


An swer Keys to Liste n to This: 2

Edited by莫显良、马军军、张凤英、陈燕

L 1 L 2 L 3 L 4 L 5 L 6 L 7 L 8 L 9 L 10 L 11 L 12 L 13 L 14 L 15 L 16 L 17 L 18 L 19 L 20 L 21 L 22 L 23 L 24 L 25 L 26 L 27 L 28 L 29 L 30 L 31 L 32 L 33 L 34 L 35 L 36

Lesson 1

Secti on I

Task 1: This Is Your Life!

A. Choose the best an swer (a, b or c) to complete each of the follow ing stateme nts.

1 —6: caacba

B. True or False Questi ons.

1 —6: TFFFFT

C. Ide ntificatio n.

(1) —(b),⑵一(d),⑶一(f),⑷一(g),⑸一(a),⑹一(c),⑺一(e)

D. Complete the follow ing r sum 至for Jas on Douglas.

Name: Jas on Douglas

Former n ame: Graham Smith

Professi on: actor

Date of birth: July 2, 1947

1952: started school

1958: moved to Lane End Secon dary School

1966: went to the London School of Drama

1969: left the London School of Drama

1973: went to Hollywood

1974: were in a movie with Maria Mon trose

Task 2: What Are Your Ambitio ns?

A. Give brief an swers to the followi ng questi ons.

1. Radio Statio n QRX.

2. For a survey.

3. Four.

4. Six.

5. (1) What 'your name?

(2) What do you do for a living?

(3) What do you do for fun?

(4) What 'the most excit ing thi ng that 'shappe ned to you recen tly?

(5) Who do you admire most in this world?

(6) What do you want to be doing five years from now?

Section II

A. Choose the best an swer (a, b or c) for each of the follow ing questi ons.

1 —6: abaccb

B. True or False Questi ons.

1 —4: FTFF

C. Fill in the following chart with information about the journey the Roman army made

accord ing to Trevor.

Desig nati on: D Compa ny

Number of men: one hun dred and more

Journ ey: from France to Brita in

Means of tran script: boat

Weather con diti ons: stormy

Food: cat food

Drink: rain water

Con diti ons of weap ons after landing: useless

Fighti ng: none

Equipme nt lost or damaged: boat lost, guns full of water, supplies of wine lost

Soldiers killed or woun ded: about ten survivors, all others drow ned or killed by cold

D. Point out what is not true in Trevor 'story.

The follow ing did not exist in Roma n times:

petrol, newspaper, matches, trousers, tinned food, taps, guns, wine bottles.

50 BC could not appear on a coin. 50-55 BC is coun ti ng backwards.

E. Fill in the bla nks accord ing to what you hear on the tape.

1. terrible, stormy, or more of us, shut in, so bad, sick, stuffy.

2. pushed up onto the sands, climbed out, jumping into the, struggling to the, up to my shoulder, freez ing.

3. came and took us away, joined, going into the camp, a hot meal, clean clothes, given our pay.

Section III

Task 1: Lear ning to Predict

1. Answer : trying to write a letter

Reas on: The speaker's questi on suggests he n eeds a quiet surrounding to do somethi ng.

2. Hint : the first speaker is a guest complaining about the conditions of Room 43 which is a sin gle room. The sec

ond speaker is a hotel clerk who suggests that the guest move to a double room.

Answer : is the only single room available at the moment

Reas on: The phrase “ m' afraid ” ofte n suggests a n egative or un satisfy ing an swer.

3. Answer : Where on earth did you get it?

Reas on: The sec ond speaker 'surprised tone shows that the money is out of her expectati on and she must be curious about how it is gain ed.

4. An swer : You must n'tdiscrim in ate aga inst some one just because they are married.

Reas on: The word but ” suggests an opposite meaning.

5. Answer : I wouldn 'tmind being a prince.

Reas on: The man's questi oning tone shows he does n'agree with the woma n.

6. Answer : I rm not a workaholic.

Reas on: The word but ” suggests an opposite meaning.

7. Answer : he had been.

Reas on: But ” and possibly ” both give some hint.

Task 2: Dictati on

Passage 1: The Kno wledge

Beco ming a London tax i driver isn ' t easy .In order to obt^icence to drive a taxi in London, can didates have to pass a detailed exam in ati on. They have to lear n not only the streets, la ndmarks and hotels, but also the quickest way to get there. This is called “ The Knowledge ” by London Cab drivers

and it can take years of study and practice to get ‘ The Kno wledge ' . Can didates are exam ined not on ly on the quickest routes but also on the quickest routes at differe nt times of the day. People who want to pass the exam in ati on spe nd much of their free time drivi ng or even cycli ng around London, study ing maps and lear ning the huge street directory by heart.

Passage 2: The Un dergr ound

Travelling on the London underground (the ‘ tutf e w'difpcralS e ntfor visitors because of

the clear colour- coded maps. It is always useful to have ple nty of spare cha nge with you because there are ofte n long queues at the larger stati on s. If you have eno ugh cha nge you can buy your ticket from a mach ine. You will find sig ns which list the stati ons in alphabetical order, with the correct fares, n ear the mach in es. There are automatic barriers which are operated by the tickets. You should keep the ticket, because it is checked at the desti natio n.

Lesson 2

Secti on I

Task1: Film Edit ing

A. True or False Questio ns.

1 —4: TFTF

B. Fill in the followi ng bla nks to give a clear picture of what n eeds to be done before a film is

ready for distributi on.

1. The assista nt:

a. Synching up ”which means matching sound and pictures according to the numbers stamped along the edge of

the film and sound tape.

b. Logging ”which means recording the detail version of the film and the sound in a log book.

2. The film editor:

a. Make a first selecti on of the best takes.

b. Prepare a fough cut” -an initial version of the film.

c. Prepare the fine cut ” 一the final form of the film.

3. Others:

a. Approve the fine cut.

b. Dubbing ”which means voices, music, background noises and sometimes special effects are put together.

c. T he neg” cutters cut the original negatives on the film so that these match the edited film exactly.

Task 2: A Vision of the Future

A. Choose the best an swer for each of the follow ing questi ons.

1 —6: abaccc

B. True of False Questi ons.

1 —4: TFTF

C. Fill in the bla nks to give a clear picture of the problems New York faces in the movie.

1. 40 million

2. have no apartment, sleep on the steps of the building, crawl over sleeping people to get inside.

3. nothing will grow, they never see the sun.

4. soylent: soylent red, soylent yellow, and soylent green. 2, soybeans, soylent green, ocean plants

5. 90 degree.

6. electricity, ride bicycles to make it.

Section II

Task 1: America n In dia ns

A. Answer the following questions briefly.

1. 149


2. He thought that he had arrived in In dia.

3. They were ki nd to them and wan ted to help.

4. (1) They wan ted bigger farms and more land for themselves; (2) More immigra nts came from Europe.

5. It was their mother. Everything came from and went back to their mother. And it was for everybody.

6. They started fighti ng back.

7. By 1875 the Indians had lost the fight and had to live in “eservations”.

8. The In dia ns are bad and the White man is good and brave in Hollywood films.

B. Choose the best an swer for each of the follow ing questi ons.

1 —4: acbc

Task 2: New Australia ns

A. Ide ntificatio n:

1. (1) —(d), (2) —(b), (3) —(a), (4) —(c)

2. (a) more tha n 15 milli on,

(b) 160, 000,

(c) the year 1851,

(d) 700, 000

B. True or False questi ons.

1 —6: FTFFTT

C. Fill in the bla nks with events conn ected with the follow ing time expressi ons.

1. Italia ns

a. the 1850s and 1860s: Different states in Italy were fighting for independence and some Italia ns went to

Australia for political reas ons. Some others went there for gold.

b. 1891: The first group of 300 Italia ns went to work in the sugar-ca ne fields of n orthern Australia.

c. The end of the 19 th cen tury: Some good Italian fishermen went to western Australia.

2. Greeks

a. 1830: The first Greeks went to work in vineyards in south-eastern Australia.

b. The 1860s; There were about 500 Greeks in Australia.

c. 1890; There were Greek Cafes and restaura nts all over Sydney and out in the coun tryside.

d. After WWII: Many Greeks arrived in Australia.

Section III

Task 1: Lear ning to Predict

1. Answer : It' good exercise. Keeps you fit.

Reas on: The word yeah” suggests that the boy will say someth ing in agreeme nt with the woma n ' comme nt.

2. Answer : We turn the music up really loud and start dancing.

Reas on: The phrase why not ” suggests that the boys will simply dance in the street.

3. An swer : They can 'do it like me yet.

Reas on: The word but ” suggests an opposite meaning.

4. Answer : It' a very old book.

Reas on: The word actually ” also suggests an opposite meaning.

英语中级听力文本及答案 9--16课

lesson 09 PADI Instructor training Become a PADI professional today Train in the tropical Florida, Catherine has just left school and she wants to find a job. She and her mother have come to speak to the Careers Advisory Officer. Listen to their conversation. Officer: Oh, come in, take a seat. I'm the Careers Officer. You're Cathy, aren't you? Mother: That's right. This is Catherine Hunt, and I'm her mother. Officer: How do you do, Mrs Hunt. Hello, Catherine. Cathy: Hello. Pleased to meet you. Officer: And you'd like some advice about choosing a career? Mother: Yes, she would. Wouldn't you, Catherine? Cathy: Yes, Please. Officer: Well, just let me ask a few questions to begin with. How old are you, Catherine? Mother: She's nineteen. Well, she's almost nineteen. She'll be nineteen next month. Officer: And what qualifications have you got? Mother: Well, qualifications from school of course. Very good results she got. And she's got certificates for ballet and for playing the piano. Officer: Is that what you're interested in, Catherine, dancing and music? Cathy: Well ... Mother: Ever since she was a little girl she's been very keen on her music and dancing. She ought to be a music teacher or something. She's quite willing to train for a few more years to get the right job, aren't you, Catherine? Cathy: Well, if it's a good idea. Mother: There you are, you see. She's good girl really. A bit lazy and disorganized sometimes, but she's very bright. I'm sure the Careers Officer will have lots of jobs for you. Officer: Well, I'm afraid it's not as easy as that. There are many young people these days who can't find the job they want. Mother: I told you so, Catherine. I told you shouldn't wear that dress. You have to look smart to get a job these days. Officer: I think she looks very nice. Mrs. Hunt, will you come into the other office for a moment and look at some of the information we have there. I'm sure you'd like to see how we can help young people. Mother: Yes, I'd love to. Mind you, I think Catherine would be a very nice teacher. She could work with young children. She'd like that. Or she could be a vet. She's always looking after sick animals. Officer: I'm afraid there's a lot of competition. You need very good results to be a vet. This way, Mrs. Hunt. Just wait a minute, Catherine. * * * Officer: There are just one or two more things, Catherine. Cathy: Do call me Cathy. Officer: OK, Cathy. Are you really interested in being a vet? Cathy: Not really. Anyway, I'm not bright enough. I'm reasonably intelligent, but I'm not brilliant. I'm afraid my mother is a bit over-optimistic. Officer: Yes, I guessed that. She's a bit overpowering, isn't she, your mum? Cathy: A bit. But she's very kind. Officer: I'm sure she is. So, you're interested in ballet and music, are you? Cathy: Not really. My mother sent me to lessons when I was six, so I'm quite good, I suppose. But I don't think I want to do that for the rest of my life, especially music. It's so lonely. Officer: What do you enjoy doing? Cathy: Well, I like playing tennis, and swimming. Oh, I went to France with the school choir last year. I really enjoyed that. And I like talking to people. But I suppose you mean real interests—things that would help me to get a job?


Unit 1 A time to remember Conversation 2A Ted: Ana: Oh, I ' m really sorry. Are you OK? I ' m fine. But I ' m not very good at this. Ted: Ana: Neither am I. Say, are you from South America? Yes, I am, originally. I was born in Argentina. Ted: Ana: Did you grow up there? Yes, I did, but my family moved here eight years ago, when I was in high school. Ted: Ana: And where did you learn to Rollerblade? Here in the park. This is only my second time. Ted: Ana: Well, it ' s my first time. Can you give me some lessons? Sure, Just follow me. Ted: Ana: By the way, my name is Ted. And I ' m Ana. Nice to meet you. Conversation 2B Ted: Ana: Hey, that was fun. Thanks for the lesson! No problem. So, tell me a little about yourself. What do you do? Ted: Ana: I work in a travel agency. Really! What do you do there? Ted: Ana: I 'm in charge of their computers. Oh, so you ' re a computer specialist. Ted: Ana: Well, sort of. Yeah, I guess so. That 's greTaht.en maybe you can give me some help with a computer course I 'm taking. Ted: Ana: Oh, sure . . . but only if you promise to give me some more Rollerblading lessons. It ' s a deal! Listening 4 Yu Hong Interviewer: Yu Hong: Where are you from originally, Yu Hong? I'm from china . . . from nearShanghai. Interviewer: Yu Hong: And when did you move here? I came here after I graduated from college. That was in 1992. Interviewer: Yu Hong: And what do you do now? I ' m a transportation engineer. Interviewer: Yu Hong: I see. So you ' re an immigrant to the United States. Yes, thats ri'ght. Interviewer: Yu Hong: What are some of the difficulties of being an immigrant in the U.S.? Oh, that ' s not an easy question to answer. There are so many things, really. I guess one of the biggest difficulties is that I don ' t have any relatives here. I mean, I have a lot of friends, but that thing. In china, on holidays or the weekend, we visit relatives. It isn ' t the same here. Interviewer: Yu Hong: And what do you miss the most from home? Oh, that 's easy: my mom 'Shsesomuapk!es great soup. I really miss my mother 's cooking. Ajay Interviewer: Ajay: Where are you from, Ajay? I ' m fromIndia. Interviewer: And when did you move to the U.S.?


Lesson 13 Lesley: Ah ... it's such a lovely day. It reminds me of last week, doesn't it you? Fiona: Oh don't! I mean that was just so fantastic, that holiday! Lesley: I love that city, you know. Fiona: I do too. Really, it's got something about it, a certain sort of charm ... Lesley: Mm, and all that wine and good food ... Fiona: And so cheap. Right, I mean, compared to here ... Lesley: Yes, although the shops are expensive. Fiona: Mm, yes. Lesley: I mean, really I bought nothing at all. I just ate and ate and drank and drank. Fiona: I know. Wasn't that lovely? Lesley: Yes, and I, I go there. I like listening to the people talking, sitting outside drinking wine. Fiona: Yes. Could you understand what they were saying? When they were speaking quickly, I mean. Lesley: Well, it is difficult, of course. And then I liked that tower, too. Fiona: You liked that tower? I'm not sure about it, really. (No) It's very unusual, right in the centre of the city. Lesley: True, but there's a lovely view from the top. Fiona: Oh, you went right up, didn't you? (Mm, yes) Oh no, I didn't. Lesley: Of course you didn't. Fiona: I remember that day. We weren't together. Lesley: No, that's right. (Mm) You went down by the river, didn't you? Fiona: That's it. Oh, walking along the river and all the couples (Yes) and it's so romantic ... (Is it true) and the paintings too ... Lesley: They do have artists down by the river, do they? (Yes) Oh, how lovely! Fiona: Oh, it really is super. Lesley: Yes. Oh, I think we ought to go back there again next year, don't you? Fiona: I do, yes. (Mm) If only just to sample some more of the wine. Lesley: It'd be lovely, wouldn't it? Fiona: Yes. (Doorbell rings.) Peter: Hello, John. Nice to see you. Come in. How are you? John: Fine, thanks. Peter. And how are you? I expect your patients are keeping you busy at this time of year? Peter: Ah, well. I can't really complain. Let me take your coat. There we are. Well, now, I don't think you've met Ann Patterson, have you? Ann, this is John Middleton. He's the local schoolteacher. Ann: Oh! How do you do? John: How do you do? Ann: Well, that's very interesting. Perhaps you'll be looking after my son. Peter: Yes, that's right. Ann and her family have just moved into the old barn, up by the village hall. They're in the process of doing it up now. Ann: Yes, there's an awful lot needs doing, of course. (Doorbell rings.) Peter: Er, please excuse me for a moment. I think that was the doorbell. John: Well, if I can give you a hand with anything ... I'm something of a handyman in my spare time, you know. I live just over the road. Ann: That's very kind of you. I'm an architect myself, so ... Oh, look! There's someone I know, Eileen! Eileen: Ann, fancy seeing you here! How's life? Ann: Oh, mustn't grumble. Moving's never much fun though, is it? Anyway, how are things with you? You're still at the same estate agent's. I suppose? Eileen: Oh yes. I can't see myself leaving, well, not in the foreseeable future. Ann: Oh, I quite forgot. Do you two know each other? John: Yes, actually, we've met on many an occasion. Hello, Eileen. You see, we play in the same orchestra. Ann: Oh, really? I didn't know anything about that. Eileen: Yes, actually, just amateur stuff, you know—once a week—I come down from London when I can get a baby-sitter for Joanna. Paul: Er ... excuse me, I hope you don't mind my butting in. My name's Paul Madison. I couldn't help overhearing what you said about an orchestra. John: Come and join the party. I'm John Middleton. This is Ann Patterson and Eileen ... or ... I'm terribly sorry. I don't think I know your surname? Eileen: Hawkes. Pleased to meet you, Paul. You play an instrument, do you? Paul: Yes, I'm over here on a scholarship to study the bassoon (loud yawn from Ann) at the Royal Academy of Music for a couple of years. Ann: Oh, I am sorry. It must be all that hard work on the barn ...


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英语中级听力参考答案 Answer Keys to Listen to This: 2 Edited by莫显良、马军军、张凤英、陈燕 L 1 L 2 L 3 L 4 L 5 L 6 L 7 L 8 L 9 L 10 L 11 L 12 L 13 L 14 L 15 L 16 L 17 L 18 L 19 L 20 L 21 L 22 L 23 L 24 L 25 L 26 L 27 L 28 L 29 L 30 L 31 L 32 L 33 L 34 L 35 L 36 Lesson 1 Section I Task 1: This Is Your Life! A.Choose the best answer (a, b or c) to complete each of the following statements. 1—6: caacba B.True or False Questions. 1—6: TFFFFT C.Identification.

(1)—(b), (2)—(d), (3)—(f), (4)—(g), (5)—(a), (6)—(c), (7)—(e),plete the following résumé for Jason Douglas. Name: Jason Douglas Former name: Graham Smith Profession: actor Date of birth: July 2, 1947 1952: started school 1958: moved to Lane End Secondary School 1966: went to the London School of Drama 1969: left the London School of Drama 1973: went to Hollywood 1974: were in a movie with Maria Montrose Task 2: What Are Your Ambitions? A.Give brief answers to the following questions. 1.Radio Station QRX. 2.For a survey.


英语中级听力参考答案 Answer Keys to Listen to This: 2 Lesson 16 Section One: Men and Women III. Exercises: A. 1. F 2. F 3. F 4. T B.(1) --- (d, i, m); (2) --- (a, c, e, j, l); (3) --- (h); (4) --- (f); (5) --- (b, g); (6) --- (k); C. 1. all her up about, your side of 2. for sale 3. house-trained, reasonably trained, two years, two weeks, needs training, within 4. 25p, all a man was worth 5. staring me in the face, blew me top 6. blamed me for 7. egged her on 8. came off, barged into 9. blown over, a world of good Section Two: Task 1: The Suffragette Movement A. 1. c 2. a 3. a 4.b B. 1. She would feel highly insulted. 2. They got the right to vote and some of them became members of the Parliament. 3. They have been useful in helping women in their jobs in other vocations. 4. She didn’t want to vote. 5. She feels all right joining men in their world of work and sport. But she is happy to leave politics to men. C. 1. approve of 2. a good laugh 3. In the long term 4. interfered with, a few boos and there, clapping 5. different to, at their own job 6. a great thrill on the race track Task 2: Sex Discrimination A. 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. F B. 1. sit under, fall off, got to stand up 2. being discriminated against, at least to some extent 3. proved wrong, removes, valid grounds for 4. stamp it out 5. a great shame, go round

listentothis 英语中级听力答案及原文

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英语中级听力参考答案 Answer Keys to Listen to This: 2 Edited by莫显良、马军军、张凤英、陈燕 Lesson 1 Section I Task 1: This Is Your Life! A.Choose the best answer (a, b or c) to complete each of the following statements. 1—6: caacba B.True or False Questions. 1—6: TFFFFT C.Identification. (1)—(b), (2)—(d), (3)—(f), (4)—(g), (5)—(a), (6)—(c), (7)—(e),plete the following résumé for Jason Douglas. Name: Jason Douglas Former name: Graham Smith Profession: actor Date of birth: July 2, 1947 1952: started school 1958: moved to Lane End Secondary School 1966: went to the London School of Drama 1969: left the London School of Drama 1973: went to Hollywood 1974: were in a movie with Maria Montrose Task 2: What Are Your Ambitions? A.Give brief answers to the following questions. 1.Radio Station QRX.


Lesson13. Section One Task1. Guess What People Are Talking About A. 1----5T F F T F 6.T B. and good food 2. the river 3. walking along the river and all the couples 4. paintings there C. 1. reminds/of 2. got something about it/sort of charm 3. unusual/in the center of 4. from the top 5. down by the river Task2. Nice to see you! A.1---2.c a B.1—d, I; 2—a; 3—e,f; 4—b, c, f; 5—h; 6—g C. 1. are keeping you busy 2. in the process/doing it up 3. give you a hand with/something of 4. see myself leaving/foreseeable 5. my butting in 6. over here on a scholarship/the Royal Academy of Music Section Two Task1. What do you like about your job? A.1----4a c b c B.1----5 F F T F T 6----8 F F T C. 1. a night person 2. on the lookout for/ stump me 3. plan on sticking around 4. the Beatles/a great beat to move to,ing up with 6. at the end of/have slimmed down/built up 7. against a tight deadline 8. at first/working with Task 2. What do you think of yourself? A. 1-----5: a c a c b 6.a B. 1---a. a secretary b. good at her job c. different in her private life d. pretty tide in office e. incoherent in her behavior

英语中级听力Lesson 1原文

Lesson 1 'This Is Your Life' is one of the most popular programmes on British and American television. Every week a famous person is invited to a television studio, without knowing that he or she will be the subject of the programme. The compère meets the person outside the studio and says 'This is your life!' The person then meets friends and relatives from his or her past and present. Studio 4 is where the programme is recorded. The programme begins at eight o'clock. It's 6:45 now and the director is checking the preparations with his new production assistant (PA). The subject of tonight's show will be an actor, Jason Douglas. The compère, as usual, will be Terry Donovan. Director: Let's just check the arrangements. We're bringing Jason Douglas here in a studio car—he thinks he's coming to a discussion programme! The driver has been told to arrive at exactly 7:55. Now, the programme begins at eight o'clock. At that time Jason will be walking to the studio. Terry Donovan will start his introduction at 8:01, and Jason will arrive at 8:02. Terry will meet him at the studio entrance ... Camera 4 will be there. Then he'll take him to that seat. It'll be on Camera 3. Jason will be sitting there during the whole programme. For most of the show Terry will be standing in the middle, and he'll be on Camera 2. The guests will come through that door, talk to Terry and Jason ... and then sit over there. Director: Now, is that all clear? PA: Yes ... there's just one thing. Director: Well, what is it? PA: Who's going to look after the guests during the show? Director: Pauline is. PA: And where will they be waiting during the show? Director: In Room 401, as usual. Pauline will be waiting with them, and she'll be watching the show on the monitor. She'll tell them two minutes before they enter. PA: I think that's everything. Terry: Good evening and welcome to 'This is Your Life'. This is Terry Donovan speaking. We're waiting for the subject of tonight's programme. He's one of the world's leading actors, and he thinks he's coming here to take part in a discussion programme ... I can hear him now ... yes, here he is! Jason Douglas ... This is your life! Jason: Oh, no ... I don't believe it! Not me ... Terry: Yes, you! Now come over here and sit down. Jason, you were born at number 28 Balaclava Street in East Ham, London on July 2nd, 1947. You were one of six children, and your father was a taxi driver. Of course, your name was then Graham Smith. Terry: Now, do you know this voice? 'I remember Jason when he was two. He used to scream and shout all day.' Jason: Susan! Terry: Yes ... all the way from Sydney, Australia ... She flew here specially for this programme. It's your sister, Susan Fraser! Jason: Susan ... Why didn't you tell me ... oh, this is wonderful!


成熙英语中级班听力脚本(剑桥二) Unit 1 (1) I'm really sorry: Ted: Oh, I'm really sorry. Are you OK? Ana: I'm fine. But I'm not very good at this. Ted: Neither am I. Say, are you from South America? Ana: Yes, I am originally. I was born in Argentina. Ted: Did you grow up there? Ana: Yes, I did, but my family moved here eight years ago when I was in high school. Ted: And where did you learn to rollarblade? Ana: Here in the park. This is only my second time. Ted: Well, it's my first time. Can you give me some lessons? Ana: Sure. Just follow me. Ted : By the way, my name is Ted. Ana: And I'm Ana. Nice to meet you. Hey, hey! that was fun Ted: Hey, hey! that was fun. Thank you for the lesson! Ana: No problem. So, tell me a little about yourself. What do you do? Ted: I work in a travel agency. Ana: Really! What do you do there? Ted: I'm in charge of their computers. Ana: Oh, so you're a computer specialist. Ted: Well, sort of. Yeah, I guess so. Ana: That's great. Then maybe you can give me some help with a computer course I'm taking. Ted: Oh, sure...But only if you promise to give me some more rollarblading lessons. Ana: It's a deal! (2) Where are you from originally, Yu Hong Interviewer: Where are you from originally, Yu Hong? Yu Hong: I'm from China...from near Shanghai. Interviewer: And when did you move here? Yu Hong: I came here after I graduated from college. That was in 1992. Interviewer: And what do you do now? Yu Hong: I'm a transportation engineer. Interviewer: I see. So you 're an immigrant to the United States. Yu Hong: Yes, that's right. Interviewer: What are some of difficulties of being an immigrant in the U.S.? Yu Hong: Oh, that's not an easy question to answer. There are so many things, really. I guess one of the biggest difficulties is that I don't have any relatives here. I mean, I have a lot of friends, but that's not the same thing. In China, on the holidays or the weekend, we visit relatives. It isn't the same here. Interviewer: And what do you miss the most from home?
