

杭 州 师 范 大 学 2010 年招收攻读硕士研究生入学考试题


842 考试科目名称考试科目名称::

综合英语 1





Part 1: C Part 1: Cloze loze loze(20(20分)

Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark

A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET

It is often observed that the aged spend much time thinking and talking about their past lives, 1 about the future. These reminiscences are not simply random or trivial memories, 2 is their purpose merely to make conversation. The old person's recollections of the past help to 3 an identity that is becoming increasingly fragile: 4 any role that brings respect or any goal that might provide 5 to the future, the individual mentions their past as a reminder to listeners, that here was a life 6 living. 7 , the memories form part of a continuing life 8 , in which the old person 9 the events and experiences of the years gone by and 10 on the overall meaning of his or her own almost completed life.

As the life cycle 11 to its close, the aged must also learn to accept the reality of their own impending death. 12 this task is made difficult by the fact that death is almost a 13 subject in the United States. The mere discussion of death is often regarded as 14 . As adults many of us find the topic frightening and are 15 to think about it--and certainly not to talk about it 16 the presence of someone who is dying.

Death has achieved this taboo 17 only in the modern industrial societies. There seems to be an important reason for our reluctance to 18 the idea of death. It is the very fact that death remains 19 our control; it is almost the only one of the natural processes 20 is so.

1. [A] better than [B] rather than [C] less than [D] other than

2. [A] so [B] even [C] nor [D] hardly

3. [A] preserve [B] conserve [C] resume [D] assume

4. [A] performing [B] playing [C] undertaking [D] lacking

5. [A] orientation [B] implication [C] succession [D] presentation

6. [A] worthy [B] worth [C] worthless [D] worthwhile

7. [A] In a word [B] In brief [C] In addition [D] In particular

8. [A] prospect [B] impetus [C] impression [D] review

9. [A] integrates [B] incorporates [C] includes [D] interacts

10. [A] reckons [B] counts [C] reflects [D] conceive

1l. [A] keeps [B] draws [C] inclines [D] tends

12. [A] Therefore [B] And [C] Yet [D] Otherwise

13. [A] taboo [B] dispute [C] contempt [D] neglect

14. [A] notorious [B] indecent [C] obscure [D] desperate

15. [A] ready [B] willing [C] liable [D] reluctant

16. [A] at [B] on [C] with [D] in

17. [A] status [B] circumstance [C] environment [D] priority

18. [A] encounter [B] confront [C] tolerate [D] expose

19. [A] under [B] above [C] beyond [D] within

20. [A] which [B] what [C] as [D] that





In this part, you will find after each of the passages a number of questions or unfinished statements about the passage, each with four suggested answers. Choose the best answer and mark the answer ON YOUR ANSWER SHEET.


When I was a schoolgirl I imagined myself at 60, clad in long black lace, gnarled hands gripping a silver-headed stick, laying down the law to my grandchildren. That seems laughable now: plenty of people scarcely notice when they turn 60, planning trips and gardens and university courses into their 70s; we can almost think that real old age has been abolished. But gnarled fingers haven't been discontinued, eyes and ears decline as before; time's winged chariot hasn't gone out of service: it simply catches up with us later. The age, which seemed, when one was young, to represent vast antiquity, may perhaps have been pushed upwards by a decade or two, but it hasn't disappeared. Facing 80 and beyond, it's not the past that's another country but the future and we fear that, indeed, they do things differently there.

Everyone knows we're all living longer: in 1880, only about 160,000 in every million made it to 75; now it's more than 600,000, and the Queen needs thousands of cards for those who reach 100. But statistics aside, how do we, cheerfully ploughing through our 60s and 70s, feel about what's to come turning 80? So far, you could say we've never had it so good the last generation. We have decent pensions, mortgages paid off and children out of the house (with luck); we're active, involved, often still working, and if we go into hospital for this or that, we come out again nearly as good as new. Even the market is getting round to realising that we have more money than any other age group, and classify us as “golden pleasure-seekers.”

Or, at least, some of us are. The fact is, there's more difference between the haves and have-nots in this age group than in any other, and real old age hits the have-nots far sooner than the lucky ones. A recent survey found that the difference breaks squarely along the lines of money and education: those with both are light years away from the solitary old folk that charities urge us to visit, desperately hard up, too creaky to go out much and terrified of thugs on the estate. Place makes a difference too: a Londoner with a free public transport pass and concessions to cinemas and exhibitions does far better than someone who can't drive any more, stranded up a muddy lane in the country with the post office closed down and the bus running on alternate Tuesdays. Some of the people so stranded say it's like being buried alive. Too many people make a plan for retirement that works excellently until they turn 80 and can't walk the mile to the village or the bus stop and have to wait for someone to give them a lift. Becoming elderly is not just a question of being old crucially, it's how old.

"It comes as such a surprise," said one woman of 78, "to be let down by your body. You wake up, you're bright as a button, you could do anything and then you absolutely have to have a sleep after lunch." Increasingly, we feel that our minds are as clear as ever, except of course for the odd "senior moment" when you can't remember the name of your last employer or even your last meal. You set out for a walk with younger people, you like walks, why not, but you're absolutely knackered by the time you reach the pub.

21. When the author was young, she used to think when your reach 60

A. you become really old.

B. you can have grandchildren.

C. you can wear black lace.

D. you become a ruler of the young.

22. Which is not true of the conditions of the elderly as described in the article?

A. They are better off financially than the last generation.

B. Most of them own their own houses.

C. The have better health care than the last generation.

D. Most of them live with their children.

23. The way the elderly people live are affected by whether

A. they take educational courses after retirement.

B. they live alone or not.

C. they live in the cities or in remote areas in the country.

D. they made plans or not.

24. The author used the example of the 78 year old woman in the last paragraph to show

A. the elderly need more sleep.

B. the elderly cannot keep up with the young.

C. our body refuses to obey our mind.

D.our body gets old even though our mind is not senile.

25. It is obvious from the article that the writer believes that

A. people should forget about problems caused by age.

B. people will never get old if they remain young in their minds.

C. living longer does not mean you can escape old age.

D. living longer means you can enjoy life to the full.


Is this the end of the language class?

Taking foreign language learning out of the language classroom and integrating it with other subjects has a strong appeal, but Kari Smith urges caution: language acquisition is not always natural.

"Thank you for the course. I wish it had been given in my own language because I know I have lost out on much information during the course, and you, the teacher, did not have the opportunity to get to know the real me, what I am able to do, what I know, what I think and who I am."

This is the message a previous student of mine wrote after having spent five days a week for eight months studying to be a teacher in an additional language (a language other than the native language).

Daniela is not the only student enrolled in one of the many immersion or Content and Language Integrated Learning (Civil) programmes in schools and universities around the world who feels this way. Purely for language learning purposes some language teachers, parents and policy makers believe that foreign language learning can be enhanced by teaching in the target language.

The extent of the immersion of learners into a target foreign language varies, from teaching a subject or more in English (for the sake of convenience) to making the school or university an English medium institution, where all subjects are taught in a language foreign to the students. I have seen cautious attempts such as teaching physical education in English and more courageous programmes introducing the foreign language of mathematics to students in the foreign language of English. Some attempts are even bolder: schools and universities teaching only in English to students whose previous school education took place in their native tongue and by teachers whose English does not allow them to respond to questions beyond the lesson plan they have carefully prepared the day before.

So why are we witnessing this quest to use a foreign language as the medium of instruction - trying to make the unnatural natural? We need to look at two basic concepts related to becoming skilled users of an additional language. There is language acquisition and language learning. Language acquisition happens when the learner is surrounded by the target language, and learning takes place in a natural way. This is exactly what happens when children acquire their native tongue: little or no formal language learning takes place before school age, and even in school we find little formal learning of new vocabulary or linguistic structures. Language acquisition occurs without any special effort being put into language learning programmes. Natural teachers are parents, extended family, friends, media, etc.

Immigrants learning the language of their new country often acquire the language to a certain extent in the same way. They are surrounded by the target language outside their own family; they enjoy rich exposure to it. However, the fact that not all arrive in the new country as young children, and that the native tongue remains the language spoken in the family, add complexity to the process of acquisition. Therefore, new immigrants are encouraged to take specific language courses; they need to be introduced to formal language instruction alongside the many opportunities for natural exposure.

When language has to be learned with a conscious cognitive effort we talk about language learning, which is, in a way, an unnatural way to learn a language. Language exposure is restricted to specific hours on specific days; learning is conscious and usually requires serious cognitive effort, mainly focused on learning about the target language. When the learner leaves the class, there is little or no exposure to the target language. When English is learned in Turkey, Israel or even in Norway, this is usually what happens.

Civil programmes, whether they are extensive or limited, aim at causing language acquisition to take place (the natural way) in a foreign setting (which would usually require language learning) by teaching in the target language, thus creating a target language environment within the environment of another language. This is, as I see it, an attempt to transform an unnatural way of learning a language into the natural way of acquiring languages.

26. The main concern of the author is with

A. the definition of language learning and language acquisition.

B. whether Civil programmes are beneficial for the students.

C. whether language should be learned naturally or unnaturally.

D. the impact of foreign language on immigrants.

27. In an English medium institution,

A. English is the language of instruction in all subjects.

B. native language is the language of instruction in most subjects.

C. English is only used in courses related to the target language.

D. the teachers’ English is limited by their lesson plans.

28. Children acquire their native languages in a natural way because

A. they are surrounded by a natural language environment.

B. their teachers are trained in the target language.

C. they learn the language early in school.

D. their parents take care to teach them.

29. Which of the following is not the reason why learning a foreign language is not natural?

A. It requires conscious cognitive efforts.

B. There is no exposure outside the classroom.

C. It is not encouraged by the society at large.

D. Language is learnt only as a school subject.

30. In general the author’s attitude towards Civil programmes can be described as

A. enthusiastic

B. skeptical

C. highly critical

D. supportive


Left holding the baby

Scientists recently revealed an instinct in women intact and unaffected by the age of technology. Glancing through glossy art books Lee Salk noticed that four times out of five Mary is depicted holding the infant Jesus against her felt breast. The Madonna sparked off a series of experiments and observations to determine on which side women hold their babies and why.

First he determined that modern mothers still tend to hold their baby on the left. Of 255 right-handed mothers, 83% held the baby on the left. And out of 32 left-handed women, 78%

held the baby on the left. As a control, women were watched emerging from supermarkets carrying baby-sized packages; the bundles were held with no side preference.

Then, dental patients were given a large rubber ball to hold during treatment. The majority clutched the ball to their left side, even when it interfered with the dentist’s activities. This suggested that in times of stress objects are held against the left side.

At that point an apparently contradictory phenomenon was observed. A large number of mothers who brought their premature babies to a follow-up clinic were seen to hold their babies against their right side.

So, 115 mothers who had been separated from their babies for 24 hours after birth were observed for holding response. The experimenters presented the baby directly to the mid-line of the mother’s body, and noted how she held the baby. 53% placed the baby on the left and 47% on the right. And it was also noted that the mothers of the group who had held their baby on the left had already had a baby from which they had not been separated after birth.

The author suggests that “The time immediately after birth is a critical period when the stimulus of holding the baby releases a certain maternal response.” That is to say, she senses the baby is better off on her left.

Left-handed holding enables the baby to hear the heartbeat – a sound associated with the security of the womb. In order to discover whether hearing the heart has a beneficial effect on the baby, the sound of a human heartbeat was played to 102 babies in a New York nursery for 4 days.

A control group of babies was not exposed to heartbeats. The babies in the beat group gained markedly more weight and cried far less than the babies in the control group.

31. Looking at art books inspired Lee Salk to investigate

A. picture of Mary and Jesus.

B. the way mothers hold their babies.

C. the way people hold objects in times of stress.

D. the effect of the human heartbeat on premature babies.

32. He found that

A. left-handed women tend to hold their babies on the right.

B. only right-handed women tend to hold their babies on the left.

C. more right-handed women than left-handed women tend to hold their babies on the


D. women who hold their babies on the left are nearly tend to have suffered from stress.

33. What was the “apparent contradictory phenomenon” mentioned in paragraph 4?

A. Mothers of premature babies were seen to hold their babies differently.

B. Mothers of premature babies held their babies on the correct side.

C. Mothers of premature babies took their babies to a follow-up clinic.

D. The behaviour of mothers of premature babies disproved Lee Salk’s theory.

34. The time just after birth is important: this is when

A. babies must not be separated form their mothers.

B. the baby’s response to the mother is released.

C. the mother has an instinctive tendency to hold the baby on the left.

D. the baby can hear the mother’s heartbeat and feel secured.

35. Salk’s experiments proved that

A. mothers have an instinct to hold their babies on the left immediately after birth.

B. mothers hold their babies on the left at times of stress.

C mothers of premature babies do not have the instinct to hold their babies on the left.

D. mothers find it more comfortable to carry their babies on the left


Our first words

Is language, like food, a basic human need without which a child at a critical period of life can be starved and damaged? Judging from the drastic experiments of Frederick II in the thirteenth century it may be. Hoping to discover what language a child would speak if he heard no mother tongue he told the nurses to keep silent.

All the infants died before the first year. But clearly there was more than language deprivation here. What was missing was good mothering. Without good mothering, in the first year of life, especially, the capacity to survive is seriously affected.

Today no such drastic deprivation exists as that ordered by Frederick. Nevertheless, some children are still backward in speaking. Most often the reason for this is that the mother is insensitive to the cues and signals of the infant, whose brain is programmed to mop up language rapidly. There are critical times, it seems, when children learn more readily. If these sensitive periods are neglected, the ideal time for acquiring skills passes and they might never be learned so easily again. A bird learns to sing and to fly rapidly at the right time, but the process is slow and hard once the critical stage has passed.

Linguists suggest that speech milestones are reached in a fixed sequence and at a constant age, but there are cases where speech has started late in a child who eventually turns out to be of high IQ (Intelligence Quotient). At twelve weeks a baby smiles and utters vowel-like sounds; at twelve months he can speak simple words and understand simple commands; at eighteen month

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he has a vocabulary of three to fifty words. At three he knows about 1000 words which he can put into sentences, and at four his language differs from that of his parents in style rather than grammar.

Recent evidence suggests that an infant is born with the capacity to speak. What is special about Man’s brain, compared with that of the monkey, is the complex system which enables a child to connect the sight and feel of, say, a teddy-bear with the sound pattern “teddy-bear”. And even more incredible is the young brain’s ability to pick out an order in language from the hubbub of sound around him, to analyse, to combine and recombine the parts of a language in novel ways.

But speech has to be triggered, and this depends on interaction between the mother and the child, where the mother recognises the cues and signals in the child’s babbling, clinging, grasping, crying, smiling, and responds to them. Insensitivity of the mother to these signals dulls the interaction because the child gets discouraged and sends out only the obvious signals. Sensitivity to the child’s non-verbal cues is essential to the growth and development of language.

36. Frederick II’s experiments was “drastic” because

A. he wanted to prove that children are born with the ability to speak.

B. he ignored the importance of mothering to the infant.

C. he was unkind to the nurses who looked after the infants.

D. he wanted to see if the children would die before they reached the age of one.

37. The reason some children are backward in speaking today is that

A. they do not listen carefully to their mothers.

B. their brains have to absorb too much language at once.

C. their mothers do not respond to their attempts to speak.

D. their mothers are not intelligent enough to help them.

38. By “critical times” (see underline in paragraph 3) the author means:

A. difficult periods in the child’s life.

B. important stages in the child’s development.

C. moments when the child becomes critical towards its mother.

D. times when mothers often neglect their children.

39. Which of the following is not implied in the passage?

A. The faculty of speech is inborn in man.

B. Children do not need to be encouraged to speak.

C. The child’s brain is highly selective.

D. Most children learn their language in definite stages

40. If the mother does not respond to her child’s signals, the child will

A. never be able to speak properly.

B. stop giving out signals.

C. invent a language of its own.

D. make little effort to speak.

PART PART 33 Translation Translation ( ( (3030分) I. Chinese Translate the following passage from English into Chinese. .

Write your tra Write your translation on the Answer Sheet.nslation on the Answer Sheet.nslation on the Answer Sheet.

Science is the body of knowledge about nature that represents the collective efforts, insights, findings, and wisdom of the human race. Science is not something new but had its beginnings before recorded history when humans first discovered reoccurring relationships around them. Through careful observations of these relationships, they began to know nature and, because of nature’s dependability, found they could make predictions to enable some control over their surroundings.

Science made its headway in the sixteenth century when people began asking answerable questions about nature – when they began replacing superstition by a systematic search for order – when experiment in addition to logic was used to test ideas. Where people once tried to influence natural events with magic and supernatural forces, they now had science to guide them. Advance was slow, however, because of the powerful opposition to scientific methods and ideas.

II. Translate the following passage from Chinese into English

Part 4Part 4 Reading and Reading and Reading and Précis Précis Précis (20 (20分)

With 5 -7 sentences and no more than 100 words make a summary of the following text which is expected to focus upon the discussion of the major subjects. Write your summary on the Answer Sheet.

The uniqueness of the Japanese character is the result of two seemingly contradictory forces: the strength of traditions and selective receptivity to foreign achievements and inventions. As early as the 1860s, there were counter movements to the traditional orientation. Yukichi Fukuzawa, the most eloquent spokesman of Japan’s “Enlightenment,” claimed “The Confucian civilization of the East seems to me to lack two things possessed by Western civilization: science in the material sphere and a sense of independence in the spiritual sphere.” Fukuzawa’s great influence is found in the free and individualistic philosophy of the Education Code of 1872, but he was not able to prevent the government from turning back to the canons of Confucian thought in the Imperial Rescript of 1890. Another interlude of relative liberalism followed World War I, when the democratic idealism of President Woodrow Wilson had an important impact on Japanese intellectuals and, especially, students: but more important was the Leninist ideology of the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution. Again, in the early 1930s, nationalism and militarism became: dominant, largely as a result of failing economic conditions. Following the end of World War II, substantial changes were undertaken in Japan to liberate the individual from authoritarian restraints. The new democratic value system was accepted by many teachers, students intellectuals and old liberals, but it was not immediately embraced by the society as a whole: Japanese traditions were dominated by group values, and notions of personal freedom and individual rights were unfamiliar.

Today democratic processes are clearly evident in the widespread participation of the Japanese people in social and political life; yet there is no universally accepted and stable value system. Values are constantly modified by strong infusions of Western ideas, both democratic and Marxist. School textbooks expound democratic principles, emphasizing equality over hierarchy and rationalism over tradition; but in practice these values are often misinterpreted and distorted, particularly by the youth who translate the individualistic and humanistic goals of democracy into egoistic and materialistic ones.

Most Japanese people have consciously rejected Confucianism, but vestiges of the old order remain. An important feature of relationships in many institutions such as political parties, large corporations, and university faculties is the oyabun-kobun or parent-child relation. A party leader, supervisor, or professor, in return for loyalty, protects those subordinate to him and takes general responsibility for their interests throughout their entire lives, an obligation that sometimes even extends to arranging marriages. The corresponding loyalty of the individual to his patron reinforces his allegiance to the group to which they both belong. A willingness to cooperate with other members of the group and to support without qualification the interests of the group in all its external relations is still a widely respected virtue. The oyaburt-kobttn creates ladders of mobility which an individual can ascend, rising as far as abilities permit, so long as he maintains successful personalities with a superior in the vertical channel, the latter requirement usually taking precedence over a need for exceptional competence. As a consequence, there is little horizontal relationship between people even within the same profession.

Part 5 Composition (40分)

Directions: Some teachers believe that students should be organized to study in groups while others insist that students should study individually and

independently. What’s your opinion? Analyze the advantages and

disadvantages of both before you decide which side you would rather

act upon (why and how). Select a suitable title and write your essay on

the Answer Sheet in at least 300 words.

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杭州师范大学硕士研究生招生考试命题纸 杭州师范大学 2020年招收攻读硕士研究生考试题 考试科目代码:725 考试科目名称:物理化学 说明:考生答题时一律写在答题纸上,否则漏批责任自负。 物理常数 R=8.314 J.mol-1.K-1,F=96485 C.mol-1, p =100K Pa 一、单选题(每题2分,共30分) 1. 封闭体系从 A 态变为 B 态,可以沿两条等温途径:甲)可逆途径;乙)不可逆途径 则下列关系式: ⑴ΔU可逆>ΔU不可逆⑵W可逆>W不可逆 ⑶Q可逆>Q不可逆⑷ ( Q可逆 - W可逆) > ( Q不可逆 - W不可逆) 正确的是: (A) (1),(2) (B) (2),(3) (C) (3),(4) (D) (1),(4) 2. 已知:Zn(s)+(1/2)O2??→ZnO Δc H m=351.5 kJ·mol-1 Hg(l)+(1/2)O2??→HgO Δc H m= 90.8 kJ·mol-1 因此 Zn+HgO??→ZnO+Hg 的Δr H m是: (A) 442.2 kJ·mol-1 (B) 260.7 kJ·mol-1 (C) -62.3 kJ·mol-1 (D) -442.2 kJ·mol-1 3. 对于不做非体积功的封闭体系,下面关系式中不正确的是: (A) (?H/?S)p= T (B) (?F/?T)V= -S (C) (?H/?p)S= V (D) (?U/?V)S= p 4. 理想气体的 atto 循环由下面四个可逆步骤构成: (A) 气体绝热可逆压缩 (B) 恒容升温,气体从环境吸热 (C) 气体经绝热膨胀作功 (D) 恒容降温回到原态 该循环过程的T-S图为: 2020年考试科目代码725 考试科目名称物理化学(本考试科目共4页,第1 页)


云南师范大学硕士研究生招生考试——中国地理真题 2000年中国地理 一、简答题(32分) 1、略述中国早涝及其形成原因(8分)。 2、简述中国地貌对自然景观形成的作用(8分)。 3、民族地区经济发展特点及其对策如何(8分)。 4、解释并评价基塘生态系统(8分) 二、比较分析题(24分) 1.比较分析北疆与南疆在自然景观上的异同及其成因(12分) 2.比较分析东北区与西南区的区域经济特征(12分)。 三、论述题(44分) 1、试述青藏高原对中国西北地区干早气候形成的作用( 20分)。 2、试述面向21世纪的中国工业经济发展战略布局(24分)。

2001年中国地理 一、简答题:(共40分) 1.简述我国人口分布的特点及其对我国经济发展的影响。(10分) 2.简要分析我国气候基本特征及其形成原因。(10分) 3.简述我国铁路网分布的基本格局及今后发展设想。(10分) 4,简述西南区自然环境与经济发展现状的特点。(10分). 二、论述题:(共60分) 1.分析攀枝花钢铁基地的布局条件与布局特点。(15分) 2.对比分析我国南、北方农业生产发展与布局的地域差异。(25分)3.试评价中国西部自然环境的基本特点. (20分)

2002年中国地理 一、名词解释(每个5分,共20分) 1、梅雨 2、黄土高原 3、楚文化 4、首都经济圈 二、简答题(4小题,共40分) 1、简述我国季风气候的特点、成因及其墓响。(10分) 2,简述中国矿产资源的基本特征。(10分) 3、简述中国高新技术产业的发展与布局特点。(10分) 4、简述大西南经济区的范围、区域特点和专业化部门。(10分) 三,论述题(3小题中任选2题,共40分) 1、试论述我国农业开发的战略构想。(20分) 2,试论述中国自然景观的地域分异规律。(20分) 3,试论述中国传统文化的特点及其对今后中国社会经济发展的影响。(20分)


杭 州 师 范 大 学 硕 士 研 究 生 入 学 考 试 命 题 纸 2018 年 考试科目代码 818 考试科目名称 普通物理学 (本考试科目共 5页,第1 页) 杭 州 师 范 大 学 2018 年招收攻读硕士研究生入学考试题 考试科目代码: 818 考试科目名称: 普通物理学 说明:考生答题时一律写在答题纸上,否则漏批责任自负。 一、选择题(10小题,每题3分,共30分) 1. 2017年的诺贝尔物理学奖颁给了美国物理学家雷纳·韦斯(Rainer Weiss )、基普·索恩(Kip. S. Thorne )和巴里·巴里什(Barry. C. Barish ),以表彰他们在( ) (A )领导建设激光干涉仪引力波天文台,进而首次直接探测到引力波的伟大成就 (B )研究生物钟运行的分子机制方面的成就 (C )冷冻显微术领域的贡献 (D )物质拓扑相发现,以及在拓扑相变方面作出的理论贡献 2. 一运动质点某瞬时位于矢径),(y x r 的端点处,则速度大小为( ) (A )dt dr (B )dt r d (C )dt r d (D )dt r d 3. 如图所示,升降机以加速度g a =向上运动,21m m >,不计绳子和滑轮质量,忽略摩擦,绳子不可伸长,则1m 相对升降机的加速度大小为( ) (A )2121)(2m m g m m +- (B ))(2)(2121m m g m m +- (C )2 121)(2m m g m m -+ (D )0 4. 一个质点作简谐振动,振幅为A ,在起始时刻质点的位移为2/A -,且向x 轴的正方向运动,代表此简谐振动的旋转矢量图为( )

二类学分申请表 模版

申请人填写 学院理学院专业班级 申请人 姓名 学号 申请学分项目 或内容 04参加2009年省高数竞赛 指导联系 教师姓名申请认定分值0.5 指导联系教师审核意见 二级学 院(部门) 认定领 导小组 填写 认定学分(请根据下面粘附的有效证明及相关文件认定): 认定小组负责人(签字):年月日 学校审核意见: 审核人:年月日 粘附有效证明复印件: 注:此表由申请人按参与的内容填写,每项内容填写1张,并于每年5月中旬前送交所在的二级学院或部门Ⅱ类学分认定领导小组予以认定。

申请人填写 学院理学院专业班级地信121 申请人 姓名 傅丁帅学号2012212932 申请学分项目 或内容 07团委等部门组织的社会实践 活动 指导联系 教师姓名 申请认定分值 2 指导联系教师审核意见 二级学 院(部门) 认定领 导小组 填写 认定学分(请根据下面粘附的有效证明及相关文件认定): 认定小组负责人(签字):2013年11 月日 学校审核意见: 审核人:年月日 粘附有效证明复印件: 注:此表由申请人按参与的内容填写,每项内容填写1张,并于每年5月中旬前送交所在的二级学院或部门Ⅱ类学分认定领导小组予以认定。

申请人填写 学院理学院专业班级 申请人 姓名 学号 申请学分项目 或内容 04 2008年校运动会20×60团 体接力第二名 指导联系 教师姓名申请认定分值0.5 指导联系教师审核意见 二级学 院(部门) 认定领 导小组 填写 认定学分(请根据下面粘附的有效证明及相关文件认定): 认定小组负责人(签字):年月日 学校审核意见: 审核人:年月日 粘附有效证明复印件: 注:此表由申请人按参与的内容填写,每项内容填写1张,并于每年5月中旬前送交所在的二级学院或部门Ⅱ类学分认定领导小组予以认定。


003/03/03/0030 3杭州师范大学理学院2013《力学》试题汇编 错误匀速率一、选择题(每题1分,20分) 1、刚体角动量守恒的充分而必要的条件是( )。 (A)刚体不受外力矩的作用 (B)刚体所受合外力矩为零 (C)刚体所受的合外力和合外力矩均为零 (D)刚体的转动惯量和角速度均保持不变 2、下列说法中的是( )。 (A)牛顿第二定律只适用与惯性系。自然界中,惯性系只有一个 (B)只有保守力才有相应的势能,势能是体系所共有的 (C)在北半球,我们往往会看到河道的右边比左边要冲刷的厉害,这与地球自转产生的科里奥利效应密切相关 (D)刚体作平面平行运动时,可以看成和基点的平动以及绕过基点垂直平面轴的转动,基点的选取是任意的 3、下列说法中正确的是( )。 (A)保守力做的功等于势能的减小 (B)牛顿第二定律既适用与惯性系也适用与非惯性系(C)内力可以改变刚体的动能 (D)合外力对体系不做功,体系的机械能一定守恒4、一质点做圆周运动时,有( )。(A)切向加速度大小改变,法向加速度大小改变(B)切向加速度大小改变,法向加速度大小不变(C)切向加速度大小不变,法向加速度大小改变(D)切向加速度大小不变,法向加速度大小不变 5、花样滑冰运动员绕通过自身的竖直轴转动,开始时两臂伸开,转动惯量为,角速度为 ,然后两臂收回,使其转动惯量变为,则其旋转的角速度为( )。 (A) (B) (C) (D)6、对于一个体系来说,在下列的哪种情况下系统的机械能守恒?( )。(A)合外力为0 (B)外力和非保守内力都不作功 I I w w w w w

2020.08.92 /9.42 /8.92/45.22 /7.142/212 1 2 1 211000/10/340/29/30/31/324.016.01.02 /10(C)合外力不作功(D)外力和保守内力都不作功 7、下列说法中错误的是( )。 (A)位移共振频率一般来说等于振动系统的固有频率 (B)牛顿第二定律只适用与惯性系 (C)内力可以改变体系的动能,但不可以改变体系的动量 (D)质点系的转动惯量与质点系的质量分布以及转轴所在的位置有关 8、如图所示,质量为,半径为的均匀滑轮,可绕光滑的水平轴转动的转动,轮子上绕有轻绳,若有一恒力拉绳子的一端,使得轮子由静止开始转动,忽略轴承与滑轮的摩擦,则滑轮转动的角加速度为( )。(A) (B)(C) (D)9、一个质点作简谐振动,振幅为,在起始时刻质点的位移为,且向轴的正方向运动,代表此简谐振动的旋转矢量图为( )。 (A) (B) (C) (D) 10、两个观察者A和B携带频率为Hz的声源。如果A静止,而B以的速率向A运动,若声速为,那么A听到的拍频是( )。(A) (B) (C) (D)11、关于质点的速度和加速度,下列说法的是( )。(A)质点具有恒定的速度,但仍可能具有变化的速率(B)质点具有恒定的速率,但仍可能具有变化的速度(C)质点加速度方向恒定,但速度方向仍可能在不断变化(D)质点速度方向恒定,但加速度方向仍可能在不断变化 12、质量为的小球从高塔上自由落下后时,质量为的小球从同一点自由落 下。求第二个小球释放后时,这两球质点系的质心速度大小( )。(取) kg M m R N F s rad s rad s rad s rad A A x x o A x A A A o o o A x x x A x A x A x s m s m s s s s kg s kg s s m g ===???=v v v v w w w w 错误


关于做好2015-2016学年第一学期师范专业学生 教育见习工作的通知 各相关学院: 教育见习是师范生了解与掌握基础教育情况,学习与领会教师岗位业务知识,实践与应用师范生教学技能的重要工作,现就我校2015—2016学年第一学期师范生教育见习工作安排如下: 一、见习时间及年级: 2015年10月12日—10月16日,2014级师范生教育见习 2015年10月26日—10月30日,2013级师范生教育见习 二、见习的内容: 中小学常规的课堂教学和班主任工作 三、见习的形式: 2014级分散自主见习。 2013级集中进行教育见习。由各学院学科教学论教师带领学生到见习学校进行课堂教学、班主任工作见习等环节,体会和感受中小学教育教学过程,并组织专题讲座、名师课堂、经验介绍、技能培训等,加深见习效果。 四、学院的工作: 1.教育见习计划编写。 各学院编写教育见习计划,明确见习的目的和要求,内容、方式、组织机构、指导教师要求、过程管理、见习的成绩考核及工作总结等。2013级师范生集中教育见习计划和2014级分散教育见习计划应在9月底前完成,经学院教育实习领导小组审核,学院盖章后交教务处实践科。

学院召开见习动员会,落实见习计划的各项工作,使学生明确规定的见习任务和内容要求,明确见习的过程和注意事项,做好相应的准备。 3.2013级师范生集中见习的组织与管理。 依据集中教育见习计划,做好布置与安排,包括与见习学校的联系(集中见习联系函见附件4)、聘请专家、交通安排、学生的组织等等,确保教育见习工作的顺利开展。 集中教育见习学生需要填写《杭州师范大学教育见习工作手册》,根据学生的学习态度和遵纪情况、完成记录情况、见习的总结情况、具体的表现情况,由指导教师综合评定教育见习的成绩。 4.2014级师范生分散见习的要求。 见习学生持介绍信(附件1)利用假期联系教育见习学校。学院教务科根据《杭州师范大学教育见习联系表(回执)》(附件2)汇总填写《教育见习安排一览表》(附件3),送交学校教务处。 见习期间,学生要认真填写《杭州师范大学教育见习工作手册》,完成见习任务,在见习结束前请见习学校指导教师填写评语,评定成绩,并经见习学校教导处审签后带回所在学院教务科。 5.教育见习成绩管理与录入。 见习结束后,学院教育实习领导小组负责审核教育见习成绩,填写教育见习成绩总表(附件5),交学校教务处实践科。见习成绩按照五级制打分,由各学院教务科及时输入到教务管理系统中。教务处实践科联系人:席卓羚,电话:28865721,电子邮箱:hsd_jwcsjk@https://www.360docs.net/doc/a23659879.html, 。


2017年云南师范大学333教育综合试题 一、名词解释(每小题6分,共30分) 1.晓庄师范 2.学习动机 3.课程内容 4.教育制度 5.不悱不发 二、简答题(每小题12分,共60分) 1.简述品德发展的一般规律。 2.简述陈鹤琴活教育主要观点。 3.简述荀子性恶论观点。 4.简述教育性教学。 5.简述下位学习。 三、论述题(每题20分,共60分) 1.结合实例,如何理解“教学有法,而无定法”。 2.马卡连柯的集体主义教育思想的主要观点和现实意义。 3.结合实例,试述组织策略观点。

2016年云南师范大学333教育综合试题 一、名词解释(每小题5分,共30分) 1. 学校德育 2. 学校管理 3. 马礼逊学校 4. 经世致用 5. 欧洲新教育运动 6. 《爱弥儿》 二、简答题(每小题10分,共60分) 1. 简要述评夸美纽斯的教学过程思想。 2. 简要分析教育的政治功能。 3. 简析教育目的的层次结构及其相互关系。 4. 简述中国古代选士和取士制度沿革。 5. 简要分析新文化运动影响下国家主义教育思潮的主要内涵。 6. 举例说明什么是定势? 三、论述题(每题20分,共60分) 1. 结合案例,论述如何在美育教育实践中有效运用活动性原则。 2. 论述杜威实用主义教育思想的主要观点。 3. 结合实际分析学习策略中的精细加工策略。

2015年云南师范大学333教育综合试题 第一部分教育学原理(60分) 一、名词解释(每小题5分,共10分) 1. 螺旋式课程 2. 学校教育制度 二、简答题(每小题15分,共30分) 1.简要述评杜威的教学过程思想。 2.简述个体能动性在人的发展中的作用。 三、论述题(每小题20分,共20分) 结合案例,论述在课堂教学中如何合理地运用发展性原则。 第二部分中外教育史(共60分) 一、名词解释(每小题5分,共10分) 1. 癸卯学制 2. “全人生指导” 二、简答题(每小题15分,共30分) 1.简述梁漱溟乡村建设与乡村教育理论。 2.简述蔡元培“五育”并举的教育方针。 三、论述题(每小题20分,共20分) 论述卢梭的教育思想及其影响。 第三部分教育心理学(共30分) 一、简答题(每小题10分,共10分) 举例说明什么是诱因。 二、论述题(每小题20分,共20分) 试论加涅提出的九大教学事件。


一、填空(共20分,每空格4分) 1.设(sin )1cos2f x x =+,则()f x =222x -; 2.函数()f x 在点0x 可导(可微)是()f x 在点0x 连续的 充分 条件(充分、必要、充分必要); 3.设函数()y f x =在区间I 内二阶可导,如果()f x '' >0 ,曲线()y f x =在I 内是凹的; 4.设2x e 是()f x 的一个原函数,则 (sin )cos f x xdx ?=?2sin x e C +; 5 . 0=? 1 。 二、单项选择题(共20分,每小题4分) 1. arcsin arccos x x += ( C ) A.2π B. π C. 2 π D. 0 2.由2,12t x y t ==-确定的方程,二阶导数22d y dx = ( C ) A. 1 t B. 21t C. 31t D. 41t 3.函数()2f x x =+在点0x =处 ( A ) A. 连续但不可导 B. 连续且可导 C. 不连续故不可导 D. 具有连续的导数 4. 设()f x 在[],a b 上连续,且()()0f a f b <,则至少存在一点(,)a b ξ∈使( A )成立 A. ()0f ξ= B. '()0f ξ= C. ''()0f ξ= D. ()()'()()f b f a f b a ξ-=- 5. 已知? ??≥<=,1,ln ,1,e )(x x x x f x 则()x f 在1=x 处的导数( D ). A. 等于0 B. 等于1 C. 等于e D. 不存在 三、计算题(共48分,每题8分)


杭州师范大学教务处文件 杭师大教〔2012〕19号 关于对2011-2012学年教师教学工作业绩 考核优秀者进行奖励的通知 各学院(部): 根据《杭州师范大学教师本科教学工作业绩考核实施办法》(杭师大〔2010〕44号)文件精神,现对2011-2012学年教学工作业绩考核为A的277名教师予以奖励,每位教师奖励1500元,名单详见附件。 附件:2011-2012学年教师教学工作业绩考核优秀名单 二○一二年九月二十六日


附件 2011-2012学年教师教学工作业绩考核优秀名单 人文学院(17人) 丁贤勇张直心王才友黄岳杰刘克敌郭持华斯炎伟项晓敏叶志衡陶水木杨富荣王心喜徐璐李海明夏卫东沈松勤何王芳 理学院(27人) 李宝兴谷峰杨建宋陆竞李康杨垂平陈焕艮侯红生申建华庄飞蒋永贵叶立军张京徐以锋冯宗京徐衍聪虞旦盛黄越夏王奎龙严传魁祝宇红巩子坤吕平张慧增潘玉良何颖俞马国春 生命与环境科学学院(13人) 施农农陈波施曼铃裘书服石陆娥向太和章志量薛大伟刘姬艳王慧中任山章张杭君金岳祥 音乐学院(20人) 杨九华王震马亚囡王旭青陈琼王维平张云良朱宁宁金奇杨孜孜马丽萍郑祖襄王同丁宁李荣有田耀荣杨旭东孟凡玉田刚杜竹松 体育与健康学院(16人) 凌平曹士云徐玉明张海红黄忠兴张辉史青李剑如

王晓燕周建新曹守和罗建英徐金尧罗立平周伟良汤国杰美术学院(24人) 管建新孔耘陆琦朱珺龚旭萍黄鸣刘宣徐汉周小瓯何兴泉莫不小方爱龙孙尔朱鸽翔林素梅林国胜俞爱芳孙亿文郭涛许美平王中焰黄印凯李成民毛勇梅外国语学院(23人) 王忻来贇彭佳潘春雷俞霞君马珺殷企平方红胡乔立王畇刘琛琛刘喜文陈忆玮李颖刘齐宣潘黎萍汪学磊黄四宏林盛余卫华段凯莉卢已均石雅芳 政治经济学院(11人) 汤剑波康胜卢福营王明琳赵定东郑蓉张孝廷李淑杰曹瑞涛陈晓慧杨丹妮 教育科学学院(12人) 马兰张敏付淑琼王凯朱晓斌赵立周厚余温正胞许建美肖正德施英姿杨群 初等教育学院(14人) 顾九华张晓帆陈方吕映徐丽华黄小莲王军锋袁德润李菁刘瑛朱清武建芬叶剑波李红 法学院:(8人) 李安汪红飞沈琪谢如程赵元成汪迪波金龙鑫朱炜临床医学院(19人) 潘大明黄红杰李国熊傅其宏唐继志何敏慧沈悦娣侯效民


云南师范大学美术考研 因为在家有空,所以我来说一下我从四月左右开始的,在十月份之前都是打算跨考思政专业的,后来就因为某些原因,然后放弃了。初试,364 1,政治74。 政治我一直跟着是徐涛老师的,前期都是看他的网课,然后刷题。肖秀荣那个配套的练习我是刷了一遍。然后历年的真题我刷了两遍。后期是肖秀荣的卷子,出来以后,然后考前一个星期开始背的。因为本人是文科生,所以政治学起来很容易。基本政治都是自己在学烦的时候拿出来看的。 2.英语56。 本人英语不是很好,四级考了很多次都没有过。但是这并不影响考研,我个人觉得考研英语比四级简单,英语我前期就是跟着考虫微信上的小程序,叫天天背单词,背单词的时候我会一天背50个,从早上到晚上我会分时间段反复背。然后语法我是跟的新东方田静老师的语法课。我觉得讲得非常好,非常适合我。然后就是刷题,我暑假开始刷的题。我刷真题刷了四遍左右吧,基本上都是做阅读。考前一个月左右买了某个机构的英语作文背。 3,教育综合107。 这门专业课我考的不是很好。因为我个人不是背的非常熟。建议没学过这门专业课的同学,一定要自己先看一遍书看网课。其中有很多名词解释是非常不容易理解的。据说云南师范大学这门课比较压分。

因为我背的不是很好,所以这点分我就觉得还算正常。 4.美术概论127。 这门课是云南师范大学今年第一次考,市场上应该还没有这本书的资料。可以找学长学姐去买真题和资料。这门课是我大学的专业课,但是也没怎么学。我是考前十一月份左右的才拿出来的。我是先把这本书看了两遍。然后把框架给画了出来。我是按自己画的框架背的。本书叫基础很容易理解,理论也不是很多。其中举的例子比较多,只要把例子理解透彻啦,不用背都OK的。嗯,我在答题的时候也碰到有写不起的。但是我是举列说明,所以肯定也得了分的。我建议大家先把美术概论看过三遍。然后再考虑背的问题。因为在考试自己整理资料就很容易烦,建议去买一份资料可以直接背。如果准备晚些的同学,可以去买一份整理好的资料,直接背。美术概论题没有超过考试范围的。这本美术概论相对于那本艺术概论真的简单很多。


杭州师范大学 2014年招收攻读硕士研究生入学考试题考试科目代码:711 考试科目名称:中国哲学史 说明:考生答题时一律写在答题纸上,否则漏批责任自负。 一、名词解释(共5题,每题10分,共50分) 1、大音希声 2、孔颜之乐 3、言意之辨 4、棒喝 5、中庸之道 二、简答题(共4题,每题10分,共40分) 1、简论庄子的“无以人灭天”思想。 2、简论朱熹与陈亮的王霸之辨思想 3、不真空论 4、李贽的异端思想 三、论述题(共2题,每题30分,共60分) 1、试论宋明理学与三教的关系。 2、试论近现代中国关于“古今中西”的文化论争及其重要意义

杭州师范大学 2015年招收攻读硕士研究生入学考试题考试科目代码:711 考试科目名称:中国哲学史 说明:考生答题时一律写在答题纸上,否则漏批责任自负。 一、名词解释(每题5分,共30分) 1、谶纬迷信 2、洛学 3、格物穷理 4、《焚书》 5、性善论 6、章太炎 二、简答题(每题15分,共60分) 1、试论孔孟儒学与程朱理学的关系及其对后代儒学的影响。 2、庄子的逍遥游的人生观。 3、简论易学辩证法。 4、论王阳明哲学对明清启蒙思潮的影响。 三、论述题(每题30分,共60分) 1、试论老子哲学的基本认识论及其方法论意义。 2、试论隋唐以来佛教哲学的发展进程及其中国化特点。

杭州师范大学 2017年招收攻读硕士研究生入学考试题 考试科目代码:711 考试科目名称:中国哲学史 说明:考生答题时一律写在答题纸上,否则漏批责任自负。 一、名词解释(每题5分,共30分) 1、无以人灭天 2、言意之辨 3、化性起伪 4、禅宗 5、孔颜之乐 6、鹅湖之会 二、简答题(每题15分,共60分) 1、请你谈谈先秦诸子都有哪些主要的学派、代表人物和著作及主要思想观点。 2、请论述这段话的主要思想观点: (道)绳绳不可名,复归于无物;是谓无状之状,无物之象,是谓惚恍。 道之为物,惟恍惟惚。惚兮恍兮,其中有象;恍兮惚兮,其中有物。(《老子》) 3、论王阳明哲学对朱熹理学的批判和超越。 4、隋唐以后佛教哲学的发展进程及其中国化特点。 三、论述题(每题30分,共60分) 1、你对中国传统哲学中儒家和道家的关系有何理解?对当代哲学的发展有何启示? 2、你如何看待中国近代的“古今”“中西”之争与近代哲学革命的关系?

关于开展晨跑活动的通知 - 杭师大教务处

关于开展学生早锻炼活动的通知 各学院、有关部门: 为贯彻执行《学校体育工作条例》,积极开展学生阳光体育运动,增强我校学生体质,提高学生的体质健康水平。经校体委和学生工作部研究决定,本学期继续开展学生早锻炼活动,希望校学生会体育部,各学院负责学生工作的领导,做好学生早锻炼活动的宣传、发动工作。具体活动要求: 1.活动对象:一二年级在校学生(专升本学生除外) 2.活动时间:从2014年3月10日至2014年6月6日,每周一 至五早上6:30至7:30。 3.下沙校区晨跑路线:从学校正门东侧小门开始,向东至红绿灯 路口,然后向北至下一个红绿灯路口,再向西至学校北门结束。 从北门返回进入校园,不得原路返回。(具体线路见图示)仓前校区晨跑路线食堂东侧向西至内河东侧,向北至西环路,再向西至田径场北口经田径场西面,到田径场东侧结束。 4.晨跑要求: 1)学生必须持一卡通先在校正门口东侧刷卡计时,至校北门刷卡计时,在规定时间完成,否则不计次数。每周跑2次,不得有冒名顶替、骑自行车、抄近路,一旦发现上报学校教务处、学生处,按学校有关规定予以纪律处分。 2)值班教师要加强对晨跑的巡查管理,所有值班教师、学生应佩戴好胸牌,以便学生的监督。认真做好晨跑活动的宣传工作,

具有服务意识,为学生晨跑提供必要的技术保障。 5.奖惩办法:各学院晨跑时间按照公共体育部排定时间执行,以免单位时间内人数过多,在保证每周2次的基础上,鼓励学生经常参加锻炼,鼓励学生多跑,并予以奖励。未按规定达到次数的,体育课平时成绩中的10分按0分计,并在大三、大四期间进行补跑。超过规定次数的50%,体育课总分加3分,超过100%,体育课总分加5分。 6.丢卡补卡:下沙校区持一卡通至D楼517开通,仓前校区:持卡至田径场看台下130室开通。 7.请假制度:保健课学生不用参加晨跑,但要进行力所能及的体育活动。因身体原因长期(一个月以上,两个月以内)不能参加晨跑的要凭校医务室证明,下沙到D楼517,仓前到看台下公体办公室办理免跑手续,扣除相应周数的晨跑。 8.其他:古荡湾校区、玉皇山校区的晨跑活动由所在学院自行安排,具体要求按各学院相关规定执行,公共体育部将进行不定期的检查。 9.联系方式:28861691,韩老师 附表:各学院晨跑安排表 杭州师范大学体育运动委员会 杭州师范大学学生发展与服务部 体育与健康学院公共体育部


一、判断题 第1题:C语言是一种结构化程序设计语言。参考答案:对 第2题:函数调用可以作为独立的语句存在参考答案:对 第3题:在C语言中使用位段时,一个位段可以在不同的存储单元中。错 第4题:在switch语句中,case后可不加“{、}”。参考答案:对 第5题:在标准C中,while后表达式只能是逻辑或关系表达式。错 第6题:在C语言中,定义结构体变量时可以省略关健字struct。错 第7题:在标准C中并不区分英文字符的大小写。参考答案:错 第8题:二进制文件打开后可以先读文件的末尾,而顺序文件不可以对 第9题:单目运算符++的运算对象可以是char型变量和int型变量,但不能是float 型变量参考答案:对 第10题:“--”运算符的优先级比“-”运算符的优先级低。参考答案:错 二、单选题选择正确的答案输入 第1题:若有以下说明: int w[3][4]={{0,1},{2,4},{5,8}}; int(*p)[4]=w; 则数值为4的数组元素的表达式是 参考答案:D A、*w[1]+1 B、p++,*(p+1) C、w[2][2] D、p[1][1] 第2题:若有说明:int i,j=7,*p=&i;,则与i=j;等价的语句是 参考答案:B A、i= *p; B、*p=*&j; C、i=&j; D、i=* *p; 第3题:设i是int型变量,f是float型变量,为了把100和765.12分别给i和f,用下面的语句:scanf("i=%d,f=%f",&i,&f);正确的输入是 参考答案:B A、100<空格>765.12<回车> B、i=100,f=765.12<回车> C、100<回车>765.12<回车> D、x=100<回车>,y=765.12<回车> 第4题:若fp是指向某文件的指针,且已读到该文件的末尾,则C语言函数feof(fp)的返回值是 参考答案:B A、EOF B、1 C、非零值 D、NULL 第5题:以下程序的输出结果是 main()


杭州师范大学理学院2011-2012学年第二学期期末考试 《大学物理B 》试卷(A ) 一、单一选择题(每题3分,共18分) 1、升降机内地板上放有物体A ,其上再放另一物体B ,二者的质量分 别为A M 、B M 。当升降机以加速度a 向下加速运动时(a,KB KA E E > (B) B A L L =,KB KA E E < (C) B A L L =,KB KA E E > (D) B A L L <,K B KA E E < 3、 均匀细棒OA 可绕通过其一端O 而与棒垂直的水平固定光滑轴转动,如图所示.今使棒从水平位置由静止开始自由下落,在棒摆动到竖直位置的过程中,下述说法哪一种是正确的? ( A )。 (A) 角速度从小到大,角加速度从大到小 (B) 角速度从小到大,角加速度从小到大 (C) 角速度从大到小,角加速度从大到小 (D) 角速度从大到小,角加速度从小到大 4、下面对温度的说法不正确的是( B )。

(A) 温度是描述热力学系统平衡态的一个物理量 (B) 温度不但可以描述大量分子的集体状态,对单个分子来谈论温度也是很有意义的 (C) 温度是分子平均平动动能的量度 (D) 温度是分子热运动的反映 5、高斯定理表明,穿过闭合曲面的电通量只和闭合曲面的净电荷有 关。对于图中所示(真空)的情况,穿过闭合曲面S 的电通量为( D )(A)0/3εq (B)0/εq - (C)0/4εq (D)0/εq 6、下列说法正确的是( A ) (A)内力可以改变体系的动能,但不可以改变体系的动量 (B)物体的温度越高,则热量越多 (C)以点电荷为中心,半径为r 的球面上,其电场强度E ρ 处处一样 (D)如果通过闭合曲面S 上的电通量e Φ为零,则闭合曲面内必没有静电荷 二、填空题(每空格2分,共22分) 1、按玻尔模型,氢原子处于基态时,它的电子围绕原子核做圆周运动。若电子的速率为s m /102.26 ?,离核的距离为m 10 1053.0-?。则电子绕核运动的 角速度为_________,向心加速度为_________。 (答案:s rad /1015.416 ?,2 22 /1098.9s m ?) 2、 自动步枪连发时每分钟射出120发子弹,每发子弹的质量为90.7g ,出口速率为s m /735,则射击时(以每分钟计),枪托对肩部的平均压力为 。(答案:N 6.11) 3、一根长为l ,质量为M 的均匀直棒,其一端挂在一个水平光滑轴上而静止在竖直位置。今有一子弹,质量m ,以水平速率0v 射入棒 的下端而不复出。设碰撞时间极短,则碰撞瞬间的前后,其 守恒(填写“动量”或“角动量”)。棒子和子弹开始一起运动的角速度为 。 (答案:角动量, l M m mv )3(30 += ω) 得分 +q +2q -q +2q S


2018届毕业生教务管理系统毕业和学位预审核操作流程 一、毕业预审核 “毕业生管理”—>鼠标左健单击“毕业资格审核”。在“毕业年份”中选择“2018”,在“教学计划号”下拉菜单中选择审核的专业。条件1打钩(教务处已设置好),每类课程性质达到教学计划专业毕业学分要求;条件8打钩(通过本条件审核非主修专业选修课学分要求),在“条件8”后面框中务必把专业必修课、专业选修课、专业任选课和专业限选课四类课程性质都选上,在“学分”后面框中输入培养方案中要求的专业必修课、专业选修课和非主修专业选修课学分之和;条件9打钩,输入培养方案中要求的教育(师范)类学分(非师范输0学分)和输入培养方案中要求的艺术鉴赏类学分;条件10打钩,输入培养方案中要求的毕业总学分,在“各性质学分要求”后的选择框分别选择“公共必修课”并输入培养方案毕业要求的共必修课学分、选择“专业必修课”并输入培养方案毕业要求的专业必修课学分、选择“公共限选课”并输入培养方案毕业要求的公共限选课学分(师范生含教育(师范)类学分)、选择“公共任选课”并输入培养方案毕业要求的公共任选课学分、选择“专业选修课”并输入培养方案毕业要求的专业选修课学分(主修专业选修课和非主修专业选修课);条件16打钩(教务处已设置好),模块课程必须达到毕业要求;条件23打钩(教务处已设置好),体育项目必须达到毕业要求。在“审核范围”选择“专业”,在窗口下方“年级”下拉菜单中选择毕业生的入学年份,“专业”下拉菜单中选择审核的“专业”,“班级”下拉菜单中选择审核的班级,左健点击“保存审核条件”,左健点击窗口右下角“开始审核”。完成毕业预审核后,在“毕业审核信息”窗口显示审核结果,在窗口任何一处单击右健,—>查询—>单击“毕业审核报表输出”,在“班级名称”栏中选择班级,点击“x输出”,按班级将审核结果输出到Excel。根据输出结果,结合培养方案毕业要求,可以得出毕业预审核的结果。


一、填空(共20分,每空格5分) 1.设221,0()(1),0x x f x x x ?-≥=?-


杭州师范大学学术期刊定级标准 为使我校科研管理工作进一步规范化、标准化,在参照浙江大学2005年版和2008年版期刊定级标准的基础上,结合我校实际,制定以下学术期刊定级标准。 一、全部学术期刊按其学术档次及学术影响力共分为三级:一级为权威学术期刊;二级为重要学术期刊;三级为一般学术期刊。 (一)一级:分A档、B档和C档 A档的学术期刊为: 《中国社会科学》、《中国社会科学文摘》、《新华文摘》、《中国语文》、《历史研究》、《哲学研究》、《经济研究》、《法学研究》、《社会学研究》、《政治学研究》、《教育研究》、《外语教学与研究》、《外国文学评论》、《文史》、《中国音乐学》、《体育科学》、《美术研究》、《马克思主义研究》、《文学评论》、《心理学报》、《管理世界》、《中国出版》、《新闻与传播研究》、《中国图书馆学报》、《中国科学》、《科学通报》、《数学学报》、《物理学报》、《化学学报》、《动物学报》、《计算机学报》、《中华医学杂志》、《生理学报》、《环境科学学报》、《高分子学报》以及列入《SCI》(科学引文索引核心版)、《SSCI》(社会科学引文索引)、《AHCI》(艺术人文引文索引)当年统计源的国际学术期刊。 B档的学术期刊为: 在附件一中没有标出“*”符号的为一级期刊B档以及列入《SCI》(科学引文索引扩展版)当年统计源的国际学术期刊。 C档的学术期刊为: 见附件一中列出的“国内学报级一级学术期刊(C档)名录”以及列入《EI》(工程索引)当年统计源的国际学术期刊。被IM收录的论文也视同国内一级期刊(C档)论文。 (二)二级:重要学术期刊 1.列入当年中国科技期刊统计源期刊; 2.见附件一中列出的“国内二级学术期刊名录”;

各 - 杭州师范大学教务管理系统

杭州师范大学 等 级 考 试 手 册

关于加强等级考试管理的办法 随着教学改革的的不断深入,各级各类等级考试规模越来越大,为适应新时期经济社会发展对人才培养的需要,进一步提高我校学生大学英语、计算机和普通话等各级各类等级考试的整体水平,更好地组织学生,服务学生,规范各级各类等级考试,结合我校实际,特制定如下办法。 一、成立各级各类等级考试工作小组。由分管校长担任主考,教务副处长、外国语学院分管教学的副院长担任副主考,教务处教务科人员担任工作小组人员,教务处全体人员担任考务工作。 二、教务处组织报名、考场安排、考试实施、成绩公布、证书发放等工作。教务处严格按照省教育考试院的要求组织学生网上报名,规范设置考场,认真编排监考教师,严密组织考试,为考生创造良好的考试环境。 三、严格网上报名管理。教务处根据省教育考试院的要求,及时公布网上报名时间,学院教务科按照教务处的报名通知要求,务必通知到每一位有资格报名的学生。学生认真学习《等级考试手册》,严格按照学校规定的时间和《等级考试手册》上的流程进行报名,不要报错考试级别,报名结束后不退报,不改报,也不得补报。凡是按照报名程序上网登陆提交信息之后,就认定为报名完成,每位考生都应交纳报名费。 四、加强考生管理。学生自新生报到后由学校发给《等级考试手册》。根据省教育考试院的精神,每一位参加等级考试的学生务必签署《诚信考试承诺书》。考生自拿到等级考试手册时,签署诚信考试承诺书,以班级为单位交到学院教务科保存至毕业。

五、加强考务管理和监考队伍建设。考务工作人员一定要有强力的责任心,细心、耐心和全心地做好考试的各项工作,检查并指导监考教师监考。各学院要加强监考队伍建设,按本学院学生报名人数选派工作能力强、经验丰富、具有较强责任心的教师担任监考。各监考教师认真接受教务处的考前培训,未经教务处同意不得随意换人顶替。实行回避制度,监考教师监考时遇到有亲戚参加考试时应请示教务处考务人员做好调整工作,主动予以回避。 六、严格考试管理。要加强对考试过程的管理,监考教师在考试过程中认真履行职责,严格执行《杭州师范大学考场规则》,严格管理、规范要求,维护正常的考试秩序,对违反考试纪律者,应按照《杭州师范大学课程考核违纪作弊及处理办法》的要求及时处理。 本规定从2009年9月开始执行。本规定解释权在教务处。 杭州师范大学教务处 2009年9月


杭州师范大学教务处文件 杭师大教…2010?47号 关于做好2009-2010学年学生Ⅱ类学分 申报与审核工作的通知 各学院: 根据《杭州师范大学本科专业培养方案Ⅱ类学分管理办法》(杭师大[2008]156号)文件规定,本科学生完成培养方案所规定的Ⅰ类学分外,还必须参加课堂外的各类实践训练活动获得至少8学分的Ⅱ类学分方可毕业。Ⅱ类学分的内容主要包括专业见习、服务性学习、开放性实验(实训)、学科竞赛、学术成果、创新获奖、职业资格证书认定、科研训练(不含毕业设计、论文)及团委等部门组织的社会实践活动等。 根据2008-2009学年各年级学生Ⅱ类学分的申报与审核及2010届学生毕业审核情况,现就2009-2010学年各年级学生Ⅱ类学分的申报与审核及2011届学生的毕业审核要求做如下说明: 一、Ⅱ类学分认定领导小组 学院应充分重视学生Ⅱ类学分的组织与管理工作,成立Ⅱ类学分认定领导小组,负责制定学院的Ⅱ类学分审核认定的实施细则,做好宣传与发动工作,组织学生申报Ⅱ类学分,

并做好学分的认定审核工作。各学院填写《学院Ⅱ类学分认定领导小组名单》(附件1),于9月8日(周三)前报送教务处实践教学科。 二、学院Ⅱ类学分管理实施细则 各学院已根据《杭州师范大学本科专业培养方案Ⅱ类学分管理办法》(杭师大[2008]156号)制定实施细则,对Ⅱ类学分各个类别的审核要求进行细化,修改好的《实施细则》,请于9月21日(周二)前将修改好的实施细则电子稿发送至教务处实践教学科邮箱 jwc-sjjxk@https://www.360docs.net/doc/a23659879.html, 。 三、各年级学生Ⅱ类学分申报与审核流程 1.本次审核2009-2010学年期间学生所获得的Ⅱ类学分,时间范围为2009年9月1日至2010年8月31日。 2.专业见习和服务性学习。由学院教务科根据实施计划、实际完成、成绩评定等情况进行审核。 3.开放性实验(实训)。由立项项目负责人根据学生在项目实施过程中的参与情况及取得的效果(评定成绩)进行审核。 4.学科竞赛、学术成果、创新获奖。由学院Ⅱ类学分认定领导小组负责,获奖或成果根据学生提供的获奖证书、正式刊物、专利证书进行审核;学科竞赛培训、长短期运动队集训、理论学习型和学术科技型社团活动等根据相关管理部门提供的活动计划、参与学生名单及考核情况进行审核。 5.职业资格证书。由学院Ⅱ类学分认定领导小组根据学生提供的职业资格证书进行审核。 6.科研训练。学年论文由学院教务科根据实施计划、选题及完成情况进行审核,挑战杯或学生科研项目由学生科研工作联系人根据立项与结题情况进行审核。


2017年杭州师范大学333教育综合试题 一、名词解释(6小题,每小题5分,共30分) 1. 班级授课制 2. 爱弥尔 3. 综合课程 4. 教育目的 5. 学习定势 6. 形式教育论和实质教育论 二、简答题(4小题,每小题10分,共40分) 1. 如何正确看待学校教育中的惩罚? 2. 简述古希腊雅典教育的特点。 3. 简述启发性教学原则。 4. 简述《白鹿洞书院揭示》及书院教育宗旨。 三、分析论述题(4小题,每小题20分,共80分) 1. 教师的特殊性表现在哪些方面?针对特殊性应对教师有什么要求? 2. 创造性与智力并非简单的线性关系,分析两者的关系,结合实际说说应如何培养学生的创造性? 3. 论述赫尔巴特教育学思想的心理学基础。 4. 论述陈鹤琴的儿童教育理论。 2016年杭州师范大学333教育综合试题 一、名词解释(6小题,每小题5分,共30分) 1、《民主主义与教育》 2、班级授课制 3、美育 4、隐性课程 5、思维定势 6、教师专业发展 二、简答题(4小题,每小题10分,共40分) 1、简述德育过程的平行教育原则? 2、简述斯腾伯格成功智力理论。 3、简述宋元时期蒙学教材种类、特点。 4、简述英国《1944年教育法》。 三、分析论述题(4小题,每小题20分,共80分)

1、在新课程背景下,教师应该有哪些课程观? 2、试述元认知对学习策略影响与意义。 3、“六三三制”改革前后对我国中小学教育的影响,有什么优缺点,对我国教育改革有何启示。 4、评述马克思和恩格斯人的全面发展理论和教育要与劳动生产相结合思想。

2015年杭州师范大学333教育综合试题 一、名词解释(每题5分,共30分) 1.学校教育 2.教育目的的个人本位论 3.德育 4.校本课程 5.最近发展区 6.教学评价 二、简答题(每题10分,共40分) 1.如何理解教育的相对独立性?认识教育的相对独立性有何意义? 2.简述班杜拉的观察学习理论及其教育应用。 3.简析颜元的“习行”教学法。 4.简析帕克赫斯特的道尔顿制。 三、分析论述题(每题20分,共80分) 1.如何理解教师职业是一种需要人文精神的专业性职业?其专业性表现在哪里?其人文精神又表现在哪里? 2.接受学习和发现学习各有何特点?应当怎样处理二者的关系。 3.试述蔡元培关于“养成共和国民健全之人格”的思想,分析它对民国初年的教育方针制定及对学制改革的影响。 4.试论述夸美纽斯在西方教育史上的贡献。
