概要写作 说明文 学案2

概要写作 说明文 学案2
概要写作 说明文 学案2

Writing Task

Write a summary of exposition in no more than 60 words.


Step 1: Read the following passage and complete the table.

Step 2: Divide the passage & summarize the main idea of each part(明确文章结构)

How many parts can we divide the passage?

Step 3: Highlight the key information of each part(划出主题句与关键信息)

List the key points of each paragraph.

Drafting and Revising

Step 4: Paraphrase(改写)

Restate the key points in your own words.

Step 5: Write the first draft.

1.Write the first draft by using proper conjunctions.

2. Pair work --- Read your partner’s draft and finish the checklist.

Step 6: Revise the first draft and write an improved summary.


高中英语写作指导-《概要写作》 该题型提供一篇350词以内的短文,要求考生基于该短文写出一篇60词左右的内容概要。原文以说明文、议论文为主,概要,基本就是段落大意。每段用一句话概括,或者两段一个大意,最多用两句话概括。 (一)高分要诀 1.概要应包括原文中的主要事实,略去不必要的细节。 这就要求考生在写作时要找关键词和主题句,准确理解、分析原文要点,归纳段落大意。 2.各要点的表达既要相对独立,又要有适当的衔接,要用适当的关联词语贯通全文,切忌只简单地写出一些互不相干的句子,但也不要每两句之间都加关联词语,以免显得生硬。 3.所用句型力求简单,安排好篇幅的比例,概要应同原文保持协调,即用较多的文字写重要内容,用较少的文字写次要内容。 4.不排斥用原文的某些词句,但不要照搬原文的句子,如果不能完全用自己的话语表达,至少对原文句子做一些同义词替换,如果结构上也能有一些转换会更好。

此外,在写作时,要尽量使用短句,慎用长难句。例如,尽量少用关系代词which,who 等引导的定语从句,而采用动词-ing形式和过去分词做定语。 5.多使用概括性词语,少用具体描述性词语。注意要点之间的衔接。 概要写作中的衔接过渡词汇:

列举过渡目的过渡让步过渡承接过渡first of all first second third in the first place initially to start with furthermore in addition moreover what’s more finally with the aim of for the sake of with a view to for the purpose of although it is true...that even though of course certainly admittedly indeed true as soon as as a matter of fact so to speak however as it were day after day year in and year out 举例理由时间总结 as an illustration for instance one example for example just as in particular such as namely to illustrate a case in point take...for since by virtue of so given as a result of because (of) due to in view of on account of owing to the reason why in other words lead to for this reason before since as until meanwhile at the moment when whenever as soon as just as according to all in all to summarize in summary in conclusion as a consequence lastly by and large finally consequently to sum up hence

单元写作 古风余韵 学案(含答案)

单元写作古风余韵学案(含答案) 单元写作提升单元写作提升训练目标人物小传的写法。小传,即人物小传,是传记文的一种,是一种简略记载人物生平事迹的文章。写人物传记,必须有丰富的材料作依据;充分反映主人公的曲折人生,是人物传记给读者印象至深的内容;写好一个人物传记,除了写他的形,还应写出他的神,即传神。一.抓住人物的性格特征,突出人物的精神气质,使传主成为独特的“这一个”,而不是千人一面。借刻画抓住人物性格特征,突出其特质。选材精当,主题集中;既不给人物套上美丽的光环,又使这个人物形象具有独特性。人物性格抓准了,才能表现其精神气质,才能使传主与众有别。 二.将史料的真实性与描写的生动性有机结合,力求能引起读者的阅读兴趣。换言之,要有文学性。传记文学不是纯客观的记载传主的生平经历,而是在尊重客观史实.遵循传主的生平经历的前提下,在一些具体的细节描写和细节安排上,可以根据作者的理解和作品主题的需要,而作恰如其分的虚构,在细节处理上要有文学性。细节不一定都有据可考,但读者不会怀疑其真实性,相反会增强文章的生动性,凸现人物品质。 三.择要介绍,不必面面俱到。可以介绍人物的主要贡献.成长经历.所受影响。所写人物生平经历或取一个截面,只要能突出主题即可。

具体而言,人物传记以记叙人物的活动.经历.事迹为主,写人重在刻画人物的性格,并通过这种性格的刻画来反映生活,表达一个深刻的主题。一般有如下几种方法1通过人物的肖像写人。人物的肖像主要指人物的外貌,包括人物的容貌.服饰.姿态和神情等等。肖像描写可以写人物的静态,也可以写人物的动态。 2通过人物的语言写人。人物的语言要充分个性化,能表现人物的出身.教养.经历和性格,让人读了如闻其声,如见其人。 3通过人物的行动写人。人物的行动要符合生活的本质,符合人物的性格发展的逻辑。 可以选择具体的.富有特征的行动来显示人物的性格和心理活动。 4通过人物的心理写人。人物的内心世界是很丰富的,心理描写就是要充分揭示出人物内心的喜.怒.哀.乐.爱慕.思念.苦闷.痛苦.怨恨.惊恐.嫉妒等等。常见的心理描写方式有内心独白.思忆联想.梦境幻觉.动作暗示等等。 5通过人物的活动环境写人。人总是生活在一定的社会环境中的,人物的个性的形成与他所处的环境有关,写好环境对表现人物的性格极为有用。 6通过细节描写.侧面描写的方法来写人。根据人物性格发展的逻辑,捕捉.挑选最具有特征的细节,进行准确.真实的描写,能够使人物的性格更鲜明.形象更丰满。通过相关人物的反映.评


说明文阅读复习导学案 学习目标: 1、复习说明文的一般常识。 2、掌握中考说明文阅读常见题型及答题技巧。 教学内容: 一、说明文常见的考点 二、说明文的一般常识 1、什么是说明文? 2、常见的说明文有几种类型?A、事物(形状、构造、发展变化)B、事理 3、阅读说明文要抓住几个方面? A、指出说明文对象及其说明的中心 B、说明对象的特征 C、理清说明的顺序。 我们学习过的说明顺序有哪几种?每种还有哪些小类?以学过的课文为例说明。 (1)空间顺序:说明事物的形状、构造、多在建筑物的结构,如上下、远近、左右、内外东西南北中等。如《核舟记》:头—舱---尾---背。 (2)时间顺序:说明事物的发展变化,多在事物的发展变化,如《活板》:唐--宋--升死:(3)逻辑顺序:说明事理,多在说明事物的内在联系。 a、先总说后分说分--总总--分--总 b、先主要后次要 c、先原因后结果 d、由现象到本质 e、由一般到特殊 f、由整体到局部 注意:(1)时间顺序:有表示时间的词语,如:朝代、数字等。 (2)空间顺序:有表示方位的词语,如:上下、远近、左右、内外、东西南北等。 (3)同一篇文章全文或各部分均可有几种不同的说明顺序,应分别指出。 D、掌握说明的主要方法及作用。 1、常见的说明方法有哪些?请举例说明。 (1)下定义:用简洁的语言科学揭示事物的本质属性。如等边三角形是三边相等的三角形。(2)举例子:举一些通俗易懂、有代表性的例子说明事物或事理。 (3)分类别:按一定的标准,不能有从属或交叉关系,要把集合中的所有内容都分完。(4)打比方:用比喻的修辞把抽象、复杂的事物说的深入浅出,具体生动。 (5)作比较:用生活中熟悉的事物同要说明的事物相比较, 一定有两个方面。


.提取信息的技巧 1.阅读材料若是一个故事 ,找出5个W和1个H。其中。最重要的要点是"某人(who)做了做事(what"。若是夹叙夹议的文章,还要加上故事的寓意(即5W1H+moral)。 2.议论文的阅读材料,则要根据文章结构找出其论点论据和结论。 3.现象类说明文的阅读材料,要找出“现象”“造成这种现象的原因”“解决这种现象或问题的措施或建议”。 二、夹叙夹议文的概要 Version1: The passage 1 writer highlights 1 stresses 1 emphas izes the importance/value /significance o.) by sharing anilumi nating story/an unforgettable try...(5W1H) Version2: The instructive story that 1 The writer' s unfor gettable experience that..(5W1H), conveys 1 shows 1 displays 1reflects/indicates a truth/lesson that.... (èê) 灵活运用 阅读下面短文,用约30个词概括其主要内容。 1.(2011J -l- - t#) Good morning , Ladies and gentlemen. This is Li Hua from Senior Three. I' m here today to share with youa good lesson from an overseas Chinese student living in Germany. It

2020届二轮复习 概要写作专练(含答案) 学案

高三概要写作专练 tent. A new study suggests that a couple days of camping in the great outdoors can reset your circadian clock and help you get more sleep. 2 The circadian clock, more commonly known as the body clock, is an internal system that tells our bodies when it’s time to go to sleep and when it’s time to wake up. Scientists track this clock by measuring the amount of melatonin circulating in a person’s bl ood at any given time. In a healthy sleeper, melatonin levels rise a few hours before bedtime, stay high through the night, and then settle back down when it’s time to wake up. 3 In our modern society, however, most of us stay up many hours past sunset and would probably sleep in many hours after sunrise if we could. And the trouble is, your melatonin levels may still be high when your alarm clock goes off in the morning, which leads to grogginess. It may also have other health consequences as well, such as diabetes, overweight and heart disease. 4 Professor Kenneth Wright of the University of Colorado in the US wanted to see if our body clocks can be reset by a short stay in nature. His team recruited 14 physically active volunteers in their 20s and 30s. Nine went on a weekend camping trip, while the other five stayed home. At the end of the weekend, the researchers reported that in just two days, the campers’ body clock had shifted so that their melatonin levels began to rise more than an hour earlier than they did before they left on the trip. By contrast, the body clocks of the group that stayed home shifted even later over the course of the weekend. “This tells us we can reset our clocks fast,” Wright said. 5 Therefore, if you want to change your sleep patterns you could try to increase your exposure to natural light during the day and decrease the amount of artificial light you see at night.


梁开中学八年级第二学期作文训练学案(一) 班级组别姓名 亲爱的同学们: 首先祝大家新学期学习进步!根据教材的单元安排,结合我级的实际,在过去已经懂得如何写人和写事的基础上,本学期将进行六次作文专题训练,分别是学习仿写、说明文(学会合理安排说明顺序)、学写读后感、学写游记、学写故事、学会升格作文。在每次训练中还需要认真落实“字数、卷面、分段、题目、开头、结尾、中心、”等作文的常规要求。具体安排如下:第一次: 第二周——学习仿写(片段作文) 第二次:第四周——学写读后感(周记、练笔) 第三次:第六周——说明的顺序(大作文) 第四次:第九周——中段检测(大作文) 第五次:第十一周——学写游记(周记、随笔) 第六次:第十三周——学写故事(大作文) 第七次:第十五周——升格作文(片段或整篇) 第八次:第十七周——模拟测试(大作文) 第一单元作文训练——学习仿写 一、仿写的好处: 仿写是提高作文水平的有效方法。语文教材中的典范文章、中考考生的高分作文、班级同学的优秀习作,报刊杂志中文质兼美、思想积极的文章……都可以成为我们模仿的范本。懂得模仿写作的学生,其作文水平定能快速提升。 二、仿写的方法: (一)模仿篇章结构(请认真阅读《高分突破》P17的四种具体方法及范文。)(1)一线贯穿法——用一条主线,把几件事情串连起来; (2)画面组合法——按时间顺序或地点转移,把几个画面或场景组合起来; (3)欲扬先抑法——以作者的情感变化为线索,先略写不喜欢的,或厌恶的情感,后详写喜欢的,赞扬的情感; (4)由物悟理法——描写某种景物,或与此物相关的事情,以物喻人,或托物言志,表达自己对人生的感悟。


建湖县实验初中城南校区九年级语文【说明文阅读】导学案(一) 设计:孟巧玲班级姓名学号 【说明文的知识点】 1.概念:说明文是以说明为主要表达方式的一种文体。它要求对事物的外形、结构、性质、成因、功能等特征以及事理做客观的,科学的解说,从而给读者以知识。因此,知识性、科学性和说明性是说明文的基本特点。 2.分类:事物说明文、事理说明文(从内容角度,根据说明的对象和目的)。 事物说明文一般标题就是说明的对象;事理说明文找准开头结尾的总结句。 因为说明对象是一篇文章所要介绍的事物或事理,一般是一个名词或名词短语,可以从两个方面入手:一看文题,二看首尾段。事物说明文指出被说明事物即可。事理说明文指出说明内容,形成一个短语:介绍了……的……(对象加内容) 。 根据说明语言的不同特色和表达方式的使用情况的不同,还可以把说明文分为:一类是平实说明文,例如:《中国石拱桥》;一类是生动的说明文,例如:《看云识天气》。 3.顺序:时间顺序、空间顺序、逻辑顺序 (1)时间顺序:即以事物发生、发展的时间先后顺序来安排说明顺序,从而写出事物的发展变化情况。如《中国石拱桥》。 (2)空间顺序(从上到下,从里到外,总到分,外到内,前到后,左到右,整体到局部,都可反之等,常用方位词如介绍建筑物或实体)。如《核舟记》:按头—舱—尾—背的顺序说明。 (3)逻辑顺序(先结果后原因,层层递进,现象到本质,因到果,果到因,主到次,浅入深,个别到一般等,常用表因果、表事理顺序的词,如“因为、所以”“首先、其次”)。 4.方法:要掌握几种常见的说明方法,会分析在文中的作用: ①举例子:为了说明事物的情况或事理,有时光从道理上讲人们不太了解,这就需要举一些既通俗易懂又有代表性的例子来加以说明。作用:具体真切地说明了事物的××特点。 ②分类别:对事物的特征/事理分门别类加以说明,使说明更有条理性。使说明的内容眉目清楚,避免重复交叉的现象。作用:条理清楚地说明了事物的××特点。 ③列数字:数字是从数量上说明事物特征或事理的最精确、最科学、最有说服力的依据。作用:具体而准确地说明该事物的××特点。使说明更有说服力。 ④作比较:作用:突出强调了被说明对象的××特点(地位、影响等)。 ⑤下定义:用简明科学的语言对说明的对象/科学事理加以揭示,从而更科学、更本质、更概括地揭示事物的特征/事理。 ⑥打比方:打比方就是修辞方法中的比喻。作用:生动形象地说明该事物的××特点,增强了文章的趣味性。 ⑦画图表:使读者一目了然,非常直观形象地说明的事物的××特点。 ⑧作诠释:对事物的特征/事理加以具体的解释说明,使说明更通俗易懂。 下定义与作诠释的区别是:定义要求完整,而诠释并不要求完整,对事物的特征/事理加以具 ⑨摹状貌:对事物的特征/事理加以形象化的描摹,使说明更具体生动形象。 ⑩引资料:用引用的方法说明事物的特征,增强说服力,如引用古诗文、谚语、俗话。引用说明在文章开头,还起到引出说明对象的作用。作用:能使说明的内容更具体、更充实。 5.说明文的语言:平实、生动说明文(语言表达角度)。 6.说明文的结构一般有两种:一种是“总——分”式(或由总到分,或由分到总,或总分总),其它是并列式、递进式等。事物说明文大都用前者,事理说明文大都用后者。 【说明文的答题技巧】 一、把握说明对象及特征的答题技巧:首先从整体入手,把握文章说明的是什么事物,及说明的对象及特征是什么。找说明对象的方法有:(1)看题目,不少题目都表明了说明的对象;(2)抓首括句和中心句(好的说明文往往运用这些句子来突出所要说明的事物及特征)。 温馨提示:做此类题时要认真读题,分清楚题目问的是整篇文章还是某段或某几段。


高考英语概要写作之说明文 一、写作指导 说明文的概要写作一般有三种参考模板: ( 1)描写某事物的性质功能。即“对象+性质功能+利弊”:(in the passage)the writer introduces? to us,especially its?.,from which we know ? ( 2)针对某个问题提出解决方法或措施。即“问题+解决方法”: The passage tells us?.. So the author tells us how to ..,including ?? (3)介绍某现象及其原因、结果。即“现象 +原因 +结果”: The author talks about ?..It is caused by?.As a result(consequently), ?. 在概要写作前,我们要通读短文,确定其内容是属于那种类型,然后选择确当的模板。注意:不要关注一些次要的细节却遗漏重要的要点,尽量少使用原文语句,多用自己的概括性的语言; 3 到 5 个句子即可。 二、写作训练 1. In schools and at home,most of US have been scolded(责备) or even got punished for daydreaming. The majority of people say that by daydreaming we waste our time and energy on something unproductive. But many medical studies have shown something different. They ’ vestressed the fact that daydreaming works wonders on our imagination,creativity and situation-handling techniques. In fact,many problems can be easily solved if we daydream. The topmost benefit of daydreaming is that your mood gets the right improvement. By separating yourself from the world around you,you tend to enjoy the loneliness in your mind and get peace from daydreaming as you think about something that calms your senses. When you start imagining things,you will forget all the stress and tension(紧张) .Instead,you will get happiness from it and this happiness will turn into a source of energy that helps you work in a good mood. Many psycologists have said that people who daydream tend to have a sharper memory. It ’strue. When you ’re daydreaming,you ’lltend to get carried away to imagine various situations,either real or unreal. You tend to act differently in different situations,trying to satisfy your mind by doing what you want in your dreams. When your mind gets satisfied,you ’re in a better position to concentrate more on your work. Since daydreaming activates (激活) the nerves of your brain,you tend to have higher attentiveness and your ability to remember things will develop. When you daydream,you automatically imagine yourself as your heart says and therefore,you get to know yourself better. You also start realizing the mistakes you ’ vemade in life and trying your best to avoid repeating them. Such imagination techniques help you to connect yourself with your soul. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. The poaching , or illegal( 非法 ) killing , of rhinos( 犀牛 ) in South Africa is growing worse each year.The government recently reported that a record number of rhinos were poached in 2014,a year which had more


阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60 词左右的内容概要。 We shouldn’t judge a person by their appearance but we do. In fact, the experts say that when we meet someone for the first time we make a decision about what that person is like in three seconds. But what do we look at One of the most important things is clothes, but it isn't the brand of clothes that people wear that is important. The important thing is to wear the right clothes for the occasion. Schools have always understood this and a lot of them ask their students to wear a uniform. Why A lot of teachers think a uniform makes students feel that they are part of their school and that their uniform helps them to be serious about their studies. Teachers say that uniforms can help in other ways too. If all the students wear uniforms, they can't judge each other because of their clothes. It also avoids arguments about who or what is fashionable. However, it is not only schools that want people to dress in a certain way. We all have fixed ideas about what the people in a certain profession should wear. If we visit a doctor, we expect to see respectable clothes under the doctor’s white coat. When we go into a bank we expect the staff to wear suits or dresses. Police officers wear uniforms to deter crime by establishing a visible presence while on patrol, to make themselves easily identifiable to non-police officers or their colleagues who require assistance, and to quickly identify each other at crime scenes for ease of coordination. In fact, a lot of companies have dress codes for their staff because they know that the customers expect to see them dressed in certain types of clothes. But can our clothes really tell people what we are like Maybe not, but they can show our attitude to what we are doing at the moment. When people see us in the right clothes, they think we are serious about what we are doing. Furthermore, if we are clean, smart and polite, people will have confidence in us. _______________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________

2020最新高中语文 第三单元 修辞立其诚单元写作学案 语文版必修2(考试专用)

第三单元修辞立其诚 学会分析 训练目标在议论文写作中学会使用四种分析方法:概念分析、比较分析、因果分析、辩证分析。 学习写议论文,尤其是要学习论证。论证是用论据证明论点的方法,是论点和论据之间逻辑联系的纽带。论点解决需要证明什么的问题,论据解决用什么来证明的问题,论证解决怎样证明的问题。总的来说,有举例论证、道理论证、对比论证和比喻论证的方法。 同时也有多种的分析方法,今天重点探讨四种分析方法:概念分析、比较分析、因果分析、辩证分析。 文本借鉴 佳作赏读亮点评析 “倔”和“笨”的力量 大跃进时期,朱东润老先生作为复旦中文系主任,自然被推上讲 台作“多快好省”宣言。可是老先生却牙根紧咬,面色难看,简直要 上刑场似的,支吾了半天才说出话来:“我原计划五年完成的三本书,现计划三年完成!”话音刚落,台下便是一片哄笑之声。“太慢了!”可是老先生的倔劲却上来了,说什么都不肯再让步:“不行!不能再少了!最少三年!”(1) 这若是被日码万字的当代作家看见了,怕也是要笑掉大牙的。何必这么“倔”?何必跟“效率”较劲?简直是一根筋!(2) 的确,对于讲求效率的智慧的当代人来说,这样的做法,实在是不知变通,乃至于冥顽不灵了。三年,岂止是三本,著作等身怕也不是问题。只要愿意“坐家”,轻敲键盘,日码万字也能轻松搞定。只是,如此随缘、如此写作,其成果怕也如稀释过的咖啡,醇香不再,喝起来恰如变了质的白开水。(3) (1)举例论证。文章开头用朱东润老先生的事例形象地突出“倔”字,入题迅速。 (2)分析事例,从反面着笔增强分析说理力度。 (3)比较分析。联系现实,否定讲求效率的“智慧的”当代人的做法。


2021中考语文专题复习之说明文阅读导学案 专题一说明文阅读 一、必备知识锦囊 1、定义:说明文,是以说明为主要表达方式的一种文体,或介绍事物的状态、性质、功能,或阐明事理,目的都在于给人知识。 2、说明文分类及对象 (1)_______说明文:说明的对象是具体事物,说明的目的是使读者了解、认识这个或这类事物的特征。 (2)_______说明文:说明的对象是某个抽象的事理,说明的目的是阐明事理,它以分析事物的因果关系、介绍科学道理为主。 2、说明顺序 (1)_______顺序:以时间的先后为说明顺序。一般文中会出现表示时间或先后的标志性词语。 (2)_______顺序:按照事物的空间存在的形式,以前后左右、上下高低、东西南北等为顺序,一般用来说明事物的构造或形态。 (3)_______顺序:按照事物的内部联系或人们认识事物的过程来安排说明顺序。注事物的内部联系包括因果关系、递进关系、主次关系、总分关系、并列关系等;对事物的认知规律则指由浅入深、由具体到抽象等。 3、说明方法及其作用举例子: 列数字: 打比方: 作比较: 分类别: 下定义: 列图表: 引资料: 作诠释: 摹状貌: 4、说明文的结构 (1)_______式:包括“总—分”式、“分—总”式、“总—分—总”式。(2)_______式:文章各部分的内容没有主次之分,没有轻重之别,是平行式的结构。 (3)_______式:一层一层地剖析事理。 5、语言特点:准确、严密 二、考点突破 例文一:湘莲

文章解构: 事物说明文·湘莲 说明对象:_________________________________________________说明顺序:__________________________________________________说明结构:_________________________________________________层次划分:_________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________说明方法:_________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________问题1:文章的说明对象是什么?有哪些特点?(4分) 答:________。(1分)________________________________; _____________________________________________________; ____________________________________________。(3分) 考点1:说明对象及其特征 答题方法: 问题2:本文介绍“湘莲”运用了什么说明顺序?(2分) 答:__________________。考点2:说明顺序(方法指导参照必备知识锦囊2) 问题3:第2段画线句子运用了什么说明方法?有何作用?(2分) 答:__________。(1分)__________________________________ ______________________________________________。(1分) 考点3:说明方法及其作用(方法指导参照必备知识锦囊3)


说明文阅读专题复习学案 九年级语文备课组主备:柴淑琴 一、复习目标: 1、会分析说明文标题的作用及妙处。 2、准确辨别说明方法,学会分析其作用。 3、熟练掌握品味说明文语言特点的方法。 二、复习重点与难点: 学习重点:目标123 学习难点:通过本课的复习提高学生说明文阅读和应试能力。 三、学习过程: (一)、导入新课: (二)、说明文阅读中考要求 1、分辨说明的对象,明确事物的特征; 2、会筛选、提取关键信息; 3、能够明确说明顺序; 4、会辨识文章中的说明方法理解其作用; 5、能够结合具体语境品味说明文的语言; 6、能够利用文本说明道理,解决生活中的实际问题。(三)、说明文常识再现 1.类型 按说明对象: 、按语言特点: 、 2.顺序: 3.结构: 4.常用说明方法: 5.语言特点: (四)说明文阅读方法指导 1、说明文标题的作用? 答题格式: 文章以________为题,内容上,指出了文章的说明对象是 ________,并指出其特征是_______。表达上,运用了 _______的方法______,吸引读者阅读文章。 方法技巧: ①比喻、拟人、化用诗句、成语,生动、新颖,增添文章的趣味性。 ②问句形式,设置悬念激发读者的思考和阅读兴趣。 ③话题新颖,超出人们认知常识。 ④引用热门话题,贴近生活。 实战演练: 2、说明方法的辨别及作用 举例子 分类别 列数字 作比较 打比方 下定义 作诠释 画图表 摹状貌 引用 解题方法:①.明确方法②.分析作用(抓住关键词+扣住说明内容) 实战演练:分析下列句子所用的说明方法,并说明其作用。 ①当今医学界也已经成功地利用声音治疗疾病。俄罗斯生物学家运用声音渐次减弱现象获得的数据证明,森林里树木摇摆的声音对降低病人血压的疗效胜过任何药物。而音乐对疾病的疗效也是广为人知的。专家发现,胃肠道具备音符“fa”的共振频率。音符“do”能够治疗牛皮癣,而“si”“so”和“do”的和声对肿瘤病患者有效。 ②.深圳市投巨资建成亚洲最大的园博园太阳能光伏电站,每年发电100万千瓦时,而且与市电并网。从环保效益看,按照目前我国火电厂的煤耗,园博园电站每年可节省标准煤约384吨,减少粉尘排放约4.8吨,减少灰渣排放约101吨,减少二氧化碳排放约170吨,减少二氧化硫排放约7.68吨,是真正的无污染绿色


阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。 We shouldn ' t judge a person by their appearanee but we do. In fact, the experts say that when we meet some one for the first time we make a decisi on about what that pers on is like in three sec on ds. But what do we look at? One of the most importa nt things is clothes, but it isn't the brand of clothes that people wear that is importa nt. The importa nt thing is to wear the right clothes for the occasi on. Schools have always un derstood this and a lot of them ask their stude nts to wear a uni form. Why? A lot of teachers thi nk a uniform makes stude nts feel that they are part of their school and that their uniform helps them to be serious about their studies. Teachers say that uni forms can help in other ways too. If all the stude nts wear uni forms, they can't judge each other because of their clothes. It also avoids argume nts about who or what is fashi on able. However, it is not only schools that want people to dress in a certain way. We all have fixed ideas about what the people in a certa in professi on should wear. If we visit a doctor, we expect to see respectable clothes under the doctor ' s white coat. When we go into a bank we expect the staff to wear suits or dresses. Police officers wear uni forms to deter crime by establish ing a visible presenee while on patrol, to make themselves easily identifiable to non-police officers or their colleagues who require assistanee, and to quickly identify each other at crime scenes for ease of coord in ati on. In fact, a lot of compa nies have dress codes for their staff because they know that the customers expect to see them dressed in certa in types of clothes. But can our clothes really tell people what we are like? Maybe not, but they can show our attitude to what we are doing at the moment. When people see us in the right clothes, they think we are serious about what we are doing. Furthermore, if we are clea n, smart and polite, people will have con fide nee in us.
