


我今天的题目是“互联网的商业本质和发展趋势”,这个题目有点大,不太好讲,什么叫互联网的商业本质?什么是互联网的发展趋势?主持人陈超介绍了一些数据,实际上我们也能看到在互联网已经上市的公司中有很多公司成绩非常优秀,市值四五百亿美金的也有两家,很多公司都是市值几十亿美金,很多有潜力的公司还没有上市。为什么过去十年这样的一些公司发展非常快速,而且他们得到了市场的认可。发展趋势我们过去也听过私募的一些关键词,我们有什么阐述,下面开始讲我的观点。 首先,User,用户规模是互联网公司的第一核心。 这个图是根据艾瑞连续的用户研究我们得到的一组数据,这个数据可以看到在过去2011年有哪些互联网公司平均每个月月度的用户覆盖人数是比较多的,我们可以从中看到名字,包括腾讯、百度、360、搜狐、新浪、阿里巴巴、迅雷这样一些公司都在上面。这个排序是根据用户排序的,但是大家感觉跟公司的估值也有很多关系,一般排到前面的公司的市值就是比较高的,也充分说明了这样一个道理。 举个例子,360,很多人在用360的工具,从360的安全卫士到360的杀毒,这些占领了用户的系统,进一步提供了浏览器,再从浏览器又延伸出安全网址,好360目前在中国排名最高的网址档案站之一。很多人不知道商业模式,做360杀毒的时候周鸿袆有了很多idea,很多人说你摧毁了一个行业,你自己怎么赚钱不知道,先摧毁了一个中国的杀毒行业。但实际上我们从360非常清楚的看到他通过一些免费的工具获得了用户的认可,最终获得了自己的商业价值。 第二个非常重要的特征是用户黏性,用户黏性代表了用户对于产品或者你这个平台上信息的依赖程度,用户体验,你整个产品做的好坏都直接影响到用户的黏性。 我们有一组2011年十大人们网络服务的数据,微博、团购、比较购物这三类在去年所有的服务类别当中成长最快的,我们在研究用户体验和用户黏性的时候,不只要看你的产品做的好坏,而且要读准未来,新浪微博发力比其他的微博要稍微早一点儿,所以,它占领了比较大的优视。腾讯微博依据自己的用户需求也会非常快的成长。所以,如果你在读准了用户未来的需求,开发出适合用户的产品,你也能获得非常高的黏性用户群。 第三点,Impact,影响力,核心是你的平台或你的商业模式当中搭载的信息,这个信息多大程度的能够影响用户的消费。所以,这一点我觉得是非常重要的。 2011年,十大最热门的网站。前两名都是跟购物或者商品息息相关,可见在电子商务的发展下,很多公司提供了信息直接能改变用户的消费,你这个平台上的信息更加有价值。有可能大家看到的一些信息不是在这些网站上,但是这些网站上有比较多的导购信息,而不是谈谈八卦,谈谈时事,那些信息的商业价值有可能相对低一点儿。 第四点Commerce,我们的诠释是你的平台提供的功能距离交易的远近也影响你的平台获得商业价值的大小。这个理解起来稍微有一点点困难,如果我讲一个行业术语,我们叫拦截流量,相对来讲会更清晰,越靠近电子商务最终下单的媒体特征越容易获得价值。有一组数据,2011年对比2010年中国的网络广告企业同比增长率。有三家企业超过了行业经济增长率,包括淘宝、百度、优酷,尤其是淘宝跟百度,淘宝的C2C的平台是非常典型的商品


作文话题:Campus Safety 1. 校园安全十分重要 2. 因此,学校应当…… 3. 我们自己应当…… Campus security and safety is a big issue and has become a focus in education, especially when tragic events happened time and time again on caroms. The recent stampede at a middle school in Hunan Province is still fresh in our memory. It took the lives of eight teenagers and injured 26 others. The tragic events serve as a wake-up call. It warns that to safeguard the students, there is still much to be done. Schools across the country should take safety education seriously and conduct it compulsorily. Besides, they should revise their emergency preparedness plans and tighten security. For example, security guards should patrol on campus around teaching buildings and student dorms, and enforce strict entrance checks, barring entry to anyone carrying a gun or a knife. As students, we should enhance our awareness of safety — that is, being aware of safety issues and of potential hazards in our daily life. For example, foresee the possible incidents and keep away from crowded places. Lock the dorm at night or whenever we are alone in the dorm. If possible, we should also have some first-aid training in order to help us survive emergency situations. 作文话题:Will Internet Media Replace Traditional Media? 1. 网络媒体的出现在很大程度上影响了传统媒体的存在 2. 有人认为网络媒体会取代传统媒体,理由是…… 3. 我的看法 Suppose you are going to spend a whole month in a remote island and you are allowed to bring only one thing with you, what are you going to bring? If you are smart enough, you should bring a laptop with WIFI. Actually, for the young generation, a computer with access to the internet can be everything that traditional media may stand for and even more than that. The Internet is so penetrating in people’s lives that many people believe it will replace the traditional mass media in the near future. In their eyes, with


沪江21-24 一、词汇精讲 mad adj. 1)生气的 【固定搭配】 be mad at sb. 对某 【例句】 She defended her childr 她保护着孩子免受疯狗 2)痴迷的 【固定搭配】be mad about 对【例句】 I ’m mad about him. 我很迷他。 3)发疯的,发狂的 【例句】 She went mad after the 儿子死后她就疯了。【拓展记忆】 go+ adj. 变得……go mad/ wild/ insa aeroplane n. 飞机 【记忆方法】 aero-空气(的) ;aero-+plane → aerobic exercise reason n. 原因,理由 【词义辨析】reason & cause & p reason 对某事的解释,理由 【例句】 Give me one good reaso 给我一个好的理由。cause 产生某结果的原因 沪江英语绿宝书之 新概念2 24课 知识点汇总 对某人生气,发火 children from the mad dog. 受疯狗伤害。 ……痴迷,着迷 er the death of her son. 。 d/ insane/bananas 情绪失控,发疯的 );航空(的) aeroplane=airplane cise 有氧健身运动(cycling, swimming, jogging) e & purpose d reason. 。

【例句】The heavy storm was the cause of the accident. 猛烈的暴风雨是造成这起事故的原因。 purpose 心中渴望要实现的目标 【例句】Their purpose is to attract attention to this issue. 他们的目的是吸引人们对该问题的关注。 v. 劝说;推理 【固定搭配】reason with sb. 和某人讲道理,说服某人 【例句】I tried to reason with her but she locked herself in the bedroom. 我试着和她讲道理,但她却把自己锁在卧室里。 【英美文学】Interpretation of Dreams Sigmund Freud 弗洛伊德的《梦的解析》I Have a Dream Martin Luther King 马丁·路德·金的《我有一个梦想》 【例句】I had a really weird dream last night. 我昨天晚上做了个很怪的梦! 【常见用法】the house/job/boy,girl...of your dreams 梦中的,梦寐以求的 【例句】I’ve just met the man of my dreams! 我刚刚遇到了我的梦中情人。 v. 做梦,梦见 【固定搭配】dream of/about


XXX网商业模式分析 [引言] 众所周知,要问现在互联网什么模式最火?当属由美国groupon公司开启的“全民团购时代”,团购消费风靡一时,而XXX更是中国首屈一指的团购网站,作为中国专业团购网的鼻祖,XXX始终盘踞在团购的巅峰俯瞰群雄亦竞逐“千团大战”,XXX以其独特的商业模式实现“商家、消费者、XXX”三赢的互利互惠局面,各种商业模式要素均在各种程度上决定着XXX的安息兴衰成败,特别是客户关系管理,面对“以社会、消费者为中心”的现代营销模式,XXX一直都聚焦着“客户关系”。“商业模式越简单越好。XXX网虽然每天只为用户提供一款团购产品,但是我们却力求提供最超值的消费体验。”对比像淘宝这样提供很多产品的电子商务模式,XXX 表示自己更倾向于提供“简单的客户服务”。 [以下为XXX网商业模式的具体分析] XXX的顾客细分(Customer Segmentation) 任何一个企业不能单凭自己的人力、财力和物力来满足整个市场的所有需求,这不仅缘于企业自身条件的限制,而

且从经济效应方面来看也是不足取的。因为,企业应该分辨出它能有效为之服务的最具有吸引力的细分市场,集中企业资源,制定科学的竞争策略,以取得和增强竞争优势。 顾客天生就存在差异,大量营销策略在忠诚的世界里根本就不适用,因为并不是每一个顾客都适于成为某品牌的品牌忠诚者。如果企业要最大化地实现可持续发展和长期利润,就要明智地只关注正确的顾客群体,因为企业要获得每一位顾客,先前都要付出一定的投入,这种投入只有在你能赢得顾客的忠诚后才能得到补偿。因此,要通过价值营销以获得品牌忠诚重要的一步就是对客户进行细分,找寻到哪些顾客是能为企业带来赢利的,哪些顾客不能,并锁定那些高价值顾客。只有这样企业才能保证他在培育顾客忠诚的过程中所投入的资源得到回报,企业的长期利润和持续发展才能得到保证。 客户细分是指根据客户属性划分的客户集合。它既是客户关系管理(Customer Relationship Management,CRM)的重要理论组成部分,又是其重要管理工具。它是分门别类研究客户、进行有效客户评估、合理分配服务资源、成功实施客户策略的基本原则之一,为企业充分获取客户价值提供理论和方法指导。 XXX网创业团队深知顾客细分的必要性,不是一味的在


2019年6月英语四级听力原文+答案:试卷一长对话(沪江网校)_沪江英语学习网 Section B Conversation 1 W: Kyle, how did your (8) driver’s theory exam go? It was yesterday, right? M: Yes, I prepared it as much as I could, but I was so nervous since it was my second try. The people who worked at the test center were very kind, though. We had a little conversation which calmed me down a bit, and that was just what I needed. Then, after the exam, they printed out my result, but I was afraid to open it until I was outside. It was such a relief to pass. W: Congratulations! I knew you could do it! (9) I guess you underestimated how difficult it would be the first time, didn’t you? I hear a lot of people make that mistake and go in underprepared. But g ood job in passing the second time. I’m so proud of you. Now all you have to do next is your road test. Have you had any lessons yet? M: (10) Yes, thanks. I’m so happy to be actually on the road now. I’ve only had two driving lessons so far and my instruc tor is very understanding. So I’m really enjoying it and I can’t wait for my next session although the lessons are rather expensive. Twenty pounds an hour, and the instructor says, I’ll need about 30 to 40 lessons in total. That’s what--six to eight hundred pounds! (11) So this time I’ll need to make a lot more effort and hopefully will be successful the first time. M: Well, good luck! 8. What did the man do yesterday? 9. Why did he fail the exam the first time? 10. What does the man say about his driving lessons? 11. What does the man hope to do next? Long conversation 2 M: Emma, I got accepted to the University of Leeds. Since you’re going to university in England, (12) do you know how much it is for international students to study there? W: Congratulations! Yes, I believe for international students, you’ll have to pay around 13,000 pounds a year. It’s just a bit more than the local students. M: Ok, so that’s about 17,000 dollars for the tuition and fees. (13) Anyway, I’m only going to be th ere for a year doing my masters, so it’s pretty good. If I stayed in the US, it’d take two years and cost at least 50,000 dollars in tuition alone. (14) Also, I have a good chance of winning a scholarship at Leeds, which will be pretty awesome, the benefits of being a music genius. W: (14) Yeah, I heard you’re a talented piano player. So you’re doing a post-graduate degree now? I’m still in my last year graduating next June. Finally I’ll be done with my studies and can go on to earn in loads of money. M: Are you still planning on being a teacher? No money in that job then? W: You’d be surprised. (15) I’m still going to be a teacher. But the plan is to work at an international school overseas after I get a year or so of experience in England. It’s better paid and I get to travel, which reminds me I’m late for my class and I’ve got some documents I need to print out first. I’d better run. 12. What does the man want to know? 13. What is the man going to do? 14. What might qualify the man for a scholarship at Leeds University? 15. What is the woman planning to do after graduation?


新概念一第四单元测试 1. Listen and choose the words you've heard (根据你听到的录音,选出你听到的内容): ? upstairs ? stairs ? downstairs ? chairs 原文:Go downstairs and see it. 本题答案为downstairs。 录音内容是“Go downstairs and see it.”,其中包含单词downstairs,所以,答案应为downstairs。 2. Listen and choose the words you've heard (根据你听到的录音,选出你听到的内容): ? carrot ? parrot ? bird ? robot 原文:She bought a parrot yesterday. 本题答案为parrot。 录音内容是“She bought a parrot yesterday.”,其中包含单词parrot,所以,答案应为parrot。 3.Listen and choose the words you've heard (根据你听到的录音,选出你听到的内容): ? passenger ? ticket ? airplane ? train 原文:The conductor asks the passenger to get on the bus. 本题答案为passenger。 录音内容是“The conductor asks the passenger to get on the bus.”,其中包含passenger,所以,答案应为passenger。 4. Listen and choose the words you've heard (根据你听到的录音,选出你听到的内容): ? cheap


沪江网在线教育营销策略研究 摘要:浅析沪江英语网的品牌经营和成功经验,探讨如何建设优秀的在线教育学习社区。沪江网是由上海互加文化传播有限公司运营的外语学习门户网站,网站提供包括国内领先的外语互联网门户媒体、B2C电子商务、网络SNS学习社区、外语互联网学习工具在内的全套外语数字教育网络服务。沪江网为全国学习者、教育者提供在线语言学习交流、相关资讯和服务的互联网在线教育平台,目前已经拥有英语、日语、法语、韩语、西语等品牌分站。沪江网提供的学习内容涵盖10多种语言、及亲子启蒙、中小学、职场技能、艺术等特色内容,自2006年公司化运营以来,公司每年都以200%的速度在发展,现已成为市值50亿、影响力辐射2亿学习者、6000万注册用户、300万付费学员的大型互联网教育企业。产品覆盖PC端、平板端及手机端,为3岁到70岁全年龄阶段学习人群提供服务,在互联网教育行业居于龙头地位。通过研究,认为在线教育学习社区需建立学习激励机制,设计合理的学习资源,完善交互环境,丰富学习工具,从而使在线教育的自主学习方式在学生中得到普及,真正服务于英语学习。本文以沪江网的在线教育学习平台为研究对象,通过对沪江网的发展状况和品牌经营现状的分析,分析和总结其营销方向和营销策略等方面,对其存在的问题提出改进建议,以期能为我国在线教育行业营销策略提供参考。 关键词:在线教育;沪江英语;营销策略 Abstract Analysis of Hujiang English network and successful brand management experience,Explore how to build excellent online education learning communities。Shanghai River Network is added by the Shanghai Culture Communication Co., operator interaction language learning portal website include leading media language Internet portal, B2C e-commerce, network SNS learning community, language learning tools, including a full range of Internet language digital education network services. Shanghai River Network for the national learners, educators offer online language learning exchanges, the Internet platform for online education-related information and services, now has English, Japanese, French, Korean, Spanish and other brands sub-station. Shanghai River Network provides learning content covering 10 languages, and parenting enlightenment, schools, workplace skills, art and other featured content, since 2006, the company based operations, the company annual rate of 200% in development, has become 5 billion market capitalization, the influence of radiation 200 million learners, 60 million registered users, 3 million students pay a large Internet education companies. Products covered by the PC, tablet and mobile client end for 3-year-old to 70-year-old all-age learning groups to provide services residing in the Internet education industry leading position. Through research, education and learning community think online learning incentive mechanism should be established, well-designed learning resources, improve the interactive environment, rich learning tools, so that the self-learning online education gained popularity among students, truly serve the learning of English. In this paper, Shanghai River Network online educational learning platform for the study, through the development of Shanghai River Network and the operating status of the brand analysis, analyze and summarize the marketing direction and marketing strategies, etc., suggest improvements to their problems in order to provide a reference for our online education industry marketing strategy.


2019年6月英语四级听力真题:试卷二(文都教育)_沪江英语学习网PartⅡListening Comprehension (25 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and then questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard. 1.A)He set a record be swimming to and from an island. B)He celebrated ninth birthday on a small island. C)He visited a prison located on a faraway island. D)He swam around an island near San Francisco. 2.A)He doubled the reward. B)He cheered him on all the way. C)He set him an example. D)He had the event covered on TV. Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have just heard. 3.A)To end the one-child policy. B)To encourage late marriage. C)To increase working efficiency. D)To give people more time to travel. 4.A)They will not be welcomed by young people. B)They will help to popularize early marriage. C)They will boost China’s economic growth. D)They will not com into immediate effect. Questions 5 to 7 are based on the news report you have just heard. 5.A)Cleaning service in great demand all over the world. B)Two ladies giving up well-paid jobs to do cleaning. C)A new company to clean up the mess after parties. D)Cleaners gainfully employed at nights and weekends. 6.A)It takes a lot of time to prepare. B)It leaves the house in a mess. C)It makes party goers exhausted. D)It creates noise and misconduct. 7.A)Hire an Australian lawyer. B)Visit the U.S. and Canada. C)Settle a legal dispute. D)Expand their business. Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each

新概念英语 零基础必学(八)

新概念英语零基础必学(八) 新概念英语第一册学习资料免费下载:vickey新概念英语 新概念英语第一册视频免费下载:vickey新概念英语视频 从零开始学英语:名词化的形容词 一、名词化的形容词 有些形容词和定冠词the连用,表示一类人或事物。常见的形容词有:young(年轻的)old(年老的)rich(富有的)poor(贫穷的)sick(生病的)healthy(健康的)living(活的)dead(死的)wounded(受伤的)deaf(聋的)blind(失明 的)disabled(残废的)unemployed(失业的)等,以及其他某些说明人的性格或状态的形容词。 这一表达方式具有复数含义,所以动词也用复数形式: The poor get poorer; the rich get richer. 穷者愈穷;富者愈富。 the+形容词偶尔也有单数含义: the accused (person) 被告人 the unexpected (thing) 意外的事 the+表示国籍的形容词也是同样用法: The French like to eat well.

法国人很讲究吃。 一些表示颜色的形容词后加上s作复数名词用时也代表一类人:the blacks 黑人 the whites 白人 二、句法功能 1. 作主语 The wounded were sent home. 伤员被送回家。(指一类人,动词用复数。) The accused was acquitted of the charge. 被告被宣告无罪。(主语是单数的概念,动词用单数。) The true is to be distinguished from the false. 真伪须辨分明。(指抽象概念,动词用单数。) 2. 作宾语 We should take good care of the old. 我们应当好好地照顾老人。


美团网商业模式分析 Q:请根据第一次作业所选取的企业,分析其商业模式,列出顾客细分,渠道。

客户关系合理,价值定位,收入来源,关键资源,关键商业活动,主要伙伴关系和成本结构等运营管理问题? [引言] 众所周知,要问现在互联网什么模式最火?当属由美国groupon公司开启的“全民团购时代”,团购消费风靡一时,而美团更是中国首屈一指的团购网站,作为中国专业团购网的鼻祖,美团始终盘踞在团购的巅峰俯瞰群雄亦竞逐“千团大战”,美团以其独特的商业模式实现“商家、消费者、美团”三赢的互利互惠局面,各种商业模式要素均在各种程度上决定着美团的安息兴衰成败,特别是客户关系管理,面对“以社会、消费者为中心”的现代营销模式,美团一直都聚焦着“客户关系”。“商业模式越简单越好。美团网虽然每天只为用户提供一款团购产品,但是我们却力求提供最超值的消费体验。”对比像淘宝这样提供很多产品的电子商务模式,王兴表示自己更倾向于提供“简单的客户服务”。 [以下为美团网商业模式的具体分析] 1.美团的顾客细分(Customer Segmentation) 任何一个企业不能单凭自己的人力、财力和物力来满足整个市场的所有需求,这不仅缘于企业自身条件的限制,而且从经济效应方面来看也是不足取的。因为,企业应该分辨出它能有效为之服务的最具有吸引力的细分市场,集中企业资源,制定科学的竞争策略,以取得和增强竞争优势。 顾客天生就存在差异,大量营销策略在忠诚的世界里根本就不适用,因为并不是每一个顾客都适于成为某品牌的品牌忠诚者。如果企业要最大化地实现可持续发展和长期利润,就要明智地只关注正确的顾客群体,因为企业要获得每一位顾客,先前都要付出一定的投入,这种投入只有在你能赢得顾客的忠诚后才能得到补偿。因此,要通过价值营销以获得品牌忠诚重要的一步就是对客户进行细分,找寻到哪些顾客是能为企业带来赢利的,哪些顾客不能,并锁定那些高价值顾客。只有这样企业才能保证他在培育顾客忠诚的过程中所投入的资源得到回报,企业


美式音标2015年2月班《导学课》的笔记: A a 大写字母:句首,姓名首字母,地名,文章标题等情况下… apple 苹果 A is for apple. One apple a day keeps the doctor away.(这句话不同的语境场合下有不同的意思) 1.每天吃一个苹果,身体棒棒的不用去看医生。 2.如果每天都在玩“苹果”的设备那么你可能就荒废了学业拿不到你的博士学位。 B b birthday B is for birthday. Happy birthday to you!生日快乐! C c cake C is for cake. It's a piece of cake to me!这事情非常简单对我来说小菜一碟。 D d date 日期、约会 D is for date. It's a date!一言为定。 E e egg E is for egg. Don't put all your eggs in one basket.不要把所有的鸡蛋放在一个篮子里,(意思是不要孤注一掷)F f fire 火 F is for fire. You're fired.你被解雇了。 G g Gold金子 G is for gold. She is a gold-digger. 她是淘金的人(她是一个傍大款的人) H h Hide 躲藏 H is for hide. Let's play hide and seek.我们来玩捉迷藏吧。 I i ice cream冰激凌 I is for ice cream. Ice creams are my favorite!冰激凌是我的最爱。 J j Jog慢跑 J is for jog. Jogging is good for your health!慢跑有益健康。 K k Kite风筝 K is for kite. Let's fly the kite咱们去放风筝吧 L l

沪江英语零基础直达熟练 课笔记 图文

第1课 1、H ow do you spell you name? 你的名字怎么拼读 2、M y name is Michael, m-I-c-h-a-e-l我的名字是迈克 3、I’m Mick Wang 我叫王米克 4、T hat’s right 这是正确的 5、I’m sorry. Could you repeat that? 对不起,你能重复一遍吗? 6、G ot it. Thanks. 明白了,谢谢 7、W hat’s you r last name again?能再说一遍你的姓氏吗? 8、N ice to meet you.见到你很高兴Too也 9、W hat?什么is是 10、first name名last name姓last最后的 11、Family家庭family name 家族姓氏 第2课 1、h ow are you? 你好吗? 2、G reat 非常好!I’m just fine, thank you!还行吧,谢谢 3、N ot bad还行吧I’m OK还行吧 4、G ood morning早上好good afternoon中午好 5、g ood evening晚上好 6、M orn早晨after在…以后noon中午even更

7、M iss小姐(未婚)Mrs.夫人(已婚)Ms.通用(未婚or二婚) Mr.先生 第3课 1、E xcuse me. are you Steven 打扰一下(不好意思),你是史蒂芬? 2、N o, I’m not. He’s over there. 不,我不是。他在那儿 3、T his is your book? 这是你的书? 4、I t’s my math book.这是我的数学书。 5、Y ou’re in my class, right? 你和我同班,对吗? 6、s he’s in our math class她在我们的数学班上。 7、i n在…里right对吗?This 这个she 她 over there在那儿Math数学classmate[?kl?sme?t]同学8、【一般疑问句】—可以用yes或no来回答的问题,其他都是【特殊疑问句】 第4课 1、 2、Z ero0 One1 tow2 three3 four4 five5 six6 seven7 eight8 nine9 ten10 3、W hat’s your QQ number? 你的QQ号码是多少? 4、W ork phone工作电话home phone 家庭电话cell phone手机 5、S ee you再见see you tomorrow 明天见 see you next time下次见


沪江英语绿宝书之 新概念2 37-40课知识点汇总一、词汇精讲 olympic n.奥林匹克的 【词组】the International Olympic Committee 国际奥委会(IOC)-mascot n.吉祥物 -stadium n.露天体育场(有多层看台) 【词组】a baseball stadium 棒球场 【注意事项】plural: stadiums, stadia hold vt.召开; 握住,抓住 【注意事项】hold-held-held 【常用搭配】hold on 【例句】Hold on, I’ll just get my key. 等我一下,我去拿钥匙。 【常用搭配】hold back 阻碍;抑制 hold an opinion/view 持有某种观点、看法 【例句】Most of us hold the opinion that it is right 我们大多认为这是正确的 【词组】hold a meeting/party 举行会议、聚会 【例句】The 2008 Olympic Games were held in Beijing, China. 2008年奥运会在中国北京举办 government n.政府 【词组】local government 地方政府 【词组】central government 中央政府

【常用搭配】be in government 执政 immense adj.巨大的 immensely adv.极大地 standard n.标准;水平 【词组】high standard 高水平 standard of living 生活水平 【例句】He lives in a nation with a high standard of living. 他生活在一个生活水准较高的国家。 【常用搭配】meet/reach a standard 达到某一标准、水平 【例句】Your recent work has been below standard. 你最近的工作一直低于标准。 【常用搭配】raise/lower a standard 提高/降低标准 【例句】We’re not about to lower our standards just to meet your demands. 我们不会为了满足你的要求降低我们的标准。 【词组】standard English 标准英语 capital n.首都 【例句】Dublin is the capital of Ireland. 都柏林是爱尔兰的首都。 n.资金(不可数) 【例句】The corporation has enough capital to build another factory. 这家公司有足够的资金来兴建另一家工厂。 capitalism n.资本主义 communism n.共产主义 capitalist n.资本家 n.大写字母 capitalize v.把字母大写 【例句】Don’t forget to capitalize the first letter of the sentence. 别忘了大写句子第一个单词的首字母。 【常用搭配】Capitol Hill 美国国会山/the U.S. Congress fantastic adj.极好的;巨大的 【例句】You look fantastic! 你看起来好棒。 【近义词】awesome, great
