

Visitors in My Garden


My garden has many visitors.


I say hello to them.


The snail pulls his shell as he walks.




The caterpillar chews on a leaf.




The ant takes some food to his family.




The spider dangles from her web.




The ladybug crawls on the bush.




The bees buzz around the flowers.


“Hello,Mr.and Mrs.Bee.”


I like all the visitors in my garden. 我喜欢我花园里面的所有来客。



一二年级阅读: 1、信谊世界绘本12册(猜猜我有多爱你、蚯蚓的日记、驴小弟变石头等) 新增(小猫玫瑰、獾的礼物、风到哪里去了、雪人、金老爷买钟、我的名字克丽桑丝美美菊花) 2、蒲蒲兰绘本6册(猫太噼哩扑噜在海中、蚂蚁和西瓜 小皮斯凯的第一次旅行、小皮斯凯的第一个朋友、换一换、克里克塔) 蒲蒲兰绘本——恐龙的温馨故事(你看起来好像很好吃、我是霸王龙、你真好) 3、希尔弗斯坦传世经典绘本系列6册(爱心树、失落的一角、失落的一角遇见大圆满、一只会开枪的狮子、人行道的尽头、向上跌了一跤) 4、欧美经典儿童绘本4册(你是我的孩子、你很特别等) 5、米切尔.恩德经典绘本7册(犟龟、出走的绒布熊等) 6、雅诺什绘本(之一:来,让我们寻宝去) 7、阿罗系列7册(阿罗有支彩色笔、阿罗在马戏团等) 8、彩乌鸦绘本7册(发明家奇奇兔、彩色的乌鸦等)

9、《晴天有时下猪》绘本6册(梦里来的梦孩子、明天是猪日等) 10、聪明豆绘本6册(咕噜牛、女巫扫帚排排坐) 11、《活了一百万次的猫》 12、《戴高帽子的猫》 13、《极地特快》 14、美国学生课外阅读丛书(《石头汤》、三只小猪、巴贝尔和他的孩子们) 15、《三毛流浪记》 16、《可爱的鼠小弟》1-7 17、《温情的狮子》 18、《我有友情要出租》 19、《再见了,艾玛奶奶》 20、《月亮狗》 21、《劳拉的圣诞星》《劳拉的星空之旅》 22、《雪人的故事》 23、几米作品集(之:向左走向右走、月亮忘记了、森林唱游、听几米唱歌、小蝴蝶小披风、魔法失灵了、你们我们他们等) 24、雅诺什绘本系列新4册(小老虎买车记、狮子牙和丝绸爪子、小老虎和小熊的交通规则、睡鼠的睡梦时光) 25、雪山救助犬和旅行者


启蒙儿童专用的10篇英语童话小故事 今天小编给大家带来的10篇英语童话小故事,特别适合在启蒙的小孩子们念,培养他们多英语的兴趣爱好,为以后的英语学习打下基础。 英语童话故事精选(一): An old cock and a foxIt is evening。An old cock is sitting in a tree。A fox es to the tree and looks up at the cock。"Hello,Mr Cock,I have good news for you,"says the fox。"Oh"says thecock,"What good news for me?""All the animals are friends now。"says the fox。"Fine!"says the cock。"I'm very glad to know that。"Then he looks up、 "Look!A dog ia ing this way。""What?A dog?"says the fox。"Well。。。。well, I must go now。Goodbye,Mr Cock!""Wait,Mr Fox,Don't you like dogs?"Don't you like playing with the dog?Dogs are our friends now。""But,。。。but they may not know the news yet。"Then he runs away。"I see,I see,"says the cock。He smiles and goes to sleep 翻译:一只老公鸡和一只狐狸是夜。一只老公鸡呆在树上。一只狐狸走向大树要 拜访公鸡。"你好,公鸡先生,我有一个关于你的好消息。"狐狸说。"噢,"公鸡说," 是什么关于我的好消息?""所有动物此刻都是朋友了。"狐狸说。"好,"公鸡说,"我听 到那十分高兴!"然后他看到了。 "看,一只狗正在往这边来。""什么?一只狗?"狐狸问。"好的好的,此刻我该走了,再见,公鸡先生!""等等,狐狸先生,你难道不喜欢狗吗?难道你不喜欢和狗玩么?狗此 刻是我们的朋友。""但是,但是它们此刻可能还不明白。"然后他跑走了。"我明白了, 我明白了,"公鸡说。他微笑着然后去睡觉了。 英语童话故事精选(二): Long ago in a small, faraway village, there was a place known as the House of 1000 Mirrors。 A small, happy little dog learned of this place and decided to visit。When he arrived, he hounced happily up the stairs to the doorway of the house。 He looked through the doorway with his ears lifted high and his tail wagging as fast as it could。 To his great surprise, he found himself staring at 1000 other happy little dogs with their tails wagging just as fast as his。 He smiled a great smile, and


救救小星星 Firefly, little dog and little star are good friends. In the evening, fireflies come out with lanterns to look for xiaohuagou. They wait for their good friend Xiaoxing. The little star finally came out. He blinked at the little dog and the firefly, and said with a smile, "Hello, friends Xiaohuagou is happy to sing the song of "Wang Wang". All of a sudden, the little star said in fear: "no, the dark clouds are coming! I want to hide quickly

However, without waiting for the little star to hide, the dark cloud covered the little star's eyes with a black cloth. Little dogs and fireflies can no longer see the shadow of little stars. "Little star, little star, where are you?" The little dog cried anxiously. "Little dog, little star is covered by dark clouds! Firefly, you also hide quickly The Nightingale passed by and said to them. The firefly was also afraid. He picked up the lantern and flew home. Xiaohuagou's friends are all gone. He is very sad. He looked up at the sky and saw that the dark clouds, like an old witch, swung open a large black cloth curtain and covered the whole sky. Xiaohuagou is very worried about Xiaoxing. He is afraid that he will be harmed by the dark cloud old witch. Who does he want to save Xiaoxing. Suddenly, xiaohuagou thought of Granny lightning and father-in-law Thor. He cried to the sky in a hurry: "Granny lightning, come on, help little star! Come on, father-in-law Raytheon, help little star Granny lightning is impatient and comes first. She was very angry when she heard that the little star had been hoodwinked by the old witch of the dark cloud. She kept waving two big axes, "brush". The big axe flashed with dazzling light and cut open the cloth curtain of the dark cloud. The father-in-law of Raytheon also came. He also liked little star. He heard that little star had been caught by the old witch of dark cloud. He angrily picked up the drum and beat his big drum, "boom boom boom.". Dark cloud old witch was afraid, she cried, tears fell down. When she dried her tears, she finally released the little star. "Thank you, little dog!" Little star said gratefully to little dog. Firefly also came, a few good friends get together again, they feel very happy.


回忆与感恩:记叙我敬爱的小学启蒙老师300字故事 Title: Memories and Gratitude: A 300-word Story about My Respected Elementary School Teacher In my life, there is one person who has left a lasting impact on me: my beloved elementary school teacher. Mrs. Li, my first teacher and mentor, played a crucial role in shaping my early education and instilling in me a love for learning. I still remember the first day of school, when I nervously entered the classroom filled with unfamiliar faces. Mrs. Li greeted me with a warm smile and instantly made me feel at ease. Her patience and kindness created a nurturing environment where I felt comfortable to ask questions and explore new concepts. Mrs. Li possessed a unique teaching style that made learning fun and engaging. She would often incorporate interactive activities and games to make lessons more interesting. I recall one particular science experiment where we grew plants from seeds. Mrs. Li taught us the importance of patience and perseverance as we eagerly watched our plants grow. This hands-on experience not only taught us about the life cycle of plants but also instilled valuable life lessons.


1.启蒙故事:小青蛙找家 小青蛙迷路啦,他找不到家,站在路旁大声哭着:“呱呱!呱呱!哇……” 小鸡看到了,他对小青蛙说:“小青蛙,你别哭,我帮你找家。” 小鸡把小青蛙带到一棵大树下,问:“小青蛙,这里是你的家吗?” 小青蛙摇摇头说:“大树不是我的家。” 小鸡把小青蛙带到青青的草地上,问:“小青蛙,这里是你的家吗?” 小青蛙摇摇头说:“草地不是我的家。” 小鸡把小青蛙带到一座漂亮的小房子前,问:“小青蛙,这里是你的家吗?” 小青蛙摇摇头说:“小房子不是我的家。” 小房子里走出一个小宝宝,她说:“小青蛙,我知道你家在哪里,我送你回家。” 小宝宝带着小青蛙走到小池塘边。塘水清清,长满了绿色的荷叶,还开着粉红的荷花。 “呱呱!呱呱!”小青蛙高兴得叫了起来,“啊!小池塘,这里才是我的家!” 2.启蒙故事:长刺的老鼠 老鼠身上有刺以后,发现其他动物都不敢招惹自己,于是就渐渐得意洋洋起来了,感觉自己就是动物大王了。从此,只要一见到有其他的小动物靠近自己,老鼠就竖起它的刺冲向他们,在他们身上扎几个小窟窿,然后自己大摇大摆地走了。久而久之,动物们都讨厌起老鼠来。 有一天,当老鼠在森林里转悠时,发现了美丽的孔雀,就想:“如果自己再拥有孔雀一样漂亮的衣裳,那就更像森林大王了。”于是,老鼠就对孔雀说:“孔雀,你漂亮的衣服是从哪儿买的?快点告诉我。”孔雀说:“我可以告诉你。只是告诉你也没有用,你身上的刺会把衣服扎破的。除非你把身上的刺拔掉。”老鼠就去找螃蟹理发师,把身上的刺都拔掉了。 老鼠高高兴兴地去找孔雀,可是孔雀一见到他,就飞上了高空,对森林里的动物高声叫道:“大家快来看呀,老鼠剪刺了,大家可以过安宁日子啦。” 小动物们听到这一消息,争先恐后地从家里跑出来观看。那些受过他欺负的小动物都朝他冲了过去。正当老鼠要鼓起身上的“刺”准备还击时,才想起自己上了孔雀的当,现在已经“今非昔比”了,只好抱头鼠窜,灰溜溜地逃走了。 所以直到现在,老鼠白天也不敢出来,整天鬼鬼祟祟的,出洞时也总是用两


孔融让梨英文翻译 ❶《孔融让梨》的文言文以及译文 原文:孔融,字文举,鲁国人,孔子二十世孙也。高祖父尚,钜鹿太守。父宙,泰山都尉。”融版别传曰:权融四岁,与兄食梨,辄引小者。人问其故。答曰:“小儿,法当取小者。 译文:孔融,字文举,东汉时期山东曲阜人,是孔子的第二十世孙,高祖父孔尚当过钜鹿太守,父亲是泰山都尉孔宙。孔融别传记载:孔融四岁的时候,和哥哥吃梨,总是拿小的吃。有人问他为什么这么做。他回答说:"小孩子食量小,按道理应该拿小的。 (1)孔融让梨英语怎么翻译扩展阅读: 这个故事告诉人们,凡事应该懂得遵守公序良俗。这些都是年幼时就应该知道的道德常识。古人对道德常识非常重视。道德常识是启蒙教育的基本内容,融于日常生活、学习的方方面面。 其他有关梨子争夺的故事: 小时候,有一天妈妈拿来几个大小不同的苹果,我和弟弟们都抢着要大的。妈妈把那个最红最大的苹果举在手中,对我们说:“孩子们,这个苹果最红最大最好吃,你们都有权利得到它,但大苹果只有一个,怎么办呢?那咱们做个比,我把门前的草坪分成3块,你们3人一人一块儿把它修剪好,谁干得最快最好,谁就有权得到它。”结果我干的最好,就赢得了最大的苹果。 ❷孔融让梨,古文翻译

孔融,字文举,东汉时期山东曲阜人,是孔子的第二十世孙,他是泰山都回尉孔宙的第二个儿子。孔融答四岁的时候,某年某月,正好是他祖父六十大寿,来客很多。有一盘香梨,放在寿台上面,母亲叫孔融把它分了。于是孔融就按长幼次序来分,每个人都分到了自己就得的一份,唯独给自己的那一个是最小的。父亲奇怪地问他:"别人都分到大的梨子,你自己却分到小的,为什么呢?‘孔融从容答道:"树有高的和低的,人有老的和小的,尊敬老人敬得长辈,是做人的道理!"父亲很是高兴。孔融小时候聪明好学,才思敏捷,巧言妙答,大家都夸他是神童。4岁时,他就能背诵许多诗词,并且还懂得礼节,父母亲非常喜爱他。一天,父亲的朋友带了一盘梨子,给孔融兄弟们吃。父亲叫孔融分梨,孔融挑了个最小的梨子,其余按照长幼顺序分给兄弟。孔融说:“我年纪小,应该吃小的梨,大梨该给哥哥们。”父亲听后十分惊喜,又问:“那弟弟也比你小啊?” 孔融说:“因为弟弟比我小,所以我也应该让着他。”孔融让梨的故事,很快传遍了汉朝。小孔融也成了许多父母教育子女的好榜样。 求采纳 ❸速求“孔融让梨”英文翻译版 中文: 孔融小时候聪明好学,才思敏捷,巧言妙答,大家都夸他是奇童。4岁时,他已能背诵许多诗赋,并且懂得礼节,父母亲非常喜爱他。一日,父亲的朋友带了一盘梨子,父亲叫孔融他们七兄弟从最小的小弟开始自己挑,小弟首先挑走了一个最大的,而孔融拣了一个最小的梨子说:“我年纪小,应该吃小的梨,剩下的大梨就给哥哥们吧。”父亲听后十分惊喜,又问:“那弟弟也比你小啊?”孔融说:“因为我是哥哥,弟弟比我小,所以我也应该让着他。”孔融让梨的故事,很快传遍了曲阜,并且一直流传下来,成了许多父母教育子女的好例子。


我的教育教学小故事 我的教育教学小故事篇【一】 身为一名小学教师,我认为从幼儿园升到一年级的小学生,虽说大都是天真烂漫、懵懂可爱的,但毕竟也都是接受过幼儿启蒙教育的。所以一年级的小学生并不是带着白纸式的心灵走入小学的,所以我认为同一年级的小学生沟通时,不能仅是用“告知和管理”的固定方式,同时老师还应该在平时为他们补充一些浅显易懂、意味深长的哲理小故事,这样的话不但会很好的帮助小学生成长,而且可以避免让小学生迷失方向。 记得在我教学的第二年,有一节课我晚了几分钟,于是一到教室呈现在我面前的就是一片乱哄哄,而孩子们一看到我站在门口,也顿时都停止了吼叫声。我强压住自己的怒火走进教室,并给他们讲了一个小故事。 从前有一位木匠活干的非常好的老木匠,凡是出自他的手的房子,不但美观而且结实牢固,所以他的老板也是一直都很赏识他。眼看还有三个月后老木匠就要退休了,但是他的老板却再要他建一座房子,对此老木匠非常的生气。于是他便用最次的木材,和最差劲的建房手艺建筑了这最后的一座房子。老木匠建好之后,就把这座危房交给了他的老板,但是他的老板却给了他一把钥匙,并且还说了一句:“这是我为你准备的退休礼物。”老木匠听后顿时会很万分。 同学们老师的故事讲完了,其实你们平时每一分、每一秒的学习都相当于在建房子,而你们的每一次作业,或者考试都要看大家用什么“材料”来“造”。房子建的漂亮坚固的,住进去就会舒适安全;但是建的粗滥的,住进去一定非常危险。 故事说完之后,我发现小朋友们也都理解了,因为大家都惭愧的低下了头,而且班上的小班长更是站起来对我说了声“老师我们错了”。 可见一个小的、富含哲理的故事对孩子们是很有帮助的。 我的教育教学小故事篇【二】 我认为在教学中,教师不仅要在教学内容,思维方式上影响着学生。而且也应以教师整个人格的力量对学生产生深刻的影响,学生亲其师,才能信其道,乐其道,才能积极地接受教师所传授的知识。虽然至今我仍是教坛这方净土上一颗默默无闻的小草,既没有炫人眼目的惊人业绩,又没有多少豪言壮语,但我却有对教育事业的一腔热忱。回顾自己成长中的点滴如下。 第一、用爱心树立形象 在这几年的工作中,我深刻的感受到有一颗爱心,对一位教师多么的重要。教师是特殊的职业。她面对的不是冰冷的机器,而是有感情有活力的学生。你释放


小学英语启蒙故事:猜猜我是谁Guess Who I Am 猜猜我是谁 I am black and white. I give milk. 我是黑白色的。我供应牛奶。 Guess who I am. It’s me, the cow! 猜猜我是谁。是我,奶牛! I have a red comb. I lay eggs. 我有一个红色的鸡冠。我孵蛋。 Guess who I am. It’s me, the hen! 猜猜我是谁。是我,母鸡! I eat hay. I can run very fast. 我吃干草。我能跑得特别快。 Guess who I am. It’s me, the horse! 猜猜我是谁。是我,马儿! I have a curly tail. I like mud. 我有一条卷曲的尾巴。我喜爱泥巴。 Guess who I am. It’s me, the pig! 猜猜我是谁。是我,猪!

I bury bones. I chase cats. 我埋骨头。我追赶猫。 Guess who I am. It’s me, the dog! 猜猜我是谁。是我,狗! I give wool. I say “baa.” 我供应羊毛。我咩咩叫。 Guess who I am. It’s me, the sheep! 猜猜我是谁。是我,绵羊! I have horns. I eat anything. 我有角。我吃任何东西。 Guess who I am. It’s me, the billy goat! 猜猜我是谁。是我,雄山羊! I feed everyone in the farm. 我饲养农场里面的每一个(动物)。 Guess who I am. It’s me, the farmer! 猜猜我是谁。是我,农夫! We are all members of this farm family. 我们是农家的全部成员。


小学英语启蒙故事:What A Friend 一个可爱生动的故事,以标准的英语说出,美丽的动画呈现,轻松地文字表达,能够给孩子们起到一个很好的英语启蒙作用。盼望小伴侣们能够将学习和娱乐更好的结合在一起。 What AFriend Herman and Snail were friends, or so Snail thought. Herman was always putting Snail down for moving so slow and being in the back. Snail would not take it to heart. He would simply say, "Slow, but steady.' Snail was always reminding Herman that, by being in the back, he could watch Hermans back and warn him about any danger. And thats what friends are supposed to do. Herman would just cut his eyes(避开XX的目光) at Snail and keep on complaining. One day, Herman talked snail into〔劝说〕going up on shore at the beach where they lived. Snail didnt think it was such a good idea, especially since his mother had warned him about his dad being plucked up〔叼走〕one day by a hungry sea gull while out on the shore. They never saw him again. Herman just kept on teasing〔缠着〕Snail. "You just mommas boy, a mommas boy. Besides, Ill be there to watch your back. Ill let you walk in the front so I can make sure nothing happens to you.' Finally, Snail gave in and they ventured onto the shore. Just as Snail began to feel a little at ease and started chattering about the sights that he was seeing, he got so excited that he didnt notice that he was talking by himself. Then he turned to tell Herman, "Thank you for making such wonderful suggestion,' he saw a huge sea gull coming toward him. Snail, froze righter there. He was so scared that he forgot to duck into his shell for safety. All of a sudden, he remembered his mothers warning, but it was too late--the sea gull scooped him up and took him away. Herman was hiding in his hole, watching the whole thing and not saying a wordnot even breathing. Herman waited until it was dark and slowly came out of the hole and made his way back into the waves to go back home. He was working in his mind the story he would tell Snails mother explaining what happened to snail. When Herman had his liestory together, he went slowly up to Snails house and knocked on the door. To his surprise, Snail answered the door. Herman fainted. BAM! When he awakened, Snail and his mother were learning over him. Herman said, "I thought you were gone forever like your dad. What did that old sea gull do to you?' Snail said, "Nothing. He just talked to me.' "What did he say to you?' "He asked me, Didnt your mother ever warn you about the dangers of wandering off〔徘徊〕in the wrong places at the wrong time?' and I said to him, "Yes sir.'


六年级我的爷爷作文600字 六年级我的爷爷作文600字5篇 爷爷和奶奶一共有7个孩子,那时候因为经济短缺,虽然他们算得上富农,但要一下子养活这么多儿女,还是不容易的。下面是我为大家收集的六年级我的爷爷作文600字例文,希望你喜欢。 六年级我的爷爷作文600字篇1 在我童年的记忆里,爷爷是我的童年里最美好的回忆。虽然,他文化程度仅仅只是小学,但是他却是我记忆里最难忘的启蒙老师。虽然,他如今已经不在我的什么,但是那些关于他的回忆依旧清晰地停留在我的记忆里。 在我的记忆中有小院那把熟悉的藤椅。阳光明媚的日子,爷爷就喜欢坐在院中藤椅上,执着蒲扇扇风,手中总揣着一本已翻得褶烂的《唐诗三百首》。这时,我总会搬着一张小红凳在爷爷身边挨着坐,看着爷爷指着标注好的古诗,一个字一个字地教我念,汉语拼音,横竖笔划,如春日里的缕缕絮语,暖暖的,痒痒的,心思早已神游海外,爷爷知道我总是开小差,但也心疼不忍心责备我,只留下爷爷略微严肃的脸庞。我很顽皮,不爱读书背诗,可是唯独喜欢院前的那棵桂树。爷爷知道后,便摘下一朵花说:“囡囡乖,我们读完诗后,把它放在囡囡的书本里好不好?那囡囡以后每天都可以见到它了。”从此,我的每一本书里都多了一朵桂花。 那一年,桂花开了,开得特别好。满树的桂花黄灿灿的,一朵朵淡黄色的小花朵,藏在满树的绿叶里,羞答答地绽放着迷人的清香,像繁星缀满了树。那年午后,阳光也特别和煦,邻居的孩子都停止了打闹,靠在大

人背后睡着了,爷爷也在院中的藤椅上休息,“爷爷,爷爷,您别睡了,狼都来了!”“好好好,爷爷 不睡,今天教囡囡学什么呢?这次就写字,写爷爷的名字好不好?”说着,爷爷就拿来纸和笔,轻轻握着我的手,一笔一划地写着“爷爷”。我在爷爷的怀里看着那蓬乱头发下的眸子如水一般的清澈,那宽大的身影在阳光的映衬下是多么的耀眼光亮。 “爷爷你看,我写的‘爷爷’!”“很好,要给囡囡奖品。”爷爷采摘下几瓣桂花,放在我的手心。那一刻,桂花的香气扑进我的鼻子。“我也要奖励爷爷!”说着,我便拿着笔在一片桂花瓣上轻轻写下爷爷的名字。 光阴似箭,岁月如梭。岁月在我们的记忆了留下了它停留过的足迹。如今的我们搬进了新房子,我们院子里栽了一棵新的桂树,尽管如今您已经不能在我身边看着这棵桂树慢慢长大,但是我相信您在那里依旧会闻到阵阵的桂花香。 六年级我的爷爷作文600字篇2 爷爷七十来岁,中等身材,头发有点花白。在别人眼里也许爷爷是个普通人,但在我心里他却是最伟大,最了不起的人。 爷爷对我的学习和生活都十分关心。平时只要到了晚上放学时间,爷爷总会给爸爸打一个电话,问我中午睡觉热不热,晚上吃的什么?反正可以用无微不至来形容。每到学校过星期,爷爷总是会来学校来接我回家,问我作业多不多?缺什么学习用具等等,然后对我说要先完成作业,再去玩。 每一次学校考试,爷爷总会问我成绩怎么样。有一次,我没考好,爷


儿童英语启蒙的故事: "The Three Little Pigs"(三只小猪) 这是一个经典的英语故事,讲述三只小猪如何建造自己的房子。这个故事教育孩子们要勤劳、有耐心和聪明,同时也可以提高他们的听力理解能力和词汇量。 "The Ugly Duckling"(丑小鸭) 这个故事讲述了一只被其他小鸭子嘲笑的小鸭子,最终变成了一只美丽的天鹅。这个故事告诉孩子们不要以貌取人,要尊重每一个人的独特之处,同时也能够提高他们的听力理解能力和词汇量。 "Goldilocks and the Three Bears"(金发女孩和三只熊) 这个故事讲述了一个金发女孩在森林里迷路后误入三只熊的家,偷吃了它们的粥并尝试睡在床上。当熊回家后,她藏了起来,最后成功逃脱。这个故事教育孩子们要诚实、勇敢,同时也能够提高他们的听力理解能力和词汇量。 "Cinderella"(灰姑娘) 这是一个关于善良、毅力和美丽的经典故事。灰姑娘虽然遭受不幸,但最终通过自己的努力和善良赢得了幸福。这个故事可以教育孩子们要善良、勇敢,并告诉他们坚持梦想的重要性。 "Snow White"(白雪公主) 这个故事讲述了一个美丽的公主被邪恶的皇后嫉妒,被

迫逃离。在森林里,她遇到了七个小矮人和一只可爱的小动物。这个故事描绘了友谊、勇气和爱情的美好,同时也教育孩子们要警惕邪恶和保持纯真。 "The Little Mermaid"(小美人鱼) 这个故事来自丹麦的著名童话作家安徒生,讲述了一个美丽的小人鱼公主为了追求真爱而不惜付出巨大代价的故事。这个故事可以教育孩子们关于爱情、牺牲和勇气的真谛。 "Pinocchio"(木偶奇遇记) 这是意大利作家卡洛·科洛迪的经典作品,讲述了一个木偶男孩匹诺曹的冒险故事。他渴望成为一个真正的男孩,但在经历了各种冒险后,最终实现了自己的愿望。这个故事教育孩子们要诚实、勇敢和负责任。 "Jack and the Beanstalk"(杰克与魔豆) 这个故事讲述了一个贫穷的男孩杰克如何通过一粒神奇的豆子攀登到天空中的巨人家里,并带回了无尽的财富和幸福。这个故事教育孩子们要勇敢地追求梦想,并告诉他们珍视自己所拥有的财富和幸福。


小学生自我介绍我的英语启蒙 英文版: My English Enlightenment Journey As a primary school student, I embarked on an exciting journey of learning English. It all began when I was introduced to the fascinating world of the English language by my teacher. From the very first day, I was captivated by the unique sounds, the intriguing alphabet, and the promise of being able to communicate with people from around the world. My English classes were filled with fun activities, songs, and games that made learning a joy. I eagerly participated in role-playing exercises, where I could practice speaking English in various scenarios. The more I learned, the more confident I became in my ability to express myself in this new language. One of the most memorable moments of my English enlightenment was when I successfully recited my first English poem in front of the class. The sense of achievement I felt was indescribable. It motivated me to work even harder and explore the depths of the English language. As I progressed through my primary school years, my love for English only grew stronger. I found myself eagerly awaiting each English lesson, ready to absorb new vocabulary, grammar rules, and cultural insights. The books we read in class transported me to different worlds and introduced me to characters that I grew to cherish. Looking back on my English enlightenment journey, I am filled with gratitude for the teachers who guided me and the opportunities that learning English has provided. It has opened doors to a world of knowledge, communication, and endless possibilities. I am excited to continue this journey and see where my English skills will take me in the future. 中文翻译: 作为一名小学生,我踏上了学习英语的激动人心的旅程。这一切都始于我的老师向我介绍了英语这个迷人的世界。从第一天开始,我就被英语独特的声音、有趣的字母以及能与世界各地的人交流的前景所吸引。 我的英语课堂充满了有趣的活动、歌曲和游戏,让学习变得充满乐趣。我热切地参与角色扮演练习,在各种情景中练习说英语。学得越多,我就越有信心用这门新语言表达自己。 我英语启蒙最难忘的时刻之一,就是在全班同学面前成功背诵了我的第一首英语诗歌。那种成就感是无法描述的,它激励我更加努力,探索英语的深度。 随着我在小学的学习,我对英语的热爱与日俱增。我发现自己总是满怀期待地等待每一节英语课,准备好吸收新的词汇、语法规则和文化见解。课堂上读到的书籍将我带到了不同的世界,让我结识了许多我渐渐喜爱的人物。 回顾我的英语启蒙之旅,我充满了对指导我的老师和学习英语带来的机会的感激之情。它为我打开了通往知识、交流和无限可能的大门。我很高兴能继续这个旅程,看看我的英语技能在未来会把我带向何方。


简单幼儿英语启蒙故事带翻译-筷子的故事 以前,有一个叫做餐具的城镇。 In addition to people, some dinnerware lived in the town. 除了人们以外,一些正餐餐具居住在这座城镇。 There were bowls, cups, plates, serving platters, and so on. 有碗,杯子,盘子,大浅盘等等。 But, the people did not know how to ues the dinnerware to eat their food. 但是,人们不知道怎样用正餐餐具来吃食物。 One day, some new neighbors moved into town. 一天,一些新邻居搬到了这个城镇。 There were forks, knives, spoons, and chopsticks. 他们是叉子,刀子,勺子和筷子。 The pieces of dinnerware were really happy and went to welcome the new neighbors. 正餐餐具特别快乐去欢送新邻居的到来。 “Guys,welcome to our town!””Let’s live in peace!””Alright. “伴计们,欢送来到我们的城镇!”“让我们和平相处!” And let’s help each other.”So, they helped each other and became

good friends. Everyone had a job to do. “好的,让我们相互帮忙。”于是,他们相互帮忙成为了好朋友。每一个人都有工作做。 The forks poked and moved food. 叉子叉和移动食物。 The knives cut up food. 刀子切食物。 The spoons scooped up and moved food. 勺子舀起和移动食物。 But,the chopsticks couldn’t find a job that they could do. 但是,筷子找不到他们能够做的工作。 They couldn’t do anything alone.They only interfered with the others’ work. 我们不能单独做任何事情。他们只能阻碍其他人的工作。 The other utensils began to ignore the chopsticks. 其他的用具开头无视筷子。 Soon,the chopsticks became sad. One day,all of the chopsticks gathered together to have a talk. 很快,筷子变得悲伤的。一天,全部的筷子聚拢到一起争论。 “Guys,we have to find a way to work. Why should we be ignored by


写给天外来客的英语作文 英文回答: As a human being living on Earth, I have always been fascinated by the idea of extraterrestrial life. The thought of beings from another planet visiting us is both thrilling and terrifying at the same time. If I were to encounter a visitor from outer space, I would have a million questions to ask. First and foremost, I would want to know where they come from and how they have managed to travel such vast distances. Are they a peaceful civilization or do they have hostile intentions towards us? I would also be curious to learn about their technology and how it compares to ours. Do they have advanced medical knowledge that could benefit humanity? On a more personal level, I would be interested to know if they have a sense of humor or emotions similar to ours.
