







Too much body fluids: hypohepatia caused water sodium retention, portal hypertension 3、营养失调低于机体需要量:与肝功能减退、门静脉高压引起食欲减退、消化和吸收障碍有关。

Malnutrition less than body requirements: the liver function and portal hypertension caused disorder characterized by loss of appetite, digestion and absorption.


Decrease of active tolerance : related to liver function impairment, a large amount of ascites


A risk of impaired skin integrity: with malnutrition, edema, skin is dry, itching, and stay in bed for about for a long time.


Danger of lack of body fluids: associated with diarrhea and long-term use of diuretics


Anxiety: the disease and the lack of knowledge, long-term hospitalization worry about prognosis


Potential complications: upper gastrointestinal bleeding, infection, hepatic encephalopathy, hypokalemia




2. 非药物性止痛:a、松弛疗法:具体有呼吸松弛法、戒律按摩法。b、分散注意力止痛:如听音乐、看电视、与亲人聊天等,吸引病人注意力的内容都能拿来止痛。


1. To observe and record the position, nature, degree of pain patients, onset time, frequency, duration, and related other clinical manifestations of the disease, promptly report to the doctor, take measures of pain.

2. Non drug analgesia: a, relaxation therapy: concrete is breathing relaxation method, discipline massage method. B, distracting the pain, such as listening to music, watching TV, chatting with relatives and so on, drawing the attention of the patient content can be used to the pain.

Drug acetanilide:

3, the orders using painkillers, and observe the side effects of drugs.






1, ask client to stay in bed for half supine position, raise the lower extremities and to alleviate the edema

2, avoid intra-abdominal pressure surge: avoid rough cough, sneeze, forcibly defecate, etc.

3, limit sodium intake of water: no salt or low salt diet, into the water control in 1000 ml/d. 4, illness observation: monitoring the patient's illness symptoms, measure the patient's 6 and the weight, accurate recording volume.





1, diet nursing care: give high quantity of heat, high protein, high vitamin, easy to digest food, alcohol and tobacco are prohibited. Limiting sodium intake water, edible contains the

food with low sodium, such as food grains, melon, tomato, fruit, etc, avoid eating bacon, pickles, soy sauce, etc.

2, given intravenous nutrition in accordance with the doctor's advice

3, to monitor the patient's nutritional status






1, ask client to bed rest more, maintain enough sleep and rest.

2, assist the patient's daily basic life.

3, with the patient activities planning, and gradually increase activity endurance

4, to ensure that patients with hand touching the pager, on both sides of the bed to pull up bar fall prevention.






1, ask client to bed rest more, maintain enough sleep and rest.

2, assist the patient's daily basic life.

3, with the patient activities planning, and gradually increase activity endurance

4, to ensure that patients with hand touching the pager, on both sides of the bed to pull up bar fall prevention.






1. The prescribed intravenous rehydration.

2. Prescribed electrolytes, and monitoring indices such as serum potassium, sodium, chloride, and the change of vital signs.

3. Accurately record 24 h fluid volume.

4. Observe the elasticity of the skin, mucous membrane humidity and peripheral circulation.





1, strengthen the communication with the patient, in spirit to give sincere comfort and support.

2, to introduce the patient disease related knowledge, introduces the effective treatment of cases, increase the confidence.

3, guide families care for and support the patient on emotion, relieve the patient's psychological pressure.






1, disease knowledge guidance: to master the knowledge about the disease to help patients and family and self nursing methods. Build up my confidence in the cure, be happy. To implement the dietary principles and plans.

2, rest assured of guidance: get plenty of sleep, living a regular life. Activity to increase fatigue and other symptoms.

3, medication guidance: according to the prescription medication, the agency with the name of the drug to the patients, dosage, time and method.

4, the guidance of the caregivers: guide the family members understand and care about patients, mental support and care of life. Confidence in the observation, timely recognition condition change, timely.


最全的医学英语之NO.1 1、抗生素医嘱[Antibiotic order] Prophylaxis 预防性用药 Duration of oder 用药时间 Procedure 操作,手术 Empiric theraphy 经验性治疗 Suspected site and organism 怀疑感染的部位和致病菌 Cultures ordered 做培养Documented infection 明确感染 Site and organism 部位和致病菌Explanation required 解释理由Antibiotic allergies 何种抗生素过敏 No known allergy 无已知的过敏 Drug+dose+Route+frequency药名+剂量+途径+次数 2、医嘱首页[Admission / transfer] Admit / transfer to 收入或转入Resident 住院医师 Attending 主治医师 Condition 病情 Diagnosis 诊断 Diet 饮食 Acitivity 活动 Vital signs 生命体征 I / O 记进出量Allergies 过敏 3、住院病历[case history] Identification 病人一般情况 Name 姓名 Sex 性别 Age 年龄 Marriage 婚姻 Person to notify and phone No. 联系人及电话 Race 民族 I.D.No. 身份证 Admission date 入院日期 Source of history 病史提供者 Reliability of history 可靠程度 Medical record No 病历号 Business phone No 工作单位电话 Home address and phone No 家庭住地及电话 Chief complaint 主诉 History of present illness 现病史 Past History 过去史 Surgical 外科 Medical 内科 Medications 用药 Allergies 过敏史 Social History 社会史 Habits 个人习惯


医学院临床教学查房规范临床教学查房是临床教学的重要组成部分,是培养学生如何观察诊疗病人,学习处理医患关系,学会当一名合格医生的重要教学活动,是培养实习生分析问题和解决问题能力的有效途径之一。通过教学查房,促进毕业实习学生的理论知识与临床实践的结合,提高临床辨证思维、诊断和治疗能力,巩固、深化基本理论、基础知识和基本技能,培养实习生临床分析问题和解决问题的能力。同时通过临床教学查房可促进临床教师教学意识的培养、教学内容的规范、教学水平的提高。临床教学查房具体要求如下 一、教学查房质量要求 1、教学准备:教师和学生都能熟悉患者病情,全面掌握近期病变情况,准备必要的临床影像材料,如心电图、X线片、CT片等。根据教学内容撰写查房教案、制作相应的课件。教师要提前准备备查病人,选择病例要符合大纲要求,要有代表性,以多发病、常见病为主;每次备查病人应在3人或以上。 2、计划目标:教师重视基本理论、基本知识、基本技能的培训,并对教学内容的掌握、熟悉、了解三级要求层次分明。 3、查体指导:注意体格检查示范性指导,加强学生体检规范化训练,及时纠正学生查体中的错误。

4、临床分析:结合病例综合分析收集的资料,正确诊断、制定治疗计划。 5、启发教学:能善于诱导学生的求知欲望,培养临床思维,充分体现学生“学”的主动性,能耐心讲解各种提问,及时纠正学生的不足,引导正确的学习方法。 6、归纳总结:引导学生归纳总结,学习内容和收获。 7、为人师表:礼貌待人,体恤病人,着装大方,谈吐文雅。 二、查房准备: 1、查房主持人:一般要求副高或以上职称的教师担任,具体人员由科室内统筹安排 2、主持教学查房的教师应按照教学大纲要求及根据教研室(科室)安排计划,事先做好准备,撰写教学查房备课方案,准备多媒体课件。教研室(科室)主任应事先听取主持教师准备情况的简要汇报,给予指导和认可。对于新担任此项工作的教师,教研室(科室)或病区可组织集体备课,听取汇报,给予指导。 3、教师应事先精心选择符合教学要求,有一定典型性,或便于对某一症候群进行鉴别分析的病例。一般不选择诊断不明确的疑难杂症。 4、保证教学查房取得预期效果的重要前提是学生的主动参与,教学查房应提前3天以上确定病例,并通知实习学生,要求参加查房的实习学生对病例进行充分的准备。熟悉病


先查病房, 然后去教室分析病情 病房 请大家跟着我 迎来新朋友 小组 外国留学生 第一床 住院医师 主治医生 丰富的经验 肾上腺[?'dri:n?l] 垂体[pi'tju:it?ri] 下丘脑 专科医师 肾上腺腺瘤Adrenal adenoma[,?di'n?um?] 钾potassium [p?'t?sj?m] hypokalemia[,haip?uk?'li:mj?] 睾丸testicular[te'stikjul?] male hypogonadism[,haip?'ɡ?un?diz?m, -'ɡ?n-] 刺激试验 代谢病科室 并发症 月经来潮 氯化钾 过度排除 判断 浓度 总量 单位 条件 摄入不足 胃肠道 汗 运动员 化验 异常转移 碱中毒 呼吸性 低钙血症 阳离子Check the ward, then go to the classroom to analyze the condition Ward Please follow me Usher in a new friends Group Foreign Students the first bed resident fellow Rich experience Adrenal [?'dri: n ?l] Pituitary [PI 'tju: it ?ri] Hypothalamus [, haip ?u 'θ? l ?m ?s] specialist Adrenal adenoma Adrenal adenoma [, ?di 'n ?um ?] Potassium [p ?'t ? sj ?r] Hypokalemia [, haip ?UK ?'li: mj ?] Testicular testicular [te 'stikjul ?] Male hypogonadism [, haip ?'ɡ?UN ?diz ?m,-' ɡ?n- Stimulation test Metabolic disease department complications Menstrual cramps Potassium chloride Excessive exclude Judgment Concentration Total Unit Condition Insufficient intake of Gastrointestinal tract Sweat Athlete Assay Abnormal transfer Alkalosis Respiratory Hypocalcemia Cation


临床教学查房规范 查房前准备: 1、教学查房人员准备:查房主持医师、下级医师,规培学员。教学查房所在科室的实习生、研究生、进修生无特殊原因必须参加,病例的管床医师也必须参加,查房主持医师所管的下级医师尽可能参加。观摩人员包含:医院教学管理人员(或考官)、非本科室的医生及研究生,如查房主持医师的上级医师参加,做为观摩人员参加。 2、病例的准备:一般由总住院医师选择有教学意义的典型病例,病例应选择本专业的多发病、常见病种,且经过治疗有明显治疗效果的患者,要提前做好患者的思想工作,得到患者的配合与理解。 3、教学查房前2天,查房主持医师通知规培学员要做好该病种资料的复习。教学查房前查房主持医师及规培学员应熟悉患者及病情,并做好相关准备工作,病历、记录本、检查报告、影像片、查房用的器械等(血压计、体温表、听诊器、叩诊锤、手电筒、刻度尺、压舌板、棉签、笔等) 一、教学查房质量要求 1、教学准备:教师和学生都能熟悉患者病情,全面掌握近期病变情况,准备必要的临床影像材料,如心电图、X线片、CT片等。根据教学内容撰写查房教案、制作相应的课件。教师要提前准备备查病人,选择病例要符合大纲要求,要有代表性,以多发病、常见病为主;每次备查病人应在3人或以上。 2、计划目标:教师重视基本理论、基本知识、基本技能的培训,并对教学内容的掌握、熟悉、了解三级要求层次分明。 3、查体指导:注意体格检查示范性指导,加强学生体检规范化训练,及时纠正学生查体中的错误。 4、临床分析:结合病例综合分析收集的资料,正确诊断、制定治疗计划。 5、启发教学:能善于诱导学生的求知欲望,培养临床思维,充分体现学生“学”的主动性,能耐心讲解各种提问,及时纠正学生的不足,引导正确的学习方法。 6、归纳总结:引导学生归纳总结,学习内容和收获。 7、为人师表:礼貌待人,体恤病人,着装大方,谈吐文雅。 二、教学查房具体内容: 1、查房主持人:一般要求主治医师或以上职称的教师担任,具体人员由科室内统筹安排; 2、主持教学查房的教师应按照教学大纲要求及根据教研室(科室)安排计划,事先做好准备,撰写教学查房备课方案,准备多媒体课件。教研室(科室)


护理查房2014.9.4 17床,,男,岁,因“”于月日入院。目前诊断:。现予1级护理,饮食,保肝护胃,利尿抗感染等治疗。患者血常规结果显示:。 目前患者精神疲倦,面色晦暗,巩膜黄染。上腹部轻压痛,腹部稍膨隆,双下肢轻度水肿,轻微活动后即感气促。尿少,推注“呋塞米”之后尿量可至1200ml/天,大便正常。 主要护理问题: 1、疼痛 2、体液过多:与肝功能减退、门静脉高压引起水钠潴留有关 Too much body fluids: hypohepatia caused water sodium retention, portal hypertension 3、营养失调低于机体需要量:与肝功能减退、门静脉高压引起食欲减退、消化和吸收障碍有关。 Malnutrition less than body requirements: the liver function and portal hypertension caused disorder characterized by loss of appetite, digestion and absorption. 4、活动无耐力:与肝功能减退、大量腹水有关 Decrease of active tolerance : related to liver function impairment, a large amount of ascites 5、有皮肤完整性受损的危险:与营养不良、水肿、皮肤干燥、瘙痒及长期卧床有关。 A risk of impaired skin integrity: with malnutrition, edema, skin is dry, itching, and stay in bed for about for a long time. 6、有体液不足的危险:与腹泻和长期使用利尿剂有关 Danger of lack of body fluids: associated with diarrhea and long-term use of diuretics


如何组织教学查房 一、教学查房意义 定期开展针对住院医师的教学查房活动,是促进住院医师成长的重要的床边教学形式。教学查房集中体现了一个医院、一个科室和一位带教医师的医疗水平和教学水平,其重要性突出表现在:一是完成好住院医师规范化培训的重要环节和手段;二是书本知识和临床实践结合的重要途径;三是潜移默化、言传身教的重要课堂;三是培养临床师资、建立教学梯队的重要之路。因此,各住院医师规范化培训基地应高度重视教学查房这种教学形式,营造氛围,形成制度,规范运作,务求实效。 二、教学查房要点 (一)教学查房前的准备 带教医师方面: 1.病例准备。选择原则:有教学意义的典型病例;有利于培养临床思维能力,需进一步明确诊断或有治疗意义的病例。 2.教学准备。包括教学内容、重点与难点、教学方法与手段、作业与参考文献。若需要,可准备PPT。 参加教学查房的住院医师的准备: 1.要准备汇报病例的所有资料,包括查房病历、辅助检查资料等; 2.查房前要到病人床边看病人,要求住院医师带着问题参加查房。 (二)教学查房的流程

1.开场白:由主持教学查房的带教医师向参加查房的全体人员简要说明此次教学查房的目的和注意事项。 2.主管住培生汇报病历(一般在办公室,限定时间5分钟左右),包括简要汇报病史、体格检查、辅助检查中的主要发现;提出初步诊断和问题。这个时间,带教医师可进一步核对病历。 3.带教医师床旁核对病史和体格检查。要求带教医师基本功要过硬!首先,带教医师通过在病人床旁核对重要的病史、补充询问遗漏的病史,向住培生们传授病史采集的技巧和方法,强化住培生们问诊的基本功训练。其次,请住培生首先做重点体格检查。带教医师补充遗漏的部分,纠正不规范的体格检查操作手法,借此机会,手把手地指导住培生体格检查,并有针对性地进行规范示教。再次,通过床边与患者的交流,如了解患者对治疗的依从性,进行必要的指导,根据具体情况解答患者的疑问,感谢患者的配合,说明下一步将对患者进行的检查和治疗计划。指导住培生医患沟通的技巧。 4.讨论(一般在医生办公室进行) 讨论的每一步骤应先由住培生进行分析,随后由带教医师进行补充、纠正和指导。 一是小结病例特点。带教医师对病历书写进行检查主点评,指出不足之处;避免简单重复病历,但要求条理清晰;对重要的特征性的辅助检查进行判读。 二是诊断与鉴别诊断(强化临床思维训练)。提出初步诊断(强调规范和完整的诊断)、诊断依据(要求条理清晰,重点突出);提出鉴


Lumbar disc herniation in nursing rounds Patient data:Patients with Zheng Baorong, female, 54 years old, a chief complaint of low back pain 8 years, increase with double lower limbs pain numbness and weakness in 2 months The patient is now history:The patient said in 8 years ago five apparent inducement appear gradually lower back pain, lower limb swelling and discomfort, fatigue after the increase of rest after remission, and occasional pain, line of symptomatic treatment, symptoms can be relieved, then still recurring symptoms. 2 months ago the exacerbation of symptoms and gradually appeared in both the lateral lower leg and foot pain, posterolateral, lower extremity weakness, pain like stabbing, burning, was continuing, especially with the double foot is heavy, night is obvious, the intense pain affect sleep, oral pain because of poor efficacy, and double the dorsum of the foot, foot numbness, consciously plantar " on the cotton ". The patients for further treatment to the hospital, outpatient investigation to " lumbar disc herniation " for the diagnosis of wards. In the course of the disease in patients without obvious fever, night sweats, fatigue symptoms, right foot fracture after long time bed double lower limb muscle atrophy, and decreased body weight of about 10kg, poor sleep, diet, two times can be. Characteristics of disease:Lumbar disc herniation is refers to the degeneration of intervertebral disc, fibrous ring rupture, the nuclear organization salient stimuli and compression of the nerve root and cause a syndrome. Traditional Chinese medicine books without lumbar intervertebral disc protrusion in the name of. Lumbar disc corresponds to an amphiarthrosis, is covered by hyaline cartilage plates, annulus fibrosus and nucleus pulposus composition, distribution in the lumbar spine bone room. Lumbar intervertebral disc degenerative changes or trauma induced by fibrous ring rupture, nucleus pulposus prolapse from rupture, compression lumbar nerve, and leg radioactivity pain, so the medical profession that lumbar disc herniation is a " low back and leg pain, rheumatism " category. Here's Bian Tingting to introduce the symptoms of lumbar, lumbar disc herniation patients the most common symptoms are pain, low back pain, sciatica performance, typical sciatica is at the back of the thigh, hip, leg lateral to the heel or foot back pain radiation. According to clinical statistics, about 95% of the lumbar disc herniation patients have varying degrees of pain, 80% patients with lower extremity pain. Especially low back pain, lumbar disc herniation not only is the most common symptom, is also one of the earliest symptoms. The pain occurs mainly due to the prominent, degeneration of nucleus pulposus on adjacent tissues ( mainly for sinus vertebral nerve and spinal nerve root stimulation and oppression, and at the same time ) in the nucleus pulposus in glycoprotein and other biological material overflows, the release of histamine and other local chemical inflammation, induced by chemical and mechanical nerve root


临床教学查房规范 This model paper was revised by the Standardization Office on December 10, 2020

临床教学查房规范 教学查房是实习中培养学生如何观察、诊疗病人,学习处理医患关系,怎样当一名合格医生的一项重要教学活动,是培养学生分析问题和解决问题能力的有效途径之一。通过教学查房,应使学生掌握临床工作基本规则,如:病史采集与归纳分析、体格检查与病人的沟通技巧、病情演变与检查结果的分析、合理的医嘱以及正确的病程记录等。具体规范如下: 一、凡有临床教学任务的科室,每1周至少安排一次教学查房。事先应明确具体的时间,准备好充实的内容。 二、教学查房时间应与医疗查房时间错开,尽量减少对日常医疗工作的影响。病区在工作安排中应保证学生和主持教师能按时实施此项工作,避免随意更换时间和内容。 三、教学查房主要由主治及以上医师主持,也可根据病区情况由教学经验丰富的高年住院医师主持。 四、教师应事先精心选择教学大纲范围内有一定典型性或便于对某一症候群进行鉴别分析的病例。一般不选用诊断不明确的疑难杂症。 五、根据教研室(科室)的安排,各临床科室主持教学查房的教师应事先作好准备,撰写教学查房教案。教研室(科室)负责人应事先听取主持教师准备情况的简短汇报,对新担任此项工作的青年教师,教研室可组织集体备课听取汇报,并给予指导。 六、保证教学查房取得预期效果的重要前提是学生的主动参与。教师应事先告知学生所查的病例,教学查房前实习生或轮转生应熟悉病人及病情,复习有关理论知识,并做好相关准备工作,如所查病历、各项检查报告及所需器材等。 七、查房形式:1、讲解式;2、提问式;3、启发式:4、讨论式。查房时可根据具体情况综合运用。 八、教学查房时,参加人员应按以下顺序进出病房(附教学查房站位参考示意图): 1、进病房顺序:⑴→⑵→⑶→⑷→⑸→⑹→⑺ 2、出病房顺序:⑺→⑹→⑷→⑴→⑶→⑵→⑸


如何用英文跟外国医生交流,一定要懂它们! (1) 一般病情: He feels headache, nausea and vomiting. (他觉得头痛、恶心和想吐。) He is under the weather. (他不舒服,生病了。) He began to feel unusually tired. (他感到反常的疲倦。) He feels light-headed. (他觉得头晕。) She has been shut-in for a few days. (她生病在家几天了。) Her head is pounding. (她头痛。) His symptoms include loss of appetite, weight loss, excessive fatigue, fever and chills. (他的症状包括没有食欲、体重减轻、非常疲倦、发烧和发冷。) He feels exhausted or fatigued most of the time. (他大部份时间都觉得非常疲倦。) He has been lacking in energy for some time. (他感到虚弱有段时间了。) He feels drowsy, dizzy and nauseated. (他觉得昏昏欲睡,头晕目眩和想吐。) He feels as though everything around him is spinning. (他感到周围的东西都在打转。) He has noticed some loss of hearing. (他发觉听力差些。) She has some pains and itching around her eyes. (她眼睛四周又痛又痒。) (2) 伤风感冒: He has been coughing up rusty or greenish-yellow phlegm. (他咳嗽带有绿黄色的痰。) His eyes feel itchy and he has been sneezing. (他眼睛发痒,而且一直在打喷嚏。) He has a fever, aching muscles and hacking cough. (hacking = constant) (他有发烧,筋骨酸痛和常常咳嗽。) He coughed with sputum and feeling of malaise. (malaise = debility) (他咳嗽有浓痰,而且觉得很虚弱。) He gets a cold with a deep hacking cough. (他伤风咳嗽。) He has a headache, aching bones and joints. (他头痛,骨头、关节也痛。) He has a persistent cough. (他不停地在咳。) He has bouts of uncontrollable coughing. (他一阵阵的咳嗽,难以控制。) He has hoarse and has lost his voice sometimes. (他声音嘶哑,有时失声。) He has a sore throat and a stuffy nose. (他嗓子疼痛而且鼻子不通。) His breathing is harsh and wheezy. (他呼吸时,有气喘似的呼哧呼哧作响。) He has a stabbing pain that comes on suddenly in one or both temples. (有时突然间太阳穴刺痛。) He has a runny nose, sneezing or a scratchy throat. (他流鼻水,打喷嚏和喉咙沙哑。) (3) 女性疾病: She has noticed one lump in her breast. (她发觉乳房有个肿块。) There is a hard, swollen lump on her right breast. (她右乳房有肿块。) Her left breast is painful and swollen. (她左乳房疼痛且肿大。)


2017年耳鼻喉科11月实习生教学查房 时间:2017年11月23日 地点:耳鼻喉科病区及医生办公室 主持人:易州萍(护士长)、李嘉婷 参加人员: 内容:鼻中隔偏曲病人围手术期的护理 易州萍(护士长):请汇报下患者病史。 雷雯(实习护士):苟安芬,女,53岁,因鼻阻10+年、鼻部异味20+天,于2017年11月18日15:29步入病房,神志清楚,呼吸平稳,入院时查体:T36.3℃P78次/分R17次/分BP140/80mmhg,专科查体:入院前10+年,患者无明显诱因出现鼻阻、伴晨起打喷嚏,偶有鼻出血,量少,可自行停止,稍感头晕,20+天患者出现鼻部异味感。门诊以“鼻中隔偏曲”收入我科。鼻内镜检查:鼻中隔向左侧偏曲。副鼻窦CT提示:鼻中隔偏曲。完善术前相关辅检,定于2017年11月20日上午10:00在局麻下行鼻内镜下鼻中隔偏曲矫正术,术毕于11:10安返病房,给予2级护理温冷半流质饮食,取半坐卧位休息,鼻腔有少许渗血,其填塞物固定,眶周无青紫,给予保持呼吸道通畅,头孢米诺1g每日Q12h静脉滴注消炎、卡络磺钠80mg每日Qd静脉滴注止血、布洛芬口服混悬液每日3次口服10ml止痛对症治疗。现为术后第三天,患者生命体征平稳,汇报完毕。

易州萍(护士长):什么是鼻中隔偏曲? 邓梦月(实习护士):鼻中隔向一侧或两侧弯曲,或鼻中隔一侧或两侧局部突起,引起鼻腔、鼻窦生理功能障碍并产生症状者,称为鼻中隔偏曲。 易州萍(护士长):其病因与常见人群有那些? 唐丽红(实习护士):好发人群为:有鼻外伤史,儿童期患腺样体肥大,有家族史、鼻息肉、肿瘤患者。常见病因主要为:组成鼻中隔的诸骨发育不均衡,形成不同的张力曲线,导致诸骨连接异常所致。儿童期患腺样体肥大、软腭高拱可限制鼻中隔发育引起偏曲。外伤也可引起鼻中隔偏曲。分类:1.鼻外伤、2.发育异常、3.鼻腔或鼻窦肿瘤、4.遗传等。 易州萍(护士长):主要症状有那些? 唐德红(实习护士): 1.鼻塞为主要症状,可表现为双侧或单侧鼻塞,取决于偏曲的类型和是否存在下鼻甲代偿性肥大。 ⒉头痛偏曲之凸面挤压同侧鼻甲时,可引起同侧头痛。 ⒊鼻出血常发生在偏曲之凸面、骨棘或骨嵴的顶尖部。 ⒋邻近器官受累症状可继发鼻窦炎和上呼吸道感染。 易州萍(护士长):常见护理问题? 李冬梅(实习护士): 1.窒息:与鼻腔填塞物误吸、鼻腔出血有关

医学英语:医生查房 英语对话

美联英语提供:医学英语:医生查房英语对话 小编给你一个美联英语官方试听课申请链接:https://www.360docs.net/doc/2018593974.html,/?tid=16-73374-0 Nurse:Good morning,doctor. Doctor:Good morning. How is the patient after surgery? N:The patient has a slight pain in the wound. Some blood has been oozing from the draining wound,the dressing has been changed once. D:That's good. N:Does he still need inavenous infusion and penicillin? D:Yes. Nurse:You look a little better today. Patient:Yes,but lying in bed all day,I feel uncomfortable all over. N:You can get out of bed today. First,sit on the edge of the bed and if you don't feel dizzy then you can get out of bed. P:But I feel distended in the abdomen. N:Did you pass any wind by rectum? P:No. N:You can lie on your side more often,and if the wound does not hurt,you can get out of bed and walk around,that will help peristalsis of the intestine which will help to pass gas and lessens distension. P:The wound is painful and the sputum is difficult to expectorate. N:You should sit up. That will help your deep breathing,and help you to expectorate and prevent the sputum from accumulating in your lungs to cause


英语查房 Preparation for Patient Rounds It's 8: 30 AM, time to begin patient rounds. Today we'll make patient rounds with the pulmonary team. In room 1107, we find 65yr. old Mr. Smith who was admitted yesterday afternoon. The pulmonary team includes the attending physician, senior pulmonary fellow, junior resident, and 3 medical students. The admitting junior resident who admitted the patient the previous day begins the case presentation. Mr. Smith presents with a sore throat, productive cough and shortness of breath; he's been febrile for 5 days; his illness failed to respond to IV Amikacin given during his hospitalization at a small local hospital so he was transferred to our hospital with the diagnosis of pneumonia. His family brought his medical records including a Chest X- ray and lab reports performed in the local hospital, but the junior resident left them in his on-call sleeping room. One of the medical students quickly retrieves the nursing chart from the nursing station. Review of the vitals is noteworthy for a progressive increasing pulse and respiratory rate during the night. The junior resident now briefly reexamines the patient, lung auscultation, and then the pharynx. After completing the physical exam, he notes the patient has "crackles" in the right lung base and purulent pharyngeal exudate. No results of yesterday's Chest X-ray, CBC, and ABG were provided. An ABG or pulse oximetry forgotten. Further examination notes bilateral diffuse crackles, BP 90/60, pulse 120, resp.32/min. He orders a stat ABG and Chest X- ray and while waiting we request the nurse check the patient's O2 saturation using pulse oximetry and discover the O2 saturation is only 80%. Urgent arrangements are made to transfer the patient to ICU. 查房准备早晨8点30分,开始查房。今天,我们和呼吸内科的医生一起查房。1107号病房患者是史密斯先生,65岁,昨天下午入院。查房小组由7人组成,包括呼吸内科的主治医生、专科住院医生、住院医生和3名医学生。先由昨天受治患者并完成病历的住院医生报告病情。史密斯先生表现为咽痛、咳嗽多痰、气促,发烧已有5天,在当地一家小医院住院时静脉用丁胺卡那针剂治疗无效,以肺炎转入我院治疗。患者家属将病历及胸透片、化验单等资料交给了一位住院医生,并被遣忘在值班室。一个医学生迅速地到护理站将记录拿了过来。 检查提示,昨晚患者的心率和呼吸频率均显著增快。住院医生迅速复查了这名患者,先是肺部听诊,然后检查患者咽喉部。体格检查完毕后,他注意到患者右肺底有湿罗音,咽喉部有脓性分泌物。未提供昨天患者的胸片、血细胞和血气分析的结果。漏查血气分析。然后,主诊医生迅速地检查了一下患者,注意到患者双侧肺底有湿罗音,血压90/60毫米汞柱(mmHg),心率120次/分,呼吸20次/分。 他迅速开出血气分析和胸透片的检查医嘱。我们一边等待结果,一边让护士查一下血氧饱和度,结果血氧饱和度(SaO2)仅为86%。患者被迅速转移到重症监护室。 A subsequent ABG shows pH 7.50, P CO2 30rnnff/g and P O2 46mm Hg. Within 1 hr. of ICU admission, the patient requires intubation and mechanical ventilation. 血气分析报告提示pH为7.50,二氧化碳分压(PC O2)为30毫米汞柱,氧分压(P O2)为46毫米汞柱。转入重症监护室1小时后,患者接受气管插管、机械通气。 Adequate preparation for patient rounds is essential for efficient, quality patient care. Poor preparation not only prolongs patient rounds, but worse it may delay “timely” decisions concerning the patient treatment, and even delay recovery and discharge. Ultimately it may compromise the quality of medical care and ominously even result in premature death! 查房前的充分准备对向患者提供高效和高质量的诊治非常重要!准备工作不充分不仅延误了整个查房的时间,更重要的是,它延误了对患者病情的及时处理,甚至会延误患者的恢复和出院。最终会降低医疗服务的质量,甚至可能导致患者因丧失抢救时机而早死。


500 Nursing Sentenses(护士常用语500句) (问候致意用语) 1. How are you? 你好吗? 2. Glad to meet you.认识您,我很高兴。 3. Good morning, Miss Paine. I am nurse Johnson. 早上好,帕恩小姐。我是约翰逊护士。 4. Mr.and Mrs.Gates, my name is Miss White.I am a nurse.盖茨先生和盖茨太太好,我是怀特小姐,是名护士。 5. Hello, I am nurse Hunt. Are you Mrs, Bill?你好,我是亨特护士。你是比尔夫人吗? 6. Hi, Peter, I’m your nurse. Who is here with you today?你好,彼得,我是负责你的护士。今天 是谁陪你来的? 7. Hello, Mr. George. Nice to see you again . How have you been? 你好,乔治先生,很高兴再次见到你,最近还好吗? 8. You’re looking better today.你今天看上去好多了。 9. Hello, I haven’t seen you for a long time . How’s everything gong? 您好,我很久没有见到您了,一切都好吗? 10. How are you feeling today? 你今天感觉如何? 11. May I help you?我能帮你吗? 12.What can I do for you ? 我能为你效劳吗? 13. What’s the trouble? 有什么不舒服吗? 14. Please come in and have a seat. 请进,随便坐。 15. Please take a seat!/Please sit down! 请坐下! 16. Wait a moment ,Please. 请等一会。 17. Sorry to have kept you waiting . 对不起让你久等了。 18. It’s nice weather today .How did you come here ?今天天气真好,你怎么来这儿的? 19.Did you have any trouble finding us today? 今天来找我们还顺利吗? 20. How was the traffic? 路上交通状况怎么样? (介绍情况和安慰用语) 21. My name is Helen. I’m your primary nurse. 我的名字叫海伦。我是负责你的护士。 22. She is the head nurse of the ward. 她是这个病房的护士长。 23. This is ward 3 and here is your room . 这是三号病房,是你的房间。 24. Patients usually get up at 7 a.m. and breakfast is at 8. 病人一般早晨7:00起床,8:00吃早餐。 25. We’re serving breakfast right now. 我们现在正在供应早餐。 26. Lunch is at 12:30.Patients can have a rest after that. 午餐时间是12:30,饭后病人可以午休。 27.Bed times is from 9:30 to 10 p.m. 病人应在晚上9:30~10:00上床睡觉。 28. The ward rounds and treatment start at 9 a,m . 9:00开始查房,做治疗。 29. You can watch TV ,but please don’t bother the others . 你可以看电视,但请不要妨碍其他人。 30. Your family may stay here with you from 9 a.m to 9 p.m . 你的家人可以从早九点到晚九点 在这里陪护你。 31. You should sign the consent . 你需要签署一份手术同意书。 32. I’ll give you an enema tonight. After that please don’t take any food or water before the
