二轮复习 书面表达新创 层级4 第3讲 概要写作 学案

二轮复习 书面表达新创  层级4 第3讲 概要写作 学案
二轮复习 书面表达新创  层级4 第3讲 概要写作 学案









6.老人:old people→the aged,the elderly 7.名声:fame→reputation


9.缺陷:disadvantage→drawback,weakness 10.发展:development→advance,progress 11.方法:method→approach











9.解决:solve→cope with,deal with









18.相似:look like→resemble






3.贫穷的:poor→needy,in poverty




7.困难的:difficult→tough,challenging,stressful,demanding 8.巨大的:big→enormous,vast,massive


10.许多:many→a sea of,abundant,numerous,considerable






16.疲劳的:tired→exhausted,worn out



19.常见的:common→not uncommon
















4.每天:every day→day in and day out



7.立刻:immediately→shortly,right now,right away




11.事实上:in fact→as a matter of fact,practically,in effect,12.非常:very→extremely,intensely,overwhelmingly,unbelievably,

more than



In the passage the writer introduces...to us, especially its ...(性质或功能), from which we know ...(事物带来的利弊)。


The passage lists/indicates ...(问题) and brings forth several measures/solutions to solve the problem,which includes ...(方法1), ...(方法2) and ...(方法3)。


The author talks about ... It is caused by ... As a result/Consequently, ...

或:The author/writer states/presents the phenomenon of ..., because/but ...(原因1/本质1), and ...(原因2/本质2)。


(2018·浙江11月)阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要It's a really good idea to visit colleges before you apply because their websites can all start to look and sound the same. Nothing will give you the sense of what it will actually be like to live on a college campus(校园) like visiting and seeing for yourself the dorms, classrooms and athletic equipment and, of course, the students. It seems a little crazy once senior years hits to find the time to visit college campuses, and it can also be pricey if the schools you are applying to happen to be more than a car ride away. But keep in mind that you are making a decision about the next four years of your life, and do all the research you can to make sure you are making the right one.

There is no excuse not to visit the schools in your local area. In fact, a lot of college applications even ask if you have visited campus, and obviously, if you live across the country that won't be as much of a possibility, but if you live nearly, go check it out.

If campus visits aren't going to happen before you apply, at the very least you should find some time between applying and getting your acceptance letters to visit the schools you'd like to attend. It can save you a lot of heartache if you rule out now the things that you don't like about certain campuses, things that you wouldn't know unless you actually visit.

Now, if time and money are making it impossible, then check out the online college fairs at CollegeWeekLive. It's a chance to chat online with admissions officers, students, and college couselors(顾问), and it won't cost you a penny! You can register for it online college fair at collegeweeklive. com. While visiting an online college fair can't take the place of an actual campus visit, it can be a very useful tool that along with all your other research will help you make an informed decision about which colleges or universities you'd like to attend.

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ [参考范文]

It's a wise choice for you to pay a personal visit to the college you are applying to, especially the ones that are close to you.(要点1) In order to avoid being regretful, you should at least visit the college you decided to attend.(要点2) If all the above is not affordable, it will be helpful to search the online college fairs at CollegeWeekLive where you can get the necessary information.(要点3)


1.首先要找出主题句(the topic sentences)、支撑句(supporting sentences)和结论句(conclusion sentences),其中最主要的是找准主题句。




Parents everywhere praise their kids. Jenn Berman, author of The A to Z Guide to Raising Happy and Confident Kids, says, “We've gone to the opposite extreme of a few decades ago when parents tended to be more strict.” By giving kids a lot of praise, parents think they're building their children's confidence, when, in fact, it may be just the opposite. Too much praise can backfire and, when given in a way that's insincere, make kids afraid to try new things or take a risk for fear of not being able to stay on top where their parents' praise has put them.

Still, don't go too far in the other direction. Not giving enough praise can be just as damaging as giving too much. Kids will feel like they're not good enough or that you don't care and, as a result, may see no point in trying hard for their accomplishments.

So what is the right amount of praise? Experts say that the quality of praise is more important than the quantity. If praise is sincere and focused on the effort not the outcome, you can give it as often as your child does something that deserves a verbal reward. “We should especially recognize our children's efforts to push themselves and work hard to achieve a goal,” says Donahue, author of Parenting Without Fear: Letting Go of Worry and Focusing on What Really Matters. “One thing to remember is that it's the process not the end product that matters.”

Your son may not be the best basketball player on his team. But if he's out there every day and playing hard, you should praise his effort regardless of whether his team wins or loses. Praising the effort and not the outcome can also mean recognizing your child when she has worked hard

to clean the yard, cook dinner, or finish a book report. But whatever it is, praise should be given on a case-by-case basis and be proportionate(相称的 )to the amount of effort your child has put into it. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ [参考范文]

It's no easy job to educate children. Parents are wrong from strict discipline in the past to excessive praise today. (要点1) Considerable praise helps to encourage children to make progress, but don't go from one extreme to the other. (要点2) High-quality praise should focus on children's efforts, rather than on results. (要点3) The principle for dealing with praise is to consider the link between praise and effort.(要点4)




In 1971,China's first subway line in Beijing was formally put into operation.By December 2017,there were 171 subway lines stretching over 5,083 km in 35 cities on the Chinese mainland.Currently,China has the longest urban railway network in the world,which is predicted to surpass 6,000 km by 2020.

The rapid development of China's urban railway system reflects the country's growing economic strength.The system has experienced the fastest growth over the past 15 years due to the investment of wealth

accumulated from the reform and opening up in urban infrastructure construction.An urban railway system is expensive to build,with one kilometer of subway costing approximately 700 million yuan($110 million).A city without economic strength cannot develop such an expensive system.

The progress in urban railway construction technologies has also to the fast expansion of the infrastructure.Subway construction involves building underground tunnels,laying rails,manufacturing trains and the operation and management of subways.It is a systematic project which not only covers traditional infrastructure building but also modern electronics and information technology.China's railway construction technologies are the best in the world,with Chinese subway trains now exported to developed countries including the United States.

The expansion of Chinese cities has made it necessary to develop urban railway systems.Since the start of the reform and opening up,a large number of people have migrated to cities and the number of private cars has increased dramatically,resulting in serious traffic congestion.Building subways has become an important way to solve this problem.

This year marks the 40th anniversary of the launch of China's reform and opening up,and the rapid development of China's urban railway system exemplifies the achievements made by the policy.As China furthers its opening up,it will continue to maintain steady and rapid economic growth and railway systems will be available in more and more cities.

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_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 【参考范文】

The past few decades has witnessed the fast development of Chinese urban railways both in number and length,which is a reflection of China's prosperous economy.(要点1)Actually,not only the growing construction technologies but also the expansion of Chinese cities with booming population and heavy traffic,stimulates the urban railway conctruction.(要点2)With the deepening of the reform and opening up policy,more urban railways will come into use.(要点3)



Having good manners means practice of behaving

decently(得体地) and having a feeling to act like a

decent man.First,we must understand the meaning of “manners”.Manner is the way of doing something,the

way to perform some action,and the way to behave in specific conditions.Good manners are thus the proper and decent ways to perform some action or to behave well in specific conditions.Having good manners and behaving well are important in our routine life.Good manners and good behavior make a man valuable and respectable.

Good manners are not only to talk politely.The whole meaning of good manners counts many things.The way to eat and drink,the behavior while travelling,the way of sitting in front of elders,the accent of talking to young ones,the performance during lectures,the way of sitting in a meeting,the behavior during some gatherings,and many more.A person having a sense of behaving well is a well-mannered person,and has a respectable place in society.

The civilized societies only accept those who have good manners and

civilized acts.Actually the well-civilized society comes into existence only due to the civilized people,and when a society is civilized,it means it is more successful than others.In the development of a country,civilization and good manners play a very important role.So,if a person does not behave well and lacks good manners,he is not only disrespectful to his society and home but he is also a shame for the whole country.When we visit another country,we are representing our whole nation in that country,and when we don't have good manners,then our whole nation is thought to be uncivilized.

Thus,if you wish to be respected,then behave like a civilized and well-mannered person.

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 【参考范文】

Having good manners and behaving well mean a lot and are important in our daily life.(主题句)Having good manners means talking politely and many other things.(论据1)Besides,good manners and good behavior let others respect and value us.(论据2)What's more,those who have good manners and civilized acts can be accepted by the civilized society.(论据3)So if you want to be respected,you should have good manners.(结论)


Letter Writing Guidance---How to enrich the body part 写作指导学案 各类信件套语 邀请信 发出邀请:I am writing to invite you to do sth. 期待对方接受邀请It is my sincere hope that you can come and join us. 咨询信 咨询:I am writing to ask for some information about sth. 期待回复并表示感谢 It is my sincere hope that you can do me this favor. I would appreciate it if you could do me this favor. I would be more than grateful if you could answer my questions in detail. 求助信 求助:I am writing to ask you to give me a hand. 或I am writing to ask you to do me a favor. 期待对方给予帮助 It is my sincere hope that you can do me this favor. I would appreciate it if you could do me this favor. I would be more than grateful if you could do me this favor. 申请信 申请:I am writing to apply for sth. 期待申请被批准并 It is my sincere hope that my application will be favorably considered. I would appreciate it if you could give me the chance. I would be more than grateful if you could give me the chance. 表决心 If I am chosen, I will spare no efforts to exceed your expectations.

单元写作 古风余韵 学案(含答案)

单元写作古风余韵学案(含答案) 单元写作提升单元写作提升训练目标人物小传的写法。小传,即人物小传,是传记文的一种,是一种简略记载人物生平事迹的文章。写人物传记,必须有丰富的材料作依据;充分反映主人公的曲折人生,是人物传记给读者印象至深的内容;写好一个人物传记,除了写他的形,还应写出他的神,即传神。一.抓住人物的性格特征,突出人物的精神气质,使传主成为独特的“这一个”,而不是千人一面。借刻画抓住人物性格特征,突出其特质。选材精当,主题集中;既不给人物套上美丽的光环,又使这个人物形象具有独特性。人物性格抓准了,才能表现其精神气质,才能使传主与众有别。 二.将史料的真实性与描写的生动性有机结合,力求能引起读者的阅读兴趣。换言之,要有文学性。传记文学不是纯客观的记载传主的生平经历,而是在尊重客观史实.遵循传主的生平经历的前提下,在一些具体的细节描写和细节安排上,可以根据作者的理解和作品主题的需要,而作恰如其分的虚构,在细节处理上要有文学性。细节不一定都有据可考,但读者不会怀疑其真实性,相反会增强文章的生动性,凸现人物品质。 三.择要介绍,不必面面俱到。可以介绍人物的主要贡献.成长经历.所受影响。所写人物生平经历或取一个截面,只要能突出主题即可。

具体而言,人物传记以记叙人物的活动.经历.事迹为主,写人重在刻画人物的性格,并通过这种性格的刻画来反映生活,表达一个深刻的主题。一般有如下几种方法1通过人物的肖像写人。人物的肖像主要指人物的外貌,包括人物的容貌.服饰.姿态和神情等等。肖像描写可以写人物的静态,也可以写人物的动态。 2通过人物的语言写人。人物的语言要充分个性化,能表现人物的出身.教养.经历和性格,让人读了如闻其声,如见其人。 3通过人物的行动写人。人物的行动要符合生活的本质,符合人物的性格发展的逻辑。 可以选择具体的.富有特征的行动来显示人物的性格和心理活动。 4通过人物的心理写人。人物的内心世界是很丰富的,心理描写就是要充分揭示出人物内心的喜.怒.哀.乐.爱慕.思念.苦闷.痛苦.怨恨.惊恐.嫉妒等等。常见的心理描写方式有内心独白.思忆联想.梦境幻觉.动作暗示等等。 5通过人物的活动环境写人。人总是生活在一定的社会环境中的,人物的个性的形成与他所处的环境有关,写好环境对表现人物的性格极为有用。 6通过细节描写.侧面描写的方法来写人。根据人物性格发展的逻辑,捕捉.挑选最具有特征的细节,进行准确.真实的描写,能够使人物的性格更鲜明.形象更丰满。通过相关人物的反映.评


江苏英语高考常用书面表达写作模板 一、对比观点题型 (1)要求论述两个对立的观点并给出自己的看法。 1. 有一些人认为…… 2. 另一些人认为…… 3. 我的看法…… The topic of ……(导入话题) is becoming more and more popular recently. There are two sides of opinions about it. Some people say (A观点) is their favorite. They hold their view for the reason of ……(支持A观点的理由一). What is more, ……(支持A观点的理由二). Moreover, ……(支持A观点的理由三). While others think that (B观点) is a better choice in the following three reasons. Firstly, ……(支持B观点的理由一). Secondly (Besides), ……(支持B观点的理由二). Thirdly (Finally), ……(支持B观点的理由三). From my point of view, I think ……(我的观点). The reason is that……(原因). As a matter of fact, there are some other reasons to explain my choice. For me, the former(latter) is surely a wise choice. (2) 给出一个观点,要求考生反对这一观点。 ……(导入话题) …… Some people believe that……(观点一). For example, they think……(举例说明).And it will bring them……(为他们带来的好处). In my opinion, I never think this reason can be the point. For one thing, ……(我不同意该看法的理由一). For another thing, ……(反对的理由二). From all what I have said, I agree to the thought that……(我对文章所讨论主题 的看法). 二、阐述主题题型要求从一句话或一个主题出发,按照提纲的要求进行论述。 1.阐述名言或主题所蕴涵的意义。2.分析并举例使其更充实。 The good old proverb……(名言或谚语)reminds us that……(释义). Indeed, we can learn many things from it. First of all, ……(理由一). For example, ……(举例说明). Secondly, ……(理由二). Another case is that ……(举例说明). Furthermore, ……(理由三).In my opinion, ……(我的观点). In short, whatever you do, please remember the saying……A. If you understand it and apply it to your study or work, you’ll necessarily benefit a lot from it. 三、解决方法(how to…)题型 要求考生列举出解决问题的多种途径。 1.问题现状。2.怎样解决(解决方案的优缺点)。 In recent days, we have to face this problem……(提出一种现象或某种困难作 为议论的话题), which is becoming more and more serious. First, ……(说明这种现 象或这种困难的现状).Second, ……(进一步说明这种现象或这种困难的现状). Confronted with ……(这种现象或这种困难的), we should take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation. For one thing, ……(解决这种现象或 这种困难的方法一). For another……(解决这种现象或这种困难的方法二). Finally, ……(解决这种现象或这种困难的方法三). Personally, I believe that ……(我自己的解决这种现象或这种困难的方法). Consequently, I’m confident that a bright future is waiting for us because ……(解决这种现象或这种困难的方法的效果).

2020届二轮复习 概要写作专练(含答案) 学案

高三概要写作专练 tent. A new study suggests that a couple days of camping in the great outdoors can reset your circadian clock and help you get more sleep. 2 The circadian clock, more commonly known as the body clock, is an internal system that tells our bodies when it’s time to go to sleep and when it’s time to wake up. Scientists track this clock by measuring the amount of melatonin circulating in a person’s bl ood at any given time. In a healthy sleeper, melatonin levels rise a few hours before bedtime, stay high through the night, and then settle back down when it’s time to wake up. 3 In our modern society, however, most of us stay up many hours past sunset and would probably sleep in many hours after sunrise if we could. And the trouble is, your melatonin levels may still be high when your alarm clock goes off in the morning, which leads to grogginess. It may also have other health consequences as well, such as diabetes, overweight and heart disease. 4 Professor Kenneth Wright of the University of Colorado in the US wanted to see if our body clocks can be reset by a short stay in nature. His team recruited 14 physically active volunteers in their 20s and 30s. Nine went on a weekend camping trip, while the other five stayed home. At the end of the weekend, the researchers reported that in just two days, the campers’ body clock had shifted so that their melatonin levels began to rise more than an hour earlier than they did before they left on the trip. By contrast, the body clocks of the group that stayed home shifted even later over the course of the weekend. “This tells us we can reset our clocks fast,” Wright said. 5 Therefore, if you want to change your sleep patterns you could try to increase your exposure to natural light during the day and decrease the amount of artificial light you see at night.


高考英语书信写作必背句型 一、邀请信 【篇首句】介绍自己,简要说明活动,并邀请对方。 1.I’m Li Hua from xxx School,the president of the Student Union. 我是来自xxx学校的王明,学生会主席。 2. An English speaking contest of our school will be held on August 6. 我们学校有一场英语演讲比赛将在8月6号举行。 3. There will be a party in my garden on Sunday. 周日,在我的花园里会举行一场聚会。 4. I’d like to invite you to judge it. 我想邀请你做它的裁判。 5.I’m now writing on behalf of the classmates to invite you to come and attend it, if you can spare time. 我代表同学写信邀请您来参加,如果您能抽出时间的话。 6.I sincerely invite you to watch the show because... 我诚挚的邀请您来看演出,因为.......。 7. I’m writing to invite you to... 我写信是邀请你...... 8. I wonder if you can come to... 我想知道你是否能来...... 9. We sincerely hope you can attend it. 我们真诚希望你能够参加。 10. It’s my pleasure/a great honour for me to invite you to... 我很荣幸的邀请你...... 11. It’s a pity that you have to go back to America soon. So a farewell party for you will be held in the Sun Club this Saturday evening. Could you come at 6:00 pm? 很遗憾你不久就要回美国了。所以,这周六,在阳光俱乐部我们会为你举行一个欢送会。下午六点你能来吗? 【篇中句】介绍活动具体内容,并说明受邀人参加理由。 1. It will begin at 2:00 pm and last two hours, during which time 15 well-prepared contestants will deliver their speeches. 它将于下午两点钟开始,四点钟结束,在此期间将会有十五位准备充分的参赛者发表演讲。 2. We will start at 8:00 am and arrive there at 9:00. 我们将会在上午八点出发,九点到达那里。 3. During the afterno on, we’ll...together. 下午,我们会一起...... 4. Remember to take water and lunch with you. 记得带上水和午餐。 5. By the way, you may take Bus No. 322 in front of your apartment and it will take you directly to the club. 顺便说一下,你可以乘坐你家公寓前的322路公交车,它会直接把你带到俱乐部。 6. I know you are a native speaker of English and an English teacher, and I, on behalf of our school,


梁开中学八年级第二学期作文训练学案(一) 班级组别姓名 亲爱的同学们: 首先祝大家新学期学习进步!根据教材的单元安排,结合我级的实际,在过去已经懂得如何写人和写事的基础上,本学期将进行六次作文专题训练,分别是学习仿写、说明文(学会合理安排说明顺序)、学写读后感、学写游记、学写故事、学会升格作文。在每次训练中还需要认真落实“字数、卷面、分段、题目、开头、结尾、中心、”等作文的常规要求。具体安排如下:第一次: 第二周——学习仿写(片段作文) 第二次:第四周——学写读后感(周记、练笔) 第三次:第六周——说明的顺序(大作文) 第四次:第九周——中段检测(大作文) 第五次:第十一周——学写游记(周记、随笔) 第六次:第十三周——学写故事(大作文) 第七次:第十五周——升格作文(片段或整篇) 第八次:第十七周——模拟测试(大作文) 第一单元作文训练——学习仿写 一、仿写的好处: 仿写是提高作文水平的有效方法。语文教材中的典范文章、中考考生的高分作文、班级同学的优秀习作,报刊杂志中文质兼美、思想积极的文章……都可以成为我们模仿的范本。懂得模仿写作的学生,其作文水平定能快速提升。 二、仿写的方法: (一)模仿篇章结构(请认真阅读《高分突破》P17的四种具体方法及范文。)(1)一线贯穿法——用一条主线,把几件事情串连起来; (2)画面组合法——按时间顺序或地点转移,把几个画面或场景组合起来; (3)欲扬先抑法——以作者的情感变化为线索,先略写不喜欢的,或厌恶的情感,后详写喜欢的,赞扬的情感; (4)由物悟理法——描写某种景物,或与此物相关的事情,以物喻人,或托物言志,表达自己对人生的感悟。


阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60 词左右的内容概要。 We shouldn’t judge a person by their appearance but we do. In fact, the experts say that when we meet someone for the first time we make a decision about what that person is like in three seconds. But what do we look at One of the most important things is clothes, but it isn't the brand of clothes that people wear that is important. The important thing is to wear the right clothes for the occasion. Schools have always understood this and a lot of them ask their students to wear a uniform. Why A lot of teachers think a uniform makes students feel that they are part of their school and that their uniform helps them to be serious about their studies. Teachers say that uniforms can help in other ways too. If all the students wear uniforms, they can't judge each other because of their clothes. It also avoids arguments about who or what is fashionable. However, it is not only schools that want people to dress in a certain way. We all have fixed ideas about what the people in a certain profession should wear. If we visit a doctor, we expect to see respectable clothes under the doctor’s white coat. When we go into a bank we expect the staff to wear suits or dresses. Police officers wear uniforms to deter crime by establishing a visible presence while on patrol, to make themselves easily identifiable to non-police officers or their colleagues who require assistance, and to quickly identify each other at crime scenes for ease of coordination. In fact, a lot of companies have dress codes for their staff because they know that the customers expect to see them dressed in certain types of clothes. But can our clothes really tell people what we are like Maybe not, but they can show our attitude to what we are doing at the moment. When people see us in the right clothes, they think we are serious about what we are doing. Furthermore, if we are clean, smart and polite, people will have confidence in us. _______________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________


写作专题之学案(二)应用文体 ----------书信、电子邮件 一、文体解读 书信、电子邮件的写作是高考中出现频率最高的一种题型。从内容上看,近几年高考书信写作主要包括求助信、致歉信、致谢信、笔友信、慰问信、投诉信、邀请信、介绍信、求职信、读者请求的解答信及其答复读者的信等。 书信的格式大体相同,多半包括三个部分:开头,中间正文部分和结尾。写信时,同学们要注意以下几点: 1.在篇首写出信的意图或目的。 2.中间部分,不同类型的信件表达的内容不同,注意句式的多样化。3.末尾处表达愿望或祝福。二、写作范句必备 1.普通信 ①I am so pleased to hear from you. You want to know how we celebrate our Spring Festival. 很高兴收到你的来信,你想知道我们如何过春节。②I'm writing to tell you about my summer holiday experience. 我写信想告诉你我的暑假经历。 ③I'm w riting to you informing that ... 我写信给你,是想告诉你…… 2.求职信 ①I'm a student from Qinghua University. I'm glad to learn that you need a secretary. I'm quite 我是清华大学的学生,很高兴得知你们需要招聘一位秘书。我对此非常感兴趣,而且我认为我非常适合这项工作。 ②I'm writing to express my intere st in 你们最近做广告来招聘女服务员,我对此非常感兴趣。③For the past three years, I have been in the ..., where I worked as ... 我曾经在……工作三年,担任……工作。 ④If I have a chance to work in your company, I will try my best to be a good employee. 如果我有机会在贵公司工作,我将竭尽全力做一名优秀员工。 ⑤Thanks for considering my application and I am looking forward to meeting you. 非常感谢您能考虑一下我的申请,我期待着与您相见。 3.求助信 ①I have a trouble these days and need your help/advice. 这些日子我有件烦恼事,需要你的帮助/建议。②I'm writing a letter to you to get some help about ... 我写信给你是为了就……向您寻求帮助。 4.邀请信 ①We are planning to hold a ball in Mr. Green's house on Sunday. I'm writing to ask you to 我们计划星期天在格林先生家举办舞会,我写信邀请你来。②I wonder if you could come to my birthday party this Saturday. 不知

2020最新高中语文 第三单元 修辞立其诚单元写作学案 语文版必修2(考试专用)

第三单元修辞立其诚 学会分析 训练目标在议论文写作中学会使用四种分析方法:概念分析、比较分析、因果分析、辩证分析。 学习写议论文,尤其是要学习论证。论证是用论据证明论点的方法,是论点和论据之间逻辑联系的纽带。论点解决需要证明什么的问题,论据解决用什么来证明的问题,论证解决怎样证明的问题。总的来说,有举例论证、道理论证、对比论证和比喻论证的方法。 同时也有多种的分析方法,今天重点探讨四种分析方法:概念分析、比较分析、因果分析、辩证分析。 文本借鉴 佳作赏读亮点评析 “倔”和“笨”的力量 大跃进时期,朱东润老先生作为复旦中文系主任,自然被推上讲 台作“多快好省”宣言。可是老先生却牙根紧咬,面色难看,简直要 上刑场似的,支吾了半天才说出话来:“我原计划五年完成的三本书,现计划三年完成!”话音刚落,台下便是一片哄笑之声。“太慢了!”可是老先生的倔劲却上来了,说什么都不肯再让步:“不行!不能再少了!最少三年!”(1) 这若是被日码万字的当代作家看见了,怕也是要笑掉大牙的。何必这么“倔”?何必跟“效率”较劲?简直是一根筋!(2) 的确,对于讲求效率的智慧的当代人来说,这样的做法,实在是不知变通,乃至于冥顽不灵了。三年,岂止是三本,著作等身怕也不是问题。只要愿意“坐家”,轻敲键盘,日码万字也能轻松搞定。只是,如此随缘、如此写作,其成果怕也如稀释过的咖啡,醇香不再,喝起来恰如变了质的白开水。(3) (1)举例论证。文章开头用朱东润老先生的事例形象地突出“倔”字,入题迅速。 (2)分析事例,从反面着笔增强分析说理力度。 (3)比较分析。联系现实,否定讲求效率的“智慧的”当代人的做法。


2011年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(江苏卷)(word版) 英语 第五部分:书面表达(满分25分) 81.下面这幅照片展现了女儿为回家妈妈拿包的情景.请根据你对这幅照片的理解用英语写一篇短文. 你的短文应包含以下内容: 描述照片内容,如情景、人物、动作,等等; 结合自身实际,谈谈你的感想; 举例说明你能为家长减负做些什么. 注意: 可参照图中文字及下面文章开头所给提示,作必要的发挥想象. 词数150左右.开头已经写好,不计入总词数. 作文中不得提及考生所在学校和本人姓名. The burden of students has been a hot topic for years,but the load of parents has received little attention,especially from their own children. 参考答案 The burden of students has been a hot topic for years, but the load of parents has received little attention, especially from their own children.. The picture shows us a touching moment when a little girl comes to greet her working mom.Realizing her mom must be very tired after a day’s work,the girl helps to remove the bag from her shoulder.In response ,the mom kneels down to show happy and thankful she feels. All this reminds me of my mother who has been doing whatever she could to let me have the best.But,totally engaged in my own study,I seldom pay attention to what mother needs and feels,and always thinks studying well is the only thing I could in return.Now I know I can do my bit to help with the everyday washing ,bedroom cleaning,or at least prepare breakfast myself,so as to share mother’s daily burden.The picture convinces me it is even more important to be a good da ughter than a “good ”student. (150words) 解题指导: 此次的书面表达是一篇漫画类作文,是考纲中一直出现,但是首次露面的题型。这篇漫画类


作文语境高频词汇检测 一、2017年江苏真题作文范文(1) The box-office income of Chinese movies witnessed a constant increase from about 17 billion yuan in 2012 to over 40 billion in 2015. However, that increase slowed down in 2016. The reasons behind this are various. The fast economic development before 2016 was probably the most powerful engine driving the constant growth in the box-office income. The application of new technologies and the wide appeal of movie stars could also account for the increase. However, China saw a decline in its economic growth rate last year. And the internet increased options for movie lovers. Consequently, some viewers began to turn away from cinemas, leading to a slower growth. China’s economy is expected to grow at a medium speed in the coming years, so an increase is possible in the investment in the movie industry and the number of quality movies. Therefore, its box-office income will probably enjoy a slight increase. 二、2017年江苏真题作文范文(2) As is indicated in the graph, the box-office income of Chinese films increased constantly from 2012 to 2015, but its growth, for one reason or another, slowed down in 2016. The increase in the box-office income can be attributed to a number of factors. The quality of life has improved and watching films is regarded as a good means of


阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。 We shouldn ' t judge a person by their appearanee but we do. In fact, the experts say that when we meet some one for the first time we make a decisi on about what that pers on is like in three sec on ds. But what do we look at? One of the most importa nt things is clothes, but it isn't the brand of clothes that people wear that is importa nt. The importa nt thing is to wear the right clothes for the occasi on. Schools have always un derstood this and a lot of them ask their stude nts to wear a uni form. Why? A lot of teachers thi nk a uniform makes stude nts feel that they are part of their school and that their uniform helps them to be serious about their studies. Teachers say that uni forms can help in other ways too. If all the stude nts wear uni forms, they can't judge each other because of their clothes. It also avoids argume nts about who or what is fashi on able. However, it is not only schools that want people to dress in a certain way. We all have fixed ideas about what the people in a certa in professi on should wear. If we visit a doctor, we expect to see respectable clothes under the doctor ' s white coat. When we go into a bank we expect the staff to wear suits or dresses. Police officers wear uni forms to deter crime by establish ing a visible presenee while on patrol, to make themselves easily identifiable to non-police officers or their colleagues who require assistanee, and to quickly identify each other at crime scenes for ease of coord in ati on. In fact, a lot of compa nies have dress codes for their staff because they know that the customers expect to see them dressed in certa in types of clothes. But can our clothes really tell people what we are like? Maybe not, but they can show our attitude to what we are doing at the moment. When people see us in the right clothes, they think we are serious about what we are doing. Furthermore, if we are clea n, smart and polite, people will have con fide nee in us.


英语作文| 高考英语书信类写作万能模板(超强模板,考试直接套用) 书信: 【高分套路】 但凡应试书信,逃不出三种段落: 开头段:四大内容 1、问候; 2、自我介绍; 3、写信背景;为什么会写这封信 4、写信目的;写这封信想达到什么目的 中间段:具体问题+具体分析; 结尾段:客套话; 口诀: 开门见山说意图 咨询建议123 不同内容可分段 感谢客气不可少 期待回信成老套 【经典套话】 (一)开头段:灵活地去写四种内容: 1、问候; How are you doing? How is everything going? How is life treating you? 2、自我介绍; I am LiHua, a 17-year-old boy currently studying in XXX middle school. I am LiHua, who... 3、写信背景(写信的缘由) My teacher told me... I read in your newspaper/ micro-blog /website that... 4、写信目的; 【七种最常见书信的“写信目的”部分的最佳写法】 自荐信: Now, I am writing to apply for the job/position. 感谢信: Now, I am writing to show/ express my heartfelt gratitude to you. 邀请信: Now, I am writing to invite you to join/enjoy/suffer/experience the....(as our guest/ judge/ instructor). 建议信: Now, I am writing to give you a hand. 求助信: Now, I am writing to ask you to give me a hand/ do me a favor. 道歉信: Now, I am writing to show/ express my heartfelt apology to you.
