




It was a cold and rainy day. I had no 1 to drive up the winding mountain road to my daughter Carolyn's house. But she 2 I come to see something at the top of the mountain.

3 as I was, I made the two-hour journey

4 the fog that hung like veils (面纱). By the time I saw how

5 it was near the summit, I had gone too far away. Nothing could be worth this, I

6 as I drove slowly along the dangerous highway.

"I'll stay for lunch, but I'm heading back as soon as the fog 7 ." I announced. "But I want you to drive me to the garage to pick 8 my car." Carolyn said. "How far is it?" I asked. She replied:" About three minutes and I'll drive you there."

After ten minutes on the mountain road, I looked at her 9 . "I thought you said three minutes." She smiled. " This is a detour (绕行路线)." Turning down a narrow track, we parked the car and got out. We walked a long path that was thick with pine trees. Gradually the peace and silence of the place began to fill my mind. Then we turned a corner and stopped. I was 10 . From the top of the mountain to the folds and valleys 11 several acres of daffodils (水仙花) rich in a variety of colors. It looked as if God had painted something gorgeous in front of us. Many questions 12 my mind. Who created such beauty? Why? How? As we approached the home that stood in the centre of the property, we saw a 13 that read: " Answers to the Questions I know you are asking." The first answer was: "One Woman-Two Hands, Two Feet, and Very Little Brain." The second was: " One at a Time." The third: "Started in 1958."

As we drove home, I was so 14 by what we had seen. I could 15 speak. "She changed the world." I finally said, "one bulb (水仙球茎) at a time. She started almost 40 years ago, probably just the beginning of an idea, and she 16 at it.

The 17 of it would not let me go. I said:" Imagine if I'd had a 18 and worked on it, just a little bit every day, what might I have 19 ? Carolyn looked at me sideways, smiling. " 20 tomorrow," she said. "Better yet, start today."

1. A. ambition B. desire C. challenge D. way

2. A. invited B. wished C. insisted D. hoped

3. A. Cautious B. Surprised C. Eager D. Unwilling

4. A. through B. over C. across D. beyond

5. A. fresh B. bright C. thick D. cloudy

6. A. doubted B. declared C. hesitated D. thought

7. A. lifts B. cleans C. raises D. sinks

8. A. out B. up C. off D. on

9. A. eagerly B. desperately C. anxiously D. calmly

10. A. shocked B. amazed C. amused D. concerned

11. A. contained B. lay C. presented D. located

12. A. filled B. disturbed C. occurred D. confused

13. A. signal B. symbol C. note D. sign

14. A. encouraged B. inspired C. moved D. thrilled

15. A. hardly B. rarely C. simply D. totally

16. A. brought B. continued C. made D. kept

17. A. wonder B. doubt C. mystery D. idea

18. A. view B. vision C. sight D. scene

19. A. predicted B. expected C. accomplished D. explored

20. A. Behave B. Take C. Set D. Start



(1)考查名词。A. ambition “雄心”;B. desire“欲望”;C. challenge“挑战”;D. way“道路”。根据语境可知,天气很冷,有雾,需要开车走两个小时的弯曲的山路,因此作者应该是不愿意去女儿家,故选B。

(2)考查动词。A. invited“邀请”;B. wished “希望”;C. insisted“坚持”;D. hoped“希望”。根据上文可知,作者不愿意去女儿那儿,因此,此处是指女儿坚持让她去,故选C。

(3)考查形容词。A. Cautious“谨慎的”;B. Surprised“吃惊的”;C. Eager“渴望的”;D. Unwilling“不情愿的”。根据上文可知,此处要表达尽管不情愿,我还是冒着面纱般的雾走了两个小时的山路,故选D。

(4)考查介词。A. through“(空间)穿过”;B. over“越过”;C. across“(表面)穿过”;D. beyond“超过”。此处是指作者从雾中穿过,through,over和across都有穿过的意思,over是指从上方过去,across是指从面上穿过,跨过,而through是指从空间穿过,故选A。

(5)考查形容词。A. fresh“新鲜的”;B. bright“明亮的”;C. thick“浓的”;D. cloudy“多云的”。根据上文语境可知,此处是指雾非常的浓,故选C。

(6)考查动词。A. doubted “怀疑”;B. declared“声明”;C. hesitated“犹豫”;D. thought“认为”。根据上文可知,作者的女儿坚持让作者上山,作者不太愿意,天气也不好,因此,此处是指作者上山时认为此行一点都不值得,故选D。

(7)考查动词。A. lifts “消散,升起”;B. cleans“打扫”;C. raises“ 举起”;D. sinks“下沉”。根据上文可知,作者本不太想来,当时雾很大,由此可知,作者对女儿说吃过午饭雾散了就回去,故选A。

(8)考查动词短语。句意:但是我想让你开车送我去车库取我的车。A.pick out“挑出”;

B.pick up“开车接某人”;

C.pick off“摘掉”;

D.pick on“挑选”。根据句意可知,此处要用pick up 开车接人,故选B。

(9)考查副词。A. eagerly“渴望地”;B. desperately“绝望地”;C. anxiously“焦急地”;D. calmly“镇定地”。作者的女儿说只有三分钟的路程,结果走了十分钟的山路还没有到,因此作者是感到焦急,故选C。

(10)考查形容词。A. shocked“震惊的”;B. amazed“惊奇的”;C. amused “有趣的”;D. concerned“关心的”。根据下文作者看到满山的水仙花可知,此处是指作者感到非常惊奇,故选B。

(11)考查动词。句意:从山顶到山谷铺满了几英亩的富含多种颜色的水仙花。A. contained “包括”;B. lay“位于,躺”;C. presented “展示”;D. located“位于”。根据句意可知,此处是指水仙花铺满了山谷,故选B。

(12)考查动词。A. filled“装满”;B. disturbed“打扰”;C. occurred“发生”;D. confused“困惑”。根据下文可知,此处是指我脑子里装满了问题,故选A。

(13)考查名词。A. signal“信号”;B. symbol“象征”;C. note“笔记”;D. sign“指示牌”。根据下文提到"上面写着……"可知,此处是指指示牌,故选D。

(14)考查动词。A. encouraged“鼓励”;B. inspired“激励”;C. moved“感动”;D. thrilled“激动”。根据上文“Who created such beauty? Why? How? As we approached the home that stood in the centre of the property, we saw a that read: "Answers to the Questions I know you are asking." The first answer was: "One Woman-Two Hands, Two Feet, and Very Little Brain." The second was: "One at a Time." The third: "Started in 1958."以及下文"She changed the world." I finally said, "one bulb (水仙球茎) at a time. She started almost 40 years ago, probably just the beginning of an idea, and she at it.”可知,作者应该是被种花的人感动,从1958年开始,一个女人开始种植水仙花,终于让几英亩的土地上长满了美丽的水仙花,故选C。

(15)考查副词。A. hardly“几乎不”;B. rarely“罕见地”;C. simply“简单地”;D. totally“完全地”。根据上文可知,此处是指景色美的让我几乎说不出话来,故选A。

(16)考查动词。A. brought “带来”;B. continued“继续”;C. made“做”;D. kept“保持,坚持”。根据上文可知,她坚持下去了,一次一个水仙球茎,从四十年前开始。故选D。

(17)考查名词。句意:这个惊奇让我不能忘怀。A. wonder“惊奇”;B. doubt“怀疑”;C. mystery“神秘”;D. idea“主意”。根据语境可知,作者对满山谷的水仙花感到非常惊奇,故选A。

(18)考查名词。A. view“风景”;B. vision“愿景”;C. sight“视野”;D. scene “场景”。根据上文可知,此处要表达如果我有一个愿景并一天天坚持下去,我将会完成什么。故选B。(19)考查动词。A. predicted“预测”;B. expected“期望”;C. accomplished“完成”;D. explored“探索”。根据上文可知,如果我每日都坚持一点一点的做下去可知,此处是问"我会完成什么呢?",故选C。

(20)考查动词。A. Behave“表现”;B. Take“拿”;C. Set“树立”;D. Start“开始”。根据下文Carolyn说最好从今天开始可知,此处是作者说从明天开始,故选D。



Flying on a plane for the first time can be frightening. It can be extra 1 for children who

have autism (自闭症). When Linda Diaz was 2 a vacation to Disney World four years ago, she wanted to make flying a 3 experience for her son, Andy, who has autism.

She called Minneapolis-St Paul International Airport (MSP) to see what could be done.

4 , the airport didn't have programs to help Andy. So Diaz

5 the family's flights and

6 drove 1, 500 miles to Orlando, Florida.

Soon after that drive to Disney World, a program started at MSP. It is to help make flying 7 for kids like Andy. The program is called Navigating MSP. It holds 8 every month for anyone who has 9 about flying. The program is not 10 for people with autism. Airline workers help 11 get used to the airport and planes. It helps them to be less frightened of flying. When they 12 fly, they are not as worried.

When Andy was 13 years old, his first 13 ride was planned. He went through a practice with his family. George Callow, an officer at the airport, helped the family through the safety checks. Callow said the visiting families got on a plane, 14 it was not going anywhere. It was just for them to 15 .

After the last family arrived, the pilot greeted the families over the speaker, "Welcome aboard our flight to 16 ." After greeting the pilot and flight attendants, passengers went to their 17 . But Andy had other plans. Frightened by his new surroundings, he ran down the aisle (走廊) of the plane, 18 a way out. Volunteers suggested that Andy might be most 19 in the front row. They were 20 . Once seated, Andy was quiet and kissed his mother on the face. He felt better about flying now.

1. A. brave B. hard C. harmful D. clever

2. A. planning B. spending C. booking D. enjoying

3. A. long B. common C. good D. personal

4. A. Moreover B. Therefore C. However D. Then

5. A. canceled B. remembered C. prepared D. missed

6. A. once B. again C. still D. instead

7. A. quieter B. easier C. faster D. shorter

8. A. games B. classes C. speeches D. practices

9. A. stories B. questions C. worries D. suggestions

10. A. even B. just C. always D. yet

11. A. visitors B. patients C. children D. foreigners

12. A. usually B. immediately C. occasionally D. really

13. A. plane B. train C. bus D. taxi

14. A. unless B. but C. so D. if

15. A. hide B. relax C. pay D. see

16. A. nowhere B. somewhere C. anywhere D. everywhere

17. A. offices B. friends C. seats D. families

18. A. pointing to B. looking for C. thinking about D. dreaming of

19. A. certain B. acceptable C. comfortable D. special

20. A. important B. lucky C. hopeful D. right



(1)考查形容词。A:brave“勇敢的”;B:hard“艰难的,坚硬的”;C:harmful“有害的”;D:clever “聪明的”。根据上文中的"Flying on a plane for the first time can be frightening"及本句中的"children who have autism"可知,对于有自闭症的儿童来说,首次乘机出行尤为艰难。故选B。

(2)考查动词。A:planning“计划”;B:spending“花费”;C:booking“预定”;D:enjoying“享受,喜欢”。根据"She called Minneapolis-St Paul International Airport (MSP) to see what could be done"可知,Linda Diaz四年前打算坐飞机去迪斯尼世界旅行,她想让自己罹患自闭症的儿子Andy有一次良好的飞行体验。故选A。

(3)考查形容词。A:long“长的”;B:common“共同的”;C:good“好的”;D:personal “个人的”。根据"She called Minneapolis-St Paul International Airport (MSP) to see what could be done"可知,Linda Diaz四年前打算坐飞机去迪斯尼世界旅行,她想让自己罹患自闭症的儿子Andy有一次良好的飞行体验。故选C。

(4)考查副词。A:Moreover“而且”;B:Therefore“因此”;C:However“然而”;D:Then “然后”。根据语境可知,设空所在句与上一句之间是转折关系,故选C。

(5)考查动词。A:canceled“取消”;B:remembered“记住,记起”;C:prepared“准备”;D:missed “错过,想念”。根据上文中的"the airport didn't have programs to help Andy"可知,明尼阿波利斯—圣保罗国际机场没有相关项目能帮助Andy,因此Diaz取消了一家人的航班,改作驱车1500英里前去奥兰多。故选A。

(6)考查副词。A:once“从前,曾经”;B:again“再,又”;C:still“仍然,一直”;D:instead “代替”。根据上文中的"the airport didn't have programs to help Andy"可知,明尼阿波利斯—圣保罗国际机场没有相关项目能帮助Andy,因此Diaz取消了一家人的航班,改作驱车1500英里前去奥兰多。故选D。

(7)考查形容词,A:quieter“更安静的”;B:easier“更容易的”;C:faster“更快的”;D:shorter“更短的,更矮的”。根据下文中的"It helps them to be less frightened of flying"可知,该项目旨在帮助像Andy一样的孩子们,使他们的乘机出行变得更容易一些。故选B。(8)考查名词。A:games“游戏,比赛”;B:classes“班,课”;C:speeches“演讲”;D:practices “练习,时间”。根据"He went through a practice with his family"提示了,故选D。(9)考查名词。A:stories“故事”;B:questions“问题”;C:worries“担心”;D:suggestions “建议”。本空是对下文"they are not as worried"中的worried的同根词复现。故选C。

(10)考查副词。A:even“甚至”;B:just“刚刚,只”;C:always“总是”;D:yet “但是”。根据上文中的anyone可知,这一项目并非只针对自闭症患者。故选B。


foreigners“外国人”。本空对下文"passengers went to their"中的passengers的同义词复现,故选A。

(12)考查副词。A:usually“通常”;B:immediately“立刻,马上”;C:occasionally“偶尔”;D:really “确实”。根据上文中的"Airline workers...get used to the airport and planes"可知,航空公司的工作人员帮助有飞行焦虑的人熟悉机场和飞机,当这些人实际乘机旅行时,就没有先前那么焦虑了。故选D.

(13)考查名词。A:plane“飞机”;B:train“火车”;C:bus“公共汽车”;D:taxi “出租车”。Andy的首次乘飞机旅行已经安排就绪。故选A。

(14)考查连词。根据上文中的"He went through a practice with his family"可知,进行参观体验的各个家庭上了一架飞机,但是该飞机哪儿也不去,他们只是进行观摩来了。故选B。

(15)考查动词。A:hide“躲藏”;B:relax“放松”;C:pay“支付”;D:see“看见”。根据上文中的"He went through a practice with his family"可知,进行参观体验的各个家庭上了一架飞机,但是该飞机哪儿也不去,他们只是进行观摩来了。故选D。

(16)考查副词。根据上文中"it was not going anywhere"可知,这趟航班无处可去。故选A。

(17)考查名词。A:offices“办公室”;B:friends“朋友”;C:seats“座位”;D:families “家庭”。下文中的"Once seated"提示了本空,故选C。

(18)考查动词短语。A:pointing to“指向”;B:looking for“寻找”;C:thinking about“考虑”;D:dreaming of “梦想”。根据上文"Frightened by his new surroundings"可知,Andy对新环境感到不适,在飞机走廊里跑来跑去,试图寻找出口。故选B。

(19)考查形容词。A:c ertain“某种,确信的”;B:acceptable“可以接受的”;C:comfortable“舒服的”;D:special “特殊的”。根据下文"Andy was quiet and kissed his mother on the face. He felt better about flying now"可知,有志愿者建议,头排座椅可能对Andy来说是最舒服的,事实证明,志愿者们是对的。故选C。

(20)考查形容词。A:important“重要的”;B:lucky“幸运的”;C:hopeful“充满希望的”;D:right“正确的”。根据下文"Andy was quiet and kissed his mother on the face. He felt better about flying now"可知,有志愿者建议,头排座椅可能对Andy来说是最舒服的,事实证明,志愿者们是对的。故选D。



A minister(牧师)was on a long flight. The first 1 of approaching problem came when the sign on the airplane 2 on: Fasten Your Seat Belts.

As the minister looked 3 the aircraft, it became obvious that many of the passengers became 4 . Later, a voice over the intercom(内部通话系统) said "We are so sorry that we

are unable to 5 the meal at this time. The currents are ahead of us." And then the storm broke. Lightning lit up the darkening skies, and 6 moments the great plane was tossed(使

动来动去) around.

The minister recalled, "As I looked around the plane, I could see the nearly all the 7 were scared. Then I suddenly saw a little girl. Obviously, the storm 8 nothing to her. She was reading a book on her seat and everything within her small world was 9 . Sometimes she closed her eyes, then she would read again. Sometimes she straightened her legs, but worry and 10 were not in her world."

The minister could 11 believe his eyes. It was not surprising, 12 , that when the plane finally reached its destination and all the passengers were hurrying to 13 the plane, the minister came up to the girl whom he had 14 for such a long time. Having talked about the storm, he asked why she had not been afraid.

The child replied, "That was because my 15 was the pilot, and he would take me home."

There are many kinds of 16 that frightened us. Physical, mental, financial, domestic, and many other storms can easily and quickly 17 our sky and throw our plane into apparently uncontrollable movement. We have all known such times, and let us be honest and accept, it is much 18 to be at rest when our feet are on the ground than 19 we are being tossed about a darkened shy.

Let us remember: Our father is the 20 . He is in control and taking us home. Don't worry.

1. A. suffering B. effort C. warning D. chance

2. A. flashed B. tried C. took D. put

3. A. over B. around C. into D. at

4. A. worried B. relaxed C. annoyed D. inspired

5. A. buy B. cook C. complete D. serve

6. A. of B. within C. with D. after

7. A. passengers B. pilots C. officials D. crew

8. A. presented B. brought C. meant D. created

9. A. likely B. friendly C. deadly D. orderly

10. A. fear B. knowledge C. stress D. expectation

11. A. suddenly B. gradually C. hardly D. willingly

12. A. however B. therefore C. otherwise D. instead

13. A. drive off B. pull over C. land on D. get off

14. A. watched B. attended C. remarked D. complained

15. A. uncle B. dad C. brother D. cousin

16. A. accident B. quarrel C. storm D. anger

17. A. destroy B. cover C. darken D. break

18. A. easier B. softer C. ruder D. tougher

19. A. until B. when C. unless D. if

20. A. student B. driver C. minister D. engineer



(1)考查名词。A. suffering “遭受”;B. effort “努力”;C. warning “警告”;D. chance“ 机会”。根据下文的“of approaching problem came when the sign on the airplane 2 on: Fasten Your Seat Belts.”可知牧师在长途飞行途中听到了一个警告。故选C。

(2)考查动词。A. flashed “闪过”;B. tried “尝试”;C. took “带走”;D. put “放置”。根据“when the sign on the airplane”可知当时飞机上的警报灯闪烁。故选A。

(3)考查介词。A. o ver “之上”;B. around“ 周围”;C. into “内部”;D. at “在”。根据下文“As I looked around the plane, I could see the nearly all the 7 were scared.”可知牧师是四下看时发现大家听到警报。故选B。

(4)考查形容词。A. worried “担心的”;B. relaxed “放松的”;C. annoyed“ 烦恼的”;D. inspired“激励的”。根据下文“As I looked around the plane, I could see the nearly all the 7 were scared.”可知听到警告后,大家都很担心。故选A。

(5)考查动词。A. buy “购买”;B. cook“煮饭”;C. complete “完成”;D. serve“ 服务”。空姐在广播现在不能给乘客提供饮食,不再提供饮料是因为飞机也许会失控。故选D。(6)考查介词。A. of“...…的”;B. within“在...... 内”;C. with “和”; D. a fter“在.... 之后”。很快飞机就在雷鸣闪电中摇摆。within moments“不一会儿”。故选B。

(7)考查名词。A. passengers “乘客”;B. pilots“ 飞行员”;C. officials “官方人员”; D. crew “成员”。牧师四周看了看发现大多数乘客都很惊恐。故选A。

(8)考查动词。A. presented “给予”;B. brought “带来”;C. meant “意味着”; D. created “创造”。根据“She was reading a book on her seat and everything within her small world”可知牧师发现有一个小女孩在很镇定的看书,暴风雨对于小女孩来说没有什么,那名小女孩很镇静。故选C。

(9)考查形容词。A. likely “可能的”;B. friendly “友好的”;C. deadly “致死的”;D. orderly “有秩序的”。暴风雨没有影响小女孩,在她的世界一切秩序井然。故选D。

(10)考查名词。A. fear “害怕”;B. knowledge“ 知识”;C. stress “强调”; D. expectation “期待”。根据“Sometimes she closed her eyes, then she would read again. Sometimes she straightened her legs,”可知但是她的世界没有担忧和恐惧。故选A。

(11)考查副词。A. suddenly “突然”; B. gradually “逐渐”; C. hardly “几乎不”; D. willingly“ 乐意”。牧师对小女孩的行为感到吃惊,才出现下文他走到小女孩身边询问。他几乎不相信自己的眼睛。故选C。

(12)考查副词。A. however“ 然而”;B. therefore “因此”;C. otherwise“ 否则”;D. instead “相反”。根据“when the plane finally reached its destination and all the passengers were hurrying”可知因此飞机着陆时,吓坏的乘客赶紧下飞机。故选B。

(13)考查动词短语。A. drive off “开车走”;B. pull over “停车”;C. land on “着陆”; D. get off “下车,下飞机”。根据“when the plane finally reached its destination and all the passengers were hurrying”可知飞机着陆时,吓坏的乘客赶紧下飞机。故选D。

(14)考查动词。A. watched “观看”; B. attended “参加”; C. remarked “评论”; D. complained “抱怨”。根据“She was reading a book on her seat”牧师走向那个看书的镇定的女孩。故选A。

(15)考查名词。A. uncle “叔叔”;B. dad “父亲”;C. brother “兄弟”;D. cousin“ 堂兄”。根

据下文的“Our father is the 20 . He is in control and taking us home.”可知小女孩说飞行员是她


(16)考查名词。A. accident“事故”;B. quarrel “争吵”; C. s torm “暴风雨”;D. anger“怒火”。根据下文“many other storms can easily and quickly 17 our sky”可知作者感悟人生有很


(17)考查动词。A. destroy“破坏”;B. cover“覆盖”;C. darken“ 使黑暗”;D. break“ 打破”。根据“and throw our plane into apparently uncontrollable movement. ”以及“being tossed about a darkened sky.”可知暴风雨会让我们的天空乌云密布。故选C。

(18)考查形容词。A. easier“ 更容易的”;B. softer “更软的”;C. ruder “更粗鲁的”;D. tougher “更艰难的”。我们都知道生活不是一帆风顺的,当我们的脚在地上时,比当我们被


(19)考查连词。A. until “直到”;B. when “当......时”;C. unless“ 除非”;D. if “如果”。根

据“when our feet are on the ground”可知这是在对比两个时候。当我们的脚在地上时,比当


(20)考查名词。A. student “学生”;B. driver “司机”;C. minister“ 牧师”;D. engineer“ 工







I never thought I would be a "runner". I was the girl who 1 slowest in the PE class. A few years ago, I was walking with a group of 2 in the Race(比赛) for the Cure, a 5km race designed to 3 money for the fight against breast cancer(癌), 4 one lady caught my 5 .

She was one of the weakest-looking women I've ever seen. She must have been close to seventy years old, 6 a T-shirt with the word "Survivor". She was so small that it seemed as

if she could even be 7 by a strong wind. But, she was running. And she was 8 me and my group of friends. She ran slowly, but 9 - as if each step pushed her cancer further into her past. Right at that moment, I 10 that in the next Race for the Cure, I'd be running along with her.

A week later, I found myself in the 11 , running on the treadmill(跑步机). Three minutes

after I started, my face was bright red. I felt like my lungs were going to burst. I 12 slow down to a walk. I thought of the 13 at the race. I kept it up. I was able to go a little 14 each time. Three and a half minutes. Four minutes. Five.

A year later, I was 15 at the Race for the Cure, but this time, I 16 with the runners. When the race started, the other runners passed me by. I ran forward. I 17 if I'd be able to do it. But then, I remembered the 18 woman. I ran as fast as I could until I finally crossed that finish line. I had just 19 my first race! I looked down at my legs, amazed. They had done something I'd never thought 20 . I have never felt stronger than at that moment. And I knew that I wanted to do it again.

1. A. talked B. walked C. ran D. swam

2. A. friends B. teachers C. students D. patients

3. A. save B. use C. make D. raise

4. A. while B. when C. until D. before

5. A. breath B. hand C. arm D. eye

6. A. wearing B. holding C. pulling D. waving

7. A. put on B. turned over C. leave for D. turn on

8. A. passing B. watching C. seeing D. calling

9. A. happily B. determinedly C. excitedly D. angrily

10. A. agreed B. learned C. decided D. explained

11. A. shop B. street C. park D. gym

12. A. had to B. preferred to C. got to D. liked to

13. A. prize B. survivor C. plan D. woman

14. A. earlier B. longer C. harder D. farther

15. A. even B. again C. ever D. still

16. A. watched B. traveled C. stood D. waited

17. A. wanted B. waited C. wished D. wondered

18. A. kind B. brave C. generous D. honest

19. A. finished B. won C. entered D. missed

20. A. good B. right C. possible D. necessary







(2)考查名词。A.friends“朋友”;B.teachers“教师”;C.students“学生”;D.patients“病人”。根据下文的“my group of friends”可知,几年前我和一群朋友散步。故



(4)考查连词。A.while“在……期间”;B.when“当……时候”;C.until“直到……为止”;D.before“在……以前”。正和一群朋友跑步,这时候一个女士引起了我的注意.be doing sth…when…固定句式,"正在做某事,这时候……",故选B。

(5)考查名词。A.breath“呼吸”;B.hand“手”;C.arm“胳膊”;D.eye“眼”。catch one's eye固定短语,“引起某人注意”,故选D。

(6)考查动词。A.wearing“穿,戴”;B.holding“握住”;C.pulling“拉”;D.waving“挥动”。她一定有七十岁了,她穿着一件写着Survivor的T恤衫。故选A。(7)考查动词短语。A.put on“穿上”;B.turned over“翻转”;C.leave for “动身去”;D.turn on“打开”。她是如此的瘦小,好像要被强风吹翻。故选B。





(12)考查动词短语。A.had to“不得不”;B.preferred to“更喜欢”;C.got to“到达”;D.liked to“喜欢”。我感觉我的肺要爆炸了,所以我不得不放慢速度,故选A。


(14)考查形容词。A.earlier“更早的”;B.longer“更长的”;C.harder“更难的”;D.farther“更远的”。我坚持,每次我能跑的更长。根据下文“Three and a half minutes. Four minutes. Five.”可知,这里是指时间长短,故选B。





D.honest ”诚实的“。作者有想起了那位勇敢的女士,故选B。

(19)考查动词。A.finished”完成“;B.won”赢得“;C. en tered”进入“;D.missed”想念,错过“。我完成了我的第一次跑.故选A。




It's a Friday morning in Boston, which 1 Dr. Jim O'Connell is making his rounds. He might

be more 2 inside an exam room, but that's not where his patients are. Dr. Jim O'Connell is one of a handful of physicians making house calls to the 3 in the city.

More than 550, 000 Americans are homeless, and many have health problems but no 4 to cure. O'Connell and his team are doing something about it. On a daily routine, they 5 about 700 regular patients. "I feel like I'm a country doctor in the middle of the city." he said.

O'Connell began to do this 33 years 6 , when he was at Harvard Medical School and was 7 to be a one-year position as the founding physician of a new health-care program for Boston's homeless. That turned into a 33-year 8 at the Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program, one of the country's largest of its kind. O'Connell 9 about everything, from stitches (缝补)for an arm to surgery for the soul. If patients can't be treated on the street,

he finds them a treatment bed at the respite facility(休息治疗区), a place for patients 10 are too sick to be on the streets 11 not ill enough for a hospital stay.

" 12 I had been taught to do—go fast, be efficient—was 13 when you take care

of homeless people." When you see somebody outside, you get them a cup of coffee and sit with them. Sometimes it 14 six months or a year of offering a sandwich or a cup of coffee before someone would start to talk to me. But 15 they engage(参与), they'll come to you any time because of 16 you. When asked about how his life might have 17 , if he had become a highly paid physician, O'Connell said, "I 18 think about it anymore."

Some things are far more valuable than money. Just ask Dr. Jim O'Connell who 19 everything from patients who have nothing 20 to give.

1. A. prefers B. means C. says D. explains

2. A. comfortable B. imaginative C. cooperative D. difficult

3. A. rich B. homeless C. intelligent D. disabled

4. A. time B. system C. life D. money

5. A. invite B. count C. guess D. treat

6. A. early B. later C. ago D. after

7. A. appointed B. fascinated C. followed D. accepted

8. A. career B. task C. choice D. hobby

9. A. confuses B. doubts C. concerns D. dreams

10. A. which B. whose C. who D. when

11. A. but B. and C. so D. for

12. A. Somebody B. Everything C. Somewhere D. Nobody

13. A. possible B. impossible C. small D. big

14. A. took B. spent C. cost D. paid

15. A. still B. just C. even D. once

16. A. promoting B. refusing C. trusting D. seeing

17. A. carried out B. come up C. turned out D. taken up

18. A. always B. seldom C. often D. never

19. A. puts B. sets C. believes D. gets

20. A. mental B. material C. physical D. positive


【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,Jim O'Connell 医生本来可以成为肿瘤科医生,但是他放弃了这一高收入的职业,多年如一日地为城市中无家可归的人出诊。


(2)考查形容词。句意:在检查室里,他可能更舒服,但是他的病人不在那里。A. comfortable “舒服的”;B. imaginative “富于想象力的”;C. cooperative “合作的”;D. difficult “困难的”。故选A。

(3)考查形容词。A. rich “富有的”;B. homeless “无家可归的”;C. intelligen t“智能的”;D. disabled “残疾的”。下文提到超过55万美国人是无家可归者,而且很多人有健康问题。故选B。

(4)考查名词。A. time “时间”;B. system“体系”;C. life“生命”;D. money“金钱”。根据上文很多无家可归的美国人都有健康问题但是没有...去治疗。结合生活常识此处应该是没有金钱去看病。故选D。

(5)考查动词。A. invite“邀请”;B. count“ 把.....算入,重要”;C. guess “猜测”;D. treat “对待,治疗”。they代指吉姆奥康奈尔的医疗团队,以及后面的patients,故句子应该翻译为他们治疗了大约700名常规病人。故选D。

(6)考查副词。A. early “早的”;B. late“迟的”;C. ago“以前”;D. after“之后”。根据句意吉姆奥康奈尔在33年前就开始这样做。故选C。

(7)考查动词。A. appoint “任命”;B. fascinate“入迷”;C. follow“跟随”;D. accept“接受”。根据下文新的医疗保健项目的创始医师,是一个职位,根据句意应该为被任命为新的医疗保健项目的创始医师。故选A。

(8)考查名词。A. career“职业”;B. task“任务”;C. choice“选择”;D. hobby“爱好”。这个项目后来成了他33年来一直从事的职业,故选A。



(11)考查连词。A. but“但是”,表转折;B. and“和”,表并列;C. so“所以”,表因果 D. for“因为”,表原因。上文提到“这些病人生病住在大街上。”以及下文“生病的程度不足以住


(12)考查代词。A. somebody“某人”;B. everything“每件事”; C. somewhere“在某处”;D. nobody“没有人”。根据下文“go fast, be efficient”为主人公被教的具体的事情。故选B。(13)考查形容词。A. possible“可能的”;B. impossible“不可能的”;C. small“小的”; D. big“大的”。上文提到“做事情要快速,有效”和下文“照顾无家可归的病人时”相冲突。故该句应该翻译为:“当你照顾无家可归的病人时,做事要更快更高效是不可能的。”故选B。(14)考查动词短语。A.took常用于句型:“It takes sb...to do sth”;B.spent主语是人;常用句型:“sb spend...in doing/on sth”;C. cost主语是物;常用句型:sth cost sb sth; D.paid主语是人,常和介词for搭配。故选A。

(15)考查副词。句意:但是一旦他们参与进来,他们就会随时来找你。A. still “仍然”;B. just “仅仅,只是”;C. even “甚至”;D. once“ 一旦”。这是once引导的条件状语从句。故选D。

(16)考查动词。A.promoting“促进,推进”; B.refusing“拒绝”;C.trusting“信任”;


(17)考查动词短语。句意:当被问到如果他成为一名高薪的医生,他的生活最后会是什么样子。A.carried out“实施,贯彻”;https://www.360docs.net/doc/4a1893000.html,e up“上来”;C.turned out“关掉,结果是”;

D.taken up“占用,开始从事”。故选C。

(18)考查副词。A. always “常常,总是”;B. seldom“很少”;C. often“经常”;D. never“绝不”。根据下文“有些事情要比金钱更有价值。”可知以吉姆奥康奈尔的精神境界,他绝不会去考虑一旦变成高薪的的医生,生活会变成什么样子这件事。故选D。

(19)考查动词。句意:吉姆奥康奈尔医生从病人那里得到了一切。A.puts“放”;B.sets“设置”; C.believes“相信”;D.gets“得到”。故选D。

(20)考查形容词。A. mental“精神的”;B. material“物质的”;C. physical“身体的,物理的”;D. positive“积极的”。根据上文“有些事情要比金钱更有价值”可知,吉姆奥康奈尔医生没有从病人哪里得到任何物质方面的东西。故选B。



A married lady was expecting a birthday gift from her husband. For many months she had admired a beautiful diamond ring. Knowing her husband could 1 it, she told him that it was all she wanted as a birthday gift.

As her birthday approached, this lady awaited 2 that her husband had bought the diamond ring.

Finally, on the morning of her birthday, her husband told her how 3 he was to have such a good wife, and how much he loved her. He 4 her a beautifully wrapped present. As she opened it, 5 , she only found a Bible. She 6 her voice to her husband and said,

“Only a Bible?” She was so 7 that she left him.

Many years later, the lady 8 in a more beautiful house. Realizing her husband was very old, she thought perhaps she should go to visit him. But before she 9 , she received a letter telling her that he had passed away and given all of his 10 to her. She needed to come back and take care of things.

She arrived at his house, filled with great 11 . She saw the 12 brand-new Bible, just as she had left it before. With 13 , she opened it and began to turn the pages, finding

a sentence carefully 14 by her husband, “To me you are cruel, but you know how to give

15 things to your child ren!” As she read those words, a bag 16 from the Bible. A diamond ring and the words "I LOVE YOU" could be seen.

If your 17 is not packaged the way you want it, it's because it is better packaged! Please, always 18 little things; they usually lead you to bigger things! The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even 19 , for they must be felt with 20 .

1. A. offer B. afford C. provide D. admit

2. A. symbols B. signals C. sights D. signs

3. A. generous B. regretful C. thankful D. disappointed

4. A. handed B. sent C. introduced D. delivered

5. A. besides B. however C. otherwise D. moreover

6. A. rose B. aroused C. raised D. arose

7. A. happy B. astonished C. admirable D. angry

8. A. appeared B. lived C. worked D. traveled

9. A. started off B. stayed up C. set in D. gave up

10. A. gifts B. goods C. money D. belongings

11. A. hate B. regret C. joy D. love

12. A. still B. ever C. just D. even

13. A. smiles B. interest C. doubt D. tears

14. A. made B. written C. created D. spoken

15. A. bad B. small C. good D. abandoned

16. A. dropped B. hid C. came D. followed

17. A. thing B. gift C. letter D. book

18. A. admit B. avoid C. access D. appreciate

19. A. touched B. tasted C. smelled D. heard

20. A. creativity B. mind C. heart D. imagination




(1)考查动词。句意:得知她的丈夫可以负担起钻石戒指,她告诉丈夫她就想要钻石戒指作为生日礼物。A. offer“提供”;B. afford“负担得起”;C. provide“提供”;D. admit“允许进入,承认”。她的丈夫可以负担一枚钻戒,她才要求这个作为她的生日礼物,故选B。(2)考查名词。句意:随着生日的临近,妻子等待着丈夫已经买了钻戒的迹象。A. sy mbols“符号,象征”;B. signals“信号,通知”;C. sights“风景,名胜”;D. signs“信号,暗号”。第三段提到丈夫给妻子买了一份礼物,因此妻子在生日临近时等待着丈夫的礼物。故选D。

(3)考查形容词。句意:丈夫告诉妻子,对于拥有这么好的妻子他是多么的感激。A. generous“慷慨的”;B. regretful“后悔的”;C. thankful“感激的”;D. disappointed“失望的”。根据下文“how much he loved her”,丈夫告诉妻子他多么爱她,说明丈夫对拥有这样一位妻子是很感激的,故选C。

(4)考查动词。句意:他递给她一个包装精美的礼物。A. handed“递给”;B. sent“送出,传送”;C. introduced“介绍,引进,提出”;D. delivered“递送,投递”。故选A。

(5)考查副词。句意:然而,她却只发现了一个芭比娃娃。A. besides“此外,而且”;B. however“然而”;C. otherwise“否则,不然”;D. moreover“此外,而且”。妻子希望能得到一枚钻戒,但却收到一个芭比娃娃,由此可判断是转折的情况,且however可放在句首、句中或句末,通常用逗号与句子其他成分隔开。故选B。

(6)考查动词。句意:她提高了声音对丈夫说道:“就一个芭比娃娃?” A. rose“上升,增长”;B. aroused“出现,唤起”;C. raised“提升,增加”;D. arose“出现,产生”。arouse one's interest固定短语,“引起某人的兴趣”,故选C。

(7)考查形容词。句意:她非常生气,离开了丈夫。A. happy“高兴的”;B. astonished“吃惊的”;C. admira ble“可钦佩的”;D. angry“生气的”。妻子没有收到自己想要的礼物应该是非常生气,故选D。

(8)考查动词。句意:几年后,妻子住在一所更漂亮的房子里。A. appeared“出现”;B. lived“居住”;C. worked“工作”;D. traveled“旅行”。房子是用于居住的,故选B。

(9)考查动词短语。句意:但在她正要出发时,她收到一封信说她的丈夫已经过世了,并将自己所有的东西都留给了妻子。A. started off“动身”;B. stayed up“熬夜”;C. set in“开始,固定”;D. gave up“放弃”。根据“she thought perhaps she should go to visit him. But ”及“She needed to come back and take care of things.”妻子意识到丈夫已经很老了,于是想要去看望一下他,而且要回去照看丈夫给她留下的东西。但就在她动身前收到了信,故选A。(10)考查名词。句意:但在她正要出发时,她收到一封信说她的丈夫已经过世了,并将自己所有的东西都留给了妻子。A. gifts“礼物”;B. goods“商品,货品”;C. money“钱”;D. belongings“财产”。根据下文“She needed to come back and take care of things.”可知,此处应指丈夫的遗产,故选D。

(11)考查名词。句意:她怀着巨大的歉意来到他的家。A. hate“仇恨,憎恨”;B. regret“遗憾,懊悔”;C. joy“欢乐”;D. love“爱”。妻子当初因为没有收到想要的礼物离开了丈夫,但丈夫在死后将自己所有的财产留给了妻子,妻子知道后应该是后悔的心情,故选B。

(12)考查副词。句意:她看到了那本仍然崭新的圣经,就像她离开时那样。A. still“仍然,依旧”;B. ever“曾经,从来”;C. just“只是,仅仅”;D. even“即使”。根据下文“just as she had left it before”,这本圣经就像她离开时那样,说明这本圣经还是崭新的,故选A。(13)考查名词。句意:她含着眼泪打开了圣经,开始翻页,找到了丈夫精心写的句子。

A. smiles“笑容”;

B. interest“兴趣”;

C. doubt“怀疑,疑惑”;

D. tear s“眼泪”。妻子可知丈夫去世又将所有的财产留给自己,又满怀歉意,故选D。


A. made“制作”;

B. written“写”;

C. created“创造”;

D. spoken“说”。丈夫给妻子的话应该是写在圣经上的,故选B。

(15)考查形容词。句意:你对我是很残酷,但你知道如何给孩子好东西。A. bad“坏的”;B. small“小的”;C. good“好的”;D. abandoned“废弃的”。根据上文“To me yo u are cruel”丈夫说道妻子对自己很残忍,而but为转折连词,因此需选择cruel的反义词,故选C。

(16)考查动词。句意:她读完这些话后,一个小包从圣经上掉下来了。A. dropped“掉下”;B. hid“隐藏”;C. came“来”;D. followed“跟随”。小包要掉下来妻子才能看到里面装的钻戒。故选A。

(17)考查名词。句意:如果你的礼物没有按照你想要的包装,那是因为它被包装的更好。A. thing“东西”;B. gift“礼物”;C. letter“信”;D. book“书”。丈夫给妻子的芭比娃娃是生日礼物,故选B。

(18)考查动词。句意:所以请经常欣赏身边的小事,他们通常会把你引向更大的事。A. admit“承认”;B. avoid“避免”;C. access“进入”;D. appreciate“欣赏,感激,感谢”。怀着感恩、感激之心,才能发现更美的事情,故选D。

(19)考查动词。句意:世界上最美好、最美丽的东西是看不见的,因为它们必须用心去感受。A. touched“触摸”;B. tasted“品尝”;C. smelled“闻”;D. heard“听到”。世界上最美好最美丽的东西是爱,而爱是触摸不到的。故选A。

(20)考查名词。句意:世界上最美好、最美丽的东西是看不见的,因为它们必须用心去感受。A. creativity“创造力”;B. mind“头脑”;C. heart “心”;D. imagination“想象力”。爱需要用心体会,故选C。



A big thought can be one of the 1 forces in the world. I was 2 with that idea all over again when I heard the story of Mary Crowe.

Young Mary was washing her father's overalls one day when the big thought 3 her.

In her mind she saw herself 4 from college in cap and gown, accepting her diploma, ready to 5 a career.

Since Mary came from a low-income family, her dream seemed out of 6 . There would never be enough money to send Mary to college. 7 , no member of her family had ever gone to college. But Mary 8 that thought. In secondary school she studied hard, and spoke 9 of her dream to teachers and friends. When her 10 day at school came, her principal (校长) called her into his office.

"I have a(n) 11 for you," he said.

It contained a scholarship to a nearby college. The power of a thought had 12 its first dividend (红利). But the scholarship could cover only part of her college 13 . Mary took every part-time job she could find.

Mary's dream came true when she graduated from college. Then she took a course in insurance. When she 14 herself to a local insurance company for a job, she was 15 . She applied again. The answer was no. She kept going back until the manager 16 her.

Twenty-five years later Mary Crowe's associates in that company 17 at a special dinner

in her honour, recognizing her for her outstanding achievements as an insurance saleswoman. "Each of us is constantly in a state of becoming," she said, giving her formula (方法) for 18 . "Through 19 and faith you can become what you think. Not that your life will be without problems, but along the way problems will be 20 . Ask and believe; dream and believe; work and believe."

1. A. safest B. strongest C. heaviest D. weakest

2. A. shocked B. familiar C. nervous D. impressed

3. A. seized B. greeted C. struck D. beat

4. A. graduating B. escaping C. driving D. judging

5. A. start B. finish C. abandon D. quit

6. A. control B. question C. sight D. thought

7. A. However B. Instead C. Therefore D. Besides

8. A. held on to B. took pride in C. made up for D. came up with

9. A. selfishly B. freely C. unwillingly D. jokingly

10. A. first B. formal C. final D. unique

11. A. book B. envelope C. souvenir D. test

12. A. joined B. wasted C. consumed D. produced

13. A. expenses B. secrets C. incomes D. ambitions

14. A. limited B. related C. accustomed D. presented

15. A. picked up B. put aside C. turned down D. taken in

16. A. believed B. praised C. accepted D. noticed

17. A. gathered B. declared C. resigned D. parted

18. A. reputation B. independence C. responsibility D. success

19. A. suspension B. enthusiasm C. politeness D. status

20. A. corrected B. overcome C. forgotten D. collected



【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,来自低收入家庭的Mary Crowe凭借自己想上大学的想法,不断坚持努力,最终凭借着自己的热情和信念实现梦想,取得了成功。

(1)考查形容词。句意:一个伟大的思想可以是世界上最强大的力量之一。A. safest“最安全的”;B. strongest“最强壮的”;C. heaviest“最重的”;D. weakest“最虚弱的”。根据下文可知,作者叙述Mary Crowe通过一个想法改变了自己命运的故事,可推知作者是想说伟大的思想是世界上最强大的力量之一。故选B。

(2)考查形容词。句意:当我听到Mary Crowe的故事时,这个想法给我留下了深刻的印象。A. shocked“震惊的”;B. familiar“熟悉的”;C. nervous“紧张的”;D. impressed“印象深刻的”。Mary Crowe的故事让作者对“伟大的思想是世界上最强大的力量之一”这个想法印象深刻。故选D。

(3)考查动词。句意:有一天,年轻的Mary正在洗她父亲的工作服时,突然有了一个重要的想法。A. seized“抓住”;B. greeted“打招呼”;C. struck“突然想到,打击”;D. beat“打败”。根据上文“a big thought”可知是突然有了一个重要的想法,strike此处表示“突然想到”,故选C。

(4)考查动词。句意:在她的脑海里,她看到自己从大学毕业,戴着学位帽,穿着学位服,准备开始自己的事业。A. graduating“毕业”;B. escaping“逃跑”;C. driving“驾驶”;D. judging“判断”。根据下文“from college in cap and gown, accepting her diploma”可知是从大学毕业,故选A。

(5)考查动词。句意:在她的脑海里,她看到自己从大学毕业,戴着学位帽,穿着学位服,准备开始自己的事业。A. start“开始”;B. finish“结束”;C. abandon“抛弃”;D. quit“辞职”。大学毕业后应当是准备开始自己的工作和事业。故选A。

(6)考查名词。句意:由于Mary来自低收入家庭,她的梦想似乎遥不可及。A. control“控制”;B. question“问题”;C. sight“视力”;D. thought“想法”。根据上文“Since Mary came from a low-income family”可知Mary的梦想似乎遥不可及,out of sight固定短语,“看不见,遥不可及”。故选C。

(7)考查副词。句意:此外,她家里没有一个人上过大学。A. However“然而”;B. Instead“相反”;C. Therefore“因此”;D. Besides“此外”。根据上文表示除了家庭收入低,供不起她上大学之外,Mary家里没有一个人上过大学。表示“此外,而且”。故选D。

(8)考查动词短语。句意:但是Mary坚持这个想法。A. held on to“坚持”;B. took pride in“以……为傲”;C. made up for“补偿”;D. came up with“提出”。根据下文“In secondary school she studied hard”可知Mary没有并没有放弃,而是坚持了自己的想法,努力学习。故选A。

(9)考查副词。句意:在中学时,她努力学习,向老师和朋友畅谈自己的梦想。A. se lfishly“自私地”;B. freely“自由地”;C. unwillingly“不情愿地”;D. jokingly“开玩笑地”。根据下文“of her dream to teachers and friends”可知,Mary对自己的老师和朋友畅所欲言自己的梦想。故选B。

(10)考查形容词。句意:当她在学校的最后一天到来时,她的校长把她叫到办公室。A. first“最重要的”;B. formal“正式的”;C. final“最终的”;D. unique“独特的”。根据下文可知,


(11)考查名词。句意:“我有一个信封给你,”他说。A. book“书籍”;B. envelope“信封”;C. souvenir“纪念品”;D. test“测试”。根据下文“It contained a scholarship to a nearby college.”可推知,此处是装着奖学金的信封,故选B。

(12)考查动词。句意:思想的力量产生了它的第一个红利。A. joined“加入”;B. wasted“浪费”;C. consumed“消耗”;D. produced“产生”。此处将奖学金比作Mary思想产生的红利。故选D。

(13)考查名词。句意:但奖学金只能支付她大学费用的一部分。A. expenses“费用”;B. secrets“秘密”;C. incomes“收入”;D. ambitions“野心”。根据下文Mary去保险公司求职可知,奖学金只能支付一部分大学的费用。故选A。

(14)考查动词。句意:当她到当地一家保险公司求职时,遭到了拒绝。A. limited“限制”;B. related“联系”;C. accustomed“使习惯”;D. presented“代表”。根据下文“to a local insurance company for a job”可知,此处是去保险公司求职,present oneself to…固定短语,“出席,到场”。故选D。

(15)考查动词短语。句意:当她向当地一家保险公司求职时,遭到了拒绝。A. picked up“捡起”;B. put aside“暂不考虑,把.....放在一边”;C. turned down“拒绝,关小”;D. taken in“吸收”。根据下文“She applied again.”可知,Mary被公司拒绝了。故选C。

(16)考查动词。句意:她不断地回去,直到经理接受了她。A. believed“相信”;B. praised“称赞”;C. accepted“接受”;D. noticed“注意到”。根据下文Mary Crowe被公司表彰可知,Mary Crowe一直坚持到经理接受了她。故选C。

(17)考查动词。句意:25年后,Mary Crowe在那家公司的同事们聚集在一个特别的晚宴上,表彰她作为一名保险销售员所取得的杰出成就。A. gathered“聚集”;B. decla red“宣称”;C. resigned“辞职”;D. parted“离开”。根据下文“at a special dinner in her honour”可知,公司的同事们聚集在一个特别的晚宴上。故选A。

(18)考查名词。句意:“我们每个人都在不断地成为一个人,”她说,并给出了她的成功秘诀。A. reputation“名誉;B. independence“独立”;C. responsibility“责任”;D. success“成功”。根据上文Mary被表彰可知,她成功了,分享了自己成功的秘诀。故选D。

(19)考查名词。句意:通过热情和信念,你可以成为你想成为的人。A. suspension“停职”;B. enthusiasm“热情”;C. politeness“礼貌”;D. status“地位”。根据下文and faith可知,此处是指通过热情和信念,你可以成为想成为的人。故选B。

(20)考查动词。句意:并不是说你的生活没有问题,而是一路上问题会被克服。A. corrected“纠正”;B. overcome“克服”;C. forgotten“忘记”;D. collected“收集”。根据上文“problems will be”可知,此处是指问题会被克服。故选B。




(英语)英语完形填空练习题含答案 一、高中英语完形填空 1.阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白的最 佳选项。 There was a woman in Detroit, who has two sons. She was 1 about them, especially the younger one, Ben, 2 he was not doing well in school. Boys in his class 3 him because he seemed so 4 . The mother 5 that she would, herself, have to get her sons to do better in school. She 6 them to go to the Detroit Public Library to read a 7 a week and do a report about it for her. One day, in Ben's 8 , the teacher held up a rock and asked if anyone knew it. Ben 9 up his hand and the teacher let him 10 . "Why did Ben raise his hand?" they wondered. He 11 said anything; what could he possibly want to say? Well, Ben not only 12 the rock; he said a lot about it. He named other rocks in its group and even knew 13 the teacher had found it. The teacher and the students were 14 . Ben had learned all this from doing one of his book 15 . Ben later went on to the 16 of his class. When he finished high school, he went to Yale University 17 at last became one of the best doctors in the United States. After Ben had grown up, he 18 something about his mother that he did not know as a 19 . She, herself, had never learned how to 20 . 1. A. worried B. happy C. sorry D. mad 2. A. so B. because C. but D. though 3. A. thought highly of B. took pride in C. was strict with D. laughed at 4. A. clever B. hard C. quick D. slow 5. A. asked B. decided C. forgot D. heard 6. A. chose B. invited C. told D. wanted 7. A. notice B. message C. book D. question 8. A. class B. room C. office D. lab 9. A. looked B. gave C. took D. put 10. A. think B. leave C. speak D. stand 11. A. always B. even C. quickly D. never 12. A. found B. played C. knew D. threw 13. A. whether B. when C. where D. why 14. A. afraid B. surprised C. worried D. unhappy 15. A. pictures B. exercises C. shops D. reports 16. A. top B. end C. back D. side 17. A. so B. and C. or D. however 18. A. learned B. remembered C. interviewed D. guessed 19. A. child B. doctor C. expert D. teacher


初中英语完形填空答题技巧与方法 完型填空主要测验学生的语言综合运用能力,包括基础知识的掌握和运用,对整个文章逻辑联系的理解,在情景中辨析词义的能力以及词组短语搭配的使用能力,这是大部分考生认为难度最大的考查项目。有些考生的听力基础知识部分做的还比较好,但是完型填空却只能做对一两道,有的甚至对完型填空产生了恐惧心理,导致全军覆没。其实只要我们有信心,有良好的心理素质,再加上一定的技巧,完型填空并不是不可逾越的鸿沟。 平心静气不急不躁 对完形填空心存恐惧,是导致失误的根本原因,有些考生满脑子的畏难思想,殊不知这种情绪只会使得自己的全部思想游离题外,根本无法进入思维,还谈何理解文章的内容呢?所以,集中思想、树立信心、平心静气、去除杂念才是做好完型填空题的保证。 一.浏览全文把握大意 浏览全文能获得更多的上下文提供的信息,并根据文章的内在逻辑意义、贯穿文章始终的主线以及作者行文的走向,把握文脉,调整并定位自己的解题思路,从而做出最终的判断。 二.把握全文的时态 不同的时态动词用不同的形式

三.识别短语注意搭配 一类短语是由动词+介词,或动词+副词构成,在现代英语中,这类词组很多而且实用性强、结构简练、使用灵活、表达生动,如look forward to,keep an eye on,catch one's eye等;还有一类使用极广的是介词短语,如with regard to, at the age of等。如果平时能注意词组、短语的整体记忆,掌握它们的搭配规律,在做完型填空时就能得心应手,减少失误,提高完型填空的命中率。 运用语法理顺关系 语法知识是指导完型填空的法宝,词汇是根据语法规则确定各自的位置,有了语法规则文章才能有条不紊、顺理成章。完型填空题实际上是“形断意不断,貌离神不离”,正如藕断而丝连,语法规则起到“牵动荷花带出藕”的功效。如介词后的代词必然是宾格;物质名词一般不用复数;形容词必须放在不定代词后;行为动词的否定和疑问句应由助动词do构成;情态动词只能与不带to的动词连用等。如黄浦区20XX年中考模拟试卷中的完型填空题第 3小题:I was the happiest boy in the world,填入的词逻辑根据为happy,语法根据为最高级,因为前一个词是the,后面是in the world短语,即在一个范围内进行比较,应用形容词的最高级,因而推断出该词为happiest;再如该项的第6小题,挖空处为don't,因为行为动词的否定式应由助动词构成,而且主语是I,因此得出该词为don't。 遇到难词反复默念 有时会遇到这样的情况,大部分词都填出来了,只有一、两个难词


完形填空 1. When learning new vocabulary, don’t just memorize a list of words. Instead, try to ___1___five sentences using each word. Then use the new word as often as you can ___2___day you learn it. This ___3___you will remember new words much longer. Practicing sounds, you know, is ___4___ —the “th” sound for example. Choose words that begin ___5___ “th” and repeat them over and over again ___6___you are comfortable with them. Let’s try! This, that, those, them, think, thought, through, thin, thick… Read, read, read—in English, of course! Reading is one of the best ways to increase your vocabulary ___7___improve your grammar in a natural and fun way. Be ___8___to choose topic or books you are interested in. When someone is speaking in English, ____9____the m ain point. If you hear a word you don’t understand, ignore (忽略) it and go on listening. If you stop and think about the word, you will ___10___everything else the person is saying. Always remember—Practice makes perfect. ( )1. A say B. make C. remember D. speak ( )2. A. the first B. the second C. each D. some ( )3. A. day B. time C. way D. word ( )4. A. difficult B. terrible C. funny D. easy ( )5. A. with B. from C. at D. in ( )6. A. when B. after C. until D. since ( )7. A. but B. so C. or D. and ( )8. A. quick B. sure C. important D. necessary ( )9. A. look for B. see C. listen for D. hear ( )10. A. miss B. guess C. get D. catch 2. When Billy came to class one morning, he noticed that something was different. Mrs. Green was not in her 51_____ place. She was standing in the middle of the classroom, and 52______ was hiding behind her. "Class," she said. "This is Fritz from 53____. Please say hello to him. " The class were in silence. Mrs. Green said again, "Say hello to our new friend. " But still, 54 _____said a word. " All right, then. " said Mrs. Green. "Billy, please 55______ Fritz to his new desk beside yours." "Hi, Fritz," said Billy. "Please come with me. " But Fritz would 56_____. He was holding on to 57_____. He said something, 58_____ nobody could understand. Some of the boys started to laugh. Billy felt 59 _____for him. Then, Billy said something no one else could un derstand 60 ____ Fritz. Fritz smiled and shook Billy's hands(握手'). "Wow!" everyone was surprised. Billy was proud. He said "I said," Hello' in German. I heard it once on TV." ( )1. A. only B. usual C. good D. comfortable ( )2. A. a new teacher B. a new girl C. a new boy D. Billy ( )3. A. England B. America C. France D. Germany ( )4. A. no one B. Billy C. a student D. Fritz ( )5. A. ask B. carry C. put D. take ( )6. A. come B. not move C. not say D. speak ( )7. A. another student's book B. Billy's hand C. Mrs. Green's skirt D. the teacher's desk ( )8. A. but B. so C. because D. still ( )9. A. happy B. excited C. afraid D. sorry ( )10. A. with B. except C.. of D. about


英语完形填空解题技巧 英语完形填空解题技巧。完形填空是测验常见的题型之一,即选择最恰当的单词或词组完成文章,该词条将讲述什么是完形填空,完形填空有什么类型,如何解决完形填空此类题目。它既考查对语法,词汇,习语,句型,搭配等基础知识的综合运用能力,又考查对短文的阅读理解能力,甚至有时还考察对时事政治等的关注。 英语完形填空解题技巧 一:“议论文”类完形填空解题技巧 除了记叙文常考的是议论文,议论文的完形填空包括夹叙夹议和真正的议论两种形式。夹叙夹议的文章一般是先提出一个事件,然后就此引出一个深刻的社会主题。真正议论形式的文章是通过一个或几个人对某一现象的论述来赞扬、批评或提出某种见解。 议论文的完形填空题不依记叙文那么有情景性,因此考生对文章的整体掌握有—定的困难,稍有不慎考生就会偏离作者所论述的主题。 1、对夹叙夹议形式的完形填空要把叙和议结合起来:应 始终努力去把握文章的主旨,不能只顾选择答案,而不注意事件和论点的关系。 2、真正议论形式的完形填空一般是直接提出论点,通过 论据,然后提出作者的看法,或提出一个话题供大家讨论。一般来说,作者的态度十分明确,考生就容易了解作者对事情的看法。如果作者不是直接提出自己的见解,而是通过一个或几个人对某一现象的论述来间接赞扬、批评或提出某种见解,就

要求考生能认识并正确把握作者借助于他人之口阐述的自己的观点。 二:“记叙文”类完形填空解题技巧 记叙文主要包括幽默故事、名人传记、事件叙述等。文中以叙述为主,通jiq过人物之间的对话来反映人们对事件的看法及其起因。叙述上多半用平述的形式,很少加入作者的评论。因此如果对文章上下文情景把握不住,就会失分。为了减少失分率,考生可以参考以下几点: 1、首先读懂文章的首句,把握全篇,弄清文章要讲什么。 完形填空一般没有标题,读懂第一句很关键。第一句一般不留空,是个完整的句子,整篇文窜的信息从此句开始。因此读好第一句不仅能够把握文章要讲什么内容,而且也可能把握作者的写作态度。因此,考生最好在读完第一句话后,不要急于看下一句,而是应先根据首句内容,对下文所要出现的故事进行一下推测,这有利于靠近作者的思路,避免走弯路。 2、先通读全文,掌握大意,理清各种角色。 记叙文一般有两个或两个以上的角色,作者对这些角色的态度各不一样,即使同样—件事发生在不同人身上作者也可能采用不同的写作描述。 3、理顺事件的发生、发展、结局 记叙文的多项选择式完形填空题多半以事情发展的顺序进行叙述。正确把握文章的发展顺序对于把握文章的主旨有着重要的意义,因此在选择答案时可以先理情人物的关系及各自所做的事情。 三:“说明文”类完形填空解题技巧 说明文的完形填空一般比较短,用比较简单的语言,来介绍事物、解释事理。一般包括;特点、类别、性质、成因、关


英语完形填空练习题及答案 一、高中英语完形填空 1.阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的 最佳选项。 Zigfried, a little mouse, blew his breath on the frosty window of the farmhouse and rubbed it to see the outside. Still nobody came. Maybe today, he thought 1 . It was only a few days before Christmas and he was watching for a miracle (奇迹). This farmhouse had been 2 too long. It needed a family. Zigfried's 3 made a noise. He realized that he hadn't eaten anything since yesterday. He jumped from the windowsill (窗沿), grabbed a 4 from his home, and went next door to Farmer Mike's. Farmer Mike's house had been a great place for the little mouse 5 the farmer married a wife who had a cat. Zigfried 6 when he thought of it. He looked around cautiously as he 7 into the room where grain was stored and was quite 8 as he filled his bag with wheat. He was turning to leave when suddenly he 9 a hot breath about his ear. His heart beat 10 , and without thinking he started to run and luckily 11 the cat's paws (爪子). The next afternoon Zigfried heard some good news: a 12 family would be moving into the farmhouse soon. Zigfried's granny would arrive on Christmas Eve to 13 with him. He hoped that the family would come before his granny came. Before long, a car came 14 the road leading to the house, with butter sandwiches, cheese and chocolate. Zigfried's Christmas miracle did arrive! The house came 15 the next few days. Zigfried 16 every single hour of them. 17 the day before Christmas when he was drinking hot chocolate with a 18 smile at the door of his home, he heard the 19 of the children of the family about what they might get for Christmas. What? A cat? The 20 froze on his face; his mouth fell wide open. After a long while, he at last found his voice: "Hey! Whose Christmas miracle is this?" 1. A. carefully B. excitedly C. hopefully D. proudly 2. A. dirty B. noisy C. messy D. empty 3. A. mouth B. nose C. stomach D. throat 4. A. bag B. stick C. bowl D. coat 5. A. although B. until C. when D. unless 6. A. jumped B. shocked C. trembled D. run 7. A. broke B. marched C. paced D. stole 8. A. curious B. nervous C. pitiful D. enjoyable 9. A. took B. released C. felt D. drew 10. A. strongly B. irregularly C. slowly D. wildly 11. A. escaped B. touched C. rubbed D. hold 12. A. close B. happy C. new D. young 13. A. celebrate B. communicate C. compete D. charge


Not long ago, there lived in Auckland a working family who dreamed about a house of their own. Anyone then could read in the newspapers about the building companies who offered to put people into a new house 1 only a $1,000 deposit. Of course, the remainder had to be paid off with interest over a period of twenty years or so. The worker and his wife hopefully went to one of these companies 2 this wonderful offer. And the man in the office said. “Yes, sure. You bring along $1,000 and we can 3 you with a new house.” So the worker and his wife had to work hard and in twelve months’ time they returned to the building man with $1,000. But the man in the office said, “Look, I’m sorry, 4 we’ll need $1,500 now. Costs have gone up since we saw you last, you know.” The couple thought it over and decided it would not take very long to save the extra $500 if they worked hard. In six moths they worked 5 overtime and saved the $500 in spite of the high rent they had to pay for their flat. Back to the building man they 6 with their $1,500. But to their surprise he 7 the deposit was now $3,000. Now somewhat wiser, the worker said, “And the next time, I dare say we’ll find the deposit rising once more. How have we 8 save the extra $1,500?” “Well”, said the man, “I think we can stabilize the situation for about twelve months. By the time you come with $3,000, we will have had the house 9 for you. The couple left, sad at heart as they saw their dream house 10 __. By the time they had saved the extra $1.500, no doubt the deposit would have become still higher, maybe $5,000, then $10,000 and then…! 1. A. for B. with C. on D. to 2. A. to ask for B. asking for C. to ask about D. asking about 3. A. supply B. give C. offer D. equip 4. A. or B. and C. but D. so 5. A. whole the B. whole C. the all D. all the 6. A. filled B. dealt C. went D. went on 7. A. replied B. announced C. told D. spoke 8. A. had to B. worked to C. tried to D. got to


高中英语完形填空解题技巧和训练 一、首句信息 完形填空通常首句不设空,目的是让考生迅速进入主题,熟悉语言环境,建立正确的思维导向。英语中首句通常是文章的主题句,把握了主旨句对于理解全文和解题很有帮助。 (广东卷) It has been argued by some that gifted children should be grouped in special classes. The __1__ is based on the belief that in regular classes these children are held back in their intellectual (智力的) growth by __2__ situation that has designed for the __3__ children. 1. A. principle B. theory C. argument D. classification 2. A. designing B. grouping C. learning D. living 3. A. smart B. curious C. mature D. average 二、注意前后语境,暗示信息 考查考生根据上下文提供的信息进行分析及推理的能力。 考生在做题时要有全局观念,进行连贯性思维,做题时要把每个空白处的含义与前后句的意思联系起来理解,进行合乎逻辑的推理判断。难选之处通常前后多有暗示。 这种暗示多为后面暗示前面。 (广东卷)“As a matter of fact, I’ve got someone in the office at this very moment who might ___49___.” She wrote down a number, and held it out to me, saying: “Ring up this lady. She wants a cook immediately. In fact, you would have to start tomorrow by cooking a dinner for ten people.” 49. A. hire B. accept C. suit D. offer 三、注意固定搭配,熟记常见句型, 考查考生对常见的英语固定短语和习惯用法的掌握情况。如动词与名词的搭配;动词与介词或副词的搭配;介词与名词的搭配等。这类搭配在高考完形填空中时有出现。 I admired the fact that he would talk to students outside the classroom or talk with them ___44___the telephone. 44. A. with B. by C. from D. on (陕西)The second rich man, seeing the worrying situation, stopped for a short time and gave the villagers all his food and drink, since he could see that money would be of little __34__ to them. 34. A. interest B. concern C. use D. attraction 四、注意词语辨析 考查考生在特定语境中区别近义词的能力。四个选项词性相同,意义相近,要求在特定的语境中区分它们之间的细微差别。一般说来,其中的两个选项容易排除,难辨的是两个。 Although I last met this man eight years ago, I have not forgotten his ___37_ qualities. First of all … 37. A. basic B. special C. common D. particular (全国卷)Once he ___42___ sang a song in class in order to make a point clear. 42. A. also B. nearly C. even D. only


【英语】英语完形填空练习题及答案 一、完形填空 1.完形填空 Mulin is a boy from Hubei. He is a(n) 1 boy. His parents divorced(离婚)when he was two years old. He lived with his 2 and grandmother. 3 the age of 5, his father died of heart disease. He had to live with his grandmother. Unfortunately, there was 4 wrong with his grandmother's head. He 5 his grandmother well. At the same time, he got 6 grades at school. When he was ten, he took his grandmother to see a 7 in Wuhan with some people's help. They lived in Wuhan for a month. He had 8 time to go out because he had to look after his grandmother. He called 9 a "Sunshine Boy". He 10 happy every day. But when the reporter asked him 11 he was really so happy,he said he wasn't. He didn't want to show his unhappiness to his grandmother. He told the 12 that when he was unhappy,he wrote the unhappy things on the paper with which he folded a model 13 .When the plane flew away, he felt relaxed. When the reporter asked him if he felt sorry to 14 so many lessons because of going to Wuhan, he said the lessons he missed could be learned later, but if his grandmother missed the best time to cure, there would be nothing to get the chance 15 . What a good boy! We should learn from him. 1. A. lucky B. unlucky C. polite D. impolite 2. A. mother B. father C. sister D. brother 3. A. At B. In C. For D. To 4. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything 5. A. looked at B. looked up C. looked for D. looked after 6. A. good B. bad C. big D. small 7. A. film B. program C. doctor D. friend 8. A. few B. much C. many D. little 9. A. he B. himself C. she D. herself 10. A. smelt B. tasted C. looked D. felt 11. A. that B. if C. where D. why 12. A. writer B. reader C. teacher D. reporter 13. A. bike B. train C. plane D. ship 14. A. get B. catch C. miss D. forget 15. A. back B. up C. off D. down 【答案】(1)B;(2)B;(3)A;(4)A;(5)D;(6)A;(7)C;(8)D;(9)B;(10)C;(11)B;(12)D;(13)C;(14)C;(15)A; 【解析】【分析】文章大意:木林是一个湖北男孩。他是个不幸的孩子,父母离婚,父亲 去世,奶奶生病,但是他很阳光,既照顾了父母又能把学习搞好宁可耽误学习也要先把奶 奶的病看好。多好的孩子啊!我们应该向他学习。


中考英语完形填空解题技巧与专项训练10篇 师宗县竹基中学英语备课组 “完形填空(CLOZE TEST)”是云南省及曲靖市中考英语试题中固定而重要的题型。 它是一种障碍性的测试题。在一定程度上考查考生的阅读能力、逻辑推理及分析归纳、综合 判断能力。完型填空就是给考生一篇语句连贯的短文,命题人有目的地在每隔一定数量的词 语后挖去一处词语,形成总共10处词语空缺,然后在相应的空缺处设置包括二到三个干扰 答案在内的三个或四个备选答案,需要考生从这些选项中选出一个最佳的答案。从完型填空 的命题形式来看,待填充的10个填空不是孤立存在的,而是处在一整篇文章的大背景之中 的。从这个角度,完型文章实际上是由未知信息(即10处填空)和已知信息(即10处填空之外的那些可以阅读到的信息)组成的。虽然未知信息是考生看不到的,但是未知信息与已知信息之间有着各种各样、千丝万缕的关系,命题者之所以将10个未知信息设置在大量的已知 信息之中,就是要求考生在对这些已知信息进行充分把握和理解的基础上,通过已知信息去 破解未知信息。完形填空题,考查的目的是在篇章中考查考生掌握基础知识、辨析词汇的能力。完形填空对考查归纳理解、综合思维等能力都是非常好的,有利于开发智力,把不完整 的文章,通过自己的分析,变成完整的文章,这是对学生想像思维的训练。所以考生首先要 正确对待这道题,解除心理障碍。 这种题型归纳起来有如下特点: 1. 在整份试卷中所占的分值较重,占10—15%,长度一般在130—200个单词左右。 2?降低了对单词本身的考查要求,重点考查考生对短文的整体理解,上下文的段落衔接, 情理分析及推理判断能力。 3 ?针对初中学生的实际水平,一般采用故事体,尽量避免专业性太强的文章或论文体。 近几年来出现了以意义选择为主、语法选择逐渐减少的趋势。 “完形填空”有多种形式,但它在基本设计原则上都是一致的。形式都是从短文中抽去 若干词,让考生根据上下文填入适当的词,为了有助于考生填入适当的词,可以提供四个答 案(其中包括一个正确答案),让考生选出正确的答案;也可以给出单词首字母完形填空, 或者给出字母及单词长度(由几个字母组成);也可以不给考生提供任何线索,完全凭借考 生对文章的理解和现有的语言能力完成。最常见的还是选择型的“完形填空”。 “抽词法”可以是有针对性地抽,也可以是随机地抽。但目前比较流行的是对文章理解能


英语完形填空解题技巧及经典例题讲解完形填空是以阅读为形式,以上下文为基础,以词法和语法为手段测试考生 解决语言信息空缺的能力。从历年考题看,完形填空所选文章难度不大,加上正确选项后,对大多数考生来说阅读起来几乎没有困难。 一.精讲对策 1)、用1至2分钟的时间快读全文,快读全文是为了把握文章的大意和中心,把握文章发展的基本线索。快读中,可以不管空格,对要填的内容做一大概的猜测即可。 2)、要有整体观,要瞻前顾后,先易后难。做题时,文章首句和尾句要特别注意,前者往往是文章全貌的窗口,后者往往是起画龙点睛作用和总结性句子;先易后难指的是没有把握的选项就空着,不可主观判断,草草选上一个充数,事实上,文章最前面的空格碰到的问题很有可能要到文章的末尾才能找到答案。 3)、核对全文,核对的意义不是第二次重做,而是要检查前后是否贯通,内容是否含糊矛盾,再从语法角度仔细检查,以便弥补疏漏。 4)、对于个别难度较大的选项,这种选项往往是同义词语,不容易辨别出它们之间的细微差别,则要凭自己的第一感觉,这和胡猜是两码事,这里是用语感在做选择。 二.精讲例题 what is the best way to study? this is a very important question. some chinese students often 1 very hard 2 long hours. this is a 3 habit (习惯), but it is not a better way to study . a good student must 4 enough sleep, enough food and enough rest. every 5 you 6 to take a walk or play basketball or ping-pong or sing a song. when you 7 to your studies, you’ll find yourself 8 than before and you’ll lean more. perhaps we can 9 that learning english is like taking chinese medicine, we mean that like chinese medicine, the effects(效果) of your study 10 slowly but surely. learn every day and effects will come just like chinese medicine. 1. a. play b. study c. sleep d. think 2. a. at b. in c. for d. with 3. a. best b. better c. good d. bad 4. a. have b. do c. want d. make 5. a. month b. week c. hour d. day 6. a. want b. hope c. need d. wish 7. a. begin b. return c. go d. are 8. a. stronger b. weaker c. strong d. week 9. a. say b. guess c. talk d. know 10. a. return b. come c. give d. get [答案简析] 文章讲述了认真学习的同时,必须要注意劳逸结合。这样才有好的学习效率。 1. b。下文指出这是一个好的学习习惯但不是一个好的学习方法,故选study。 2. c。介词for常与一段时间连用, 在句中作状语。 3. c。与下半句形成转折关系,这里应选good,说明努力学习是一种好的习惯。 4. a。一个会学习的学生必须有足够的睡眠。have意为“拥有”,为正确选项。


高中英语完形填空试题(有答案和解析)及解析 一、高中英语完形填空 1.阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A,B,C和D)中,选出可以填入空白 处的最佳选项。 I had stopped to get gas at a place where I almost never go. I had 1 about cleaning my windshield (挡风玻璃). But then when the gas 2 was almost finished, I decided for some reason to 3 and clean it. That's what I was doing when a woman approached me and asked for 4 . There were two women, one middle aged, the other twenty-something, 5 a young child in the back seat. On a day when the temperature was well past 100, they were 6 in an old car with no air conditioning, driving from a town about an hour away. "Can you tell us how to get to Mopac, sir?" She had a folded-up printout of directions from Google maps. "Sure. Where on Mopac are you 7 ?" I asked. She unfolded the printout and showed me the 8 . I knew it well, and started to get the 9 that this moment was meant to happen. "I know 10 where that is." I told her. "I used to have a(n) 11 in that building to work in." I 12 giving directions to the older lady, and then again to her 13 , who was the driver. It took a while, because I 14 each instruction to make sure they understood. In a sincere moment of 15 , the older lady thanked me. The whole 16 helped me much more than it helped her. I had been having a very 17 day. In fact, the only reason I had gone to that particular gas station was that I wanted to take a little drive and 18 my head. As I replaced the gas cap, having sent them on their way, I suddenly 19 that I felt better. My head was clear. And I am 20 for the real goodness it brought into my life. 1. A. cared B. hesitated C. worried D. complained 2. A. making B. leaking C. burning D. pumping 3. A. go ahead B. give up C. set off D. hurry up 4. A. gas B. coins C. directions D. food 5. A. upon B. with C. except D. beyond 6. A. starving B. sheltering C. traveling D. hiding 7. A. lost B. arranged C. located D. headed 8. A. distance B. line C. sign D. address 9. A. feeling B. evidence C. reward D. pleasure 10. A. generally B. exactly C. wholly D. personally 11. A. destination B. field C. office D. apartment 12. A. thought of B. put off C. turned to D. ended up 13. A. companion B. passenger C. helper D. colleague 14. A. explained B. repeated C. demonstrated D. recalled 15. A. silence B. coldness C. appreciation D. embarrassment
