friends-1 老友记 第一季 第一集 单词

friends-1 老友记 第一季 第一集 单词
friends-1 老友记 第一季 第一集 单词

Friends 1S-1E

Words and phrase

1.gotta=got to 必须,一定,得I ‘ve gotta/I gotta go 我得走了口语


2.there is something wrong with 跟什么有关系

3.hump n. &v. 驼背adj. 激动的,生气的hump is not good for

people’s temperament.

4.chalk n.粉笔

5.go through 经历,经过,完成

6.totally adv.完全地,非常地

7.naked adj.赤裸的

8.turn out 结果是’s my mother 指代不确定人称时,使用it’s

10.w eird adj.古怪的,不可思议的

11.w anna= want to

12.s weetie 甜心,指代亲昵的词语:dear,honey,babe

13.i ntestine n.小肠

14.m ove the stuff out 把行李搬走

15.l et me get you some …让我带给你(饮料,事物等)

16.t o hell with her 去她的

17.l esbian n.女同性恋

18.f ixate on 关注=focus on=pay attention to

19.I wish I was …虚拟语气,be使用过去式

20.T ake it pretty well/serious 把这件事情看得很轻松/严肃对待

21.J oint adj.共同的,联合的n.俱乐部,关节

22.H ormone Cn.荷尔蒙

23.B ridesmaid n.新娘bridegroom n.新郎

24.G orgeous adj.华丽的,动人的

25.T urn on开(水、电视、收音机、灯、煤气等);(使)感兴趣;(使)兴奋

26.A nd then 然后

27.F reaked out 吓坏了(为表礼貌,freaking在英文里常常代替了


28.W hen it hits me 突然想到

29.G et out of here 离开这里

30.K inda=kind of adv.有一些区别于a kind of 一种

31.D rift apart 疏远

32.I ssue Cn.问题,事情(作文里可常用)

33.O rgan n.器官,风琴

34.G et married/marry sb.

35.I t matters to sb. 对…有影响,matter v.起作用,有影响

36.P ush down 推下

37.W hat if 要是…又怎样

38.M etaphor n.比喻

39.E stablish v.创立,创建,被安排好

40.S tring n.绳子

41.T ake control of 控制

42.H it on 挑逗;想出..的办法

43.E yelash n.睫毛

44.H oneymoon 蜜月

45.H ang out (呆在某处)闲逛

46.S tereo n.立体音箱

47.G et screwed 被坑了,被玩了

48.L ook 听着

49.H orny adj.浴火中烧的

50.R evelation n.被揭露出来的事物

51.S mash v. 打碎,击碎


1.I was in the room where we were keeping all the presents 地点状语

从句由where=the place that引导

2.Paul the wine guy 人名或指代名词后面直接加短语,跳过be表示

形容或描述这个人,例如you son of a bitch ,you suck(你这个烂人)

3.what are you up to 最近在做什么

4.I can’t feel my legs/eyes/hands 我腿麻了,眼镜痛,手麻了

5.I should have known 我本应该知道


Aruba 阿鲁巴岛

Honeymoon 蜜月,传说在古代,新婚的男女要喝一个月的蜂蜜,以增强性能力


What are you talking about?Onewoman?That's like saying there's o nly one flavor of ice cream for you.Let me tell you something.Ross.There's lots of flavors out there.

冰激凌的容器叫dish,我们常说a dish of ice cream(一盘冰激凌),但是冰激凌店零售外卖时则用a scoop of ice cream(一勺冰激凌),不能说a bowl of ice cream或a glass of ice cream。我们在KFC及冰激凌店常见的圣代英文叫Sundae,是指加有压碎的坚果、水果、果汁、糖浆等的冰激凌。

在倾听Paul讲述自己被甩的经历时,Monica不时地发出Oh,my God!(天哪!)Wow!(哇!)的惊叹声。英语口语中类似表示惊叹的句子还有很多。例如I can’t believe it!(真叫人难以置信!)My goodness!(天哪!)Oh,that's incredible!(哦,简直不可思议!)What a surprise!(真出人意料!)Gee!(哎呀!)等等来表达你此时惊讶的心情。类似的表达方式还有:Oh,no!How dreadful!(哦,不!太可怕了!)You must be kidding!(你一定是开玩笑!)Really?(真的吗?)It can't be!(这不可能!)等等。

女友跟别人好上了,自己却浑然不知。Paul说:I'm such an idiot.(我真是个大白痴。)Monica由此想起了哥哥Ross由于跟同性恋的妻子分手而整日魂不守舍,

便说:My brother's going through that right now,he's such a mess.(我哥哥

正被此事所扰,他真是不可救药的大笨蛋。)mess一词在此并不是指我们通常所理解的脏或乱的状态,而是形容某个人是不可救药的傻瓜或笨蛋。比如说:Honey,I can never follow what you really mean.I'm a mess.意思是说:亲爱的,我


但就像我们一直所强调的那样,任何事都不能枉下论断。前几日正在陪宝宝玩耍的丈夫跑过来喊道:Come on,there's a mess in our baby's diapers.(快过来呀,宝宝在尿布上拉屎了。)如果此时你把mess理解成傻瓜,在别人眼里你岂

不turn into a mess?(成了不可救药的蠢蛋?)

老友记第一季 16中英文字幕

第十六集 Unbelievable! It's been half an hour. 真是令人难以置信,已过了半个小时 If this was a cartoon, you'd look like a ham now. 如果这是卡通你应该看起来像火腿一样 -There's the waitress. Hello,miss! -It's Phoebe! -女侍在那儿,抱歉,小姐…等等-是菲比! -Okay,will that be all? -Wait. What are you doing here? -好的,这些就是全部啦? -等等,你来这儿干什么? I was over there. Then you said, "Hello,miss." So I'm here. 我本来在那儿,然后你叫“嗨,小姐.”所以我就过来了 No,how come you're working here? 不,你怎么会在这儿工作? Because it's close to where I live, and the aprons are cute. 因为这儿离我的住处很近而且围裙也很漂亮 -Can we start over? -Okay,I'm gonna be over here. -可以重来吗? -好的,我到那边去 The One With Two Parts - Part l 六人行第1季第16集第17集双胞胎两部曲 I don't know whether he's testing me... 我不知道它是不是在考验我 ... but my monkey is out of control! 我的猴子已失去控制 He keeps erasing the messages on my machine. 它不断清除我答录机上的留言 Supposedly by accident. 应该是个意外 Oh,yeah,I've done that. 哦,是的,我做过这种事 And then he got to the newspaper before I did... 它连续三天在我看报纸前 ...and peed all over the crossword! 在猜字游戏上尿尿 I've never done that. 这我没做过 Last night,I don't know what he did but there were capers everywhere! 昨晚,我不知道他做了什么他到处蹦来蹦去! -She looks exactly like her sister. -I'm saying I see a difference. -她看起来和她姐姐完全一样-我看到不同之处 They're twins. 她们是双胞胎 I don't care. Phoebe's Phoebe. Ursula's hot! 我不管,菲比是菲比,乌苏拉很火辣 You know how we talk about things? 你知道我们怎么说这种事情? -Let's not do that anymore. -All right. -别再谈论那事了-好吧 -Pheebs,guess who we saw today? -Oh,fun! Okay. -菲比,猜我们今天遇见谁? -哦,好玩的事情!好的 -Liam Neeson. -No. -连恩尼逊-不是 -Morley Safer. -No. -茉莉.塞弗-不是 -The lady who cuts my hair! -This could be a very long game. -剪我头发的女人! -这会是一个很长的游戏 -Your sister,Ursula. -Oh,really? -你姐姐,乌苏拉-哦,真的? -She works at that place.... -Riff's. I know. -她在那儿工作…-瑞菲餐厅,我知道 You do? She said you guys haven't talked in years. 你知道?因为她说你们已多年不说话 So,is she fat? 对,她胖吗? Not from where I was standing. 从我的角度看不会 Where were you standing? 你从什么角度? Pheebs,so you guys just don't get along? 菲比,你们合不来? It's mostly just dumb sister stuff. 这只是姐妹之间的事 Everyone always thought of her as the pretty one. 大家都认为她漂亮 She was the first to walk even though I did it later that same day. 她先学会走路虽然我是在当天稍后学会的 But to my parents,by then it was, "Yeah,what else is new?" 对我爸妈而言那,就已经不新鲜了I'm sorry. I've gotta go. I've got Lamaze class. 菲比,抱歉,我得走了我得去参加心理助产班And I've got earth science, but I'll catch you in gym? 我得去参加地球科学班健身房见了 -ls this just gonna be you and Carol? -Susan will be there too. -就你和卡萝两人去? -不,苏珊也要去 We've got dads,we've got lesbians. The whole parenting team. 那有爸爸,女同志…全部的父母都会到 -lsn't that gonna be weird? -lt might have been at first... -这样不是会很奇怪? -不会的,一开始或许会 ... but now I'm comfortable with it. 现在我已坦然面对 -Ross,that's my jacket. -I know. -罗斯,那是我的外套-我知道


S01E01 hairpiece['he?pi?s]n.假发 aura['??r?]n.光环;气氛;(中风等的)预兆;气味fixating注视 fixating on老提起 gravy boat n.调味汁瓶;酱油壶;船形调味肉汁盘Limoges[l?'mo?]n.法国中部Limoges地方产的瓷器;里摩日(法中 西部城市) kinda['ka?nd?]adv.有一点;有几分 bluebell['blu?bel]n.野风信子 sleighbell n.雪橇铃 mitten['m?t(?)n]n.露指手套;连指手套 brackety托架 get screwed受骗上当 catch on理解,明白;变得流行 cookie dough制甜酥饼干面团曲奇味 cherry vanilla樱桃香草 whipped cream n.生奶油 horny['h??n?]adj.角的;角状的;淫荡的 omelet n.煎蛋卷;炒鸡蛋;鸡蛋烧 snap[sn?p]vt.突然折断,拉断;猛咬;啪地关上 vi.咬;厉声说;咯嗒一声关 n.猛咬;劈啪声;突然折断 adj.突然的 upbeat['?pbi?t]n.兴旺;上升;弱拍 adj.乐观的;上升的 albino[?l'bi?n??]n.[皮肤]白化病者 aromatherapy[?r??m?'θer?p?]n.用香料按摩 crush on迷恋 geeky['ɡi?k?]adj.(俚)令人讨厌的 vulnerability[,v?ln?r?'b?l?t?]n.易损性;弱点 S01E02 club[kl?b]n.俱乐部,社团;夜总会;棍棒;(扑克牌中的)梅花 vt.用棍棒打;募集 vi.集资;组成俱乐部 adj.俱乐部的 mastodon['m?st?d?n]n.[古生]乳齿象;庞然大物 adj.巨大的;庞大的 paranoid['p?r?n??d]adj.类似妄想狂的;属于偏执狂的 n.患妄想狂的人;偏执狂患者


Rachel. We're running low on resumes. 瑞秋履历表快用完了 You want a job with Popular Mechanics? 你真想到《大众机械》杂志社上班吗Well, if you're gonna work for mechanics, 如果你想要从事机械行业 those are the ones to work for. 那你就算找对地方了 Guys, I'm going for anything here. 各位我什么都得试试 I can't be a waitress anymore. 我不能再当服务生了 I mean it. I'm sick of the lousy tips. 我是说真的我已厌倦微薄小费 I'm sick of being called "Excuse Me." 我已厌倦顾客不把我当人使唤 Rach, did you proofread these? 瑞秋这些你校对过吗 Yeah. Why? 对有问题吗 Nothing. I'm sure they'll be impressed 没事他们对你高超的 with your excellent "compuper" skills. "电恼"技术定会印象深刻的 Oh, my God! Do you think it's on all of them? 糟了每一份上面都这样吗 No, I'm sure the Xerox machine caught a few. 没事我肯定富士施乐打印机改掉一些了- Hey, guys. - Hey. -嗨小伙子们 -嗨 Hi, ladies. 嗨姑娘们 Can I get you anything? 需要什么吗 Did you bring the mail? 信件带来了没 - Lots of responses. - Really? -很多回复 -真的吗 Sure, we have scones left! 我们这儿当然还有烤饼 Read them to me. 快念给我听 "Dear Miss Greene: "亲爱的格林小姐 Thank you for your inquiry. "However" 感谢您的申请然而..." - We have apple cinnamon -"Dear Ms. Greene...." -我们有苹果肉桂 -"亲爱的格林小姐" Yeah, yeah! No. 好好不行 - What? - Your Visa bill is huge! -怎么了 -你的信用卡账单不少呀


S101-2.2 Ross: Hi. 嗨。 Joey: This guy says hello, I wanna kill myself. 这家伙向我打招呼时我就想自杀。 Monica:Are you okay, sweetie?(are一开始没有听出来;tie容易听成ing或者ty) 你还好吧,亲爱的? Ross: I just feel like someone reached down my throat, (down听成了on,与前面ed连读;throat听成froat;feel-fell)smelling test)pulled it out of my mouth and tied it around my neck...put、pulled it down my mouth in and tighted right in my neck) 我感觉有人把手伸入我的喉咙,抓起我的肠子,从我的口中取出,然后绑在我脖上…… 【词汇:intestine[?n?test?n]n.[解] 肠;adj. 内部的; 国内的】 Chandler: Cookie? 吃饼干么? Monica:Carol moved her stuff out today. (这句话语速较快,并出现了人名,再加上stuff与out的连读,out与today的略读,不易分辨) 卡罗今天把她的东西搬走了。 Joey: Ohh. Monica: Let me get you some coffee.(听成了give) 我帮你泡杯咖啡 Ross: Thanks. 谢了。 Phoebe: Ooh! Oh! Ross:(cleansing因为不是很常 aura词汇听成aro、auro) 不要……别清理我的灵气。别……别碰我的灵气好吗? 【词汇:cleanse[klenz]vt.净化;清洗;使…清洁;aura[??:r?]n.光环;气氛;气味;[医](中风等的)预兆】 Ross: I'll be fine, alright? Really, everyone. I hope she'll be very happy.(alright与really间隔很短) 我会没事的,真的,我祝她幸福。 Monica: No you don't. 不,你不会的,没错, Ross: No I don't, to hell with her, she left me! 是,我不会,去她的,她甩掉我! 【to hell with<口>让...见鬼去去(她)该死的】 Joey: And you never knew she was a lesbian...(knew听成know) 而且你一直都不知道她是女同性恋者。 Ross:how should I know? 【词汇:fixate['f?kse?t]v.注视;视线移向;使固定fixateon关注某事】 1、词汇及表达 intestine cleanseaurafixateto hell with 2、发音 tied-tighted fixate-fix knew-know 3、语气词 Oh!Ow! Ah! Aha!


真是难以置信已过了半个小时 Unbelievable! It's been half an hour. 如果这是卡通片 If this was a cartoon, 我看你都该跟火腿一个样了 you'd look like a ham right about now. -侍者在那嗨小姐 -是菲比 - There's the waitress. Hello, miss! - It's Phoebe! 你们就点这些吗 Okay, will that be all? 等等你来这儿干什么 Wait. What are you doing here? 我本来在那然后你叫 "嗨小姐" I was over there. Then you said, "Hello,miss." 所以我就过来了 So I'm here. 不你怎么会在这儿工作 No, how come you're working here? 因为这离我的住处很近 Because it's close to where I live, 而且围裙也很漂亮 and the aprons are cute. -可以重来吗 -好的我到那边去 - Can we start over? - Okay, I'm gonna be over here.

我叫不准他是在考验我还只是有样学样 I don't know whether he's testing me...or just acting out, 但我的猴子已经失控了 ... but my monkey is out of control! 他不断清除我答录机上的留言 He keeps erasing the messages on my machine. 应该是个意外 Supposedly by accident. 是啊我做过这种事 Oh, yeah, I've done that. 然后他连续三天赶在我看报纸前 And then, like three days in a row he got to the newspaper before I did, 在猜字游戏上尿尿 ...and peed all over the crossword! 这我没做过 I've never done that. 行了现在看着她你敢说 All right, now look at her and tell me 她跟她姐姐长得不是一模一样吗 she doesn’t look exactly like her sister. 我看到不同之处 I'm saying I see a difference. 她们是双胞胎 They're twins.


1, ursula n. 厄休拉(女子名) 2, identical [ai'dentik?l] adj. 同一的;完全相同的 n. 完全相同的事物 3, inimitable [i'nimit?bl] adj. 独特的;无比的;无法仿效的 4, spin [spin] vi. 纺纱;吐丝;旋转;晕眩 vt. 纺纱;使旋转;编造;结网 n. 旋转;疾驰 5, apron ['eipr?n] n. 围裙;停机坪;舞台口 vt. 着围裙于;围绕 6, wintry ['wintri] adj. 寒冷的,冬天的;冷淡的 7, snowplow [?sno?pla?] n.雪犁,扫雪机 8, court [k?:t] n. 法院;朝廷;球场;奉承 vt. 向…献殷勤;设法获得;招致(失败、危险等) vi. 求爱 9, peer [pi?] vi. 凝视,盯着看;窥视 vt. 封为贵族;与…同等 n. 贵族;同等的人 10, underneath [,?nd?'ni:θ] prep. 在…的下面;在…的形式下;在…的支配下 adv. 在下面;在底下 n. 底部;下面 adj. 下面的;底层的 11, steaming ['sti:mi?] n. 蒸烘;汽蒸 v. 汽蒸;通入蒸汽(steam的ing形式) adj. 冒热气的 adv. 热气腾腾地 12, scarves [skɑ:vz] n. 围巾;截面;领带(scarf的复数) 13, dumb [d?m] adj. 哑的,无说话能力的;不说话的,无声音的 14, lamaze [l?'meiz] n.,adj.拉马兹自然分娩法(的),心理助产法(的)(一种通过调节呼吸、放松精神的无痛分娩法) 15, dis tracted [dis'tr?ktid]


老友记(六人行)中英文双字幕下载地址第一季 第二季


你想他们有昨天的《每日新闻报》吗 Do you think they have yesterday's Daily News? 干吗 Why? 我只想看看我的星座占卜准不准 I just wanna check my horoscope, see if it was right. 天啊菲比别看你背后有个男的 Oh,my God! Don't look now. Behind you there's a guy... 完全有可能让咱俩心碎欲绝痛不欲生 ...who can break our hearts and plunge us into depression. 哪呢 Where? 到妈妈这来吧 Come to mama. 他来了冷静淡定淡定 He's coming. Be cool. Be cool. Be cool. -帽子不错 -谢谢 - Nice hat. - Thanks. 咱们得做点什么吹口哨 We should do something. Whistle. 不能吹口哨 I'm not whistling. -来吧吹吧 -不 - Come on, do it! - No.

吹吹吹 Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it. 我不敢相信你居然这么干了 I can't believe you did that. 我为什么要喊"呜哇哦"啊 Why did I whoo- hoo? 难道我期望他回过头来然后说 Was I hoping he'd turn around and say... "我喜欢那声音我现在就要你" ..."I love that sound. I must have you now"? 我只希望我们能帮上一点忙 I wish there was something we could do. 你好 Hello. 你好昏迷的帅哥 Hello, coma guy. 起来你个美女杀手起来起来 Get up, you Girl Scout! Up,up,up! 菲比你在干什么 Phoebe, what are you doing? 也许没人试过这个方法 Maybe nobody's tried this. 希望至少能知道他的名字 I wish we at least knew his name.


实用而有效的美剧英文学习法 1、学会选择适合自己的美剧 非常有特点或专业性的美剧,比如《越狱》《豪斯医生》《越狱》等,可以作为学习补充,但最好不要把它们作为重点学习素材,因为不是所有美剧都值得投入大量精力去模仿和学习的。在这给大家推荐三部非常经典的美剧,大家可以根据目前的英语(论坛)水平进行选择和学习。对于英语在初级水平的朋友来说,《老友记》(Friends)是较为正确的选择,从发音到对话,从常用词汇积累到 了解老美的思维模式……只要你肯抽时间看上个十几二十遍,你会发现自己的英文水平会有非常大的提升;如果你的英语水平处于中级,可以选择《绝望主妇》(Desperate Housewives),相对于《老友记》增加了更多的英文长句,很适 合进一步提升英语水平;水平更高的朋友可以选择去看《白宫风云》(The West Wing),对于练习听力和积累高级词汇很有帮助。 2、把字幕扔到一边去 如果你在利用美剧学习的时候很依赖字幕,那么你的英语水平就很难提高了。道理很简单,每个人从一出生就是通过对语言的感知和记忆掌握母语的,而不是通过书面文字记忆来学会语言,更何况很多美剧的字幕是中文,这很容易使学习者产生“中文字幕依赖症”,不看字幕就心里发慌。比较靠谱的做法是:找到一部适合自己的美剧,看一遍带中文字幕的了解剧情,然后再看几遍带双语字幕的,把生词和句型记下来进行学习。掌握生词和句子后,不带任何字幕再看几遍,你会发现自己已经开始听懂对白,了解主人公的想法和思维模式了,这时候乘胜追击再多听几遍,进行跟读和模仿,如果你发现做这切的时候对你不再困难,那么恭喜你,你的英语已经更上一层了。 3、偷懒的人只能被英语牵着鼻子走 浮光掠影的学法对学英语来说是没有作用的,把一部有趣的美剧看到恶心,把你感兴趣的英文书翻烂、或者像个“疯子”一样不管在有人没人的地方用英语小声絮叨……把一种方法做到极致,你会有令自己都感到以外的收获。 4、从美剧中复制纯正发音 在利用美剧学英语的过程中最重要的就是要模仿发音。对于任何一门语言,语是基础,它不仅包括单词的发音,还包括多种音变形式。面对面交流与通过美剧学习相比,之间还是存在一些差异的,所以要仔细地体会美剧中各种角色的语言习惯以及发音,你就可以更深入地了解美国文化了。如果能够掌握美国人的思维模式,你就会从“形似”晋升为“神似”,可以说已经捕捉到了学习语言的精髓。 看原版英语影视剧是练习英语听说的最好途径,因为这种方法将视觉刺激和听觉刺激有效地结合在一起,可以说是枯燥的学习过程中的最佳调节剂。


Telling you, Ross, she wants you. She barely knows me. We just live in the same building. - Any contact? - She lent me an egg. - You're in! - Right. - Hey, Ross. - Hey! Come on. Ross, you got get back in the game. The Rachel thing isn't happening, your ex-wife's a lesbian.... I don't think we need a third. Excuse me. Could we get an egg, still in the shell? An egg? Yeah. You gonna go up to her and say, "Here's your egg back, I'm returning your egg." I think it's winning. - It's insane. - She'll love it. -Thank you. -Thank you. Here. Go with the egg, my friend. Go, go, go! - Think it'll work? - No way. It's suicide. The man's got an egg. - You can't do this. - Do what? Roger wants to take her out tomorrow night. No! Pheebs, don't you remember why you dumped him? Because he was creepy. And mean. And a little frightening. Still, it's nice to have a date on Valentine's Day!


How'd someone get a hold of your credit card number? 怎么会有人知道你的信用卡号码 I have no idea. But Look how much they spent. 我也不知道你看他们花了多少钱Monica, would you calm down? 莫妮卡冷静点好吗 The credit card people said that 信用卡部员说 you only have to pay for the stuff that you bought. 你只须为你买的东西付款 I know, it's just such reckless spending. 我知道只是他们花钱如流水 I think when someone steals your credit card 我想那小偷偷去你的信用卡时 ...they've kind of already thrown caution to the wind. 早就忘了要小心谨慎吧 Wow, what a geek. They spent $69. 95 on a Wonder Mop. 真是个呆瓜 花了69.95元买"神奇拖把" That's me. 我买的 Oh, yuck. Ross, he's doing it again. 讨厌罗斯他又这么干了 Marcel, stop humping the lamp. 马塞尔别再侵犯那盏灯了 Stop humping. Now, Marcel, come back, Come here, Marcel. 别蹭了停下马塞尔过来 马塞尔 Oh, no. Not in my room. I'll get him. 不别到我房里我去抓他出来 Ross. You've got to do something about the humping. 罗斯你得想办法别让他发春了What? It's just a phase. 怎么了这只是暂时的 Well, that's what we said about Joey. 我们当时也是这么说乔伊的 Would you all relax? It's not that big a deal. 你们冷静点行吗这又没什么大不了 - Marcel, stop it. Marcel. Bad monkey. - What? -马塞尔停坏猴子 -又怎么了 Let's just say my Curious George doll is no longer curious. 只能说 我的"好奇乔治"娃娃不再好奇了 Monica, you are not still going over that thing. 莫妮卡你不是还在纠结吧 - This woman's living my life. - What? -这女人过着我的生活 -什么 She's living my life, and she's doing it better than me. 她过着我的生活而且过得比我好Look at this. Look. She buys tickets to plays I wanna see. 看她买的戏票是我一直想看的戏She, she buys clothes from stores 她买衣服的那家店


Unbelievable! It's been half an hour. 真是难以置信已过了半个小时 If this was a cartoon, 如果这是卡通片 you'd look like a ham right about now. 我看你都该跟火腿一个样了 - There's the waitress. Hello, miss! - It's Phoebe! -侍者在那嗨小姐 -是菲比Okay, will that be all? 你们就点这些吗 Wait. What are you doing here? 等等你来这儿干什么 I was over there. Then you said, "Hello,miss." 我本来在那然后你叫 "嗨小姐" So I'm here. 所以我就过来了 No, how come you're working here? 不你怎么会在这儿工作 Because it's close to where I live, 因为这离我的住处很近 and the aprons are cute. 而且围裙也很漂亮 - Can we start over? - Okay, I'm gonna be over here. -可以重来吗 -好的我到那边去I don't know whether he's testing me...or just acting out, 我叫不准他是在考验我还只是有样学样 ... but my monkey is out of control! 但我的猴子已经失控了 He keeps erasing the messages on my machine. 他不断清除我答录机上的留言Supposedly by accident. 应该是个意外 Oh, yeah, I've done that. 是啊我做过这种事 And then, like three days in a row he got to the newspaper before I did, 然后他连续三天赶在我看报纸前 ...and peed all over the crossword! 在猜字游戏上尿尿 I've never done that. 这我没做过 All right, now look at her and tell me 行了现在看着她你敢说 she doesn’t look exactly like her sister. 她跟她姐姐长得不是一模一样吗 I'm saying I see a difference. 我看到不同之处 They're twins. 她们是双胞胎 I don't care. Phoebe's Phoebe. Ursula's hot! 我不管菲比是菲比厄休拉很火辣

friends-1 老友记 第一季 第一集 单词

Friends 1S-1E Words and phrase 1.gotta=got to 必须,一定,得I ‘ve gotta/I gotta go 我得走了口语 词,非正式,下同 2.there is something wrong with 跟什么有关系 3.hump n. &v. 驼背adj. 激动的,生气的hump is not good for people’s temperament. 4.chalk n.粉笔 5.go through 经历,经过,完成 6.totally adv.完全地,非常地 7.naked adj.赤裸的 8.turn out 结果是’s my mother 指代不确定人称时,使用it’s 10.w eird adj.古怪的,不可思议的 11.w anna= want to 12.s weetie 甜心,指代亲昵的词语:dear,honey,babe 13.i ntestine n.小肠 14.m ove the stuff out 把行李搬走 15.l et me get you some …让我带给你(饮料,事物等) 16.t o hell with her 去她的 17.l esbian n.女同性恋 18.f ixate on 关注=focus on=pay attention to

19.I wish I was …虚拟语气,be使用过去式 20.T ake it pretty well/serious 把这件事情看得很轻松/严肃对待 21.J oint adj.共同的,联合的n.俱乐部,关节 22.H ormone Cn.荷尔蒙 23.B ridesmaid n.新娘bridegroom n.新郎 24.G orgeous adj.华丽的,动人的 25.T urn on开(水、电视、收音机、灯、煤气等);(使)感兴趣;(使)兴奋 26.A nd then 然后 27.F reaked out 吓坏了(为表礼貌,freaking在英文里常常代替了 fucking) 28.W hen it hits me 突然想到 29.G et out of here 离开这里 30.K inda=kind of adv.有一些区别于a kind of 一种 31.D rift apart 疏远 32.I ssue Cn.问题,事情(作文里可常用) 33.O rgan n.器官,风琴 34.G et married/marry sb. 35.I t matters to sb. 对…有影响,matter v.起作用,有影响 36.P ush down 推下 37.W hat if 要是…又怎样 38.M etaphor n.比喻 39.E stablish v.创立,创建,被安排好

老友记第一季 21中英文字幕

第二十一集 Mother,just once, can we go to lunch... 妈妈,能不能就那么一次,我们一起吃饭时 ...and not talk about what I'm wearing or where my career is going? 你不要谈论我的衣着和我的工作 Or who I'm dating. 包括我和谁约会 -Ready for the check? -God,yes. -准备好买单了? -天哪,是的 -I'll take it. -No,darling. -我来吧. -不,亲爱的 I said I'll take it. Here,take it. Go. Run. 我说了我来.这里,拿着,走,跑 Very sweet. 真甜蜜啊 -And on what they pay you -Career. -他们到底为什么给你工钱. -工作 You don't have to worry about me. I'm doing fine. 你不用担心我.我做的很好 I'm afraid this has been denied. 我想这张卡被禁用了 That's impossible. 这不可能 That's all right,dear. Here you go. 好吧,亲爱的,用这张吧 The One With The Fake Monica 六人行第1季第21集假莫妮卡 How'd someone get your card number? 怎么会有人知道你的信用卡号码? No idea. Look how much they spent. 我也不知道,你看他们花了多少钱 You only have to pay for the stuff you bought. 你只须付你所买的东西 Still,it's just such reckless spending. 我知道,他真是挥霍无度 When somebody steals... 我想他偷去你的信用卡时 ...they've already thrown caution to the wind. 根本就已忘了王法 Wow,what a geek. They spent $69. 95 on a Wonder Mop. 真是个变态,花了69.95元买“神奇拖把” That's me. 我买的 You see,when I say geek,I mean 你看,我说变态,我的意思是 The hell with it,you bought a $70 mop,you're a geek. 怎么回事,你花了70块买一把拖把,你是个变态 Oh,yuck. Ross,he's doing it again. 哦,讨厌.罗斯,他又这么干了 Marcel,stop humping the lamp. 马修,别再侵犯那盏灯了 Stop humping. Now,Marcel,come Come here,Marcel. 停止侵犯.现在,马修,过来,马修 Oh,no. Not in my room. I'll get him. 不,又到我房里了,我去抓它出来 You've got to do something about that. 罗斯,你得想办法阻止 What? It's just a phase. 什么?这只是个阶段 Well,that's what we said about Joey. 我们当时也是这么说乔伊的 You'd think you would be more understanding. 你们能多给点理解吗? I know. But we're not. 我明白.可是我们不能 Would you all relax? It's not that big a deal. 你们冷静点行吗?这又没什么了不起 -Marcel,stop it. Marcel. Bad monkey. -What? -马修,停,坏猴子-又怎么了? Let's say my Curious George is no longer curious. 我只能说,我的好奇乔治玩偶不再好奇 You are not still going over that thing. 摩妮卡,你还是无法释怀 -This woman's living my life. -What? -这女人过着我的生活-什么? She's living my life, and she's doing it better than me. 她过着我的生活,而且过得比我好 Look at this. Look. She buys tickets to plays I wanna see. 看,她买的戏票是我一直想看的戏She shops where I'm afraid of the salespeople. 她买的衣服是我早就想买的 -She spent $300 on art supplies. -You're not an artist. -她花了三百块买艺术用品-你又不是艺术家 I might be if I had the supplies. 如果有艺术用品,我或许已是个艺术家 I mean,I could do all this stuff. Only I don't. 我本来可以的,只是现在不是 Oh,Monica,come on. You do cool things. 摩妮卡,别泄气,你做的工作很酷 Really? Let's compare,shall we? 真的?我们来做比较,好吗? Oh,it's so late for "shall we." 现在说“好吗”有点太迟了 Do I horseback ride in the park? 我到过公园骑马吗? -Do I take classes at the New School? -No. -我在新学校上过课吗? -没有 She's got everything I want, and she doesn't have my mother. 她拥有我想要的一切,而且她没有我妈 -How about Joey Paponi? -No,still too ethnic. -乔依帕波尼如何? -不好,太有种族意味了 -My agent wants a more neutral name. -Joey Switzerland? -我的经纪人认为,我该取个中立一
