



Passage 1

Many students want to know about the differences between American English and British English. How did these differences come about? There is no quick answer to this question. At first the language in Britain and American was the same. In 1776 American became an independent country. After that, the language slowly began to change. For a long time the language in America stayed the same, while the language in England changed. For example, 300 years ago the English talk ed about “fall”. Today, most British people talk about “autumn”, but Americans still talk about “fall”. In the same way Americans still use the expression “I guess” (meaning “I think”), just as the British did 300 years ago.

At the same time, British English and American English started borrowing words from other languages, ending up with different words. For example, the British took “typhoon” from Chinese, while the American took “tornado” from Spanish.

In 1828 Noah Webster published the first American dictionary. He wanted to make American English different from British English, so he changed the spelling of many words. That’s why the words colour, centre and traveller are spelt color, center and traveler in American English. Except for these differences in spelling, written English is more or less the same in both British and American English. The differences are greater in the spoken language. However, most of the time people from the two countries do not have any difficulty in understanding each other.

1.America stopped being a part of England in ________.

A. 1707

B. 1828

C. 1776

D. 1911

2.Which of the following statements is true?

A. After 1776 American English and British English stayed the same.

B. After 1776 American English changed but British English stayed the


C. After 1776 British English changed but American English stayed the


D. After 1776 both British English and American English changed.

3.B ritish English is different from American English because ______.

A. British decided to change the spelling of many American words.

B. American English changed but British English stayed the same.

C. the American and British took different words from other languages.

D. America is a bigger country.

4.Noah Webster was ______.

A. an American president

B. a Spanish farmer

C. a British teacher

D. an American writer

5.Which of the following statements is true?

A.In the future both American English and British English will stay the


B. In the future American English will change but British English will not.

C. In the future British English will change but American English will not.

D. In the future both British English and American English will change

Passage 2

Keep to the right. When they are walking on sidewalks, in hallways, or on stairways, in two opposite directions, Americans stay on the right side. This enables them to pass each other without physical contact and to go as quickly as possible.

Line up and wait your turn. When they are in the situations where a group of people want attention or service from someone, Americans line up. In the bank or at the theater box office, the latest person to arrive will step to the end of the line and patiently wait their turn. This behavior shows that all people are equal, in the sense that no one has the privilege of going directly to the front of a line. It also shows they do not like touching, which is much less likely to happen in a line than in a crowd to get service.

First-come, first-served. Related to the “line up” rule is the first-come, first-served rule. Usually, people think that the person who arrives first gets attention first. Alternative ideas, such as giving priority to older people or richer ones or females, do not normally occur to equal-minded Americans.

Don’t block the traffic. Generally, Americans give priority to people who are moving rather than to those who are staying. A person who is in a moving crowd and who wishes to stop or to go more slowly than others is expected to move to the side or otherwise get out of the way of those who are continuing to move. It is considered inconsiderate to block people’s path.

In recent years an anti-smoking movement has made considerable headway in the United States. Some states and localities have prohibited smoking in certain public places. Large numbers of American smokers have discontinued doing so, and campaigns in the public schools are aimed at discouraging young people from taking up the habit. People who do smoke are likely to postpone having a cigarette until they are in a situation where they can smoke without “polluting” the air around non-smokers.

1. Which of the following can be inferred from Americans’ keeping to the right?

A.Americans dislike body touching

B.Americans love to make great progress in every field.

C.Most Americans are right-handed.

D.We can always find Americans walking in two different directions.

2. The behavior of lining up shows that Americans ______.

A.are patient except when they are in a hurry

B.are of the opinion that all people have equal rights

C.are not accustomed to a large population

D.need better service

3. Which of the following statements is true according to the text?

A.Americans often let old people be served first.

B.“Line up” rule is closely related to “keep to the right” rule.

C.If a person arrives first, he will get attention first.

D.Americans like to be served first.

4. From the text we know that Americans ______.

A.expect others to move to the side

B.often avoid blocking other people’s path

C.give way to the people who are standing instead of the people who are moving

D.fail to consider other people’s feelings

5. According to the text, campaigns in public schools are aimed at ______.

A.prohibiting young people from smoking

B.punishing young people for smoking when they are in non-smoking areas.

C.discouraging young people from smoking in public places

D.discouraging young people from establishing the habit of smoking

Passage 3

Your body works 24 hours a day. It’s always building and repairing, feeding and cleansing itself. Its goal is to be ready for your every movement, breath, and thought. The quality of your life depends on how well your body works. And how well your body works depends on how much energy it gets. Energy comes from the food you eat. Food contains nutrients that your body needs for growth and energy.

By eating a balanced diet, your body gets the six essential nutrients it needs. Minerals are nutrients that build bones and teeth. Minerals also form red blood cells and other substances. Water aids digestion and waste removal. Carbohydrates give your body its main source of energy. Two carbohydrates are sugars from foods such as fruits and vegetables and starches found in rice, potatoes, and bread. Fats help build cell membranes. Proteins repair and grow body tissues. Finally, vitamins help your body use carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has created a nutritional food pyramid. It shows the daily number of servings you should eat from five food groups. The food pyramid has four levels. The base of the pyramid is the largest level. It contains the bread, cereal, rice, and pasta group from which you need six to eleven servings. The next level has two food groups: vegetables and fruits. The USDA recommends three to five servings of vegetables and two to four servings of fruit. The third level also has two groups: the milk, yogurt, and cheese group and the meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs, and nuts group. You need two to three servings from each of these groups. The top of the pyramid is the smallest level. It contains fats, oils, and sweets. These foods have few nutrients, so eat them sparingly.

1.The title for this passage is________.

A.What You Need to Know About Fats

B.An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

C.Water: An Essential Nutrient

D.Eating for Life and Health

2.A balanced diet_________.

A. consists of foods from five food groups

B. includes many foods containing fat

C. includes six to eleven servings of fruit

D. can be obtained by taking vitamins

3. The first paragraph suggests that food__________.

A.is something that cleanses your body.

B.can improve the quality of your life.

C.should be eaten at night as well as during the day.

D.will make it easier for you to exercise.

4.To help the reader identify the six nutrients needed by the body, the author________.

A.describes the five basic food groups.

B.explains what a balanced diet is

C.writes the name of each nutrient

D.tells the number of daily servings needed from each food group

5.A nutrient is_________.

A. a substance that give the body energy.

B. a type of blood cell

C. a body tissue.

D. he quality of your life

Passage 4

The United States is full of automobiles. There are still many families without cars, but some families have two or even more. However, cars are used for more than pleasure. They are necessary part of life.

Cars are used for business. They are driven to offices and factories by workers who have no other way to get to their jobs. When salesmen are sent to different parts of the city, they have to drive in order to carry their products. Farmers have to drive into the city in order to get supplies.

Sometimes small children must be driven to school. In some cities school buses are used only when children live more than a mile from the school. When the children are too young to walk that far, their mothers take turns driving them to school. One mother drives on Mondays, taking her own children and neighbors’ children as well. Another drives on Tuesdays, another on Wednesdays, and so on. This is called forming a car pool. Men also form car pools, with three or four men taking turns driving to the place where they all work.

More car pools should be formed in order to put fewer automobiles on the road and to use less gasoline. Parking is a great problem, and so is the traffic in and around cities. Too many cars are being driven. Something will have to be done about the use

of cars.

1. Many families in the U.S. own cars because ______.

A. cars are a source of pleasure for them

B. they need a car to form a car pool

C. they live more than a mile away from the school

D. cars form necessary part in their life

2. Which of the following groups is NOT mentioned though they certainly drive cars?

A. Office workers

B. Police and mail carriers

C. Salesmen and farmers

D. Factory workers

3. Paragraph 3 suggests that in the United States ______.

A. children have to walk to school

B. school buses take all the children to school

C. mothers drive children to school

D. families usually live within a mile from the school

4. “A car pool” most probably means ______.

A. a number of people sharing the use of a car

B. a place for parking cars

C. a group of tourists driving alternatively

D. a place for learning to drive

5. What is the author’s advice about the use of cars?

A. To provide larger parking spaces

B. To build better roads

C. To produce fewer automobiles

D. To form more car pools


1. The book sold more than 16 million copies.





2. She behaves very oddly at times. I don’t think she’s quite all there.





3. You are all thumbs. Let me help you move these vases.





4. I saw a black and white horse.





5. As long as we don’t lose heart, we will find a way to overcome the difficulty.

A. 我们丢失信心太长时间了,找不到克服困难的路。

B. 只要我们不失去信心,我们就会找到办法克服困难。

C. 我们走了一段很难的路,时间太久心也累了。


6. It is a pity that you missed the lecture made by Ms. Li.

A. 你怀念李老师的课了真是遗憾。

B. 李老师的课让你又怀念又羞愧。


D. 你错过了李老师的课真是遗憾。

7. You would find it different even when you make minute changes.

A. 哪怕是做出小小的改变,你也会发现不同。

B. 你会发现每一分钟它都变得不一样。

C. 你会发现在一分钟之内做出改变是很难的。

D. 即使是每一分钟都能引起不同的变化。

8. The public objected to his uncompromising behavior.

A. 公众对他的行为目标并不能妥协。

B. 公共的目标就是不要做出妥协行为。

C. 公众反对他这种不肯妥协的行为。

D. 他这种不妥协的行为是公开明确的。

9. Don't take it personally.





10. Time is always ticking in our inner ear.

A. 时间总是在我们心中滴滴嗒嗒的响着。

B. 时间总是不停歇。

C. 时间总是忙个不停。

D. 时间总是在耳朵里走个不停。

11. The US is definitely a telephone country.

A. 美国无疑是个电话王国。

B. 美国人都喜欢用电话。

C. 联合国决定推广电话。

D. 联合国一直使用电话设备。

12. Telephone saves the feet and endless amounts of time.

A. 电话不仅能免去走路之劳,还能节省大量时间。

B. 电话不能停止脚步,时间一去不复返。

C. 电话应该移动着使用,节约时间。

D. 电话能够节省劳动,节省时间。

13.The manager came in person to make sure that everything was all right.

A. 经理带领一个人来查明一切都没有问题。

B. 经理亲自查明一切都没有问题。

C. 经理带领一群人来查明一切都没有问题。

D. 经理亲自确信东西都向右面。

14. Fortunately there was a hospital nearby and we took him there at once.

A. 幸运的是,我们一到附近的医院他就来了。

B. 幸好附近有家医院,我们立即把他送到了那里。

C. 幸好附近有家医院,我们以前把他送到了那里。

D. 幸好附近有家医院,我们有一次把他送到了那里。

15. We often find it much more difficult to apply a rule than to know it.

A. 我们常常发现申请一项政策比了解它要难多了。

B. 我们常常发现懂得一个规律比运用它要难多了。

C. 我们常常发现运用一个规律比懂得它要难多了。

D. 尽管掌握一个法规很难,但我们最终还是理解了它。


1. Though how the English language came into existence remains a mystery to many people, linguists believe that English and most other European languages have descended from a common source: the Indo-European parent language. English was first spoken by the Anglo-Saxon who invaded England in the fifth century. They passed onto us the basic vocabulary of English. In over fifteen centuries of its

development, English has enriched itself by massive borrowing. As British immigrants landed in America and established the United States as an independent nation, a new variety was added to the English language: American English. Though some people worry that the language is running out of control, many native speakers of English take pride in the tolerance of their language.

2. Friendship is one of the most important relationships in our lives. Over the course of your career, you are sure to make many friends. Facts have proved that people who have friends tend to lead a richer and longer life than those without. We expect a close friendship to last. So, when you feel a friend has hurt you, you may just as well sit down with that friend and talk about why you feel hurt. Talk about what has happened—not in anger, but as calmly as you can. By so doing you are likely to fix a nearly broken friendship.


1. 因特网在继电话之后已成为人们生活的又一重要组成部分。消费者使用因特网进行在线购物和投资。大多数消费者使用信用卡在线购物付款。其它电子支付系统,有时被称为“数字货币”或“e现金”现在也十分普遍。这些支付系统的目标就是使得购物更加简便。比如说“储值卡”能够把现金的价值转入卡内,这张卡在公交系统、各大高校、加油站和预付话费中广泛应用。

2. 中国将进一步发展经济、扩大开放,这对海外企业(enterprises)意味着更多的商机。改革开放以来,中国企业与海外企业一直积极开展经济技术合作,并取得了巨大成就。海外企业不仅帮助了中国企业的成长,而且也在合作中获得了收益。中国政府将继续提供有利的政策和条件,推动中国企业与国外企业进一步开展合作。


作文题目1:My View on Part-time Jobs

Directions: For this part, you will write a short passage entitled My View on Part-time Jobs. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below.

1. 有人认为大学生可以利用业余时间做些兼职工作,因为这样可以了解社会并且积累工作经验等

2. 有人认为大学生兼职有很多弊端,例如:影响学习等

3. 你的看法

作文题目2:Online Shopping

Directions: For this part, you will write a short passage entitled Online Shopping. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below.

1. 网络购物越来越流行

2. 人们喜欢网络购物的原因

3. 网络购物是否会替代实体店购物


大学英语(四)---非毕业班 I.词语填空15% II.单选(四选一)20% III. 阅读理解30% IV.完形填空20% V.作文15% Part I Understanding the Words Directions: Complete each of the following sentences with an appropriate phrase from the list given. Change the form if necessary.(请做在答题卷上) drop out be bound to let’s face it follow one’s lead go too far take the place of have a fit you name it measure up to look up to 1) Don’t lie to him. He ________________ find out about it. 2) The mine-workers went on strike, and the railroad unions threatened to _______________. 3) It is all very well to be frugal (节约), but he _________________. 4) He told us that he would _______________ his father in the company for a while. 5) I haven’t seen that student of mine for some time; do you think she’s ________________? 6) Your mother would ______________ if she knew you were here. 7) These products _________________ the national standards. 8) When we were young, we were taught to ____________________ the police. 9) ______________, we won’t win whatever we do. 10) My father can make anything: chairs, tables, cupboards — _________________. Part II Vocabulary and Structure Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence and write down the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 1. His effort of decades began to ________. He came to be well-known for his findings. A) pay off B) die off C) put off D) break off 2. Long ________ to harmful pollutants is most likely to lead to a decline in health. A) contact B) touch C) use D) exposure 3. The new machine can be ________ to the needs of all customers. A) adapted B) adopted C) abused D) addicted 4. The report ________ the local government of hiding the facts and misleading the public. A) accused B) abused C) advertised D) activated 5. On the whole, ambitious students are more ________ to succeed in their studies than are those with little ambition. A) possible B) likely C) capable D) probable


实用文档 文案大全 大学英语四级 复习资料 Mr.Cp

滴水渐累成沧海,拳石频移成泰山祝大家顺利过级 目录 第一部分.听力部分 (2) 第二部分.最新英语四级高频词汇 (23) 第三部分.四级阅读笔记 (31) 第四部分.完形填空做题技巧 (36) 第五部分.翻译经典练习 (38) . 第六部分.写作七类精彩句型 (40) 第七部分.写作必备模板和句型 (42) 第八部分.综合技能训练 (45) 第九部分.作文训练 (73) 第十部分.英语谚语警句 (85) 资料说明:本复习资料非教材用书。复习资料主要收集了四级听力、阅读、词汇、作文等一些英语四级相关的技巧、方法和内容,主要提供给有需要考四级的同学自己复习所用。 1

滴水渐累成沧海,拳石频移成泰山祝大家顺利过级 第一部分.听力部分 一、听力内容 1.Section A 对话 短对话 (5分02秒) 8个对话: 4分12秒 长对话 (5分58秒) Conversation 1 (4 questions):对话内容(1分45秒)+问题(1分25秒)Conversation 2 (3 questions):对话内容(1分45秒)+问题(1分02秒) 2.Section B 短文(10分05秒) Directions: 35秒 Passage 1 (3 questions):文章内容(1分25秒)+问题(1分10秒) Passage 2 (3 questions):文章内容(2分25秒)+问题(1分10秒) Passage 3 (4 questions):文章内容(1分45秒)+问题(1分55秒) 3.Section C 复合式听写 (11分20秒) Directions: 45秒 第一遍: 2分10秒 第二遍:第一句停顿:1分05秒 第二句停顿:1分35秒 第三句停顿:1分15秒 第三遍:2分10秒 (以上时间根据文章内容会有所变化) 二、听力技巧 四级听力一直困扰着我们每一位考生,听不懂磁带中的内容是什么,不知道该如何选择,而听力在英语四级考试中又占很大一部分比重,掌握好英语四级听力技巧才能快速提高英语成绩,以下总结出几点有关英语四级听力技巧。 听力技巧一:学会取舍,理解内容 听力考试中最忌讳的就是词词计较,力求听懂所有词。其实,听懂所有词首先没必要,其次也不可能。我们在日常生活中听中文时,无论听什么,注意力都不会在每一个字或词上面,而是对文段或对话内容的整体的理解上。何况我们听的是英文,在英文句子中,对不同的词本身就有弱读和重读。 听力技巧二:扫视材料,预测内容 当广播中朗读听力要求时,我们要充分利用这个时间,迅速扫视书面文字中的题干及选项,通过扫视联系上下文,有根据地预测文段发生的时间、场所、人物,并预测出谈话的大致内容。并且,在扫视中我们对提出的问题尤其要注意。这样做的结果是听录音时我们可以有的放矢,做到有备而来,心中有数。 听力技巧三:注重首句,抓住主旨 在听长文段时,由于信息多,而且听力不同于阅读,朗读速度非常快,需要我们快速做出反应,所以在听的时候就更应当注意主旨大意。在阅读中我们知道作者一般会在首句或首 2


《大学英语四》(重修)练习五 Part I.Reading Comprehension Directions:There are two passages in this part.Each passage is followed by5questions,with four choices given for each question.Please decide on the best choice. Passage1 On October12,1989,some Chinese scientists were working at the computers to look for the information they needed.Suddenly they saw a lot of very bright spots crossing the computer’s screens.At the same moment the computers were working much slower.To find out what was happening they stopped their work to look over some parts of the computers.To their surprise, they found out that most of their stored information was got rid of by computer viruses(病毒)!It’s clear that all these computers had been infected(传染)by computer viruses. It is said that the computer viruses were made by a group of young men interested in playing tricks.They all had a lot of computer knowledge.They made the viruses just to show their cleverness.This kind of computer viruses is named Jerusalem Viruses.These viruses can stay in computer for a long time.When the time comes they will hit the computers by lowering the functions,breaking their usual programs or even getting rid of all the information. We now come to know that Jerusalem Viruses often hit computers on Friday and that they are visiting a lot of computers.Among the countries that had computer viruses last year are Britain, Australia,Switzerland and the US.But till now,how to get rid of the terrible viruses is still a problem. 1.On October12,1989,some Chinese scientists operated the computers to_____. A.repair some parts of them B.get rid of the very bright spots C.look for Jerusalem Viruses D.look for what they wanted 2.The group of young men made the viruses to. A.break all the computers B.tell people they hated computers C.show they were clever D.get more knowledge about computers 3.Which of the following is the most serious result by the viruses? A.The computer’s functions are lowered. B.The usual programs are got rid of. C.Some parts of the computer are broken. D.All the information in the computer is missing. 4.When a computer is infected with the viruses,it will. A.stop working B.no longer be useful C.not work as usual D.not keep the information for long 5.According to the passage,computer viruses seem to be.


plete 指完成一件指派或预定的任务,或完 善、完整未完成的部分 gain 指需要做出比 obtain 更大的努力,往往指通过竞争获得某些有价值的东西obtain 指经过努力或付出代价或经过很长时间儿得到所需要的东西end 指一个动作或一件事情的结束或终止 finish 指把一件事或一个动作做完,强调 事情的了结、终止 7、4 、 accurate , correct , delicate , exact,precise 都含有一定的"正确,精确" 之意 acknowledge,admit,concede,confess,rec ognize 都含有一定的"承认"之意acknowledge 着重”公开承认”,常用来指过去曾隐瞒或否认的事accurate 准确的,精确的,指某人或某事 不仅不出错,而且与事实无出入,强调准 确性 admit 是指在压力下不得不承认已经证实或难以否认的事实,招供(事实,错误等)concede(不情愿地)承认,(在结果确定前)承认失败correct 正确的,指某人或某事合乎事实或 公认的标准或规则,没有错误 delicate 精美、精细的、雅致的 exact 确切的、精确的,语气较 accurate 强, 指某人或某事数量或质量完全符合事实或 标准,而且在细致末节上也丝毫不差 precise 精密的,指具有高度的精确性和准 确性,强调范围界限的鲜明性或细节的精密, 有时略带"吹毛求疵"的贬义 confess 着重承认自己的过错或罪恶recognize 指正式承认主权、权利等8、affirm,assert,allege,claim 都含有一定的"宣称,断言"之意affirm 断言,肯定,指根据事实坚定不移地宣称,有无可争辩之意assert 宣称,坚持,指不管事实如何,主观自信地宣称5、accuse,charge,indict 都含有一定的 "指控,控告"之意 allege 宣称,断定,指在无真实根据情况下宣称,硬说accuseaccusesb.ofdoingsth. 为 … 指 责 某 人,控告某人 claim 声称,主张,往往表示说话者反对或不同意某一观点chargechargesb.withdoingsth. 指 控 某 人… 英语四级温习资料 2(2006-12-1116:02:10)分类:大学英语四六级温习资料征服大学英语四级考试(阅读篇)(一)存在问题6、achieve,acquire,attain,gain,obtain 都含有一定的"获得,达到"之意 achieve 强调由于极大的努力,克服困难后 达到目标 第一,读不懂acquire 指经过不懈努力才获得的技术,知 识等抽象的东西,也指养成习惯等 attain 正式用语,指经过艰苦努力才使人达 到完美境地所谓读不懂,就是考生拿过文章,满头雾水,即使硬着头皮读文章,也是一知半解。然后匆忙做体,仅凭感觉去蒙,因此做体准确率必然不高。


第一单元: 1.No matter how experienced a speaker you are ,an how well youhave prepared your speech ,you will have difficulty making a speech at such a noisy reception.(无论你是多么富有经验的…) 2.Just as all his sister’s friends cared about him,jimmy cared about them.(吉米..) 3.Car manufacturers stamp a vehicle identification number at several palces on new cars to help track down stolen vehicles(汽车生产商…). 4. If you dare tell on me when the teacher gets back I won’t say a word to you any more.(老师要告状…) 5. Some elderly people prefer to live on their own while the great majority choose to live with their children.(有些老年人独自…) 6. Here is something that needs to be reckoned with: how to get the necessary finances to establish the company.(现在需要面对的是…如何筹建..) 第二单元: . The defendant, a woman of only 30, kept insisting on her own innocence(被告是年仅30…). 2. All tings considered, dates, beans and some leafy green vegetables are the best sources of iron (总体来看..枣,豆类..). 3. No beverages are served with meals because they interfere with digestion.(正餐时不供应..) 4. Taking the popularity of the region into consideration, it is advisable to book hotels in advance.(考虑到哪个地区受欢迎的程度…) 5. If you have a feeling of wanting to throw up after taking this drug, stop taking it immediately and consult your doctors as soon as possible.(服药后有些呕吐感…) 6. Summing up the discussion, he said both parties should consider the most effective way to solve the problem.(总结这次谈论时….) 第三单元: 1. In his thinking, as in his behavior, he is very traditional(在他的思维方面…). 2. Once the teachers agree to accept the new teaching program, they have to face the strain it puts on them.(教室一旦同意…) 3. In the long run, it is worthwhile to pursue one’s study after graduating from university instead of going to work directly.(从长远看…. ) 4. As the school operates on the Character First principle, moral values and academic achievements are stressed equally.(由于这所学校….办学宗旨…) 5. It is said that the meeting, which is scheduled to be held this month, will be put off till next month.(据说…原定于这个月…) 6. The school sees its job as preparing its students for life by cultivating a comprehensive set of principles that can benefit all of them.(这所学校把为学生….) 第四单元: 1. Everything considered, this city is the world’s most exciting city(从各方面考虑,这所城市.). 2. Though with no approval from his parents, he went ahead with his plan to study abroad.(尽管没有得到父母的同意) 3. The bridge was named after the hero who gave his life for the cause of people.(这座桥是以一位英雄…) 4. It is said that the painter used his mother as the model in the painting whose face represented suffering yet strength(画家是以他母亲为模特的..). 5. The writer instantly rose to fame in 1950 with the publication of a novel inspired by his


[url=https://www.360docs.net/doc/ba6230188.html,/readtopic.php?forumid=40&topicid=458010]最新四六级历年真题在线听力[并非幻觉][/url] [url=https://www.360docs.net/doc/ba6230188.html,/readtopic.php?forumid=40&topicid=458000]======四级重要词汇分类记忆======[yinio][/url] [url=https://www.360docs.net/doc/ba6230188.html,/readtopic.php?forumid=40&topicid=458005]===========四级阅读超精读===========[yinio][/url] [url=https://www.360docs.net/doc/ba6230188.html,/readtopic.php?forumid=40&topicid=458008]======新东方四、六级写作背诵范文选======[yinio][/url] [url=https://www.360docs.net/doc/ba6230188.html,/readtopic.php?forumid=40&topicid=453585]大学英语四、六级考试[应试篇]----请不要回帖!!![紫莜][/url] [url=[url=https://www.360docs.net/doc/ba6230188.html,/readtopic.php?forumid=40&topicid=458017]************六级常考词频(新东方老师总结)**********[紫莜][/url] [url=https://www.360docs.net/doc/ba6230188.html,/readtopic.php?forumid=40&topicid=458029]***********大学英语CET六级词汇总结***********[[紫莜][/url] [url= https://www.360docs.net/doc/ba6230188.html,/readtopic.php?forumid=40&topicid=457061]上海交大预测作文卷[cxx8108][/url] [url=https://www.360docs.net/doc/ba6230188.html,/readtopic.php?forumid=40&topicid=456044]大学英语140页[xjjxyjy] [/url] [url=https://www.360docs.net/doc/ba6230188.html,/readtopic.php?forumid=40&topicid=430147]六级综合改错题应对策略[忘海悦人][/url] [url=https://www.360docs.net/doc/ba6230188.html,/readtopic.php?forumid=40&topicid=438738] **************短期突破:王长喜六级资料[标准阅读60篇]***********[紫莜] [/url] [url=https://www.360docs.net/doc/ba6230188.html,/readtopic.php?forumid=40&topicid=422000]CET-4常考、常用短语![短期突破][/url](紫莜) [url=https://www.360docs.net/doc/ba6230188.html,/readtopic.php?forumid=40&topicid=421937]六级单词不用愁,尽在此帖中![/url](cxx8108) [url=https://www.360docs.net/doc/ba6230188.html,/readtopic.php?forumid=40&topicid=423163]【推荐】四级技巧集合[/url](叶随风) [url=https://www.360docs.net/doc/ba6230188.html,/readtopic.php?forumid=40&topicid=421992]HOT~《大学英语四级语法精要》附:EBOOK下载![/url](紫莜)


Test 2 I.词汇语法 1.. I did not to meet you here far away in this country. A) think B) see C) expect D) guess 2. I wish I could have attended the job fair yesterday, but I it. A) missed B) would miss C) miss D) will miss 3. We are so busy this week that we have to the meeting till next week. A) give away B) put off C) take over D) set out 4. It is with great pleasure I accept your offer to join the club. A) which B) whom C) who D) that 5. To fully enjoy your trip, we hope you will make a detailed plan . A) on purpose B) in reality C) by accident D) in advance 6. Do you think such a small company will be capable of this large order? A) handling B) handled C) to handle D) handle 7. Please us of your decision and we will act according to it. A) give B) inform C) take D) make 8. The company makes it possible the market information with its partners. A) share B) sharing C) to share D) shared 9. It has been unusually cold this winter and experts say it’s not . A) normal B) different C) necessary D) important 10. our great surprise, our company has made much more profit than we expected last year. A) For B) In C) With D) To 11.We have got to________ a new way to solve this problem. A) tell about B) put out C) think of D)take over 12. I agree to the idea_______ our staff should use recycled(再生的) paper to save money. A) what B)as C)which D)that 13.The Quality Control staff is responsible _________ the quality of the products that come out of the factory. A)for B)of C)with D)to 14.The new manager has greatly changed the company __________ he took over the position. A)if B)since C)although D)while 15._________ the members cooperate well, the team will keep winning games. A)As far as B)As well as C)As long as D)As soon as


大学英语四级写作资料 一、大学英语四级考试大纲(2006 修订版)对写作的要求 写作选用考生所熟悉的题材。考生根据规定的题目和所提供的提纲、情景、图片或图表等,写出一篇不少于120词的短文。写作要求是思想表达准确、意义连贯、无严重语法错误。考试时间30分钟。 写作部分要求考生用英语进行短文写作,思想表达准确、意义连贯、无重大语法错误。写作部分考核的技能是: A.思想表达 1.表达中心思想 2.表达重要或特定信息 3.表达观点、态度等 B.篇章组织 4.围绕所给的题目叙述、议论或描述,突出重点 5.连贯地组句成段,组段成篇 C.语言运用 6.运用恰当的词汇 7.运用正确的语法 8.运用合适的句子结构 9.使用正确的标点符号 10.运用衔接手段表达句间关系(如对比、原因、结果、程度、目的等) D.写作格式 11.运用正确的符合英语表达习惯的写作格式 大学英语四级考试写作部分要求考生达到《教学要求》中的一般要求,即“能完成一般性写作任务,能描述个人经历、观感、情感和发生的事件等,能写常见的应用文,能就一般性话题或提纲在半小时内写出至少120词的短文,内容基本完整,用词恰当,语意连贯。能掌握基本的写作技能。” 二、四级考试写作评分标准 (1)本题满分为15分。 (2)阅卷标准共分四等:2分、5分、8分、11分及14分。各有标准样卷1-2份。 (3)阅卷人根据阅卷标准,对照样卷评分,若认为与某一分数(如8分)相似,即定为该分数(即8分); 若认为稍优或稍劣于该分数,则可以加一分(即9分)或减一分(即7分)。但不得加或减半分。(4)评分标准 ?2分:条理不清,思路紊乱,语言支离破碎或绝大部分句子均有错误,且多数为严重错误。 ?5分:基本切题。思想表达不清楚,连贯性差。有较多的严重语法错误。 ?8分:基本切题。思想表达清楚,文章尚连贯,但语法错误较多,其中有一些是严重错误。 ?11分:切题。思想表达清楚,文字连贯,但有少量语法错误。 ?14分:切题。思想表达清楚,文字通顺,连贯性较好,基本上无语法错误。仅有个别小错误。 ?注:白卷、所写内容与题目毫不相关或只有几个孤立的词而无法表达思想,则给0分。 (5)字数不足应酌情扣分。 题目中给出主题句、起始句和结束句,均不得记入所写字数。 只写一段者:0-4分;只写两段者,0-9分(指规定三段的作文) (6)各档作文相当于百分制的得分,列表如下,称为得分率。其中9分的得分率为60分(相当于百分制的60分)。


听对话 Directions:In this section you will hear several short conversations .At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then select the corresponding letter on the web page.[题数:10;分数:10分;参考时间:4分24秒] √ [A] To go into the family business. [B] To be an architect. [C] To be more interesting. [D] To become a writer. × [A] In a bank. [B] In a bookstore. [C] In a supermarket.

[D] In a library. √ [A] Buy her some stamps. [B] Mail some packages. [C] Go to the bank. [D] Buy her some coffee and sugar. √ [A] How to get to the school. [B] How to get to the Main Street. [C] How to get to the post office. [D] How to get to the bank.


英语四级复习资料 大学英语四级考试流程 8 :50---9 :00试音时间 - 9:00---9 :10播放考场指令,发作文考卷 9:10取下耳机,开始作文考试 - 9:35发放含有快速阅读的试题册(但9:40才允许开始做) 9:40---9 :55做快速阅读 - 9:55---10 :00收答题卡一(即作文和快速阅读) 9:55---10 :00重新戴上耳机,试音寻台,准备听力考试- 10:00开始听力考试,电台开始放音- 听力结束后完成剩余考项。- 11:20全部考试结束。 - 标准分满分 710分=听力 248.5 +阅读 248.5 +综合测试 106.5 +写作106.5 。 一、 100 个高频词汇。 - 1 accelerate vt. (使)加速,增速- 【例】 accelerate the rate of economic growth - 加速经济增长- 【派】 acceleration n.加速accelerating a. 加速的- 2 account n.账户、考虑- 【考】 take sth. into account把考虑在内- 3 accustom vt.使习惯-

【考】 be accustomed to - 4 adapt vi.适应- 【考】 adapt to适应- 5 adjust vi. 适应- 【考】 adjust to... 适应- 6 advocate vt.宣扬- 7 affluent a.富裕的- 【派】 affluence n. 富裕- 8 annoy vt. 使烦恼 , 使恼怒- 【派】 annoying a.令人恼人的; - annoyance n.烦恼; - annoyed a. 颇为生气的- 9 ascribe vt. 把归咎于- 【考】 ascribe..to归因于- 10 assess vt. 评估- 【派】 assessment n.评估- 11 assign vt. 指派,选派;分配,布置(作业)-【派】 assignment作业- 12 assume vt. 假象、假定- 13 attain vt.获得- 【考】attain one's ideal达到理想- 14 attribute vt.把归因于- 【考】attribute sth.? to把 ... 归咎于- 15 attribute vt.归咎于 【考】 be attributed to? attribute sth. to- 16 automatically ad.自动地- 17 boost vt.提高,推动,使增长n.推动,增长-【例】boost the economy推动经济增长- 【派】booster n.支持者,推动器-


姓 名:代 亮 一個人靜坐在窗前,聽一首憂鬱的曲調,讓心隨著音樂嫋嫋升起,聆聽那 靈魂深處婉約而纏綿的絮語,紫羅紗幔卷西窗。 在燈影和月華裏浮動著,那些前塵舊事起起落落,千裏的千裏,有你在靜靜 的守候著我,是嗎? 在這幽幽的夜晚,我獨自一人,冥想於自己的世界中,深深的凝望,不讓你 知道 ……

1. at the thought of一想到… 2. as a whole (=in general) 就整體而論 3. at will 隨心所欲 4. (be) abundant in(be rich in; be well supplied with) 富於,富有 5. access(to) (不可數名詞) 能接近,進入,瞭解 6. by accident(=by chance, accidentally)偶然地,意外. Without accident(=safely) 安全地, 7. of one’s own accord(=without being asked; willingly; freely)自願地,主動地 8. in accord with 與…一致. out of one’s accord with 同…。不一致 9. with one accord (=with everybody agreeing)一致地 10. in accordance with (=in agreement with) 依照,根據 11. on one’s own acco unt 1) 為了某人的緣故,為了某人自己的利益 2) (=at one’s own risk) 自行負責) (=by oneself)依靠自己 12. take…into account(=consider)把..。考慮進去 13. give sb. an account of 說明,解釋(理由) 14. account for (=give an explanation or reason for) 解釋,說明。 15. on account of (=because of) 由於,因為。 16. on no account(=in no case, for no reason)絕不要,無論如何不要(放句首時句子要倒裝) 17. accuse…of…(=charge…with; blame sb. for sth. ; blame sth. on sb. ; complain about) 指控,控告 18. be accustomed to (=be in the habit of, be used to)習慣於。 19. be acquainted with(=to have knowledge of) 瞭解; (=to have met socially) 熟悉 20. act on 奉行,按照…行動; act as 扮演; act for 代理 21. adapt oneself to(=adjust oneself to) 使自己適應於 22. adapt…(for) (=make sth. Suitable for a new need) 改编,改写(以适应新的需要) - 23. in addition (=besides) 此外,又,加之 24. in addition to(=as well as, besides, other than)除…外 25. adhere to (=abide by, conform to, comply with, cling to, insist on, persist in, observe, opinion, belief ) 粘附; 堅持,遵循26. adjacent(=next to, close to) 毗鄰的,臨近的 27. adjust..(to) (=change slightly)調節; 適應; 28. admit of (=be capable of, leave room for) …的可能,留有…的餘地。 29. in advance (before in time) 預告,事先 30. to advantage 有利的,使优点更加突出地 31. have an advantage over 勝過 have the advantage of 由於…處於有利條件have the advantage of sb。知道某人所不知道的事 32.take advantage of (=make the best of, utilize, make use of, profit from, harness)利用33. agree with 贊同(某人意見) agree to 同意 34.in agreement (with) 同意,一致 35. ahead of 在…之前,超過…;……………. ahead of time 提前- 36. in the air 1)不肯定,不具體. 2)在谣传中 37. above all (=especially, most important of all) 尤其是,最重要的 38. in all (=counting everyone or everything, altogether) 總共,總計 39. after all 畢竟,到底; (not) at all 一點也不; all at once(=suddenly)突然; once and for all 只此一次; above all 最重要的; first of all 首先; all in all 大體上說; be all in 累極了; all but 幾乎 40.allow for (=take into consideration, take into account) 考慮到,估計到 41. amount to (=to be equal to) 總計,等於。 42.answer for (undertake responsibility for, be liable for, take charge for) 對…負責。 43. answer to (=conform to) 適合,符合。 44. be anxious about 為…焦急不安; 或anxious for 45. apologize to sb. for sth. 為…向…道歉-
