

询问病史12case history

You need to get a detailed history including the timing and acuity of onset, exacerbating and alleviating factors and environment triggers to help you confirm a diagnosis or discard other diseases /develop a differential diagnosis. Ask your patient whether there is a history of tobacco use, or other toxic and environmental exposures and his occupational history.

General/biographical[,bai?u'ɡr?fik,-k?l]data传记,marital婚姻status, nativity出生, occupation, informant提供消息的人, time of admission and record, chief complaint, history of present illness, previous health status(well, ordinary or bad), any infectious diseases, allergic history, history of trauma or surgery, smoking (about how many years, average how many pieces per day, ceased for how many years), alcohol intake(occasional or frequent),spouse’s[spaus] 配偶health status, menorrhea[,men?'ri:?]月经(menarche[me'nɑ:ki:, m?-] 初潮age , cycle lasting for how many days, menstrual cycle, last menstruation period or age of menopause, any menstrual['menstru?l]月经周期pain or irregular cycle), childbearing or pregnancy( times , natural labor, abortions流产,premature[,prem?'tju?, ,pri:-] delivery早产, stillbirths死产, difficult labor, family history (any congenital先天性diseases, father and mother: still alive, illness ,or cause of death, siblings兄弟姐妹and children)



Cough 咳嗽

Sputum (dry, purulent['pju?rjul?nt]脓性的, copious['k?upi?s]green sputum大量绿色痰,tenacious[ti'nei??s, t?-] yellow sputum 黄粘痰,frothy white sputum白色泡沫痰,rusty sputum 铁锈色痰


Dyspnea during exertion[iɡ'z?:??n] or at rest 呼吸困难


Paroxysmal[,p?r?k'sizm?l] nocturnal[n?k't?:n?l] dyspnea 夜间阵发性呼吸困难

Shortness of breath (SOB)

Chest tightness 胸部紧迫感

Exercise intolerance

pleuritic chest pain 胸膜型胸痛

Pharyngalgia[f?rin'g?ld?i?] ; pharyngodynia[,f?ri?'ɡ?dini?]咽痛

Hemoptysis 咯血

Bucking 呛咳


snore 打鼾

malaise [m?'leiz]不舒服

myalgia[mai'?ld?i?] 肌痛

insomnia [in's?mni?]失眠


dysphonia [dis'f?uni?]发声困难

常见的体征physical signs

clubbed fingers杵状指: increased longitudinal[,l?nd?i'tju:din?l]and transverse横向curvature ['k?:v?t??]弯曲,loss of concave [ 'k?nkeiv]凹面的nail fold angle, bogginess of nail bed and increased soft tissue bulk of distal phalanx['f?l??ks, 'fei-]趾骨,指骨, drumstick- like

nicotine staining

cyanosis[,sai?'n?usis]发绀:blue discolouration of mucosal membranes and skin ,caused when mean capillary concentration of deoxyhemoglobin [di:,?ksi'hem?u,ɡl?ubin]去氧血红蛋白more than 5g/dl, O2 saturation less than 85%,PaO2 less than 8KPa

peripheral [p?'rif?r?l]外围的,次要的cyanosis: cold blue peripheries, e.g. nail beds due to cold exposures

central cyanosis: warm peripheries, blue tongue or lips

hand flap: due to CO2 retention潴留

asterixis 扑翼样震颤

papilloedema 视乳头水肿


enlarged supraclavicula锁骨上的r [kl?'vikjul?] and axillary [?k'sil?ri]腋窝lymph nodes increased respiratory rate

tachycardia 心动过速

pulsus paradoxus: >10 mmHg ↓on inspiration (seen in severe asthma)

barrel chest

hyperexpanded, decreased expansion

kyphosis [kai'f?usis]驼背,脊柱后凸


tachypnea [,t?kip'ni:?]呼吸急促

accessory muscles of respiration[,resp?'rei??n]: sternocleidomastoid['st?:n?u,klaid?'m?st?id] 胸锁乳突肌muscle, arm support, alae flaring

wide or narrow intercostal[,int?'k?st?l] 肋间的space


subcutaneous crepitus 皮下捻发感







lower borders: scapular['sk?pjul?]肩胛的line X left/right intercostal[,int?'k?st?l] 肋间的space

range of mobility[m?u'bil?ti]移动


vocal resonance 语音共振

ronchi: wheeze , stridor['straid?] 喘鸣, crackles['kr?kl]发出细碎的爆裂声, Velcro-like soundes

moist rales : coarse粗的, medium中等的, fine好的, crepitus捻发音

pleural friction rubs

complete absence of breath sounds

ankle edema

weight loss,cachexia[k?'keksi?]恶病质,cachectic[k?'kektik]恶病质的

decreased food appetite, loss of appetite, anorexia[,?n?'reksi?]食欲减退

常做的检查examinations or laboratory findings

(to take ,undergo, perform ,receive or have)

temperature charts 体温图(take one’s body temperature)

sputum pot 痰盂

Blood/urine/stool routine, occult['?k?lt/ blood test潜隐血试验

Blood biochemistry

Sputum /blood culture and drug sensitivity test

sputum cytology[sai't?l?d?i]细胞学

Pulse oximeter[?k'simit?]脉氧计:continuous monitoring of blood oxygen saturation

Arterial blood gas analysis(ABG): arterial blood sampling , radial/ femoral['fem?r?l]股骨的artery puncture穿刺

PaCO2: partial pressure of carbon dioxide in arterial blood hypercarbia

PaO2: partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood hypoxemia[,haip?k'si:mi?]血氧不足

respiratory failure:

type 1: decreased O2 supply, PaO2<60 mmHg(millimeters of mercury['m?:kjuri]汞)

due to diffusion failure or V/Q dismatch (ventilation-perfusion(quotient)ratio)

pulmonary edema, pneumonia, infarction, fibrosis,or pulmonary embolism,pulmonary hypertension, shunt

type 2: decreased CO2 removal, PaCO2>50 mmHg(millimeters of mercury)

due to alveolar ventilation failure

obstructive: COPD, asthma, bronchiectasis

restrictive: neuromuscular[,nju?r?u'm?skjul?]神经肌肉(sedatives['s?d?tiv]镇静剂myasthenia[,mai?s'θi:ni?]肌无力), structural['str?kt??r?l]结构的(ankylosing spondylitis[,??ki'l?uzi?,sp?ndi'laitis]强直性脊柱炎), pleural diseases ,obesity Chest X-ray/radiograph:

reticulo-nodular shadowing (reticular[ri'tikjul?]网状的, linear['lini?]线状的, military nodules 粟粒样结节)

coin lesions 硬币样

cavities空腔:amphoric['?mf?rik]空翁音的(breathing like blowing over a bottle top)

opacification[?u,p?sifi'kei??n]浑浊:consolidation (air space infiltrate):

confluent['k?nflu?nt]支流的,汇合的shadowing and air bronchogramf支气管造影

collapse: lobar(upper, middle/lingual, lower)

segmental atelactasis肺不张

pleural effusion

mediastinal[,mi:di?s'tain?l]纵隔mass: thyroid ,thymoma[θai'm?um?]胸腺瘤, teratoma[,ter?'t?um?]畸胎瘤, TB lymph nodes,

terrible diagnoses including lymphoma[lim'f?um?]淋巴瘤and aneurysm动脉瘤

Chest CT scan( computed tomography)

Head MRI(magnetic resonance imaging)

PET-CT of the whole body(positron-emission tomography) ['p?zitr?n]正电子

Abdominal ultrasound['?ltr?saund]超声

skin prick test 皮肤点刺试验(dust mites尘螨,pollen花粉,cockroach蟑螂)

tuberculin skin test (purified protein derivative[di'riv?tiv]纯蛋白衍生物(of tuberculin) test, PPD test)

Pulmonary function test : Spirometry [spai'r?mitri]呼吸量测定法,肺量测定法

obstructive lung diseases: airflow limitation


< 0.7 ↓ ↑ ↓

restrictive lung diseases: decreased lung compliance and small lung volumes

intraparenchymal >0.75 ↓↓ ↓ ↓

extrapare nchymal variable ↓↓ ↓ normal

FEV1: forced expiratory[iks'pai?r?t?ri/ volume in 1 second

FVC: force vital capacity

TLC: total lung capacity

RV: residual volume

KCO: transfer factor ( diffusion rate)

PEFR: peak expiratory flow rate

flow-volume loop ( inspiration and expiration[,ekspi'rei??n])

bronchoprovocation/challenge test[,pr?v?'kei??n] 支气管激发试验:histamine['hist?mmin]组胺or methacholine乙酰甲胆碱-inhalation[,inh?'lei??n]

bronchodilatation[,dail?'tei??n]支气管舒张试验: salbutamol沙丁胺醇[s?l'bju:t?m?(:)l]

fiberoptic bronchoscopy[br??'k?sk?pi]: biopsy['bai,?psi]活组织检查bronchial brush samples for pathological examation, bronchial washings)

bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL)

protected specimen brush (PS

transthoracic[,tr?nsθ?'r?sik,]经胸廓的percutaneous needle aspiration[,?sp?'rei??n]吸引术

percutanous needle biopsy under CT guidance ( for peripheral tumours)

video-assisted thoracoscopic-guided[θ?'r?k?sk?up] 胸腔镜lung biopsy

open lung biopsy

pleural biopsy

biopsy of enlarged lymph nodes


electrocardiogram (ECG)心电图


V/Q isotope['ais?ut?up] 同位素scan ( ventilation/perfusion scanning)

spiral螺旋CT/MRA (Magnetic Resonance Angiography[,?nd?i'?ɡr?fi]血管造影术)

pulmonary angiography

Doppler['d?pl?] 多普勒USS thigh[θai]大腿and pelvis['pelvis] 骨盆(USS: ultrasound scanning)

cardiac monitor

PSG( polysommography)


acute upper respiratory tract infection 急性上呼吸道感染

common cold 普通感冒

influenza 流感[,influ'enz?]

pharynigitis 咽炎pharyngalgia[f?rin'g?ld?i?]咽痛

acute broncho-bronchitis 急性气管-支气管炎

pneumonia 肺炎

community acquired pneumonia (CAP) 社区获得性肺炎

hospital acquired pneumonia (HAP) 医院获得性肺炎

nosocomical pneumonia (NP) 医院内肺炎

bronchiectasis 支气管扩张

chornic bronchitis 慢性支气管炎

pulmonary emphysema 肺气肿

chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (acute exacerbating) AECOPD COPD急性发作bronchial asthma 支气管哮喘

allergic rhinitis[rai'naitis]过敏性鼻炎

respiratory failure 呼吸衰竭

lung abscess 肺脓肿

pulmonary tuberculosis 肺结核病

lung cancer: 肺癌

primary bronchogenic carcinoma 原发性支气管肺癌

squamous['skweim?s] cell carcinoma 鳞癌

adenocarcinoma 腺癌['?d?n?u,kɑ:si'n?um?]

bronchoalveolar cell carcinoma 支气管肺泡细胞癌

small cell lung carcinoma (SCLC)小细胞肺癌

pulmonary metastasis 肺转移瘤[m?'t?st?sis]

pulmonary embolism (PE)肺栓塞

pulmonary thromboembolism (PTE) 肺血栓栓塞症[,θr?mb?u'emb?liz?m]

pulmonary infarction 肺梗死

deep venous thrombosis ,DVT 深静脉血栓形成

empyema 脓胸[,empai'i:m?]


pyopneumothorax 脓气胸['pai?u,nju:m?u'θ?:r?ks]

chronic suppurative disease 慢性化脓性疾病['s?pju?r?tiv, -reitiv]

congenital cyanotic disease 先天性紫绀性心脏病[,sai?'n?tik]

cor pulmonale 肺源性心脏病['k?:,pum?'n?li]

pulmonary hypertension 肺动脉高压

pulmonary encephalopathy 肺性脑病[en,sef?'l?p?θi]

right heart failure; right-sided heart failure 右心衰竭

pulmonary vascular diseases 肺血管疾病

interstitial lung disease, ILD 弥漫性间质性肺疾病

idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, IPF 特发性肺纤维化[,idi?'p?θik]

cryptogenic[,kript?u'd?enik] 隐源性的fibrosing alveolitis, CFA 隐源性纤维化性肺泡炎connective tissue related lung diseases 结缔组织相关性肺疾病

systemic lupus['lju:p?s]狼疮erythematosus, SLE 系统性红斑狼疮

rheumatoid arthritis, RA 类风湿性关节炎

systemic sclerosis, SSc 系统性硬化

scleroderma 硬皮病

sjoren’s syndrome 感知综合征

polymyositis 多发性肌炎

dermatomyositis 皮肌炎

sarcoidosis 结节病[,sɑ:k?i'd?usis]

Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis[,pr?utii'n?usis], PAP 肺泡蛋白沉积症

Idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis ['hi:m?u,sid?'r?usis, ,hem-]特发性肺含铁血黄素沉着病

Langerhans cell granulomatosis 朗格汉斯细胞肉芽肿病['ɡr?nju,l?um?'t?usis]

Eosinophilic granuloma 嗜酸性肉芽肿[,i:?sin?'filik]

Histiocytosis X 组织细胞增多症X

Wegener granulomatosis Wegener肉芽肿

extrinsic allergic alveolitis 外源性过敏性肺泡炎

pneumoconiosis 尘肺['nju:m?,k?uni'?usis]

drug-induced lung disease 药物性肺病

aspergillosis[?,sp?:d?i'l?usis]曲菌病:allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA) pleural disease 胸膜疾病

broncho-pleural fistula 支气管胸膜瘘['fistjul?]

oral candidiasis 口腔念珠菌病,鹅口疮[,k?ndi'dai?sis]

osteoporotic bone change 骨质疏松样改变

glaucoma 青光眼


acute lung injury ,ALI 急性肺损伤

acute respiratory distress syndrome , ARDS 急性呼吸窘迫综合征

urticaria 荨麻疹

eczema 湿疹

hypertension 高血压

diabetes 糖尿病

常用的药物drugs or agents

be administered, treat sb. with

empirical 经验性的, prophylactic[,pr?fi'l?ktik, ,pr?u-]预防性, remedial[ri'mi:di?l]治疗性Expectorant 祛痰药[eks'pekt?r?nt]

Mucolytics 粘液溶解剂[,mju:k?u'litik]


B2-agonists['?ɡ?nist]兴奋剂: short-acting :salbutamol沙丁胺醇[s?l'bju:t?m?(:)l]

long-acting: salmeterol 沙美特罗

muscarinic[,m?sk?'rinik] 毒蕈碱样的antagonists[?n't?ɡ?nist]对抗剂: ipratropium bromide['br?umaid] 异丙托溴胺

aminophylline 氨茶碱[?,mi:n?u'fili:n]

steroids['sti?r?id]类固醇inhaled: budesonide 布地奈德,beclomethasone[,bekl?u'meθ?s?un]倍氯米松,fluticasone氟替卡松

systemic: prednisolone['pred'nis?l?un] 强的松po(per os)., hydrocortisone[,haidr?u'k?:tiz?un]氢化可的松iv.

mast cell stabilizers: cromoglycate sodium色甘酸钠

leukotriene[,lju:k?u'trai?n]白三烯receptor antagonists: montelukast孟鲁司特

respiratory stimulants:


nikethamide[ni'keθ?maid, -mid]尼可刹米

cardiac tonic 强心剂

diuretics 利尿剂[,daiju?'retik]

albumin 白蛋白['?lbjumin]

antitussive agents 镇咳药[,?nti't?siv]

ammonium chloride 氯化铵[?'m?unj?m]铵['kl?:raid]氯化物

ambroxol 氨溴索(mucosolvan 沐舒坦)



low or high flow oxygen: nasal cannulae['k?njuli:]鼻导管,Venturi[ven'tju?ri]文里氏face-mask nebulizer['nebjulaiz?]喷雾器: finer particle size (3 to 20um) allows tracheobronchial deposition

metered dose inhaler (MDI)定量雾化吸入器

continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP)-tight-fitting mask (non-invasive)

intermittent positive-pressure ventilation ( IPPV)

non-invasive positive-pressure ventilation (NIPPV)

mechanical ventilation: non-invasive or invasive

(via intubation[,intju:'bei??n]插管,tracheostomy [,tr?ki'?st?mi, ,trei-]气管造口术,tracheotomy[,tr?ki'?t?mi, ,trei-]气管切开术)

synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation, SIMV 同步间歇指令通气

pressure support ventilation, PSV 压力支持通气

thoracocentesis 胸腔穿刺术[,θ?:r?k?sen'tesis]

chest drain/drainage 引流术

chemotherapy 化疗

radiation therapy 放疗

pneumonectomy 肺切除术[,nju:m?u'nekt?mi]

lobectomy of lung,pulmonary lobectomy肺叶切除术[l?u'bekt?mi]叶切除术

thoracotomy 开胸术,胸廓切开术[,θ?:r?'k?t?mi]


pleurectomy 胸膜切除术

pleural adhesion 胸膜粘连术


inferior vena cava filter 下腔静脉过滤器


chornic bronchitis: procuctive cough, most days of 3 months of the year, for at least 2 consecutive years, cough with white or purulent sputum




physiotherapy: chest wall percussion wirh head-down postural['p?st??r?l] drainage

long term oxygen inhalation : to prevent cor pulmonale

medical: bronchodilators, mucolytics, rotating courses of antibiotics

surgical: resection, artery embolization for hemoptysis

lung abscess

usually on right side, as right bronchus is shorter and more vertical;

in the supine [ 'sju:pain]仰卧patient , abscess develops in apical lower lobe or posterial upper lobe.


accumulation of air in pleural space, with secondary partial collapse of subpleural胸膜下的bleb [bleb]大疱rupture ['r?pt??]破裂

lactrogenic: positive pressure ventilation, bronchoscopy [br??'k?sk?pi]支气管镜检查,esp. biopsy

types: closed, open, tension

mediastinal deviation :trachea and apex ['eipeks]尖端shift contralaterally对立的旁边

CXR: translucency [tr?nz'lju:s?nsi]半透明+collapse倒塌: visible rim边缘between lung and chest wall>2 cm(centimeter) =>50% lung volume loss

aspiration [,?sp?'rei??n]吸引术,intercostal drain

refractory or recurrent周期性的: pleurodesis胸膜固定术, pleurectomy[plu'rekt?mi]胸膜切除术, bulla['bul?] 大疱stapling装订or lasering激光

pleural effusion

chest pain and progressively worsening of shortness of breath

Transudate[,tr?nsju'deit]漏出液:redistribution of Starling forces across microcirculation, diuretics[,daiju?'retik]利尿剂can result in rapid resolution, protein <30g/L(gram/litre['li:t?]) or pleura: serum['si?r?m]血清protein <1/2 or pleura: serum LDH<2/3;

often seen in cardiac failure, hypoalbuminemia[,haip?u?l,bju:m?'ni:mi?]低蛋白血症, embolism, superior or inferior vena cava obstruction, hypothyroidism . [,haip?u'θair?idiz?m]甲状腺功能低下

Exudate['eksjudeit]渗出液:capillary permeability[,p?:mi?'biliti] 渗透increases or lymph drainage decreases

often seen in infection ,neoplasia[,ni:?u'pleizi?, -?i?]瘤形成, surgery or trauma.

CXR: meniscus[mi'nisk?s]弯液面-shaped,rises towards axilla[?k'sil?]腋温

Appearance: clear ,straw淡黄色的-coloured: suggests transduate

turbid['t?:bid]浑浊的, green: indicates exudates(pus[p?s]脓cells) or empyema[,empai'i:m?]积脓症(bacterial infection)

bloody( haemothorax[,hi:m?u'θ?:r?ks]血胸): tumor ,pulmonary embolism, acute pancreatitis['p?nkri?'taitis]胰腺炎, trauma

white( chylothorax[,kail?u'θ?:r?ks]乳糜胸):lymph ,blocked thoracic[θ?:'r?sik,] duct胸导管, usually due to tumour

Therapy: transudate: diuretics

exudates: repeated drainage (thoracocentesis)

intrathoracic[,intr?θ?'r?sik]胸廓内的streptokinase[,strept?u'kaineis]链球菌激酶via chest drain: to lyse[lais]溶解fibrinous['faibrin?s] 纤维蛋白的adhesions[?d'hi:??n]粘合pleural adhesion: tetracycline[,tetr?'saiklain]四环素. bleomycin[,bli:?u'maisin]博莱霉素lung cancer

hoarseness: due to left recurrent屡发的laryngeal[,l?rin'd?i:?l] 喉的nerve palsy['p?:lzi]麻痹


pancoast tumor infiltrates T1 stellate ['stelit, -leit] 星形的ganglion['ɡ??ɡli?n]神经节

resulting in Horner syndrome

hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy[,?sti?uɑ:'θr?up?θi]骨关节病

superior vena cava obstruction (SVCO): headache, shortness of breath; conjunctival e dema, [,k?nd???k'taiv?]结膜plethora['pleθ?r?], vein dilation, pericardial tamponade[,t?mp?'neid]心包填塞( J VP↑,ABP↓,quiet HS

paraneoplastic syndromes: endocrine( ACTH: Cushing’s; B-HCG:gynaecomastia and body hair loss; PTH: hypercalcaemia especially squamous cell carcinoma),


immunocompromised e.g. shingles 带状疱疹

squamous cell carcinoma: 30% of all primary lung tumours, but decreasing incidence ,relatively good prognosis if localized, squamous metaplasia with keratin whorls, central location, clubbing, hypercalcemia( PTH-rp secretion)

adenocarcinoma: 30%,increasing incidence, esp. women, less association with smoking, poor prognosis, metastasis early, gland-like and mucin-secretion, peripheral location, pleural effusions, hypercoagulable state

small cell carcinoma:20%,poor prognosis, metastasis occur early, small AUPD cells with neurosecretory granules, central location, paraneoplastic syndromes common

bronchoalveolar cell carcinoma: variant of adenocarcinoma that is associated with chronic lung inflammation , e.g. fibrosing , copious clear mucoid sputum

NSCLC: surgical resection possible at first, adjuvant chemotherapy

SCLC: radiotherapy + chemotherapy ( etoposide + cisplatin)

secondary lung cancer: breast, oesophago/gastric/head-neck(+colon if liver metastasis), melanoma, bone (sarcoma), thyroid, renal, prostate, ovary, choriocarcinoma, testes etc.

obstructive sleep apnoea

obstruction of upper airway occurs at night with loss of muscle tone in sleep, snoring, sleepiness during day, aponeic spells (O2↓,patient awakes from sleep), awakening with nocturia, daytime somnolence, decreased memory and attention, increased accident risk, polycythaemia, systemic hypertension and pulmonary hypertension

Causes: central obesity( fat deposition around upper airway leads to airway narrowing, abdominal fat elevates diaphragm),structural features of upper airway (nasal obstruction: rhinitis,polyps, deviated sputum; adenotonsillar hypertrophy, micrognathia; macroglossia due to hypothyrodism/amyloid/Down’s; cervical masses: goiter,laryngeal stenosis), smoking( exacerabates hypoxia), alcohol (acts as a sedative thereby reducing upper airway tone),neuromuscular or CNS diseases

PSG( polysommography): overnight sleep study

Therapy: conservative: weight loss, avoid alcohol /smoking/sedatives, avoid supine position continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP)

mandibular advancement device (MAD)

adenoidectomy (curative in children)


maxillomandibular osteotomy

obesity-hypoventilation syndrome: collapse of alveoli at end-expiration, decreased complian ce due to weight of abdomen and chest wall, central respiratory drive↓


cisplatin 顺铂

Gemcitabine吉西他滨:Gemzar (盐酸吉西他滨注射剂)

paclitaxel; taxinol紫杉醇(Taxol泰素)



beta-lactam antibiotics: inhibit cell wall synthesis

penicillin skin test

amoxicillin 阿莫西林

piperacillin/tazobactam sodium 哌拉西林/他唑巴坦钠

ticarcillin/ clavulanate potassium 替卡西林/克拉维酸钾

cephamycin 头孢菌素类

cefradine 头孢拉啶

cefaclor 头孢克洛

cefoperazone/sulbactam 头孢哌酮/舒巴坦

ceftriaxone 头孢曲松

cefpiramide 头孢吡啶

ceftazidime 头孢他定

ceftizoxime 头孢唑污

carbopenems 碳青霉烯类

azactam 氨曲南

meropenem 美罗培南

imipenem and sodium cilastatin 亚胺培南/西司他丁钠(泰能tienam)Glycopeptides 糖肽类inhibit cell wall assembly

vancomycin 万古霉素

norvancomycin 去甲万古霉素

teicoplanin 替考拉林

Macrolides大环内酯类:inhibit protein synthesis

roxithromycin 罗红霉素

clarithromycin 克拉霉素

azithromycin 阿奇霉素

erythromycin 红霉素

Aminoglycoside antibiotics: 氨基糖苷类reno- and ototoxic

inhibit initiation and elongation process during protein synthesis amikacin 阿米卡星(丁胺卡那)

gentamicin 庆大霉素

streptomycin 链霉素

Sulfamido 磺胺类

sulfamethoxazole compound (SMZ.CO)

Quinolones 喹诺酮类:inhibit DNA gyrase

norfloxacin 诺氟沙星

ofloxacin 氧氟沙星

levofloxacin 左氧氟沙星

gatifloxacin 加替沙星

moxifloxacin 莫西沙星

ciprofloxacin 环丙沙星

Tetracycline 四环素类

minocycline 美满霉素

Nitromidazole 硝基咪唑类

metronidazole 甲硝唑

tinidazole 替硝唑

ornidazole 奥硝唑

Antitubercular agents抗结核药

rifampicin 利福平

rifapentine 利福喷丁

isoniazide, isonicotinic hydrazide acid INH 异烟肼

pyrazinamide 吡嗪酰胺

ethambutol 乙胺丁醇

Antifungal/antimycotic drug 抗真菌药

nystatin 制霉菌素

amphotericin 两性霉素B

fluconazole 氟康唑

voriconazole 伏立康唑

itraconazole 伊曲康唑

Antivirus agents

ribavirin 利巴韦林

oseltamivir 奥司他韦

acyclovir 阿昔洛韦

ganciclovir 更昔洛韦

valaciclovir 伐昔洛韦

foscarnet sodium, phosphonoformic acid膦甲酸钠(可耐)

lamivudine 拉米夫定

entecavir 恩替卡韦


microorganism, microbe 微生物

bacterium 细菌

lipopolysaccharide (LPS)脂多糖

antibiotics 抗生素

pyrogen 致热原

exotoxin 外毒素

endotoxin 内毒素

Gram stain 革兰染色

Colony forming unit, CFU 集落形成单位

antibacterial agents 抗菌药

resistance 耐药性

ESBLs:extended spectrum B-lactamases 超光谱B内酰胺酶

MRSA:methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus 耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌bacteremia 菌血症

toxemia 毒血症

endotoxemia 内毒素血症

septicaemia 败血症

pyemia 脓毒血症

pathogen 致病原

pathogenicity 致病性

virulence 毒力

median lethal dose (LD50) 半数致死量

median infective dose (ID50) 半数感染量

virus 病毒

replication 复制

viremia 病毒血症

normal microbiota, microflora, normal flora, physiological microbiota 正常微生物群flora disequilibrium 菌群失调

dysbacteriosis 菌群失调症

opportunistic infection 机会性感染

conditioned infection 条件致病性感染

endogenous infection 内源性感染

exogenous infection 外源性感染

antimicrobial susceptibility testing 药物敏感试验

minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) 最小抑菌浓度

minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) 最小杀菌浓度

disinfection 消毒

sterilization 灭菌

asepsis 无菌

aseptic technique 无菌技术

bacteriostasis 抑菌

antisepsis 防腐

disinfectant 消毒剂

bacteriostatic agent 抑菌剂

bactericide 杀菌剂

autoclaving or steam under pressure sterilization 高压蒸汽灭菌法

ultraviolet radiation, UV 紫外线

isolation precaution 隔离预防

artificial active immunization 人工主动免疫

vaccination 疫苗接种

killed/inactivated vaccine 死/灭活疫苗

attentuated live vaccine 减毒活疫苗

toxoid 类毒素

artificial passive immunity 人工被动免疫

antitoxin 抗毒素

gammaglobulin 丙种球蛋白

Staphylococcus aureus 金黄色葡萄球菌

Coagulase-negative staphylococci 凝固酶阴性葡萄球菌

Staphylococcus epidermidis 表皮葡萄球菌

Streptococcus pneumoniae , pneumococcus 肺炎链球菌Viridans streptococci 草绿色链球菌

Escherichia coli 大肠埃希菌

Klebsiella pneumoniae 肺炎克雷伯菌

Pseudomonas aeruginosa 铜绿假单胞菌

Haemophilus influenzae 流感嗜血杆菌

Legionella 军团杆菌属

Enterobacter cloacae 阴沟肠杆菌

Serratia 沙雷菌属

Proteus vulgaris 普通变形杆菌

Acinebacter 不动杆菌属

Neisseria meningitis, meningococcus 脑膜炎链球菌Neisseria gonorrhoeae, gonococcus 淋病奈瑟菌Shigella, dysentery bacterium 痢疾杆菌

Salmonella typhi 伤寒沙门菌

Vibrio cholerae 霍乱弧菌

Helicobacter pylori 幽门螺杆菌

Campylobacter jejuni 空肠弯曲菌

Mycobacterium, acid-fast bacilli 分枝杆菌属,抗酸杆菌Mycobacterium tuberculosis,tubercle bacillus 结核分枝杆菌Purified protein derivate, PPD

Old tuberculin,OT

Atypical mycobacteria 非结核分枝杆菌

Mycobacterium leprae 麻风分枝杆菌

Anaerobic bacterial 厌氧性细菌

Clostridium tetani 破伤风梭菌

Clostridum perfringens 产气荚膜梭菌

Clostridum botulinum 肉毒梭菌

Clostridum difficile 艰难梭菌

antibiotic-associated diarrhea 抗生素相关性腹泻pseudomembranous colitis 假膜性结肠炎Corynebacterium diphtheriae 白喉棒状杆菌

Yersinia 耶尔森菌属

Brucella 布氏菌属

Actinomyces 放线菌属

Treponema pallidum 梅毒螺旋体(苍白密螺旋体)

V enereal disease reference laboratory (VDRL)

Rapid plasma regain (RPR)

Mycoplasma pneumoniae 肺炎支原体

Chlamydia trachomatis 沙眼衣原体

Viruses associated with respiratory infections 呼吸道病毒Influenza virus 流感病毒

Parainfluenza virus 副流感病毒

Respiratory syncytial virus, RSV 呼吸道合胞病毒

Coronavirus 冠状病毒

Severe acute respiratory syndrome, SARS

Adenovirus 腺病毒

Rubella virus 风疹病毒

Rhinovirus 鼻病毒

Enterovirus 肠道病毒

Rotavirus 轮状病毒

hepatitis B virus 乙型肝炎病毒

Encephalitis B virus 流行性乙型脑炎病毒

Hantavirus 汉坦病毒

Viral hemorrhagic fever 病毒性出血热

Herpes simplex virus, HSV 单纯疱疹病毒

V aricella-Zoster virus, VZV 水痘-带状疱疹病毒Cytomegalovirus, CMV 巨细胞病毒

Epstein-Barr virus, EBV EB病毒

Human herpes virus 6, HHV-6 人疱疹病毒6型

Human papillomaviruses, HPV 人乳头状瘤病毒

Human immunodeficiency virus, HIV 人类免疫缺陷病毒

Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, AIDS

Human T-lymphotropic virus, HTLV 人T淋巴细胞病毒

Adult T-cell leukemia 成人T细胞性白血病

Rabies virus 风疹病毒

Fungus 真菌

Yeast 酵母

Spore 孢子

Hypha 菌丝

Dermatophytes 皮肤癣菌

Trichophyton 毛癣菌属

Epidermophyton 表皮癣菌属

Tinea 癣

Histoplasma 组织胞浆菌属

Histoplasmosis 组织胞浆菌病

Saccharomyces albicans, candida albicans 白假丝酵母菌,白色念珠菌Candidiasis 念珠菌病

Cryptococcus neoformans 新生隐球菌

Pneumocystis carinii 卡氏肺孢子菌

Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia , PCP 卡氏肺孢子菌肺炎Aspergillus 曲霉菌

Mucor 毛霉菌属


doctor;physician 医生,cure;treat 医治,cure sb of his illness 医好某人的病 give sb medical treatment 给某人医病, medical ethics ['eθ?ks] 医德 medical courses in general; medicine 医科 principles of medical science; medical knowledge 医理 medical treatment 医疗,public health services 公费医 疗 medical team 医疗队,medical establishment 医疗机构 medicament [me'd?k?m?nt]; drug 药剂 pharmacist ['fɑ?m?s?st]; druggist ['dr?ɡ?st] 药剂师unskillful and faulty medical or surgical treatment malpractice 医疗事故 medical and health work 医疗卫生工作,medical station;health center 医疗站 obstetrician [?bst?'tr??n] 产科医生,pediatrician [pi?di?'tr??n]儿科医生ENT(ear-nose-throat)doctor 耳鼻喉科医生,radiologist 放射科医生 gynecologist [ga?n?'k?l?d??st]妇科医生,orthopedist [??θ??'pi?d?st]骨科医生 urologist 泌尿科医生, physician 内科医生 dermatologist [d??m?'t?l?d??st]皮肤科医生 intern 实习医生,surgeon 外科医生,dentist;dental surgeon 牙科医生 oculist ['?kj?list];eye-doctor 眼科医生,plastic surgeon 整形外科医生 oncologist 肿瘤科医生 doctor in charge,attending doctor 主治医生 the attending on call 当班的主治医师associate chief physician 副主任医师 Chief Physician主任医师resident doctor 住院医生 Bronchial [br??ki?l] asthma [?sm?]支气管哮喘 acidosis [?s?'d??s?s]酸中毒Allergen,allergic reaction 变异原,变态反应blood gas analysis 血气分析Anaemia [?'ni?mi?] 贫血 Alveolar 肺泡的antibiotic 抗生素Atelectasis [?t?'lekt?s?s]肺不张 Lung abscess 肺脓肿Atherosclerotic [?θ?r??skl?'r?t?k] heart disease 动脉粥样硬化性心脏病Beta2-agonist ['?g?nist] B2受体激动剂 Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis [?sp?d?i'l??s?s] 曲霉菌ARDS acute respiratory distress syndrome 急性呼吸窘迫综合征 Percussion [p?'k??n] and auscultation [??sk?l'te??n] 叩/听诊 Pulmonary arterial stenosis [sti'n??s?s] 肺动脉狭窄 Adrenal [?d'ri?n?l] glucocorticoid [glu?k??'k??t?k??d]( 糖(肾上腺)皮质激素)肾上腺糖皮质激素β2-agonist ['?g?nist] β2激动剂Biopsy 活检Bronchiectasis [brɑ?k i'ekt?s?s] 支气管扩张 broncho[[b'r?nt???] dilator 支气管扩张Fiber optic (['?pt?k]光学的)bronchoscopic [,br??k?'sk?pik] biopsy 纤支镜活检BAL bronchoalveolar lavage 支气管肺泡灌洗Bronchitis,bronchiolitis [?br??k???'la?t?s]支气管炎,细支气管炎 Boop: bronchiolitis obliterans ([?b'l?t?r?nz] 闭塞性)with organizing pneunomia闭塞性细支气管炎伴机化性肺炎Bronchoscopy [b'r?nt??sk?p?]支气管镜检查 cavity 空洞CAHD coronary arteriosclerotic(英[ɑ:t??ri:??skl??'r?t?k ])heart disease 冠心病CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation( [r?s?s?'te??n]恢复知觉,苏醒)心肺复苏CDILD chronic diffuse interstitial lung disease 慢性间质性肺病COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 慢阻肺Clubbed( [kl?bd] 棒状的)finger 杵状指dry cough 干咳 Cyanosis [sa??'n??s?s]紫绀Nonproductive cough 干咳 Complication 并发症 crackling( [kr?kl??]轻微的爆裂声,噼啪声)rale 细捻发音 crepitant ['krep?t?nt]捻发音的 cough variant asthma 咳嗽变异性哮喘Dyspnea 呼吸困难 Differential [d?f?ren?l] diagnosis 鉴别诊断Discharge diagnosis 出院诊断 dry rale 干罗音Emphysema 肺气肿 pulmonary embolism 肺栓塞Acid base equilibrium [i:kw?'l?br??m]酸碱平衡 etiology 病因学

公司英语词汇大全(doc 14页)

公司英语 -----教育训练部 一:常用术语 Hon Hai 鸿海 CMM Component module move 机动组件整合 CEM Contract Manufaction service 合约委托代工 IBSC Internet Business Solution Center 国际互联网应用中心 PCEG Personal Computer Enclosure group 个人计算机外设事业群(FOXTEQ)CCBG Connector&cable business group CPBG Competition business group ESBG Enterprise system business group 鸿富锦事业群 SABG system assembly business group 系统组装事业群 NWE Net Work Enclosure NSE Network system enclosure NSG Network system group NFE Network flexible enclosure Foxcavity = HZ = Hong Zhun 鸿准 Stamping tool shop I 冲模一厂 Stamping tool shop II 冲模二厂 Prototype workshop 样品中心 Steel factory 裁剪厂 PCE molding tooling workshop PCE塑模厂 Hua Nan test and measurement center 华南检测中心 MPE mobile phone enclosure MPE MBE mobile phone and notebook enclosure 明塑厂 MGE Alloy magnesium alloy enclosure 镁合金 Engineer standard 工标 Document center (database center)资料中心 Design Center 设计中心 Painting 烤漆(厂) Assembly组装(厂) Stamping 冲压(厂) Education and Training教育训练 proposal improvement/creative suggestion提案改善 Technological exchange and study 技术交流研习会 Technology and Development Committee 技术发展委员会 BS Brain Storming 脑力激荡 QCC Quality Control Circle 品质圈


询问病史 12case history You need to get a detailed history including the timing and acuity of onset, exacerbating and alleviating factors and environment triggers to help you confirm a diagnosis or discard other diseases /develop a differential diagnosis. Ask your patient whether there is a history of tobacco use, or other toxic and environmental exposures and his occupational history. General/biographical[,baiu'ɡrfik,-kl]data传记,marital婚姻status, nativity出生, occupation, informant提供消息的人, time of admission and record, chief complaint, history of present illness, previous health status(well, ordinary or bad), any infectious diseases, allergic history, history of trauma or surgery, smoking (about how many years, average how many pieces per day, ceased for how many years), alcohol intake(occasional or frequent),spouse’s[spaus] 配偶 health status, menorrhea[,men'ri:]月经(menarche[me'nɑ:ki:, m-] 初潮age , cycle lasting for how many days, menstrual cycle, last menstruation period or age of menopause, any menstrual['menstrul]月经周期 pain or irregular cycle), childbearing or pregnancy( times , natural labor, abortions流产 ,premature[,prem'tju, ,pri:-] delivery早产, stillbirths死产, difficult labor, family history (any congenital先天性 diseases, father and mother: still alive, illness ,or cause of death, siblings兄弟姐妹 and children) 常用的症状 symptoms fever


常用会计英语词汇 基本词汇 A (1)account 账户,报表 A (2)accounting postulate 会计假设 A (3)accounting valuation 会计计价 A (4)accountability concept 经营责任概念 A (5)accountancy 会计职业 A (6)accountant 会计师 A (7)accounting 会计 A (8)agency cost 代理成本 A (9)accounting bases 会计基础 A (10)accounting manual 会计手册 A (11)accounting period 会计期间 A (12)accounting policies 会计方针 A (13)accounting rate of return 会计报酬率 A (14)accounting reference date 会计参照日 A (15)accounting reference period 会计参照期间 A (16)accrual concept 应计概念 A (17)accrual expenses 应计费用 A (18)acid test ratio 速动比率(酸性测试比率) A (19)acquisition 收购 A (20)acquisition accounting 收购会计 A (21)adjusting events 调整事项 A (22)administrative expenses 行政管理费 A (23)amortization 摊销 A (24)analytical review 分析性复核 A (25)annual equivalent cost 年度等量成本法 A (26)annual report and accounts 年度报告和报表 A (27)appraisal cost 检验成本 A (28)appropriation account 盈余分配账户 A (29)articles of association 公司章程细则 A (30)assets 资产 A (31)assets cover 资产担保 A (32)asset value per share 每股资产价值 A (33)associated company 联营公司 A (34)attainable standard 可达标准 A (35)attributable profit 可归属利润 A (36)audit 审计 A (37)audit report 审计报告 A (38)auditing standards 审计准则 A (39)authorized share capital 额定股本 A (40)available hours 可用小时 A (41)avoidable costs 可避免成本 B (42)back-to-back loan 易币贷款 B (43)backflush accounting 倒退成本计算B (44)bad debts 坏帐 B (45)bad debts ratio 坏帐比率 B (46)bank charges 银行手续费 B (47)bank overdraft 银行透支 B (48)bank reconciliation 银行存款调节表 B (49)bank statement 银行对账单 B (50)bankruptcy 破产 B (51)basis of apportionment 分摊基础 B (52)batch 批量 B (53)batch costing 分批成本计算 B (54)beta factor B (市场)风险因素B B (55)bill 账单 B (56)bill of exchange 汇票 B (57)bill of lading 提单 B (58)bill of materials 用料预计单 B (59)bill payable 应付票据 B (60)bill receivable 应收票据 B (61)bin card 存货记录卡 B (62)bonus 红利 B (63)book-keeping 薄记 B (64)Boston classification 波士顿分类 B (65)breakeven chart 保本图 B (66)breakeven point 保本点 B (67)breaking-down time 复位时间 B (68)budget 预算 B (69)budget center 预算中心 B (70)budget cost allowance 预算成本折让 B (71)budget manual 预算手册 B (72)budget period 预算期间 B (73)budgetary control 预算控制 B (74)budgeted capacity 预算生产能力 B (75)business center 经营中心 B (76)business entity 营业个体 B (77)business unit 经营单位 B (78)by-product 副产品 C (79)called-up share capital 催缴股本 C (80)capacity 生产能力 C (81)capacity ratios 生产能力比率 C (82)capital 资本 C (83)capital assets pricing model 资本资产计价模式C (84)capital commitment 承诺资本 C (85)capital employed 已运用的资本 C (86)capital expenditure 资本支出 C (87)capital expenditure authorization 资本支出核准C (88)capital expenditure control 资本支出控制 C (89)capital expenditure proposal 资本支出申请


4A广告公司常用英语词汇 A above-the-line advertising 线上广告 广告代理商能从媒介获得佣金(代理费)的广告,如报刊广告、广播广告、电视广告、影院广告、户外广告等。 account executive (AE) :客户经理 广告公司的业务人员职称。客户经理往往须负责下列工作:1,与客户及内部其他部门共同计划广告(planning),向各部门传达客户的诉求;2,内部协调(coordination);3,将广告设计稿提供给客户;4,监督执行政府的有关广告规章和法规(regulatory matters);5,利润管理(agency profit management)。客户经理通过计划和协调公司的服务部门,为客户提供更好的服务。 account service 客户服务 客户服务是广告代理商的中心工作,肩负着使客户满意从而建立起长期的合作关系,及推动广告代理商内部工作有效运转的任务。它是广告代理商直接同客户进行沟通、交流的一种功能。 advertising agency 广告代理商 习惯上称为“广告公司”,即《中华人民共和国广告法》中所称的广告经营者,一般设有许多职能和业务部门。 advertising campaign 广告活动 有时称为“运动”或“战役”。广告活动包括以下四个重点:制作适当的销售信息、及时传达给受众、选择适当的时机,用合理的成本。广告主制定一项能测定的目标后,为达到这一目标制定广告战略,然后在市场上执行,包括:广告计划、广告制作、销售及营销等。 advertising department 广告部 分为企业的广告部和媒介的广告部。企业的广告经理负责拟定、审核及实施企业的广告计划。一般也是负责有关广告的具体工作。媒介的广告部经理负责出售报刊等的版面,广播、电视的时间等。 airport advertising 机场广告 利用机场的候机室及在机场内其他各种场地和设备上制作刊出的广告,也包括在指示牌上制作的广告。 Appeal 诉求 广告通过媒介向目标受众诉说,以求达到所期望的反应。诉求是制定某种道德、动机、认同,或是说服受众应该去做某件事的理由。诉求分三类:理性的、感性的和道义的。诉求所用语句应具有强烈的感染力。


医院科室英语翻译大全 2010-11-16 16:10:59 责任编辑:悠然来源:浏览次数:1539 ENT(ear-nose-throat)department: 耳鼻喉科 urology department: 泌尿科 dermatology department; skin department: 皮肤科 orthopedic surgery department: 矫形外科 traumatology department: 创伤外科 plastic surgery: 整形外科 anesthesiology department: 麻醉科 pathology department: 病理科 cardiology department: 心脏病科 psychiatry department: 精神病科 orthopedics department: 骨科 department of cardiac surgery: 心脏外科 department of cerebral surgery: 胸外科 neurology department: 神经科 neurosurgery department: 神经外科

thoracic surgery department: 脑外科department of traditional Chinese medicine: 中医科registration office: 挂号处 out-patient department: 门诊部 in-patient department: 住院部 nursing department: 护理部 consulting room: 诊室 waiting room: 候诊室 emergency room:急诊室 admitting office: 住院处 operation room: 手术室 X-ray department: 放射科 blood bank: 血库 dispensary; pharmacy:药房 ward: 病房 laboratory: 化验室牤


会计英语的常用术语 1.accounting n.会计;会计学 account n..账,账目a/c;账户 e.g.T-account: T型账户;account payable应付账款receivable 应收账款);accountant n.会计人员,会计师CPA (certified public accountant)注册会计师 2.Accounting concepts 会计的基本前提 1)accounting entity 会计主体;entity 实体,主体 2)going concern 持续经营 3)accounting period 会计分期 financial year/ fiscal year 会计年度(financial adj.财务的,金融的;fiscal adj.财政的)4)money measurement货币计量 人民币RMB¥美元US$ 英镑£法国法郎FFr *权责发生制accrual basis. accrual n.本身是应计未付的意思, accrue v.应计未付,应计未收, e.g.accrued liabilities,应计未付负债 3.Quality of accounting information 会计信息质量要求 (1)可靠性reliability (2)相关性relevance (3)可理解性understandability (4)可比性comparability (5)实质重于形式substance over form (6)重要性materiality (7)谨慎性prudence (8)及时性timeliness 4.Elements of accounting会计要素 1)Assets: 资产 –current assets 流动资产 cash and cash equivalents 现金及现金等价物(bank deposit) inventory存货receivable应收账款prepaid expense 预付费用 –non-current assets 固定资产 property (land and building)不动产, plant 厂房, equipment 设备(PPE) e.g.The total assets owned by Wilson company on December 31, 2006 was US$1,500,000. 2)Liabilities: 负债 funds provided by the creditors. creditor债权人,赊销方 –current liabilities 当期负债 non-current liabilities 长期负债 total liabilities account payable应付账款loan贷款advance from customers 预收款 bond债券(由政府发行, government bond /treasury bond政府债券,国库券)debenture债券(由有限公司发行) 3)Owners’equity: 所有者权益(Net assets) funds provided by the investors. Investor 投资者


一:常用術語 Hon Hai 鴻海 CMM Component module move 機動元件整合 CEM Contract Manu faction service 合約委托代工 IBSC Internet Business Solution Center 國際互聯網應用中心 PCEG Personal Computer Enclosure group 個人電腦外設事業群(FOXTEQ)CCBG Connector& cable business group CPBG Competition business group ESBG Enterprise system business group 鴻富錦事業群 SABG system assembly business group 系統組裝事業群 NWE Net Work Enclosure NSE Network system enclosure NSG Network system group NFE Network flexible enclosure Foxcavity = HZ = Hong Zhun 鴻準 Stamping tool shop I 沖模一廠 Stamping tool shop II 沖模二廠 Prototype workshop 樣品中心 Steel factory 裁剪廠 PCE molding tooling workshop PCE塑模廠 Hua Nan test and measurement center 華南檢測中心 MPE mobile phone enclosure MPE MBE mobile phone and notebook enclosure 明塑厂 MGE Alloy magnesium alloy enclosure 鎂合金 Engineer standard 工標 Document center (database center)資料中心 Design Center 設計中心 Painting 烤漆(廠) Assembly組裝(廠) Stamping 沖壓(廠) Education and Training教育訓練 proposal improvement/creative suggestion提案改善 Technological exchange and study 技術交流研習會 Technology and Development Committee 技術發展委員會 BS Brain Storming 腦力激蕩 QCC Quality Control Circle 品質圈 PDCA Plan Do Check Action 計劃執行檢查總結 DCC delivery control center 交貨管制中心 3C Computer 電腦類產品 Consumer electronics 消費性電子產品 Communication 通訊類產品 Core value(核心价值) Love 愛心


常用会计分录和会计词汇中英文对照表 一、短期借款: 1、借入短期借款: 借:银行存款 贷:短期借款 2、按月计提利息: 借:财务费用 贷:应付利息 3、季末支付银行存款利息: 借:财务费用 应付利息 贷:银行存 款 4、到期偿还短期借款本金: 借:短期借款 贷:银行存款 二、应付票据: 1、开出应付票据: 借:材料采购/库存商品 应交税费——应交增值税(进项税额)贷:应付票据 银行承兑汇票手续费: 借:财务费用

2、应付票据到期支付票款: 借:应付票据 贷:银行存款 3、转销无力支付的银行承兑汇票票款: 借:应付票据 贷:短期借款 三、应付账款: 1、发生应付账款: 借:材料采购/库存商品/在途物资/生产成本/管理费用/制造费用 应交税费——应交增值税(进项税额) 贷:应付账款 2、偿还应付账款: 借:应付账款 贷:银行存款/应付票据 3、因在折扣期内付款获得的现金折扣偿付应付账款时冲减财务费用:借:应付账款 财务费用 贷:银行存款 4、转销确实无法支付的应付账款: 借:应付账款 贷:营业外收入——其他 四、预收账款: 1、收到预收账款: 借:银行存款

2、收到剩余货款: 借:预收账款 贷:主营业务收入 应交税费——应交增值税(销项税额) 借:银行存款 贷:预收账款 3、预收账款不多的企业,将预收款项记入“应收账款”贷方收到预付款项: 借:银行存款 贷:应收账款 收到剩余货款: 借:应收账款 贷:主营业务收入 应交税费——应交增值税(销项税额) 借:银行存款 贷:应收账款 五、应付职工薪酬: 1、确认职工薪酬: (1)货币性职工薪酬: 借:生产成本——基本生产车间成本(产品生产人员工资)制造费用(车间管理人员工资) 劳务成本(生产部门人员工资) 管理费用(管理人员工资) 销售费用(销售人员工资)



医院科室英语翻译大全 2010-11-16 16:10:59 责任编辑:悠然来源:浏览次数:1539 ENT(ear-nose-throat)department: 耳鼻喉科 urology department: 泌尿科 dermatology department; skin department: 皮肤科 orthopedic surgery department: 矫形外科 traumatology department: 创伤外科 plastic surgery: 整形外科 anesthesiology department: 麻醉科 pathology department: 病理科 cardiology department: 心脏病科

psychiatry department: 精神病科 orthopedics department: 骨科 department of cardiac surgery: 心脏外科department of cerebral surgery: 胸外科neurology department: 神经科neurosurgery department: 神经外科 thoracic surgery department: 脑外科 department of traditional Chinese medicine: 中医科 registration office: 挂号处 out-patient department: 门诊部

in-patient department: 住院部nursing department: 护理部consulting room: 诊室waiting room: 候诊室emergency room: 急诊室admitting office: 住院处operation room: 手术室 X-ray department: 放射科blood bank: 血库dispensary; pharmacy: 药房ward: 病房


呼吸科英语 A: Bronchial asthma ['?sm?, '?z-]支气管哮喘acidosis 酸中毒Allergen,allergic reaction 变异原,变态反应blood gas analysis 血气分析Anaemia 贫血Alveolar 肺泡的antibiotic 抗生素 Atelectasis 肺不张Lung abscess 肺脓肿Athrosclerotic heart disease 动脉粥样硬化性心脏病 Beta2-agonist B2受体激动剂 Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis 曲霉菌 ARDS acute respiratory distress syndrome ['resp?r?t?ri, ri'spai?-]急性呼吸窘迫综合征Percussion and auscultation 叩/听诊 Pulmonary arterial stenosis ['p?lm?n?ri, 'pul-] [ɑ:'ti?ri?l][sti'n?usis]肺动脉狭窄 Adrenal glucocorticoid 肾上腺糖皮质激素 B Biopsy 活检 Bronchiectasis 支气管扩张 Fiber optic bronchoscopic biopsy 纤支镜活检 BAL bronchoalveolar lavage 支气管肺泡灌洗 Bronchitis,bronchiolitis 支气管炎,细支气管炎 Boop:bronchiolitis obliterans with organizing pneunomia闭塞性细支气管炎伴机化性肺炎Bronchoscopy 支气管镜检查 C CAHD coronary arteriosclerotic heart disease 冠心病 CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation 心肺复苏 CDILD chronic diffuse interstitial lung disease 慢性间质性肺病 COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 慢阻肺 Clubbed finger 杵状指 dry cough 干咳 Cyanosis 紫绀 Nonproductive cough 干咳 Complication 并发症 D Dyspnea [disp'ni:?] 呼吸困难 Differential diagnosis 鉴别诊断 Discharge diagnosis 出院诊断 E Emphysema [,emfi'si:m?]肺气肿 pulmonary embolism ['emb?liz?m] 肺栓塞 Acid base equolibrium 酸碱平衡 etiology 病因学


一、企业财务会计报表封面 FINANCIAL REPORT COVER 报表所属期间之期末时间点 Period Ended 所属月份 Reporting Period 报出日期 Submit Date 记账本位币币种 Local Reporting Currency 审核人 Verifier 填表人 Preparer 二、资产负债表 Balance Sheet 资产 Assets 流动资产 Current Assets 货币资金 Bank and Cash 短期投资 Current Investment 一年内到期委托贷款 Entrusted loan receivable due within one year 减:一年内到期委托贷款减值准备 Less: Impairment for Entrusted loan receivable due within one year 减:短期投资跌价准备 Less: Impairment for current investment 短期投资净额 Net bal of current investment 应收票据 Notes receivable 应收股利 Dividend receivable 应收利息 Interest receivable 应收账款 Account receivable 减:应收账款坏账准备 Less: Bad debt provision for Account receivable 应收账款净额 Net bal of Account receivable 其他应收款 Other receivable 减:其他应收款坏账准备 Less: Bad debt provision for Other receivable 其他应收款净额 Net bal of Other receivable 预付账款 Prepayment 应收补贴款 Subsidy receivable 存货 Inventory 减:存货跌价准备 Less: Provision for Inventory 存货净额 Net bal of Inventory 已完工尚未结算款 Amount due from customer for contract work 待摊费用 Deferred Expense 一年内到期的长期债权投资 Long-term debt investment due within one year 一年内到期的应收融资租赁款 Finance lease receivables due within


、 计算机常用英语词汇大全 CPU(Center Processor Unit)中央处理单元 mainboard主板 RAM(random access memory)随机存储器(内存) ROM(Read Only Memory)只读存储器 Floppy Disk软盘 Hard Disk硬盘 CD-ROM光盘驱动器(光驱) , monitor监视器 keyboard键盘 mouse鼠标 chip芯片 CD-R光盘刻录机 HUB集线器 Modem= MOdulator-DEModulator,调制解调器 P-P(Plug and Play)即插即用 , UPS(Uninterruptable Power Supply)不间断电源 BIOS(Basic-input-Output System)基本输入输出系统 CMOS(Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor)互补金属氧化物半导体

setup安装 uninstall卸载 wizzard向导 OS(Operation Systrem)操作系统OA(Office AutoMation)办公自动化、 exit退出 edit编辑 copy复制 cut剪切 paste粘贴 delete删除 select选择 find查找 · select all全选 replace替换 undo撤消 redo重做 program程序 license许可(证) back前一步 next下一步

] finish结束 folder文件夹 Destination Folder目的文件夹 user用户 click点击 double click双击 right click右击 settings设置 … update更新 release发布 data数据 data base数据库 DBMS(Data Base Manege System)数据库管理系统view视图 insert插入 object对象 ; configuration配置 command命令 document文档 POST(power-on-self-test)电源自检程序 cursor光标


内科常用字汇 心血管系统The Cardiovascular System Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) 急性心机梗塞Electrocardiogram (DCG) 心电图 Hypertensive Cardiovascular Disease 高血压性心脏血管疾病Congential Heart Disease 先天性心脏病 Hemangioma 血管瘤 Vasodilatation 血管扩张 Arteriosclerosis 动脉硬化 Hypertension 高血压 Hypertrophy 肥大 Hypotension 低血压 Varicose veins 静脉曲张 血液及淋巴系统The Hemic and Lymphatic System Adenitis 腺炎 Acute Lymphogenous Leukemia 急性淋巴球性白血病Leukocyte 白血球 Leukocytopenia白血球减少 Systemic Lupus Erythematosus 全身性红斑性狼疮Splenomegaly 脾肿大 Anemia贫血 Aseptic 无菌的

Septicemia败血症 Hemostasis 止血 Transfusion输血 呼吸系统The Respiratory System Pulmonary embolism 肺栓塞Mucosa 黏膜 Exhale呼吸 Apnea窒息 Tachypnea呼吸急促Pneumonia肺炎 Bronchitis支气管炎 Lung Empyema 肺积脓 消化系统The Digestive System Short of breath 呼吸短促Dysphasia说话困难 Aphasia 失语症 Aphonia失声 Dysphagia 吞咽困难 Gingivitis 齿龈炎 Pharyngitis 咽炎 Laryngitis 喉炎Esophagoscopy 食道镜检查



会计科目英文 Accounting system 会计系统 American Accounting Association 美国会计协会American Institute of CPAs 美国注册会计师协会Audit 审计Balance sheet 资产负债表Bookkeeping 簿记Cash flow prospects 现金流量预测 Certificate in Internal Auditing 内部审计证书Certificate in Management Accounting 管理会计证书 Certificate Public Accountant 注册会计师Cost accounting 成本会计External users 外部使用者 Financial accounting 财务会计Financial Accounting Standards Board 财务会计准则委员会Financial forecast 财务预测Generally accepted accounting principles 公认会计原则 General-purpose information 通用目的信息Government Accounting Office 政府会计办公室Income statement 损益表Institute of Internal Auditors 内部审计师协会 Institute of Management Accountants 管理会计师协会 Integrity 整合性Internal auditing 内部审计Internal control structure 内部控制结构Internal Revenue Service 国内收入署Internal users 内部使用者Management accounting 管理会计 Return of investment 投资回报Return on investment 投资报酬 Securities and Exchange Commission 证券交易委员会Statement of cash flow 现金流量表 Statement of financial position 财务状况表Tax accounting 税务会计Accounting equation 会计等式Articulation 勾稽关系Assets 资产Business entity 企业个体Capital stock 股本Corporation 公司Cost principle 成本原则Creditor 债权人Deflation 通货紧缩Disclosure disclose 批露Expenses 费用Financial statement 财务报表Financial activities 筹资活动 Going-concern assumption 持续经营假设Inflation 通货膨涨Investing activities 投资活动Liabilities 负债Negative cash flow 负现金流量Operating activities 经营活动 Owner’s equity 所有者权益Partnership 合伙企业Positive cash flow 正现金流量 Retained earning 留存利润Revenue 收入Sole proprietorship 独资企业Solvency 清偿能力 Stable-dollar assumption 稳定货币假设Stockholders 股东Stockholders’equity 股东权益Window dressing 门面粉饰Account 帐户 会计英文(中英文对照) 一、资产类Assets 流动资产Current assets 货币资金Cash and cash equivalents 1001 现金Cash 1002 银行存款Cash in bank 1009 其他货币资金Other cash and cash equivalents '100901 外埠存款Other city Cash in bank '100902 银行本票Cashier's cheque '100903 银行汇票Bank draft '100904 信用卡Credit card '100905 信用证保证金L/C Guarantee deposits '100906 存出投资款Refundable deposits 1101 短期投资Short-term investments '110101 股票Short-term investments - stock '110102 债券Short-term investments - corporate bonds '110103 基金Short-term investments - corporate funds '110110 其他Short-term investments - other 1102 短期投资跌价准备Short-term investments falling price reserves 应收款Account receivable 1111 应收票据Note receivable 银行承兑汇票Bank acceptance 商业承兑汇票Trade acceptance
