomacy. 记得去年也是今天,马航370航班失联。一年过去了,飞机还没有找到,但搜寻仍将继续。对于马航370航班的乘客家属,今天是艰难的一天,我们的心和大家在一起。马航已经启动了理赔的工作,我们愿意为每一位家属提供一切需要的服务,帮助大家维护好正当和合法的权益。现在我愿回答大家的问题。 On this day a year ago, the MH370 flight went missing. A year has passed, and the plane has not been located, but the search effort will continue. Today must be a tough day for the next of kin of those on board MH370. Our hearts are with you. Malaysia Airlines has started its compensation work. We will provide all needed service to every next of kin and help you uphold your legitimate and lawful rights and interests. With these words, I would like to open the floor to questions. 人民日报记者:王外长您好,很高兴我第一个提问。您曾经说过2014年是中国外交全面推进的丰收之年,请问这个丰收之年具体体现在哪些方面?另外,2015年的中国外交有哪些值得期待的看点和关键词?谢谢。 People's Daily: Mr. Minister, you once said that 2014 was a year of harvest and all-round progress in China's diplomacy. Could you elaborate on that? And what can we expect from China's diplomacy in 2015? What are the keywords we need to watch? 王毅:2014年的中国外交确实是丰收之年,同时也是开拓之年、创新之年。在以习近平同志为总书记的党中央领导下,我们成功举办上海亚信峰会和北京APEC两大主场外交,在历史上留下了深刻的中国印记。我们积极参与全球热点问题的解决,在国际和地区事务当中发挥了中国作用。 Wang Yi: Indeed, 2014 was a year of harvest for China's diplomacy. It was also a year of forging ahead and breaking new ground. Under the leadership of the CPC Central Committee headed by General Secretary Xi Jinping, we successfully hosted the CICA Summit in Shanghai and the APEC meeting in Beijing, and left a deep imprint of our own. We took an active part in the resolution of global hot-spot issues, and played China's role in international and regional affairs.


China to act as major responsible country "more actively": FM China will give full play to the country's role as a major responsible country in 2014, Foreign Minister Wang Yi said Saturday. China will seek justice and uphold equality in international relations and protect the rights of developing countries in particular, Wang told a press conference on the sidelines of the annual parliamentary session. China will work to push the international order toward a more fair and reasonable direction, he said. "We will take an active part in international and regional affairs and play a bigger role in solving global and regional issues by offering China's own solutions," he said. Another focus of China's diplomatic policy will be better serving the country's domestic reform through creating a favorable international environment, he said. China will strengthen friendly relations with all countries in the world, especially neighboring countries, so as to create a more enabling environment for the country's reform and development, he said. The country will vigorously pursue economic diplomacy and deepen mutually beneficial cooperation with other countries, he said. "We will do what we can to implement the initiatives to better protect and serve overseas Chinese and provide stronger protection for its growing legitimate rights and interests abroad," he said. Xi's upcoming visit to open new chapter in China-Europe ties: FM Chinese President Xi Jinping's visit to Europe later this month will open a new chapter in China-Europe relations, Foreign Minister Wang Yi said here on Saturday. Speaking at a press conference on the sidelines of China's annual parliamentary session, Wang said Europe is in a priority place on China's diplomatic agenda. He said cooperation is the keyword in China-Europe ties. "Cooperation between China and Europe will make the world safer, more balanced, a better place," he said. Mutual trust foundation of new model China-US relationship: FM Mutual trust is the foundation for building a new model of major-country relationship between China and the US, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said Saturday.


2020外交学院开学典礼王毅部长致辞 王毅部长在外交学院2020开学典礼上的讲话 亲爱的老师们、同学们: 大家上午好!很高兴出席外交学院2020学年开学典礼。首先,我谨代表外交部向今年新入学的同学们表示最热烈的欢迎!欢迎你们来到外交学院,欢迎你们来到“中国外交官的摇篮”! 再过几天,就是教师节了,我也要借此机会向外交学院的全体教职员工,包括不远万里来到外交学院任教的外籍专家和教师致以节日的问候。各位老师,你们辛苦了! 外交学院是一所有着光荣历史和优良传统的学校。1955年创办以来,学院在中央领导的亲切关怀下,在外交部党委的直接领导下,培养了一批又一批优秀的外交人才。据统计,迄今从外交学院已经走出了近300位中华人民共和国的特命全权大使和数千名参赞以上的高级外交官,可以说是桃李满园,硕果累累,为新中国外交事业作出了巨大贡献。近年来,学院的建设又不断取得新成绩。今天,宽敞、美丽的新校区张开双臂欢迎同学们在此学习和生活,新校区的投入使用标志着学院教学改革和创新正在迈开新的步伐。我相信,在学院新一届领导班 子的带领下,在全校师生的共同努力下,外交学院必将迎来新一轮的大发展、大提高,为我们的外交育人事业再立新功,再创辉煌!让我们一起为外交学院加油!

各位老师,各位同学,当前,中国外交站在了一个新的历史起点。我们的国家从来没有像今天这样接近世界舞台的中央,从来没有像今天这样全面参与国际上的各种事务,也从来没有像今天这样承担着维护世界和平与发展的重要责任。新起点带来新使命,新形势带来新要求。外交学院作为外交部的直属院校,不论什么时候,第一要务都是为我们国家的外交事业服务。这是外交学院义不容辞的责任,也是外交学院发展壮大的根基,学院的各项工作都应紧紧围绕这个中心任务展开。希望外交学院主动顺应中国外交事业面临的新需求,想中国外交之所想,急中国外交之所急,有针对性地加强自身建设,积极进行改革创新,不断为中国外交事业作出新的更大贡献。在此,我对学院工作提出三点期待: 第一,要把学院打造成为新时期中国外交人才队伍的孵化器。做好外交工作,人才是关键。今天的中国外交比以往任何时候都需要一支多领域、复合型、专业化的外交队伍。其中既应有在一线从事对外交往的优秀外交官,也应有在二线从事理论研究的专家学者。在培养外交外事人才上,外交学院理应当仁不让。 第二,要把学院打造成为新时期中国外交理论研究与创新的排头兵。今天的中国外交正在开创一条有中国特色的大国外交之路,许多实践已经走到了理论的前头,迫切需要建立一套指导实践的系统理论,这样才能使这条路走得更稳,走得更顺,走得更远。外交学院的师资队伍人才济济,除了教学,进一步加强外交


中国的发展让世界更精彩China’s Development Makes for a Better World ——王毅在《新欧洲》发表署名文章An Article by Foreign Minister Wang Yi on New Europe 在中国新一届政府上任即将满一年的时候,一个稳中有进、稳中向好的中国越来越吸引着世界的目光。人们普遍期待未来的中国会给世界带来什么?我的回答是:一个更加精彩的中国也会让我们的世界更加精彩。中共十八大报告指出,中国将继续高举和平、发展、合作、共赢的旗帜,将始终不渝走和平发展道路,将以更加积极的姿态参与国际事务,发挥负责任大国作用,将始终坚持与邻为善、以邻为伴,巩固睦邻友好。这是中国对世界的承诺。Nearly one year into office by the current Chinese government, China, which has enjoyed stability and steady progress, is attracting increasing attention from around the world. Many are eager to see what China will bring to the world. My answer: a better China will make for a better world. As the Report to the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) pointed out, China will remain committed to peace, development, cooperation and mutual benefit, unswervingly follow the path of peaceful development, get more actively involved in international affairs, play its due role as a major responsible country, and continue to promote friendship and partnership with its neighbors and consolidate amicable relations with them. This is the pledge China has made to the world. 不断深化改革、扩大开放的中国,是维护世界和平与稳定重要力量。当代中国最鲜明的特色是改革开放。中国要实现现代化目标,需要通过争取和平国际环境发展自己,又以自身发展维护和促进世界和平。需要不断扩大同各方利益汇合点,推动建设持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界。因此,中国外交摒弃丛林法则,坚持大小国家一律平等,坚持反对霸权主义。中国有信心用自己的行动和世界各国一道证明,国强并不必然要称霸。中国和欧盟作为最大的发展中国家和最大的发达国家联合体,双方应尊重彼此根据自身情况选择的发展道路,共同致力于维护世界的和平与稳定。A China that constantly deepens reform and opens still wider to the outside is an important force for peace and stability in the world. The defining features of the present-day China are reform and opening-up. To achieve modernization, China needs to secure a peaceful international environment to develop itself, and safeguard and promote world peace with its own development. It needs to enlarge the convergence of interests of all parties and work toward a harmonious world of lasting peace and common prosperity. That is why our diplomacy flatly rejects the law of the jungle, embraces equality of all countries irrespective of size and stands against hegemonism. China has the confidence to prove, with its own actions and by working with other countries, that a country growing stronger does not inevit ably seek hegemony. As the world’s largest developing country and largest grouping of developed countries, China and the European Union should respect each other’s development paths as chosen in line with respective realities and work together to maintain world peace and stability.


外交部长王毅答记者问 Foreign Minister Wang Yi Meets the Press 2015年3月8日,十二届全国人大三次会议在两会新闻中心举行记者会,邀请外交部长王毅就中国外交政策和对外关系回答中外记者提问。 On 8 March 2015, the Third Session of the Twelfth National People’s Congress held a press conference at the Press Center of the Two Sessions. Foreign Minister Wang Yi was invited to answer questions from Chinese and foreign media about China’s foreign policy and external relations. 王毅:大家上午好。今天是三八妇女节,首先,我要向各位女记者以及所有关心和支持中国外交的女同胞们致以诚挚的祝福。 Wang Yi: Friends from the press, good morning. Today is the International Women’s Day. At the outset, I would like to extend sincere greetings to the female journalists and all Chinese women who show understanding of and support for China’s diplomacy. 记得去年的今天,马航370航班失联。一年过去了,飞机还没有找到,但搜寻仍将继续!对于370航班的乘客家属,今天是艰难的一天,我们的心和你们


中国新发展世界新机遇 New Development in China, New Opportunities for the World ——王毅外长在世经论坛2014年年会上的演讲 --Speech by Foreign Minister Wang Yi at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2014 2014年1月24日,瑞士达沃斯 24 January 2014, Davos, Switzerland 尊敬的约瑟夫奈博士, 女士们,先生们,朋友们, Dr. Joseph Nye, Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends, 大家下午好,很高兴与大家共同探讨中国发展对世界的意义。 Good afternoon. It gives me great pleasure to discuss with you what China’s development means to the world. 中国历来是世界经济论坛关注的热点。今年更不例外。因为时隔35年之后,中国吹响了新一轮全方位改革的号角。这不仅预示着中国的发展将进入一个新的时代,也将对整个世界产生广泛和积极的影响。 China has always been the focus of attention at the World Economic Forum (WEF), and more so this year with China unveiling a new round of comprehensive reform 35 years after the launch of its reform program. This will not onl y herald a new era for China’s development but also have extensive and positive impacts on the world. 前天,中国国务院总理李克强先生专门在本届论坛官网上发表了文章,对中国经济的现状、改革和前景做了全面和权威的介绍。李总理在文中明确指出,中国经济的持续健康发展,将为世界发展带来新机遇,增添新动力。 The day before yesterday, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang sent a special message to this year’s WEF annual meeting which you can find on the WEF website. It gives a comprehensive and authoritative explanation of the current state, reform and prospect of the Chinese economy. In his message, Premier Li pointed out that the sustained and sound development of the Chinese economy would offer new opportunities and inject new impetus to development of the world. 中国新一轮的改革涵盖政治、经济、文化、社会、生态文明五大方向,涉及15个方面、60多个领域,共形成300多项重要举措。改革的范围之广、程度之深、难度之大可谓前所未有。大家可能最想知道的是,这一轮改革能否再获成功,续写辉煌?改革将给世界带来什么?我愿明确告诉大家,我们对于中国改革的成功充满自信。 China’s new round of reform will take place in political, economic, cultural, social and ecological dimensions. More than 300 major reform measures have been announced, covering over 60 fields under 15 categories. The reform is unprecedented in terms of its scope, depth and difficulty. I guess the questions you want to ask the most are: Will this round of reform be a great success just like the previous one? What will the reform


Quotes from the foreign minister 外交部长王毅记者会精彩语录 In 2014, we focused on building a new type of international relations featuring win-win cooperation, and we are taking a new path of external relations characterized by partnership rather than alliance. 我们着眼于构建以合作共赢为核心的新型国际关系,正在走出一条结伴而不结盟的对外交往新路。 By the end of last year, we have established different forms of partnerships with over 70 countries and a number of regional organizations, and basically established a global network of partnerships. So, one can sa y that China’s circle of friends and partners has widened, and will continue to expand. 到去年年底,我们已经同70多个国家和诸多的地区组织建立了不同形式的伙伴关系,基本形成覆盖全球的伙伴关系网络。中国的“朋友圈”越来越大,我们的好朋友、好伙伴越来越多。 The efforts to protect and assist overseas Chinese is always a work in progress, it’s never a mission accomplished. Wherever there is a Chinese footprint, consular service must step up and cover that place. 海外民生工程只有进行时,而没有完成时。“中国脚步”走到哪里,“中国保护”就会跟到哪里。 We will continue to work hard to improve the value of Chinese passports, so that our compatriots can more directly feel the dignity of being a Chinese and will find it easier to travel abroad. 我们会继续努力,进一步提高中国护照的“含金量”,让同胞们更直接地感受到作为中国人的尊严。 We hope that more and more of our countrymen can go abroad at any time they wish, and that they can have smooth, safe and worry-free travels. 我们会为大家出国创造更便利的条件,大家可以随时来一场“说走就走的旅行”,并且走得更顺利、更安全、更舒心。 The vision of this (One Belt One Road) initiative is common development, and the goal is win-win progress, full cooperation. If I may use a musical metaphor, it is not just China’s solo, but a symphony performed by all relevant countries. “一带一路”的理念是共同发展,目标是合作共赢。它不是中方一家的“独奏曲”,而是各


中国外长王毅谈中国外交政策以及对外关系 “‘一带一路’是中国的,但更是世界的”“中国愿意做一名‘扳道工’,把(朝鲜)半岛核问题扳回到谈判解决的轨道”“日本需要治好心病,理性看待中国振兴的事实”,王毅的每一个回答几乎都被国际媒体引用,并被迅速解读。多名海外记者和中国学者在接受记者采访时认为,王毅外长的这些话体现了中国外交的自信以及责任感,正如他所说,中国将“继续做国际形势的稳定锚、世界增长的发动机、和平发展的正能量、全球治理的新动力”。对于在场的记者有关“台当局背离一中越走越远,会否死路一条”的提问,王毅强调,台湾地区与任何国家建立或保持所谓的“外交关系”,都缺乏国际法依据,都没有正当性,也必然是没有前途的。 在记者会上,记者问道:台当局背离一中越走越远,会否死路一条?王毅对这一问题的回答立即吸引台湾媒体的关注。台湾TVBS

电视台称,王毅担纲说明中国外交政策,吸引了众多记者,发布会 现场爆满,其中外国记者的比例是近年来大陆两会各场记者会中最 高的一场。报道称,曾任国务院台湾事务办公室主任的王毅针对“两岸外交攻防”表示,“世界上只有一个中国,台湾是中国的一 部分,这不仅仅是一个历史事实,也是国际共识,更是由联合国决 议等一系列国际文件所确立的一条准则”。台湾地区与任何国家建 立或保持所谓的“外交关系”,都缺乏国际法依据,都没有正当性,也必然是没有前途的。台湾当局应该认清这一大势,任何人、任何 势力都不可能阻挡中国最终实现国家的完全统一。 来自台湾的一名记者和记者会后沟通时说,台湾很关心“国际空间”的问题,最关心下一个“被断交”的是不是梵蒂冈。这位 记者对王毅夸赞有加,说王毅非常有个性,而且常常会有“金句” 出现。 在记者会上,许多国际媒体记者都试图从王毅的话中找出值得关注的“金句”。对日本媒体来说,当天给他们印象最深的“金
